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Showing posts with label US-Mexico border. Show all posts
Showing posts with label US-Mexico border. Show all posts

Jan 28, 2024

Could American Politicians Be Running Drugs Over Border? - clip

Speaking of America's "crisis at the border," a very interesting discussion occurred recently between Thom Hartmann and a caller to his show:

Astrologically, a planetary combination which relates closely to drug use, abuse, trafficking, and smuggling, is the organized crime duo of Neptune and Pluto which met in Great Conjunction three times in 1891 and 1892 - conjunct US 1776 Uranus ("going to extremes with drugs" - Munkasey). See Drug smuggling in the US goes back to the 19th century (

Then there's a previous post from 2022 concerning the topic of illegal substances and Tricky Dick Nixon's cynical use of the issue for selfish political purposes - just as Trump intends to use conditions at the US-Mexico border as a talking point in his 2024 campaign rhetoric against President Biden:

Nixon's "War On Drugs" scam must end, an improvement which may not comport with drug smugglers of the political persuasion.

Jan 22, 2024

Kyrsten Sinema needed at the border

Senator Kyrsten Sinema; official portrait 2018

Senator Sinema is a Moon-Saturn Kind of Gal

by Jude Cowell

So far these last few years, I've managed to avoid publishing the natal horoscope of former Democrat, now "Independent" Senator Kyrsten Sinema. But with her name in the news again in relation to US-Mexico border issues, her natal Moon-Saturn opposition across the self-willed Leo-Aquarius polarity - which lands upon America's 1776 Nodal Axis - may be worth a review if one hasn't previously. Actually, that would be yours truly, for I've ignored her disloyalty and money-grabbing activities in Congress as often as possible.

Now if memory serves, Sinema's childhood is known to have been a difficult one of poverty, as many others have been. One indication of this in her chart is the Moon-Saturn opposition between Mummy and Daddy, if we want to consider it on such a level with emotional deprivation part of the lunar picture. Thing is, this opposition tends to affect health but can simultaneously provide the individual with a deep urge for wordly accomplishment, or in other words, it suggests a highly ambitious nature. Self-reliance comes along with it and can often give a loner personality and an independent streak.

My concern now is Election 2024, the changes it will bring, and the fact that Sinema's natal Moon conjuncts US South Node (fluctuating popularity; emotional disengagement) while her Saturn conjuncts US North Node (public responsibility; contacts with more mature folk such as senators). Now I agree that her 10th house of Career and Public Status is stunningly full of her Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Saturn so chances are we're not rid of her just yet, no matter what career path she decides to take. Lucrative lobbying seems to attract but may not be prominent enough to suit her ambitions. After all, her money-bags planet Jupiter is in the 8th house of Big Business and Shared Resources, while erratic Uranus and North Node, a duo of radical politics, rise in 1st house of Self, making the highly intelligent Kyrsten Sinema definitely a woman to watch - and a difficult woman to fathom or predict!

Meanwhile, Republicans continue calling conditions at the Southern border a "crisis" of national security yet they refuse to cooperate on a solution because it would benefit President Biden and other Democrats. Selfish much?! Well, one must wonder just how security-minded Republicans are - if they are.

And so admittedly, if Kyrsten Sinema can somehow loosen the political log jam concerning Southern border issues, I'll have to change my view of the quirky Senator from Arizona.

Jan 10, 2019

DC Horoscopes: the March 2019 Lunations of Crisis

January 10, 2019: Today as the Trump Wall stalemate as 'justification' for the bogus, harmful Trump Shutdown continues, news that the Mueller investigation nears its end comes as potential if partial relief to the current level of tension and frustration in America. It is reported that Special Counsel Robert Mueller will begin downsizing his staff soon and that acting AG Rod Rosenstein is preparing to step down from the DOJ, timed by William Barr's assumption of the AG post once his confirmation hearing, apparently scheduled for next week (possibly Tuesday January 15th), wraps up successfully. Then it will probably take several weeks more for Mueller's staff to prepare then present the report which may or not be 'hidden' by Trump supporters in the Department of Justice.

Not all my notes are mentioned in this text so please enlarge the image for more details:

Politically, it seems that the returning Mr. Barr is a shoo-in for the AG post circa 2019 but meanwhile, the fate of the Mueller report is uncertain due to 'Bill' Barr's pre-judgment of the Trump investigation's legality and the iffiness of the timing of Mr. Rosenstein's departure while still managing to protect the investigation against assaults by the guilty-acting Mr. Trump. This week we find that Robert Mueller's report may possibly 'drop' in March 2019 if not in February, so above are the DC Horoscopes of the March 6th New Moon @15Pis47 (conjunct difficult Achernar star of 'crisis' and/or'rapid endings') and deceptive, delusional Neptune (16Pis08), planet of mass media, the masses, lies, fraud, propaganda, bubbles, contagion, fear, paranoia---all in the 10th house of Career and Public Standing when the chart is set for the White House (same for Washington DC). As you see, Mercury is at Station and has turned retrograde which suggests review, reconsideration, or perhaps someone changing their mind about their plans (edit: or a 're-port'?). Sorry to say but Mercury conjoins another difficult star, too--Scheat, a star of misfortune.

Now as you know, a New Moon phase represents a 'seeding' of a new cycle of activity yet this one is clouded by veiling, disguising Neptune, just recently moved beyond its 5th conjunction of 5 (Dec 29, 2018) in the Republican Party's first-ever Neptune Return (14Pis01) Horoscope. Visions of Republicans obscuring Trump's antics and illegalities come to mind although a few GOPers have ventured from behind the curtain and jumped the sinking ship. Perhaps more will stand up and follow suit by March, no matter what secrets Trump, Putin, and/or others hold over them. Yes, I want to believe that not all Republicans are compromised, don't you?!

Then upper right, you see the culminating Full Moon of March 20, 2019 @00Lib09 which perfects a day prior to Spring Equinox 2019 and shows testy Mars @23Taurus conjunct Trump's natal MC and simultaneously nearing the natal Mars of Speaker Nancy Pelosi where raging star Algol blinks. This Full Moon @00Libra, a Cardinal World Point of Manifestation, conjoins the natal Midheaven ('MC' = The Goal; Aspirations) of the United States of America (July 4, 1776 5:09 pm LMT, Philly) so that a cosmic picture of timing and fulfillment is shown by the bright rays of the March 2019 Full Moon yet as I type at you in January, your guess is as good as mine, if not better, as to what Trump and Washington politicians have in mind--assuming that they have a definite plan for our nation at all--other than chaos as they shove our nation toward a constitutional crisis via authoritarian dictator-wanna-be Trump's extreme efforts to unduly expand executive power by ignoring the principles and requirements of the US Constitution.

Jan 7, 2019