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Showing posts with label tariffs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tariffs. Show all posts

Jan 17, 2025

Sun Opposite Inauguration 2025 Sun

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

Here's a brief look at a biwheel of Horoscopes showing the exact moment of opposition from the Sun (00Leo53:22) to the Inauguration 2025 Sun (00AQ53:22). This marks the time that the plans of January can benefit from reassessment, and changes can be made, if necessary.

For individuals, this works by considering the exact Sun position six months from our birthdays - our unbirthday - so let's use the method for clues about the authoritarian administration hunkering down once again in the White House.

Plus, we can think of the comparison as a transit horoscope, if we prefer.

Additionally, the July 23, 2025 Horoscope shown below (outer) may be consulted until Inauguration 2025's Solar Return 2026, which is another good way to investigate how plans are proceeding in Washington DC. This we'll consider in a future post.

Inauguration 2025 (inner); July 23, 2025 (outer)

Please enlarge the image to read my study notes, if you wish. Thanks!

Neptune-Pluto from 29AQ40 to 2Pis21

Concerns and fears over the authoritarian oligarchs who've seized the powerful helm of America and are pushing incompetent lackeys into key governmental positions, there are multiple notes penned on the above image regarding the obvious astrological symbol of leadership via power and control of others: Sun-Pluto.

Also closely involved in the fascist movement is the global criminal network of Underworld figures, the gangsters and mobsters for which I tend to use the Neptune-Pluto duo in charts; the pair can also symbolize occultism, mysticism, or the supernatural.

Then with Mr. T. obsessed over the Gilded Age/Robber Baron era of the 1890s with its tariffs and extreme wealth of the few (aka, oligarchy but Plutocracy also applies), I continue keeping an eye on the transiting Neptune-Pluto midpoint which shifts from quirky Aquarius to shady Pisces, as we can see. This shift I read as "draining the system."

Previously discussed here on SO'W is the fact that the current Neptune-Pluto Cycle of 492 years' duration began with Conjunction - three times in 1891/92 upon US 1776 Uranus in early Gemini. Now as we know, Uranus is America's totem planet of revolt, anarchy, unrest, chaos - and radical reactionary politics. And considering that the planetary trio's potentials include unusual means of changing reality, and/or impersonal attitudes toward destructive or antisocial activities (M. Munkasey), we see these destructive energies playing out in the US via "maga" types, and on the World Stage - since it's a global authoritarian movement.

For more details see America: The Neptune-Pluto Cycle of Crime and Fantasy.

Jun 12, 2018

Astro-Notes on Canada and PM Justin Trudeau

Planet Mercury: Meetings, Summits, Agreements, Negotiations, Thinking, Sight, Communiques, Speech, Memes, Commerce, Trade...

by Jude Cowell

June 12, 2018: now that Mr. Trump's unorthodox favoritism toward China, Russia, and North Korea has become clearer and his staged tariff tussle with our neighboring ally Canada is on everyone's mind, here are two sets of data for founding horoscopes of Canada, plus, additional info; all details are taken from Nicholas Campion's The Book of World Horoscopes:

Newfoundland was discovered June 24, 1497, the island was formally annexed in 1583 and was a British colony until March 31, 1949 when it became the 10th province of the Dominion of Canada. Other dates and historical details are given but suffice it to say that two founding horoscopes are shown:

#050 Canada-Dominion July 1, 1867 00:00 LMT Ottawa: ASC 16Ari54 Neptune 15Ari00; MC 8Cap04/IC 8Can04 conjunct 4th house Sun 8Can51 (both precisely conjunct the natal Mercury 8:51 of Donald Trump!) as is Canada's natal Uranus 8Can36. Note that Trump is also a Sun-Uranus entity. Campion quotes, "The New York Times of 2 July reported that 1 July 'has given birth to a new infant, the Dominion of Canada.'"

Quebec: first permanent European settlement north of Virginia (exact hour unknown)

#51 Canada-Quebec July 3, 1608 NS 'noon' Quebec, QU (settlement founded by Champlain); ASC 8Lib55 (square Trump's natal Mercury, conjunct his natal Neptune so there's Trump's fantasy-prone, indiscreet Mercury-Neptune square on display); MC 11Can00 conjunct Sun 11Can46 and Mercury 7Can46 (conjunct Trump natal Mercury 8:51); Quebec "was taken by the British on 13 September 1759." The two Mercuries conjunct in Moon-ruled Cancer spotlight PM Trudeau's remarks after Trump left the G7 Summit and Trump's grumpy reply in which both Mercuries expressed protectionism (Cancer) on behalf of each man's country (Cancer, sign of patriotism), and of course, one of the multiple roles of astrological Mercury is 'the trader' and one of the traits of Cancer is shrewd business ac'umen. Duplicity is also a function of Mercury and one of the signs it rules, Gemini.

G7 'Darling' Trudeau Hurt Trump's Feelings

As for the natal horoscope of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, he was born on December 25, 1971 at 9:27 pm est Ottawa, Ontario (RR: A). Have a peek at his chart and the successful Kite pattern therein if you wish (Saturn at MC is the tail) and you'll see that his wounding of Mr. Trump's tender pride was quite easy--for Trudeau's natal Jupiter @21Sag opposes Trump's natal Sun @22Gemini. This also means that Trudeau's n Jupiter conjoins Trump's emotionally tender Moon-South Node conjunction which may have given Trump pleasant vibes at first (21Sag), followed by Trudeau's patriotic diss at the end (22Gem).

So basically, Donald Trump always has to be 'the star of the show'--the most famous person in the room--wherever he goes and apparently was hurt by Trudeau's warmer reception at the Summit. Plus, you probably noticed how Trump blew in late for breakfast like the prima donna he is. Or maybe gender equality simply wasn't Donald's cup of diet soda so he wanted to express disdain or disagreement with the topic of the breakfast.

Now another factor involved with the newly turbulent US-Canada tariff tussle (trade war?) may be Trudeau's natal Uranus @17Libra57 conjunct Trump's natal Jupiter (17:27) which is strong in his chart and psyche for it is, as you know, stationing and soon turned Direct once little baby Donnie screamed his first scream. This planetary combination suggests foreign travel in order to attend the G7 Summit and the shock (Uranus) to finances (Jupiter) Trump felt (or said he felt) which suddenly sent him off toward what he thought would be 'greener pastures' (Jupiter-Uranus) of doing Putin's bidding by meeting with Kim Jong Un and setting the stage for the 'freeing' of the Korean Peninsula from US troops stationed there since the Korean War, and thus giving a green light to China, one of Trump's handlers and commercial partners--seen by Trump's natal Moon @22Sag = "A Chinese Laundry." And then there continue to be ethical concerns over daughter Ivanka's trademarks recently green lighted in China. Mmm hmm. Once such shady activities were called conflicts of interest. Now they're called Trump in the White House.

Yet we must always remember that the Political Theater we're constantly treated to is only a facade or mirage intended for public consumption which is one reason Political Astrology can be fascinating because it looks behind the velvet curtain to what lurks in the wings.