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Showing posts with label Toro. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Toro. Show all posts

Jul 3, 2022

DC Horoscopes: July 2022 Lunations

DC Horoscopes of the Two July 2022 Lunations

by Jude Cowell

Dual Images: lower left is the July 13, 2022 Full Moon @21Cap21 (in the super-sensitized zone of Capricorn where Pluto lurks) and with the Moon out-of-bounds of the earthly plane (as is Mercury @17Can42; detached? estranged?). Yet Luna leads a BOWL shape of planets (having a mission to fulfill or a cause for which to advocate) and on a mundane level can represent women, families, the public, publicity, and fluctuations and changes. Her sign of Saturn-ruled Capricorn suggests that the public mood is sober, serious, and focused on business, law, and government. The July Full Moon represents the culmination phase issuing from the New Moon of June 28, 2022 @7Can23 (showing a continuance of the June 2022 hearings) and this spotlights the natal Mercury of Donald Trump @8Cancer (a gossip, who likes to "hide the hand that flings the stone").

Then upper right is a new cycle of activity when seeds are planted and plans are made at the New Moon of July 28, 2022 @5Leo38 (conjunct US 1776 North Node) to be harvested or fulfilled at the next Full Moon (August 12, 2022 @19AQ21; chart not shown):

Health asteroid Hygeia is prominent in both charts rising at both Ascendants in Scorpio, a sign associated with surgery such as abortions, and with death such as those predicted to be the fate of many women in the US thanks to the regressive loose cannon decision by Catholic Supreme Court 'justices' gone rogue.

Thing is, I'd intended to publish these two lunar charts for the month of July 2022 based on the announcement that additional J6 Public Hearings would be held in July after the July 4th holiday but as you see, Hygeia and other chart factors have more or less taken over the focus of this post. Still, there are several suggestive study notes penned on the images for those curious enough to check them out. We should note that both lunations fall under the auspices of the 6 North Solar Eclipse of April 19, 2022 @10Tau28 with themes of 'relationship to authority figures' and 'accepting commitments due to another person's unreliability or illness' (B. Brady), so all of July 2022 (until the 6 South Eclipse of October) remains under 6 North influences.

And of course, all solar eclipses in Venus-ruled Taurus bring issues of perseverance, patience, reliability, and endurance. And on a pragmatic level, Taurus suggests economic concerns and growth potential, plus, a need to avoid bullheadedness if karmic progress is to be made.

So with the cosmic blink emphasis on Taurus, planet Venus becomes important to these and other matters and problems arriving with the eclipse, and we might think of Cassidy Hutchinson (no birth date found so far!) and her recent "smoking gun" testimony to the J6 Committee Hearing that, if any fairness is left in our country and legal system, will result in an indictment of the first-ever US president to attempt to overturn the Electoral Vote Certification in Congress, with a willful determination to establish himself as a dictator in the White House, democracy be da*ned.

Now as you see, Venus is in talkative Gemini (Cassidy Hutchinson? surely not the reluctant Ginni Thomas!) at the July 13th Full Moon but by the New Moon of July 28th, Luna has floated well into Moon-ruled Cancer (reflecting America's 1776 planets in Cancer) where she prefers security, protection, home, and family. Expectably, the far right's undermining of Miss Hutchinson's reputation will probably continue, and she will continue to need defending on physical, legal, and other levels.

Then also in the New Moon chart, we might wonder about Mercury @18Leo22, planet of Communications, Testifying, and Commerce, but also of children and babies for The Messenger planet reminds us of The Tower Eclipse of August 11, 2018, back when Herr Trump's damage to democracy was in full swing, and a 'collapse and rebuild' theme was spotlighted by the 2 New North Solar Eclipse.

Suggestively, Mercury is atop the New Moon chart at the visible Midheaven, the Goal Point of any horoscope which relates to Career and Public Status. Speedy Mercury is traveling with Toro, an asteroid associated with power including nuclear power.

