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Jun 25, 2007

plea from the Vatican

With abuse victims now speaking out in Italy, you've heard by now of the Vatican's silly diversion, the wacky ten commandments of driving or some such nonsense. This issuance is "flippant" and "not sacriligious", the Vatican assures us.

But what would cause this sad plea for attention, this pathetic attempt to become more relevant to people's daily lives, this diversion from the woes of reaping what one has pedophilically sown? Vatican Issues Commandments for the Road and astrologers issue comments on the June 19, 2007 chart (using Sun at MC, 1:11:28 pm CEDT, Vatican City) and what appears?

The mighty Sun-Pluto opposition is in effect with Sun and MC = "28Gemini":

"A man declared bankrupt"...DELIVERANCE...

pos: an effective and over-all resourcefulness in even the worst of situations;

neg/shadow side: a willingness to dodge every responsibility and betray the very core of self.

Sun/MC is The Goal of any chart or undertaking.

Pluto (and IC = HOW Point or Foundation of the chart) = "28Sag":

"An old bridge over a beautiful stream" (of tithes and donations now drying up from scandal?)...CONSERVATION...

pos: an individual genius for fitting all needs and ideals into universal patterns (God's version of The Ten is much better than your measley one, guys, sorry to tell ya);

neg/shadow side: total lack of initiative.

At Descendant (28Pis08) is our last Solar Eclipse (28Pis 07!!) of March 19 this year which is in the 9 New North Series, a very physically expressive series involving injury, great physical effort, or violence. So the ASC has the Solar Eclipse before that--Sep 22, 2006...8South: sad losses and separations; endings; partings; possible physical injury.

Then what do you think I did?

Combining the Vatican II's natal chart (Oct 13, 1962, 9:00 am CET) with the June 19th chart (as above; Davison = karmic results) there appeared a YOD pattern (YOD = Finger of God = special task or purpose; crisis situation) between the mystical duo, Neptune-Pluto pointing directly to Chiron (the Christ archetype; the Wounded Healer; the Wound; the blindspot) at "4Gem" which has a pertinent emphasis on the "Christ's Mass" of the Catholic Church:

"Holly and mistletoe bring christmas spirit to a home"...RITUALIZATION...

pos: a gift for fellow participation in every rewarding expression of individuality on all levels of human relationship;

neg/shadow side: complete obsession with superficialities.

The ten commandments for the road ploy-for-publicity isn't an's a plea for mo' money for their coffers which are more and more sieve-like!

And what is The Goal of the Vatican--what degree tops the natal chart (MC)?


"A large white cross upraised" (sounds good so far, but wait)...GLORIFICATION...

pos: an utterly selfless enlistment in some dramatic service for the ultimate welfare of mankind (they'd have you believe);

neg/shadow side: witless dogmatism and misdirected efforts for causes of great pretension but little real worth. Hmm.

So Here's a Question:

Does the abuse of children "show" in Vatican II's natal chart? Again there's wounded, meek Chiron (6Pis43 Rx) as focal point of a YOD between Mercury and North Node (the public; encounters; meetings; contacts.)

Mercury/NN = contacts with young people (Mercury); Chiron = the disenfranchised, the humble, the weak.

And liquidy Pisces is the sign of the mystic, the savior, the victim, the alcoholic. Plying children with wine has been a typical tactic through the centuries by abusers of any stripe or obsession.

Then there's natal Mercury (thinking; communications) conjunct a midpoint...

Neptune/MC = Mercury: tendency to think along the wrong lines; wrong perceptions, objectives, and judgements; losing orientation to the mainstream.

All apologies to my friends of the Catholic persuasion--as I've written before, some of the kindest, put-faith-in-action people I've known all through my life have been of the papal persuasion...this post is about a group of out-of-touch egoists inhabiting Roman halls of power who are afraid their revenue stream will continue drying up because their naughty secrets got out--and then their cushy life of velvet may have to be moved to Polyesterville south of Peoria...perhaps a timeshare?

Jun 23, 2007

James Madison on tyranny

"The means of defense against foreign danger historically have become the instruments of tyranny at home."

-James Madison, 4th US president and Architect of the Constitution (1751-1836)

Here is Madison's natal chart with the last message he penned to America.

And here are a few of his words about war which continue to be instructive. Will they ever learn?

Jun 22, 2007

Bush pick for Justice says thanks

It's all about packing the Bench! More Federalist Follies:

The White (Frat) House doesn't want Mercer answering questions under oath about the US Attys General firings so his nomination has been withdrawn with a no oath-taking for me, thanks and a fare-thee-well, my family comes first.

Mercer would've been testifying Tuesday, June 26, but he's outta here with his big ole interim self and his name much-mentioned in the emails concerning whom-to-fire-and-why-we're-so-rad.

May a bouquet of water balloons drop out the White House window and onto their draconian heads, the lot of 'em. Now who's making the keg run?

Ashcroft soars like he's never soared before

Ashcroft: officials fought over Snoopy ...oh wait a minute--that's Snooping--officials fought over bad as usual.

John Ashcroft has a Sun Taurus-Moon Pisces personality which recommends him as a practical dreamer, a creative poet, and a nature mystic.

