From BBC News:
UK terror threat now 'critical' so after taking some time studying charts of Friday's London almost-bombs (or false flag ops, if you prefer to entertain the idea), the situation has updated itself by Glasgow Airport being attacked by a fast-driven, flame-bellied SUV--a jeep cherokee, in fact. Were war whoops included?
Don't Tell Me It's Too Late
Now the hour grows dim and I have little fire in my belly to post on any of the charts and there are other things calling for my attention--like being whumped out for instance.
Yet there are a few things to mention about the current Foiled Attacks charts...
About 1:30 am BST: the first car rigged as metallic Mercedes parked in front of a nightclub they call
Tiger Tiger (now Yall check to see if the club has been dealing with any financial problems lately, ok? and check for bankruptcies in particular)...ambulance drivers were called to the scene (someone is said to have been "falling"...does this check out?), they see smoke coming out from the parked vehicle, call police who defuse the gaseous (Neptune) mess around 2 am.
Mars' only applying aspect (how things will proceed for Mars) during this episode is a semi-square to Uranus and although the
Mars/Uranus combo perfectly describes explosions and revolution and such, a semi-square seems to me to imply imperfect attention to detail--assuming that the intent was to actually carry through explosive attacks (and not just to cower the population--an Orwellian tactic which doesn't seem to work esp well in the UK, does it? Yet with a brand-spankin' new PM you have to ask if it's false flag ops for controlling purposes.)
Note: the NWO degree "18Cap" crossed the MC at
1:53 am BST...see
NWO hatches if you fancy. The
Sabian Symbol for this degree relates directly to Britain.
The NWO's natal Sun degree is conjunct DESC (setting) at 1:30 am...that makes two Angular connections.
Anyway, the chart for 1:30 am BST, London, 29 June, has god-of-war and violent instigator
Mars 2Tau59, ASC = 1Tau54--and here's a list of countries and cities associated with the bullish, determined, possessive, greedy, intolerant sign of *Taurus the Bull (in no particular order):
Countries are Switzerland, Cyprus, Iran, Capri, the Greek Islands, Parma, Ischia, and Ireland.
Cities are Lucerne, Dublin, St. Louis, Mantua, Leipzig, and Palermo. That's FYI, but if you know of any more Taurean cities/countries, please let me know, okay?
George, George Bush and his Aspirations
Action-lovin' Mars, the god of war, rules the natal Midheaven (the Aspiration or WHY? Point) of George Bush.
With cruel
Saturn/Pluto's transiting midpoint currently upon Mr. Bush's n IC (HOW? Point, opposite Midheaven, aka MC), he is under tremendous pressure to complete his mission by any means necessary. But that was always the strategery.
Yes, Bush's mojo really has gone limp, as 'they' say (ex: Arianna Huffington has written about it in her blog at
HuffPost) and I would add that charm only takes you so far in life. Esp since 'riding on the camel's back' eventually starts looking like what it is...sorriness...a moocher!)
With 'two men placed under arrest' in Glasgow, we see that the US secondary progressed Mars, now RX since July 2006, is at the "Two men placed under arrest" degree of "18Libra"...CONSEQUENCE...
pos: a heightened challenge to every special talent;
neg: total inappropriateness of impulse and act ('impulse' and 'act' = Mars.)
And tr Jupiter/Saturn, the Societal duo, has been and now is conj US sec Mars' degree so we have...
Jupiter/Saturn = US's sec Mars (the military; police; firefighters, men, suffragette-type women, etc): discontent; inconstant will; the desire to enforce change of circumstances and conditions; feeling unrewarded and making a change; not wanting to toe the line.
And Rx Jupiter is just before returning to
11Sag+, the degree of
Chiron-Pluto's conjunction of
Dec 30, 1999...when many manipulative plans were laid to usher in the 'New Millenium.'
So tr Jupiter is in process of expanding, increasing, and promoting those plans. Airports in the US and elsewhere have increased their security alert status.
Now at 12Sag+, 'moneybags-guru-the judge-the general-the professor-the priest' Jupiter is conj US natal ASC...representing the USA. And in the London chart for 1:53 am,
8th house contains Jupiter, Moon (18Sag49), and manipulative Pluto (using Placidus house system) so we have this picture:
Jupiter/Pluto = Moon: desire to bring about social aspirations and improvements; influencing the masses or the public through emotional appeal; emotional conviction guides a new start; establishing one's new position with a gut feeling (Gordon? Is that YOU, Gordon? And Moon = publicity.) (Midpoint pics are from Tyl and from Ebertin as usual.)
Significator for the Middle East?
Our current
Full Moon 8Capr25 (opposite Sun 8Cancer25) is out-of-bounds and may signify in part the Eastern influence in events ('Moon' as symbol for the region)--as does Neptune--still dancing in opposition to authoritative Saturn.) We know that Neptune was at 6-7 Aquarius when Mohammed entered Medina, thus we have the offical beginning of Islam...and the origin of the
Medina degree.
Then with the attacks of
9/11/01 being part of Islam's Neptune Return--to 6-7 AQ--Neptune's mysticism, spirituality, vortex to the divine, and poppies-of-the-field qualities seem to describe the East accurately in my book. For chart studies it's Neptune for our brothers and sisters of the Islamic persuasion even while acknowledging that all planetary energies manifest on many levels at once in our complex world...if they manifest at all.
Yet Islam shares something in similar fashion with Protestantism and with Christianity in general besides their professed belief in One God: religions have factions. Nothing manmade is perfect, is it? Religion is a splinteredly thing.
For We Know
All beliefs and all denials of all men are but sequinned mirrors on His robes (I-Ching.)
But What of London and Glasgow?
Perhaps it was crooks--or some in-league covens of desperate politicians. Like I said, crooks.
*Profuse apologies to my Taurean friends who are dear and dependable and open to all...creature comforts! BTW--don't you luv that new TV program,
Creature Comforts ? It's my new fave!
A Cat Limerick Heads-Up for you: Lim has written his own rhyme about Congress at
Lim's Limericks if you're wondering.