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Jun 9, 2014

An Astro-Peek at John Quincy Adams

A biography John Quincy Adams: American Visionary by Fred Kaplan draws deeply from John Quincy's diaries which are the most extensive personal memoirs in US history from a man who was witness to and participant of a large portion of our nation's early goings-on.

Born in Quincy, Massachusetts on July 11, 1767, this son of John Adams was an ambitious, intelligent, shrewd fellow with his Sun in Cancer and Moon in Capricorn, a definite Moon-Saturn signature of austerity, frigidity, and stunted emotions. Not well liked by his contemporaries, Adams managed to find success in diplomacy--we have him to thank for Florida--and as Secretary of State, he ran for president against Andrew Jackson and 'won' thanks to the election decision being tossed to the House of Representatives where Adams made what his opponents called a "corrupt bargain" by promising House Speaker Henry Clay the Secretary of State post. However, Jackson, as you know, did vanquish Adams for the presidency in the 1828 election.

You may wish to check out his horoscope here though you'll find the natal data's "accuracy in question." The 11:00 am LMT birth time is shown but a rectified time of 11:37:25 is also given. Either way, Adams was apparently born with diplomatic Libra rising during a Sun Cancer-Moon Capricorn influence, a Water-Earth (mud!) blend of practicality.

Actually, this blend is the same as the Full Moon that occurred just prior to July 4, 1776, America's Syzygy Moon (July 1, 1776 @10Cap12--conjunct John Q. Adams' natal Pluto!), and the one that was allowed to pass by (as recommended by Ben Franklin, or so I've heard) so that the American people (Moon) would not start off with a Saturn-ruled Capricorn Moon, a depressive, materialistic, ambitious indicator.

If you wish, view the Syzygy Moon horoscope. Instead We the People have the humanitarian Aquarius Moon of July 4, 1776 otherwise we'd be much crankier and joyless than we are!

Michael Hastings: "America's Last Prisoner of War"

Jun 7, 2014

June 13, 2014 Full Moon in Sagittarius = US natal Neptune

June 13, 2014: A Flamboyant Full Moon in Mutual Reception with Jupiter

by Jude Cowell

On Friday June 13, 2014 a Full Moon perfects at 12:11 am edt and in Washington DC, 23AQ36 rises with America's natal Moon--We the People--close behind. Our issues are rising but also rising in 1st house are transit Neptune in its own compassionate if confused sign of Pisces (7:35) along with Chiron @17Pis44, a critical degree. Neptune in 1st house denotes large events involving water, oil, gas, or drugs and possibly copious tears. To me this suggests ground water ruined by the gas industry (fracking), or, more railway cars full of oil exploding--both of which can turn people into refugees fleeing their own homes. Natural disasters such as storms and the water needed to fight wildfires along with the general implication of fraud and deception that Neptune provides may be in the mix as well. Neptunian propaganda, the masses, and mass media also come to mind.

Well! Right off the bat, the June 2014 Full Moon, a phase of culmination that hints at relationship concerns, shows a Neptunian vibe which may also relate back to year 2009 when transit Neptune in Aquarius conjoined US natal Moon--'fraud to the people'! Of course, the transit had the additional impetus of expansive Jupiter conjoining Neptune, the speculator combo, as homeowners (US Moon) continued to be scammed and robbed by banks, the mortgage industry, and the US government which rescued Wall Street while neglecting Main Street. Yes, Capitalism was saved but the people? Not so much.

And of course the June 13th Full Moon in questing, quixotic Sagittarius is deposited by Jupiter, here @22Can49 and just left 6th house for the 5th house of Gambling and Speculation. Therefore Moon and Jupiter are in Mutual Reception, a sympatico relationship. Plus, transit Jupiter will soon conjoin US natal Mercury Rx at its "A Leader of Men Wrapped in an Invisible Mantle of Power" degree, then will oppose US natal Pluto Rx in Capricorn, a time when power and success may be grossly mismanaged. It's a contest of wills in finance, insurance (ACA), and taxes. And, as you know, America's natal Mercury-Pluto opposition across the Security axis (Can/Cap) has always had We the People under surveillance--and over-bounding Jupiter to our natal Mercury hints at enlarging plans, not reducing them in scope.

