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Nov 26, 2007

Chomsky on US and Iran

Noam Chomsky On U.S. Policy Towards Iran

Must watch - Video and Transcript

"Suppose it was true that Iran is helping insurgents in Iraq. I mean, wasn't the United States helping insurgents when the Russians invaded Afghanistan? Did we think there was anything wrong with that? I mean, Iraq's a country that was invaded and is under military occupation. You can't have a serious discussion about whether someone else is interfering in it. The basic assumption underlying the discussion is that we own the world."

Read or view at: Information Clearing House.

Here's a previous post with some good advice from Chomsky and a few details concerning his natal chart.

Nov 24, 2007

Stars Over Washington: Solar Return 2007

Dual charts here--the chart on the left, lower, is the current Solar Return 2007 horoscope of this blog, with the natal chart Oct 16, 2005, 3:30 am edt, upper, right, as per Anne's request.

SO'W is into its 3rd year now and although I've written some midpoints onto both charts, I'll not be spoon feeding you this evening. ;p

Peeking Out! apparently the Redacting Monster has shown up to sex up these charts...chomp chomp. He and his mentors are the best at redaction--or ordering drones to do it. Bonus! self-destructing emails have seemingly been invented by this White House (which is not to excuse any White Houses gone before...)

Now back in October 2005, I did not elect the time for the first post, and was surprised to see how time had flown (to 3:30 am) when I got #1 finally published.
I'm still dumbleheaded about composing while typing, usually with a few notes, so
it takes a while to get anything blogged what with charts to study and all.

Way Back in 2005:

One rather obvious feature in the 2005 natal chart is a YOD (Finger of God; special task or purpose; crisis) pattern between the Sun/Pluto sextile pointing accusingly at Mars 21Tau50 Rx at MC.

Click chart to enlarge and you'll see the Sun/Pluto/Mars midpoint picture spelled out.

There's also a T-square between Saturn/Neptune and Mercury listed.

The SR 2007 chart has a Mutable Kite pattern--see how I've drawn the kite's tail onto the North Node for you? The opposite end of the dragon is of concern with its conj upcoming...separation, older person, father, leader, Democrat...perhaps a certain Senator of the chirping variety? He is pretty ancient, you must agree, and South Node has a separative, Saturnian quality--a double emphasis on Saturn's loss, restriction, separation. Perhaps law and order will go MIA, a la police state.

Nahhh! not in America!

SR 2007 has Mercury, Venus, and Mars all at 7 degrees, perhaps a significator of something fated. (Think back to October because this 7 degree resonation between the three planets lasted quite a while in the Collective...we were steeping in it.)

Then finally tonight, we may want to share together a tidbit which for me sums up the entire why-blog controversy, at least as far as 'Political Astrology' (Mundane Astrology)'s p.o.v. is concerned...'s the shared and inspirational Sun-Moon personality blend of SO'W 's 2005 natal chart which has Sun Libra/Moon does e.e.cummings--and his perfect definition and p.o.v., in my estimation, describes my thinking when birthing this blog:

A politician is an arse upon which everyone has sat except a man.

An arse. We've got an infestation of arses.

Nov 21, 2007

Nov 24: Full Moon, Snow Moon

Crystal Pomeroy says that the upcoming Gemini Full Moon of Nov 24 is a chance to consolidate goals established 11 months ago!

Her article on this Snow Moon (the last Full Moon in this solar year) is a must-read with its instructions for 'entering the portal to the Snow Moon.'

I, however, don't actually do rituals myself, I just pass them on for others to do, if they like. Because if you were going to do one, this would be a good one to do, especially with its poetic imagery...makes me want to draw a new snow scene for Nov-Dec 2008.

"Snow Moon" is the loveliest named Moon of all, imho, yet this Full Moon chart is discordant in several ways (including financially, politically, and other -llys as well) esp when the US and Bush natal placements are added in.

If you click to enlarge, you may find some readable notes on midpoints, etc.

Too bad this administration only listens to its own echoes. That's Bush's natal MC (Aspirations; the Goal) at the IC, the lowest point in the chart. Asteroid, Cupido, corporations; The Family, is nearing it at 22Ari09, now Rx.

Transit Pluto/Chiron (plutocracy; oppression; class warfare; racism) is now hovering at 19Cap29 and so in this chart, the problematic midpoint rises just after Vesta. You see that Chiron 11AQ10 is conj 2nd cusp ($$) with restrictive, controlling Saturn in 8th house ($$), so there's that. Someone's making money, but it's not you and me.

If you do enlarge this chart, see rising asteroid, Icarus, and one of his keywords written there. Then you may notice the Sun 1Sag55 conjunct asteroid, Tisiphone, retaliation.

The Moon is conj Mirfak, the star most recently emphasized when Comet Holmes seemed to engulf Mirfak as the Comet exploded in Perseus.

You may see that the Sun is just beyond the "1Sag" degree: "Grand Army of the Republic campfire" which is a degree we must naturally associate with US military services...or perhaps the military industrial complex which is ruining much of the world. (I just finished watching--finally--No End in Sight.)

Yet I love a Full Moon as much as the next traveler on the path, so I like it when Crystal says that Snow Moon colors are dark blue and purple--my favorites.

Guess being brought home as a mere squalling bundle in snowfall stays with you a long time! The snowflakes, not the squalling. Okay the squalling.

The Book of Coincidences

Nov 20, 2007

Dear Santa: Toys for Christmas?

This heads-up just received in my PIRG Newsletter:

For the last 22 years we've released our report about unsafe toys: "Trouble In Toyland." Every November, we catalogue unsafe toys that we find on store shelves. It seems even more important this year, after so many recalls of toys, food and other products. And it's even more critical as we get closer to the busiest shopping day of the year.

But even after all the recalls and all the media attention, we still found a Curious George doll with lead at five times the current limit, a toy cow with lead paint at nearly 50 percent more than legal limits, and lead-laced play jewelry -- one piece was actually 65 percent lead, which is more than 1,000 times the legal limit!

Click the links below to read our report, as well as the list of unsafe toys and tips for parents.

Report: USPIRG: Trouble in Toyland

Tips for toy safety.

With so many unsafe toys, we can't rely on the news coverage to inform shoppers. Please forward a link to this post to all of your friends and family who might be buying toys in the coming weeks.

Noam Chomsky: sustain the pressure

"If you go to one demonstration and then go home, that's something, but the people in power can live with that. What they can't live with is sustained pressure that keeps building, organisations that keep doing things, people that keep learning lessons from the last time and doing it better the next time." --Noam Chomsky

Noam Chomsky was born Dec 7, 1928 in Philadelphia, PA (Rodden rating: A) with Sun 15Sag09 and Moon 24Lib06. His ASC/DESC and MC/IC cusps are same as the US ('Sibly') cusps...ASC 12Sag16, with Mercury Oriental (last to rise just before the Sun, concerns the career), and MC 00Lib55.

Mercury Oriental = dotting the i's and crossing the t's; respect for detail; getting things right with perhaps a need to conform to clearly defined procedures and expectations. (Tyl, Synthesis and Counseling in Astrology.)

Mars 4Can48 is Rx and out-of-bounds, plus his Sun-Moon personality blend can be quite iconoclastic.

Chomsky is now involved in a Mars Return (new cycle of activity) with three conjunctions to natal Mars:

1. Oct 10, 2007; 2. Dec 19 Rx; 3. Mar 17, 2008.

"5Can" = "At a railroad crossing, an automobile is wrecked by a train." (Lynda Hill, 360 Degrees of Wisdom.)

This car in this Symbol speaks of an individual with the ability to go in a chosen direction and the train represents the collective. The train can only go on the tracks and has no ability to maneuver tricky situations or to change directions quickly. There is a recklessness in this Symbol, of not considering consequences well enough to avoid catastrophe...of going "off the tracks."

With transit Pluto poised to enter Capricorn, Chomsky's n Mars will be opposed by Pluto beginning in late 2010 which is the 'powerful forces paralyze actions' transit.

And since Chomsky will be 82 by that time, a health crisis and/or surgery may apply--actually once Pluto enters Capricorn (Feb 2008), Pluto is within orb of opposition to natal Mars.

Born within the 2South Solar Eclipse Series, Noam Chomsky shares this PE Series with Woodrow Wilson and Ronald Reagan; its key theme is:

involvement in unusal groups through which it is felt that a great deal can be gained.

The 2S Series last occurred Dec 25, 2000--and you remember what was going on then! It next manifests Jan 6, 2019 at "15Cap."

Here are his Sun Sag/Moon Lib Images for Integration:

Amidst a whirl of gaiety, a writer sits in a coffee house taking notes, and a painter paints...The Dead Poets' Society. (Sun Sign, Moon Sign, Chas & Suzi Harvey.)

Wonder if he prefers Starbucks coffee...I don't!

"... the 20th century has been characterized by three developments of great political importance: The growth of democracy, the growth of corporate power, and the growth of corporate propaganda as a means of protecting corporate power against democracy."

--Alex Carey: Australian social scientist, quoted by Noam Chomsky in World Orders Old and New

Nov 19, 2007

Comet Holmes 'swallows' Mirfak

Space Weather News for Nov. 19, 2007

Comet 17P/Holmes is swallowing a star! Not really, but it looks that way. Tonight, the exploding comet is passing directly in front of Mirfak, the brightest star of the constellation Perseus.

Astronomers liken the view through a backyard telescope to a giant space-faring jellyfish gobbling a phosphorescent treat. Although Comet Holmes is now fading to the limits of naked-eye visibility, the star-comet duo is still easy to find in the northern sky after sunset.

Visit for a sky map and photos.#

Here's some info on Mirfak and Perseus archetypes and myths.

Nov 18, 2007

Pentagon veils true casualty numbers

Pentagon Cover Up: 15,000 or more US casualties in Iraq War

By Mike Whitney

The Pentagon has been concealing the true number of American casualties in the Iraq War. The real number exceeds 15,000 and CBS News can prove it.

Read Whitney's article here thanks to Information Clearing House.

Freemasons of Washington DC

In Washington sits the southern home of Freemasonry, the House of the Temple of the Scottish Rite where you can walk a curving mahogany corridor and view the likes of their I-didn't-know-he-was-a-Freemason portrait collection of members including:

Arnold Palmer, Sam Ervin, John Glenn, Will Rogers, John Wayne, J. Edgar Hoover, and Harry Truman--are only some of the enlightened bunch.

Well, everyone knows Truman was a Mason, but the identities of some of the others might shock even your Aunt Granny Fanny, if you dare inform her (in her day she had such a huge crush on John Wayne, you know.)

And the hairs may stand up on the back of your neck as you gaze at the beautiful stained glass window with its familiar Eye of Providence staring splendidly back atcha. (My recommendation is to have a barber take care of those wayward hairs before you get to the Temple.)

Here's a related post on Founding Fathers/Freemasonry from 2005 about the naming of this blog: Why 'Stars Over Washington'?