As we all suspected, it's a lot more than China:
Stock Selloff: Panic Time or a Blip on the Radar?: Information Clearing House - ICH
Astrological comments on America, on Washington DC, and on the politicians who infest them...with a gentle sprinkling of world events
Showing posts with label Mike Whitney. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mike Whitney. Show all posts
Aug 26, 2015
Stock Selloff: Panic Time or a Blip on the Radar? Information Clearing House
Political Astrology,Astrology,Politics
Mike Whitney,
Jun 3, 2009
bond market ruckus
Bond Market Blowout
By Mike Whitney
Last week's ructions in the bond market, leave little doubt that the financial crisis has entered a new and more lethal phase.
By Mike Whitney
Last week's ructions in the bond market, leave little doubt that the financial crisis has entered a new and more lethal phase.
Political Astrology,Astrology,Politics
bond markets,
financial collapse,
Mike Whitney,
US economy
Apr 26, 2009
Nader, Whitney, and Michael Hudson: financial truths
A bitter cud to chew? Perhaps they're pessimistic or perhaps they're realistic, but here's a financial article and video round-up for you:
No Light In The Tunnel A Housing Crash Update
By Mike Whitney
Why is the press misleading the public about housing? The housing market is crashing. There are no "green shoots" or "glimmers of hope"; the market is worn to a stump, it's kaput.
Where's My Change?
By Ralph Nader
The corporate chieftains have easy access to the White House and the new President, whether these bosses come on missions demanding power or missions of beggary for bailouts. When will he meet with the leading heads of consumer protection groups with millions of dues-paying members who could give him the base to hold accountable and regulate the democracy-denying, economy-wrecking corporate supremacists?
This Is A Must Listen:
The Financial Barbarians at the Gate: Guns & Butter Interviews financial economist and historian, Dr. Michael Hudson
The history of banking and the criminalization of the banking system; tax policy; real estate asset inflation; US imperialism via the monetary system; similarities with the Roman Republic; what measures labor should take.
No Light In The Tunnel A Housing Crash Update
By Mike Whitney
Why is the press misleading the public about housing? The housing market is crashing. There are no "green shoots" or "glimmers of hope"; the market is worn to a stump, it's kaput.
Where's My Change?
By Ralph Nader
The corporate chieftains have easy access to the White House and the new President, whether these bosses come on missions demanding power or missions of beggary for bailouts. When will he meet with the leading heads of consumer protection groups with millions of dues-paying members who could give him the base to hold accountable and regulate the democracy-denying, economy-wrecking corporate supremacists?
This Is A Must Listen:
The Financial Barbarians at the Gate: Guns & Butter Interviews financial economist and historian, Dr. Michael Hudson
The history of banking and the criminalization of the banking system; tax policy; real estate asset inflation; US imperialism via the monetary system; similarities with the Roman Republic; what measures labor should take.
Political Astrology,Astrology,Politics
corporate supremacists,
Dr Michael Hudson,
financial meltdown,
Guns and Butter,
Mike Whitney,
Ralph Nader,
the White House
Dec 9, 2008
Strengthen the unions
Card Check
"You Have Nothing To Lose But Your Chains"
By Mike Whitney
Forget about the fake differences between the two political parties. There aren't any. The only hope for deep structural change is to strengthen the unions and give workers a place at the policy table. That's the only peaceful way to dismantle this parasitic financial regime and bring about a more equitable distribution of wealth.
"You Have Nothing To Lose But Your Chains"
By Mike Whitney
Forget about the fake differences between the two political parties. There aren't any. The only hope for deep structural change is to strengthen the unions and give workers a place at the policy table. That's the only peaceful way to dismantle this parasitic financial regime and bring about a more equitable distribution of wealth.
Political Astrology,Astrology,Politics
Mike Whitney,
NYSE. US economy,
parasitic financial regime,
strengthen the unions
Nov 20, 2008
Not a Normal Recession
This Is Not A Normal Recession: Moving on to Plan B
By Mike Whitney
The global economy is being sucked into a black hole and most Americans have no idea why. The whole problem can be narrowed down to two words: "structured finance."
