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Jan 19, 2007

Congress' Saturn Return

Just a Shout-Out on my recent post concerning the ongoing Saturn Return of Congress which now has been updated from Jan 17.

One quick addititon: the Sabian Symbol for the Return Moon "21Sco" may be instructive:

"A soldier derelict in his duty."

Well of course, one first thinks of George Bush's past AWOL status, but I believe it refers to the current stand-off on Bush's war escalation, don't you? Not that our troops are derelict--the valiant majority of them have been anything but--so it may refer to withdrawal--which is underscored by the US Mars (military) now Rx since July '06.

And the Saturn-Neptune T-square pointing to this Moon may describe the grievous and untenable situation our troops have been placed in by Bush, Cheney, Rumsfled, Perle, and the rest of the warhawks.

Please read the Saturn Return notes below, if you wish...

Jan 18, 2007

Bernanke back in warn mode today

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke warned Congress today that the U.S. economy could be seriously weakened if Medicare and Social Security weren’t revamped. John Dimsdale reports. --MarketPlace Jan 18 2006

You may wish to read my Feb 14, 2006 post on Bernanke's '1st Shout Out as Fedhead' linked above as Ben warns on Social Security and Medicare "revamping"--or is that discontinuance?--on Capitol Hill today. How about revamping instead such things as exorbitant war spending to benefit warmongering profiteers, kickbacks, graft, and governmental greed and incompetence?

Hasn't George Bush "weakened" the country and the economy enough for ya?

What other undermining activities do the lot of you have in store for America and the world?

Is the World Banking System the devil incarnate? How do you tout for liars and cheats as you do? Can you count? Are you accountable unlike your shadowy bosses?

As I've paid 100% of my FICA taxes through these several years, I'd like to know what you miscreants in Washington did with my money and the interest acrued.

Tell me that, Mr. Bernanke. Then we'll have something to tout about.

7:05 pm note: have decided to postpone update on Congress' Saturn Return...had my fill of the dumbleheads today!

Wild Storm in Europe

Makes me wonder about disruptive comets and their connections to horrific storms given the carnage in northern Europe Thursday....esp Comet McNaught's first appearance August 7, 2006--see previous post....only a smidge of scrolling required...

Hope all my friends there are okay.

