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Apr 24, 2007

it's only 'Bush fatigue'

Got the sniffles? Feelin' achy? No worries!

Bush 41 told CNN's Larry King Monday night that "the electorate may be experiencing Bush fatigue."

More like a raging case of Epstein-Barr. Besides, an "electorate" implies that Bush 43 was actually elected and that our votes count! Well-played, H.W., well-played.

Bush 41 is not-so-subtley cluing us in that Jeb will be sitting out the 2008 election, and with the usual Bush aplomb predicts that Jeb may enter politics again in the future...a threat if there ever was one.

"I hope Jeb, who left office looking good, is not through with politics," he said, giving his other son a reach-around for the White House.

Apparently meetings have been held and their best bet is being waged...a different globalist name in between the Bush players has been decided upon and little Jeb must be patient.

Guess that means Bush 41 thinks Dubya has done such a superb job that Jeb deserves to be shoved into the White House as well. Puh.

The link below to CNN's article has become a Never Mind link--it seems to be MIA now...perhaps you can stomach the video instead at or perhaps not.

Here's the missing link...good luck:

Bush Sr.: 'Bush fatigue' may be setting in

Apr 22, 2007

Blair's big buh-bye in May?

News Update from Citizens for Legitimate Government 22 April 2007: Breaking News

Blair Set to Quit On May 9 22 Apr 2007: Tony Blair will leave Downing Street before a decision is taken on charges in the cash for honours affair. The Prime Minister was yesterday said to be preparing to stand down on May 9. That will trigger a seven-week leadership election process in the Labour Party and a new PM - probably Gordon Brown - will move into 10 Downing Street at the end of June.#

Perhaps Blair should sneak out the back door...?

a starry eye on Newt

Today Newt Gingrich was on tv spouting his usual rational sounding political maneuverings. Since his birth info is in dispute with birth time unverified, no chart for you. But some details are still possible such as his Sun/Moon personality blend.

Born June 17, 1943 in Harrisburg, PA, the Moon was in Sagittarius the whole 24-hour period so let's look at the Images for Sun Gemini/Moon Sag:

The Pied Piper leads his merry band of youths to the amphitheater on the hill for an afternoon of music lessons, philosophical teachings, and baseball...A young man goes abroad to attend university and becomes a foreign correspondent. (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzy Harvey.)

The italics are mine...the Hill? It sounds like the staged patriotic songfest on the Capitol steps when they coup'd the House. Perhaps that measley performance for the cameras was Newt's idea. A bunch of singin' whiffenpoufs?

This Air-Fire Gem/Sag combo has several things to recommend it and tells of a flamboyant communicator who is an intellectual with a reverence for ancient learning (secret old manuscripts, anyone?)

There is an emotional immaturity which is, at least, spontaneous for this eternal scholar who is outspoken, loves traveling (restless), and is friendly but impatient.

He possesses a vivid imagination with huge heapings of optimism and quick wit. There is a tendency to talk too much and often indiscreetly (perhaps he isn't close-mouthed enough for White House intrigues!) and there is a need to know it all--and may seem to be a know-it-all.

Newt's (WHO would saddle an innocent infant with the name, Newt???) Sun/Moon blend is shared natally with such notables as: actor Douglas Faribanks, political activist Rennie Davis, Judy Garland, Barry Manilow, Guy Lombardo, Beverly Sills, and Prince Rainier of Monaco. It's also shared with philosopher/poet, Katherine Raine who wrote:

As a child I became a confirmed believer in the ancient gods simply because as between the reality of fact and the reality of myth, I chose myth...myth is the truth of fact, not fact the truth of myth.

Gingrich has stated that as a child he discovered books and "became big words." (I won't mention the big words I think he became if you won't.)

So if the GOP can figure out a way to make an end-run around Newt's romantic tangles and infidelities, do you think they'll run this nag in 2008?

He seems to break off relationships appr every 18-19 years which is in line with his Nodal Returns--or Half-Returns...which is not surprising to astrologers.

North Node = joining; associations, while South Node = separations; partings (if relationships are already weak, the Half-Return will usually time a break-up.)

His Prenatal Eclipse Series (PE), 17South, is one of "sudden success in group endeavors and relationships; good news" (Predictive Astrology, Bernadette Brady.)

A Solar Eclipse last occurred in this Series on March 9, 1997 at "19Pisces."

Gingrich's natal Venus and Pluto in Leo (as has George Bush--both in Leo--ooh la la!) are connected to his PE as you might expect with all his lady loves and wives scattered about the place (I exaggerate--or do I?)

If you can take more of the Newt, you may want to read Mr.A.Cat's opinion at Lim's Limericks where you'll find a photo of a GOP kittycat pondering Newt's romantic intrigues which may albatrossedly plague him as he pushes forward--and turns up on our tvs--into 2008.

Green Art for Earth Day 2007

For Earth Day here's one of my drawings, Green Valley.

My other blogs have green art as well:

Secret Moon Art and Cosmic Persona Designs if you should need a cooling break.

And you may always drop by for a visit.

Let's Save the Planet!

Apr 21, 2007

Cho Seung-Hui 1.18.84

Update July 25, 2009: Cho's medical files have been found and were 'accidentally' taken home by the doctor who once served at Cho's school. The records are said to have been packed up with other papers by Dr. Miller when he left the school's employ some 14 months prior to the shootings and were discovered by him only last week. #

Original post begins here:

It was not my intention to post Cho Seung-Hui's natal chart (or Seung-Hui Cho, if you prefer) but having a few requests for it I'm relenting.

If you click to enlarge, you'll see some chicken scratch notes I've made although there's not room around the chart for all the transiting planets for April 16, 2007, day of the Virginia Tech shootings.

I have relocated his natal chart to Blacksburg, VA which is a way of seeing how a location affects a person for I've not found the exact location of his birth in South Korea.

You see on the chart some T-square formations intepreted which are dependent upon the time (using sunrise)--ordinarily I might not mention them but they seem to apply to this melancholic, obsessive young man.

Cho's Pre-Natal Eclipse (PE) is in the 3 South (3S) Series and we find that Bernadette Brady, in her book, Predictive Astrology, gives this Series as:

sudden endings with an emotional component; traumatic transformations.

"His" Eclipse prior to birth occurred Dec 4, 1983--and again on Dec 14, 2001 at 22Sag56. As you know, tr Pluto has been at this degree several times of late, deepening the meaning of his PE. (Late 2001 and the first half of 2002 may be significant to his ongoing emotional traumas.)

Here are the midpoints of the T-squares - which involve his obsessive Mars/Pluto conjunction - in case you cannot read my scribbles on the chart, or in case you are not visiting SO'W in person:

Sun/Moon = Mars: drive for fulfillment; urge toward fruition; the desire for marriage;

Sun/Moon = Pluto: a soul torn by inner conflict; having a biased attitude; changed circumstances leading to separation from others;

Moon/ASC = Mars: temperamental upset at the slightest sense of frustration; moody; conflicts with women;

Moon/ASC = Pluto: over-dramatization or obsessive importance of relationships; personal relationship with tragic consequences.

On April 16, tr Ceres was conjunct tr Moon 11Ari28 (at 7:00 am edt), and testy Mars was conjunct natal Ceres (7Pis42.) Ceres, the Mother, relates to security issues, and I believe these conjs are significant due to some of Cho's natal PE and other factors such as:

Uranus conj SN: upset by changing social conditions including war, revolutions, and there's a determination to preserve traditional worthwhile values against the onslaught of fads and new social movements.

Mars conj Pluto: obsessive determination and willfulness toward goals which may be only a deep desire to prove to the self that the goal can be achieved, then it isn't desired anymore. There is an unflinching ability to face danger, even death. In a crisis the immense power of this conj can be contained until the right moment to act, then all the power of Mars/Pluto is unleashed.

The Mars/Pluto conj gives an awareness of social problems in the environment but the persuading ability becomes demanding and has a threatening quality to it which others avoid.

Jupiter conj Neptune: tends to do everything in excess. Much delusion follows a tendency to carelessly trust confidences given to others because there's an assumption that they are trustworthy. In love there is a deep desire to believe that the relationhip will lead to marriage and a spiritual understanding of social obligations is well-developed.

Cults, drugs, and charletans must be carefully avoided for there is an extreme idealism with this conjunction and a touchy emotionalism that leads to emotional disappointments.

Here are two natal midpoint pictures not dependent on birth time both of which involve lusty Venus, a planet of relationships and of values:

Sun/Saturn = Venus: suppressed feelings; lovesickness; reserve;

Uranus/Neptune = Venus: high sensitivity; reveling in love; active fantasy life; peculiar love.

As I've mentioned in a previous post, on April 16, tr Mars and tr Venus (conj tr Midas) were squared which is key to understanding Cho's actions (Mars) on that day...squares represent blockages or obstacles. This relates to the above-mentioned T-squares in his natal chart (sunrise) giving conflicts with women; relationship with tragic consequences.

Natally Cho's Moon is out-of-bounds so his emotions (Moon) were not well-integrated with the rest of the chart. There are other indications of melancholy and feelings of inferiority as well which I won't go into now and which possibly are related to his lack of eye contact mentioned by roommates.

His Sun-Moon combo is Sun Cap/Moon Cancer at sunrise, but later, on the day he was born, the Moon entered Leo.

The Sun Cap/Moon Leo seems to apply more to what we know of his personality as of yet so I'm giving that combo's Image:

After a lone, silent climb up your mountain you greet the spotlight and television cameras with flair and aplomb.

Cho was noted for his silence, yet, a Leo Moon has a reigning need for recognition and approval. The "spotlight" and tv cameras are an obvious, aren't they?

He had a lack of ego definition which often results paradoxically in an overweening egotism, and given his Mars/Pluto conj's need for control, his tendency toward lovesickness and reveling in love fantasies, and a deep sense of inferiority, I believe a spurning by the young lady in question was used by Cho to ignite his judgmental traits and obsessions. (Or perhaps it was a mind ocntrol issue?)

My hope is that this is all I will be posting on this young man, and my thoughts and prayers continue to be with the families and friends of the victims and with the Cho family who are under such a crushing burden.

Apr 20, 2007

3D photos of the Sun and Comet Thatcher

Get out your 3D specs, m'peops!

Space Weather News for April 20, 2007:

3D SUN: On Monday, April 23rd, NASA will release for the first time 3-dimensional photos of the sun taken by a pair of spacecraft named STEREO. Magnetic loops, prominences and plumes will practically leap out of your computer screen. These images will be displayed on big screens at many museums and science centers around the USA and posted on the internet. You can get ready this weekend by buying or building some 3D glasses.

Visit for instructions--and stay tuned for Monday!

WEEKEND METEORS: Earth is entering the dusty tail of Comet Thatcher, and this will cause a mild meteor shower this weekend. It's called the Lyrid meteor shower because the bits of incandescent comet dust appear to come from the constellation Lyra. The best time to look is during the dark hours before dawn on Sunday, April 22nd, and Monday, April 23rd, when you can expect to see a shooting star overhead every 5 minutes or so.

Vermont Senate says Impeach!

Today the Vermont Senate voted 16-9 (some stayed away from the chamber) to impeach Bush and Cheney.

Citing "serious questions about constitutionality, statutory legality, and abuse of the public trust" the measure was passed without debate.

Personally I'm fatigued with such debate and ask what many have asked before me--what does a criminal have to do to get impeached around here?

April 28th cometh...for all the fat lot o'good it will do, for even if impeached, this administration's lying, undermining snoots will still turn up regularly on my tv and computer screens and they will continue the dissolving of America.

Still, I'm more than ready for April 28th, are you?

Vermont Senate: Impeach the President

Vidal on Bush

Hail and Farewell: the End of the American Empire

By Gore Vidal

Obviously, our weird little emperor is incapable of moral reflection, thus inviting us to reflect morally upon him as he has gone about his systematic wrecking of our common empire.

Information Clearing House


And if you're interested in personal details about Cho Seung-Hui, read the comment posted on my April 19th post just below.