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Jan 31, 2010

Some advice from Howard Zinn

"To be hopeful in bad times is not just foolishly romantic, it is based on the fact that human history is a history not only of cruelty, but also of compassion, sacrifice, courage, kindness -- and if we do act, in however small a way, we don't have to wait for some grand utopian future. The future is an infinite succession of presents, and to live now, as we think human beings should live, in defiance of all that is bad around us, is itself, a marvelous victory." - Howard Zinn

Here is a link to a previous SO'W post with more words from Mr. Zinn on the American empire and a video of him expressing his views on class in America and our delusion of the 'one big happy family' that Washington and Madison Avenue have sold us for so long.

We're going to miss Howard Zinn now he's gone.

Jan 30, 2010

US arms sales to Taiwan a Presidential misstep?

China will impose sanctions on the US and that's just for starters. Is President Obama 'misstepping' as they love to term their mistakes in Washington?

If so, he's really stepped in it this time.

Will such a large amount of weapons even fit on the island of Taiwan? Is the US-China relationship on thin ice already? Or is sparking Armageddon on all world leaders' to-do lists? ("I want to start it - no, me!") They seem psychotically insane, imho, and highly delusional about who will end what they arrogantly start.

Now I definitely don't wish to ignore the plight of the good Taiwanese people, but does anyone else think that Mr. Obama's arms sale to Taiwan is pure madness?

Yet with timing being everything, maybe the weapons sales are meant to make a point or provide a bargaining chip. Yeah, that must be it - diplomacy. Otherwise it seems that a serious psychological evaluation is needed pronto at the White House.

But never mind about the Pentagon - they went nuts when they went nuclear decades ago.

Jan 29, 2010

Perigee Full Moon in Leo Jan 30, 2010 est

FULL MOON AND MARS: Friday night's full Moon is the biggest and brightest full Moon of the year. It's a "perigee Moon," as much as 14% wider and 30% brighter than other full Moons you'll see later in 2010. But that's not all.

Mars is having a close encounter with Earth, and on Friday night, Jan 29, it will join the Moon for an all-night-long conjunction. Don't miss it!

You'll find sky maps and images at


There are too may storm clouds here this evening to view 2010's perigee Moon. And I know you've never heard this before, but it's a rainy night in Georgia. jc

Horoscopes of the Tea Party Convention Feb 4 - 6, 2010

Here is a dual-wheel display of 2 charts for the Tea Party Convention set for Feb 4 and 6, 2010, Nashville, Tennessee - symbolically, the Convention's start and its end.

Quite a few details are written on the charts so I hope my notes are readable if you click the image to enlarge.

Chart data:

Upper right: Feb 4, 2010, sunrise 6:49:58 am CST, Sun/ASC 15AQ36 (bringing up Sarah Palin's natal Sun-Mars-Saturn conjunction (22 - 26AQ); Hour of Saturn; Disseminating Sun/Moon phase = gettin' out the info, or propaganda, depending on how you perceive Politics.

Moon begins in late Libra (27:41 @ sunrise) and asteroid Hidalgo (one of the 'power' asteroids/myths) is at Mc (the WHY? Point) of the sunrise chart (or 'solar chart' which I use here to describe the purpose of the day and the Convention itself, Feb 4); at left you see Mrs. Palin's natal planets listed.

The interesting thing about Hidalgo is that by the time Feb 6, 2010, 11:59 pm comes (2nd chart), Moon ('a woman'; popular woman; the public) is @ 3Sag06 and Hidalgo? 3Sag06! I think we may surmise that Mrs. Palin is represented here by Moon/Hidalgo, with a 'powerful woman' vibe going on (and which very much includes her considerable sex appeal - but she's taken, fellas, ladies.)

Key concepts for Hidalgo:

self-assertion; a rebel with a cause; expects to be in charge; a revolutionary patriot (such as its namesake, Miguel Hidalgo y Costillas, a Mexican priest who is known as a 'champion of liberty'.) Perhaps a few words along these lines may be noticed before, during, and after Palin's keynote speech. In fact, these charts indicate to me that the event itself, a money-making endeavor that has caused two other speakers to bow out, is in part a showcase for Mrs. Palin's future political dreams of grandeur and social improvement.

