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Showing posts with label Justice Dept. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Justice Dept. Show all posts

Nov 2, 2018

The Department of Justice's Uranus Return 2018-19

DC Horoscope: Department of Justice Building Dedication October 25, 1934, FDR presiding in Masonic ceremony, 3:00 pm (Ovason).

It seems an eon ago, but on November 22, 2017 we discussed planetary returns to the DOJ horoscope circa 2017--2018 which include the department's current Uranus Return, a 'three-fer' to its natal degree of 29Ari21 in the 2nd house of the National Treasury (its three exact return dates are listed). Here I'm republishing the 1934 chart in case you'd like a gander.

Of course, 29 degrees of any sign is considered a critical or crisis degree and with political and legal events as they are, it seems significant to me that the DOJ's Uranus Return period is in process on into 2019--a drawn out period of time due to the retrograde of Uranus. Now as you know, it takes approximately 84 years for quirky Uranus to complete an orbit and few folk can say precisely what a Uranus Return means (which actually tallies with the planet's well known reputation for unpredictability). The little I know about Uranus returning to natal degree may be found in the above-linked post if you're curious. Disruption, separation, unorthodox methods, a break from the past? Who can say?

Well, one thing we know: with any planetary return, natal aspects may be repeated, activated, triggered. And on October 25, 1934, Uranus opposed the Sun (restless, independent, taking uncharacteristic actions), Venus (unconventional relationships, reversed legal decisions), and Jupiter (new knowledge, searching for values, economic instability, fortune-hunters), trined Mars (progressive projects, unusual actions, unstable conditions), and squared Pluto (untapped energy, elevated consciousness, inventiveness, shift in political power, control of resources). These potentials and more are now activated or stimulated in matters related to the Justice Department thanks to the return/s of erratic, shocking, electric Uranus to its 1934 position, but just how is the question going forward. My advice? Check out the news! For Mr. Trump's 10th house Uranus in Gemini is his 'guiding planet' of chaos, quirky notions, and disruption.

Now also in the 'planetary returns' post, a daring reader will discover a link to another SO'W entry concerning the esoteric (Uranian?) bas relief of symbols carved on the DOJ building, symbols which are daily activated by sunlight. Weird stuff. Especially considering that Uranus in Aries, as it is again on November 6, 2018 (Midterm Elections), suggests blind zealots, fanatics, and/or Utopian reformers and radicals (Ebertin) who'll be 'doing their thing' at least until Uranus moves into staid, conservative Taurus again on or about March 7, 2019.

May 30, 2013

Under Siege: an Astro-Peek at Attorney General Eric Holder

Under the Sun, Over the Moon: Eric Holder's Personality

by Jude Cowell

If you're curious, Attorney General Eric Holder's Wiki page tells much of his personal and professional history such as his appointment to the DC Superior Court by Ronald Reagan in 1988, his work during the Clinton administration, and his brief service under George W. Bush.

Of course nowadays, his term as Attorney General under the Obama administration's Department of Justice is in the news for its many scandals (if that they all be) concerning the Bush-instituted Fast and Furious gun-running program, the current AP-James Rosen tracking, and IRS 'Targetgate'. The GOP will do anything and level any charge to undermine the character and administration of President Obama which makes their investigations of Eric Holder and others suspiciously political in nature.

Yes, Atty Gen. Holder has been within the sights of the Republican Party for years and his opposition to the Bush-Cheney 'Patriot Act' is only one example of the flea under the GOP saddle when it comes to Eric Holder, the first man of color to serve as US Attorney General.

An Astro-Peek begins...

Born on January 21, 1951 in the Bronx, NY during a Neptune Station Retrograde (19Lib32), Eric Holder's natal Sun position (00AQ51 at noon since his birth hour is unknown to me) conjoins US Inaugural Sun every time a new president is sworn into office. ('1AQ" = "An Old Adobe Mission" which reminds me in part of the Cross of Lorraine but that's another story and way beyond the meager scope of today's post.)

Fortunately for my purposes, the Moon remained in Cancer for the duration of Jan 21, 1951 so we may be confident of his Sun AQ-Moon Cancer personality blend, an ethereal, misty Air-Water combination of 'divine discontent'.

