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Showing posts with label critical degree. Show all posts
Showing posts with label critical degree. Show all posts

Oct 1, 2017

Oct 5, 2017 an Aries Full Moon as Saturn Restricts Trump

In January 2015 transit Uranus and South Node caught up with one another--the disruptive planet of radical reforms, progress, futurism, shocks, electricity, and separation met the Saturnian Node of the Moon that represents past behavior (that no longer suffices), inherited talents, and separation...the 'tail of the dragon'.

Is this worth a mention in October 2017? Perhaps or perhaps not. But since a critical degree is involved (12 Aries), we might wish to note that the Mars-ruled Aries Full Moon that perfects on October 5, 2017 at 2:40 pm ET shines its revealing rays upon this degree and spotlights the Uranus-SN conjunction of January 2015. Of course at that time, Mr. Obama was in office and now we have shock jockey Trump selling various and lucrative schemes from the presidential office of the White House.

So if we look for clues embedded within the Uranus-SN pairing we find people or the public (Nodes) whose lives are disrupted by war, revolution, violence, and/or financial loss due to societal conditions such as technological changes or large-scale projects such as 'eminent domain' used by governments to commandeer private property. And since Saturn signifies borders and walls we might think of refugees made nomads via war or weather-related disasters such as floods, fires, volcanoes or earthquakes.

Now as you know, the October 5, 2017 Aries Full Moon is the fulfillment-culmination phase of the September 20, 2017 Virgo Full Moon (27:27) when new ideas or plans were seeded or set in motion. On that day, transit Uranus formed an inconjunct to the New Moon which denotes that unusual, unexpected, or disruptive adjustments were necessary in September. And somehow in the political realms, all this seems to relate to the many separations, firings, and resignations bedeviling the Trump White House. But honestly, there have been so many, I can't keep up, can you?

Considering 12 Aries as a critical degree, does any of this hint at more crises in America? Well, our nation has been in a permanent state of crisis since Trump came on the political scene. That October 2017 should be any different is a novel idea, don't you think? After all, Mr. Trump's natal planets are led by his 10th house Uranus which is oriental in his chart--last to rise before his Gemini Sun (22Gemini). On October 11, 2017, his natal Sun will be precisely opposed by transit Saturn for the third and final time while also opposing US natal Mars (22Gemini). Will Trump rile more Americans into joining protests while stirring up old complaints and social divisions?

When Heavy-Weight Saturn Comes to Call Even Mr. Trump Must Answer

Though Saturn's depressive influences have been off-and-on for some time, this final Saturnian stomp (exact near midnight on October 11th) is the resolution stage of the Saturn-opposing-natal-Sun transit for Mr. Trump (Sun = life goal, ego, adult personality, vitality) and for our nation (Mars = military, activists, athletes, police officers, soldiers, civil service workers, and generally males between the ages of 25 and 35, give or take a year or so). However, for Donald Trump things are more complicated by transit Saturn almost simultaneously conjoining his natal South Node and Moon @22Sag hinting at difficult family issues. Obviously this cosmic circumstance is due to Trump's natal Sun-Moon opposition which occurred upon his natal Nodal axis but since the lunar end of Saturn's transit has been repeatedly discussed here and elsewhere over the Internet, we'll skip adding more about it in this post.

So basically, restrictive Saturn opposing natal Sun denotes a time when the failure to live up to past promises or to accept responsibilities ends badly and this for Mr. Trump is spotlighted in October 2017 even more than previously (if that's possible!) Separative vibes may relate, of course, to other members of his cabinet or staff leaving government along with the Mueller investigation's findings which may result in additional resignations, firings, or perhaps indictments.

Saturn opposing natal Mars indicates a general slowing of energy and activity, or a lack of motivation and/or enthusiasm for getting things done. Basically, physical efforts are stymied, hampered, or delayed at every turn and politically, gridlock is the order of the day along with anger and resistance to authority.

