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Showing posts with label Sirius. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sirius. Show all posts

Jul 9, 2010

Two symbols for the Solar Eclipse of July 11, 2010

Now that the July 11, 2010 Solar Eclipse is almost upon us, I've had a chance to check a certain book which has what I consider to be quaint symbols, The 360 Degrees of the Zodiac by Adriano Carelli.

Not every degree has a word picture but all have explanations based on empirical study; the symbols are from start to end of the 360 degr circle, and not keyed to one another as in books on Sabian Symbols such as that by Dane Rudhyar and Marc Edmund Jones. Some people have critiqued Carelli's book for that reason - one symbol doesn't 'lead into' another and the meanings of opposite symbols may have little or nothing to do with another.

Yet I find Carelli's Symbols useful in most cases, quite odd in others, and think that perhaps the July 11 Solar Eclipse @ 19Can24 may be elucidated on some level by considering Carelli'a symbols for '19Can' and '20Can' since the book recommends rounding down to the actual degree sans minute. This suits me since each degree is part of a process, as is life, and one degree 'finishes' as the next comes into being. Ex: a planet's position @ 15Can29 is no less '15' than '16' but is in process of evolving.

Now I won't quote the book in full but will give 'highlights' of both degrees' explanations which may apply in 2010 as best they may, or perhaps you'll discover that they describe certain persons of your acquaintance - or people in the news.

Plus, the July 11 Solar Eclipse carries some hint of crisis because '20Cancer' is a critical, sensitive degree and conjoins Fixed Star,Castor, whose potentials include: writing or creating; sudden fame or loss; crippling of limbs; mental illness; murder (A. Louis, Horary Plain and Simple.)

Click the link above and you'll see that the Eclipse occurs in the 8th house of Shared Resources, Credit, Insurance, Debt, and Transformaton when the chart is set for DC (and it is. This is Stars Over Washington. ;p)

In his book, Mr. Carelli uses classical literature and other chivalrous references which may give a quaintness to the information. Yet he is describing, of course, archetypal images from the Collective Unconscious; 'knights' still exist in 2010 but whether they retain their integrity as they should is quite another question.

Both degrees for the July 11 Solar Eclipse do happen to have word pictures which are the symbols themselves, and I shall quote whomever Carelli quotes in italics while attempting to streamline the rest.

(Note: You may notice that the 1st symbol has an Illuminati flavor; the 2nd symbol reminds me of Sirius in its 'Dog Star' role.)

'19Can' SYMBOL: A renaissance gentlemen, sword and dagger at his side, plays the flute before a book stand on which an ancient illuminated score rests. Other courtiers stand respectfully around.

Though wearing a sword, I am of courteous manners. - Heraldic device to be read on the sword-bearing coat of arms of painter Courtois Bourguignon, still standing on the house where he lived in Rome.

Gallantry in war, civil courage, a great passion and gift for art, a taste for polemics. (...) capable of profound thought, will love books and research and will hold, for all his refinement, a marked sway over others. His is a terribly difficult character. He will be apt to fly off the handle for a trifle; he will be very kind when not aroused, but will frighten everyone when angered.

...a dramatic actor, an opera singer, an orchestra player or conductor.

The parents might be of illustrious descent, even if they do not display their title officially. (Ex: Michaelangelo Buonarroti, degree of Saturn, ruler of his Ascendant.)

'20Can' SYMBOL: A watchdog slumbering at the entrance of an old palace.

Masters is what dogs have. - popular Italian proverb.

The native will never be in want of either a piece of bread or of a roof. Though poor, he has, all considered, an easy life of it. His days are spent in blissful idleness. An easy life, not a dignified one. He cannot even think of being independent; as soon as the old master has gone, he will look for a new one. When kicked, he will whine like a coward and will think nothing of kissing the hands that enslave him.

...nothing weighs so heavily on his shoulders as a personal responsibility or thinking with his own head. Should the master allow him a minimum of authority over others, he will misuse it or at least make a display of it in front of those less well-dressed.

...he wants to be left in peace - that is, idleness...

For his master he has a faithful attachment which is both base and heroic, despicable and moving. A thorough craven, he will boast of his master's valiant deeds; in his own utter poverty, he will brag of his master's wealth.

...hale and hearty, though no great friend of water and soap.

....his poverty is at times the result of a heritage too costly for his income, which it would be wise to waive, though none would dare advise him to do so. A bastard (or a degenerate) scion of a very old lineage, he would die rather than forget it.

As long as mankind stays what it is, policemen, customs officers, sextons, career soldiers, jail wardens, harlots, are all necessary evils. The frontier needs watchdogs, justice needs bloodhounds, and the male needs the female.


For further reading, may I recommend to you a post from March 2009 concerning a horoscope that's good for 100 years? Midpoint pictures of the New Millennium Chart 2001 includes its Pre-Natal Eclipse Series (PE of the 21st century), the 2 South, which manifested on December 25, 2000 @ 4Cap15. This Solar Eclipse time-links by degree and sign to the recent Lunar Eclipse 4Cap46 conjunct Pluto on June 26, 2010.

So from 2000 to 2010, conscious and unconscious material synthesizes as events repeat in similar ways on various levels so they may be dealt with, and I believe this relates to the soon-perfecting opposition between societal planets, Jupiter (expansion) and Saturn (restriction.)

Their opposition is the 10-years-later culmination phase ('Full Moon') of their Great Conjunction of May 28, 2000 @ '23Taurus' = "A Jewelry Shop Filled With the Most Magnificent Gems" - when the seeds of our current malaise were planted, and which describes to me the wealth that's now been sucked out of the global economy and into Pluto's dark and selfish lair for Taurus is a practical Earth sign whose shadow side contains greed, possessiveness, intolerance, and prejudice.

Besides relating to the Republican Party (Jup) and Democratic Party (Sat) in US Political Astrology, the orbital dance of Jupiter and Saturn relates to stock markets as well, and it's been 10 years since the clock began ticking on world banking plans of political import - the first half of their cycle has been the up side; now we have 10 years of the down side until their next Great Conjunction of Dec 21, 2020 in Air @ 00AQ29, the current position of US Inaugural Sun (the leader.)

Also in the post, you'll find Rose Lineman's advice on how to achieve karmic progress for eclipses occurring in Capricorn (June 26), ruled by taskmaster, Saturn. And I know this reminds you of the over-spending habits of the populace (Moon) of various nations and their should-have-known-better, ill-coping governments (Pluto in Cap), the bad habits which have brought mankind to the edge of a dizzying financial precipice, 2008 and beyond.

Pluto Draws Near, by yours truly. Mr. Underworld is repped by the little red sphere, upper right. He's small but he's primal.

Apr 20, 2010

4:20 pm on 4.20.10: it's smoke-in time!

Well, I missed it again! But yes, it's been years since my college days so I shouldn't be surprised that today's Great Smoke-in, in honor of marijuana's nickname '420', has come and gone without me.

At 4:20 pm pdt on 4.20.10, Fixed Star Denebola will rise in San Francisco, scene of one of today's smoke-ins. Denebola's keywords seem quite applicable to this event: to go against society, or, against the mainstream!

The chart does have health connotations, however, such as the still-within-orb YOD between Sun (in sensual Taurus) sextile Neptune (planet of negative escapism, drugs, and dreams) pointing to authoritarian Saturn 29Vir07 Rx in 1st house. (YODs can be health indicators as well as 'special task' or 'crisis' indicators.) I suspect that California authorities (Saturn) are not as happy as the participants today and may consider the smoke-in to be a critical (29th degree) situation they must deal with. We'll see how it goes. (I'm in the edt zone and it's now nearing 8:30 pm here.)

Plus, 19Vir00 is rising making Mercury the chart-ruler, yet Mercury is Rx in Taurus and is squared by Mars. Will something or someone interfere with all the hi-jinks?

And I shouldn't neglect to add a midpoint picture affecting Mars at 4:20 pm... Saturn/MC = Mars: a lack of initiative and enterprise. (This effect is one of the drawbacks of regular pot smoking, yes? Wait a minute - how would you know? ;p )

So with the YOD's health connection, I'm thinking of California's lead in allowing medical marijuana to be used, something I must agree with for calming serious or fatal conditions. If herbal smoking eases someone's severe pain or gives them an appetite when they wouldn't have one otherwise, it's not my place or the nosy government's business to keep weed from helping people, imho. For who am I to pontificate to those near death, especially a painful one? Sheesh!

Another interesting factor in the chart is Mars @ 8Leo40 in 11th house of Friends, Groups, and you know, Leo loves entertainment and fun times...

'9Leo' = "Glass Blowers Shape with Their Breath Glowing Forms"...ha ha! Sounds suspiciously bong-like to me, how about you?

Plus, Mars rises these days with SIRIUS, keywords: the mundane becoming sacred . Now I've never researched cannabis to any extent but it must be a sacred herb in some culture or another, right? And didn't some of our nation's Founding Fathers grow it? Oh yeah, for the hemp. Right.

As far as asteroids, there's imbibing Bacchus who never met a party or a feel-good substance he didn't like...he's very suitably traversing the sign of Neptunian Pisces just now @ 18Pis42, conjunct the chart's Descendant!

Socializing Venus 24Tau50 has what may be an apt Sabian Symbol to add to the picture, hazy though the smoke-in's location may become...

'25Tau' = "A Large, Well-Kept Public Park."

And in the end, you know what they always love to say so I'll say it as well:

smoke 'em if ya got 'em!

And if you don't, just blog about it.

Jul 7, 2009

G8 Summit in L'Aquila, Italy 7.7.09

There are many things we common folk might say about the current G8 Summit which began today in L'Aquila, Italy, such as: stop engineering a world economic crash, delete your one-world-government plans, get over your big selves, ixnay on the audfray, and much more.

L'Aquila means 'the eagle' as you know, and the city's history of earthquakes has caused an airlift emergency plan for world leaders' safety to be put in place. We wouldn't want to risk a scratch upon such precious and secretive chinny chin chins, now would we?

The constellation Aquila is interesting because of its Alpha star, Altair, which soars and spies high above the rest of us mortals. And of course, the Eagle is America's totem as well as L'Aquila's symbol on her flag - click Wiki link above to view its beakiness.

Altair's keywords are: boldness, action, and determination. (Brady's Book of Fixed Stars.)

Ptolemy said the stars of Aquila are of the nature of Mars and Jupiter; Robson gives keywords: ability to rise in life, boldness, and courage, but with possible guilt from bloodshed. Mmm.

Ms. Brady adds that Altair indicates actions taken for the collective, and that the ability to achieve is linked with risk-taking and a dogged determination. (America's mercurial president flew (Mercury) abroad this week in tandem with the zodical position of Fixed Star, Sirius, the Dog Star, the announcer.) When I see "risk-taking" I tend to think of gambling and power elites certainly do that on a regular basis with everyone elses' lives and fortunes.

As both readers of this blog know, a major thread here has been that the ends do not justify the means, not even for Machiavellians, so the majority of these G8 fellas and gals are not my cuppa tea in the least believing as I do that they will do anything it takes to grasp and keep their power. Yet these heads of state represent only the public faces of a deeply veiled cabal calling the shots - all kinds of shots.

Now you may disagree - or you may be tres naive. Wouldn't I love to be wrong about these power-mad jokers? But you feel their interference in your life, don't you? Do you feel them manufacturing a world economic collapse so they can rebuild systems to their own specifications?

Well, look! Here's Pope John Paul II, in his New Year's Day mass of 2004, calling for a New World Order!

Guess he was preparing the way a little more clearly since it's been a very long process, you know, and power elites don't know how to give up.

So this particular G8 2009 is marked by today's Lunar Eclipse 15Cap24 which impacts Pluto 17Can05 in natal 11th house of Groups/Associations in the Vatican City's 1929 chart. Nearby is 19Can33, Pluto's Heliocentric North Node which is one reason why I think '19Can' turns up often in charts that map assassinations, murders, and other violent events or people - it's a sensitized degree for plutonian mayhems including nuclear events or projects.

(Vatican City June 7, 1929, Rome, Italy 11:00 am; from historical record and found in Celeste Teal's book, Eclipses...see sidebar; chart marks VC's independence as granted by Mussolini. There's another Lunar Eclipse on August 5, 2009 which emphasizes VC's natal Mars 14Leo10 in 12th house. Will there be more unveilings (12th house) of bad actions (Mars) by priests?)

L'Aquila Or Bust

As you'll read if you click the Wiki link above, the city of L'Aquila was constructed by Frederick II as a 'bulwark against the power of the papacy.'

Yet in Politics, allegiances often change in the bat of an eyelash or the breaking of a treaty, don't they? What will 2009's G8 in L'Aquila turn out to be a bulwark against, if anything?

And here's my wondering about yesterday's speeches by Presidents Obama and Medvedev in a gold-encrusted hall that I assume is located in the Kremlin: did you notice the Illuminati/Apollo sun-god theme over their heads - the huge sunburst symbol? Just wondering if you noted it. I did.

Sep 16, 2007

Senator Jim Webb plus: Sirius and Columba

Here is a post with a few details on Jim Webb's natal chart using sunrise (birth time unknown; Feb 9, 1946, St.Joseph, Missouri.)

Today I got sidetracked by a new website discovered to have all manner of interesting articles on Julian vs Gregorian Calendar reforms (a long-standing interest of mine), America and her links to Egypt, Sirius-Isis, the Pyramids at Giza, the election of the locations for the first settlements in the New World, and many other things: Enterprise Mission where you'll find info on the "carving out" of a new constellation, Columba (for guess who?) out of Canis Major, a constellation which contains Sirius and Sirius B.

Oh yeah, Dr. John Dee, Royal Astrologer to Queen Elizabeth I, is in the house!

Jul 14, 2007

Bush is a Sirius guy

Symbol for Sirius, the Dog Star of Egypt.

From the President's Schedule: Monday, July 9, 2007

President Bush participated in a conversation on the Americas at the White House Conference on the Americas. This conference is being hosted by President and Mrs. Bush to bring together non-governmental organizations, the private sector, and foundations to discuss and highlight the vast array of societal interaction between the United States and its neighbors to better the lives of the region's citizens.

"Laura and I had a magnificent trip to Central and South America. It reminded me of the importance of having a peaceful and prosperous neighborhood. It's in our interests, in the interests of the United States that our neighborhood be healthy and educated. And so this conference is an attempt to bring together key people of my administration and faith-based groups and private sector groups from the United States, as well as our neighborhood, to discuss how we can work together to promote social justice, to help people realize a better life through good education and good health care."

"Social justice, good education, and good health care"? Pshaw! He's had over 6 years to work toward these things just in the US and where has that gotten the people who need them? Worse off than they were before "under" George W. Bush, the message-bearer.

Let's look at the Stars that rose with Bush's natal planets, his Ascendant (his nibs himself), and his Midheaven (MC = Aspirations; Goals)--born July 6, 1946, 7:26 am EDt, New Haven, CT:

1. Pluto/ASC rise with Mirzam (Beta Canis Major): carrying a message. Mirzam was called The Announcer because it rose before Sirius, the major star in Egyptian star lore and worship. Mirzam embodies the symbolism of the dog whose nature is to bark, announce, and make noise.

Anyone who has Mirzam connected with their chart has something to say, a message to bring. Unlike Sirius, Mirzam is not an important star but adds an announcing quality to the person's life as well as a connection to the public or with groups who make announcements to the world.

(This is supported by a Mercury/Pluto conjunction rising, the propaganda duo, and by his ASC degree "8Leo": "A bolshevik propagandist.")

2. Natal Sun rises with Alhena (Gamma Gemini): its name is Arabian, meaning the Proudly Marching One. They also called it the Brand or Mark, referring to the brand on the camel's neck or side. Alhena represents movement, determination, and pride, and gives a cause to follow, a mission, or a belief for which you will march (in Bush's case it seems to be sending other people marching.)

Alhena is tied to personal identity--as is the Sun--so it is an integral part of his identity, purpose, and sense of self. There is focus (once you sober up you can focus--then Poppa takes you seriously), with a drive toward achievement, plus a feeling--an arrogance--that he has a divine right to reform or correct situations.

3. Communicative Mercury rises with Sirius (Alpha Canis Major): Sirius is the 'fire of immortality' star of the Egyptians (and has always been connected closely with the US natal chart, by way of the stars over Washington, Cairo, and London.)

The Egyptians called Sirius The Shining One and The Scorcher for the heat from Sirius was thought to cause rabies in dogs. Its risings and settings have been recorded since the beginning of history so that it formed the basis of the Egyptian calendar. And a desire for immortality permeates ancient Egyptian culture (and apparently the minds of the self-styled elite of today who think they've got it coming because they're so hot!)

Egyptian religion also called this star, Sirius Isis (see symbol above), and the Nile Star.

In a natal chart, Sirius is linked to one who loves power, along with the danger of pushing things too far, too fast. It literally demands expression in the life yet its huge success may "burn" you...keywords: the mundane becoming sacred. Sacred rituals are not unheard of with this star connected to a person's chart (say around 11 pm, in the White House cellar? You bring the skull.)

Sirius was rising with Pluto (atomic power; death; transformation) in early August, 1945 at the latitudes of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and the people of these cities who were burned to a crisp have been immortalized by sacred sites dedicated to the removal of nuclear weapons. (Notice Bush's connections to nuclear weapons--and his boney finger on The Button, God help us all.)

Sirius' positive expression depends on having a clear and honest intent--and actions have profound effects beyond expectations which makes this energy difficult to handle. Directing this energy into positive outcomes is the only hope once things escalate, and we certainly see this happening in the Middle East where Bush's exertions have thrown fuel on the long-burning fire--thanks to Bush's total disregard for unintended consequences.

I would say that he did not and is not using Sirius' gifts honestly, clearly, or carefully, in spite of his devoted service to goddess Isis. (And you may disagree if you like.)

4. Then there's his MC, the Aspiration/Goal/Public Status Point of his chart, which rose with Fomalhaut on the day he was born. Fomalhaut is one of the Royal Stars of Persia, keywords: being humanitarian and poetic (!); (Alpha Pisces Australis):

Each Royal Star seems to represent a trial or temptation which must be worked through before success is achieved (guess he did that in his 40s when he supposedly gave up drugs, liquid and leafy and whatever--lucky world.)

With the Royal Stars there are many pitfalls along the rocky road and the individual has a very good chance of falling from grace. These temptations are the nemesis which must be conquered and a clash with the mainstream may be necessary to reach one's goals.

Bush's demonstration of this clash is at crescendo now and because Fomalhaut's touch of the mystic requires high ideals or a lofty vision, I'll leave it to you to decide whether he is corrupt and heading for total downfall as the recent Saturnian Scythe would support--in spite of his touted "noble cause" undertaken for the benefit of the collective.

Star info: Brady's Book of Fixed Stars