And with the ongoing Mars Rx period affecting Mrs. Palin's natal Moon (5AQ) by opposition, there is much energy crackling around her now (including her FOX News contract.) Yet with her hectic schedule, Palin may be late in arriving or beginning her speech. (I believe this is par for her course, however, for whatever reasons.) Mars opposing natal Moon can bring anger or quarrels into one's environment, equipment breakdowns, intense emotions, or...debates.

But perhaps that's only if she can call you, Joe.

And if Mrs. Palin's efforts toward success do pay off, a large payback will probably be required. Will she be - or remain - willing to pay the price? Is her Tea Party performance an audition for a higher position? Hidalgo's myth carries a 'lower nobility' flavor ('don') of one who desires to move up in society to a 'higher nobility.' And in Celtic myth, 'don' is associated with the mother archtype. Mrs. Palin certainly is that, yet 'glamorous woman' Lilith is one of her 'faces' as well.

(We all have them though - 'faces' or 'masks' - so don't get your Sarah knickers in a twist over my comments concerning this political lightweight who has, imo, a 'priestly' vibe that concerns me, for when anyone presumes to dictate to others how to read the Bible, I get all up in it. Plus, once The Original came, sacrificed, and was sacrificed, all other 'priests' became unnecessary to my salvation. Nice, sometimes. Useful even. But wholly unnecesssary.)

Sarah Pied Piper Palin?

Well, now I must advise you that Art is upon my drafting table at the moment with an Art collaboration scheduled for Spring Equinox 2010, so I must soon mosey along since graphic work must be finalized pre-March 19. Also, in Georgia, an ice, sleet, or snow storm is said to be at my very door as I type so we'll see how that goes in the electricity department.

So if you want to say anything about the charts you see here, the Tea Party event or movement, or the politicians hoping to rouse the masses from its stupor on Feb 4 - 6, please leave a comment here.

Btw: I'm happy as a puppy with two tails to report that a few readers who have been silent until now, have spoken up to let me know they're reading - yay! Thanks, Guys.

Interlaced YODs, you say?

A YOD pattern = turning point = special task = Finger of God:

Why, those two interlaced YODs in the Feb 6 chart are enough to stir up a heap of trouble...they're listed lower left and show a 'special task' for Mars and for Jupiter, as Moon conjoins Hidalgo, and along the way, conjoins a few midpoint combos in Mrs. Palin's natal chart from '1Sag' to '4Sag'; I must note that '1Sag' is the "A Grand Army of the Republic Campfire" degree, which emphasizes revolutionary Hidalgo's 'patriot' flavor. The Tea Partiers will love and adore her on this score.

Here are her natal midpoint combos in order of the Moon's fleeting stimulation, then I must vamoose:

N Sun/Uranus = tr Moon: rashness; nervous, excited, or agitated women; impulsiveness; a demand for need fulfilment; an intense woman.

N Mars/Uranus = tr Moon: special effort expended by a woman; desire for recognition. (Easy, just go where they're enthralled and chanting your name!)

N Saturn/Uranus = tr Moon: emotional courage emerges under duress; changes for freedom; strong emotional strains; a sudden desire to liberate oneself from emotional stress (uh-oh! she's a maverick, y'know!); separation from females.

N Sun/Pluto = tr Moon: irritability, esp of women; illness; brutal suppression of feelings; attempts to project power and persuasion; feelings possibly trampled in relationship.

N Mars/Pluto = tr Moon: publicity; self-belief; daring; taking a chance; playing a powerful hunch (that Sarah!)

After the 'Embassy Ball' is over (see Sabian Symbol of the ASC degree in the Feb 6 chart), and the confetti is being swept up, transit Moon, a 'popular woman' in our mystery play, conjoins Sarah Palin's Saturn/Pluto midpoint...

N Saturn/Pluto = tr Moon: emotional coldness or rigidity of feeling; nunciation; giving up giving.

Can this refer to her giving up tea, Tea Parties, or her association with the founder of the organization? Alternately, she may simply be exhausted and feel all used up by the time the Convention balloons are popped. Plus, the amount of profits in ticket receipts will color everyone's attitude when the party ends, the lights go down, and Hidalgo-as-Pied-Piper has sung her siren's song of power, patrons, and patriotism.


Update Jan 29, 2010 8:48 pm est: here's a post concerning the 2010 Tea Party Convention's Sun/Moon blends from Feb 4 to Feb 6, as the Moon traverses Libra, Scorpio, and Sagittarius while the Sun remains in Aquarius; a bonus blend is included to cover the atmosphere of the immediate hours after the Convention ends on Feb 6...Sun AQ/Moon Capricorn.