Additionally, a Thor's Hammer ('Fist of God') pattern describes an imperative circumstance and forms in the chart between the Neptune/MC square aiming at the 5th house Jupiter in Cancer (and thus at our natal Mercury, planet of plans, trade, communications, news, spying, etc.) In Politics and Business, the Neptune/MC duo relates to future plans based on visions and dreams (like Bacon's, Weishaupt's, and Pike's Great Plan of global domination, I suspect--America must be completely undermined first), spies who undermine national security ("Immigrants Entering a New Country"?), leaders who are deceived by others (I'll say!), and official scandals of large proportions (Michael Munkasey.) And with Jupiter as its primary object the proportions are certain to be massive.

So what Ptolemaic aspects (relationships) are chart-rulers Saturn and Uranus (ASC 23AQ36) applying toward in the June 2014 Full Moon horoscope to show how things will proceed over the next few weeks? No major aspects for either planet (actor) unless we count their problematic aspect with one another:

Manager/lawmaker Saturn in 9th house of Foreigners inconjunct (150 degr) quirky anarchist Uranus @15Ari54 in 2nd house of the National Treasury, Earning Ability, and Values. As you know, an inconjunct (aka, a quincunx) is an aspect of adjustment and here it denotes freedom v responsibility issues which seem to relate to finances and budgets (Uranus of disruption, new ideas and methods in 2nd house; austere, conservative Saturn in 9th house of foreign banks and governments.) Saturn has separated from its opposition to Venus (though karmically they are in the same degree and minute as is Chiron--17:44!) so relationship concerns are again emphasized as with a Full Moon.

And unfortunately, the Venus-Saturn opposition denotes break-ups between partners, financial hardships, and/or the burdensome responsibilities that Pluto as apex of the Saturn-Neptune midpoint wants to avoid...Saturn-Neptune = Pluto: denial of guilt from responsible parties, a circumstance that has bedeviled us for months now. There are also threads of heavy emotional depression in this picture and in the Venus-Saturn opposition though that may be lifting somewhat since the two planets are separating.

A new financial order--forced upon the world?

But back to the 9th house Saturn--the Full Moon's Sabian Symbol ('23Sag') = "Immigrants Entering a New Country." Shown here is friction between old order Saturn v new order Uranus in the Full Moon chart of June 13th though no one needs Astrology to tell them this for we all feel it and are experiencing it in our everyday lives, plus such conflicts are emphasized by any reading or listening we may do--assuming that our heads are not firmly planted in the sands of entertaining diversions. Naturally the threat of new congressmen winning the seats of older incumbent politicians at the November 2014 Elections cannot be ruled out as the generational conflict continues--Saturn the old man v Uranus the whippersnapper, as old order fights but must eventually give way to the new.

It's an Hour of the Sun, and with the Full Moon's Sun @22Gem05 in 4th house of Home and Security, we find a solar spotlight cast upon US natal Mars (the warrior) in dual Gemini and thus upon its natal square with our national Neptune (which conjoins President Obama's natal Mars @23Virgo.) The Mars-Neptune square has been problematic from the start of this nation but more so since US politicians and the government were bought out by wealthy plutocrats who owe no allegiance to our nation (so they think.) Yet Mars to US natal Sun indicates a surge of vitality for the POTUS (Sun) and a determined push toward government and/or his personal goals.

Now testy instigator Mars @12Lib24 is poised to leave the 8th house of Transformation, Debt, Credit, Corporations, etc, and will enter the 7th house of Partnerships, Legal Affairs, and Open enemies. The Cardinal T-Square shows Mars opposing Uranus (explosive outbursts, violence) pointing toward manipulative Pluto (of hidden wealth fame and power), with Pluto here in 11th house of Groups and Associations (the global crime syndicate?) The T-Square continues to provide the world with force and violence on a large scale. And with the Full Moon in 10th house (in Washington DC) we may expect much publicity in all matters mentioned above and more besides for it promises to be a very event-filled Summer in, and instigated by, Washington DC.

Sun-Moon = the international reputation of a country; loss of face in international politics; leadership's will forcefully imposed upon the people; reading the people's attitudes when making policy; pessimism of the population or lawmakers (Munkasey, Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets.)

Now there are several more chart factors worth discussing if only we could but let's close with the midpoint pictures that are created by the Full Moon's Sun-Moon/Gem-Sag opposition with its midpoint @22Vir05 conjunct US natal Neptune and President Obama's natal Mars--the Zodiacal point where his motivations and actions (Mars) are veiled or hidden (Neptune) from public view:

Sun-Moon = US n Neptune: delusions about what's possible; misunderstandings, mistakes; undermining of associations; shared suffering; discontent.

Sun-Moon = BHO natal Mars: an urge to bring ideals to fruition; a stronger personal drive or initiative; forcing others for quicker progress; realization of joint plans; anger; a focus on strength.

Jun 6, 2014

"A World Gone Mad" -- a Max Igan video

If you're anything like me you're finding the global crime syndicate with all its oppressive excesses and slimy tentacles mightily tiresome about now and worth all the ridicule we can heap upon its instigators and their political allies. Or, you may wish to approach things from a perspective where a higher yet practical view is offered.

From Max Igan's 'Surviving the Matrix' series: Season 2, Episode 5:

The Crowhouse

The American Voice

Jun 4, 2014

Ben Franklin dies amidst his Uranus Return w natal Mars rising

Founding Father Benjamin Franklin was born on January 17, 1706 at what most agree was approximately 10:30 am LMT in Boston, Massachusetts which gives him a robust ascending degree of 7 Aries 19 for its is ruled by active Mars.

Now I want to go into Franklin's death horoscope a little since I discovered in a biography of him by Sidney George Fisher that the physician on the scene provided Franklin's time of death as "about 11 o'clock at night."

Here are the details of when Benjamin left us:

Death of Benjamin Franklin April 17, 1790 10:55 pm (5 mins before 11 pm is my choice) Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. This gives an Ascendant degree of 20Sag07 and his natal Mars rising. As you know, in death horoscopes there is generally at least one malefic planet on a chart angle and here what can be more malefic than Mars, planet of infections and attacks?

(Note: his natal Mars degree and death Ascendant @21Sag have an apt Sabian Symbol for the inventor of bifocal spectacles: "A Child and a Dog with Borrowed Eyeglasses"!)

During his lifetime, Dr. Franklin suffered bouts of painful gout from overindulgence and had contracted pleurisy as well so his physician's description of his final 16 days after becoming feverish, then having an abscess on his lung burst makes for predictable results. Benjamin Franklin is naturally associated in an astrologer's mind with America's favorite planet of freedom, independence, and revolution, Uranus, and no less so than with Franklin'd death for he slipped away peacefully (for his pain had left him 5 days earlier, thankfully) during his Uranus Return period which happens to us all if we live to age 84 and after.

Ben Franklin's natal Uranus @6Leo51 Rx (conjunct US natal North Node = radical politics and reforms!) returned to its position in his natal horoscope three times in 1789/90: August 24, 1789; February 11, 1790 Rx--about 5 weeks prior to his death; and June 9, 1790. As you see, the third one he didn't manage to attend.

Now Uranus is also a planet of sudden events, attacks, and separations and rules electricity which figures into Ben Franklin's high popularity and world renown during his lifetime since he was apparently the first man to equate lightening with electricity. Yes, it seems quite duh! now but was a new idea then.

Actually his death horoscope shows a YOD (a crisis/turning point pattern with health connotations) of Venus sextile ASC (and thus sextile his natal Mars, his chart-ruler) pointing toward disruptive Uranus @5Leo20 (Leo, ruled by the Sun which rules the heart and spine) in the 8th house of Death and Transformation. And this Uranus is in the midst of Franklin's Uranus Return which is obvious because his age at death was 84 years + 3 months.

Well, that's my brief bit of blogging time for today so I hope you may add Benjamin Franklin's death horoscope to your files if you haven't already for it displays several other features, patterns, and transits which you may find quite interesting.

This post composed to the sounds of Radiohead's 'True Love Waits (Live in Oslo)'.