Woo! "Black hole"..."structured" finance...if he keeps it up, Mr. Whitney will become an astrologer by default before he knows it!
By Mike Whitney
The global economy is being sucked into a black hole and most Americans have no idea why. The whole problem can be narrowed down to two words: "structured finance."
Woo! "Black hole"..."structured" finance...if he keeps it up, Mr. Whitney will become an astrologer by default before he knows it!
Political Astrology,Astrology,Politics
Black Holes,
global economy,
Mike Whitney,
not a normal recession,
US economy,
world economy
Nov 18, 2008
G20 was part of new order script
The G-20 Washout
By Mike Whitney
The financial crisis is being used by Wall Street big-wigs to restructure the economy and create a permanent class of working poor.
Yes, that's what many of us have been saying. And Congress is in on the game so they're no help.
Is there no one who cares for the common good?

Recommended: The August Review.
By Mike Whitney
The financial crisis is being used by Wall Street big-wigs to restructure the economy and create a permanent class of working poor.
Yes, that's what many of us have been saying. And Congress is in on the game so they're no help.
Is there no one who cares for the common good?

Recommended: The August Review.
Political Astrology,Astrology,Politics
common good,
economic crisis,
G20 Summit Nov 15 2008,
Mike Whitney,
US economy,
Wall Street
Oct 7, 2008
And what does Congress do?
Two articles if you're up for them:
French Premier Francois Fillon: We're on "The Edge of The Abyss"
By Mike Whitney
People are scared and removing their money from the banks and money markets which is intensifying the freeze in the credit markets and driving stocks into the ground like a tent stake. Meanwhile, our leaders are "caught in theheadlights", still believing they can "finesse" their way through the biggest economic cataclysm since the Great Depression. It's madness.
Down the Road to Serfdom
By Ann Berg
So here we are: a phony monetary system, $3 trillion wasted on wars, and acitizenry mired in debt. And what does Congress do? It adds more debt - a trillion dollars, just for starters, since once starting down this slippery slope, it won't be able to stop.
Don't know about you but I'm staying cool, staying with my bank. Panic is what 'they' want us to do - so I won't. Staying away from the voting booth in November is what 'they' want us to do - so I will not.
Although my Jupiter-Saturn trine is outraged by their blatant thieveries, we Capricorns can be so cussedly stubborn, can't we?
French Premier Francois Fillon: We're on "The Edge of The Abyss"
By Mike Whitney
People are scared and removing their money from the banks and money markets which is intensifying the freeze in the credit markets and driving stocks into the ground like a tent stake. Meanwhile, our leaders are "caught in theheadlights", still believing they can "finesse" their way through the biggest economic cataclysm since the Great Depression. It's madness.
Down the Road to Serfdom
By Ann Berg
So here we are: a phony monetary system, $3 trillion wasted on wars, and acitizenry mired in debt. And what does Congress do? It adds more debt - a trillion dollars, just for starters, since once starting down this slippery slope, it won't be able to stop.
Don't know about you but I'm staying cool, staying with my bank. Panic is what 'they' want us to do - so I won't. Staying away from the voting booth in November is what 'they' want us to do - so I will not.
Although my Jupiter-Saturn trine is outraged by their blatant thieveries, we Capricorns can be so cussedly stubborn, can't we?
Political Astrology,Astrology,Politics
Ann Berg,
bailout bill,
financial crisis,
Great Depression,
Mike Whitney,
NYSE. US economy,
slippery slope,
US Congress
Sep 29, 2008
Paulson's silver canoe
Black Monday? Global Investors vote "No" on Paulson's
By Mike Whitney
The bill is just Paulson's way of carving a silver canoe
for he and his brandy-drooling investor buddies so they
can paddle away to some island paradise while the rest
of us drown in a bottomless ocean of debt.