Jan 28, 2010

Like Day from Night: Poverty vs Politics in Washington DC

Sadly, the following Day/Night conditions affect nearly every city and town in America now that the fascist state is better established and ensconced in the US than ever before:

Twice years ago I resided a while in the midst of a beautiful city that has a large bit of history dogging its steps -- Washington, the jewel of the District of Columbia. Or more like the bellybutton that holds the jewel, that fount of enrichment that our 'Game birds Feathering Their Nests" politicians *constantly repair to for sustenance and succor. (And silken trappings.)

These days I suspect that there remain more than two levels of lifestyles in DC but only two are portrayed in an article about Washington's sociological unmasking when the sun sets in a Day vs Night theme. The premise of the article works because it is uncomfortably true.

In Georgetown of the 1970s, I saw my first bag lady and had not thought there could be such a woman in that condition in the US. Being a 19-year old and from a more southern region of the country where ladies were still often called 'm'am', it never occurred to me that women - or children - would be left to fend for themselves on the cold streets. Yet there she was, all her belongings fitted somehow into two enormously stuffed shopping bags, a kerchief snugged over her wild hair, a forlorn yet defiant expression on her face.

Greedy vs Needy goes on and on...

Anyway, I recommend the article to you for it captures the underbelly conditions that can result from a perfect storm of bad legislation, purposefully bad legislation, programs that do the opposite of what their cynical titles assert, "unintended consequences" of bad decisions, city resources pilfered and diverted from the people...the list of infamy goes on.

Politics by Day - Poverty by Night shows a snapshot of a suffering city whose Day's veneer at sunrise swallows the starkness of its disenfranchised Night with a cruel smirk of righteousness that chills to the bone.


*My reference is to the Sabian Symbol for America's natal Jupiter from wa-a-y back in 1776: '6 Cancer' = "Game birds Feathering Their Nests"; now we say that Jupiter = the Republican Party and its members in Mundane charts yet party platforms and players change through the years. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar but a liberal isn't a flip-flopper. Nor is a GOPer a not-my-brother's-keeper type but a...oh wait. They are that type. These days. Sorry. The 'magic Christian' dust had me fooled for a second there.

Anyway, America's natal Jupiter @ '6Can' represents Jupiterians during the 1770s and later, but certainly signifies those who were on the scene and in the mix on July 4, 1776. Jupiter represents the banking class, too, as you know, plus religious leaders, professors, and gurus and sages of all persuasions.

Yes, the usual factors that 'come along with' our nation's natal Jupiter's condition (sign, house, rulerships, aspects, etc) are of influence still (because a natal chart = the character) yet, it's difficult to ignore how Capitol Hill, its environs of law firms and lobbyists, and the national and international banking institutions and other corporate entities (in which I include monarchies) who 'donate to' US politicians have wrested most of the control of the US government away from the American people. Not that the 1776 ideal has ever been perfectly realized but these crooks and wastrels have taken America far far away from her ideals, her basic self-esteem, and ability to protect national sovereignty.

And that's one of the more basic things I have against the recent 'Dred Scott Moment' that the US SCOTUS whacked us with last week, an activist move which will open the front door to foreign interests to meddle in our election processes more freely even than we have long meddled in theirs.

Rob Our Treasury, Buy Our Senators (but we must give a No Money Back Guarantee on the politicians - keep 'em, they're yours..."Them's your pigs" - Rip Torn; just take them with you, No Refunds, don't say we didn't warn you of their turdiness)...

Now here in the South we have a tradition, a saying, really: "Y'all Come!" meaning we'll miss you when you're gone, so please come back when you may. Yes, we are polite down here (and I was surprised to find the DC of my day to be much more of a southern city than I had previously suspected; yet a swamp with a fancy city built upon it will always remain a swamp underneath...and Scorpio holds sway in DC.)

So with the recent SCOTUS invitation extended to more fatcat internationals than we can shake a stick at, will it be part of President Obama's duties to stand at the White House front door, issuing "Y'all Come" homilies to meddlers and foreign agents who have long tired of sneaking in and out of the White House back door?

If so, then it's going to be up to the collective 'we' ~ not 'wii' ~ to take back the mike from Kanye and tell them how things are gonna be, for we have the right to determine our own futures without their chaos-creating events designed and implemented to keep us off-keel and weakened.

