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Showing posts with label econo-crisis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label econo-crisis. Show all posts

Apr 15, 2010

Gold-Silver Markets manipulated by Big Banks

In a Ponzi scheme that drawfs the Madoff and Enron frauds, solid proof has emerged of gold and silver market manipulations by the Big Banks.

In a March 25 hearing of the CFTC, Bill Murphy of GATA (Gold Anti-Trust Action) revealed the name of the whistleblower Andrew McGuire, who had alerted authorities that 'precious metals would be attacked' - and they were, in real time, just as he informed those 'in charge' they would be.

Included are two videos with explanation of the market manipulation scheme that threatens the global economy with collapse if everyone who thinks they own gold or silver bullion actually calls for their metallic stash at the same time only to discover that crinkled paper is all that's in the vault, even in London, home of the world's largest gold market and the LBMA (London Bullion Market Association.)

You know, in 2007, naughty Morgan Stanley paid out several million dollars to settle claims that the firm had charged 22,000 clients 'storage fees' for silver bullion that didn't exist!

Can you see him now? Old greedy hoarder, Pluto, god of the underworld, sitting round his cave with all of the world's gold and silver bullion stuck up his wrinkled patootie.

Now of course the mainstream media doesn't want the public to know anything about the manipulation situation, muchless be clued on which wrinkled patooties belong to which culprits.

Therefore 'click to read' and 'spread it around' is my best advice.


America's natal Jupiter of 1776 @ '6 Cancer' = "Gamebirds Feathering Their Nests." And the financial feathering is even more prevalent in the New Millennium than it was at our nation's founding.

Mar 26, 2010

George Washington: hero or traitor to his country?

While searching for something else entirely I have come across an interesting page concerning the Military Rule of George Washington and how our government was set up in secret with Freemason George Washington being nominated president of the Constitutional Convention, and later serving as our official first president.

(President Washington took the oath of office on April 30, 1789 with a YOD pattern in effect: Saturn/Mc = Neptune: a lack of clarity. Precise time of the 'oath heard round the world' is from historical record; click or tap the link to view the chart.)

So was George a hero or a traitor? You decide, for the halo round his head has been blinding me for decades and I firmly believe that placing any mortal human being upon such a high pedestal is always off by a mile from the truth!

On June 19, 1787, delegates voted to create a new form of national government which they separated into the three branches we ostensibly retain today. The establishment of a centralized government had to be kept secret, for others were opposed to setting up a system so similar to the British system we had just overthrown! A "storm of controversy" accompanied the public announcement of the US Constitution as copies were passed around on September 19, 1787 - a reworking of the Articles of Confederation was what the public had expected, but...quelle surprise!

(And perhaps the secrecy was important for guarding Freemasonry rituals which probably attended the proceedings. Make no mistake: this is a Freemason Nation! That certain 'founding fathers' injected Rosicrucianism and Illuminati-ism into our country's governmental establishment is factual but beyond the scope of this brief post.)

Back in the day, it was James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and John Jay leading 'the Federalists' with the anti-Federalists of Massachusetts, led by Samuel Adams and John Hancock, favoring de-centralization. (Thomas Jefferson was ambassador to France at the time so he had no say that I know of, other than to favor an agrarian society which the anti-Federalists favored. His colleagues must have known his views.)

And of course, pertinent for today's economic issues, it was the Federalists who 'won' on the Constitution and brought an over-arching, money-minting, NWO-inspired central banking system (a la Britain) to America in spite of much opposition. See how we suffer now as foreign debtors determine many of America's decisions and hold too much sway in our destiny.

The term "sold out" hardly describes what subsequent secret-society types on Capitol Hill have wrought through the decades, and the iceberg's tip of one-world-government now peeks out more and more brazenly in the New Millennium.

Sep 25, 2009

Naomi Klein interviews Michael Moore - text link

On Sept 25, 2009 Naomi Klein interviewed by phone Michael Moore whose new film Capitalism: A Love Story is garnering excellent reviews.

Click the link to read the text of their interview.

Plus, you'll find a video of the film's trailer embedded a few posts below this on Sept 21. It's worth your effort, if you haven't seen it. Actually, don't scroll - here's the link for you.

For as Mr. Moore says so ably on our behalf: we want our money back.

