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Showing posts with label America's Sibly natal chart. Show all posts
Showing posts with label America's Sibly natal chart. Show all posts

Aug 22, 2012

"There exists a shadowy government--"

Chalmers Johnson, who clued me in a few years ago on such topics as The Sorrows of Empire, and Blowback wrote about what he called "the president's private army"--the CIA--in an article from 2007, Agency of Rogue.

Of interest to those who are familiar with America's so-called 'Sibly' natal horoscope (there's more than one) set for 5:10 pm LMT (July 4, 1776 Philadelphia, PA) our nation's 10th house Saturn exalted in Libra and 9th house Neptune in earthy Virgo created a midpoint picture with natal Midheaven (MC = The Goal) which perfected in approximately 1780 (natal Saturn about 4 degrees from Neptune divided by 2 = Saturn-Neptune midpoint.) With controlling Saturn in Mundane Astrology signifying government, law, and business and nebulous Neptune's secret-invisible-shadowy things often masked or hidden (in America's case, 'in plain sight' apparently), we have:

Saturn-Neptune = MC: using inefficient methods when completed work is needed (Munkasey); peculiar loss of ambition; giving up or capitulating to demands of the environment totally (Tyl.)

Or we may simply say that The Goal for this nation was to set up and maintain a shadow government built on secrecy and deception which All the World sees at US natal MC! And you know, the more I read about how America's Great Seal images are based on Illumnati symbols (a secret society of Utopians who wish to demolish all governments and other civilized institutions and systems), I'm almost ready to believe just that even though it's difficult to accept that America's Founding Fathers were so crass as our present-day politicians or that they set up our nation to fail (Saturn in 10th house = 'fall from grace' if Saturnian themes are neglected as they've been--and fittingly, they weren't aware of Neptune in 1776.)

Who Else Knows About This?

As Senator Daniel Inouye informed us in 1987 (during the money-diverting, arms-dealing Reagan administration which helped fund and set up the following):

There exists a shadowy government with its own Air Force, its own Navy, its own fundraising mechanism and the ability to pursue its own ideas of national interest, free from all checks and balances, and free from law itself."

That's one good reason why they tell us we're broke! And perhaps it partially explains why, in spite of millions of Americans protesting against the US government's preemptive wars, invasions, and occupations in the Middle East, We the People are seldom if ever listened to by our "representatives" who obviously dance to a different tune than of a government "--of the people, by the people, for the people," as President Abraham Lincoln described our country when closing his Gettysburg Address of 1863.


Oct 8, 2011

Political Astrology, the Age of Saturn, and the elusive Rule of Law

On America's Natal Chart, Saturnalia, and Ed Kohout

by Jude Cowell

Well, once mundane astrologer Ed Kohout commented on one of my recent posts, I discovered the articles he published in December 2008 and January 2009 concerning America's odd *Sibly natal horoscope, the US Constitution, the Masonic laying of cornerstones in DC, and the significance of Fixed Star Sirius in the US natal chart, among other topics.

Now what do modern politicians in Washington mean when they tout a return to "the rule of law"? Can they really intend mankind's regression to that Saturnian Age of old? Well, America's natal Saturn is exalted in Libra, sign of the Scales of Justice and the balancing thereof.

We're still working on getting that 'balance' part down pat so perhaps it's old fashioned of Capricorn me to assume it but doesn't the US Constitution already establish America under the rule of law?

Being birthed with Saturn in Libra gives our national character a conscientious, loyal, and industrious streak so how crazy that modern politicians seem intent on causing America's downfall (natal Saturn in 10th house of the Sibly chart = fall from grace if Saturnian responsibilities are ignored as Washington GOPers and their allies are determined to do, 2011) through lack of accountability for the guilty, breaking our social safety net contract/s between the generations and dissolving public institutions, and the rampant corruption to our capitalist core of governmental, financial, and other systems.

Concerning political "rule of law" references, Harry Reid is sometimes guilty of making them but G.H.W. Bush was fond of spouting the phrase, too--I can hear him now. Especially if I scroll down this blog's sidebar and watch the video of Bush Sr calling for a New World Order with a "credible United Nations", and "the rule of law--not the law of the jungle," as Poppy threatened in 1991 (or 1990--there is some disagreement on the date of his NWO utterances.)

Or, is someone trying to hide the date of Bush's famous NWO shout-out--"Sept 11, 1991"? That's ten years to the day of their "new Pearl Harbor" event that sent America into war and perpetual occupation of the Middle East, as long-planned by global-minded Vulcans. And our troops were sent there by way of lies, as usual--half-truths used as a tool for deception. How very Machiavellian of them.

