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Showing posts with label Nixon's War On Drugs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nixon's War On Drugs. Show all posts

Jan 28, 2024

Could American Politicians Be Running Drugs Over Border? - clip

Speaking of America's "crisis at the border," a very interesting discussion occurred recently between Thom Hartmann and a caller to his show:

Astrologically, a planetary combination which relates closely to drug use, abuse, trafficking, and smuggling, is the organized crime duo of Neptune and Pluto which met in Great Conjunction three times in 1891 and 1892 - conjunct US 1776 Uranus ("going to extremes with drugs" - Munkasey). See Drug smuggling in the US goes back to the 19th century (

Then there's a previous post from 2022 concerning the topic of illegal substances and Tricky Dick Nixon's cynical use of the issue for selfish political purposes - just as Trump intends to use conditions at the US-Mexico border as a talking point in his 2024 campaign rhetoric against President Biden:

Nixon's "War On Drugs" scam must end, an improvement which may not comport with drug smugglers of the political persuasion.

Feb 7, 2022

Nixon's "War on Drugs" Scam Must End

America's Militarized Police State is Anti-American

by Jude Cowell

Richard's Nixon's much touted term "war on drugs" was coined on June 18, 1971 and popularized by the media. And in 2016, in a segment on his Live broadcast, Thom Hartmann related this deceptive Nixon campaign meant to fight against his enemies (Vietman War and civil rights protestors, and African-Americans of his day) as one of the signposts on the way to increasing violence in America.

Then prior to 1971, the televised incidents of violence at DNC 1968 in Chicago made a shocking spectacle of purposeful political violence shown vividly on TV to the American public although a percentage of viewers may have cheered. Was this melee of disruption against the Democratic Party an early example of "owning the libs"?

Meanwhile, history tends to rhyme through similar events and conditions, and on SO'W a correlation between historical and eclipse cycles is noted quite frequently. So here's another such for you:

Solar Eclipses in the same Saros Series as those in 1968 will repeat in 2022 - the first eclipse manifests on April 30th @10Taurus (6 North: Themes - 'relationship to authority figures; someone becomes unreliable; commitments are made'), the second on October 25th @2Scorpio (6 South: Themes - 'being forceful and taking power; exerting huge efforts in group activities' - paraphrasing B. Brady).

Significantly, a 6 South Solar Eclipse manifested in August 1932 as what I call the Nazi Rise to Power Eclipse with the chart showing, as you can see, eclipse Saturn conjunct US natal Pluto, a transit that times a period of power and control issues, and indicates that situations are simply too large to handle.

And as we know, Germany cheered Herr Adolf for "being forceful" and "taking power" while many Americans cheered for FDR with motives much less brutal as he enjoined a battle against America's enemies, rather than joining them. In fact, the "economic royalists" of 1933 attempted a fascist coup against FDR and failed. So can we agree that a 'watchful eye to safety' is now necessary due to saboteurs and other coup planners who harbor fasci*t intentions as they lurk about the country, secretly and publicly, and who are determined to strike again against the US government?

Meanwhile, a breakdown in the fabric of society is well underway, a longterm goal of the GOP, and this causes chaotic societal conditions just right for coup attempts such as Congress and the American public were terrorized by on January 6, 2021.

For a view of the DC Horoscopes of the Midterm Elections 2022 Lunar Eclipse and the 6 South Eclipse of October 25, 2022 check out this previous post.

As for Nixon's "War on Drugs", global and ongoing as it tragically and unfairly is, this political scam was invented within a 9 New North Saros Series via the Solar Eclipse of February 25, 1971 @6Pisces (in secretive, shady Pisces - with the sign suggesting serious karmic implications). 9NN Themes: 'violence or sudden physical events, accidents; keep a watchful eye on safety'. (Also notable given current events is that a 9 New North Eclipse also manifested @14Aquarius on February 3, 1935, the year that the Nazis appropriated the 'swastika' symbol for their party's official flag.)

So it seems to me that ending the bogus "war on drugs" and the gestapo-style no-knock warrants that resulted from its strong-armed enforcement would be a major step forward toward keeping a 'watchful eye' on every American's safety.