Might this much-needed mike-snatch be an imperative of the current Cardinal T-Square (2010 - 2014) with its Saturn/Uranus opposition at the pattern's base, and both Saturn and Uranus squaring Pluto as they did in 1875...but in different signs?

(1875 - Saturn AQ/Uranus Leo = Pluto Taurus; now it will be Saturn Libra/Uranus Aries = Pluto Capricorn, sign of government, business, and law; authority, control, and cold-hearted ambition.)

Now there's another way I've been considering the Cardinal T-SQ and perhaps you have been, too. It requires speaking of the planets as 'actors' in a mystery play (life) so the script is determined in large degree by the planetary aspects involved since aspects describe the relationships and energy circuits between them.

Saturn and Uranus (old vs new, tradition vs progress, rules vs freedom) are now 'applying' to Pluto, the puppet master/s of the Universe, and somehow he feels blocked by obstacles caused by adherents in both the 'tradition' and 'progress' camps. The tension within the relationships between the three actors is, of course, more complex than if it were only one actor applying to Pluto at one time.

As it is, a pattern is formed, a T-Square, which awaits a trigger or stimulus to reach the empty point - in Cancer opposite Pluto. Plus, a natal or progressed planet may fill this requirement in a longer-term manner; then the T-SQ 'occurs; to the natal or progressed planet as a transiting configuration.

Ex: The Cardinal T-SQ falls hard on American noggins with our natal Venus (values; money; relationships, etc) filling that empty spot - Pluto opposes our national Venus...and a Grand Cross is thus created with inequalities keenly felt.

Pluto-opposite-Venus is a time when present circumstances adversely affect material conditions, joint ventures, and relationships, so if you have a mo, see what pops out at you from the Events of 1875 list, facets of events or issues which might possibly re-run or re-surface in 2010 and beyond in the Sat-Ura-Plu departments of life. This comparison may supply a hint of shades to come while the Universe is giving us another chance to manage these difficult yet dynamic energies more consciously and maturely - a feat which precludes allowing ourselves to be duped by cynical 'leaders' who manipulate the masses based on a plutonian, draconian ideal of utopian one-world control.

Jan 27, 2010

An opinion of SOTU 2010 - Mars rising 1/27/10

All in all, it is my opinion that President Obama's delivery of this evening's SOTU Address 2010 was a great expression of a Virgoan Mars used intelligently.

Update 10:35 pm est: now listening to the Republican rebuttal to a Democratic President, and it seems to me that in Washington (or 'DC' as we called it when I lived there many moons ago), Republicans always call for limited government when Democrats hold the reins of power. Then when Republicans hold the reins it's we-the-people who call for limited government.

You've noticed it, right?

Am I the only one?

You know, echoes are only amusing for a little while then their charms soon fade.

SOTU 2010 -- Sun Aquarius--Moon Cancer

January 27, 2010

With tonight's SOTU Address from President Obama I wonder if you've by chance peeked at the just-published details for the Sun AQ-Moon Cancer blend of energies and the flavors it will lend to the evening's events and presidential message?

Here's the SOTU 2010 Horoscope for Jan 27, 2010 @ 9:00 pm est, Capitol Building, DC, along with a few notes, in case you'd like a view.

List of DC street closings for SOTU Address 1.27.10

If you're in DC this evening before or during the president's SOTU Address, be advised of street closings that begin at 6:00 pm around the Capitol Building until the presidential event ends.

Jan 26, 2010

David Kelly's post mortem to be kept secret for 70 years

David Kelly Post Mortem to be Kept Secret for 70 Years - Doctors accuse Lord Hutton of concealing vital information

By Miles Goslett

The body of former United Nations weapons inspector Dr Kelly was found in July 2003 in woods close to his Oxfordshire home, shortly after he was exposed as the source of a BBC news report questioning the Government's claims that Saddam Hussein had an arsenal of weapons of mass destruction, which could be deployed within 45 minutes. #

US' secret blueprint for global domination/Spring EQ 2010

Pre-presidency (Jan 20, 2001 when Bush was installed in the Oval Office), chicken hawk draft dodgers Bush and Cheney and friends were making plans for world governance (PNAC) to be run by America (not by the UN as others have preferred) whether or not Saddam Hussein was in power in Iraq. As we know, they soon decided to take care of that thorny 'Butcher of Baghdad' issue.

This implicates the Rhenquist SCOTUS in the PNAC regime-changing plans and gives the oft-hurled charge 'activist court' a new level of meaning. A lower one, that is, since the actions of the SCOTUS of the United States of America revealed itself to be an operative in the neocon-Zionists' New World Order plans.

We know that Bush Sr has been a mover/shaker promoting this agenda since he famously and openly called for the NWO years ago saying that if they are successful "--and we will be," he marked himself as a co-conspirator. See the freak on video, if you will, in a previous post which links to Bush Sr's 1988 RNC speech containing his "thousand points of light" code words.

The identities of "will" types like these fellows may also be uncovered by noting such verbal habits as, "if you will" which Cheney liked to mumble when playing VP, and which has been copied by talking heads such as George Will on political TV shows, and by others who intentionally, or perhaps unintentionally, mimic world government planners from the olden days (when the word was, "wilt") - as made up by Aleister Crowley and his pals and fashioned into a 'religion' called Thelema.

Perhaps there is something to the rumor that W's mother Barbara Bush has an unusual paternity in Crowley, born Oct 12, 1875, during the same forceful T-Square pattern now concerning everyone in 2010 into 2014...Saturn opposing Uranus at the base, pointing to powerful Pluto. Yes, the signs have changed since 1875, but the effects are as difficult as ever...perhaps more so, since the game - the agenda - is in much later stages of development in this, the New Millennium.

Saturn/Uranus = Pluto: tremendous fear of loss; upheaval to protect assets; rebellion against one's lot in life; brutality; concealing changes to activities; drastic changes in a previously liberal atmosphere; rigid inflexibility replaces adaption; harm through force majeure; the desire to overcome difficult situations through extraordinary effort (mind over matter? "What thou wilt"? - jc) (midpoint pics: Tyl; Ebertin; Munkasey.)

And of course, the tensely dynamic energies of the *Saturn-Uranus-Pluto T-Square pattern relate to earth changes and natural disasters as well, such as in Haiti. On this blog and elsewhere, Pluto is shorthand for secret hand, or the puppet masters of the world. Plus, apex Pluto in a T-Square signifies one (or a group of ones) being relentlessly one-tracked in aims (NWO) and has a willful determination to abuse power and gain control over others. (Like Crowley himself.)

If you click the link to my post on Crowley's natal chart, you can enlarge it and see the T-Square of 1875 before your very eyes. Around his chart is the natal chart of his reputed daughter, Barbara Bush. The comparison shows some very interesting links between them.

And yes, the Bush-Cheney regime change plan pre-Jan 20, 2001 is old news for many of us but it bears repeating - and remembering, as President Obama continues shoving through the PNAC program. He just does it with a more elegant style of rhetoric and by use of complete sentences. In closing:

"Where justice is denied, where poverty is enforced, where ignorance prevails, and where any one class is made to feel that society is an organized conspiracy to oppress, rob and degrade them, neither persons nor property will be safe."

Frederick Douglass


If you're concerned about the Saturn-Uranus-Pluto T-Square's influence in your personal life, take heart, for upon the weekend of Spring Equinox in March 2010 help will arrive. Keep alert to Donna Cunningham's blog SkyWriter for complete details as Spring Equinox 2010 draws near...

Jan 25, 2010

PBS' NOW poll: is Palin qualified for office of VP?

PBS' NOW program has a poll asking if you think Sarah Palin is qualified to be Vice President of the United States...a heartbeat away from the Presidency.

So far, her supporters and political operatives are flocking to the poll with 'yes' votes. Can you weigh in to give 'fair and balanced' a chance? Takes about 2 seconds.

Jan 23, 2010

Horoscope of the SOTU Address Jan 27, 2010

Update Jan 27, 2010 2:15 am est: in the first SOTU Address of his presidency, Pres. Obama will hold himself accountable for how things have gone in his first year in office, but will add that he is not solely to blame. Must be that Saturn Rx in diplomatic Libra, in 1st house and rising.

He takes responsibility, Y'all - sort of. For the most part.

And @ 9 pm, Mr. Obama's natal Mars is rising, you know, but it's America's Neptune, representing our ability to be hynotized and idealistic to our own detriment, that rises at the moment of mass media Neptune's stage entrance under the rosy glow of the TV cameras and spotlights.

Enjoy the performance.