"Brandy-drooling"! How deftly said. And I was thinking
either a Paraguayan paradise or a Dubai high rise for
them - security guarded to keep out the rabble, of
Political Astrology,Astrology,Politics
Hank Paulson,
Mike Whitney,
Paulson's silver canoe,
Wall Street bailout
Jul 21, 2008
Are Dems the problem? + Iraq war stats
Better late than never when it comes to Information Clearing House's NewsLetter:
Information Clearing House Newsletter: News You Won't Find On CNN
July 19, 2008
"One of the world's greatest problems is the impossibility of any person searching for the truth on any subject when they believe they already have it." Dave Wilbur
"It's not a matter of what is true that counts but a matter of what is perceived to be true." Henry Kissinger
"Most of the greatest evils that man has inflicted upon man have come through people feeling quite certain about something which, in fact, was false." Bertrand Russell
"When shall it be said in any country of the world, my poor are happy, neither ignorance or distress is to be found among them; my jails are empty of prisoners, my streets of beggars; the aged are not in want, the taxes not oppressive; the rational world is my friend because I am friend of its happiness. When these things can be said, then may that country boast of its constitution and government." Thomas Paine
Read this newsletter online at
Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered Since The U.S. Invaded Iraq 1,236,604
Iraqi deaths
Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed (Officially acknowledged) In America's War On Iraq: 4,125
The War And Occupation Of Iraq Costs $538,352,761,450
See the cost in your community at firstpriorities
Reality Check: The Democrats Are The Real Problem
By Mike Whitney
If the path to peace requires crushing the Democratic Party and its blood-thirsty candidates; so be it. The main thing is to stop the killing. If Obama won't do it, we'll find someone who will.
Read article at ICH
The Problem Of Patriotism
By James Rothenberg
Race, sex, and religion do not demand your loyalty but your country does. Your village or town doesn't. Your city doesn't. The state you live in doesn't. New York and California don't care if you are loyal to them.
What's the difference? Armed force. Uncle Sam needs you. To fight.
"War Sucks"
By Scott Ritter
"It Ain't what you see on TV."
Click to view at: ICH
Information Clearing House Newsletter: News You Won't Find On CNN
July 19, 2008
"One of the world's greatest problems is the impossibility of any person searching for the truth on any subject when they believe they already have it." Dave Wilbur
"It's not a matter of what is true that counts but a matter of what is perceived to be true." Henry Kissinger
"Most of the greatest evils that man has inflicted upon man have come through people feeling quite certain about something which, in fact, was false." Bertrand Russell
"When shall it be said in any country of the world, my poor are happy, neither ignorance or distress is to be found among them; my jails are empty of prisoners, my streets of beggars; the aged are not in want, the taxes not oppressive; the rational world is my friend because I am friend of its happiness. When these things can be said, then may that country boast of its constitution and government." Thomas Paine
Read this newsletter online at
Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered Since The U.S. Invaded Iraq 1,236,604
Iraqi deaths
Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed (Officially acknowledged) In America's War On Iraq: 4,125
The War And Occupation Of Iraq Costs $538,352,761,450
See the cost in your community at firstpriorities
Reality Check: The Democrats Are The Real Problem
By Mike Whitney
If the path to peace requires crushing the Democratic Party and its blood-thirsty candidates; so be it. The main thing is to stop the killing. If Obama won't do it, we'll find someone who will.
Read article at ICH
The Problem Of Patriotism
By James Rothenberg
Race, sex, and religion do not demand your loyalty but your country does. Your village or town doesn't. Your city doesn't. The state you live in doesn't. New York and California don't care if you are loyal to them.
What's the difference? Armed force. Uncle Sam needs you. To fight.
"War Sucks"
By Scott Ritter
"It Ain't what you see on TV."
Click to view at: ICH
Political Astrology,Astrology,Politics
America's War on Iraq,
Bush-Cheney War,
current events,
Henry Kissinger quote,
James Rothenberg,
Mike Whitney,
Scott Ritter,
Thomas Paine quote
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