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Showing posts with label 2022. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2022. Show all posts

Sep 22, 2022

Neptune Misleads: The Nazi Quest for the Holy Grail

A Search Motivated by the Need for Earthly Power

by Jude Cowell

Due to its legendary supernatural power, a vast and universal treasure was sought by the occult-prone, power mad Nazi Party and they spent a good bit of time and effort searching for the scriptual Holy Grail. Here's a video from the Reel Truth History Documentaries channel, The Nazi Quest for the Holy Grail which you may find of interest. Especially since the neo-Nazis and their brethren in 2022 do seem to think that history has cycled 'round again to favor their brutal, power-grabbing, paternalistic way of thinking and behaving.

And a major cosmic signpost of warning to the world is the fact that the soon-occurring 6 South Solar Eclipse of October 25, 2022 @2Scorpio with its themes of manic energy and forcefully taking power is a repetition of the Total 'Nazis Rise to Power' Eclipse of August 31, 1932 @8Vir09:54 - conjunct Neptune in Virgo which suggests cults, misguided ideals, and herds of sheep following their leader over a cliff. Sounds like today's maga-heads to me! Plus, demagogue Tr*mp has touted that he's Chosen One! False prophet, more like.

But hey! Lovers of democracy and reason are not powerless - we can prevent bizarro freaks who model their racist, misogynist selves on the Nazi Party of the olden days in order to take control of America's helm as they did all too well in 2016. Yet it's now clear that Trump-style politicians are not saviors of our country, they're traitors and saboteurs.

So whether they're called fascists or nazis, let's stand up against the brutal threat of primal violence and hatred the cultists want to enforce upon the American people and Vote Blue in 2022 and beyond!

Now here's the 6 South Horoscope set for October 25, 2022 Washington DC:

Jul 23, 2022

Secret Service 1865 w/ July 2022 Planets

Astro-Notes: The Secret Service w/ Current Contacts

by Jude Cowell

The first Director of the US Secret Service William Patrick Wood was born March 11, 1820 in Alexandria, Virginia with a strong trio of Mercury-North-Node-Saturn @1Aries. He was tapped to lead the US Secret Service created by President Andrew Johnson's Executive Order after the Assassination of President Abraham Lincoln in April 1865, and the new agency was tasked with a mission to squelch counterfeit currency which was depleting the value of real currency. This was not a good look for America or for the American people already under much duress due to the cuss'ed Civil War and the hardship and misery that any war brings to a populace.

Formed under the wings of the US Treasury Department (itself created by Congress on September 1, 1789 and first helmed by the illustrious Alexander Hamilton), the Secret Service is now headed by Trump appointee James Murray who's in the news these days due to certain events of January 6, 2021, and the agency's deleted texts which may have been little more than personal messages, more private than compromising. But that's an ongoing scandal to be further belabored as the year goes on.

So for that and other reasons, I thought perhaps a Horoscope for the US Secret Service could be usefully displayed here on Stars Over Washington although only a 'noon' chart is in my files. In untimed cases like this, I tend to look at the planets from their earliest positions on that date to their latest, with a noon chart in between. You'll find the range of positions of Sun and Moon listed, below the chart.

So here's an image of the agency's noon horoscope, plus, the 24-hour scope of planetary positions ranging from 12:00 am to 11:59 pm on July 5, 1865 when the US Secret Service became operative in order to root out law-breaking counterfeiters, then eventually went on to become the multi-pronged organization it is today including the protection of the president:

July 5, 1865: Sun 13Can36 - 14Can04 (conjunct Sirius and Canopus - and US POTUS Sun); Moon 29Sco01 - 11Sag38.

And since mundane Saturn signifies responsibility, accountability, managerial ability, soberness, laws, legalities, government, and such (and is exalted in Libra), you may find the current three-fer dates of the Secret Service's Saturn Return/s of interest: 1. November 11, 2011; 2. May 12, 2012 (Rx); 3. July 28, 2012 (President Obama). Standing out is the 1865 Saturn-North-Node Conjunction which adds to the agency's imperatives for responsible teamwork, a silent demeanor, and contacts with authoritative individuals; plus, Saturnian boundaries and rules must be observed (or should be). Additionally, 1865 Saturn conjuncts asteroid Sisyphus suggesting a picture of a strong determination to complete difficult tasks which must be done over and over. For me, a lack of vacations for agents is one potential that comes to mind.

Note: Unfortunately for our country, the condition of US natal Mars, planet of weapons, assaults, and initiative, has symbolically turned retrograde by progression since around 2006 and this affects many areas of life in the US including men who use weapons, with Mars in general signifying adult males such as those who sign up as agents in the Secret Service while America's planet of energy, action, and motivation must strive harder than usual with its energies diverted inward instead of outward and forward as Mars prefers. Of course, our military and police forces are also affected.

Now we should note the agency's Prenatal Solar Eclipse's Saros Series ('PE'), the difficult 11 South, a Total Eclipse which manifested on April 25, 1865 @5Tau21 (in 7th house near the financial 8th cusp at noon). 11 South themes: 'old methods fail, new systems and reforms are needed to deal with events; any blocks may be violently or tragically removed' (paraphrasing B. Brady). Obviously, this relates to the agency's anti-counterfeiting mission at its inception but I can't discard its significance through the years although you can ignore its themes if you like. Plus, recent hits from radical Uranus lurching through Taurus could have activated 11 South themes while also suggesting feelings of brotherhood.

Meanwhile, another Total 11 South Eclipse will repeat on August 2, 2027 @10Leo and will eclipse the natal Pluto and Mars-Saturn midpoint of Donald Trump with all the death, destructive fury, and higher power that the midpoint contains. However, considering that the heavyweight planet of power, hidden wealth, and stealth (Pluto) is involved, I don't care to speculate at this early date what the 2027 eclipsing of his Pluto and his 'death axis' midpoint can possibly foretell. Would you?

As for the 1865 Horoscope, outside the chart and highlighted in blue are penned the planets of the July 21, 2022 J6 Hearing which opened at 8:00 pm edt Cannon Office Building Washington DC. And inside the 1865 horoscope, you'll note that Mars @25Leo07 is basically the natal Mars position of one D. Trump, while 1865 Jupiter Rx @21Sag38 was conjoined in 1946 by his very needy natal Moon which always carries with it natal South Node of fluctuating popularity, out-of-sync timing, and mother issues. Of course, these are not the only cosmic links between them (1946 to 1865) but these two contacts (Mars-Mars and Jupiter-Moon) must have aided the orange insurrectionist as he recruited certain men of the US Secret Service as if they were his own palace guard.

Sep 16, 2019

Inauguration 2021 Midpoint Pictures

Please enlarge the following image to read the potentials of Inauguration 2021's Midpoint Pictures. Any, all, or none may apply at the time of the 2021 Oath of Office and may be subject to transits, progressions, and/or other activation; potentials are blends of Tyl, Ebertin, and Munkasey, and as you see, apex planets include: Sun (US natal POTUS; leadership; goals), Mars (males; the military; weapons), Uranus (radicals; reactionaries; zealots; the future), Saturn (authority; legal system; the Establishment; the status quo; limitations; the past), Pluto (power; extreme wealth; hidden hands; saboteurs), Jupiter (finances, banking, investment, wealthy, politics, religion, the General, corporatism; expansion), and Neptune (the media, the masses, propaganda, fraud, deception, disappointment, dissolution). The remaining planets are not apex but are parts of the planetary combinations themselves.

Notably, one planetary picture (Venus-Jupiter) prominently sits atop the Inauguration 2021 Horoscope Midheaven, the Goal Point ('MC'); three planetary midpoints conjunct the Sun, four conjunct Neptune, and two conjunct Jupiter; 12:00 pm est is a Solar Hour, the lunar phase is Crescent (88:10 = crisis in action), and with regret, I add that the chart's planets are in the Bundle shape of a 'dictator' such as Mussolini's (whose natal planets formed the Bundle shape) which suggests a more authoritarian 'presidency' than We The People have always been led to expect from Washington DC--even though we can 'feel' America's three-fer Pluto Return/s approaching in 2022:

Now please note that the Inauguration 2021 Horoscope may not be a cosmic picture of a second presidential term for Donald Trump and yet you may agree that the 2021 Inaugural midpoint pictures suggest quite a mixed cosmic bag of negative and positive possibilities including: temporary or passing states of chaos, success and recognition, lowered standards and goals, magical effects, retaliation, impatience with interference, crooks and swindlers, and someone becoming the mistress or master of her or his own fate.

All this said under the assumption that America will continue to inaugurate presidents during this old order vs new order stage of societal dissolution and regeneration. Meanwhile, Pluto creeping through Saturn-ruled Capricorn, sign of government, law, and business, imposes his own destructive energies, doesn't he?

And so for authoritarian Trump this marks a period when transit Saturn (3AQ55; planet of authority and legalities) opposes his progressed Saturn (3Leo09 conjunct his progressed MC 5:40) and progress is difficult if not impossible to achieve--and transit Pluto @24Capricorn opposes his natal Saturn in Watery Cancer, sign of tribalism and nationalism, and suggesting titanic challenges to his personal authority and control. Hopefully! Is he vanquished yet? Well, perhaps the 'Images for Integration' for Inauguration 2021's Air-Fire Sun AQ-Moon Aries blend of cosmic energies might be of an uplifting nature:

"A court jester mocks the social injustices of the realm...Robin Hood and his band of merry men outwit the evil King John once again." (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey). On second thought, mocking and/or outwitting can play out for good or ill, so maybe not.

Note: if you find that any midpoint picture's potentials are difficult to read, leave a comment with this post and I will add its potentials in a reply. Printing the page might increase readability. jc

Also included on the above image in the lower right corner you see listed the 4 South Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') of Inauguration 2021, the DC Horoscope for which may be viewed in a previous post here with eclipse theme and other astro-notes included.

Apr 18, 2018

The Prenatal Solar Eclipse of America's Pluto Return/s

Image: Solar Eclipse @12Sag22 December 4, 2021 surrounding US Natal Horoscope July 4, 1776 5:09 pm LMT Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. This Solar Eclipse falls into the 5 New South Saros Series with themes of benefits and peak experiences and its initial manifestation perfected on June 15, 1787 @24Gem20, near the New Moon degree (25:07) of the Uranian Mr. Trump's 'escalator announcement' of his presidential bid in June 2015. It is also the degree of the 1781 discovery of planet Uranus (24Gem27). Will the senior Mr. Trump still be around in 2021 or 2022? We'll see for it may depend on how many cheeseburgers and greasy chicken thighs he scarfs down between now and then (I'm not wishin' I'm just sayin').

Now the US natal chart here is the one I usually tend to favor because it places Cardinal World Points on the MC and IC angles of the chart along with two applicable Sabian Symbols. '1 Aries' = IC, the Foundation of the Matter) = "A Woman Rises Out of Water, a Seal Is Embracing Her" (Jones) which to me sounds like the New Atlantis as America, a 'her', across the sea from England--and America's Great Seal intended to certify official documents and based on Weishaupt's Illuminati Seal design of May 1, 1776. This, plus the natal horoscope's Ascendant degree/s ('12Sag' and '13 Sag'--see chart, lower left) suggests our nation on various levels--one of which is its Freemasonic birth of an idea/ideal that is the Founders' 'New Atlantis' in which men are capable of enlightened self-government for as Thomas Jefferson asserted,

"I have no fear that the result of our experiment will be that men may be trusted to govern themselves." (TJ July 2, 1787.) Do you think that remains the case in 2018 much less by 2021/22? If not, it's primarily due to infiltrators that have infested our country for decades now and their devilish, undermining machinations which are really paying off as they planned long ago. (See my 2005 description of Stars Over Washington under the title, above!)

Some well known historic events that are associated with the Mercury-Pluto duo include: Apollo 11 Moon Landing, Alaskan Earthquake, FDR's first election, East Coast Power Blackout, and Bolsheviks take power (Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Michael Munkasey).

Note: Now I'm using the 5 New South Eclipse as the PE of America's Pluto Return phase in general, plus, its degree conjoins our nation's July 4, 1776 natal Ascendant in Sagittarius (late afternoon charts). However, two other Solar Eclipses perfect in year 2022 with themes that are notably plutonic and I intend to cover them in a different post as soon as I can get to it. Check back if you're curious, or subscribe if you wish.

And so as creepy Pluto in Capricorn (planet of the Underworld, secret manipulators, hidden wealth, sneaky stealth, death, sex, research and investigation, transformation and regeneration) continues plodding toward his natal degree (27Cap33) and reprises his opposition to US natal Mercury (24Can11: '25Cancer' = "A Man Wrapped in an Invisible Mantle of Power") off and on along the way, we can see in the above Eclipse chart some of the general cosmic background influences upon the first-time-ever phase of our exact Pluto Return/s--three in number. Our Pluto Return phase will activate America's surveillance pair of planets ('total awareness' aka, Big Brother) with the duo's (continued!) propensity toward secrets, gathering of information (intelligence activities), top secret communications, security clearances, self-destructive impulses in business operations, political talk of abrupt changes and reforms, breakdowns in road networks, paranoia about secrets or scandals and the leaking or disclosure of them, ruthless behavior, obsessions, eroticism, news about space exploration, orbital weapons, and/or toxins, and the need to control other people (Munkasey) when it's actually The Manipulators who need controlling.

Dec 29, 2007

"Unmasking" Eclipse Feb 6, 2008

Here is the chart for the Solar Eclipse of Feb 6, 2008, set for the White House, 10:44:27 pm est.

Eclipse is in 4th house, the Foundation of the chart and representing the Domestic Scene, Home, Homeland (in this case), the White House itself, and the End of the Matter. The 4/10 axis is the Security Axis. In the US natal chart (Sibly) this Eclipse falls in the 2nd house of Earning Ability, Possessions, and Values.

~~UPDATE 3.22.08: the Eclipse in 4th House--the subprime housing fiasco is ongoing as Bear Stearns is bailed out by the Fed, a NWO plan that will be underwritten by the hoodwinked US taxpayer.~~

It's being called the Unmasking Eclipse (by yours truly) because it occurs on the "18AQ" degree, Sabian Symbol: "A man unmasked."

From The Sabian Symbols in Astrology (Dr. Marc Edmund Jones) we see the keyword for "18AQ": ANALYSIS...

pos: a considered dedication to greater or more wonderful reasons for being;

neg/unconscious/shadow side: self-betrayal through exceptional ineptitude.

This is a symbol of the human mind's illimitable power for penetrating into the deeper stirrings and underlying motivations of human nature, and of a very modern determination to gain a scientific mastery of every psychological process.

Here is a repudiation of all individualism as other than the common divisions of labor in social reality, and a demand that each person make a public accounting of himself whenever the general welfare requires it. Life becomes a laboratory for an immortal curiosity.

In her book on the Symbols, 360 Degrees of the Zodiac, Australian astrologer, Lynda Hill, gives "18AQ" as: "A man being unmasked at a masquerade" and gives keywords as:

secret motives exposed; facing the truth about oneself or others; being able to see through characters and trickery; wearing a 'mask' that suits the situation (campaign 2008?); dropping pretense; stripping away cover-ups (oh goody!); aliases; the desire for authenticity.

Lynda always gives 'Cautions' for each degree...

"18AQ": detrimentally revealing yourself too quickly or too early; being found out to be a fraud; finding unwelcome answers; charades; pretense and ploys to manipulate; layers of deception discovered; lies; assumed identities.

Ah! good reasons to set this Eclipse for the White House. Charades, masquerades, and campaigns with their annoying and bogus debates--as candidates argue past one another and threads of reasoning end nowhere and with no one the wiser.

Naturally this Eclipse's influence will be in effect until the next Solar Eclipse of Aug 1, 2008--the Series in which the 2008 (s)election takes place.

Unmasking Eclipse in 10 North Series:

Brady's Predictive Astrology gives the influences of the 10N Series as:

frustrating or inhibiting events concerning paperwork, news, or a young person; strong emphasis on communication; people may feel tired and drained and it's time to take things quietly and work through difficulties one at a time.

Previously the 10N Series manifested: Dec 14, 1917 (22Sag); Dec 25, 1935 (3Cap); Jan 5, 1954 (14Cap); Jan 16, 1972 (25Cap); and Jan 26, 1990 (7AQ--conjunct Bush43's natal Descendant--partnerships; legal matters.) Next time: Feb 17, 2026 (29AQ.)

One feature of the Eclipse chart which I've highlighted (click to enlarge chart) is the off-and-on-again Quindecile (165 degrees) aspect of obsession-compulsion between societal Saturn and nebulous Neptune (fraud; crooks; spirituality) so we have: deception within societal leadership; idealism dissolves old systems; rigid structure disappears; dreams become reality.

Of course some people's dreams may be other men's grim realities.

You may notice that Neptune is triggerng the Mars/Asc midpoint by opposition...

Mars/Asc = Neptune: withdrawal as an option (a candidate withdraws? surely not the US from Iraq while Bush is infesting the White House); out of the mainstream (a typical, if tiresome, political complaint esp if you consider what the self-styled 'mainstreamers' have wrought); maintaining one's position only with great difficulty; disharmony in working together.

There are all sorts of political and campaign levels to this picture. We'll see.

And there's Pluto at World Point 00Cap21, a much-discussed topic online--toss your mouse and you should find many articles on the subject...with Capricorn the sign of politics, law, and business. Eventually, America will have her first-ever Pluto Return (fall from power? or rededication to it?) and it will be a three-fer, all in the year 2022:

Feb 20; July 11 (Rx); and Dec 28.

A few of the 'Cautions' which Lynda Hill gives for Pluto's "28Cap" are: false sense of freedom (sounds familiar); mental confusion brings lack of discernment; peace, harmony, privacy are hard to find (yep); abandoned living spaces; too much chatter with not much being achieved.

Thing about America's Pluto is that when the presidential Inaugurals were moved from early March to January 20--as of FDR's second Inauguration, Jan 20, 1937-- it permanently placed US Pluto conjunct Inaugural MC (MC= Aspirations, Objectives, Goals.) Nice for elite plutocrats, one supposes, manipulative for the rest of the world.

But back to the Feb 6, 2008 Eclipse:

Neptune 21AQ34 is conjunct asteroid, Bacchus: religious fervor; drunkenness; ecstatic joy. Red red wine, y'know--Neptune is associated with the Divine Source--and with all forms of negative escapism.

Asteroid Astraea, justice and law, is rising, and Saturn is at the ASC/MC midpoint...

ASC/MC = Saturn: conservatism is comfortable; austerity is important for reliability and maturity; feeling inferior; depression; separation.

Marked in red is a Grand Trine between the Eclipse (plus Neptune and NN, with NN conj US n Moon, the people), Mars 24Gem24 in 9th house of Education; Foreign Enemies; Philosophy and Religion), and the ASC of the chart.

Yet my pc, IE, and isp are all crashing left and right today--it's taken hours to get this post this far along, so I'll skedaddle for now and refer to this chart later on...for after all, chart-ruler Venus 17Cap01 is applying to the NWO degree, "18Cap" and you know how I love to grouse about their "smug and strong-armed paternalism"...and the Unmasking Eclipse may be turn out to be helpful as we listen to the promises and assertions of candidates 2008.

As Rudy would say, 9/11.

See current Eclipse chart of Sept 11, 2007.