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Showing posts with label Nazis Rise to Power Eclipse of 1932. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nazis Rise to Power Eclipse of 1932. Show all posts

Mar 31, 2023

Horoscope: Trump Indicted in Manhattan

A Signal That the Trump Crime Wave Will Finally End?

by Jude Cowell

Meanwhile, today it's being reported that the Trump indictment won't go as folks think it will go and this is born out in the horoscope shown, below, set for March 30, 2023 5:32 pm edt Manhattan, NY, the time that CNN announced that an indictment had been voted by the NY Grand Jury against Donald J. Trump whose natal 10th house Uranus-NN-Sun trio of chaos and ego is atop the chart.

But why? Because the chart's Ascendant and Midheaven ruler, Mercury the Messenger, makes no applying Ptolemaic aspects to other planets in the indictment horoscope. Therefore, the sign, house, degree, and other conditions of Mercury, planet of votes, deliberation, and announcements, become the focus, and can act in similar fashion as a void of course Moon: that no one can interfere with the proceedings now underway, and/or that results will not be as expected. In Aries, Mercury emphasizes the pioneering of a first-ever indictment of a former US president. In 8th house of Shared Resources, Corporatism, Debts, and Death, we may discover more about this once the indictment is unsealed and the charges are revealed.

So please enlarge and/or print the horoscope to read my study notes, if you wish. Pollen allergies have me under the weather this week, so typing all my notes in this post is not feasible. However, do note that Indictment Jupiter @18Aries directly opposes Trump's natal Jupiter at Station which contains a groovy Sabian Symbol, I've always thought: "Two Men Placed Under Arrest" - a reference to Michael Cohen who 'took the fall' for Trump's pay-off to Stormy Daniels?

Now with Jupiter opposing his Jupiter, the orange blighter would be wise not to push too hard since few people are the least bit impressed with him! He says he'll surrender in New York 'next week', which remains to be seen for I'm uncertain that flight can be ruled out, not yet. One thing is certain: we're sure to hear his Libran Jupiter's favorite complaint, "It's not fair!"

Because of his indictment, how predictable that war and violence have been threatened by Trump and his supporters, and yes, such factors can be found in the above chart. I highlight two in particular:

1. That this event is occurring under the influence of the current Solar Eclipse in the 6 South Saros Series (see notes in center of the chart) with its 'being forceful, taking power; huge effort in group activities' themes - B. Brady) occurring on October 25, 2022 @2Scorpio and here opposed by the transiting Mars-Saturn midpoint @2Taurus, the 'death axis' duo according to Reinhold Ebertin. In August 1932, a 6 South Eclipse manifested as the 'Nazis Rise to Power' Eclipse @8Vir09, discussed previously in multiple SO'W posts. So if ending the rise of Nazis and fascists in America has now begun, you know that I'm all for it. In fact, my uncles who fought Nazis in WWII would be proud of what may be the first of many indictments!

Yet we must face the fact that the rounded-up degree of the North Node (5Taurus) = "A Widow at an Open Grave." A negative word picture, of course, yet Dane Ruhyar adds that people are ready to, Discard the Past rather than using a violent connotation. Meanwhile, I'm still wondering if Ivana Trump's gravesite at Bedminster Golf Course shouldn't be inspected for buried evidence.

2. A dynamic T-Square is present, as you see, with the Moon-Pluto opposition at its base pointing toward the North Node ('NN") of destiny and denoting the removal or elimination of toxins from the system, plus, upsets and upheavals within the community. Additionally, the Moon-Pluto combination indicates criminal elements, and those are the elements and people I fervently hope will be removed from our societal and political systems no matter how many years it may take.

And if we need a further identity check from the horocope: Moon @30Cancer = "A Daughter of the American Revolution" which might describe such malcontent magas as Boebert and Greene with their seditious dreams of revolution and civil war in the streets, but it definitely describes yours truly who insists on retaining American democracy and supporting the continuance of America's Perpetual Union.

Sep 22, 2022

Neptune Misleads: The Nazi Quest for the Holy Grail

A Search Motivated by the Need for Earthly Power

by Jude Cowell

Due to its legendary supernatural power, a vast and universal treasure was sought by the occult-prone, power mad Nazi Party and they spent a good bit of time and effort searching for the scriptual Holy Grail. Here's a video from the Reel Truth History Documentaries channel, The Nazi Quest for the Holy Grail which you may find of interest. Especially since the neo-Nazis and their brethren in 2022 do seem to think that history has cycled 'round again to favor their brutal, power-grabbing, paternalistic way of thinking and behaving.

And a major cosmic signpost of warning to the world is the fact that the soon-occurring 6 South Solar Eclipse of October 25, 2022 @2Scorpio with its themes of manic energy and forcefully taking power is a repetition of the Total 'Nazis Rise to Power' Eclipse of August 31, 1932 @8Vir09:54 - conjunct Neptune in Virgo which suggests cults, misguided ideals, and herds of sheep following their leader over a cliff. Sounds like today's maga-heads to me! Plus, demagogue Tr*mp has touted that he's Chosen One! False prophet, more like.

But hey! Lovers of democracy and reason are not powerless - we can prevent bizarro freaks who model their racist, misogynist selves on the Nazi Party of the olden days in order to take control of America's helm as they did all too well in 2016. Yet it's now clear that Trump-style politicians are not saviors of our country, they're traitors and saboteurs.

So whether they're called fascists or nazis, let's stand up against the brutal threat of primal violence and hatred the cultists want to enforce upon the American people and Vote Blue in 2022 and beyond!

Now here's the 6 South Horoscope set for October 25, 2022 Washington DC:

Aug 4, 2021

The Two Karmic Eclipses That Affect Midterms 2022

Wednesday August 4, 2021: One reason to spotlight here the two eclipses that will affect the Midterms 2022 Elections is because of the clues, hints, and the cosmic information that their horoscopes contain. Yes, previous posts have been published concerning them, however, this dual image of the charts can be seen, below, for the purpose of adding the midpoint pictures from both eclipes: the 6 South Solar Eclipse of October 25, 2022 @2Scorpio conjunct Venus (2Sco39: cooperation needed and material values are involved) and rising in Washington DC, and the November 8, 2022 Lunar Eclipse @16Tau00 conjunct radical reformer Uranus Rx (16Tau56) with the Sun @16Scorpio snugged between Mercury (15Sco52) and Venus (20Sco13) - all rising in our nation's capital led by the transiting South Node in Scorpio which emphasizes the karmic implications for Washington DC of the 6 South Eclipse.

So if we round up the eclipse and Venus degree to "3 Scorpio" we have a clue: "A House-Raising" which suggests that the US Congress is understandably involved (or even eviction notices, see below). Furthermore, the degree's Keyword is: "HELPFULNESS - positive expression: an exceptional power of accomplishment through a consistent success in winning the good will and enlisting the services of others; negative expression: a complete inability to fit into any pattern of shared relationships" (The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, M. E. Jones). And the eclipse degree's Illumination Point opposite at "3 Taurus" = HOPEFULNESS! YBut yes, the Exaltation degree of the Moon (3Taurus) and the Fall of the Moon degree (3Scorpio) may be somehow involved but I suspect that few astrologers use such cosmic indicators these days. It is an axis like the Nodal Axis with the Taurus-Scorpio 2/8 polarity as the focus of both eclipses with the Lunar Eclipse describing our reactions to the events brought by the Solar Eclipse. One end of the Solar Eclipse has vanity, conceit, and self-glorification (Mercury-Venus = Sun) while the other end brings the radical reforms, shared experiences, and potential upsets of Uranus-NN. Then, our lunar reactions include common sense on one end (Sun-Mercury) and ideals (Sun-Venus) while the opposite end expresses potentials for emotional excitability or tension, sacrifice, and/or possible anxiety due to nervousness over reforms and political or social changes. Circumstances will become clearer once Campaign 2024 is officially underway.