Meanwhile, in a flurry of cosmic synchronicity, a Solar Eclipse @21Cancer (conjunct the July 2022 Full Moon's Sun = a culmination of full awareness: more secrets revealed) in the 2 Old North series manifested on July 13, 2018. And 2 Old North happens to be the Prenatal Solar Eclipse series ('PE') of one Donald Trump (who was playing president then) with its difficult themes of 'unfortunate news concerning relationships or friendships; dealing with separations; things look glum but fast action can bring positive outcomes' (B. Brady). My assumption is that the July 13, 2022 Full Moon will uncover issues in relation to 2 Old North themes - specifically for Donald Trump since his PE is re-activated by the July 13th Full Moon, he's the primary focus of the J6 proceedings, and, in a starring role - is the scofflaw perpetrator of extremely bad presidentin'.

And incidentally, do you know that for America's first-ever Independence Day, the month of July 1777 was replete with both a Lunar and a Solar Eclipse? An example is the Lunar Eclipse of July 20, 1777 @27Cap59 conjunct then-Pluto's position and our 1776 Pluto. And of course, the intense Moon-Pluto combination of energies relates to multiple things, one being criminal activities such as those we must deal with now - during America's first-ever Pluto Return (3x in 2022). It's all totally karmic after all, is it not?

Meanwhile, we know that the sign of Taurus can also indicate intolerance and greed, yet it's capable of expressing a good measure of patience. However, most Americans are tired of waiting for karma to catch up with the orange saboteur. Still, I must continue to wonder: Will Regulus Assure the Destiny of Donald Trump? with the star's 'ruination if revenge is taken' caution. After all, the grudge-holder's violent coup attempt on January 6, 2021 was certainly a form of taking revenge, was it not?

So then, at the very end of July 2022, a Conjunction suggesting radical reactionary politics, Utopian zealotry, and reforms takes place when transit Uranus Meets North Node on July 31st, exact at 4:05 pm edt @18Tau41. Rounded up, we have "19Taurus": "A Newly Formed Continent" = ORIGINALITY; positive expression: "a revolutionary potentiality by which each individual is enabled to remodel the entire face of the universe"; negative expression (shadow side/unconscious - jc): "a genius for futile turmoil and persistent upset" (M. E. Jones).

In closing, I feel compelled to add that this is the sign and degree of George Washington's natal Ascendant, and that, whatever reforms social meddlers have scheduled for America, I pray that they're in keeping with the first principles and freedoms that President Washington and other Founders set up for us to follow instead of the 'futile turmoil and persistent upset' that seditionists and saboteurs of our nation have long-planned in their fevered and malevolent minds.

Sep 21, 2017

2017: Republican Party Now Having Its Neptune Return

Republican Party Founded March 20, 1854 with Neptune @14Pisces01

by Jude Cowell

Yes, this particular astrologer is a common-good sort of American and since we're stuck with two political parties, my preference is that both parties contain honest men working on behalf of the American people. But in this 'New Millennium', my suspicion is that the majority of We The People realize that this is only a bubbly dream that went pouf! decades ago if indeed it was ever reality at all. Founded on Plato's Ideal Society, most of America's Founders were members of secret societies and held an esoteric mindset full of high 'Enlightenment' ideals which subsequently have been quite easy to 'repeal and replace' with crass materialism and me-first attitudes which are now embodied in a compromised Donald Trump playing POTUS as he rakes in the cash at the expense of our republic.

Today is September 21, 2017 and once again the Republican Party thinks to 'repeal' what they disrespectfully have called 'Obamacare' and replace it with a misshapen version of 'healthcare' insurance that some have called Trumpcare ('Trumpscare' more like). So considering how industriously the GOP has worked since the ACA (Obamacare) was passed into law (March 2010) to undermine its provisions and trash talk it down--as they continue to do--we may wish to consider the current condition of the GOP via its natal Neptune, planet of corruption, fraud, falsehood, scams, scandals, delusions,spirituality and inspiration and its natal degree of 14Pis01, for as astrologers of the Tropical Zodiac recognize, transit Neptune has been precisely on that degree in recent times. In fact, the Republican Party's Neptune Return is a five-er due to Neptune's off-and-on retrograde periods. But first...

Why Use March 20, 1854 6:30 pm LMT Rippon, Wisconsin?

In a forum on the Noel Tyl website data is given for the natal Horoscope of the Republican Party as March 20, 1854 6:30 pm LMT Ripon, Wisconsin with 4Libra23 rising and 5Cancer14 at Midheaven, the Point of Aspirations and Goals. The source cited is The Origin of the Republican Party. A 5Can14 MC spotlights America's natal Jupiter @5Can56 (July 4, 1776) with its telling Sabian Symbol: "Game Birds Feathering Their Nests." Wonder if this is one of the reasons Harry Truman asserted in 1948 that the Republican Party was a party of the rich and that that's all it would ever be?

If you're curious, here's what Harry thought of the Republican Party.

So just what is a Neptune Return? With distant Neptune's approximate 165-year cycle, no human being has ever enjoyed one, of course, but nations and other long-term entities can. Amazingly, we who are now living are in the midst of one at this very moment--the Neptune Return/s of the Republican Party--now 'in control' of our three branches of government. And we can feel how Neptune's typical lack of clarity and fanciful notions are working for us.

So first, let's consider through a common-good Political Astrology lens the meaning of Neptune floating through its own sign of oceanic Pisces, sign of the Two Fishes--one swimming upward toward the highest ideals and standards, and reaching the Divine Source, the other swimming down toward the depths--of shady criminality, the Underworld, corruption, deception, delusion, disappointment, and/or the depths of despair. Yes, drug taking and trafficking are down there somewhere along with damning secrets and leaks of inconvenient truths.

Plus, Neptune in Pisces is a primary indicator of the Collective Unconscious which, at least around Stars Over Washington, relates to the US presidency through America's four-year cycle of Inaugurations on January 20th at noon in Washington DC--with 14Taurus rising and bringing starry Menkar the Whale along with the presidential oath. Keywords: victim of the unconscious. Through the Biblical story of Jonah, this archetype also relates to saying what must be said whether you want to or not. (You know--like a president mouthing words written and directed by higher authorities--'the big picture must be followed', etc. Or dethroning follows.)

As for transit Neptune in Pisces, we are in a period since February 3, 2011 of increased interest in mysticism and the paranormal, spiritual quests, inspired art, music, and literature, psychism, alcohol and other drug cravings, contagions, and/or pessimism. This is also a time when deep pathological tendencies float up from the unconscious minds of those who unfortunately have them, whether through nature, nurture, or both. Transit Neptune will be in Pisces until January 2026 so we all have a ways to swim just yet until the Mars-ruled Aries Point of World Manifestation is reached by Neptune with potentials for the love of humanity, ideas concerning the social welfare, confusion, and/or insane or mad ideas (R. Ebertin).

Now in the natal chart of the Republican Party, we may surmise a bit about their Neptune Return by considering natal Neptune's general condition--aspects, midpoint pictures, house rulership, degree, etc. For as you know, any planetary return repeats the aspects of the returning planet to other natal planets thereby casting a light upon them and their indications. However, for the 1854 GOP, the aspects of natal Neptune in natal 6th house (and ruling it with 9Pis20 on the cusp) are wispily threadbare to say the least for there is only a semi-square (2A28) to natal Pluto @1Tau30 in natal 8th house in evidence. There seem to be a few possible ways we can read this:

Weakening Neptune in a weak square with Pluto which brings periods of social turmoil, the subtle disintegration of social structure, and corrupt political institutions. These are, in my estimation, precisely what the 'political class' is all too eager to provide for us with corporate-bought Democrats as the Party of the Rich's enablers. And note the use of subtlety as they continually attempt to hide their paw prints from their crimes!

And if we consider the GOP's natal Neptune as unaspected, we find materialism to be the inspiring world view with full dependence upon rationality and an inability to believe in the numinous. Lack of aspects denotes that the spirituality of planet Neptune is unable to give lofty insights to the rest of the natal planets, resulting in a dry, serious, or cold demeanor (and a lack of smiles, as you may have noticed!)

Another way to look a the GOP Neptune Return/s is the house position of natal Neptune in the 6th house of Health, Work, and Military, Police, and Civil Services. Now I don't have to mention here how all of these areas relate to ongoing Republican efforts to undermine the US government and the American people so I'll simply mention the Sabian Symbols (M.E.J. version) that apply to the party's natal Neptune--the karmic confrontation degree of '14Pisces' and '15Pisces':

'14Pisces': "A Lady in Fox Fur" (my italic for an obvious reason): "negative expression: amoral opportunism."

'15Pisces': "An Officer Preparing to Drill His Men": "negative expression: uninspiring drudgery."

(The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Jones.)

