by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good and Daughter of the American Revolution
As you've heard, Tr*mp is scheduled to deliver an Address to a Joint Session of Congress this evening at 9:00 pm EST.
Touted as "technically, not a State of the Union Address" ("SOTU"), we have no doubt that his partner in crime, Elon Musk, will be in attendance along with other guests. How many, if any, congressional Democrats will show up for the blather is your guess or mine.
So without further fuss, here's the 9:00 pm EST Horoscope for March 4, 2025 on Capitol Hill, his Non-SOTU Address to Congress, the American people, and to pal Put*n (in no particular order):
Now as you see, Venus, one of the money planets relating to currency, is chart-ruler and speech-ruler but is retrograde ("Rx") in Aries, posited in the 6th house of Military and Civil Service, Employment, and Health - and makes no applying aspects. This denotes that his address will "go nowhere" or will make little difference in the scheme of things.
Of course, Venus in Mars-ruled Aries tends toward an urge to make changes yet a Rx condition hints at delays and/or the fact that his nibs has returned to replay the role of POTUS: after all, Venus' Sabian Symbol for "11 Aries" is "The President of the Country."
Interestingly, the hemispheric weight of the chart falls on others which to me signals that he has little if any agency within current situations, or at least within the topics he'll discuss tonight. Therefore, others likely wrote his script - not that he won't vere off it. And he probably realizes that polishing his image is a necessity with all the protests in the streets and the shouting at Republican "townhalls" of late. Run away run away!
Additionally, we should note that the Sun @14Pis44 conjoins the GOP's 1854 Neptune - and spotlights the fixed star of crisis, Achernar. Sun in 5th house, reveals that a gambling influence may be the case, and there's restrictive Saturn, planet of old age, near the Sun which hints at authority, control, and/or a preoccupation with law enforcement - his outstanding legal cases, perhaps? Well, his restrictive actions against the American people are obvious as he attempts to beggar us into earlier graves as "parasites" via the GOP's depopulation/purging agenda. Yes, seniors are within the raptor's gaze.
Also along those lines, there's Luna (the public) excitedly conjunct radical Uranus in the 8th house of Big Finance, Corporatism, Debt, Credit, Insurance, and Transformation. An unusual mood is indicated, and seditious maga types are suggested along with the rest of us who are riled up over the sabotage of our country and the ruination of our lives - thanks to a whacked out billionaire meddler, no less, who has no actual authority.
His Dreamy Non-SOTU Theme
Now the theme of tonight's address is said to be, "the renewal of the American Dream," a major example of gaslighting the public when we consider the abuse he and his "tech bros" now heap upon our heads. Apparently, the regime's idea of "the American Dream" is intended only for the people they decide are worthy of it. You know the ones. Plus, planet Venus also has to do with perspective and theirs is certainly non-traditional while Neptune-North-Node indicates anti-societal elements.
Reading the "YOD" patterns of crisis and special task as midpoint pictures with the Ascendant at apex, I'd say that inhibiting America's development and forcing our nation into a "standing alone in the world" position are their aims, and so far, these plans are proceeding apace. Significantly, the 7 South Eclipse of October 14, 2023 rises tonight at 9:00 pm with themes of tremendous anger and force (via 7S's initial eclipse's Mars-Pluto content), a potential crisis moving rapidly through our lives, or, obstacles that suddenly clear (B. Brady). I prefer the clearing and I suspect you do, too.
Moon-Uranus: Changing Finances But New Leaders Are Needed
According to Michael Munkasey, the Moon-Uranus pairing suggests "leaders who rule on a whim with little sense of how their enterprise is seen by the rest of the world" and "an emotionally immature person placed in an important and visible leadership role."
And that person will deliver remarks laced with his usual whoppers tonight at 9:00 pm.
Related from 2020: Agent Tr*mp Wants Pal Puti*n's Russia Back in the G-7 which is still one of their goals in 2025.
And for further reading during these harrowing times: Saturn-Neptune: The Weakening of America. Or if you wish, check out a previous post detailing the actual SOTUs since 2017.