Now of course with any Solar Eclipse in Scorpio, society must handle events and conditions very carefully for although strength of purpose, seeing to the very root of our problems, and karmic opportunities for progress are involved, astrologer Rose Lineman points out that such an eclipse can also bring out in susceptible people the negative traits of Scorpio such as vengefulness, hatred, jealousy, and cruelty. And you'll agree that modern society already has an overabundance of such traits expressing within the Collective. Hopefully, the Scorpio eclipse of October 2022 will activate the more positive karmic possibilities so we must concentrate on this.

Meanwhile, as you see on the Solar Eclipse chart (lower left), communicating Mercury (dot all Is, cross all Ts when rising just before the Sun = oriental), planet of young people, brings along fixed stars Arcturus (the White House) and Spica (the spike = the Washington Monument, or, the US Presidency). This 6 South Eclipse of October 25, 2022 is the Prenatal Eclipse ('PE') of Midterms 2022 and therefore is the PE of the Lunar Eclipse itself which perfects on the very day of the election/s (November 8th), as you see:

'Cosmic Blink' Eclipses Are 'Wild Cards of the Universe'

Now you know that all eclipses are karmic and suggest sudden changes of direction in earthly affairs in similar fashion to the erratic planet Uranus which when active seems to spark external fated events but actually has been acting or catalyzing on an internal level for some period of time. Radical politics and reforms accrue to zealous Uranus but in the earthy sign of Taurus, we've also seen changes (Uranus) within the realms of natural and ecological disasters (with Uranus ruling bolts of lightening and shifts), and in financial matters including a large amount of speculation on Wall Street, plus, stimulus payments of an unusual or novel nature. Even eviction moratoriums fall under the influence of Uranus in Venus-ruled Taurus expressing as unusual financial aid.

As you can see, penned to the left of the Solar Eclipse Horoscope, is a fretful note about the 6 South Eclipse which occurred on August 31, 1932 @8Virgo expressing as the 'Nazis Rise to Power Eclipse' - another very good reason to spotlight the 6 South manifestation approaching in 2022. (6 North is worrisome, too, on the level of 'authority figures' and 'taking over responsibility because someone is ill or unreliable' - B. Brady.) The themes of both elipses sound sinister, don't they? Well, forewarned is forearmed!

Midpoint Pictures of the October and November 2022 Eclipses

Now here are the Midpoint Pictures potentials, first of the October 2022 Solar Eclipse in the 6 South Saros Series, then those of the November 2022 Lunar Eclipse @16Taurus on Election Day. Note that any, all, or none may apply and can be subject to transits, directions, and/or progressions - except where Uranus is involved for its quirky disruption can manifest early, late, or not at all:

Solar Eclipse October 2022: Sun-Moon = Venus, Sun-Venus = Moon, Moon-Venus = Sun: actors or stage performers (ex: politicians), harmony, attractive personalities, cooperation or teamwork. Mars-Jupiter = North Node ('NN'): good cooperation dynamics. And Saturn-NN = Jupiter: a change of position, a fortunate separation.

Lunar Eclipse November 2022: Saturn-MC = Moon: depression or psychosis; impressionability; suffering from members of the female sex. With Uranus: desire to obtain objectives at all costs, making the greatest effort (as with 6 South themes), an emotional shock or crisis, emotional excitability (possibly due to fear and anxiety within the Moon-Uranus combination), Uranus-NN = Moon: new contacts which are terminated quickly, showing quick enthusiasm for other people. Venus-Uranus = Saturn: awakening from love iillusions, estrangement, separation, a difficult birth. And Moon-Venus (again) = Saturn: suppressed feelings, separation from or loss of the husband, renunciation; sad or sick women, philosophizing.

Midpoint pictures from The Combination of Stellar Influences, by Reinhold Ebertin. #ad. Consult other midpoint directories for additional information.