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Sep 25, 2009

G-20 Pittsburgh: Sun Lib-Moon Sag 9.25.09

Here are a few details on today's astrological weather by way of the Sun-Moon blends.

Moon is out-of-bounds which tallies with G-8 or G-20 Summits' tendency to cordon off the people so world 'leaders' don't have to see or experience protesters' rage, and for the participants' safety. These summits are where Pluto and Chiron meet with their combined energies signifying class warfare, oppression, corporatism, and the other nasty, often violent, -isms of Pluto/Chiron.

And the Pluto/Chiron midpoint, now @ 26Cap17, is on the Nodal axis on the end called the Head of the Dragon (North Node), along with America's natal Pluto 27Cap33 Rx and out-of-bounds.

At 9 am edt, NYC, Sun 2Lib36 was on the verge of leaving the behind-the-scenes 12th house and entering 11th house of Groups and Associations. I don't know the exact minute that President Obama began speaking this morning, but it may well have been just after 9 am. If so, the ASC 23Lib24 brought Fixed Stars Arcturus (a different approach ) and Spica (potential for brilliance) with it.

At Mc 27Can25 was SN, with Mars 18Can39 in 9th house.

Now here are the 'Images for Integration' for today's Sun Lib-Moon Sag combo which morphs into Sun Lib-Moon Cap at 7:44 pm edt this evening.

Sun Lib-Moon Sag: Bob Geldof spins Band Aid out of the air to help famine-stricken Africa...An educationalist creates a Palace of Discovery to feed and stimulate young minds.

The workaholic Sun Lib-Moon Sag blend can tend to over-stretch and over-estimate its capacities, and may appear proud and aloof from others. Yet it does have a flair for persuasion and publicity, and for seeing the larger vision with new ways of doing things. (Well, it's their 'larger vision' and 'new ways' that always concern me for it's responsible for shoving the world onto the sorry NWO path we're now on, imho. jc.)

This blend is shared natally by Art Buchwald who wrote, "I explained to him that I had simple tastes and didn't want anything ostentatious, no matter what it cost me."

Sun Lib-Moon Cap: At the annual Christmas party, the chairman dresses up as Father Christmas and hands out new gold-engraved stationary for everybody...The Statue of Liberty. This is a blend of blatant self-interest vs cooperative spirit, and has a subtle talent for manipulation and an overly sensitive ego that takes offence very easily.

It is shared natally by Bobby Seale who asserted that, "We must start coming forth with our energies...our intellects, and our abilities to see what is right and what must be done, so the suffering will stop, and the phrase 'life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness' begins to make some human sense."

At this tipping point I'd be quite prepared for the people's suffering to stop the world over. Wonder what the G-20 Summiters will be doing about that?

Sep 24, 2009

Mercury out of Shadow 6Lib13 Oct 14, 2009

This image is the horoscope of the minute that Mercury reaches original retrograde degree 6Lib13 and begins moving forward beyond Shadow area of the zodiac - Oct 14, 2009, 2:39 am edt in DC.

Mercury's rulership of thinking processes, communications, oration, debate, negotiations and contracts, writing, travel, and the neutral planet's Trickster, Messenger, Teacher, Trader guises make it the most significant planet in any chart.

And considering that the opening session of the United Nations this week has yielded some globally significant speeches, plus the many other mercurial things that are going on in the collective, gives me a good reason to publish this chart of the minute the Messenger leaves the Shadow.

During Rx periods, mercurial issues and events don't just come to a halt, as we know, though travel glitches may occur, and plans may have to be rethought, revised, or redone. Putting newly developed or revised plans into effect, however, may go smoother if one waits until Mercury turns Direct, which occurs on at Direct Station on Sept 29, 2009.

Yet with Very Important Issues, one may wish to wait further until Mercury leaves the Shadow, which in the case of this Rx period, is @ 6Lib13, Oct 14, 2009. One thing about Mercury Rx periods is that what seemed such a good idea or plan during Mercury Rx turns out to be riddled with holes when Mercury subsequently turns Direct. And waiting to implement ideas until Mercury leaves the Shadow range of degrees only increases their chances for successful implementation.

As you see, the greater benefic, Jupiter 17AQ10, is moving forward on Oct 14 from his recent Direct Station. Neptune Rx @ 23AQ49 is conj Desc from 6th house with Chiron's health influence there, too. The possibility for Health Insurance Reform is not in a strong position in this chart but a cadent house (6th) indicates preparations continuing.

Another reason I want to publish this 'out of Shadow' chart is that it contains two interlaced YOD patterns (YOD = Finger of God; highlighted in pink) and a Mystic Rectangle formed between Venus, Saturn (conj with Venus at critical or crisis 29th degr), North Node (NN), Mars, and Uranus. This is the 'practical mysticism' configuration as described by Bil Tierney in his Dynamics of Aspect Analysis. One must be willing to accept a point that is not a planet (NN) to call this a Mystic Rectangle...some astrologers are willing, some aren't. I am.

Rebel and Awakener Uranus 23Pis37 Rx is important because it is involved in both YOD patterns. In 8th house, Money, Transformation, and Death issues may be on his radical change agenda; in Pisces, scientific reforms or inventions may become more prominent; Uranus conj Juno (in Mundane charts, the abuser or the abused) indicates new and sudden 8th house concerns.

Will more financial abuses be uncovered? With our rotten-to-the-core economic and financial systems and the high and low level abuses so far, you don't need Astrology to tell you that that's a distinct possibility.

YODs indicate: special tasks, turning points, and/or crisis situations, so keep an eye on these Uranian infused YOD patterns as October nears and leads to November. An 'October Surprise' may be on political activist Uranus' menu as well.

Click chart image to enlarge, if you may, for I've written upper right the midpoint pictures which are formed by the two YODs. Mercury's 'out of Shadow' moment occurs during a Saturn Hour with Saturn conj Venus, planet of relationship, values, aesthetics, and smaller amounts of money. Saturn rules 6th house of Health, Work, and Service, and co-rules (AQ) 7th house of Partnerships and Others.

As you see, a rising Moon is also at a critical 29th degree: 29Leo21 which conjoins, and rises with, one of the Royal Stars of Persia, Regulus...keywords: success if revenge is avoided. If one indulges in revenge, what has been previously gained may be lost. (Brady's Book of Fixed Stars.)

A 3rd house Sun 21Lib03, the chart's ruler, approaches lovely Fixed Stars Spica and Arcturus but isn't quite there yet. Asteroid Cupido is in 3rd house of Communications as well, with keywords: The Family, The Syndicate, Corporations, and oddly enough, Art. 'Cupidity' is also a possibility with Cupido along with a piercing quality (Cupid = Eros and the arrow.)

Instigator Mars, of quarreling and warring inclinations, is tucked inside the behind-the-scenes 12th house where many political deals are made; Mars sextiles the Venus/Saturn conj as one of the bases of the Mystic Rectangle pattern, and rules 4th and 9th houses.

Things may be said to 'begin' in this chart in the 9th house of Foreign Lands, Long Distance Travel, Higher Education, and Religion and Philosophy (Aries.) The Higher Mind is also the province of the 9th house, so will a mercurial 'higher plan' be revealed?

Mars is less than one degree from conjoining the July 21, 2009 Solar Eclipse degree ('systems fail; new methods and ideas are needed; any blocks may be violently or tragically removed', Brady's Predictive Astrology ); Mars conjunct South Node (SN) is an indicator of violence and war.

With this particular mercurial chart set for Washington, DC, it's clear that America's (mis) adventures in the Middle East are on Mercury's mind, and I think that plans for escalation or de-escalation of US troops may be revealed more fully in October 2009 - and with a few political dirty tricks gumming up the works and the process.

Sep 23, 2009

UN natal chart + 9.23.09 transits

Here is the natal chart of the United Nations, Oct 24, 1945 4:45 pm est, Washington DC; from historical record as cited in Marjorie Orr's The Astrological History of the World; click chart to enlarge.

With the acitivities at the UN today, I'm publishing the UN's natal (founding) chart - inner marked in green - with the transits for 10 am edt this morning, Sept 23, 2009.

Born during an Hour of Mars with Mars, the chart-ruler, conjunct controlling Saturn in 4th house, we see the military action principle of the UN and the chance for homeland control with the conj in Cancer, 4th house.

Tr Mars 17Can32 shows a new 2-year cycle of activity beginning soon as the UN experiences its Mars Return in early Oct 2009. And today's Mars may well represent President Obama (male between 35 - 45 years old, give or take) especially with 17Can32 in the center of US natal Cancerian planets (3 - 25 Cancer, with 25Can being the position of our n Mercury Rx.)

Today's Mars is also stimulating the UN Pre-Natal Eclipse Series, 1 North, whose keywords are: unexpected events involvig groups place tremendous pressure on relationships; issues loom large; hasty decisions are ill-advised as information is distorted or possibly false; (paraphrasing Braday's Predictve Astrology.)

As noted on the chart, 1N is the same Series as the August 11, 1999 Solar Eclipse of Nostradamus fame, the 'Mother of All Eclipses' or the 'King of Alarm (or 'Terror')' Eclipse which ushered in the New Millennium with fraud, grief, terror plots, and false flag ops, and its rigid Fixed Grand Cross that included a Mars/Saturn opposition.

My posting time is once again brief, so I'll close by typing for you the green highlighted scribbles I've put on the left of the chart, a midpoint picture from the UN's natal chart that involves Uranus/Neptune, the combo of the New World Order (see video posted below for their 1993 dates of conjunction)...

Uran/Nept = Pluto @ 11Leo43: the Big Picture demands a certain course of actio which must be followed, very little option to do otherwise (says Pluto): easily influenced or impressed by others; at the mercy of others. (Tyl; Ebertin.)

Today's Sun conjuncts US natal Midheaven 00Lib54 (Pres. Obama to the pentacle); tr Pluto 00Cap42 conjuncts UN's n South Node - Pluto/SN is an indicator of violence and war. Add that to Mars approaching n Mars/Saturn and this may indicate UN activities that include discussions of military actions already occurring, or perhaps military planning sessions as part of their current agenda.

And transiting SN continues stimulating the July 21, 2009 Solar Eclipse @ critical 29Can27, the 'systems fail; new ideas and methods are needed to deal' eclipse.

NPR at noon is reporting that the Mr. Obama is calling for a new era of cooperation in the world...which may also be known as...a NWO. See this blog's sidebar for an apt quote from Henry Kissinger concerning Mr. Obama's presidency.

Any thoughts?


Very sad to hear of the terrible dust storm in Australia and I do hope my Australian friends are okay. -jc.

AT&Ts prophetic vision 1993 - video

Tom Seleck's voice + AT&T technology = prophetic view of the future from way back in 1993, year of the Great Conjunction/s of Uranus (new technology; progress; science) and Neptune (mass communications; propaganda; dreams) 3x: Feb 2, Aug 20, and the birthday of the modern phase of the New World Order, Oct 24, 1993 @ '18Cap' - Sabian Symbol: "The Union Jack Flag Flies From a British Warship"...Keynote: The protection afforded to individuals and groups by powerful institutions in charge of maintaining order. POLITICAL POWER. (Rudhyar.)

Ah, yes, the early 90s, when promises were made to build fibers optics networks across the US for the increased fees added to our bills and yet, they didn't build Jack. What did you do with our money, AT&T? Surveilled much lately?

Man, I can hardly wait to see Capitalism: A Love Story.

Sep 22, 2009

Georgia congressman says Wilson outburst planned

This from the CNN Ticker explains quite fully what I intuited about Joe Wilson's well-timed "You Lie!" outburst during the president's Address to a Joint Session of Congress on Sept 9.

And quelle surprise! It comes from a Georgia congressman! Why, I didn't know it possible for this particular native Georgian (moi) not to have to be embarassed by the 'conservative' politicians who hail from this region and astound me and others here with their odd views and simply annoying southern drawls.

So consider me knocked over by a feather on this one! But Jimmy Carter in the fray?

When I was an impressionable teenager I had occasion to shake his very freckly hand and was quite horrified - it felt like a limp lobster to me.

Now, of course, I appreciate the work that he and his wife do and have done through the Carter Center, Habitat for Humanity, and other projects on behalf of Human Rights all over the globe.

Guess that's a teenager for you. But Mr. Carter still seems to be part of the New World Order agenda to me.

Autumn Equinox 2009: two new sunpots

Space Weather News for Sept 22, 2009

NEW SUNSPOTS: In a year when the sun has been utterly blank 80% of the time, the sudden emergence of two large sunspots in a single day is a noteworthy event. Today is such a day. NASA satellites and amateur astronomers are monitoring a pair of growing sunspots, both apparently members of long-overdue Solar Cycle 24.

The emergence of these active regions is not enough to end the deepest solar minimum in nearly a hundred years, but they do represent a significant uptick in solar activity. Check for images and updates.

SEPT EQUINOX: Today, Sept 22 at 2118 UT (5:18 pm EDT), the sun crosses the celestial equator. This event marks the beginning of autumn in the northern hemisphere and spring in the southern hemisphere. It's also the beginning of aurora season around the poles.

Happy equinox!


See previous post for astrological notes on the 2009 Autumn Equinox including its horoscope set for Washington, DC. And be sure to check out Duse's comment after my post for insightful analysis of the chart!

Autumn Equinox 2009 Washington DC

Autumn Equinox (Sun 00Libra00), September 22, 2009, 5:18:30 pm edt, Washington, DC; Hour Mercury Rx in 7th house conjunct Saturn 25Vir38 Rx; chart-ruler Saturn opposite chart co-ruler Uranus 24Pis25 Rx in 1st house.

Moon 22Sco20 in 9th house conj asteroid, Hebe (keyword: serving; deals with co-dependency and how one enables the egocentricity and emotional immaturity of others - Lang-Westcott.)

Please click chart to enlarge and read more details.

Saturn as chart-ruler makes two applying aspects, three if you count the North Node (encounters; future direction - with Saturn = serious meetings and discussions):

1. Saturn sextile Moon, a serious contact for the Moon (the people; the public), indicating common sense, modest ambitions, patience, and a need to undertand the problems of others. Hebe's conj to Moon seems to contradict this yet on another level, Hebe may signify someone or persons of the Hebrew race as well. Astrology is nothing if not as complex as the life it describes on many levels.

2. Saturn square Pluto (5A04), the sore loser aspect, which represents oncoming obstacles and blockages that relate to their opposition of 9/11/01; it shows those who are defensive about fulfilling their social responsibilities to the point of bitterness; attempts to grasp control are in evidence with this difficult square.

Of more timely interest is Pluto squaring the equinoxial Sun from 11th house to 7th.

Sun SQ Pluto (0A41) is the might makes right aspect of willfulness; a chip is on the shoulder and one fights first, talks later (if at all.) Powerful, secretive Pluto may be blocking the president's will, it seems, since the Sun in a national chart indicates the leader. One assumes his safety is being guarded successfully and will continue to be; Pluto's connection to nuclear issues coupled with the Mc/Ic axis having '6/7 Gem/Sag' upon them isn't especially comforting to this particular worrywart Capricorn.

Making decisions based on evidence rather than on personal feelings or biases is an issue with a Sun/Pluto square, so we'll see if the Pentagon and the president coordinate their wills concerning sending more US troops to the Middle East.

The chart's co-ruler Uranus applies to opposition with Mercury (0A40) showing resentment at being challenged, a lack of interest in compromising, and those who freely make accusations of error against others even when evidence shows they are wrong. (Of course, we can see that sort of political drama and diversion on Capitol Hill any old day, but there it is. And it will be ongoing since Mercury is Rx.)

A lovely contact is Uranus trine Moon (2A06) which gives a broad perspective, a willingness to listen to others, and much coping ability - and that's for the Moon, the people!

At Midheaven (the goal) are two midpoints which form pictures...

Mercury/Jupiter = Mc: a desire to build up; optimism; fondness for talking; a wealth of ideas; a good speaker, scientist, or businessman; professional success; successful planning; looking for the upside to come about.

Jupiter/Saturn = Mc: thinking with grandeur; a philosopher; fluctuating success; changes; losses; inhibitions.

Jupiter and Saturn are the societal planets, they are intimately involved in financial markets, Jupiter = Republicans--Saturn = Democrats, and their Great Conjunction of May 28, 2000 occurred @ '23Taurus'..."A Jewelry Shop Filled with the Most Magnificent Gems." (I suspect it was, but as most people now realize, the jewelry shop has been looted and the heisters ain't sharing.)

So it's nine years later and what have we got for Autumn EQ 2009? Sun to Libra, Moon in Scorpio, as it was on Inauguration Day 2009 though then at critical or crisis degree: 29Sco45.

Sun Lib-Moon Sco is an Air-Water blend with an exacting sense of justice, a clever manner when delivering clear-headed judgments, and a talent for impartiality. There can be a tendency to manipulate others, but who doesn't?

This combo indicates a crusader for social harmony, so with Jupiter/Saturn's blended energies at Mc, and progressive Uranus Rx opposing Saturn (their last exact stand-off was on Sept 15), the atmosphere continues to be drenched with further debate on Health Care/Insurance Reform, and tradition vs progress. Plus, the Nodal axis falls across the 6/12 polarity of health and hospitals; NN = Neptune/Pluto midpoint: 'group study projects; metaphysical research' but apparently they are occurring behind the scenes of the 12th house. This may relate to oil, gas, and coal industry types in secret meetings, too.

Sept 22, 2009 marks the opening of the UN with President Obama addressing the General Assembly today, and unrest at home (Mars still in Cancer) continuing. Will some sore loser shout out rudely? Will el diablo be back in the house?

Well, Venus 2Vir50 looks a little lonely in 7th house, doesn't she? Her only applying aspect is a square to this Mc, although she was recently trining Pluto (2S09.) Vengeful Venus was conj the Solar Eclipse degree of Nostradamus' 'Mother of All Eclipse' of August 11, 1999...Venus triggered the eclipse on the morning of 9/11/01.

(Yes, I firmly believe the Aug 1999 eclipse is foreshown in the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation as noted in particular by the Ox, the Lion, the Eagle, and the Angel - mid-degrees of the Fixed signs.)

In the 2009 EQ chart, you see that Jupiter Rx is rising @ 17AQ50 (17AQ = the end of progress degree, and Ronald Reagan's natal Sun degree); yet Jupiter at ASC usually indicates some sort of protection in the proceedings.

But Jupiter/Neptune's froth conjuncts the ASC as well...

Jup/Nep = ASC: speculating; living in an unreal world; sharing great hopes with others; having an emotionally rationalized agenda.

Chiron is at ASC, too, but you'll want to ask Julie Demboski about that - she wrote the book on Chiron.

Pluto 00Cap41 (one minute off his Direct Station degr 00:40 on Sept 11, 2009) conjuncts the US Constitution's natal NN 1Cap09 (Sept 17, 1787, Philadelphia, PA) = powerful contacts and encounters.

Plus, 2009 EQ's conjunction of Mercury Rx and Saturn @ 26Virgo conjoins the US Constitution's natal Sun, so there's a transiting midpoint picture relating to one of our important founding documents...

Mercury/Saturn = Sun: getting down to work; discipline pays off; knowing what's got to be done; changes; separations.

Well, I know what's got to be done - it's almost 2 am and the sandman is calling my name, so if there's something that simply must added to this EQ post (including repair of typos so prevalent when I'm fatigued), it must be added tomorrow afternoon.

Your further analysis or comments will be much appreciated.

Sep 21, 2009

Capitalism: A Love Story - the trailer

If you've one of nine people who have read this blog before then you know it was only a matter of time before the trailer for Michael Moore's new film, Capitalism: A Love Story was embedded for your convenience.

The other evening I saw this trailer on The Jay Leno Show so I hope you'll get something out of watching it, if you haven't seen it. This is one film that may have be seen in a movie theater (drat! theaters are always too loud for me even with earplugs. But I'll make the sacrifice for this one.)