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May 22, 2007

Recess appointment ploy endangered

Washington Whispers by Paul Bedard has the amusing tale of how Bush's Summer Hires Targeted by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, who is said to be planning to call the Senate in session just long enough for appointees to fight for their confirmations in the chamber.

The Washington Swamp is extremely hot, steamy, and turgid in August--aka the month of unvetted recess appointments--and it may turn out to be a very interesting month indeed esp given Bush's usual inappropriate, incompetent buddy knightings...these Bush hacks apparently can't find decent jobs on their own so they must purchase them.

Hope the Dems don't cave to Bush on this one.

May 21, 2007

want your political theater pure?

Dems Cave to Bush on Iraq War and you didn't think this "pure political theater" would work out any other way, did you?

Here's a SO'W recap of posts related to the Capitol Hill Theater (matinee tickets still available if you don't mind sitting behind the eight ball):

Dems' empty rhetoric and slogans as Bush's bush burns?

Washington as Shining Example

Mercury Transit and RX for Midterm Elections

Leo Strauss and neoconservatism

Stars of Nov 8 2006

meet Pilosi, Levin, and Feingold

meet Obama, Harman, and Conyers

Jim Webb

Congress swears

Congress 1994--2006

and last but not least, it's the ever popular burning bush of Bush: 8 Leo where we find our self-styled and self-mis-directed war president barrelling on and sailing above in spite of all common sense, common good, or conscience toward his fellow man.

Heads-Up on a lighter note--Art Balances Politics: Jude's Threshold has now gone Live for all sorts of stuff including two spiffy SlideShow Collages of drawings from my Dreamyfish Art ,Secret Moon Art, and Cosmic Persona Designs Galleries.

And you'll find downloadable drawings at my Lulu Storefront with more images on the way as time permits. Plus, if you know of a drawing you'd like to find available for downloading, contact me if you wish and I will comply if possible!

judecowell @ gmail dot com

mouthy in Jamestown

This is old propaganda but since Earthlink mailboxes have been squirrelly of late I'm just now accessing this White House Newsletter:

Bush pontificates in Jamestown

Here's an excerpt from the elitist-in-chief as he milks the 400-year-old J-Town cow:

Sunday, May 13, 2007

President and Mrs. Bush visited Jamestown to celebrate the 400th Anniversary.

"America is proud to promote the expansion of democracy, and we must continue to stand with all those struggling to claim their freedom. The advance of freedom is the great story of our time, and new chapters are being written every day, from Georgia and Ukraine, to Kyrgyzstan and Lebanon, to Afghanistan and Iraq. From our own history, we know the path to democracy is long, and it's hard. There are many challenges, and there are setbacks along the way. Yet we can have confidence in the outcome, because we've seen freedom's power to transform societies before."

Now when I read the above, I read: America is proud to promote...the propaganda that is the expansion of democracy. Yes, we've seen how Bush transforms societies--before and after, haven't we?

This Week in Washington 5.21.07

Since this week in Washington is critical you'd expect that the crisis flavor would show in the chart representing the week, wouldn't you?

Well, it does.

And even though the head varmint-in-chief has cleared out and hightailed it on down to his "ranch" in Texas, there is much hoo ha a-gwyin' on back at political headquarters in his sorry wake.

And no UN boss for dinner can hide the fact that the ornery cuss has a mess on his paws when he returns to the White House--it may even follow his tracks down to Crawford.

Monday's sunrise:

Can the Sun be at any more critical degree? 29Tau59..straining to be at 00Gem00..not a good place in the zodiac due to Fixed Star, Alcyone, keywords: rash or harsh judgements and narrow-minded to the point of being blind to the obvious. They say this varmint has a tin ear, too--and the Sun is in the "something to cry about" neighborhood.

It's almost 3:00 am edt right 3:00 am in DC, the Moon will be at critical degree 29Can+ and forming a YOD (Finger of God) pattern with Sun and Pluto ("29Can" is the "Daughter of the American Revolution" degree, btw.)

Apex Pluto in YOD formation has a need to psychologically accept a direction in momentous situations that he'd rather not, thanks. This Pluto represents someone who's in a high-level authority position but something from past behaviors and attitudes must be changed before a new direction can be undertaken.

Apex Pluto in a YOD pattern has karmic, long-time-coming implications with objectivity lacking and a total engrossment in an extreme perspective that is out-of-focus with surroundings.

The midpoint picture for this YOD is:

Sun/Moon = Pluto: critical time of development; separation to start anew; biased attitude; changed circunstances; a soul torn by inner conflict.

Then we see a Mutable T-square between Mercury/Jupiter = Uranus: curiosity; quickness in repartee or on the uptake; ability to give good answers when challenged; successful propaganda activity; a resourceful orator; effective advertising; sudden inspiration.

And apex Uranus in a Mutable T-square? Oh that's where it gets good and descriptive:

This (Uranus)is the radical thinker who defies tradition and is so erratic he's considered a social crank whose subversive ideas threaten society. His ideas may be too lofty to be practically utilized, and his idiosyncracies indicate a high-strung temperament which may operate willfully as a social catalyst.

The urge to break down and shatter what impedes his aspirations and ideals drives him to instigate sudden reforms that disrupt the status quo.

This is the social misfit who is willfully out-of-tune with the established order of his environment. The pressure being exerted upon him causes explosive--or even violent--outbursts for he is a law-unto-himself who defensively detaches his will from all outer pressures.

Hence his mosey down to Crawford!

There's more in the chart, of course, but the sandman is calling my name. Perhaps I can add to this post during the week...stay tuned, pardners...a bumpy ride pretty well describes this week in Washington.

(Apex info from: Dynamics of Aspect Analysis, Bil Tierney; midpoint pics from the usual: Ebertin and Tyl.)

May 20, 2007

it's Cicada Time again: Brood XIII

Midwest Braces for Swarms of Cicadas as Brood XIII is about to emerge from its 17-year snooze to provide high-protein meals for birds, squirrels, and pets, esp dogs.

Yum...but I'd like mine chocolate-covered please.

Just goes to show that insect infestations aren't only found in Washington DC--and that no amount of chocolate can provide cover for political varmints and the sins they're in.

At least the red-eyed, shrimp-sized cicadas don't bite or sting--and they'll be done with their work in about 30 days...more than can be said for 99% of our Capitol Hill infestation.

Heads-Up: be sure to check out this excellent post at Intrepid Liberal Journal on gate crashers and who they really are.

May 19, 2007

May 19: Venus and the Crescent Moon

Space Weather News for May 19, 2007


When the sun sets tonight (Saturday, May 19th) go outside and look west. Venus and the crescent Moon will pop out of the twilight barely 1-degree apart. It's a spectacular pairing of the two brightest objects in the night sky.

The display will be visible from brightly lit cities and even through thin
clouds. Visit for a sky map and photos. #

A Crescent Moon always puts me in mind of the Middle East--and of New Orleans.

And since there's just been a New Moon, we're creeping toward the Full Moon of May 31, 9:03 pm edt at the White House, with Moon 10Sag12 (too close to Fixed Star, Antares, for my liking; keywords: obsessed with success), and Sun 10Gem12.

This Full Moon will occur somewhat near the US natal ASC/DESC (Relationship) axis in the Sibly chart.

But for tonight:

Venus and the Crescent Moon "13Cancer"...DETERMINATION...

"One hand slightly flexed with a very prominent thumb" (a la Bill Clinton?)

Amusing how many politiicians have taken up the thumb-at-audience device in recent years--since Bill showed them how--for playing the determination card.

pos: exceptional steadiness and and a high sense of self-responsibility in every issue of moment;

neg/shadow side: unnecessary aggressiveness and a self-defeating shortsightedness.

Hillary was campaigning in New Orleans this weekend--does she affect Bill's determined thumb ploy when playing sincere? Perhaps so, but I've yet to observe it. Ah-h-h, but the campaign is young!

Crescent = crisis, Venus = jealousy (in her shadow side.)

So with Venus' triggering of the King of Alarm Eclipse degree (Aug 11, 1999) on Sep 11, 2001, I'm more wary of vengeful Venus than I used to be...especially when she's been about you?

May 18, 2007

Carlyle Group

Did you ever read this article from Dec 11, 2001: Carlyle's Way from Red Herring?

had Lincoln survived

It's time for the annual University of Maryland Medical School Conference where they re-examine the deaths of historical figures to see if the diagnoses of the times were correct.

This year it's President Abraham Lincoln's head wound and his demise 10 days later that falls under their microscopes as the Conference Ponders Lincoln's Survival and apparently, if modern technology had been available in 1865, the consensus is that Lincoln would have probably survived his wound.

Yet brain injuries are unpredictable so his communication abilities are in doubt and a lengthy recuperation would have been in store.

His secretary of war, Edwin Stanton, who made several decisions the day after the assassination, would have taken the oath of office rather than Andrew Johnson if Lincoln had survived, and the course of US history could've or would've been changed, according to US presidential historian, Steven Lee Carson, who surmises that the US "would have been a better and more just nation, especially on race matters, in a far quicker fashion."

Me? I'm not so sure, given that all effects are a result of many causes, so who knows if things would've been better or "more just" any sooner? Plus, I believe we're in process of heading backward on these issues, circa 2007 (as in, the undermined (In-)Justice Dept.)

Still, it's all very interesting to surmise--medically and politically.

Because in 1865, the who's-in-charge question concerning presidential incapacitation was answered on a case-by-case basis until JFK's assassination thanks to the addition of the transfer-of-power 25th Amendment...and we know who benefited from that.

So let us consider Lincoln's Minor Progressions for today, May 18 (noon) and see if Abe has a message for the nation (click to enlarge esp if you're a fan of the chicken-scratch)...I'll be using the WHAT/WHERE, HOW/WHY method with Sabian Symbols for the angles of the chart, with negative interpretations for them--because I think they're more instructive in these difficult times:

"17Sag" ASC = WHAT? "An Easter sunrise service"...REBIRTH...

neg/shadow side: overconcern with superficial form and ceremony;

"17Gem" DESC = WHERE (Or 'leads to WHERE?') "The head of a youth dissolved into the head of mentality (or 'into that of a mature thinker')...DEVELOPMENT...

neg/shadow side: a defeat of accomplishment by a senseless clinging to the illusions of youth;

"5Ari" IC = HOW? ""A triangle with wings"...ZEAL...

neg/shadow side: blissful obliviousness to all normal or everyday considerations;

"5Lib" MC = WHY? "A man teaching the true inner knowledge"...AFFINITY...

neg/shadow side: fatuous pride in the self's acumen and subtle or underhanded attempts to dominate everyone.

You'll notice the Sun/Mercury conjunction rising and in fated degree while trining the Moon (the other trine or triangle being the karmic Saturn's trine with North Saturn is in fated Nodal degree) and NN is at "18Cap" which is the New World Order degree (as I think of it..the Great Conjunction degree of Uranus/Neptune Oct 24, 1993--their conj #3 of 3.)

Not that globalists weren't busy planning prior to 1993, but this is the "Union Jack" degree which I have used to pinpoint the NWO bwo Sabian Symbols (yes, it's allowed)...


neg/shadow side: smug or strong-armed paternalism.

And karmic Saturn-with-wings?

"19Tau"..."A new continent arises out of the ocean"...traditionally refers to America herself, but in the NWO context, may refer to the draconian North American Union they're slipping by us--US + Canada + Mexico-- meant to hold paws and cross hooves with the EU which they've already shoved through.

Here's the rest for "19Tau"...ORIGINALITY...

neg/shadow side: a genius for futile turmoil and persistent upset.

Fearmongering? Red-herring issues? Diversions of the political kind? Or how about prez campaigners "debating" anything BUT what we really need to talk and know about?

The Sabian Symbol for Lincoln's Minor Sun/Mercury conj...

"A child and a dog with borrowed eyeglasses"...EXAMINATION...

neg/shadow side: distorted vision and self-defeating prejudice.

It occurs to me that the opposite or Illumination Point of this degree, "21Gem" would be instructive as well:

"21 Gem"..."A labor demonstration"...REPRESENTATION...

neg/shadow side: futile ill-will and bluster (perhaps the 'Immigration bill'?)

Yes, "21Gem" points to George Bush's natal Uranus/NN conjunction, which is the 'reformist political groups and associations' combo.

Now you had to know I'd be bringing his sorry tush into it somewhere, didn't you? It's so easy with a cuss like him...