Jun 2, 2014

"Reality is a Double Edged Sword" Max Igan video

In this presentation, Max begins by stating that he is a Scorpio and that he's had a difficult two weeks which shows in his natal chart--plus realistic Saturn, a karmic planet now in Scorpio, when affecting natal planets tends to dredge up past actions, issues, and problems. He says he will be "paying more attention to Astrology" now. Welcome to the fold, Mr. Igan!

Jun 1, 2014

Charlemagne Prize 2014 to EU President Van Rompuy

It's official: the 2014 Charlemagne Prize goes to EU President Herman Van Rompuy so we can all stop sitting by the phone for the news of our victory.

And since members of the power elite drag this bloodline emperor's name up every year from the Collective Unconscious to remind us of such fabled empire builders as he--the "King of the Franks", Charles I--here are Charlemagne's natal specs and you're welcome to them:

Charlemagne April 2, 0742 Herstal, Belgium hour unknown (12:00 noon LMT used):

Sun 15Ari39, Moon 8Cap04 (Luna's is the most changeable position depending on the birth time during the 24-hour period), Mercury 25Pis57 Stationary (cosmic!), Venus 16Ari12 (conjunct natal Sun--quite self-pleased and able to fashion himself into what's required--also possibly a goddess worshiper--who wasn't back then?), Mars 6Gem07 (the warrior; a biting critic; ready for action; versatile gifts; quarrelsome), Jupiter 9Ari15 (trailblazer; conqueror; a frank and vigorous leader; noble), Saturn 22Leo54 Rx (Leo, sign of the natural leader; Saturn, a royal portent; shy; reliable; dutiful; diplomatic skills), Uranus 12AQ14 (its natural sign--genius; making changes; knowledge of human nature), Neptune 28Tau10 (tactful, creative, moody, good or bad taste), Pluto 3Lib46 Rx (extraordinary assertion within one's environment and in public; a genius; strange celebrities who benefit or harm humanity); North Node 2Pis28 Stationary (future direction; destiny; qualities to develop--philosophical interests with others; a community of people who hold the same beliefs; associations that harm the community at large. (paraphrasing, 'The Combination of Stellar Influences' by Reinhold Ebertin.)

You'll find profile info such as there is and his natal chart here. (Marc Penfield speculated a birth time of 12:30 pm LMT (OS).)

742 was many moons ago, 'tis true but if you happen to know where the planets are at the moment you read the above list of Charlemagne's natal planets, you can see a few catalysts at work. If you don't know current planetary positions, perhaps you might scroll down the sidebar of this blog to the widget which shows their current positions!As far as Charlemagne Prize 2014, it seems that electric Uranus, a catalyzing genius of newness and of new order vs old order, hitting Charlemagne's natal Sun and Venus is the most tellingly of transits, or at lease the most obvious. Slow-moving Pluto has crossed natal Moon (publicity) recently or will soon and a Chiron Return (28Pis20) denotes an active Collective Unconscious involving something mystical that relates to The Quest. Grail or not, take that as you will if you're interested in such hidden matters.

His Sun Aries/Moon Capricorn ('Mars-Saturn'/Fire-Earth = 'scorched earth'): 'iron and blood' (Otto Von Bismarck's anti-majority votes' stance--possibly a descendant?) provided Charlemagne with potentials for: unstoppability; skilled in Politics; opportunistic; aggressive; abrasive; a magnetic and overwhelming personality; a constant need for more control; charge!; matter-of-fact; 'lonely at the top'; leaving a stamp upon posterity.

Below is what seems to me to be the more revealing of the two 'Images for Integration' for his natal Sun Ari-Moon Cap personality blend and may refer to another of Charlemagne's kin--for they are both major cogs in the wheel of 'the great plan' that still bedevils mankind today:

"Columbus discovers America and a new world order is born." ('Sun Sign-Moon Sign', Charles & Suzi Harvey.)

For Legends in Their Own Minds, Ridicule the Best Antidote!

Yeah. Entities are hard at work implementing that 'new order' now and have been for a long time. You noticed, yes? The faces of the actors change but the plan remains intact though possibly perverted from the original, here and there. But let's not feed the jackals power by protesting their draconian policies as if they're real and deserve to believed--as if public officials and 'leaders' have control of us when in reality they're in breach of the public trust and needn't be taken seriously!

Here you see one of our cats, Roxie, not taking worldly prizes seriously in the least!