Natal Uranus of The Hail and Hearty Mr. Trump
by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy and the common good
With Mr. Trump's natal Uranus @17Gem53 in his 10th house of Career and Public Status, and since his Uranus is his 'guiding planet' (aka, oriental: last to rise before his Sun @22Gemini, with North Node @20Gemini) - and with quirky, erratic Uranus the planet of rebellion, freedom, reactionary politics, perversity, disruption, chaos, and/or just plain cantankerousness, Trump's upcoming Uranus Return/s (3 times) reveals significant signposts on his life path. That is, if he can reach such a marker, a significant challenge for anyone who attempts to stick around into their 80s, and perhaps beyond.
Now I'm wishing nothing on this topic, not for Trump nor for anyone else. All I want to do with this brief post is to publish a tri-wheel of the three horoscopes showing Trump's Uranus Return dates for future reference, if needed:
1. August 14, 2029; 2. November 2, 2029; 3. May 27, 2030; a few study notes are sprinkled on, as you can see. All three charts are set for New York since he was born there, and because I haven't the least idea where the oldster will physically be located in 2029 or 2030; however, he'll be in the 83 to 84-year-old range of life. Hopefully, he will not be anywhere near my vicinity if I'm still kickin' by then:
Notably, Trump's Uranus lands in Return 3rd house of Communications (in New York) in the first two return charts (with the 3rd house having a connection to Health), but Uranus pops up in the 12th house of Large Institutions such as Hospitals or Prisons in his final Uranus Return of May 27, 2030 - just an observation.
Then if we consider the orange oldster's lifetime of underhanded activities, the Sabian Symbol for Trump's natal Uranus degree when rounded-up seems prominent: "18Gemini" = "Two Chinese Men Talking Chinese (In A Western Crowd.) Hmmm. Well, the Mercury-ruled sign of Gemini can be very chatty and transactional, you know.