In fact, business dealings of all types are not going well this year in spite of what may have been reported, and this is a difficult time for negotiations on all levels (ex: diplomacy). Illnesses such as those affecting the head, heart, teeth, other bones, or inflammations or fevers may increase, plus, those conditions which are made worse by stress or overwork may interfere with activities.

Now some might say that law abiding Saturn represents Special Counsel Mr. Mueller and his staff as legal rain falls upon Mr. Trump's presidential parade and reveals his past and present business dealings and alliances. I won't say it, but you may wish to!

A related post: After the Revolution: The Oriental Planet of Donald Trump (his 'inner guiding voice').

May 28, 2017

Safe Glasses for watching August 2017's 1 North Solar Eclipse @29Leo

Safe Eclipse Glasses and the August 2017 Eclipse of Donald Trump

by Jude Cowell

Retailer Amazon offers NASA-recommended safety glasses for watching August 21, 2017's The Great American Eclipse, a Total eclipse which cuts a swat across the US beginning in Oregon and leaving landfall in South Carolina.

Also offered is a handy guide (e-book) How to View the Total Solar Eclipse, plus, a view of two horoscopes of the eclipse set for Oregon and South Carolina.

Astro-Notes: Rounding up its degree, this Total eclipse of August perfects upon a critical 29th degree of Leo in the 1 North Saros Series and will conjoin the natal Ascendant of Mr. Donald Trump. A planet or point at a 29th degree of any sign is impatient, unstable, and denotes risky business, or possibly a crisis that must be resolved. Plus, it indicates a 'change of state' (A. Louis) as it struggles toward the next sign (here, Virgo, and royal Regulus, the king or kingmaker: success if revenge is avoided). Fixed stars 'work' through critical or sensitive degrees and eclipses (solar or lunar) and History is affected--but the working is via individuals' charts--such as Donald Trump, in this case. Will his desire to be taken more seriously be satisfied by Mercury-ruled Virgo, a sign more serious, humble, and studious than entertaining Leo, sign of ego and pride? Mr. Trump will be 71 years old in June so I for one remain fairly dubious of much improvement.

Astrological signs point to significant events in August 2017 which must be expected in relation to Mr. Trump and, by extension, affecting the United States of America (assuming the White House doesn't crash down around his ears in June or July). Eclipses are often called 'wild cards of the Universe' due to their Uranian unpredictability so weather and other natural events may be triggered along with other disruptions in society. And as you know, 1 North last manifested on August 11, 1999 @19Leo and is the infamous 'Nostradamus Eclipse', aka, the King of Alarm (or, Terror) Eclipse that imprinted its turmoil upon the New Millennium including the attacks of 9/11.

The Solar Eclipse's Sabian Symbol: '29Leo' = A Mermaid

Keyword: IMPORTUNITY...positive expression: a completeness of quickening to early instincts of the being and a real willingness to trust them; negative (shadow side--jc) expression: a lack of discrimination and an awkward sensitivity (Jones).

(Speaking of awkwardness, cringe along with Trump's Most Awkward Moments on His First Foreign Tour.)

This Is the The Mother of All Eclipses

1 North solar eclipses have occurred in the years 1909 (26Gemini), 1927 (7Cancer), 1945 (17Cancer), 1963 (27Cancer), 1981 (8Leo), and 1999, as noted. Its initial eclipse occurred on January 4, 1639 @13Cap48--opposite US natal Sun @13Can19 (this time links the 1 North to the American presidency and government) so there is a Capricorn lens through which to view the Leo eclipse--not a good fit of energies (Saturn-Sun; 'conceit increases with age'!) which may trigger our US natal Sun-Saturn square, the base of a Fist of God (or Thor's Hammer) pattern that points to US natal Moon (We The People) in our nation's late-afternoon natal charts on July 4, 1776. (See Sun-Saturn info, below)

History and Themes of the 1 North Series

Aside from recent events of the New Millennium, for previous historical events influenced by 1 North eclipses we look first to the years 1945 and 1963. 1N is the Prenatal Eclipse (PE) Series of President Truman's dropping of the first Atomic Bomb, and is PE of the assassination of John F. Kennedy and the swearing-in of LBJ (27Cancer opposes US natal Pluto Rx, planet of plutonium and destruction). 1 North themes include: great pressure on relationships looms large due to unexpected events involving groups or friends (or sons-in-law? jc); it's unwise to make hasty decisions since information is distorted and possibly false (ex: "fake news"? jc); tiredness or health problems are also potentials (paraphrasing Predictive Astrology, Bernadette Brady).

Tiredness and health problems? Is that like in Sicily yesterday when Mr. Trump opted to ride in a golf cart while the other G7 leaders walked a mere 700 hundred yards? One of my guesses is that his 70-year-old knees aren't what they used to be! Or perhaps Mr. Trump chose to putter along in a golf cart because of his Victorian-era view that Exercise Will Kill You?!

Astrology and Astronomy

Now naturally a majority of astronomers discount the astrological implications of The Great American Eclipse lest Science suffer by association. And if all the warnings of astrologers turn out to be fallacious or misdirected, we shall all be very much relieved. But considering how the amateurish Trump administration has been behaving so far and the constant undermining of his reputation by Deep State actors and others, no one needs astrological portents to forecast a very long hot summer for Donald J. Trump and his White house denizens, and what may be a lasting imprint of crisis and change that are due in August 2017, compliments of The Cosmos.

Note that there is also a Lunar Eclipse on August 7, 2017 @15AQ (horoscope set for Washington DC) with the sign's Aquarian Saturn-Uranus vibes. Lunar eclipses give insight into how people instinctively react to the karmic situations and conditions brought by the accompanying solar eclipse and since a lunar eclipse obviously involves the Moon, past behaviors and reactions, plus, inherited traits and other unconscious factors are at play. Notable is that the August 7th Lunar Eclipse is in the sign of US natal Moon (We The People) and Leo-Aquarius is the 5/11 Self-Will polarity of Risky Speculation/Creative Pursuits and Groups/Associations; with 11th house involvement some type of 'social escape' may occur (Rudhyar) for Mr. Trump--perhaps more golfing?

Sun-Saturn in Politics and Business (Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Michael Munkasey):

Thesis: the will of the people as defined in the principle founding documents; the checks and balances within enterprises as implemented by various administrations; form and definition in an enterprise.

Antithesis: pessimism and gloom as a center focus of policy; older and more distanced leaders; unreasonable centralization of authority in one location; a leadership preoccupied with the various forms of law enforcement.

Add We The People's Moon to the Sun-Saturn 'Hammer' pattern and we have potentials for: fear, feelings of inferiority, personal needs under wraps (that's in large part the fault of a purposefully dysfunctional Congress whose members are hired to 'do the people's business' jc), hurt feelings, and a sense of loneliness (Ebertin; Tyl).

Jul 3, 2016

Can Juno Unlock the Secrets of Jupiter? and Saturn to US Ascendant

Secrets of Jupiter the Target as Astrological Saturn Stomps on USA

It's being reported that the Juno spacecraft's mission to Jupiter, launched on August 5, 2011 from Cape Canaveral, Florida, will insert itself into Jupiter's orbit on the evening of July 4, 2016, America's Independence Day. The secrets of gas giant Jupiter are awaiting discovery, thinks NASA scientists.

Naturally as an astrology novice I wanted to open my Solar Fire software to see where asteroid Juno and planet Jupiter were and are in the Tropical Zodiac on those dates. Curious? Here is what I found along with observations on the current Saturn transit to America's natal Ascendant at the 12Sag degree of "A Flag Turns Into an Eagle That Crows":

August 5, 2011: Jupiter @9Taurus21; Juno @2Libra38 (conjunct US natal Midheaven, the Goal Point, in our 'Sibly chart' of July 4, 1776 with 12 Sagittarius rising--where transit Saturn Rx is again crossing, a period when the US is expected to take responsibility for past and present actions rather than denying guilt, when anxiety is evident in the populace and also within government officials (ex: Hillary being allegedly held to account by the FBI email server probe), and when karma becomes the b*tch that she is as our nation (and other nations and peoples via their own neglect of Saturnian principles such as honesty and reliability) reaps what's been sown.

Tragically for the world's innocent who are caught in a round of the power elite's endless retaliation, the reaping can include blow back thanks to corporate Washington's export of violence, fraud, occupation, oppression, and globalism. And as Thomas Jefferson knew when it comes to America, 'God's justice cannot sleep forever'.

July 4, 2016: on Earth it's the dark of a New Moon @12Cancer with Jupiter at the critical/crisis degree of 17Virgo38; Juno is again in Venus-ruled Libra but now @29Libra47, a critical/crisis 29th degree that strains toward Mars-Pluto-ruled sign of Scorpio. All this makes me wonder, what hath man wrought upon humanity? Especially since karma is the b that she is.

May 21, 2007

This Week in Washington 5.21.07

Since this week in Washington is critical you'd expect that the crisis flavor would show in the chart representing the week, wouldn't you?

Well, it does.

And even though the head varmint-in-chief has cleared out and hightailed it on down to his "ranch" in Texas, there is much hoo ha a-gwyin' on back at political headquarters in his sorry wake.

And no UN boss for dinner can hide the fact that the ornery cuss has a mess on his paws when he returns to the White House--it may even follow his tracks down to Crawford.

Monday's sunrise:

Can the Sun be at any more critical degree? 29Tau59..straining to be at 00Gem00..not a good place in the zodiac due to Fixed Star, Alcyone, keywords: rash or harsh judgements and narrow-minded to the point of being blind to the obvious. They say this varmint has a tin ear, too--and the Sun is in the "something to cry about" neighborhood.

It's almost 3:00 am edt right 3:00 am in DC, the Moon will be at critical degree 29Can+ and forming a YOD (Finger of God) pattern with Sun and Pluto ("29Can" is the "Daughter of the American Revolution" degree, btw.)

Apex Pluto in YOD formation has a need to psychologically accept a direction in momentous situations that he'd rather not, thanks. This Pluto represents someone who's in a high-level authority position but something from past behaviors and attitudes must be changed before a new direction can be undertaken.

Apex Pluto in a YOD pattern has karmic, long-time-coming implications with objectivity lacking and a total engrossment in an extreme perspective that is out-of-focus with surroundings.

The midpoint picture for this YOD is:

Sun/Moon = Pluto: critical time of development; separation to start anew; biased attitude; changed circunstances; a soul torn by inner conflict.

Then we see a Mutable T-square between Mercury/Jupiter = Uranus: curiosity; quickness in repartee or on the uptake; ability to give good answers when challenged; successful propaganda activity; a resourceful orator; effective advertising; sudden inspiration.

And apex Uranus in a Mutable T-square? Oh that's where it gets good and descriptive:

This (Uranus)is the radical thinker who defies tradition and is so erratic he's considered a social crank whose subversive ideas threaten society. His ideas may be too lofty to be practically utilized, and his idiosyncracies indicate a high-strung temperament which may operate willfully as a social catalyst.

The urge to break down and shatter what impedes his aspirations and ideals drives him to instigate sudden reforms that disrupt the status quo.

This is the social misfit who is willfully out-of-tune with the established order of his environment. The pressure being exerted upon him causes explosive--or even violent--outbursts for he is a law-unto-himself who defensively detaches his will from all outer pressures.

Hence his mosey down to Crawford!

There's more in the chart, of course, but the sandman is calling my name. Perhaps I can add to this post during the week...stay tuned, pardners...a bumpy ride pretty well describes this week in Washington.

(Apex info from: Dynamics of Aspect Analysis, Bil Tierney; midpoint pics from the usual: Ebertin and Tyl.)