Why, karmic progress would be made! Plus, relief would be welcomed for America's callous prison system full of non-violent drug offenders and other unfairly imprisoned victims of what has become a militarized police state, a condition which can be partially described astrologically by US Mars turned retrograde by progression, a weakening if symbolic indicator for testosterone-driven Mars, the warrior planet of motive, action, and desire.

Brutal Factions Seek Violent Conflicts in US Streets

Therefore, I must ask you, dear reader: why have such deceptive reforms been instituted over the last decades by certain domestic and foreign factions including the arming of police departments with military weapons if an authoritarian take-over by brutal manipulators and their corporate backers hadn't been planned for America's future? Is NRA opposition to gun control reform their stance in order to make battles fought in US streets possible and more deadly? These ploys of brutality might also be identified as Herr T's "carnage in America" which I realized on January 20, 2017 was a threat rather than his lament.

So! Whether such malevolent plans and activities have been in process through the decades or not, it's now 2022 with the Midterm Elections and a Taurus Lunar Eclipse conjunct radical Uranus drawing near, and, prior to that, a karmic 'cosmic blink' Eclipse in Scorpio arriving in October, so that this, right now, must be where our resistance to authoritarianism is made crystal clear!

Above image: 'Moon Phases' by Jude Cowell; colored pencil on paper

Apr 27, 2021

Two Solar Eclipses and Nixon's War On Drugs

April 27 2021: By now most Americans are aware that Richard Nixon and his enablers invented America's War On Drugs, which he announced in 1971, and was intended to incarcerate his 'enemies', those unruly African Americans demanding their Civil Rights and anti-Vietnam-War protesters, made up mostly of my idealistic Flower Power Generation of peaceniks.

So becoming curious to see if the 9 Old South Solar Eclipse of Summer 1971, which ended with that particular manifestation, affected its own initial eclipse in the series (June 23, 0727 @4Can17, inner chart, its genesis or birth), I set up a bi-wheel of the two eclipses, as you can see, below. Also note that Nixon's taking the US off the gold standard in 1971 was also an issue of the final 9 Old South Eclipse (endings) and we can see that, yes, a few financial factors are involved along with the drug war and subsequent incarcerations. Exs: 1971 Pluto-Chiron midpoint (Plutocracy; exploitation; primal violence; racism) @5Can51 conjuncts US natal Jupiter @5Can55 of 1776 ('6 Cancer' = "Game Birds Feathering Their Nests"), and the 1971 Jupiter-Neptune duo (speculators, visionaries, hypocrites, wastrels, and political conflicts conjuncts Midheaven in 1971 and rises in 0727). As you know, it's primarily the hypocrisy of and speculation by wealthy entrepreneurs taking over the cannabis industry that's in the news these days so that profits can be made after 40 years of oppression and imprisonment of young people and non-violent offenders. This seems a classic example of 'do as I say, not as I do'.

Yet as noted, political conflict is the basic reason that Nixon declared the 'war' in the first place - to remove his enemies from the playing field. Making a windfall must have seemed a bonus for wealth-hoarder Pluto @27Leo50 which was actually eclipsed in 1971 so, listed on the chart are potentials for: 1971 Sun-Moon = 0727 Pluto: 'changed circumstances lead to critical stages of development; power; gang wars; criminality; rape' (R. Ebertin).

And as we now find, drug arrests and long sentences have long fueled America's massive prison system, a lucrative, cruel, and malicious scheme for profit for certain politicians, judges, lawyers, police departments, and others, thanks to Tricky Dick and his co-conspirators in 1971.

Then for the passage of legislation, you see that 1971 Saturn, planet of restriction and law, opposes 0727 Uranus, planet of freedom and rebellion. This transit identifies the "passage of restrictive legislation" that Nixon finagled in order to make his oppressive actions seem legal! Meanwhile, we might also note that the May 26, 2021 Lunar Eclipse will 'eclipse' 1971 Saturn, a Sun-to-Saturn transit suggesting serious circumstances and legal issues that involve authority concerns.

So below you see a bi-wheel of both the initial and the final 9 Old South Eclipse with themes of: 'idealism' and 'great energy via a forceful, controlling, manipulative Mars-Pluto influence' (Brady). Naturally, there are other chart factors which may be of interest to you so feel free to mention them in an on-topic comment if you wish: