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Showing posts with label Lunar Eclipse 2020. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lunar Eclipse 2020. Show all posts

Sep 9, 2020

Did Putin Buy Trump The 2020 Election? (w/ Seth Abramson) - Thom Hartmann

September 9, 2020: From yesterday September 8th, here's Thom with columnist and author of the new book Proof of Corruption Seth Abramson calling in:

Amazon link: Proof of Corruption: Bribery, Impeachment, and Pandemic in the Age of Trump released September 8, 2020, and the third installment in Abramson's proof trilogy.

And here's a previous post concerning Gemini Trump in Moscow with Miss Universe 2013. Note that at 9:00 pm BADT in Moscow on the night of the 2013 pageant, Jupiter Rx @20Can30 was rising with starry Castor, one the Gemini Twins. Also note that on January 10, 2020, said Jupiter was eclipsed by a significant Lunar Eclipse @20Cancer which activated the potentials of Castor for 'mental illness; crippling of limbs; sudden fame or loss; murder' (A. Louis). And now Trump's 2013 visit to Moscow is in the news again as befitting a Lunar Eclipse (Full Moon) spotlight of publicity cast upon it, and exposing the revelations found in Seth Abramson's new book (and in Michael Cohen's just-published book: Disloyal: A Memoir).

Additional note: the above link to my Lunar Eclipse post contains an image of its DC Horoscope along with that of the solar 'Covid Eclipse' of December 26, 2019.

Dec 5, 2019

Horoscopes: Solar and Lunar Eclipses 2019 into 2020

2019/2020 Linked by Karmic Solar and Lunar Eclipses Across the Security Axis

by Jude Cowell

Perhaps it may be useful for a reader or two to view on the same page both the Capricorn Solar Eclipse that ends 2019 (December 26) and its accompanying Cancer Lunar Eclipse which opens 2020 (January 10) so here ya go:

Enlarge the image if you will for there are some basic eclipse notes penned on the charts including a few of Trump's natal placements, and in the center of each horoscope are penned brief indications based on prominent midpoint pictures (via Munkasey and Ebertin).

Also listed are the 3 South Solar Eclipse themes and potentials for Jupiter's conjunction to South Node which can sometimes resemble a Jupiter-Saturn conjunction. Jupiter-SN reveals karmic conditions such as ethical clashes, conflicts of interest, and religious disagreements. Jupiter @5Cap20 conjoins the IC of the Solar Eclipse chart suggesting some measure of protection on the domestic front (and/or in farming, real estate, mining) however, Jupiter opposes US natal Jupiter (5Can56) (a negative if temporary indication) and as you see, Mercury accompanies the January 2020 Lunar Eclipse at the same critical degree of 20 Capricorn. The Moon-Mercury opposition suggests potentials for changes of mind, emotional challenges, conflicting opinions or ideas, and/or scheduling glitches.

Mercury and Jupiter Influences

Therefore, applying aspects in each chart of Mercury (Lunar Eclipse) and Jupiter (Solar Eclipse) provide further information: Mercury first conjoins Saturn (business contacts, seeking info from seniors or those with experience, serious meetings, court decisions, restricted communications or ideas), then Pluto (info and activities relate to gaining personal power, issues of finance and investment are on the menu, spying and surveillance).

Jupiter first squares the Ascendant (where Trump's natal Neptune rises = unreality and delusions, emotional excesses, promoting "the big picture") and identifies someone bombastic, pompous, and "holier than thou" who spreads himself too thin. Next Jupiter by transit conjoins the South Node (the 'tail of the dragon') as noted, above. The Great Benefic has moved beyond an expansive optimistic conjunction with the Sun although the Sun by transit will catch up with Jupiter (December 27 at 1:25 pm est) suggesting something positive coming (or at least expansive!). This Solar Eclipse occurs after Jupiter's inspirational trine with Uranus, the unpredictable planet which here is in the 8th house of Shared Resources, Credit, Debt, Insurance, Transformation, Big Business, Death, and the Occult suggesting flourishing fundraising and group activities.

Previous SO'W posts concerning the 2019 Solar and 2020 Lunar Eclipses individually are available here, here and here, plus, check out a List of Solar and Lunar Eclipses from July 2019 through 2022.

Obviously, Sabian Symbols for the eclipses, planets, and points in the above horoscopes are revealing but I shall leave it to you, dear reader, to check them out for yourself. Hopefully this combined cosmic picture is helpful to you during this period of sudden changes of direction and traumatic karmic conditions which offer the Collective multiple opportunities to better handle current issues for we must reap what's been sown in the past.