At its best, this combo has a social conscience--which may help identify why he (supposedly) wouldn't "sign off" on Bush's illegal wiretapping end-run around the court and the existing law.

Still how could mystical Ashcroft not know how Bush intended to undermine what once passed for a constitutional government? Quelle surprise? Puh!

Yet this is a naive fellow who hides a deep stubbornness with an apparent flexibility and this may be the very stubbornness which aided him in rebuffing the outlaw bullies come for a compassionate hospital visit! He seemed more flexible (malleable) back at the office...suffering in a hospital bed--not so much.

Ashcroft's Images for Integration (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Chas & Suzy Harvey):

The Mona Lisa...Through the power of imagination a man is healed...A poet prepares his accounts in verse (oh please--no! that eagle has soared quite enough, thank you, let him rest.)

Sun Tau-Moon Pisces is a combo shared natally by Frederic Prokosch who remarked:

I pity those poor critics who might try to disentangle the Gordian Knot of my obsessive symbols and images. that kinda like when Ashcroft draped buzzoms on statues (for the cameras) when everyone knew it was Justice he and Bush intended to blindfold?

Jun 21, 2007

la Mansion Blanche

Tient Le Premier Role Washington Fini is a page from a French translation of the English (of SO'W)--and it's for sure that my sprinkling of French is rusty enough to limit me to understanding only parts of it--so have at it if you wish!

Yet the Summer Soltice poem that begins the post sounds amusing en la Francais (to its author, moi--well at least I'm claiming it as my own.) Washington all fini?

Is The Swamp washed up?

Would several coats of whitewash improve la Mansion Blanche? it IS all about image after all.

These and other questions probably won't be answered here but some others might as I shamelessly use Astrology as a language in which to fuss about what the thespians of Washington are doing with (and in) their current roles, their sparkling talking points techniques, and wig appropriateness, plugs notwithstanding.

Congress enables Bush's further law-breaking

Corrupt Congress Helps Bush from Chris Lloyd's Empire Burlesque tells the tale--America is toast and the Constitution is trashed while Congress is content to let the clock run out on Bush's above-the-law policies which they enabled in the first place.

Guess the extreme pocket-lining possibilities in Washington keep Capitol Hill's outrage in check...short-term gain trumps long-term consequences, and the usual Washington blackmail ploys keep the lid on.

Have you any wonder or indignation left?

Further reading on Bush's style of governing:

the burning bush of Bush

Chiron-Uranus Types in Government

Saturn-Neptune: Mideast Peace Summit

Egypt is wrangling up a Mideast Peace Summit on Monday--the day the Saturn/Neptune opposition is exact for the last time.

Interesting sense of timing they've got there.

Jun 20, 2007

Bush saves our morals

Feeling over the moral line? Don't fund that research, says George the paragon of virtue currently haunting the Oval Office. Bush vetos our moral line but I can't forget that when mere mortal girds himself in righteousness, check closely for crossed fingers while you're watching the other hand.

In this masquerade a clown is making grimaces and the dunce cap is being passed around...hope is indeed on the horizon while storm clouds gather and the earth trembles.

The previously-mentioned Saturn/Neptune opposition, exact this Friday, won't be the end of confusions, propagandas, quakes, storms...we'll be in the Full Moon or Culmination stage of the Sat/Nep Cycle with the light decreasing slowly.

Good googly moogly, but much has been written online and in books concerning the energies of these two antithethical 'actors'...Neptune of the underwater realm and Saturn (Cronos), Father Time, the Taskmaster and Lessonbringer, earth and soil, realism, authority, control--the restriction principle which balances Jupiter's billowing expansion principle.

In our Solar System, Jupiter and Saturn are called the Fly-Wheel of the Universe because of the tension between them which is perfectly described by the yin-yang principle, if you like.

But along comes Neptune:

Nebulous, gaseous, watery, veiling, illusory, and possibly deceptive planet of idealism, inspiration, and spirituality...Neptune is the vortex to the Divine.

Yet opposing is Saturn which represents the disciplinarian side of our Creator, while Jupiter is the generous side--the rod and the staff of the Lord's Prayer.

So expansion vs restriction = planets stay in their courses instead of spinning out all over the the perfect amount of balm and comfort to know Who's in Charge (and it ain't dubya.)

Neptune isn't the codified or organized religion you love to avoid, it's the spiritual church, the brotherhood of humankind who loves Life over death.

Yet from within our delusions we tend to pervert Neptune's gentle persuasions with negative escapisms, confusions, and sometimes with lies. Sacrifice is her game, loss may have to be her name as Neptune washes away the temporary to make way for the permanent--a typical Saturnian word!

This little ball of Earth is now locked between Saturn and Neptune which relates to 9/11/01 when Earth was ambushed by the Saturn/Pluto opposition with its hardship, cruelty, and war connotations.

And perhaps you've read my crumb about the off-and-on-forming aspect in effect for years to come Karma: Neptune septile Pluto or perhaps you haven't.

Either way, those Transpersonal planets (Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto) are bringing in and ushering out generations which overlap in a complex tapestry of time and experience...whether we want them to or not.