When Two Dictators Get Together What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
by Jude Cowell
The birth year of North Korea's ruler Kim Jong Un is suspect with a Rodden Rating of XX (undetermined). The years 1982, 1983, and 1984 have been suggested for Kim's birth while January 8 does seem to be the case (and even his pal Dennis Rodman has mentioned it as his birth day the year that Kim turned 30 years old, Rodman said--so, 1983). Of course, this uncertainty makes it iffy to bother comparing the natal planets of Kim Jong Un and Donald Trump (whose birth data is apparently certain but the hour? Does royal Regulus really rise with Trump's Mars in Leo? well, he is a 'king' in his own mind as once again evidenced currently by Trump's assertion that he can autocratically pardon himself).
So we can be nearly certain that Kim was born with Sun in Capricorn, the Saturn-ruled sign of government, law, and business. If born January 8, 1983 he may have a Scorpio Moon, if in 1984, a Pisces Moon. Both are Water signs, both secretive but Scorpio is a Fixed (rigid) sign while Pisces is Mutable and changeable. One suggests reigning needs of Scorpionic proportions which include issues of control, finances, surveillance, sabotage, and betrayal while creative Pisces' needs include compassion and sacrifice. Therefore, to me the birth data argument for Kim seems weighted toward the January 8, 1983 side with a Scorpio Moon and Sun in Capricorn and the combination's Saturn-Mars-Pluto influences. Curiously, a transiting trio of energies have recently been constellated between this same trio by the recent formation of a certain midpoint picture -- Mars-Saturn = Pluto, and this is a 'natal echo' for Donald Trump who was born under the brutal, violent influences of this very same midpoint picture on June 14, 1946.
See The Atlantic's Kim Jong Un's Age No Longer a Mystery which cites January 8, 1983.
Now a brooding Scorpio Moon isn't necessarily the case for Kim, but that's how I'm leaning at present. And note that his natal Sun at around 17/18Cap is now being 'visited' by creepy, powerful wealth-hoarder of the Underworld, planet Pluto suggesting a period when recognition as 'a force to be reckoned with' is on his agenda. Power struggles, will power, dominance, ego needs, pride, and aggression are also revealed by a Pluto-to-Sun transit along with a potential for a new start of some kind once plutonian issues and ego-based demands are successfully dealt with.
Of course, astrological Pluto also represents the nuclear realms, plus, the Creepy One may on a deep level signify Mr. Trump himself (Pluto in Capricorn = the dictator, Ebertin) coming to meet Kim's natal Sun at their June 12, 2018 Singapore Summit of low expectations as only a getting to know you chat. The recently announced hour of 9:00 am Singapore time (June 11 9:00 pm in the US, EDT) was unknown to me when I previously posted on their June 12 meeting but here's that post if you're curious. Two of Singapore's founding horoscopes are included. On June 12, 2018 in Singapore at 9:00 am local time, Trump's natal Saturn in Cancer rises with his Venus in Cancer in tow (Ascendant 19 Cancer). For Kim (if born in 1983), his natal Pluto @29Libra is first to rise followed by his natal Saturn in early Scorpio and the Scorpio Moon.
Kim Jong Un's 2 South Prenatal Solar Eclipse (1983)
Just a quick note concerning his 2 South Solar Eclipse with its theme of: noticing and joining an unusual group from which great gains are expected (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology). As the Cosmos would have it, a solar eclipse in the 2 South Saros Series repeats on January 6, 2019 @15Capricorn--not conjunct Kim's natal Sun but possibly near enough to be of some influence. As you know, eclipses influence history by working through individuals so if such a group/great gains theme plays out for Kim Jong Un, this will support the theory of a 1983 birth year for the leader of North Korea.
In closing, here are a few astro-notes concerning the Earth-Water Sun Cap-Moon Scorpio personality blend of energies:
Sun Cap-Moon Scorpio is a self-possessed, resilient,, tenacious combination of a tireless worker who has no time for fools (Trump is in trouble on that score since Kim knows that it only takes flattery ladled plentifully onto Trump's shaky ego to completely psyche him out!) Goals and values are personal obsessions for this personality which is constantly vigilant for attacks that come from all directions. Shrewd and self-controlled, Kim Jong Un is not the out-of-control character Western media has often painted him to be and this June 12 summit may reveal which of the two participants are better described by such criticism. However, Kim can temporarily 'go off the deep end' when motivated by disturbing emotions. Blind to his own prejudices (as are most people!), Kim is undeterred by obstacles and defensive againt all threats which helps account in part for his nuclear stance in the world. And if this is his personality blend, the idea that Kim will never give up his nuclear program seems justified on a very deep and personal level.
Besides, after years of bragging about its nukes (and even writing them into the NK Constitution!) de-nuclearization would be a huge cultural shift. Would Kim actually give up his nuclear weapons? Or won't but say he did?