Jan 17, 2007

Congress' ongoing Saturn Return

Congress' Saturn Return Rx #2 of 3, Jan 13, 2006 with #1 having occurred Oct 28, 2006, and #3 upcoming July 13, 2007.
Here's the article from Wednesday on the Senate's theatrical snit which now postpones their doing anything about ethics and lobbying reform...9 votes short...big surprise, isn't it?
Partisan Dispute Derails Ethics Reform because the Judd Gregg (R-NH) amendment would've given the President (if we had one) the chance to stick his nose into the legislation and pull out a plum.
Dave Letterman just debuted a new segment: "George W. Bush: Inappropriate Smiles" with a bit from his interview with Jim Lehrer--and there's Bush smiling like a psychopath about Iraq's recent "botched" executions and Iraqi comments against his handling of the war....and on that happy note it's time to get my fuzzy slippers and my sleeping cap on...back when circumstances allow...stay snug, all!
2.19.07 Friday UPDATE: As you know, the Saturn Return is a time of confronting past failures and learning what you can from them. When dutious Saturn returns to his spot in a chart there is a serious attempt made to change or terminate current relationships, plans, and situations that do not allow for future growth or for envisioned plans.
Whatever is satisfactory is affirmed and the rest should be jettisoned. The November Elections took care of much of this responsibility, didn't it?
Now in the Rx phase of the Return (until the next conj July 13 which is also the date of Congress' Mars Return, a new 2-year cycle of activity) they are on track to review, reconsider, and 'return' to their traditions--also a Saturnian keyword. Congress is at least giving lip service to the idea of their own Oversight Function originally envisioned for them.
Here's a recent excerpt from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's blog with Saturnian keywords italicized:
Bettering the nation we love in ways both big and small are (is) becoming reality. Democrats promised a New Direction for America, and in these first 100 hours we are all discovering that turning (Rx) our promises into reality is much more than an obligation, it is our duty. Thanks to all of you for helping to make it happen.
Commitment reaffirmation is part of a Saturn Return also and the current Rx phase is working well for that--we hope it isn't all rhetoric for the Democrat's stated long-range goals.
With Saturn in 12th house of Behind-the-Scenes much has been done in private with Saturn and the Capricorn Sun in mutual reception--aiding one another--the clunker is the Scorpio Moon near Ic--the Foundation of the chart--and being squared by Saturn. Squares are blockages and obstacles and a Scorpio Moon indicates changes--also a function of Saturn which more usually changes by way of loss.
Still we must appreciate the sky-high pile of messes the 110th needs to clear up so naturally it won't be easy. Scorpio can be a sign of betrayals so I want to keep a squinty eye on this chart until July when the new and final Saturn Return chart becomes active and the Moon will be in Cancer and just past conj with the US (and Geo Bush's) natal Sun.
It goes without saying that deals have been made behind the door (12th house)--haven't they always been? My concern is that the glowing promises we've been hearing will entail more blockages to the American people (Moon) than we know of currently and will be disillusioning when the other shoe drops, for drop it will.
With the forming Saturn-Neptune opposition, a T-square is patterned and pointing to the Moon...
Sat-Nep = Moon: emotional drain; feeling inhibited; a low character.
Ebertin gives the Saturn-Neptune combination as suffering, renunciation, ascetism. The Nov Elections renounced many culprits on Capitol Hill, but that was described by the 1st return of Saturn, Oct 28, '06. That this difficult T-square is in the current chart gives some cause for concern which I hope the 100th Congress will handle responsibly as they say they will.
This is a Fixed T-square so things are entrenched and rigid--yet an apex Moon in T-square suggests emotional stability on the positive side. But there's a 'stuck in the past' quality to it, and there may be an emotion-venting explosion that interfers with security, a concern of the Moon and of the Ic. (Perhaps Speaker Pelosi has already expressed that for us!)
The Capitol Hill Theater is under notice and the box office receipts are in danger of being blocked by opponents who care more for their political careers than for anything you or I have need of (Moon at Ic.)
And it remains to be seen whether the passage of the lobbying reform bill by the Senate
will make any real difference to their pocket-lining, influence-peddling pasttimes.
Even the proposed 5-day work week is Saturnian! So taxpayers may get more work for their money--and hopefully we'll like the work that we get.

Election 2008

Are you thinking ahead to the 2008 Election? If so, check out the latest post at AstroFutureTrends with its details on the perfecting (on Election Day!) of the now-forming Saturn/Uranus opposition.

Saturn = the past, Uranus = the elemental conflict. Plus, the Saturn-Uranus pair relates historically to Israel.

SO'W will be posting more on the 2008 Election, natch--but AstroFutureTrends has some excellent analysis you won't want to miss--and it saves me typing time for now as well--it's a win-win for moi, for an abundance of blogs in the fire have I, m'peops.

And there's always drawing to be done for Secret Moon Art, Cosmic Persona Designs, and for Dreamyfish Art too.

1.17.07: Bush's loose-canon domestic spying proclivities are now to be somewhat (and hopefully) overseen by courts after all...Bush is isolated and fading fast a bright Comet or something...and don't forget the Saturnian Scythe over Bush's head now as you read about the Saturn/Uranus opposition as recommended above.

Today the Dems on Capitol Hill have been reversing roles with the Rs on college tuition relief--proposing bills that Rs don't like but can't help voting for--touche, Pelosi, touche!

Then there's the Doomsday Clock being moved ahead as announced today from the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists--Stephen Hawking and the Gang--the descendants of the same Manhattan Project scientists who brought the world the atom split and da bomb in the first place.

If you've managed to dodge this little nugget today read the jolly news that the'Doomsday Clock' to Move Nearer Midnight. Thanks, fellas.


On Snake Island

East of the mouth of the Danube, Snake Island lies in the Black Sea, coordinates: 45N15:18, 30E12:15.

The nearest Romanian city is Sulina, the nearest Ukrainian city: Vilkovo.

Snake island has appr 100 inhabitants who are mostly frontier guard servicemen, their families, and tech personnel.

In 2003 a permanent scientific expedition from Odessa University was established so there's a helicopter platform, a pier built in 2002, and harbour construction is under way. The helicopter platform makes for quick get-aways and refuge-taking, doncha know (see previous post on Stymphalian birds, Hercules, and the raid at Arbil by US forces.)

