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Jun 11, 2007

Lunar Planner

Lunar Planner has a great article on Venus Transits or Passages. Hers is an 8-year cycle relating to Venusian Greek she's Aphrodite.

But there's a lot more to the lady...the G-8 Summit occurred at the time of her June 2004 Passage as "the goddess" returned to dance with the Sun bringing her cycles of the heart (to some people--to me she's archetypal anima and rising from the Collective Unconscious. Say Hi to Cetus the Whale while you're at it.)

Do check out Lunar's starrily smashing!

Jun 10, 2007

A gang of robbers in hiding

"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience. Our problem is that numbers of people all over the world have obeyed the dictates of the leaders of their government and have gone to war, and millions have been killed because of this obedience. Our problem is that people are obedient all over the world in the face of poverty and starvation and stupidity, and war, and cruelty. Our problem is that people are obedient while the jails are full of petty thieves, and all the while the grand thieves are running and robbing the country. That's our problem."

Howard Zinn, from his collection of historical and political essays Failure to Quit.

And this from SO'W's Are You Really Surprised? Dept.:

Critics Say U.S. Focus On Al-Qaida in Iraq Is Overblown.

And from the U.S. secondary progressed chart:

"A gang of robbers in hiding" is the Sabian Symbol for "19Libra", the position of the US sec progressed Mars ("19Lib" is rounded up--I often round down because it's Rx and thus headed "backward" or to the lower degree of "18Lib")--in either case I lay it at the Pentagon's door:

Emphasis is on every person's disturbing capacity for antisocial or even self-perverted practices, or for self-involvement in potentials which may have imaginative but hardly intelligent sustainment in his consciousness.

(There is) a need for initiative, and for a more challenging perspective.

Keyword: DIVERGENCE...

pos: alertness to every threat against a true individuality;

neg/shadow side: abnormal mistrust of everything worthwhile.

Al-Qaeda will "follow us home" Bush and Cheney say? The true robbers are already here.

Jun 8, 2007

Paris back to jail, Bush still free

News Update from Citizens for Legitimate Government 08 Jun 2007


Breaking: Paris Hilton ordered back to jail; Bush still free 08 Jun 2007:

Screaming and crying, Paris Hilton was escorted out of a courtroom and back to jail Friday after a judge ruled that she must serve out her entire [discriminatory] 45-day sentence behind bars rather than in her Hollywood Hills home. [*Why* are Bush, Cheney Halliburton, Rice, Rumsfeld, Rove, Gonzales and 'Scooter' Libby free --while Paris Hilton is imprisoned 45 days for a traffic violation?!?]#

Good question (but driving drunk is more than a traffic violation.) Hilton isn't, however, a politician. But as we know, they drive drunk, too.

His Royal Puniness at the G-8

Since I heard of George Bush's puniness in Germany this morning I've spent some time looking at charts of today's G-8 Summit (sunrise, noon--Bush took ill after he was already dressed suggesting a breakfast of suspicious tea and crumpets, or...?)--and I was led to the chart of Benjamin Disraeli (don't ask how...long story; born Dec 21, 1804; 5:30 am LMT, London) who so knowledgeably said:

"The governments of the present day have to deal not merely with other governments, with emperors, kings and ministers, but also with secret societies which have everywhere their unscrupulous agents, and can at the last moment upset all the governments' plans." -Disraeli, speech in Aylesbury, Sep 10, 1876

Ah yes--today's unaspected Pluto, agent, saboteur and provocateur, would agree as he skulks about on his own these days!

So what of today's Sun-Moon personality blend?

Sun Gem/Moon Pisces:

A sentimental and versatile chameleon, this blend can be moody and vacillating, talkative, dreamy, and can blow with the wind. Its greatest weaknesses include emotional superficiality, a lack of boundaries, and a tendency to withdraw in self-pity when feeling misunderstood.

That bossy Bush boy! He went to the Summit to lay down the law as he sees it--but did he withdraw and spend the morning abed in a snit of self-pity--or was it (with Moon in overindulgent Pisces) simply a case of suffering from a raging hang-over?

Today's charts also describe some attempt at manipulation (esp concerning a female--Merkel?) in Bush's case bwo his puniness causing him to miss the morning's meetings where things may not be totally under his control, yet with today's unaspected Pluto--and Pluto's assassinating and spying tendencies--one still must wonder what really befell the bully.

And today's Image for Integration for Sun Gem-Moon Pisces is quite lovely:

A weathervane on a church spire sparkles in the sunshine as the wind twirls it around, turning it into a mysterious sky gem. (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzy Harvey.)

Ahh! Puts me in mind of wind power and global warming issues--subjects Angela Merkel has on her front burner at the 2007 Summit!

Heads-Up: If you'd like to read Mr.A.Cat's latest limericks on the G-8 Summit and on Bush's new "war czar" head over to Lim's Limericks where kittens play Lutes on Capitol Hill and other kitties rudely make their critiques known. Rrraowrr-r-r-r-r!!!

Jun 7, 2007

those mysterious noctilucents!

Space Weather News for June 7, 2007

NIGHT-SHINING CLOUDS: Last night a vivid display of electric-blue noctilucent clouds (NLCs) appeared over parts of northern Europe, signaling the start of the 2007 NLC season. Noctilucent or "night-shining" clouds were first reported in the 19th century after the eruption of super-volcano Krakatoa.

In those days, NLCs were confined mainly to high latitudes, but they have intensified and spread with sightings in recent years as far south as Utah and Colorado. The origin of these clouds is a mystery; they may be a side-effect of global warming. A NASA spacecraft named AIM is in orbit now to investigate.

The peak observing season for NLCs is late spring and early summer. For the next two months, northern sky watchers should be alert for silvery tendrils spreading across the western sky after sunset. High-latitudes (Canada, northern Europe, Alaska) are favored, but NLCs are capable of descending unknown distances south, so it pays to be alert no matter where you live. Visit SpaceWeather for pictures and observing tips.

BONUS BANG: Sunspot 960 remains big and active this week. Today's edition of features a movie of the sunspot erupting. It's a must-see.

JFK plot a set-up from the GOP?

News Update from Citizens for Legitimate Government 07 Jun 2007

JFK 'plot'

JFK airport plot 'a US setup' 06 Jun 2007: The four suspects in an alleged terror plot to bomb a New York airport were set up in an elaborate plan by the US Republican party to retain hold of the White House, the daughter of an arrested suspect claimed on Tuesday. Huda Ibrahiim, daughter of Amir Kareem Ibrahiim, one of four men accused of plotting acts of terrorism against the United States, said US justice officials had engaged in entrapment in breaking up the alleged plot... She also said her father was afraid to fly, was not computer literate and does not use the internet.#

This is why I basically ignored this whole 'terror' flap--didn't ring true to me, how about you? It must be difficult to mount elaborate false flag wannabe plots for imaginary slapping downs when no one believes or trusts you anymore.

And we know how crying wolf turns out--that will be added to the US government's list of sins when the piper comes for his paypacket.

end the occupation!

Iraq Idea: Better Than Calling Congress

We've got to keep the pressure up on Congress to end the occupation of Iraq, but right now it is only Iraq's Parliament that has begun taking steps to legally require that the occupation end. A note from you, as an American, to the Iraqi Embassy in Washington, D.C., might help move the Iraqi government where Congress dares not go. There are always ways to find hope if we look outside the box and reach out to our brothers and sisters across barriers.

Read about an heroic Iraqi woman who inspired this idea:

Jun 6, 2007

Putin's stare

Putin's days of "catering to America, the winner of the 'Cold War' are over," says Daniel Schorr this evening on NPR.

And The Scotsman has Putin: A living riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma with more on the dead-eyed varmint than anyone cares to know.

Taking over the presidency of Russia in 2000, Putin was actually made prime minister and heir-apparent of Boris Yeltsin on Dec 31, 1999...a few hours after the Great Pluto/Chiron Conjunction of Dec 30, 1999.

Now it's true that Nostradamus didn't know there was a Pluto or a Chiron, but the pair's conj has helped issue in the New Millenium along with his predicted King of Alarm Solar Eclipse of Aug 11, 1999, aka "The Mother of All Eclipses."

Pluto/Chiron = plutocracy, oppression, racism, class warfare, the disenfranchised--issues of deep wounding--and is associated with mass currents of consciousness according to Richard Nolle's book on Chiron.

Their conjunction, the beginning of the cycle, is found in the natal charts of Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, John Lennon, Bob Dylan, and Joan Baez, to name a few. This indicates that their Quests for self-expression are the manifestations of mass need, and they may or may not be consciously aware of this.

The accuracy of Vladimir Putin's natal chart is in question but we know that slow-moving Pluto is at 22Leo43 (conj MC in the Rodden version) with Chiron 7Cap05 conj 3rd cusp (3rd house = siblings--his two brothers died young.)

And as you know, 7Cap36 is the position of Fixed Star Facies, keywords: ruthlessness or the victim. Facies is associated with blindness (the archer's stare--they say Putin has a really nasty stare, you'll want to stay away from it) and as one of the most difficult Stars in the sky, relates to evil, war, violent death, and/or penetration of action that has no regard for others.

The positive side of Facies (what little there may be) is having an extremely focused ambition.

A few people with Facies linked to planets in their natal charts:

Margaret Thatcher, Adolf Hitler, and John Lennon who was "cut down by the archer's stare" (Brady's Book of Fixed Stars) so it's virtually nostalgic to remember the heady days of the lovey-dovey Bush-Putin mutual eye-gazing, isn't it? Why, I get weepy just thinkin' about it and now G-8 time has rolled around once again, and...oh there I go...where's my box of Puffs?