And I must pass on what David Letterman just said on TV about Dick Cheney's back surgery...he needed it from carrying Bush for 8 years.

Then, today as I waited in line, whose frowning snoot do I spy on the cover of a supermarket tabloid but that of ex-prez George Bush along with the news that Bush is depressed and suicidal. Hmm. With his ego?

Aug 22, 2009

'Capitalism: A Love Story' by Michael Moore - video

This trailer about Michael Moore's new film, which debuts on Oct 2, hints that the movie looks promisingly informative and more than a little annoying for Bush, Cheney, Paulson, Bernanke, Congress, Wall Street gentry, and the rest of the heisters who've ruined a world economy so they can build it back to their liking.

Wonder if seeing Mr. Moore's film will change my opinion.

Aug 17, 2009

Merely a Lull in 'A Furious Storm'?

Is President Obama's rosy glow of an early economic upswing for real?

Or is it merely a lull in the eye of the financial hurricane?

Opposite America's natal Pluto 27Cap33 Rx is an Illumination Point, an unconscious point that may be worth considering in this financial crisis. And since Pluto is Rx in our nation's natal chart (July 4, 1776), I'm using the 'rounding down' method.

Each degree is linked to what's come before and what degree's symbol comes after - a process of evolution, so more than one degree may be looked at for information, including those degrees that square, trine, etc, the point/degree you're considering. The Symbols are often used in rectification work, for some paint such an accurate picture that they bring a chart into precise focus (when an exact time isn't known, for horoscope calculations hinge upon knowing the hour/minute/second of a person's, entity's, or event's moment of beginning.)

In the case of the current financial crisis, I am inspired today by the archetypal use in current news stories and presidential statements of the word, storm, and people's loss of their homes all across America, no matter the cause. Loss of employment seems the most prevalent cause to me for mortgage payments depend upon having adequate income. Duh.

Yet even wildfire evacuations apply, especially if it's you and yours who suddenly have no pillows for your heads tonight.

And of course, there's Pluto's connection to The Underworld, including crime syndication; plus, he's also the Dragon Guarding the Treasure, the spy, assassin, and saboteur. Our country has been saboteured, don't you think? But is America down for the final count?

As evidenced in Astrology by Pluto's laborious traversal of the early degrees of structured Capricorn in opposition to America's natal planets in Cancer - Venus, Jupiter, Sun, and later on, Mercury - Pluto's 'secret hand' guise is guiding the financial show as 'he' heads toward our nation's eventual Pluto Return. Are we witnessing US leaders and foreign investors in conflict with one another - or in partnership working against We-The-People?

These questions are part of the reasons I keep grousing that secret manipulators engineered 2008's econo-crash which only crescendoed was a long time coming, due to the measured slowness and stealth of Pluto, who forever transforms...

A Little Illumination of US Pluto:

'27 Cancer'..."A Furious Storm Rages Through a Residential Canyon" = INTENSIFICATION...a pyramiding reality on the side of external circumstances, or of violence and terror as divine in their capacity for uplifting man out of his aplomb and demanding some manifestation of his inner ideals and enduring values.

Here is indomitable integrity of everything to be taken as of consequence in its own right, shown in the energy with which it preserves itself. Nature ever dramatizes man's unleashed powers, or his ability to rise in supremacy over each momentary crisis.

positive expression: an enlistment of every resource in life for a heightened expression of self;

neg/unconscious/shadow side: fatuous enjoyment of turmoil.

(My italics for 'pyramiding reality' as in 'pyramid of power' and Ponzi schemes; Symbol from SolarFire software; analysis from The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, by Dr. Marc Edmund Jones. See sidebar for book in Amazon Slideshow.)

"Rise in supremacy"? But didn't America do that already? Then I'm guessing that the goal of world financial collapse is just that - to delete American supremacy from the planet's files.

And you thought we were bad.


For more on the Symbols, visit Sabian, website of world-traveling Australian astrologer Lynda Hill.

Jul 17, 2009

Financial Friday: Simon Johnson on saving oligarchs

Financial Friday debuts here on Stars Over Washington with Simon Johnson's excellent history-spanning article in The Atlantic about the IMF and how not all the oligarchs can be saved. In order for reforms to work, President Obama needs to throw someone under the train as Putin had to do.

And while it's doubtful I can find enlightening articles on finance to feature every Friday, when I do, it will be given a shout-out here!

Jun 30, 2009

Will financial collapse be probed? I knew it was You, Reagan

The Washington Independent is asking Who Will investigate the Causes of the Financial Crisis? and apparently Congress is mulling over setting up a congressional committee to investigate after all.

But the list of possible names for the panel has a few huge clunkers on the Republican side in particular, most notably former senator from Utah Jake Garn, the same financial deregulator who sponsored the Garn-St. Germain Act signed by Reagan in 1982.

This would be the act that allowed Savings & Loan Associations to run amok with speculations that led directly to the S&L collapse (from which a certain member of the Bush dynasty had to be rescued by Poppy and the American people.)

The S&L crisis was then used as justification to author the easily passed Garn-St. Germain Depository Institutions Act which Paul Krugman cites (op-ed linked below) as putting responsibility for the current financial collapse squarely on the shoulders of President Ronald Reagan (where so much of it belongs, I agree.)

Who can forget former VP Cheney's defense of the Bush administration's and the GOP's drunken-sailor spending by saying that "Reagan proved deficits don't matter"? You'd have to go a long way to find a larger crock than that. Actually just go to Cheney's VP desk and the early Iraq war plans ("what we need is a new Pearl Harbor"), and Cheney's monkeying around with the US air defense system on the morning of 9/11/01...well, okay, you'd have a hard time choosing from the scam and crime lists of certain political cusses on 'both sides of the aisle,' as they love to say.

Yes, Paul Krugman's recent op-ed tells of Ronald Reagan's signing the Garn-St. Germain Act of 1982 which opened the door to the deregulation of the mortgage industry and cordially invited in the frauds of today.

Here is the horoscope with a few details on the Reaganomics Eclipse of 1981 in case you haven't seen it (Sun/Moon conjunct George W. Bush's natal Ascendant!) The post was written before I found info on the Garn-St. Germain Depository Institutions Act and before I realized the significance of its passage which leads directly to today's heist. (Thanks, Alex!)

And check out the text of President Reagan's jolly remarks at the Garn-St. Germain Act's signing ceremony in the White House Rose Garden on Oct 15, 1982 - 11:03 am, as you'll see here.

"All in all, I think we hit the jackpot," beamed Reagan, as noted by Paul Krugman in his op-ed linked above.

And I'm certain Reagan felt that way since the signing of the act occurred so near Mr. Reagan's Jupiter Return of Oct 11, 1982! The signing ceremony was held 4 days later on Oct 15, 1982 with Reagan's remarks (as noted in the text linked above) delivered at 11:03 am edt, White House, DC.

You have to love it when the actual time appears on a speech's text!

Now this was during a Saturn Hour, with an unaspected Jupiter conjunct 12th cusp (a karmic spot in a chart if there ever was one - we're paying heavy debts now and into the future thanks to these past sorry actions of Reagan & pals; plus, Reagan was born with Jupiter conjunct South Node, an unconscious point in any chart, see *Jup conj SN details below) moneybags Jupiter (the Guru) had returned in 1982 to the zodiacal position held at Reagan's Feb 6, 1911 birth!

Sometimes Astrology can be so amazing especially when Big Events are occurring and the archetypes are acting right under our studious noses.

And, of course, you know that in Mundane Astrology (Political Astrology; Astro-Politics), Jupiter represents the Republican Party, Saturn the Democrats - which actually makes the Dems more traditional and conservative, with the Rs as the radicals with big money burning holes in their pockets if it's taxpayer money, but lining deep pockets when its theirs to pilfer. And with the Democratic Party being the older of the two, Saturn fits them on that level, too.

So what does it mean that the signing-ceremony chart's Jupiter is unaspected?

(Chart is viewable at the end of this post.)

That Mr. Jupiter is acting as a law unto himself (and Reagan was acting on an unconscious level through his SN - unless Astrology had informed him - unconscious preoccupations are the hardest to transcend, as you know.)

So Jupiter isn't playing with the other actors (planets) in the scheme, a condition which emphasizes Jupiter's meaning by sign and house placement, and in this case, by the fact that this is Reagan's Jupiter in Scorpio, sign of Big Business and Wheeler-Dealing. Scorpio's natural house is the 8th of Credit, Debt, Insurance, Shared Resources, Transformation, the Occult, etc.