Sounds like a rockin' place with a 150-year-old lighthouse, electric power, post office, satellite tv, phone service and cell phone tower, internet linkage, and a branch of Aval, a Ukrainian bank.

The lighthouse was built in 1843 by the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Empire and the Greeks called it 'White Island' because of its marble formations. You'll find several submerged ruins of Thracian temples dedicated to APOLLO who was god of the sun, as his sister, Diana, was goddess of the moon.

Apollo was aka god of music and poetry, archery, and prophecy, and was son of Jupiter and Latona.

Snake Island is also thought anciently to be the resting place of Achilles of heel fame--son of Thetis, at whose marriage the apple of Discord was thrown among the goddesses. Seems to be an apple that keeps on giving, doesn't it?

On Feb 27, 1961, Soviet possession of Snake Island was signed in Bucharest, and there is now a dispute concerning the Island before the International Court of Justice...seems Royal/Dutch Shell signed prospective contracts with the Ukraine while Total (a company I'm unfamiliar with) signed with Romania.

Sounds like a discordant tussle over Snake Island and wouldn't you know? Oil rights are involved.


McNaught, Venus, and the Crescent Moon

It's the Southern Hemisphere's turn, Y'all:

Space Weather News for Jan. 17, 2007

COMET UPDATE: Comet McNaught is emerging from the glare of the sun and, as expected, solar heating has turned it into a spectacular naked-eye comet. McNaught is visible from all parts of the Southern Hemisphere, sporting a curved tail and a head almost as bright as the planet Venus. Northerners can watch the comet's progress by browsing daily photo galleries at Southerners should go outside tonight at sunset, look west and see for themselves.

VENUS AND THE MOON: Mark your calendar. On Saturday evening, January 20th, the slender crescent Moon will glide by Venus forming a beautiful ensemble in the western sky at sunset. This is something people in both hemispheres can enjoy. Hint: Look for the pair before the sky fades to black. Venus and the Moon surrounded by twilight-blue is a scene of special beauty.#


Note on above tags: I do delight in putting Astronomy and Astrology in the same tag cloud har har.

Jan 16, 2007

Fidel Castro

The Spanish newspaper El Pais is reporting that Castro is in 'grave condition' due to 3 failed surgeries, an infection in the large intestine, and various other complications.

Since he temporarily ceded power to his brother Raul last July, I've been tempted to post his natal chart here with remarks but since it's rated only DD ('dirty data') in AstroDataBank I've held myself back.

But with Cuban officials still denying the seriousness of Castro's condition, I must point out that with natal Sun 20Leo, and natal Neptune 25Leo--and with tr Saturn's ongoing visitation to this area of his chart (correct birth time notwithstanding) the man is under much stress physically, and given his advanced age (Aug 13, 1926; Colonia Biran, Cuba), his propects for recovery are slim and slimming.

Raul to the Rescue:

In July '06, Mars was in Leo and triggering Fidel's Sun/Neptune. Mars may bring along inflammation and fever to the affected planets/energies of the chart, and the Mars/Neptune combo = infection.

Mars to n Neptune dissipates energy and undermines health, plus drugs are a particular danger as well. Mars to Sun is a hot combo bringing a surge of vitality which may lead to injury--esp to the head or face--through overstraining.

2007: The current transit of Saturn to n Sun and Neptune gives this midpoint picture:

Sun/Neptune = Saturn: concerns about the blood; bereavement about separation.

The Saturn/Neptune pair have many connotations--and grief, weakness, and torment are sadly among them, with a martyr flavor tossed in as well.

Castro Reportedly in 'Grave' Condition in spite of what Cuban officials say to the contrary.

Thing is, we all have to go sometime, so perhaps they could take to heart the keywords of Castro's Pre-natal Eclipse Series, *19North: coming down to earth with a thud; seeing an old situation for what it really is instead of what it was thought to be; a good time for tackling the truth.

The whole world could use some of that, couldn't it?


*Eclipse info: Predictive Astrology, Bernadette Brady. Midpoint pictures: Dr. Noel Tyl's Natal and Midpoint Solar Arc Analysis Directory.