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Showing posts with label The Moon Society. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Moon Society. Show all posts

Dec 23, 2012

Greenspan admitted The Fed is above US law (video); plus, Full Moon coming

Former protege of Ayn Rand, Mr. Greenspan Speaks about The Fed

by Jude Cowell

Here's a 48-second snippet from 2007 of Jim Lehrer interviewing Alan Greenspan who headed America's Federal Reserve System for several years:

Text of the full interview may be read here. A link to Mr. Greenspan's book is included if you're so inclined. As you know, reporter Andrea Mitchell has been married to Mr. Greenspan since 1997 and I continue to find it curious that her news program appears on the demi-progressive MSNBC. Yet MSNBC and NBC are Rockefeller enterprises after all.

For videos on a variety of topics visit Forbidden Knowledge TV.

Fiscal Schmiscal, Let's Call the Whole Thing Off

Here's an intriguing opinion piece on Rockefeller-Obama Republicans which makes the case that President Obama panders to the Republican Party--not because he doesn't negotiate well (as Rockefeller media and others propagandize), or that he's "weak"--but because he's one of them.

Related reading: Who's Done More Damage: Bernie Madoff or Alan Greenspan?

Stage Craft: It's All Political Theater, Dahlink!

Fast-forward to the current 'fiscal cliff'-sequester negotiations of December 2012 and we continue to see Mr. Obama putting certain concessions 'on the table' than what progressive voters who re-elected him expected since he now so obviously has a mandate from The People to protect us. Social Security? Mr. Obama campaigned on not including it in the fiscal deal since it has no part in creating the deficit. But now 'on the table' is a potential change in SS cost-of-living raises which will affect millions of seniors through disguised cuts as the years go by, thus removing money from the US economy, money that would've been spent. And that doesn't mention the potential for suffering.

Yes, FDR's New Deal programs are under seige by plutocrats as they've been from the time they were set up. But their enemies in 2012/2013 may prove more successful at gutting them than ever before for the culprits are hiding behind the cleverest mask of guile yet taken up by America's plutocratic class of power elites...aka, "the Democrats."

Yes, I do hope I'm being a paranoid Capricorn (very possible!) with this theory and that none of the above is the case, and that the label 'Democrat' still means We the People have a fighting chance to have our concerns addressed and resolved on Capitol Hill with some measure of honesty and clarity toward a 'more level playing field'. Plus, the nasty thought of 'population control' based on a 'survival of the fittest' creed (of Ayn Rand and others) comes to mind because of the coldhearted behavior of Washington politicians, whatever their party label.

So whether you bought that badly-acted Boehner Herding Cats matinee on the evening of December 20, 2012 or not (and their subsequent skedaddle out of town for Christmas break), don't be surprised if things turn even weirder and crazier during the last week of December--under the light of the December 28th Full Moon which takes us whimpering across the expiring-tax-break threshold into 2013. (Full Moon and 'fiscal cliff' horoscopes shown.)

That Lunar Madness under a Full Moon increases the number of crimes has been documented after all, as some police departments have attested--or, is it only because more activity occurs on Moon-lit nights?

Wonder if The Moon Society has studied the phenomena?


Here's a preliminary post on the Inauguration 2013 Horoscope with a bare minimum of astro-notes and analysis until early January.

A Holiday Blog-Note: with family coming into town, this is my last SO'W post until after Christmas Day 2012 so I wish y'all a safe Merry and a Happy!Jude

Oct 18, 2011

When Is the Moon Out of Bounds?

Perhaps the calendar of when Earth's Moon is out of bounds of the earthly plane (a condition which some assert has astrological significance) is more of a schedule than a calendar. Or even a formula. Either way, I shall herein attempt to decipher old notes penned soon after I began my Astrology apprenticeship (a novice condition which I expect never to move beyond) in 1996, and let me tell ya: my handwriting isn't always perfectly legible when I'm in a hurry.

In fact, the folder I scribbled the notes on is rather dusty but I'll give it my best try just for you.

Now you may feel that the Moon's schedule is a smidgen on the circuitous side though really it isn't so much...well, see what you think (Mercury) and how it makes you feel (Moon); Mercury/Moon = mind/body connection. And please pardon that I neglected to make note of author, researcher, article, and/or book by or in which most of the following information was discovered by yours truly, a reluctant astrologer at your service, if there ever was one. It was years ago and I'd give credit if I knew where it belonged!

But first, some general on-topic considerations:

Luna's Basic Tenor in Astrology

Astrological Moon = feelings, emotions, intuition, the spiritual plane; physical body, sensitivities, presentiments, psychism, Mother and the nurturing function, home and domestic scene, environmentalism, the past, the unconscious mind, The People, the public, the populace, publicity, daily rounds, mood of the people, or, popular mood relating also to fads and trends--you can probably think of a few more...

Wafting Out of Bounds and Totawwy Awone...

To describe a parameter, when the Moon is the only celestial body OOBs in a horoscope, there is faultiness within the nurturing function through an incomplete or disappointing relationship with the mother--feelings of insecurity and inferiority are key themes; loss of the mother (ex: orphaning) is an extreme potential. When other planets in a horoscope are OOBs of the earthly plane as well it can make such emotional difficulties and lacks somewhat easier to manage for there's less of a sense of isolation, of being emotionally 'alone against the world.'

Blah blah blah, so...When Is the Moon Out of Bounds?

For a few days every 2 weeks during a period of ten years, Earth's Moon is OOBs. In collective life we may notice a deep sense of insecurity in the air during out of bounds stints which will then show up in natal horoscopes and psyches of those born during a particular OOBs period.

In Mundane Astrology, I've noted a correlation between Moon OOBs and the public being kept 'out of the loop' in some way on some topic or issue/s, or simply being apathetic, disengaged from events, or otherwise 'out there'--even locked out or 'kept in the dark'. Current topics or events may not get the publicity they deserve, or are ignored by the public--and/or much whining may ensue!

For after all, everyone knows that when the people's cat is away, the politicians will play, steal, take bribes, and stir up trouble as some of them so often will.

And then? Then for nine years the Moon is not OOBs which is precisely where we float now.

Ten Years = 2001 -- 2011

Earth's Moon completed the most recent OOBs period of approximately ten years in mid-February 2011 and had begun her wandering far afield in or about September 2001. Yes! That September 2001.

This may describe a paradigm shift of the public mood, emotion, and sentiment which occurs gradually, don't you feel? The multi-nation Arab Spring Movement comes to mind as well as the Occupy Wall Street Movement, aka, We Are The 99%-ers, all of which are providing the world with amazing expressions of generational conflicts (Uranus square Pluto = progress v power) by more balanced individuals among us--or by those demanding more balance within societal institutions--who don't feel emotionally threatened by shysters, banksters, fraudsters--in a phrase, by the criminal network surrounding the globe like a NYPD police net meant to capture human sardines who dissent against societal ills--and believe me, they are ills.

The "fed up" quality of the current social movements and campaigns of 2011 have an OOBs-back-in-bounds tinge to them with the sustainability of the Moon's nurturing-feeding function as the motive for demanding improvements between haves v have-nots. Food shortages and starvation have become critical issues for more and more people across the globe as children go to bed hungry with their lives, health, and futures blighted and stunted by risk-taking chaos-creators usually known as the 'power elite'.

Morally deformed as the majority of plutocrats are. (Many are inbred, you know.)

And prisoners being released back into society today, the 'one for one thousand' swap between Palestine and Israel?

Welcome back into the fold for all! For you're back in bounds.

Uranus Square Pluto: Cycles of Revolution

It's very refreshing for this Flower Power genner who attended a Beatles concert beneath the rays of the revolutionary Uranus/Pluto Conjunction of the mid-1960s (plus, a Mystic Rectangle of planets like a magic wand!) to observe the steadied emotional natures of most of the Occupy Wall Street (and other streets, cities, and nations now occupied!) participants who are Reflections (Moon) upon humanity's Screen (Neptune) of Awareness (Uranus) spotlighting a better way of envisioning The Future of Mankind than that of a quixotic, totalitarianism brand of neoliberalism (where Corporatism is all), a vicious plan long-desired by a bunch of self-exalted psychopaths of a Rand-esque persuasion who gravitate to Uranian-Neptunian illuminism and purport to use 'reason', a thinly veiled excuse for selfish, hard-hearted cruelty toward all of mankind.

Is this the old survival of the fittest/eugenics crowd of powerful white men intent upon using any means of seizing power and retaining control over the 99%? As you know, Rule by the Few mimics monarchy, hence the Occupy Movement's mention of feudalism being forced upon the 99%. Talk about gray around the muzzle! This is a mighty ancient paradigm the plutocrats are pushing while trying to disguise it as a "new" order. Puh!

It's an old and decrepit system full of shriveled minds and missing hearts.

Yes, throughout human history we have experienced men and women imbued with this devouring spirit--through many cycles, in fact. And we don't have to dog paddle ourselves haplessly into the waters of a deep, murky plutonian cave to find out where the monster lies.

How long can the tolerant tolerate the intolerant?

People of the Earth are down to a stalemate between those who prefer Life and harmony v those who prefer Death and destruction. It's up to each of us to choose an ultimate direction within the old Piscean paradox: up or down. Plus, there is the question inherent within Gemini's eternal dilemma: light v dark.

As Luna sails within bounds of the earthly plane and connects off and on with the other planetary energies in any chart in a more engaged way, her monthly cycle by sign and aspect relates directly to the collective's personal, earthly, and cosmic environments, and to our feelings about society's present conditions which affect us personally and those we love.

So! Now we've now begun a period of nine years with no OOBs Moon which stretches from February 2011 to some time in 2021.

After that? You tell me.


Speaking of our silvery Moon, did you know there's something called The Moon Society? It's not my cuppa tea but you may wish a sip...


Jul 19, 2009

Guidance on the July 21, 2009 Solar Eclipse '29can'

If it's guidance or info you're needing concerning the July 21, 2009 Solar Eclipse at 29 Cancer, you can do no better than Julie Demboski's excellent analysis with her practical suggestions included.

Naturally I don't 'do' advice on this blog (or on any other!) because I tend to spend time using the lens of Astrology to look at History and at Politics and politicians, especially in the DC area of the world - and they ain't listenin'.

Yet it must be mentioned that Tuesday evening's Solar Eclipse will fall barely two degrees from President Obama's natal Mercury (2Leo20), which is how he says things, his style of thinking and planning, and his orating abilities. His Mercury is opposite natal Jupiter, too, so his Mercury/Jupiter opposition will be triggered.

That Mercury relates to his children, I prefer to pass over, if you don't mind. That the Eclipse has slightly over a 2-degree orb to natal Mercury may be good - the Eclipse energy is less intense that way and more objectivity can be present - particularly to one as self-aware as Mr. Obama.

Wing-footed-and-helmeted Mercury is also linked to travel, commerce, and trade, so the president's schedule and the content of his speeches will be of particular note this week of a rather difficult Eclipse Series, the 11 South, with its 'systems break down; new methods are needed' vibe for the next 6 months of the 11 South season.

The Eclipse opposes Inauguration 2009's Sun and Mercury Rx (00AQ+), so we may expect diverse opinions and people running off into various directions while changing their minds.

In fact, the president's thinking on Inauguration Day 2009 is subject to switches and quarrels and answers are difficult to come by. His speeches may not be as well-received as he would like, although recent ones seem to have lots of applause involved...we'll see if that response continues.

So will Obama's Health Care Reform bill be presentable by Congress' August recess? It may go either way, but one thing I know based on the opponents of the bill and their current talking points: stalling for decades is hardly a "rush" to reform.

The richer classes of America must share some little bit of their largesse, or America may fall. If that occurs, we'll know that the elite's priorities and loyalties lie elsewhere than upon our sovereign shores. (Some of us know this already, but apparently it must be demonstrated to be fully appreciated - and then it will be too late for the middle class, much later for our poorer classes. It is America's failure that we have so many people under the poverty line at this late date.)

But of course even without Astrology, we already know that systems of all sorts are breaking down or are under tremendous stress, so let's see what a White House chocked full of Democrats has in mind, shall we? For America, falling upon one's own resources may be one theme of this Eclipse - survival mode is another tinge of possibility. Shouts of 'protectionism' may soon follow as usual - how tiresome!

Until then, please check out Julie Demboski's thoughts on July 21's '29 Cancer' Eclipse and its possible effects on the house axis where it falls in your natal chart and the planets which '29Can - 00Leo' may aspect for you.

Julie's perspective will do you good while Politics seldom will!


A TV shout-out may be in order for those who are especially attracted to the Earth's Moon - tonight at 9:00 pm edt (in this market - check your local listings), PBS presents a program on The Moon which should be quite interesting! jc

Ever heard of The Moon Society?