Please note that in my Political Astrology posts I work with eclipses via their degrees, themes, and historical linkages ('cosmic echoes'). The December 2019 solar eclipse is annular (not as strong as a Total would be) and is not visible in the US which also reduces the strength of its possible influences within our society. However, all eclipses are known as 'cosmic blinks' and 'wild cards of the Universe' and in similar fashion to quirky, chaotic Uranus, eclipses herald changes of direction, disruption, and the potential for secrets to be suddenly revealed. Additionally, themes of the 3 South eclipse are significant in a Plutonian way and may pack somewhat of punch in the areas ruled by governmental Capricorn, the Saturn-ruled Zodiacal sign cast into a bright cosmic spotlight (along with Moon-ruled Cancer) on into 2020, a year full of major game-changing planetary conjunctions of Saturn-Pluto, Jupiter-Pluto, and Jupiter-Saturn. jc

Oct 25, 2019

America, Saturn-Neptune, Eclipses, and Donald Trump

In a January 2019 SO'W post concerning the December Solar Eclipse that ends 2019 with Jupiter and Pluto issues, multiple mentions were made including the Saturn-Neptune pair of energies, Donald Trump, and Republican operative Bill Barr who was just coming into the DOJ picture with his senate confirmation hearing occurring as I typed. (And note that Jupiter-Pluto is the 'wheeler dealer' and plutocrat duo.)

Now one reason mention was made of Saturn-Neptune in the post is that their midpoint rises in Trump's natal chart as it does in the December 26, 2019 Eclipse's DC Horoscope (chart shown in the above post) with vibes of depression and limitation of freedom (Ebertin). Another reason to keep our collective eye on the Saturn-Neptune duo (the "illness axis," Reinhold Ebertin calls it--conjunct Trump's natal Ascendant, his nibs himself born into an 'oppressive family environment') during these harrowing days is that it relates to such realms as the social welfare programs constantly under attack by the Republican Party (most of whose members I tend to think of as misfits of the human race). Apparently the party's past "compassionate conservative" slogan no longer applies if indeed it ever did.

So below is a hodge podge of dates and associations for the Saturn-Neptune pair so famously representing hidden or secret (Neptune) government or control (Saturn)--and of course imaginary + real, lie vs fact, and idealism vs materialism also apply, plus the -isms such as Communism, Bolshevikism, Marxism, Capitalism, Socialism, Nationalism, Patriotism, Nativism, Zionism, conservatism, 'Trumpism'--labels invented by hidden manipulators to divide, conquer, exploit, and weaken populations who might think to rise up against the 'ruling class'. Fact is, We have the numbers, they have the desperation to hold on to power and control.

Now as you know the Saturn-Neptune cycle lasts approximately 36 years and their last conjunction was actually a three-fer due to retrogradation yet all during 1989: 1. March 3, 1989 @11Cap55; 2. June 24, 1989 @11Cap14; and 3. November 13, 1989 @10Cap22. See Events of 1989, an extremely busy year, domestically and abroad. The next Saturn-Neptune conjunction occurs only once on February 20, 2026 @00Ari45, the Aries Point where global events tend to manifest. Note that this conjunction in 2026 will conjoin the IC of the natal chart of America that I tend to use most often (July 4, 1776 5:09 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA).

Obviously, we are now mired within the third period (3 x 12 years = 36) which began on November 13, 1989 @10Cap22, a degree stimulated by the July 2, 2019 Solar Eclipse @10Can37 in the 3 North Saros Series--between America's Jupiter and Sun; this is the eclipse series we're in as I type.

Now here are Saturn-Neptune's Hegelian potentials within the realms of Politics and Business, some of which may sound appropriate for our times:

Thesis: Delusions among the real leadership; long lived programs which have no real purpose; policies which restrict spies; misusing law officers; inefficient use of capable expert advice; mistaken religious leaders.

Antithesis: Leaders deceive about the exercise of control; deficient business practices exposed; respected persons involved in questionable practices; reliable equipment failures; a leader capitulates. (Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Michael Munkasey.)

Looking ahead: the first eclipse of 2020 is a Lunar Eclipse. Here's a view of its DC Horoscope.

And in case you missed it: Saturn-Pluto and Our Social Safety Net Chickens.