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Showing posts with label global financial collapse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label global financial collapse. Show all posts

Sep 17, 2012

Bankers ARE the Problem (TheAnonPress video)

A video message from TheAnonPress: plainly predictive? Or, needlessly reactive?

Occupy Wall Street is one year old today and kickin' it on behalf of the 99%...

Apr 14, 2012

Economic Tyranny -- Max Igan (video)

In 4 parts here is Max Igan's fascinating presentation, Economic Tyranny:


April 14, 2012 Sabbath, the Seventh Day of the Week:

Though the 'New Age' craze has long been co-opted by one-world-government operatives for false reality purposes, the 'Image for Integration' of today's Sun Aries-Moon Aquarius blend (shared natally by one of my favorite all-time astrologers, Dane Rudhyar) relates rather handily to Max Igan's online work on behalf of Collective Awareness!

"A gallant crusader turns his sword into a computer chip and broadcasts New Age philosophy."

(Image from Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles & Suzi Harvey.)

Enjoy the video presentation!


Art Note: you're cordially invited to have a peek at one of the pages in my Sketchbook Project 2012 Limited Edition (due in Brooklyn, NY by April 30, 2012!) if you wish!

Aug 14, 2010

Power Over Nations: the International Banking Cartel

Damon Vrabel has an informative piece on the Fed, the global economy, and the International Banking Cartel which, he asserts, really exists. A list of their names by country is included in his Monopoly Money and the International Banking Cartel, a group of un-elected bigwigs now wielding 'power over nations' and to which we must Just Say No.

No wonder it's common to use secretive Pluto as a signifier for these obscenely wealthy manipulators when working with mundane charts, right?

And if we add Chiron to Pluto, we get disenfranchisement, oppression, class warfare, slavery, communism, statism, corporatism (also shown by asteroid Cupido: the Family, the Syndicate), capitalism, the resultant fascism, bolshevikism (is there such a word? workerism?), collectivism, internationalism, nationalism, primal violence, racism, ethnic 'cleansing', genderism, most other -isms, and other attitudes and tactics which harm or make people feel unheeded and/or threatened including one we're seeing more and more of: population control (the weeding out of the many to benefit the few.)

We might have to hand it to them though because of how masterful they've been through the years at using capitalism's 'American Dream' and 'you too can work your way to riches' tenets to spur workers on - yet it's being used against the people now that it turns out that what they really mean is, We got ours (much of which is actually yours or earned by your sweat) and now that the chips are down, you're on your own, chumps.

PS: We of the IBC have all the world's money and precious resources tucked away where you'll never find them. So...See ya, wouldn't wanna be ya.

Jun 2, 2010

Jupiter/Uranus to AP: A Global Awakening to Bilderberg culpability!

(RussiaToday) For decades, some of the world’s most powerful people have come together to form a secret society known as the Bilderberg group. The secrets of Bilderberg’s role in the financial crisis have been revealed in the halls of the European Union parliament. Alex Jones says that people across the globe are finally awakening to how the Bilderberg group has manipulated the world's economies to benefit themselves. #

The link is to a video, 'Secrets of Bilderberg's Crisis Role Revealed in Halls of EU Parliament.' Admitting upper echelon manipulation and control can get you canned from your government shilling job, too.

Well, this is one sort of global awakening at hand that Jupiter and Uranus to Aries Point promises!

You may wish to pour another cup of coffee (make it strong) while awakening yourself to some good Bilderberg enlightenment here, here, and here.

Plus, Wiki has a list of participants who have attended one or more Bilderberg cabals through the years.

Now it's 2010 and obviously your engraved invitation to this week's annual cabal in Spain must have been lost in the mail yet you can still check it out in this post where I continue to entertain hopes of publishing a horoscope of the proceedings in time for Friday, June 4, the day the festivities get underway to plan the rest of the world's global financial collapse.

Such smartypants they!

Their expectation is that we'll be begging our 'global overlords' to institute any totalitarian changes they wish, you see. Ah, the best laid plans of mice and cabalists...

May 28, 2010

Bilderberg Cabal Agenda: June 4 - 7, 2010, Spain

Perhaps you've heard of journalist Jim Tucker who has worked for 25 years to shine a light on the worms of the World Shadow Government by tracking the secret meetings and finaglings of the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderberg Group who meet in secret cabal on June 4 - 7, 2010, in Sitges, Spain, 12 miles from Barcelona.

The meeting's agenda, according to Mr. Tucker, has two primary goals: a US attack on Iran, and a financial bail out of Greece and other EU nations in financial straits.

BP is a Bilderberg member and its oil 'spill' in the Gulf of Mexico plays in financially (see previous post with a petition to sign against US taxpayers Bailing Out BP for damages to the Gulf Coast!) which could be the missing link in the story of the oil fiasco.

On May 20 just past, the Bilderberg-controlled Washington Post called for making the IMF a "global overseer" so that modern challenges can be more efficiently met, and, attributing the view to Liliana Rojas-Suarez (senior fellow @ the Center for Global Development) WaPo states that, "It may take a global agency like the IMF to address the problem."

Translation: US taxpayers (bwo the IMF) are pegged for bailing out failing financial systems and governments in the EU including Greece, Portugal, Spain, Ireland, and who-know-where-else.

This is how creating a 'New World Order' is being framed for public consumption with the IMF and the UN Bank ruling the global financial roost, US borders dissolved into a North American Union (with Mexico and Canada, a major goal of the Bilderberg Cabal), and world totalitarianism on the rise.

That these are the same players who helped set up global markets and financial systems into a global network so that they can all be crashed simultaneously is what's behind the Ozian Curtain which we're supposed to ignore.

In his article, Mr. Tucker goes on to quote President Obama from a few days ago when he gave a shout-out to the NWO but I was too busy dealing with power outages here to make note of it on this blog as I would have preferred.

In his West Point commencement address to cadets, Mr. Obama said, in part, "The international order we seek is one that can resolve the challenges of our times."

Well, my pointy ears perked up when I heard him say that! For it was spoken like a true NWO shill by a Bilderberg-owned President of the United States...and probably an Illuminatist at that...or at least, he's their 'cat's paw' as other US Presidents have been!

So the Bilderbergers meet in Spain June 4 - 7, 2010?

Why, the Illuminati is said to have its earliest roots in Spain! Plus, today it is being reported by BBC News that Spain's credit rating has now been downgraded by a second agency. Hmm...


Blog Note: am studying the charts now so that early next week a post can be published here on the Astrology of the Bilderberg Cabal in Spain, June 4 - 7, 2010, so return if you can, study ahead if you will, and we can discuss. If you check the charts for June 4, 5, 6, and 7, I think you'll see which chart I'll be using for its precise triggering of the Aries Point of World Manifestation!

(The global puppeteers who run such cabals to discuss and disseminate their NWO 'futuristic' info and plans to their political and other operatives and hacks think they're 'gods on earth' if you know what I mean. You know - like the Illuminati-Jesuit demons of the Vatican. There. I said it.)

Apr 15, 2010

Gold-Silver Markets manipulated by Big Banks

In a Ponzi scheme that drawfs the Madoff and Enron frauds, solid proof has emerged of gold and silver market manipulations by the Big Banks.

In a March 25 hearing of the CFTC, Bill Murphy of GATA (Gold Anti-Trust Action) revealed the name of the whistleblower Andrew McGuire, who had alerted authorities that 'precious metals would be attacked' - and they were, in real time, just as he informed those 'in charge' they would be.

Included are two videos with explanation of the market manipulation scheme that threatens the global economy with collapse if everyone who thinks they own gold or silver bullion actually calls for their metallic stash at the same time only to discover that crinkled paper is all that's in the vault, even in London, home of the world's largest gold market and the LBMA (London Bullion Market Association.)

You know, in 2007, naughty Morgan Stanley paid out several million dollars to settle claims that the firm had charged 22,000 clients 'storage fees' for silver bullion that didn't exist!

Can you see him now? Old greedy hoarder, Pluto, god of the underworld, sitting round his cave with all of the world's gold and silver bullion stuck up his wrinkled patootie.

Now of course the mainstream media doesn't want the public to know anything about the manipulation situation, muchless be clued on which wrinkled patooties belong to which culprits.

Therefore 'click to read' and 'spread it around' is my best advice.


America's natal Jupiter of 1776 @ '6 Cancer' = "Gamebirds Feathering Their Nests." And the financial feathering is even more prevalent in the New Millennium than it was at our nation's founding.