In addition, we should mention that Neptune in mid-Pisces conjoins a certain fixed star: Achernar with the key phrases: a risk of rapid endings and crisis at the end of the river. Neptune's position in 1854 also conjoined an asteroid/archetype, Toro, one of the power asteroids that relates to nuclear power and to Wall Street's pagan worship of the golden bull. This also reminds me of Congress' tricky "nuclear option"!

Now let's close with one more thing about the GOP's natal Neptune and that is its involvement in a natal midpoint picture: Neptune-MC = Uranus (10Tau12 in 8th house of Corporatism and Transformation): the desire to bring ideas to realization at all costs.

This sounds just like the GOP and their enablers to me as they dance self-destructively to the tune of their wealthy domestic and foreign donors.

The Republican Party's Neptune Return/s 2017--2018:

1. May 17, 2017

2. July 16, 2017 Rx (the current return)

3. March 7, 2018

4. October 20, 2018 Rx

5. December 29, 2018.

Related Reading: Prospects for a Golden Age: The Meaning of the Great Planetary Cycles by E. Alan Meece.

May 17, 2017

DC Horoscope: US Mars Return May 22, 2017

Perpetual War Proceeds: please enlarge the horoscope to read my scribbled astro-notes concerning America's upcoming Mars Return which perfects on May 22, 2017 at 2:42:42 pm edt Washington DC (return chart based on natal chart: USA July 4, 1776 5:09 pm LMT Philadelphia, Pennsylvania).

As you see, warrior Mars conjoins Midheaven (MC) for all the world to see (Mr. Trump and his first overseas tour?) while transit Saturn @26Sag10 Rx conjoins the IC and has been opposing US natal Mars off and on since December 2016 and will do so again including a Direct Station @21Sag11 a few days after The Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017 @29Leo (hitting Mr. Trump's natal Ascendant and royal Regulus and singeing his natal Mars @26Leo), a rare 'cosmic blink' event which will be visible from West Coast to East--and which can be seen here conjunct the 12th cusp of this return chart--the 12th house of karma, self-undoing, politics, large institutions, and backroom deals:

As for aspects to and from Mars (the star of this show) its only applying aspect is the opposition to Saturn, however, the Moon (the public) sextiles activist Mars (2A14) which denotes opportunities for self-reliance, discipline, but also compassion to be shown. Holding back or repressing feelings in order to conform is a possibility as is having the wisdom to avoid conflict. Others are accommodated until the sense of fairness is violated or some other provocation triggers a firm stand and battle is entered.

A very prominent aspect is Tr Saturn opposing natal Mars: resistance, frustration, gridlock. Chart-ruler Mercury @6Tau51 in 8th house of Corporatism makes no applying aspects (or any other) and is out-of-bounds; radical Utopian Uranus continues its lurch through Mars-ruled Aries where it is joined by Venus, the lady traveling with asteroids Isis and Toro, a power asteroid that hints at nuclear power. Bucket handle Jupiter @13Lib41 Rx rises in 1st house offering some measure of protection (as ruler of 4th house, Saturn, and 7th house) while conjoining US natal Saturn (a partial lifting of burdens).

Saturn and Uranus trine one another and, with North Node, form a Fire 'Grand Trine' of protection and connection which suggests those with many plans for the future but who may also demand loyalty from others. (If this sounds like Mr. Trump, it's meant to.) The aspect is a natal echo from America's 1776 Saturn-Uranus trine (then in Air: Libra-Gemini) which is/was compatible with future generations of Americans who can/could easily identify with our original form of authority. Our government's current perpetual war stance? Not so much.

Now a few quick words about Venus @16Ari33 since she's traveling with asteroids Isis and with Toro, a power asteroid that hints of nuclear power potential--in the 7th house of Partners and Open Enemies. Those are the few quick words.

Conscious + Unconscious Energies

Air-Fire Sun Gemini-Moon Aries is a personality blend of a 'beguiling trickster, a natural leader, a great persuader and salesman', and 'an egotist who shows partiality and rides roughshod over others'. (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey). Here is a descriptive quote by Robert Morley who shares this as his natal Sun-Moon blend:

"Show me a man who enjoyed his schooldays and I'll show you a bully and a bore."

Considering the present conditions now embroiling the White House, 'nuff said.

Update 5.17.17: former FBI Director Robert Mueller has been appointed Special Counsel in the Trump-Flynn-Russia situation.