Yes, politicians' "rule of law" references point us toward the Saturnian Age, aka, the
Golden Age of ancient mythology which seems to be the level of 'reality' upon which our Washington politicians operate within their privileged Beltway Bubble, doesn't it?

As you know, it's easy to be super-idealistic when you're physically removed from the problem and from the real-world consequences which your ideologies and actions set in motion--and that other people pay for.

How appropriate that I'm typing this post on Saturday--Saturn's Day--in a word, Sabbath. For as you know, the Vatican set up their Christ's Mass--'Christmas'--to coincide with the traditional date of the Saturnalia (at Winter Solstice) so 'the church' would gain in popular appeal amongst pagans who were feasting, dancing about the place, and not contributing to the pope's coffers.

So! If you're interested in America's founding and other such historical topics as seen through the useful lens of Political Astrology, check out Ed Kohout's Emersion: An Alternative Study of Electional Astrology in Political History without Saturnian delay.

And if you haven't, a visit to the Ed Kohout website may be overdue for there you'll soon spy Ed's excellent study of the mysterious Rosslyn Chapel along with brilliant mundane articles on the Astrology of America's Masonic (and I would add, Illuminati-Sionist Rosicrucian) beginnings.


For further reading, excellent Political Astrology articles may be found @ Theodore White's Global Astrology (October 2011 Forecast now available), Michael O'Reilly's Neptune Cafe, Nancy's Starlight News, and Alex D'Atria's Political Astrology with Comet info by Mark Andrew Holmes.

Jan 17, 2011

Full Moon over DC 29Can27 Jan 19, 2011; Hu Jintao to Washington

When China's President Hu Jintao arrives in Washington DC on Tuesday evening January 18, 2011, the Moon's darkened phase will be under way with the Full Moon 29Can27 perfecting Wednesday Jan 19th at 4:21:20 pm est in Washington.

The first Full Moon after a Solar Eclipse (1.4.11) is important as the culmination or fulfillment stage of seeds planted at the New Moon (prior eclipse.) Rising 19Can38 is the degree of July 11, 2010's Solar Eclipse in the 12 South Series:

successful outcomes to long term worries or illness; a draining issue at first seems worse, then clears with successful outcomes (all eclipse info in this post paraphrases Brady's Predictive Astrology as usual.)

Considering the longstanding and alleged tussle between America and China (our biggest loan-officer) over dollar-yuan issues and trade imbalances, let us hope such success will resound to the benefit of China's and America's people, and not just to the benefit of NWO promoters who desire a global currency. And yes, Fixed Star Castor rises as well with keywords: sudden loss or fame; murder. (A. Louis.)

(The sinister influence of Castor is implicated in the end-of-December murder of bio-weapons expert John P. Wheeler along with the critical-degreed Dec 21, 2010 Lunar Eclipse 29Gem32.)

At Midheaven (The Goal) 2Ari25 in the Jan 19th Full Moon chart (shown below) is Jupiter at crisis degree 29Pis30 (so near World Point 00Aries and US natal Ic) indicating critical financial issues to be discussed by China, President Obama, and US business leaders including, one assumes, Mr. Bernanke and other Fed officials. Will the US Chamber of Commerce and US Treasury Department bigwigs willingly sit this one out? Impossible especially considering the Sabian Symbol for the full Moon's Sun...

'30Cap' = "A Secret Meeting of Men Responsible for Executive Decision in World Affairs"...Keynote: The power to assume responsibility for crucial choices arrived at after mature discussion with those who share this power." EXECUTIVE POWER. (An Astrological Mandala, Dane Rudhyar, who relates this symbol to "inner government", "occult hierarchy", and the "White Lodge"...aka, the White House. What US government the public observes being 'conducted' is PR window dressing to hide the real deals going on behind closed doors, m'peops.)

Add to that, Mercury/Neptune = Mars 3AQ05: acting according to deliberation and experience; inspired planning pays off; realization of plans. (This Mars conjoins US Inaugural 2009's 10th house Jupiter = expansive or exaggerated plans; giving others more credit than they deserve; actions of others expand one's potential for development...further extension of credit as our debt ceiling needs raising?)

And Jupiter/Saturn = Mercury: a long trip; speaking with great maturity; asking the right questions.

The persuasive, spying, propaganda-touting pair of Mercury and Pluto are on the Nodal axis of fated encounters which creates a midpoint picture:

Mercury/Pluto = NN: a desire to dominate; lording it over others.

The current Solar Eclipse Series (13N = groups, associations; breaking an already existing bond leads to joint achievement) which manifested on January 4, 2011 @ 13Cap38 opposes US natal Sun (the leader in a mundane chart) and spotlights President Hu Jintao's criticism of US economic policy as mentioned in the above-linked article with the recent Federal Reserve decision to inject $600 billion into our economy at the expense of other countries' exports (as the media's popular line goes.)

