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Showing posts with label Libra. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Libra. Show all posts

Apr 8, 2018

Pluto Generations: Libra-Scorpio-Sagittarius

Pluto in Libra, Pluto in Scorpio, and Pluto in Sagittarius Generations

by Kevin Estes

This is the first set of an astrological analysis of all the world's generations. The charts are set for Washington, DC, as it is the capital of the United States, and the charts, in my analysis, describe these generations very accurately. I'm doing the Pluto in Libra, Pluto in Scorpio, and Pluto in Sagittarius generations first, as these three are the first "Aquarian Age" generations for they are the first three generations in the second half of the zodiac, which is about the collective rather than the individual.

Pluto in Libra Oct 5, 1971 2:14 am edt Washington DC:

Most notable placement is the Moon's ruler, Mars, on the descendant, in the 7th house, and conjunct the North Node. This explains the generation's strong focus on relationships and pleasing others, as Libra rules the 7th house, so they have an emotional need to find the "right one". This, along with the Moon in the 9th house, perfectly describes their deep desire for social justice, as well as striving for a more inclusive society, as both Libra and Sagittarius, which rules the 9th house, are associated with justice. This is shown in the Neptune in Sagittarius that around 95% of this generation shares. Describing quite the social generation, the Sun (which is also the chart ruler), Mercury, Venus, and Uranus are in the 3rd house, with Pluto also on the 3rd house cusp! I have met very few introverts in this generation, especially compared to the generations it's sandwiched between, and Uranus in the 3rd house, along with Pluto on its cusp, is why this generation was the first to embrace text messaging, as well as social media, as this generation was the young adults when cell phones became mainstream and Myspace started up.

They were instrumental in changing, and transforming, the communication methods of the world! All of these planets are in Libra as well, meaning that the Libra influence of people in this generation is far more than just Pluto, because the Sun of the generation itself being in Libra means that everyone in the generation is a Libra to some extent.

Pluto in Scorpio Nov 5, 1983 4:06:36 pm est Washington DC:

The main thing that stands out to me is the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Saturn, and Pluto all in the 7th house, in Scorpio! This is why this generation has many similarities to Pluto in Libra, as this strong stellium in the 7th house also gives them a strong desire for social justice, and they also share 9th house influence with the Pluto Libras, as Neptune is on the 9th house cusp in the 9th house, which is why they share the desire for a fairer and more inclusive society that's different than the status quo. This generation also has its Sun in Scorpio, along with its Moon, so along with Pluto being in its own sign, everybody in this generation is a Scorpio Sun/Moon to some extent, which makes for a very intense generation (which the Aries rising also indicates).

The chart ruler, Mars is conjunct Venus, which is the co-ruler of the ascendant, in the 6th house, in Virgo, which rules the 6th house, making for a very ambitious generation and why older generations see them as materialistic, which the Neptune in Capricorn that around 90% of this generation shares also indicates. Also notable are Jupiter and Uranus in the 8th house, which explains this generation's interest in the occult, as well as fascination with tattoos, piercing, and stretched earlobes as a way of expressing themselves.

Pluto in Sagittarius Jan 17, 1995 4:15:15 am est Washington DC:

While the Sun of this generation isn't in its Pluto sign, unlike the previous two, what is very notable is that the generation has Sagittarius rising, with Jupiter and Venus on the ascendant. This describes how this generation comes off as a whole: Optimistic, positive, and tolerant, yet very accident-prone as a result of recklessness. While the generation's Sun is in Capricorn in the 2nd house (which Taurus rules), which should give them a very materialistic side, it is conjunct Uranus and Neptune, countering the earthiness that Sun in 2nd house Capricorn should give and giving everyone in this generation Aquarian and Piscean energies. Mercury is also in the 2nd house, but in Aquarius. All this Aquarian energy is fitting for a generation that didn't know a world before technology expanded, and is also indicated by the Neptune in Aquarius that around 70% of this generation has, as every Sagittarius Pluto born from 1995-1997 has Neptune in Capricorn, along with most of January 1998 and late August-late November of 1998.

The generation's Moon is in Leo, which gives them an emotional need to have fun, that is also intense, as their Moon is in the 8th house. The 8th house Moon is an indicator of this generation continuing the trend of getting tattoos and piercings that the Pluto in Scorpio and Uranus in Scorpio generations set (from my experience, this is happening), and this 8th house energy is prevalent in the intensity and focus of the Stoneman Douglas High School activists in their movement to get semi-automatic rifles off the street. Another notable thing is that the ruler of the 5th house, Mars, is in the 9th house, which is an indicator for their love to travel and expand their world views, for fun! Their Pluto is also in the 12th house, which Pisces rules, giving them more Piscean energy than just Sun and Uranus conjunct Neptune and Saturn in Pisces.

The ingress charts for the generations do show their characters and their roles as a whole, similar to how people's birth charts show their individual characters and roles. More proof that astrology is legit, and not to be taken lightly. ke

Thanks, Kevin, for your millennial view of our younger generations! jc

Above charts compliments of Solar Fire Gold v9; Tropical Zodiac; Placidus House System set for the first moment transit Pluto, now traversing Capricorn, most recently entered each sign.

Note: For those who wish to read this post in its original form with astrodienst charts calculated in the Regiomontanus House System, visit Kevin's Left Wing Astrology blog.

Jun 3, 2017

America's Saturn Rx and Summer Solstice 2017

Saturn, Planet of Authority and Authenticity: from Libra to Scorpio

by Jude Cowell

With Summer Solstice 2017 about to arrive at 12:24 am edt on June 21st with Saturn now in Sagittarius highly visible at the top of the solstice chart (set for DC), we may wish to review the past and current conditions of America's Saturn.

In 1996 US Saturn Turned Rx by Progression @3Scorpio under the presidency of House-impeached Bill Clinton whose tenure of turmoil helped undermine the authority, authenticity, and dignity of the Executive Branch and muddied America's reputation on the global stage. Tragic Mars-Pluto (Scorpio) style events of power and brutality involving government authority such as the Oklahoma City Bombing, allegedly a vengeful act committed in response to the Clinton-Reno-FBI Siege at Waco, kept Mr. Clinton busy as the office of the presidency dissolved in tatters, a result cheered by his Republican opponents. (The political strategy of R vs D theatrics is primarily just that--divisive theatrics, since it's really Rulers vs The Ruled.)

Obvious correspondences from the Clinton era to Donald Trump's 'presidential' behavior in the White House circa 2017 may be noted but for those who follow Trump's haphazard presidency--and realize that The Klan now leads America from the White House--it isn't necessary to mention them in this brief post. Mr. Trump is in process of threatening to leave or actually withdrawing the US from previous alliances in which America was leader (Saturn) and our Saturn's retrograde condition is part of that picture.

As you know, Trump's natal Saturn is debilitated in Cancer (Cancer opposes Capricorn, the sign Saturn rules). His natal Saturn is in 11th house, the place of Groups and Alliances, and Trump's resentments run deep while his natal Jupiter Station Direct in Libra relates to others with frequent protestations of "that's not fair!" The retaining of large amounts of money lurks at the base of the issue for the Jupiterian Mr. Trump.

Meanwhile, America's SP Saturn in Scorpio suggests potentials for esoteric, occult, and metaphysical study (which our Founding Fathers possessed as seen in their goddess Venus and Virgo fixations--plus, you've noted Trump's constant use of Freemason hand signals), transformation (destruction, then rebuilding via Pluto), obstinacy, endurance, a more serious outlook, and the urge to delve deeply into difficult problems (Ebertin). All this is quite a change from US natal Saturn exalted in Venus-ruled Libra, sign of diplomacy, values, and the Scales of Justice. Now I know that each sign represents progress issuing from the previous sign, and, one hopes, improvement.

But in this case, America's exalted Saturn of 1776 (trine progressive radical Uranus in Gemini, its brilliance and genius successfully poured into the Saturnian forms of our 'freedom documents' a la Plato) has been degraded now that US progressed Saturn (SP) is retrograde (moving backward) in death-dealing Scorpio while on the physical plane it uses its authoritative energies against (Rx) the American people and against the entire world.

And now we see actor Donald Trump withdrawing the US from certain areas of global leadership which then opens the way for other nations to take control of the power elite's Great Plan for global governance which makes him, knowingly or unknowingly, a foreign agent in the White House.

Perhaps you disagree but there it is.


Related Posts and Horoscopes:

Summer Solstice 2017 Horoscope w/ Trump's Planets added.

The Oklahoma City Bombing Horoscope of 1995.

Dick Morris on Clinton, Reno, and Waco (video).

And speaking of The Klan (and sub-president Bannon lurking behind White House curtains), here's an excerpt from the 2010 article by Sherwood Ross which may be read in full via its link, below:

"By assigning covert action roles to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), it is as if the White House and Congress had legitimized the Ku Klux Klan to operate globally. That’s because the CIA today resembles nothing so much as the “Invisible Empire” of the KKK that once spread terror across the South and Midwest. Fiery crosses aside, this is what the CIA is doing globally."

The CIA, the KKK, and the USA.

Jul 3, 2016

Can Juno Unlock the Secrets of Jupiter? and Saturn to US Ascendant

Secrets of Jupiter the Target as Astrological Saturn Stomps on USA

It's being reported that the Juno spacecraft's mission to Jupiter, launched on August 5, 2011 from Cape Canaveral, Florida, will insert itself into Jupiter's orbit on the evening of July 4, 2016, America's Independence Day. The secrets of gas giant Jupiter are awaiting discovery, thinks NASA scientists.

Naturally as an astrology novice I wanted to open my Solar Fire software to see where asteroid Juno and planet Jupiter were and are in the Tropical Zodiac on those dates. Curious? Here is what I found along with observations on the current Saturn transit to America's natal Ascendant at the 12Sag degree of "A Flag Turns Into an Eagle That Crows":

August 5, 2011: Jupiter @9Taurus21; Juno @2Libra38 (conjunct US natal Midheaven, the Goal Point, in our 'Sibly chart' of July 4, 1776 with 12 Sagittarius rising--where transit Saturn Rx is again crossing, a period when the US is expected to take responsibility for past and present actions rather than denying guilt, when anxiety is evident in the populace and also within government officials (ex: Hillary being allegedly held to account by the FBI email server probe), and when karma becomes the b*tch that she is as our nation (and other nations and peoples via their own neglect of Saturnian principles such as honesty and reliability) reaps what's been sown.

Tragically for the world's innocent who are caught in a round of the power elite's endless retaliation, the reaping can include blow back thanks to corporate Washington's export of violence, fraud, occupation, oppression, and globalism. And as Thomas Jefferson knew when it comes to America, 'God's justice cannot sleep forever'.

July 4, 2016: on Earth it's the dark of a New Moon @12Cancer with Jupiter at the critical/crisis degree of 17Virgo38; Juno is again in Venus-ruled Libra but now @29Libra47, a critical/crisis 29th degree that strains toward Mars-Pluto-ruled sign of Scorpio. All this makes me wonder, what hath man wrought upon humanity? Especially since karma is the b that she is.

Apr 29, 2016

Social Security: What Millennials Need to Know - video (plus, Jupiter-Saturn)

April 29, 2016: Jasmine Jefferson speaks to Thom Hartmann about Social Security and the Millennial generation:

Update May 2022: Apologies! This video was removed by entities unknown!>

According to Pew Research the number of Millennials Has Just Overtaken Baby Boomers! Okay, guys, Do Not Allow Wall Street bankers or their paid-for Washington politicians to privatize Social Security and the insurance program will be available for your retirement, too.

As you know, the Millennial generation was born approximately between the years 1980 and 2000 though many of them do not appreciate the label. In the presidential realm, this time frame stretches from Ronald Reagan to George W. Bush and all the greed and corruption that implies!

Astrologically, the two decades between 1980 and 2000 are bracketed by major conjunctions of the societal planets, Jupiter (expansion) and Saturn (restriction). Beginning in 1980 the two conjoined three times in Air: December 31, 1980 @9Libra30, March 3, 1981 @8Libra06, and July 24, 1981 @4Libra56. At the 'other end' Jupiter and Saturn met once @22Taurus43 on May 28, 2000, with Earthy Taurus resonating with money issues, materialism, growth, and the environment. 1980's sign, Libra, is associated with relationships, values, balance, justice, and diplomacy. Both signs are ruled by Venus, and the May 2000 conjunction in bullish Taurus is one of the astrological heralds of the New Millennium for which the Millennial generation is named.

Currently we're in a square phase of the two planets with Jupiter Rx in Virgo and Saturn Rx in Sagittarius. The next Jupiter-Saturn conjunction will again occur in Air on December 21, 2020 and conjoin America's Inaugural Sun (POTUS) @00Aquarius since the Oath of Office was switched by FDR from early March with a Pisces Sun to January 20th. Their conjunction will perfect @00Aquarius29 and will be significant for another cosmic reason: it occurs at Winter Solstice 2020.

Mar 11, 2016

March 23, 2016 Lunar Eclipse in Libra: Do You Love Me? - Barbara Goldsmith

With the March 23, 2016 Lunar Eclipse occurring in early Libra, sign of Partnerships, Relationships, Beauty, Art, Balance, and Diplomacy you'll find that Barbara Goldsmith can sort things out for you:

Aug 18, 2015

NASA to Explore Mystery Caves on the Moon - clip (Libra Moon)

Just now this video clip appeared on YouTube with today's Moon sailing through Venus-ruled Libra, an Air (mental) sign. When the mundane Moon is in Libra, sign of justice and balance, the public mood tends toward an emphasis on unimportant details, co-dependence in relationships, a sense of fated unions, self-indulgence, and vivid expressions of feelings. I shall leave it to you to decide how unimportant NASA's plan to explore hidden caves on Earth's Moon may turn out to be while noting that exploratory Jupiter (who favors broadened horizons and new discoveries) is about to spend a year in the scientific sign of Mercury-ruled Virgo!

And here's a bit of Moon Art for you...Minerva's Glen, aka Owl of Minerva a pencil drawing by yours truly:

Source: Secret Moon Art.

Jan 1, 2008


There's been a short article and image published at Jude's Threshold titled, Arachne's Thread if you're inclined.

This asteroid is interesting to me because of her obvious links to the internet and world wide web. And with the post, I've tossed in a collage image for viewing because I so do love the collage. Do you collage?

Jun 10, 2007

A gang of robbers in hiding

"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience. Our problem is that numbers of people all over the world have obeyed the dictates of the leaders of their government and have gone to war, and millions have been killed because of this obedience. Our problem is that people are obedient all over the world in the face of poverty and starvation and stupidity, and war, and cruelty. Our problem is that people are obedient while the jails are full of petty thieves, and all the while the grand thieves are running and robbing the country. That's our problem."

Howard Zinn, from his collection of historical and political essays Failure to Quit.

And this from SO'W's Are You Really Surprised? Dept.:

Critics Say U.S. Focus On Al-Qaida in Iraq Is Overblown.

And from the U.S. secondary progressed chart:

"A gang of robbers in hiding" is the Sabian Symbol for "19Libra", the position of the US sec progressed Mars ("19Lib" is rounded up--I often round down because it's Rx and thus headed "backward" or to the lower degree of "18Lib")--in either case I lay it at the Pentagon's door:

Emphasis is on every person's disturbing capacity for antisocial or even self-perverted practices, or for self-involvement in potentials which may have imaginative but hardly intelligent sustainment in his consciousness.

(There is) a need for initiative, and for a more challenging perspective.

Keyword: DIVERGENCE...

pos: alertness to every threat against a true individuality;

neg/shadow side: abnormal mistrust of everything worthwhile.

Al-Qaeda will "follow us home" Bush and Cheney say? The true robbers are already here.