If you visit his Wiki page linked above and scroll to 'Awards', you'll find that he once received a "Visionary" award and this Sun-Moon combo supports the compliment with its 'far-reaching imagination' tone. A progressive thinker yet emotionally old-fashioned, Atty Gen. Holder has a well-developed and compassionate social conscience underpinned by a Piscean Jupiter (Jupiter's sign tells how one relates to others.) Natal Saturn is Rx yet exalted in Libra, sign of the Scales of Justice (DoJ!), and idealism with democratic leanings is evident.

His Aquarian side can be naive as he studies others with a detached air, and his Cancerian Moon is very home and 'homeland' oriented to the point of clannishness. This Sun-Moon blend gives him the ability to rationalize any irrational actions he might take and a deep devotion to the truth can hardly help but be compromised while working in the environs of the US government and cynical, jaded Washington DC.

All in all, Atty Gen. Holder's personality is one of friendliness and warmth yet with a 'keep the door open' sort of escapist attitude that suits his Justice Department position--and working with devious politicians--quite well.

His Sun AQ-Moon Cancer blend of lofty emotions and ideals is shared natally by FDR and by Lord Byron who asserted that, "The best of prophets of the future is the past."

Now for the 'Images for Integration' for Sun AQ-Moon Cancer, the second of which always curdles my fondue into a hot mess:

"A social worker bypasses bureaucracy to save a mother and child...A childhood memory becomes the basis of a new world order." (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles & Suzi Harvery.)

Born during a Saturn-Uranus square (4A12), Holder is well suited for working in large institutions though fear of unfamiliar situations may hinder progress somewhat. The only major applying aspect to natal Sun is a helpful trine from law-abiding Saturn which provides him with the ability to know how to take advantage of opportunities that come along. Law, politics, market speculation--these and other management positions come naturally with a Sun-Saturn trine individual and his advanced education has made these fields of endeavor possible. He is a sustaining force within relationships and his Venus-Neptune trine adds imagination and a generosity in his judgments of others.

For quirkiness, we may look to a separating opposition between Mercury (6Cap31, where powerful manipulator Pluto has visited of late giving conditions intensity and a deepening awareness of other people's motives--and of course, Mercury-Pluto relates to surveillance, spying, investigation, research, eccentric opinions, and propaganda of a political kind) and The Witness and Rebel, Uranus (6Can29 Rx.) A Mercury-Uranus opposition gives him a 'genius for incurring the wrath of others' (Pelletier), a tendency to refuse to compromise, and bluntness in speech. This opposition indicates that some may consider Holder to be strange, unreliable, arrogant, and/or conceited about his mental abilities. (Republican interrogator Darrel Issa comes to mind.)

Before closing, let's also consider two midpoint pictures which remain in force no matter the birth hour used; any, all, or none may apply, and I emphasize the first one because it's a doozy involving conservative Saturn, progressive Uranus, and powerful wealth-hoarder Pluto, the Spy:

1. Saturn-Uranus = Pluto: upheaval to protect assets; fear of loss; rebellion (Tyl): brutality or violence; harm through major force; desire to overcome difficult situations via extraordinary efforts (Ebertin); concealing changes to activities; termination of extreme practices which hinder progress (ending the Fast and Furious program? jc); drastic changes in a previously liberal atmosphere; rigid inflexibility replaces adaptation (Munkasey.)

2. Mars-NN = Jupiter: enthusiasm (Tyl); working well with others; sociability; success through teamwork (Ebertin); ability to read politics at meetings or among friends and to use this to advance your interests and causes; the desire to study law (Munkasey).

Well, there's my brief, incomplete astro-peek at Attorney General Eric Holder. I won't add any links to the 'scandalous' news stories he's featured in because you know which rocks they're under and because you can toss a reluctant astrologer in any direction these days and easily find such scoops for yourself!

Sep 18, 2007

Michael Mukasey July 28, 1941

Here you see the sunrise chart (birth time unknown) for Michael Mukasey, July 28, 1941, Bronx, NY (click chart to enlarge.)

Since Mukasey may not become Attorney General after all the hullaballoo over Congress' demands for purgegate info which the White House is shy about giving up, I'm posting this natal chart for future reference if needed.

One can't help but notice though that his natal Sun is conjunct powerful Pluto so his father must've been a doozy--this conj indicates that his parents were involved in a great power struggle for control so Mukasey tends to see the world in this's how he relates. And Leo is inordinately proud, too, and fancies himself a natural ruler.

People with Sun/Pluto conjs tend to overwhelm others--with love, concern, guilt, problems, solutions, or anything they can think of. There's a certain amount of obsession, resentment, and a sense of self-righteousness implied and possible implications of heart problems.

And with Chiron in the Sun/Pluto fray, we have the plutocratic Pluto/Chiron pair with its loftiness issues, plus Sun/Chiron gives an early sense of destiny. This pile-up is conj US natal NN as well...public associations bwo of his power potential.

He's very much a meeting the powerful and exerting control kind of guy who should have no trouble meeting the demands of the NWO agenda, but as with everyone, it is his natal chart to choose how to use.

His Sun and Pluto are midway between Jupiter and Neptune so we see two natal midpoint pictures:

Jupiter/Neptune = Sun: following a dream; trying to capture the essence of things; deceiving or being deceived; lack of self-control; irresponsibility; speculation.

Jupiter/Neptune = Pluto: far-reaching speculations; a great loss; unreasonable plans; self-projection out-of-hand; major adjustment of life circumstances.

Being natal, these pictures may apply in any combination (or none) or at various times of life. I'd say the last one is applicable now with his possible government job.

Pre-natal Eclipse Series: 15 South: a situation which has been lingering will suddenly clear but there is a sense of grief or loss esp in the collective or within a group. Last manifested: Apr 29, 1995, next: May 10, 2013.(Brady's 'Predictive Astrology.')

The clump you see at Neptune/NN with the Moon (and the Moon reaches Libra at 12:41 pm on 7.28.41 so he could be a Leo/Virgo or a Leo/Libra personality with Libra being the sign of the scales of justice)--indicates spiritual or occultist tendencies in group endeavors along with sentimentality. (I don't know enough about him personally to know if this is correct - I'm just reading the chart. Is he of the Catholic persuasion, by chance? Jewish?)

Born during a Saturn/Uranus conj, it's interesting that the pair will soon be in the opposition phase of their cycle--for the 2008 election and the 2009 Inauguration. Oppositions are the culmination stage of a cycle. The old vs new Saturn/Uranus combo can be very ambitious with an exciting the status quo into new development flavor.

He certainly seems to be part of the Bush-Cheney agenda, and the Federalist Society is right up in there.

Around the outside of his chart:

Yesterday (Sept 17) when Bush announced Mukasey as his pick for US Attorney General, there were two transiting conjunctions to his natal planets - Saturn (responsibility; authority; control) to Venus, and Sun to natal Neptune, a planet of veils and illusions.

Saturn to Venus: seriousness enters the environment; relationships with females, other alliances, and joint ventures are curtailed by responsibilities (taking a job in government, and less money); greater commitment is called for; formality of manner; endeavors become more focused.

Sun to Neptune: ideals, fantasies, and spiritual matters become part of the environment; assistance may be volunteered (help! says George); reality may be conveniently lost sight of or others may hide the truth as inattention and flexible morals creep into the picture (in Washington, they crept in a long time ago. Remember Bush's first campaign days and his slogan to bring integrity back to the White House? I knew then that was a crock but little did I know what a giant crock it was.)

However, I do hope Michael Mukasey, if he becomes US Attorney General, can put the DOJ back on a more reasonable and less politicized course, don't you?

Jun 22, 2007

Ashcroft soars like he's never soared before

Ashcroft: officials fought over Snoopy ...oh wait a minute--that's Snooping--officials fought over bad as usual.

John Ashcroft has a Sun Taurus-Moon Pisces personality which recommends him as a practical dreamer, a creative poet, and a nature mystic.

At its best, this combo has a social conscience--which may help identify why he (supposedly) wouldn't "sign off" on Bush's illegal wiretapping end-run around the court and the existing law.

Still how could mystical Ashcroft not know how Bush intended to undermine what once passed for a constitutional government? Quelle surprise? Puh!

Yet this is a naive fellow who hides a deep stubbornness with an apparent flexibility and this may be the very stubbornness which aided him in rebuffing the outlaw bullies come for a compassionate hospital visit! He seemed more flexible (malleable) back at the office...suffering in a hospital bed--not so much.

Ashcroft's Images for Integration (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Chas & Suzy Harvey):

The Mona Lisa...Through the power of imagination a man is healed...A poet prepares his accounts in verse (oh please--no! that eagle has soared quite enough, thank you, let him rest.)

Sun Tau-Moon Pisces is a combo shared natally by Frederic Prokosch who remarked:

I pity those poor critics who might try to disentangle the Gordian Knot of my obsessive symbols and images. that kinda like when Ashcroft draped buzzoms on statues (for the cameras) when everyone knew it was Justice he and Bush intended to blindfold?