Jupiter in Scorpio indicates ruthless (Sco) striving for possessions and wealth (Jup), possible recklessness as bounds are over-stepped (Jup), and a tendency to delve into secret matters including the occult. Reagan's secret dealings with Iran come to mind as he orchestrated the delay of US hostages' release in Tehran and thus undermined the presidency of Jimmy Carter. Scorpio is also linked to betrayals, spying, and the Eagle of the US as it soars and surveys the world (from space, as it turns out. Naughty naughty Google Earth, too.)

Concerning the Reagans' known use of Astrology, perhaps the whole process of the finance-based bill's mark up, passage, and signing were timed with RR's Jupiter Return since this is usually an auspicious time of reward. By Reagan's "jackpot" comment mentioned above, he obviously was aware of what he was doing on a financial level, imo, and welcomed its promised abundance with which Politics had supplied him before (Jup conj SN.)

A Scorpionic Jupiter expands the will and one's sense of pride, while giving much subtlety to the personality. You've probably read through the years comments from those who knew him that they never really felt they "knew" him well - that even Mrs. Reagan couldn't enter all his self-absorbed ponderings. This self-absorption is part of Jupiter in Scorpio, often a moody and brooding sign.

At the North end of Reagan's natal Nodal Axis of Destiny is natal Moon 13Tau43, indicating that he was a hit with the American people for the most part (Moon conjunct US Inaugural Ascendant 13Tau+); or at least his reflection on the public image screen was pleasingly dazzling (including his film career.)

What we couldn't see as well was his ideologue Jupiter sitting on the tail of the dragon (SN) while making these important, far-reaching transformations to our financial system (Sco.)

Perhaps that's why the current financial collapse, a natural outcome of Reagan's signing of the Garn-St. Germain Act 1982, feels as if we're attempting to hang on to the tail of a dragon. The fire is burning the people - Moon - at the Northern end (NN = future direction), but the past (SN) has caught up and is knocking us over with the disastrous swish of a Jupiterian politician's tail!


*Jupiter conjunct SN: social and ethical objectives clash with prevailing social customs creating conflicts of interest; delays and difficulties are experienced in relation to, or encountered in, foreign lands (delaying the resolution of the US hostage crisis and its October Surprise, plus, Iran-Contra and arms planes being shot down with a survivor who pointed directly at the White House - a big oops for The Gipper!) (Jup/SN: The Astrologer's Handbook, Sakoian and Acker.)

More financial and political stars upcoming:

Soon to be of note financially, politically, in business, and law enforcement matters (Capricorn) is the July 7 Lunar Eclipse which will affect US natal Sun 13Can19 (the leader) so keep an eye on our president since Lunar Eclipses tend to reveal hidden things that must now be dealt with - and I rather doubt this indicates only a butt smoked behind a bush in the Rose Garden.

Also: if you click to enlarge the Garn-St. Germain chart just below, you'll see that in the 8th house is the Solar Eclipse which manifested before the act's signing, from its Pre-Natal Eclipse Series, the 2 New North. If you read Brady's Predictive Astrology, you find that this Series' flavor is that of the #16 card in the Tarot deck known as 'The Tower' - when we experience a sudden collapse of lifestyles, confusion reigns; transformation and rebuilding after the dust settles; this reshaping has far-reaching effects and will change peoples' directions in life through the sudden collapse of existing structures.

Well, that certainly describes what's been going on currently especially if you consider the Garn-St. Germain Act to be the grand-pappy of 2008/09's econo-collapse.

And worrisomely, the difficult Solar Eclipse of July 21/22, 2009 is related by its occurrence at '29Can' which may trigger the sensitized degree of the July 20, 1982 Eclipse at '28Can' (2 New North) - both opposing US natal Pluto (27Cap) and progressed Pluto (29Cap.)

The July 2009 Solar Eclipse indicates systems failures and old methods/ideas suddenly need to be replaced by new ones; any blocks may be violently or tragically removed. So the 1982 and 2009 Eclipses are linked by degree, not Series.

Well, I really wish, lone reader, that I could be more positive about this stuff, but the Lunar and Solar Eclipses of August 2008 brought bad financial news and events that I didn't want to discuss either, yet I would've been remiss not to do it anyway, mostly at Jude's Threshold (see sidebar of Pages.)

So there's little else to say now except, hang on tight - this too shall pass! jc

Oct 15, 1982, 11:03 am edt, White House; highlighted in red is a YOD pattern of 'adjustment, crisis, and/or a special task' pointing to Chiron Rx in Tauru$, sign of the architect and builder, and in 6th house of Work, Health, and Service.

Enlarge chart to see the planets in sextile that are pointing to Chiron; Reagan's natal placements are highlighted in blue around the chart; some US natal placements are noted as well; signing of the bill occurred with the Sun conjunct Reagan's natal Midheaven (Mc) 21Lib16; US natal Neptune in Virgo is at Midheaven at 11:03 am edt - deception, including self-deception.

The Mc/Ic axis of this chart is where the current stand-off (opposition) between Saturn and Uranus has fought for control and the old ways (Saturn) vs radical progress (Uranus) and is affecting career/public standing (Mc) and home/security/real estate matters (Ic) by way of the Garn-St. Germain Act.

In lower right corner is written the midpoint picture formed between the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Pluto (Nov 2, 1981), triggered at the act's signing Oct 15, 1982 by transiting Saturn 24Lib46 which gives...

Jupiter/Pluto = Saturn: adjusting the big picture to meet more with convention; difficulties; separations.

The Jupiter/Pluto cycle we're embroiled in now (Jup/Plu = plutocrats; people who tackle big projects; exploitation of the masses; wastefulness; squanderers and speculators; law and economics professors, etc - Ebertin) began in December 2007 when America's economic weaknesses began to show in the housing sector as the recession started, and the Fed announced an interest rate cut only a few minutes before Jupiter and Pluto met and conferred over drinks to discuss their very ambitious political and financial aims.

Jun 13, 2009

On auditing the Fed

Fed Would Be Shut Down If It Were Audited, Expert Says


With $45 billion in capital and $2.1 trillion in assets, the central bank would not withstand the scrutiny afforded other institutions. #

But wouldn't that be the fox auditing the henhouse's books? And how would they know which set is the real one? It's a big mess when thieves can no longer do business with thieves, isn't it?

Jun 3, 2009

bond market ruckus

Bond Market Blowout

By Mike Whitney

Last week's ructions in the bond market, leave little doubt that the financial crisis has entered a new and more lethal phase.

Apr 26, 2009

Nader, Whitney, and Michael Hudson: financial truths

A bitter cud to chew? Perhaps they're pessimistic or perhaps they're realistic, but here's a financial article and video round-up for you:

No Light In The Tunnel A Housing Crash Update

By Mike Whitney

Why is the press misleading the public about housing? The housing market is crashing. There are no "green shoots" or "glimmers of hope"; the market is worn to a stump, it's kaput.

Where's My Change?

By Ralph Nader

The corporate chieftains have easy access to the White House and the new President, whether these bosses come on missions demanding power or missions of beggary for bailouts. When will he meet with the leading heads of consumer protection groups with millions of dues-paying members who could give him the base to hold accountable and regulate the democracy-denying, economy-wrecking corporate supremacists?

This Is A Must Listen:

The Financial Barbarians at the Gate: Guns & Butter Interviews financial economist and historian, Dr. Michael Hudson

The history of banking and the criminalization of the banking system; tax policy; real estate asset inflation; US imperialism via the monetary system; similarities with the Roman Republic; what measures labor should take.

Apr 24, 2009

Big Banks' impressive profits abracadabra-esque

Recent 'impressive' profit reports seemed more than a little abracadabra-esque to me and it turns out that (for once) I called it: the big banks' rosy profit numbers have a sorcerer's apprentice quality to them.

But you suspected this, didn't you? And the book-cooking and report-padding continue...

What is a Cryptogon?

Yes, it's subtle but that doesn't mean it isn't there...

Check out SO'W's sidebar column for a new feed just added from Cryptogon where you'll discover that the word cryptogon refers to 'the hidden structure underlying and interconnecting the political, economic, and perception management systems currently in operation on this planet.'

Kevin, you had me at cryptogon!

Mar 28, 2009

Krugman and the too-small economic plan

Update 8:46 pm edt: seems Paul Krugman is fulfilling a useful role on behalf of the left and if economic and political improvements ensue, we can say, well played!

Plus, astrologers will notice references to 'ice breaking' and the old vs new order such as the ongoing Saturn (old) - Uranus (new) opposition has brought into everyone's lives. Saturn and Uranus began their present cycle in 1988 so it's 1988 to 2008...20 years from inception to culmination with those who prefer the status quo of Saturn (banking system) clinging to it for all it's worth...which may be nothing, as it turns out.

And which side is the president on? Paul Krugman is accusing him of being too status quo - and Mr. Obama does have Saturn Rx in its own sign of staid Capricorn.

Let's hope BHO's progress-loving Aquarian Jupiter pulls him forward in the monetary department so the weasels of Wall Street and in the musty dusty banking houses can be put out to pasture. They're way too anti-society for me!

Original post begins here:

Today I've been catching up with Paul Krugman's blog entries and wondering if he's been correct all along - Pres. Obama's economic plan in its current form is too small to be effective as more job loss woes plague us into 2010.

Actually my intuition on the subject agreed with Dr. Krugman from the start and I do wish the party-serving critics of Obama and the Democrats would hush up their pie holes and let America heal her wounds, many of which were inflicted or enabled by politicians such as themselves.

And in case you missed it, here's a video of the presentation Dr. Krugman gave to the World Affairs Council of Oregon on The Global Economy, given Jan 29, 2009, with audience questions following.

The video is 1 hour 34 minutes long with questions beginning at the last 30 minute mark.

Mar 27, 2009

Rush and the GOP: Blaming Obama

From Rush Limbaugh to Republicans on Capitol Hill, they're falling all over themselves in a mad race to blame Pres. Obama for the current 'recession.'

And the worse their media lapdogs can make the economy sound, the more traction they think they're gaining against Democrats and a White House now placed in Dem paws.

Plus, the old 'divide and conquer' tactic keeps we-the-people at one another's throats, so they hope - and less attentive to their pocket-lining and other sins.

As Joe Conason points out, facts are inconvenient for propaganda and the cardboard cut-out of their idol Ronald Reagan doesn't stand up well in the light of economic reality as the Blame-Carter-Clinton-Obama ploy proceeds apace.

Of course it's all propaganda to you and me - the fantasy that the financial meltdown was 'unforeseeable' and the fact that it's a script that Washington has used before would be laughable if it weren't ruining our children's futures, our nation, and the rest of the world with it.

But that's their one-world-government aims peeking through and saying Gotcha, m'peops!

Yet a few people warned Washington and Wall Street years ago (they didn't really need warning, they were busy creating massive wealth from thin air) about the fancy financial 'instruments' undermining the entire capitalist system.

Well, if you missed this week's Fresh Air interview with former derivatives trader Frank Partnoy, author of FIASCO (a new edition now published), check out the text or audio concerning Derivatives Dangers.

And here's a smidge of Astrology info on Mr. Limbaugh, written during the days of his oxycontin fiasco which turned out quite dandily for the Unsexiest Man Alive...a well-deserved award, imho.

Besides, if you'd done all the druggie stuff he did, I'd still be sending care packages to your cell, now wouldn't I?

Mar 24, 2009

Stiglitz disses Geithner Plan - Obama on TV 3.24.09

Geithner Plan Will Rob US Taxpayers

By Reuters

The US government plan to rid banks of toxic assets will rob American taxpayers by exposing them to too much risk and is unlikely to work as long as the economy remains weak, Nobel Prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz said on Tuesday.


And the Geithner Plan is only one of the latest things to rob American taxpayers. Financial collapse is the name and the aim of their game, folks. So as you can tell, things are going quite swimmingly in their exalted bubble world.

But you know I'll be setting up SolarFire's real-time animated chart feature in a few minutes to catch each planet as it crosses an angle, enters a new house, or makes a new aspect while Pres. Obama speaks tonight, 8:00 pm edt.

Then I take notes and keep a time stamp on the TV screen as it records so I can go back and double-check what planetary action was happening as a particular subject or comment came up.

Yes, it's quite a bit of trouble but it's invaluable for figuring out what the As Above Is So Belowing in real time. Or vice versa.

Did I hear correctly on MarketPlace just now? That Geithner and the US Fed are endorsing the idea of an international currency today in line with China's wishes? If so, I guess the amero or something akin to it isn't just a fairy tale after all.

Check out The August Review for info on the amero and other anti-sovereign subjects.

Mar 21, 2009

Got 'resolution authority'?

Pres. Obama and his team have an idea for stepping in with large financial institutions ahead of crises.

It's being labeled 'resolution authority' which has, we may suspect, an Orwellian flavor which might show its true colors at any moment if the increased governmental authority goes through as planned.

Seems to me it shouldn't be too difficult to intervene ahead of financial crises - especially when they're designed, manufactured, and delivered by the power elite - which will make 'resolution authority' a win-win for the rich and powerful once again.

Yet perhaps the masses will gather a few crumbs from Midas' table just to 'keep hope alive.'

Guess the plutocratic duo of wounded, disenfranchised Chiron and powerful, secretive Pluto - or more specifically their midpoint, an oppressive blending of their energies - at the Goal/Aspiration Point of the Inauguration 2009 chart (Midheaven) is working its 'magic' as more and more control is given to the Fed and to other elected and non-elected entities.

Yes, America's natal Pluto (27Cap33 Rx) is currently being stimulated by the transiting Chiron-Pluto midpoint which makes the timing of the much-touted economic collapse even more suspect to this reluctant astrologer.

So because US natal Pluto is retrograde, I got to wondering when America had her early Pluto Return to 27Cap33 and found that July 4, 1776 was actually the second pass Pluto made to that exact degree - the Rx pass.

The first time Pluto reached that degree was Feb 25, 1776 (*NS); July 4, 1776 makes #2; the third time qualifies in my book as a Pluto Return: Jan 1, 1777.

These additional dates may mean more to history buffs than to anyone else, but there's more Astrology to consider...

Our nation's Pluto Return of Jan 1, 1777 falls into the 13 North Solar Eclipse Series which was, in fact, the Initial Eclipse in the 13N Series at '23Leo' (conjunct Venus.) This Series will next manifest at '14Cap' opposite US natal Sun on Jan 4, 2011.

Sun opposite Sun is a time when priorities and plans should be reviewed and revamped, if necessary, to be certain that goals are being targeted correctly.

On this blog or on Jude's Threshold I have previously commented that the 13N Series seems to describe the founding of America better than the actual Series into which 'July 4, 1776' falls, the **12 South - and the Declaration of Independence was missing some signatures until August, 1776. Eclipses are 'wild cards' and may influence events for two weeks prior or after their actual date of occurrence.)

See if this sound like the birth of America to you:

13N's flavor is one of large, ambitious group enterprises that require the breaking of an existing bond; separation then joint achievement (Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

'Existing bond'? England. 'Joint achievement'? America and the New World of Sir Francis Bacon's and Adam Weishaupt's illuminated dreams.

So as America looks ahead to her Pluto Return in 2021-22, we may want to look back and consider that technically it will not be our nation's first Pluto Return at all for plodding Pluto has been there, done that before - way back in 1777.


*NS = New Style which refers to the Gregorian Calendar - minus 10 days from the OS, or Julian Calendar.

**USA's Pre-Natal Eclipse Series 12South: successful outcomes to long-term worries or illness; draining issues will at first seem worse then clear (Brady, as above.) Next 12S Eclipse: '19Can' on July 11, 2010.

Mar 18, 2009

AIG's CEO Liddy on Capitol Hill 3.18.09

As Congress revs up for Wednesday's performance at the Capitol Hill Theater today, AIG's CEO Edward Liddy makes ready to participate in a shadow play 'duel' with our erstwhile representatives.

Since the out-of-bounds Moon will remain in the adventurous sign of Sagittarius today until 5:18 pm edt, I thought to look at the Sun Pisces-Moon Sag blend to see what's afoot on the political stage - and if anything interesting is peeking out from the frilly undergarments of political thespianism.

Will all actors manage to save their bacon and cover their culpable patooties? Will thongs get themselves in a twist before the curtain lowers? It promises to be an emotionally volatile day, so read on...

Sun Pisc-Moon Sag is a steamy Water-Fire blend that can cleanse, sterilize - and scald. Known for moodiness and passionate emotions, this blend can be courageous and vulnerable at the same time.

The ability to step back and take an impersonal view is lacking and volatility of fanatic proportions makes cool reasoning capacity next to impossible to achieve.

This results in instability and impracticality, two traits the American people often witness coming from Capitol Hill, much to our dismay. Today's congressional sessions may not run smoothly, m'peops with much drama in the script and out own outrage fueling the proceedings.

Yet with Sun in Pisces, Moon in Sagittarius, there exists social awareness and generosity, but perhaps the generosity has already gone into the wrong coffers, many of them in the UK.

Yet today's show must go on so that Congress can look as if it's making efforts on behalf of US taxpayers. The natives are restless and so is the Sun Pisc-Moon Sag combo of energies.

This is a humble and noble blend that judges others' weaknesses generously to the point of being a real sucker for a sob story, so we'll see what justifications Mr. Liddy comes up with.

Sun Pisc-Moon Sag needs to pin itself down to dealing with manageable-sized problems and must pay attention to details so that something productive may result. It's a very creative, poetic blend but when dealing with crooks, embezzlers, and syndicate types, naivete must be avoided.

This blend is shared natally by several notables: Copernicus, Billy Crystal, Jackie Gleason, Victor Hugo, Edna St. Vincent Millay, Rupert Murdoch, and...

Albert Einstein, who said, "The important thing is not to stop questioning."

Quite appropriate for today's Capitol Hill Theater performance, Albert, thanks!

Images for Integration: 'Einstein's Theory of Relativity...A black woman priest in the confessional hears a tale of woe from a white converted scientist and they fall in love.' Sun Sign-Moon Sign by Charles & Suzi Harvey.)

A virtual lovefest isn't on my menu for today's questions and answers, is it on yours?

Now given that in recent days Congress tends to go into evening hours, we see that the Moon reaches World Point 00Cap00 at 5:18 pm edt which changes the atmosphere into Sun Pisc-Moon Cap, a Water-Earth blend...the day goes from steam to mud!

Sun Pisc-Moon Cap's Images for Integration: 'An old freighter chugs toward the port, bringing in the goods...A famous actress leaves her estate to the Actors' Pension Fund.'

(It's very sad for me to note that Natasha Richardson's catastrophic skiing accident could be indicated here and my heart goes out to her and her family at this difficult time.)

Sun Pisc-Moon Cap is shared natally by: George Washington, Samuel Pepys, Percival Lowell, Anais Nin, Philip Roth, Walter Schirra, and Dinah Shore.

Well, the 'goods' have already been distributed by the Bush administration's 'Bailout' heist so whether Congress can call AIG bonuses back to port is doubtful. That Congress can invent some other method of calming the natives remains to be seen.

Peek from the Jungle, a drawing imported from Secret Moon Art for restless natives everywhere.

Mar 17, 2009

Ben Bernanke: firefighter or arsonist?

Economic propaganda is on the loose and distorting realities of the 'financial crisis' for the consumption of the American voter.


On a somewhat lighter note, a new limerick has been published in honor of the Jack Bauer character on 24: That Kitten Named Bauer - plus, you'll inadvertently view a photo of Princess Grace the Cat if you click the link to Lim's Limericks.

Mar 11, 2009

Joseph Stiglitz says econo-reform too slow

For years I have thought that the work of Nobel-Prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz was as sensible as some and better than most.

Today I find that Mr. Stiglitz 'chairs the commission of experts charged by the UN to investigate possible reforms to the international monetary and financial system' and that the financial crisis is 'an opportunity to to turn his proposals into reality.' (Saturn - reality - to US natal Neptune - ideals = giving form to ideas or ideals.)

At the Davos Forum in early February, Germany's Angela Merkel proposed a world economic council which, along with the UN, would and could 'push through necessary measures...' which sounds much like the one-world-government agenda that the United Nations is believed by some to be in process of implementing.

The current econo-crisis certainly is proving useful for fast-tracking New Economic Order plans with its much-touted sense of urgency, isn't it? Almost as if it were part of a script...


And here's a post from December 2008 concerning '5 Key Mistakes' written by Mr. Stiglitz and the current Saturn-to-US-natal-Neptune, if you're game.