Original post starts here with a SOTU chart image set for 9:00 pm est, Capitol Building, DC, the scheduled time, thus SOTU's 'birth time' (and symbolic chart, even if he begins a minute or so later):

Horoscope of the President's State of the Union Address, Jan 27, 2010, scheduled for 9:00 pm est, Capitol Building, Washington DC; Ascendant 22Vir06 with US natal Neptune rising along with President Obama's natal Mars; at Mc (The Goal Point) is US natal Mars in Gemini; Hour of the Moon; Moon 7Can21 out-of-bounds (OOBs) indicating the extreme emotional insecurity of the public (Moon.)

A Cancerian Moon (the people; the public) opposing Mercury (the speech; the orator) in Capricorn indicates that using the cold logic of a Cap Mercury to deliver his message (Mercury) will be offensive to the sensitive, home-and-security-minded public (Moon.) Our self-protective emotions may make it impossible to agree with what he says (Cancer is also a sign of business which I believe relates to massive job losses for the people thus bringing insecurity); reasoning goes against emotions and thinking/feeling are unbalanced with a Moon/Mercury opposition.

This opposition is significant since Mercury is chart-ruler (and Midheaven-ruler) and makes only two applying aspects in the chart: opposite Moon (5A58) and conjunct NN (7A46.)

America's natal Mars/Neptune square (with its confused, unconscious motivations and deceptive actions) is at ASC (What? Point = Neptune) and Mc (Why? Point = Mars); a Mars/Neptune square makes it difficult to accept reality and in the case of a self-protective society (and presidency) open actions are often lacking which makes it easy for subversive forces to take over (imo, they have); lowered standards attract negative or underworld types (imo, they definitely have. We and the rest of the world are in the clutches of a world crime syndicate.)

Mars/Neptune contacts often indicate associations with disease, infections, and medicine so mentions may be made of health insurance reform, flu vaccines, and/or the worsening health conditions in besmited Haiti, the latest pet project of Washington. (Send money to Haiti, yes, but please remember that local needs continue on along and worsen if neglected.)

Our nation's natal Sun/Saturn square (with n Saturn in 1st house/US n Sun in 10th house along with our Venus and Jupiter in Cancer) is highlighted as well and may bring mentions of defense, fear, and conservation. (Click the chart to enlarge - US natal planets are highlighted in pink.)

US natal Mercury Rx 24Can+ conjuncts SOTU's 11th cusp at 9:00 pm and n Mercury is being visited by SOTU 2010's Moon/Mars midpoint (all midpoint pictures from Tyl, Ebertin, and Munkasey); any, all, or none may apply:

SOTU Moon/Mars = n Mercury: nervousness; irritability; worrisome preoccupations; uncertainties about the use of force; premature criticism.

US n Pluto opposes n Mercury so we may infer that:

SOTU Moon/Mars = n Pluto (or soon will): eliminating the anger that accompanies complaints; intensified defiance in periods of uncertainty; powerful opinionation; a demanding nature; one-sided outlook; fanaticism; moodiness.

The 'powerful connections'/'common destiny of large masses of people' midpoint, Pluto/NN, is influencing orating Mercury:

Pluto/NN = Mercury: taking advantage of shifts in power (is one example earthquakes?; conversing fluently with influential people; exercising a compelling and magnetically powerful influence upon the public; a desire to dominate others intellectually; thinking big; hearing the grass grow; reading others and judging their needs.

Sun 8AQ02 (the leader) and Moon 7Can21 (the people) are inconjunct (149 degr 19 mins) and in need of adjustment; Sun is trying to win approval from the Moon which we-the-people may feel is undeserved (so far - it's only been a year); fund-raising projects and welfare programs come to mind with Sun inconj Moon; appeals for working together may be mentioned. Ties to the good old days and to the emotional security we once enjoyed are misaligned with the way in which our leader (Sun) is expressing his will. We continue to feel we are not being listened to. (We're not.)

Tiresomely, Jupiter and Neptune, the speculator pair of grand schemers, are in 6th house of Work, Health, and Police/Military Forces -- and are now snugged around US natal Moon in Aquarius. This means that the Jupiter/Neptune = n Moon picture is still influencing the collective with its 'involved in speculations; little sense of reality (plus, they're always lying to us); losing oneself in plans; instability; wastefulness' vibes. As I said, tiresome.

Restrictive, controlling Saturn 4Lib28 Rx (delays) in 1st house is focal planet of a midpoint combo, too - Moon/Pluto, which relates to propaganda, broadcasting and public relations on a grand scale, drastic moods, people's opinions about crime, war, and internal secrecy, attempts to 'psyche out' the public...and popular promises to end war, waste, etc, in appeals to the public.

Guess we'll hear about those 2008 campaign promises, and perhaps they'll be updated for our current consumption, realism added with a thud to earth.

Moon/Pluto = Saturn: realism about handling gloomy events; depression; emotional suffering; constraint and loss; pressure to regroup forces and plan anew.

With Saturn signifying the Democratic Party, this seems in part a reference to Scott Brown's recent senatorial win in Massachusetts and to the Dems' possibly unstable prospects for the Nov 2010 elections.

Interestingly, US natal Saturn opposes SOTU's Sun/Mc midpoint 14Ari13 (7th house; The Hero's Goal; molding and shaping global politics; leaders who have lost popularity; a lessening of authority through losing contact with the people) which happens to conjoin SOTU's Moon/NN midpoint.

Moon/NN is, of course, the midpoint between the Moon's position and Luna's own Nodal position, certainly a 'contact with the public' indicator; in politics and business this mdpt indicates: measurements of productivity; foreign trade and channels or means for conducting trade; ports of entry; roadways, canals, or transit systems; agricultural blockages, or failures at ports of entry or exit ('underwear bomber' on Christmas Day 2009? Uninvited Salahis at the White House State Dinner? Food shortages on the way? Breakdowns in trade agreements? Bottlenecks?)

Moon/NN = n Saturn: older, wiser people giving advice about direction; working hard with others, sometimes having to go it alone; disadvantages or loss through associations; separations.

Sun/Mc = n Saturn: reserve; inhibitions; withdrawal or retirement (several politicians have announced their retirements; plus, we should withdraw from the Middle East, imo); the necessity to make sobering decisions; refinement of ambition; learning through apparent mistakes; addressing problems; restricted aims.

Well, President Obama has gracious plenty problems to address on the evening of January 27, 2010 in his first official SOTU Address, and much more info is contained in this chart than I'm typing here. A Moon Hour is a good time to address the public, too, so what I may do is forestall updating this post until the President completes his Address and I hear the political pundits and corporate shills tell us what we should think and what nuggets we should glean from it.

Pres. Obama's ending time will give us a significant chart, too. Then we can see which planets changed houses and if any new planetary patterns form. And if he speaks long enough, traditional Saturn will surely rise and progressive Uranus will certainly set.

Note: Upper right, I have made note that if you use the Dobbyns version of the US natal chart (July 4, 1776 @ 10:36 am LMT) the SOTU cusps at 9:00 pm est are the same cusps as the Dobbyns chart which puts US natal Mars (god of war) at natal Mc, and US n Neptune rising; the other planets in the SOTU 2010 chart are precisely where they now transit in the Dobbyns chart which gives this particular SOTU more gravitas than it might wield otherwise.

Therefore, Mars the warrior is at the Why? Point, mass media's Neptune, planet of deception and propaganda (and oil, perhaps to be found in Haiti along with uranium) are always rising and culminating in the US' Dobbyns chart.

In business and politics, Neptune/ASC = responding to the ideals of the people; deluding others about the current state of the economy, affairs, or scandals which are in the news; distortions of the facts; a need for additional glamor or glory; subversion by those who are trusted; internal decay or neglect of hospitals or health care systems (!! the Dobbyns chart sounds eerily accurate to me esp with military Mars at Mc, too); misleading news concerning intentions; overlooking the reality of what is happening and relying on what is believed the situation should be.

All are key weaknesses of this country, imo. Facing reality is not our strong suit. Making it up is more the tendency.

But let's not leave out Mars/Mc while we're discussing America's natal chart and the 2010 SOTU Address's chart which dovetail so perfectly:

Mars/Mc = developing military capability for both safety and defense; using created enemies of the state as targeted examples or focus objects for hate; fostering paranoia for political control of the people (sound familiar yet?); fear of foreign domination and preparation for same; legislative bodies that order arming as a means of protecting borders or rights.

Though I despise admitting it, the Dobbyns version of America's natal chart (10:36 am LMT) describes this nation better than any other version I've used so far. And Jan 27, 2010's transit of Mars-to-Mc shows our military aggression and promotion of our goals to the world as President Obama launches a campaign on behalf of what is perhaps a new and pioneering cause.

My 'SOTU hope' is that threats are not issued with Mars being Rx in Leo, fearful Saturn Rx rising, and America pretending not to be bankrupt when everyone knows she is - by way of too much warring and internal looting by those we should be able to trust.

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