Full Moon 29Can27 Jan 19, 2011 4:21:20 pm est Washington DC; '30Can' = "A Daughter of the American Revolution", the degree of the July 22, 2009 Solar Eclipse in the 11S Series: old ideas and methods fail; need for sudden reforms and new systems to deal with events; any blocks could be violently or tragically removed.)

The Jan 19th Full Moon and the 11S Solar Eclipse are in a critical/crisis 29th degree. Here is the Full Moon horoscope with a few details notated on the chart; click image to enlarge and read my scribbles:

It's an Hour of Mars which indicates action and points to Jan 2009's Inaugural Jupiter as noted above and which affects the 10th house of Public Status for the Obama administration and thus for America. The Full Moon's Mars 3AQ05 is also a transit to China's natal Moon (the people), a time of anger and frustration when the pace of life increases and domestic activities are of greatest concern.

An additional midpoint picture of note which relates to mercurial journeys, negotiations, and trade: Saturn/Uranus = Mercury: the ability to hit back under provocation; making great demands; necessary changes; organizing resistance; the act of separation. (Saturn = tradition, the past; Uranus = progress, the future with the tension and energy focused on Mercury, the Messenger.)

How about a list of prominent US-China contacts between our natal horoscopes? Here I'm using China's national chart for Oct 1, 1949 3:15 pm CCT Beijing (from historical record) with the Sibly version of our US natal chart (July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA):

US Venus and Jupiter (3 & 6 Can) conjunct China's n Uranus (Venus/Uranus = extravagance with money, separation; Jupiter/Uranus = horizons broadened or altered, breakthroughs, political affiliations and independence highlighted; US natal South Node conj China's n Moon 3AQ11 and ASC 5AQ57 shows the US habit of falling back on the resources of China for support, and the hard work of the Chinese people; US natal Saturn 14Lib48 has China's n Mercury 13Lib10 and Neptune 14Lib39 upon it.

Mercury to Saturn shows advice being sought, serious discussions between our two nations, and on another level, our restricted communications. Neptune to Saturn emphasizes communism-socialism concerns; US n Neptune 22Vir25 has China's natal Saturn nearby @ 13Vir09, a double indication of shared Saturn/Neptune motifs such as secret government, and idealism which can be highly misguided, strange, and grim for the masses (Neptune.)

(BTW: I am compelled to add that on Sept 11, 2001, China's Mercury and Neptune were conjoined by transiting Mercury - airplanes - which was rising and crashing into the Twin Towers on that morning; also, tr Neptune conjoined China's natal ASC 5AQ57, a mysterious influence concerning one's self-image in the world. Interesting, yes?)

Other factors in the Jan 19th Full Moon chart and our nations' national horoscopes are of interest but it's time to close this post with two of the Images for Integration for Wednesday afternoon's Full Moon chart which imprints its mark upon the January 2011 visit to the US by Hu Jintao:

"A priest blesses his family before setting off on a pilgrimage...A politician kisses a baby without pretence." (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Chas & Suzi Harvey.)

Now it seems the first Image refers to President Hu Jintao's historic journey to the White House under the rays of a critical-degreed Full Moon and 'pilgrimmage' may refer to the symbolism of sun-worshiping that goes on among global leaders intent on instituting one-world-government.

The second Image sounds all but impossible to imagine because pretence seems to be a major requirement for the practice of politics....unless we factor in a certain Sabian Symbol for '12Can' (conjunct US natal Sun 13/14 Can): "A Chinese Woman Nursing a Baby with a Message."

How easy it will be for both presidents to deliver and hear this week's particular financial messages and exchanges we may never fully know until it's too late and the selling-out of America and her citizens has been ultimately and completely accomplished.


Midpoint pictures: Tyl; Ebertin; any, all, or none may apply.

Aug 13, 2010

America now pitifully passe in Europe

In the debit column of international banksters, domestic and foreign speculators, fraudsters, and crooked politicians who justify selling out our nation on the basis of a 'higher plan' for global domination, America is now spoken of, if she is at all, with pity in Europe.

Part of the way the US is being 'seen' now in the world is through having transiting Saturn in US natal *10th house (larger world; the world stage; public status) with a 3-fer Saturn Return on the way 2010 into 2011. Now the transit is not an automatic planetary recipe for disaster. But it is if Saturnian lessons of responsibility, accountability, maturity, prudence, and moderation have not been heeded when they ought to have been.

So Thanks, Washington. Suck It, Wall Street. More Stimulus, President Obama.


*That's '10th house' if you use America's 'Sibly' chart for July 4, 1776 @ 5:10 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA.