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Showing posts with label US Congress. Show all posts
Showing posts with label US Congress. Show all posts

Jul 29, 2020

When Rep. Pramila Jayapal Questions Bill Barr

Photo: William Barr

July 29, 2020: Yesterday on SO'W I typed aloud my dream that it could be Senator Kamala Harris who would question Trump's interference-running Attorney General Bill Barr during his testimony before Congress for Senator Harris is Barr's favorite interrogator, as you know. After all, it was Senator Harris' natal Pluto @15Virgo and Venus in Virgo (17:53) that peeked over the horizon on Capitol Hill as the congressional session opened at 9:30 am edt. Here's yesterday's DC Horoscope set for 9:30 am edt. Perhaps her powerful style of dealing with prevaricators was present in spirit!

However, with the testy proceedings occurring in the House not the Senate, lady Venus in the questioning sign of Gemini at apex of a YOD configuration and with a special task to perform at the appointed time turned out to be reflected by Rep. Pramila Jayapal which suited the situation just fine. Her characterization of Barr's actions concerning Black Lives Matter protesters (he's against them) vs Barr's coddling (my word) of armed right wing extremists who threatened to lynch a governor is based in reality unlike so much that spews out of fantasist Trump and his scofflaw regime which Barr was hired to protect like Trump's mentor Roy Cohn used to do back in the olden days.

So in case you missed it (and it's a doozy!), here's a clip of Pramila Jayapal questioning the very dodgy Bill Barr yesterday. Oh, and like Kamala Harris, she controls her time!

Two Related Posts: July/December 2020: Pluto Opposes Trump natal Saturn, and the Natal Horoscope of Kamala Harris (RR:AA); note that rising just prior to her Pluto is Uranus in Virgo, the revolutionary pair of the mid-1960s Civil Rights Movement. Their three intense conjunctions in mid-Virgo are now being re-activated (opposed) by the transiting midpoint in mid-Pisces of Uranus in Taurus and Pluto in Capricorn - reminding us that Civil Rights Matter!

Jul 28, 2020

July 28, 2020 Horoscope: Bill Barr to Capitol Hill

July 18, 2020: Unless a cancellation, rescheduling, or delay occurs (chart-ruler Mercury opposes Jupiter Rx), Trump's AG William Barr is scheduled to testify today (9:30 am edt) before Congress and defend ongoing militarized actions in Portland, Oregon, among other acts of the Trump regime.

Since it's almost 9:30 am as I type, this is a quick posting of the morning's horoscope and as you see, Barr's Saturn, then Mars, rise on Capitol Hill and the natal Pluto @15Vir27 of Senator Kamala Harris (his favorite questioner, no doubt!) precisely rises at 9:30 am along with her natal Venus (17:53).

A high-flying Kite pattern (success) with testifying Mercury as its tail is shown along with a YOD pattern of crisis, special task, and/or karmic opportunity with lady Venus (Senator Harris?) at apex in Mercury-ruled Gemini. Questions! Yet Mr. Barr is there to restrain and cover-up, his usual political gig.

And with chart-ruler (and Midheaven-ruler) Mercury applying three times we may expect severe disagreements and conflicts (opposes Jupiter Rx), perhaps a lack of logic, inspired ideas that can be misused or glamorized (trines Neptune), and a display of opposing forces during these intense proceedings as information is manipulated to someone's advantage, withheld, or the wrong answers are deliberately provided in order to mislead. Obviously with Barr protecting Trump, damaging secrets will be closely held (opposes Pluto).

Oh! and Pluto Rx @23Cap25 continues his powerful opposition to Trump's natal Saturn in watery, tribal, business-oriented Cancer (Saturn, planet of authority and control).

Now much more info is embedded within the chart but time is short so I'll trust you, dear reader, to sleuth away if you're so inclined!

Feb 1, 2020

2020 vs 1789: Senate "Acquittal" Vote and Congress

February 1, 2020: Yes, changes are certain to occur between today and the proposed Senate Vote to "acquit" Donald Trump scheduled for Wednesday February 5, 2020 at 4:00 pm est, last I heard. Below is a bi-wheel horoscope set for that date, Capitol Building (symbolic location), but for 4:56:10 pm est in case the vote isn't taken at precisely 4:00 pm--and because it is the moment that scofflaw Trump's natal 12th house Pluto (10Leo02) rises over Capitol Hill on February 5, 2020 (see 4th house). And wherever goes his Pluto of the Underworld goes his destructive Mars-Saturn midpoint, a picture of brutality, fury, destruction--and intervention of a higher power (Ebertin). Michael Munkasey adds potentials for, 'extreme measures against those who cannot defend themselves adequately, intense energy toward goals, and/or respected activities are corrupted'.

Bi-wheel: Congress 1789 in center with outer Senate "Acquittal" Vote February 5, 2020. Some of Trump's natal placements are penned on and highlighted in green, and a few US natal placements are added as well--but there's not enough space on the page for all of them!

Now one consideration on the possibility of a date change is that Trump is said to be none too pleased (aka, angry) that his fake acquittal vote will come after his February 4th SOTU 2020 address so he may demand a change of date to make his boasts and gloating more timely--and he'll call his deceptive utterances "the state of the union"! Of interest in the SOTU 2020 chart and the Senate Vote chart is that contentious Mars @22Sag11/45 conjoins Trump's natal Moon (and South Node) suggesting heated feelings close to the surface, a fast pace of life, hasty actions, and the potential for temper tantrums.

The Mars-South-Node connection adds more antagonism and conflict to the picture, plus, not caring what others think or do, questioning society's militaristic values or group actions, and conduct that's out of harmony with societal norms. What else is new from Trump, right?

Well, we expect that the level of Trumpian revenge will rise as he expresses his Mars Rising energies bolstered by royal Regulus rising - he'll think he has a right to take revenge on all who've opposed him and dared to air his crimes and low character which includes anyone of either party who voted or spoke against him. However, he is not The State whether he chooses to believe it or not! And this, in spite of the caution of Regulus we've discussed many times before: 'success if revenge is avoided, otherwise all that has been gained will be taken away'. But as you know, so far Moscow Mitch has managed to protect Trump from the consequences of his actions. Yet maybe the time approaches that the "intervention of a higher force" will bring in Trump's karmic harvest and he will finally reap what he's sown. Yet if censure of Trump is all the Senate can muster, so be it, for censure will fit quite nicely with Trump's perpetually impeached condition.

After all, you see transit Saturn @25Cap36 (demand for accountability, legalities) conjunct Congress' natal Midheaven ('MC'--the goal) suggesting conservative politics but also the possibility of a fall from grace. If the latter, the US Senate's deceptive actions and subsequent failure to hold a criminal president accountable should rightly haunt them at 2020 ballot boxes across the land (Iowa votes tomorrow via caucus!). Still, Mars (conjunct-Trump's natal Moon-SN) in Congress' 8th house leads a ruthless Locomotive shape of planets, suggestive of Trump, and his determination to succeed (and retaliate).

Then as you see, Congress' 9th house of Legal Affairs (and of Foreign Lands: manipulation from a distance?) holds the powerhouse trio of Saturn, Pluto, and Jupiter with 2020 South Node nearby. And the 10th house Sun @16AQ33 nears 1789 Pluto, always a combination of energies seeking and wielding power and control. Thing is, 2020 Saturn and Pluto have already opposed 1789 Jupiter Rx (@19Can57 in 3rd house) and 2020 Jupiter soon will--exact when Jupiter reaches 19Cap57 on or about March 3, 2020, marking a peak of expansive or exaggerated energies when no one is impressed with congressional efforts--and ideals clash. Actually, I already feel unimpressed, don't you? Perhaps in part because in January I had a Jupiter Return! Or more likely because Congress is particularly missing their We the People marks these days, mostly or fully due to Republican obstructionism. Yet November 3rd approaches and a massive Blue Wave is needed for best results because GOP election rigging must be overcome!

For some levity and mockery concerning these dire topics and more check out last evening's Real Time with Bill Mahrer in a segment called New Rule: Do the Wrong Thing with Bill's advice for Democrats (some of which is on the racy side).

So as you see, there are a zillion more factors to discuss in both charts but since this is a post not a book, I'll stop fussing for now and hope that you, dear reader, might discover them for yourself, keeping in mind the 3 South Prenatal Solar Eclipse of the Senate "Acquittal" Vote and the eclipse's traumatic transformation and sudden endings of relationships themes.

And as always, please enlarge the image if you wish to read my study notes and do leave your on-topic insights and comments with this post as you wish! jc

Sep 27, 2019

US Congress: Broken When We Need It to Get Busy

Has the US Congress disintegrated right before our eyes, now broken beyond repair? The sabotage of the US government has been in force for decades and infiltrators are having their merry way. Politico's When Impeachment Meets a Broken Congress lays out the case rather well (especially if readers scroll down a few paragraphs).

And astrologers are likely to be familiar with recent and current planetary transits to the US Congress First Session Horoscope and those affecting Inauguration 2017 planets, plus, a long-term transit of Pluto square natal Neptune with potentials for: 'psychological issues that need professional attention, social upheaval, corrupt political institutions, feeling vulnerable, obsessions, compulsions, hallucinations, a need for spiritual regeneration'. And since Congress is intended to represent We The People, this heavy plutonian influence applies to the entire population.

See the US Congress First Session Horoscope of March 4, 1789 for more transit details.

Now as you can see from the March 4, 1789 chart, the Midheaven (26Capricorn) of the US Congress (MC = Goals, Aspirations, Public Standing) is currently in turmoil from the approaching Saturn-Pluto pair of compressed, unyielding energies, and the same for US Inauguration Horoscope/s (January 20, 2017, 2013, etc, at noon Capitol Building Washington DC).

Karmic Saturn and Pluto are working together as they move closer and their energies peak @23Cap46 on January 12, 2020 (conjunct Trump' natal Vertex of fated encounters--an encounter with dictatorship apparently although personally I'm hoping for downfall). The Saturn-Pluto pairing denotes potentials for: turmoil in rigid or older structures, upsets in existing checks and balances, secret preparations for future restrictions, use of secret police or military agencies, blocked sewage systems, and/or lengthy consideration of methods of removal or destruction (Munkasey). But whether Trump stays on top or not, the ongoing sabotage, mostly by Republicans, is in process of achieving its objective of collapsing America and 'drowning her in a bath tub' as Grover Norquist promised. After all, everyone knows that no empire lasts forever--including the vengeful Vladimir Putin.

So as noted, plans to deconstruct the US government have been simmering for decades--actually from the start--and many see the 2022 US Pluto Return/s as a major signpost on the way to...whatever conditions and events from the Revolutionary years will rhyme if not repeat by 2022.

And naturally, the saboteurs are banking on modern generations of Americans having little if any of the spunk and determination our forefathers possessed during the Revolutionary era so that fighting to rescue our Republic when time catches up with need will be a weak and wimpy affair, easily vanquished, our combatants soft and otherwise engaged with their phones and viral videos. For as you know stealth has been one of our opponents' handiest aids (as always with sabotage) along with infiltration, lies, fraud, cheating, political 'spin', propaganda, wedge issues, and the entertainment industry. Bribery and intimidation work well for them, too, with their mobster/global crime syndicate selves focused on dismantling democratic societies. That the US will no longer act as global leader seems evident to me and is one of the saboteurs' goals.

Plus, you'll remember that in December 2008, during the Bush-Cheney Financial Crash, America symbolically reached as far as she/we can go (or should go) in the world via our nation's Progressed Full Moon in Virgo. Now, despite the massive amount of rigging it's taken to hide the fact that our nation has reached its pinnacle, we're nearly 11 years beyond that point and the karmic imperatives are coming in fast. Are our crumbling institutional structures too weak to withstand the sabotaging forces of the global crime syndicate? For that's what the Washington establishment fights when it battles against Donald Trump although some politicians may be 'fighting' and resisting while secretly supporting the fascist cause he leads (or is the face of--an orange figurehead!).

Now as you know, even before America's Pluto Return/s in 2022 we must navigate several Solar and Lunar Eclipses of note, plus, two titanic planetary conjunctions occur after Saturn-Pluto in January 2020--Jupiter-Pluto begin their cycle anew with the duo's financial implications on April 5, June 30, November 12, 2020 between 22 and 25 Capricorn (tri-wheel charts shown). And the Jupiter-Saturn (the societal pair) conjunct and end 2020 with a bang @00AQ29 conjunct US Inaugural Sun (POTUS) and marking the beginning of a 20-year cycle. When Jupiter and Saturn combine forces there are more checks and balances issues and significant changes in governmental, religious, and social orders with a judicial system at breaking point (Munkasey)--and this must include the lawmakers of Congress.

So now I must regress because during all the years of writing Stars Over Washington (since 2005) I have encouraged readers to contact Congress with 'call often call angry' concerning their issues but now I strongly suspect that calls and emails to Congress offering our support and firm 'don't allow the institution to dissolve' messages would serve both the higher and lower purposes of We The People much better. Don't you?

Related Posts include: The Pre-Natal Solar Eclipse of America's Pluto Return/s; and, The Facist Plot to Overthrow FDR (documentary). My point is, the fascists are at it again and have learned much from their previous mistakes and miscalculations.

Sep 18, 2019

Sept 18, 2019: 226 Years Ago the Capitol Cornerstone Laid

After yesterday's circus theatrics and stonewalling before the House Judiciary Committee one is tempted to wonder if the United States Capitol Building remains standing on Capitol Hill where George Washington put it. Well, though its foundation may be somewhat shaken, it still stands even as the power of Congress over a rebellious Executive Branch is in question. For after all, the temple-like building is all of 226 years old if we count its genesis from the Laying of the Cornerstone by Freemason George Washington and his brothers in Masonic ceremony (bros from Lodges No.22 Virginia and No.9 Maryland). Their solemn procession gathered in Alexandria at 10:00 am LMT, crossed the river, and must have reached Jenkins Heights (aka, Jenkins Hill) around lunch time or thereabouts, give or take.

The symbolic founding horoscope I use for the US Capitol Building is set for 10:53 am LMT September 18, 1793 when expansive, freedom-loving, protective Jupiter @27Scorpio peeked over the horizon; The Sun, Mercury, and North Node were in Virgo which is typically a prominent sign in any horoscope dealing with the founding of Washington DC and is highly important in Freemasonry symbolism with its wheat shaft, the goddess/Virgin, and 'widow's son' implications along with Ceres, an asteroid of nurturing that is sometimes used to represent democracy. Yes, there are goddess archetypes galore across Washington DC, Zodiacs and horoscopes, too.

Actually, in December 2017 I posted on the Laying of the US Capitol Cornerstone with a little Astrology added for good measure (see The Secret Architecture of Our Nation's Capital by David Ovason for more details). Or as Washington, Franklin, Jefferson, and the others must have called it, Sacred Geometry.

So here's wishing a Happy 226th Anniversary, US Capitol Building! But in future, please figure out a way for your proceedings to do without the infiltrators and saboteurs currently undermining your very foundation.


Your friend,

A Child of the Revolution.

Jul 14, 2019

Nancy Pelosi 2019: Neptune conjunct natal Mercury

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (official portrait; public domain) was born in Baltimore, Maryland on
March 26, 1940, birth hour unknown
(RR: X). In such cases, it is typical to set up a natal horoscope using '12:00 pm' and when this is done, Speaker Pelosi's natal Mercury Rx is positioned @17Pis07 and natal Neptune Rx @23Vir49, in wide opposition.

Today I mention Mercury and Neptune, not because of Trump's vastly problematic square between his Mercury in Cancer and Neptune in Libra but because two transits now affect Speaker Pelosi's Mercury and Neptune and both denote periods when being vulnerable to deceit or deception are increased, even predictable: transit Neptune to natal Mercury (3x, third conjunction on or about February 2, 2020) and transit Jupiter square natal Neptune (3x, third square on or about November 3, 2019).

During such transits rational thinking may be hard to attain, grasping reality a concern or a goal, and sticking to an agenda can be difficult. Inspiration increases and high ideals may prosper, it's true, but given that she is in her seventies (as is Trump and other politicians holding on to the their power with all their considerable might!) it seems appropriate to keep an eye on such deceptive transits since the ideals and perceptions (true ones or false) of all politicians inform policies and laws which have major impact on us all. Plus, both Pelosi and Trump were born under the influence of Mercury-Neptune aspects, a similarity that suggests potentials for dreaminess, illusions, and deception--his internal (square), hers external (opposition).

Of course, a strong natal Saturn can mitigate such tendencies (as can other more realistic placements, plus, positive transits and progressions) and I'd trust Pelosi's Saturn in earthy, practical Taurus over Trump's Saturn in watery, emotionally defensive Cancer any day.

So since Speaker Pelosi's natal Mercury opposes her natal Neptune, she is in process of experiencing a generational transit of Neptune in Pisces opposing Neptune in Virgo. This transit may not affect her personally but if it does, some form of persecution may be vaguely felt as generational ideals are pitted against one another.

Sounds much like Speaker Pelosi's tussles (some say "widening gap"--very Neptunian) with AOC and the rest of the Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC), doesn't it?

Jun 12, 2019

Horoscope: US Congress March 4, 1789 first session

Current US Capitol Building Washington DC; public domain photo

June 12, 2019: The first session of the US Congress was held at Federal Hall in New York City on March 4, 1789; the first session ended September 29, 1789.

2nd session: January 4, 1790 --August 12, 1790 (Federal Hall, NYC); 3rd session: December 6, 1790--March 3, 1791 (Congress Hall, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania). Legislation and other events that were addressed may be tracked through this time period (March 4, 1789--March 3, 1791) by the movements of the planets over New York and Philadelphia if one wishes and has the time and interest.

Assuming the gentlemen of 1789 would have begun their work around 9:00 or 9:30 am LMT, a horoscope may be set for March 4, 1789 NYC which reveals information in 2019 for comparing transits of our current day calculated--now that the US Congress is stirred to reassert its constitutionally mandated powers and duties in necessary response to Trump era challenges which are considerable, undermining, and anti-constitutional. As you know, our traditional 'three branches of government' were founded with co-equal powers and intended to act as guard dog over the other two branches yet Congress is now under threat by an Executive branch attempting a monarchical, autocratic take-over of government--implemented by an administration many would call illegitimate.

Below is the US Congress First Session Horoscope March 4, 1789 9:00 am LMT NYC--set for 9:00 am because this timing echoes the ASC/DESC and MC-IC positions in our January 20th Inauguration charts and places US natal Pluto conjunct MC, The Goal Point. Added underneath are comments concerning today's transits to the 1789 chart, plus, prominent transits in force on Inauguration Day 2017 12:00 pm est for they continue to affect the current administration and thus impact the lives of We The People:

Naturally, Neptune, Pluto, and Chiron were unknown in 1789 but in 2019 they are not. Please enlarge the image to read basic chart information messily penned on.

Prominent Synastry potentials of June 12, 2019 Transits vs 1789 US Congress: Mercury trine Saturn--keen insights, realism, new ideas and plans, learning new skills. Mercury sesqui-square Mars--agitation, pressure to solve problems, working under stress, hostility, criticism, sarcasm. Saturn opposes Jupiter--frustration, delay, people and events block progress, hard work to remove or circumvent obstacles such as rules, regulations, policies, and laws. Pluto sextile Mercury--psychological issues, persuasion, propaganda, exposure (revelations especially via eclipses), discussion of deep, serious topics, powerful rhetoric, talking about changes and/or sexuality (women's rights and concerns). Pluto square Neptune--psychological issues that need professional attention, social upheaval, corrupt political institutions, feeling vulnerable, obsessions, compulsions, hallucinations, a need for spiritual regeneration.

Trump Inauguration 2017 vs March 4, 1789: Jupiter conjunct Neptune--pretence, illusion, fanaticism, flights of fancy and fantasy, loss of touch with reality, scandal, bankruptcy, propaganda, delusions, disappointments, paranoia, unrealistic expectations, speculation, over-promising, fraud, and risky schemes. Sun (POTUS) opposes Uranus--unexpected challenges, unusual events, normality disrupted, obstinacy worsens problems, a need to break out of old patterns, 'digging in the heels' (by a bone-spurred heel?). Neptune square Moon--blurred messages, confusion, an uncertain future, over-informed and/or misinformed, deception (including self-deception), fantasies, feeling lost, minds and feelings are flooded (floods), disturbed sleep (insomnia), weird dreams. Saturn square Mercury--narrow-minded thinking, exclusion, overly exacting judgments, plans delayed or hindered. Uranus square Jupiter--needing to break free of restriction (ex: ignoring laws and subpoenas), rebellion, sights set unrealistically high, recklessness, impatience, lacks of restraint and of wisdom.

So here we have a founding chart for the US Congress with a few notes on today's transits and those of the Trump administration in effect for the (assumed) 4 years of his tenure as he challenges the power of the US Congress and obstructs the ability of Congress members to fulfill their Oaths to the US Constitution and thereby to perform their duties on behalf of the American people.

As always, your on-topic comments concerning this post are welcomed and your Shares are much appreciated! jc

May 7, 2019

DC Horoscope: Scorpio Full Moon May 18, 2019

Image: Full Moon @27Sco38 May 18, 2019 Washington DC falling across the 2/8 (Taurus-Scorpio) axis of money, possessions, values, Corporatism and Big Business. Some forms of awareness, relationship concerns, and culmination or fulfillment are indicated. This Full Moon cycle began with the New Moon @14Tau11 of May 4, 2019 which conjoined our US Inaugural Ascendant (Oath of Office) traditionally held on January 20th every four years. And since the boogeyman who haunts our nightmares, Donald Trump, now plays the POTUS role, we can expect both May 2019 lunations to relate specifically to his nibs (and therefore to America since he's our 'rep', allegedly).

Chart-ruler Venus (in 7th house spotlighting relationships and legal actions) is happy and luxury-loving in her own sign of Taurus--moved beyond separative Uranus, yet Venus has no applying Ptolemaic aspects which emphasizes her sign and house position. So Venus rules 1st house but also the 8th house of Corporatism, Debt, Credit, Insurance, Legacies, Shared Resources, Transformation, and the Occult. Penned on the chart you see Venus and Uranus conjoined by a transiting asteroid, inquisitive Pandora, whose sneaky actions tend to bring unintended consequences which can trip up the most well-laid plans when least expected.

So as we see, ideas and plans (for growth: Taurus) were seeded early in May around the New Moon--are they now near fruition? Taurean leanings toward withholding, greediness, and intolerance may also be expressed as various lawsuits proceed. plus, New and Full Moons can sometimes affect conditions in disruptive Uranian fashion similar to eclipses with major changes and turns of direction occurring unpredictably. Obviously, various testimonies before Congress are in play this month--or not, since Uranian Trump tries to thwart them--from Robert Mueller, Don McGahn, and perhaps other political players, yet the specter of money and currency issues cannot be ignored (2/8; Taurus-Scorpio) particularly given Tweety Trump's recent messing with global markets via his tariff threat toward China and the fact that such tariffs are actually taxes on the American people.

Because in spite of how Trump propagandizes, China doesn't pay his tariffs, we do. And with that I request that you enlarge the image and attempt to read my messy astro-notes penned on the chart as you wish.

Also note that this Full Moon perfects during a Mars Hour and Mars @1Can46 is out-of-bounds (OOBs) of the earthly plane, off doing who-knows-what, and here, conjunct sad Orpheus. Unfortunately, arson cannot be ruled out when Mars is in Moon-ruled Cancer--especially when OOBs--for emotional control by victim and perpetrator alike is typically lacking.

Now around the Full Moon chart are Trump's natals highlighted in pink; most of America's natals (July 4, 1776 5:09 pm LMT) are in green. Trump's first planet/s to rise - his Neptune-Chiron-Jupiter trio (in his natal 2nd house of money and values; Jupiter-Neptune = speculation, inflation, and big promises) and note the pile-up of asteroids (listed, upper center) upon Trump's natal Midheaven where Full Moon Mercury @24Tau24 points toward Trump's Algol-laden Goal Point (MC) as it did during the infamous June 9, 2016 meeting at Trump Tower between Donald Junior, Manafort, Kushner, and the Russians. On that day, meeting and negotiating planet Mercury, The Messenger, was opposed by a strong Mars in Scorpio denoting rash actions leading to negative consequences.

And given the turmoil and chaos of a Trump White House, perhaps on that unfortunate result we can all agree.

Apr 23, 2019

Don McGahn Testifies May 21, 2019 (+ his Natal Planets)

It is being reported that former White House Counsel Don McGahn will testify before Congress on May 21, 2019. Donald Francis McGahn was born June 16, 1968 and grew up in Atlantic City, New Jersey so his natal planets based on 'noon' of his birth date are placed around the 10:00 am edt horoscope, below, set for May 21, 2019 Capitol Building according to the subpoena issued by House Judiciary Committe Chairman Jerrold Nadler; please enlarge the image for better reading of chart notes if you wish; note that many of Trump's natal planets are penned around the chart with Trump's natal Uranus-NN-Sun trio missing for lack of space; both McGahn and Trump are Sun Geminis and McGahn's natal Sun @25Gem32 conjoins the 12th cusp of the 10:00 am edt testimony chart.

And as you see, Luna is chart-ruler and there's an applying Moon-Mars opposition (Mars "4Cancer" = "A Cat Arguing with a Mouse"..JUSTIFICATION--Jones) which denotes testy emotions and quarrels (plus, an angry public?), yet Trump's natal Sagittarian Moon (conjunct his SN) is again being transited by jolly Jupiter Rx indicating a period of happiness which Trump has recently avowed himself to be feeling (has an offer been made for his retirement?).

Yet Jupiter with South Node suggests this is also a period when ethics conflict with societal standards, endeavors may be blocked, and there are problems in relation to foreign lands. Loss (SN) of money (Jupiter) may also be in the picture along with Trump's diminishing popularity. More 'positively', broadcasting Jupiter in his role as politician will tend to repeat words he's mouthed in the past (SN) although, as you know, Mr. Trump repeats himself all the time--at his rallies and elsewhere. (It must be really annoying to be around grandpa telling the same story he told ten minutes before.)

Now one interesting planetary aspect between Trump and Don McGahn, a "real lawyer", is that their natal Saturns square one another (Aries/Cancer) which suggests conflicting values and disagreements (penned on the chart, upper), and in Astrology Saturn is legal planet of the law and government. There are other aspects between them, of course, but since my blogging time is brief today, I'll leave them for you to ferret out if you're curious!

Funny how Mercury-ruled Gemini is the sign of records and note-taking--Gemini McGahn takes them and Gemini Trump disparages them due to the record of his words and deeds they keep for future reference.

Apr 17, 2019

Could Impeachment Force Release of Mueller Report? (w/ Mark Pocan) - clip

AG Barr's Cover-Up Tactics Continue so Mr. Trump Must Be Having the Vapors!

This makes sense really, since everyone knows that bullies are big fat cowards...

And considering what threatens to be a very disappointing "release" of the (overly redacted) Mueller Report in the morning (April 18th--with AG Barr promising to hold a press conference at 9:30 am edt before the report's release tomorrow in order to take (evade) reporters' questions before they have time to actually read the report--so slick, thinks he and Donald--another stalling tactic!), we might appreciate the interesting information and commentary within the following Thom Hartmann segment with Rep. Mark Pocan:


So with the ongoing square (blockages; obstacles) from transit Neptune @17Pisces to Trump's natal Uranus @17Gemini (his 'guiding planet' of chaos, disruption, and oddballness in his 10th house of Career and Public Standing) his nibs could turn out to be the leader of a failed social movement.

Okay, I'm cheering for that--no neo-fascism or otherwise, please. Will either of you join me?

Mar 8, 2019

Jan 5, 2019

Nancy Pelosi: Speaker of the House 2007-2019

Below is a bi-wheel of Nancy Pelosi's two stints as Speaker of the House of Representatives circa 2007 (January 4) and 2019 (January 3). Charts are set for noon, the symbolic opening of a new Congress--the 110th in 2007 and the 116th in 2019. Notes are penned on if you care to enlarge the image, and midpoint pictures in force for both stints are listed, below, along with prominent 2019 conjunctions to the 2007 planets although your eagle eye may spot more:

As always with midpoint pictures, any, all, or none may apply and are subject to activation by transit and progression. The following is a comparison of midpoint pictures between Speaker Pelosi 2007 and Speaker Pelosi 2019:

Midpoint Pictures January 4, 2007 noon est Capitol Hill

Sun 13Cap57 = Jupiter-Neptune (speculation; deceiving or being deceived); = Venus-Pluto (acts of elimination); = Mercury-MC (achieving prominence and recognition through hard work and determination. Note that the first two planetary pairs relate to finance, investment, and extravagance or waste.

Pluto 27Sag09 = Sun-Jupiter (great success or complete failure; great good luck; pursuit of fortune; an inheritance).

Mercury 12Cap25 conjunct MC = Sun-MC (communicating intentions; gaining experience; seeing one's way to achieving goals).

North Node 18Pis09 of public contact = Neptune-ASC (goals involve persuading groups to your points of view; suffering from falsehood, fraud, or malice via disharmonious people; rumors.

Venus 00AQ42 conjunct US Inaugural Sun = Sun-Neptune (a value system based on dreams of an easy life; disappointments; a weak constitution); = Mars-Uranus (strong passions; dogmatism).

Midpoint Pictures January 3, 2019 noon est Capitol Hill

MC 10Cap07 = Mercury-Pluto (good coping ability; keen powers of observation, judgment, discernment; prudence; foresight; ability to arrange matters well; leadership; great perception of any situation; resourcefulness -- 'Mercury-Pluto' = success as a speaker.

Mercury 27Sag50 conjunct 2007 Pluto: 'gaining power, gathering valuable information'; = Sun-Jupiter (getting ideas across; successful thinking; good news; success via speaking and acting; recognition; = Jupiter-Saturn (desire to make changes; effective communication; using media to publicize ideas and plans).

Jupiter 12Sag conjunct US natal ASC = Mercury-Venus (successfully expressing values; an advantageous union); = US natal ASC (appreciation for proper behavior).

Pluto 20Cap 41, a critical-crisis degree = Venus-Neptune (suspicions about deceptive practices; criminals using elaborate cover-ups for fraud or deceit; disguising waste); a painful renunciation.

Saturn 11Cap41 = Sun-MC (better planning toward implementation; necessity to make difficult decisions; reserve.)

As you see, 2019 Mercury conjoins 2007 Pluto (notated in the text, above, and on the chart, upper middle; 2019 Saturn conjoins 2007 Mercury denoting serious training, instructions, and broadening of skills; responsibilities increase, and delays are involved with Mercurial things such as communications, planning, commerce, trade, and travel (Trump Shutdown?).

2019 Neptune @14Pis08 nestles between the 2007 Uranus-North-Node midpoint and pair of radical, anarchistic, progressive politics in the 12th house of Politics, Large Institutions such as Congress, and Karma which forms a picture of potentials including: meetings with unusual people (new congress members?), undermining of associations, being suddenly deceived by others, and/or people who are easily impressed by others. Note that this position of nebulous Neptune is the natal degree of the Republican Party (1854) which had its final exact Neptune Return on December 29, 2018. Plus, 2019 Neptune conjuncts 2007 Uranus which suggests changes in society are due but with confusion and disorientation involved as technology conflicts with ideals.

This looks to me like a cosmic picture of Republicans undermining House Democrats (old news!), in particular the progressive wing of the party and - tiresomely - the pro-people policies they and Nancy Pelosi support (to the extent that she does).

And finally, 2019 North Node conjoins 2007 Moon 27Can42 suggesting major publicity, emotional and/or spiritual ties between the congressional ladies, families and children in attendance at both events, and Speaker Pelosi's expression on January 3, 2019 of this being the 100-year anniversary of Women gaining the Right to Vote!


Midpoint sources: The Combination of Stellar Influences, Ebertin; Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Munkasey; Solar Arcs, Tyl.

Dec 13, 2018

January 2019: Opening of the 116th Congress

December 13, 2018: For the congress-curious reader Ballotpedia provides 2019 congressional information such as members' salaries, Committee details, and more.

Last I heard, the 116th Congress of the United States is scheduled to open on January 3, 2019, probably at 12:00 noon ET, Capitol Building, Washington DC. Of course, swearings-in of new members will be a first order of business--and the Moon in Sagittarius denotes outsiders, or someone different in the House! And amazingly, these new members have lowered the average age of Congress by a decade and many of them are ladies (Moon).

A Little Astrology: January 3, 2019 noon est Capitol Hill

If this date and hour are accurate, some interesting midpoint pictures appear at that particular moment, some that involve the Midheaven ('MC'), Point of Aspirations, Goals, and Public Status as it passes over the Capitol Building. This chart works symbolically even if the opening hour changes so let's consider a few chart factors for this date which has quite often been the opening date of Congress--I know, because it's my birth date and as a child it seemed that Congress opened every year as 'a gift' for little Capricorn me. Silly, of course, but no one told me differently so I persisted with the illusion! For it seemed a small and private honor then but that was before Congress members broke the public trust they had had with the American people back then and began neglecting their constitutional duties. Now we see the hot mess that has brought to America.

Yet hope must forever spring! So let us consider some prominent chart factors and their potential expressions for January 3, 2019 at the semi-speculative hour of 12:00 pm ET Capitol Building Washington DC with a few basic chart details penned messily upon the chart, plus, some natal placements of Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (in blue) and Donald Trump (in lavender pink):

Rising is 18Aries14, appropriate for a new undertaking, plus, 19Aries is the Exaltation of the Sun degree (but also the Fall of Saturn degree--Devore). This places the natal Jupiter of Speaker Pelosi on the Ascendant--opposing the natal Jupiter of Donald Trump on Descendant. Financial quarrels rising! yet Jupiter also relates to Politics, ideals, and plans for expansion. And note that Venus in Scorpio leads a BOWL shape of all the planets which suggests to me that Venus represents Nancy Pelosi whose natal Mars is opposed by this Venus (see chart notes in blue, bottom left). It's a 'battle of the sexes' continued for you know what Speaker Pelosi said about Trump's manhood after their dust-up in the Oval Office over funding for his border wall and his threat of a possible "Trump Shutdown"!

Now Aries rising makes testy Mars the chart-ruler and therefore the ruler of the 116th Congress. Meanwhile, activist Mars @1Ari45, just past the Aries Point ('AP') of Fame and Recognition, has risen and is in the 12th house of Politics and Large Institutions such as the US Congress; can Back Room deals be far behind? No doubt some have already been proposed and accepted. Or perhaps 12th house Mars, a leader and trailblazer, (with guru Chiron @28Pis11--a mentor?) will act as a Secret Enemy of the behind-the-scenes 12th house variety. After all, The Leader, the Sun @13Cap01 is in 10th house near the MC (10Cap07) but surrounded by enemies--or are they henchmen? For restrictive Saturn @11Cap41 and powerful manipulator Pluto @20Cap41 (at critical degree) form a trio with the Capricorn Sun (also at critical degree) and we might wish to consider the trio's potentials within a midpoint picture--fading but still somewhat in effect due to the weightiness of karmic Saturn and karmic Pluto along with the solar importance of the day. Plus, the Sun's position in Capricorn marks the annual opposition to US natal Sun @13Cancer when plans and goals of the nation should be reassessed and altered if necessary in order to reach goals.

Saturn-Pluto = Sun: sparing no pains in one's work; renunciation; privation; physical toil and over-exertion; physical separation. A closer midpoint picture exists at noon as well--Sun-MC = Saturn: the necessity to make grave or difficult decisions; reserve; a negative outlook (economic, I suspect, along with Everything Trump, plus, big donor/corporate interests interference). But another thing about the 2019 Sun: it conjoins asteroid Icarus who in hubris flew too close to the Sun in an escape attempt so that his wings melted. As you know, Icarus refused to listen to his papa (Saturn)! Yet does this Capricorn Sun surrounded by legal-eagle planet Saturn (Mr. Mueller?) and hidden-power Pluto (foreign and/or wealthy manipulators--saboteurs or assassins) actually represent on another level Donald Trump who is also an Icarus figure? Will he escape indictment and/or impeachment? (See today's CNN news about Trump's Friends Flipping on Him.)

Or does the Icarus archetype signify congress members whose wings are singed by standing too close to Trump (Republicans) or who will somehow stand in Big T's way as the congressional session continues (Democrats)? Perhaps all of the above? Not knowing as I type if the Mueller Report will have been released by January 3, 2019 and possibly sent to the House--or partially revealed to the public--these questions are impossible to answer with any certainty, at least by yours truly. Plus, Trump's tax returns by federal law can be demanded by the chair of the Ways and Means Committee without approval by the Senate, as House Democrats have promised - yet Astrology can't tell us everything.

By comparison, the 115th Congress horoscope for January 3, 2018 12:00 pm est showed evaluating Venus @11Cap56 in place of 2019 Saturn with Sun 13Cap16 (opposing US natal Sun in Cancer, did we say?) and primal Pluto @18Cap52 which activated the 1993 'New World Order' Uranus-Neptune conjunction/s with their 'the big picture must be followed, very little option to do otherwise' (Tyl) and Sabian Symbol for 18Cap: POLITICAL POWER (Jones) which implies foreign control or interference (ex: the City of London). It will interesting if tragic as 2019 proceeds to see what the idealism and plans of the progressive new members morph into as the riot act is read them by party bosses Pelosi and Schumer. If past methods hold, new members will be instructed that they will vote how they're told to vote but hopefully such strong-arming will lessen for the good of the American people who voted for a more progressive agenda than party hats have provided so far, their cotton-filled ears notwithstanding. Yet Ms. Pelosi has reportedly agreed to step down in 2022 so we'll see if the backlash against her speakership has abated for now in this generational clash.

Now with Mars as chart-ruler 'his' applying Ptolemaic aspects give clues as to how things will proceed. However, this Mars makes no applying aspects in the chart which emphasizes the warrior planet's sign and house position--Aries, his own sign, and 12th house of Politics and Karma so it looks like it's going to be an active, possibly pioneering, and secretive two years, folks, for among the new members of the 116th Congress there must be at least a few Aries-inspired ladies among them!

For more on midpoint pictures see: Ebertin's The Combination of Stellar Influences, Munkasey's Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, and Tyl's Solar Arcs.

Related posts include: Chiron to Aries Point and America's Chiron Return.

Dec 11, 2018

Dec 12, 2018: Maria Butina hearing on Capitol Hill

The Sabotage of America Ongoing

by Jude Cowell

If need be, NPR shares some background info on 'gun-rights activist' Maria Butina, a Sun Scorpio born on November 10, 1988 in Barnaul, Siberia. Reportedly, her Russian agent activities have been ongoing in the US since 2014 when she began encouraging guns-rights demonstrations. A mild activity when compared to her more recent ties to US politicians and officials, plus, there's her work for or with the National Rifle Association (NRA)--and all seem to be compromised by the Kremlin now.

Word is, Ms. Butina has changed her plea to 'guilty' and agreed to cooperate with the Mueller investigation. Unless otherwise is announced, her hearing is set for tomorrow, December 12, 2018, starting at 3:15 pm, on Capitol Hill. Here's the horoscope of that date, hour, and location:

Some of Maria Butina's natal placements are marked in and around the chart (highlighted in lavender pink), a few of Donald Trump's are added (highlighted in blue), and some of America's natal placements, too, such as US natal South Node, the 'tail of the dragon' conjunct the 3:15 pm est Midheaven (5AQ50) and the transiting South Node now 'swiping' across US natal Pluto (27Cap33). And that would be the same Pluto that was spotlighted at the RNC 2016 by a Full Moon Conjunct US natal Pluto: Russian Encounters when Vladimir Putin had the Republican platform changed more to his liking.

And if you view the RNC 2016 Full Moon chart, you'll see that the current position of the North Node of destiny points toward the Full Moon's Sun (the leader). Interestingly, a Sun-NN connection in Politics can lead to 'political associations which eventually do more harm than good, formation of ties to allies drain vitality, and/or a loss of respect due to unfortunate mergers or alliances' (Munkasey's Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets). Well, yes.

Besides a few midpoint pictures you see listed, notable in tomorrow's chart is that 3:15 pm falls within a Jupiter Hour and Butina's natal Jupiter Rx @2Gem+ is her first natal planet to rise in this horoscope suggesting Jupiterian themes on the menu such as finances and politics. Boundaries have been broken! Donald Trump's first natal planet to rise is his chaos-loving Uranus (@17Gem+ in his natal 10th house of Career and Public Status) which forms his nibs' quirky and very visible trio along with his North Node and Sun; plus, his natal Sun conjuncts the 2nd cusp (22Gem23) of this chart--along with US natal Mars. Has the money been followed? Of course!

Listed in the 5th house of the chart and highlighted in orange is Maria Butina's Prenatal Solar Eclipse @18Vir40 ('PE') which manifested prior to her birth on September 11, 1988 in the 8 South Saros Series. Themes of 8 South are 'loss, separation, sad partings, and possible physical injury' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology). An 8 South eclipse last occurred in 2006 @29Virgo; next 8 South: 2024 @10Libra.

And in the 6th house of Military, Police, and Civil Service appear her natal Scorpio line-up of Mercury, Pluto, Sun, and Moon. Transit Venus now conjoins her natal Mercury, planet of communications, deals, and pleas and suggests her decision to cooperate with investigators though it remains to be seen if her information will be reliable for with so much Scorpio within, perhaps we can say that Ms. Butina was born to betray, spy, and sabotage.

Nov 6, 2018

What History Can Tell Us About the Outcome of the Midterm Election - clip

November 6, 2018: Here in a brief segment, Thom Hartmann provides two historical examples (1946/Truman and 1994/Clinton) of how things in Washington have proceeded in the past when a political party wins a majority of seats in the Midterm Elections and takes control of the House but not the Senate:

Support independent media such as Thom's broadcasts at Patreon.

Mar 12, 2018

Senate Risks Financial Ruin Ignores What Most Americans Want - clip

Here Thom Hartmann speaks with Rep. Mark Pocan of Wisconsin concerning a variety of current topics and issues including what's going on (or not) in the US Congress:

You know, I've mentioned before that it would be good for our Republic for us all to see exactly what's in the stock portfolios of US Congress members so that the information could be compared with their votes for or against legislation written by lobbyists and special interest operatives. So much congressional behavior would be explained!

A Possibly Related Post: London, Trump, and the Temple of Gold.

Also in the news: double Scorpio Julian Assange, pal of Russia and Trump's friend political Svengali Roger Stone.

Feb 9, 2018

DC Horoscope: Government Shutdown Feb 9, 2018

Update Feb 9, 2018: "Overnight Shutdown"! USAToday provides a Timeline of congressional goings-on last night into today with the House voting 240-186 in favor of the massive funding bill "around 5:30 am ET" which Trump signed into law this morning around 8:30 am give or take (based on his 8:39 am tweet). Rand Paul didn't get support for his grandstanding of the fiscally irresponsible Republican Party, and the Democrats didn't get their way on Dreamers/DACA either. Apparently Mercury conjunct South Node ruled with its 'inability to gain support (votes!) for ideas' (see horoscope, below, penned on top), and rising Jupiter in Scorpio took the cake with help from a sextile to powerful, wealthy manipulator Pluto (at critical-crisis degree of 20Cap). The Jupiter-Pluto sextile is base of a YOD pattern (crisis; turning point) pointing toward Trump's natal Sun-North Node conjunction = political activity and shared success (Ebertin).

Original post follows:

As of February 9, 2018 @12:01 am est, the 115th incapable and incompetent US Congress has shut down the US government again under Trump's watch, egos at its base, money on and under the table, and Trump lurking about the place (rising Jupiter in big-business oriented Scorpio leading the rest of the planets (actors)).

Here's the Trump Shutdown #2 horoscope for February 9, 2018 12:01 am est Capitol Building Washington DC:

My notes are penned on the chart. Someone will be almost certain to call it the Rand Paul Shutdown!

A further note: testy Mars applies to a square aspect with unstable Neptune thus reminding Americans of our national Mars-Neptune square of misguided motives and actions.

Jan 22, 2018

Astro-Notes: Is Stephen Miller the rat in the shutdown woodpile?

Photo: By Gage Skidmore [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons (File: Stephen Miller by Gage Skidmore.jpg) [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

A Few Astro-Notes concerning Stephen Miller

by Jude Cowell

The natal horoscope of 'political scientist' and Trump Senior Advisor Stephen Miller has a Rodden Rating of AA (BC/BR in hand) if you're curious about the guy some are blaming for influencing Donald Trump's intransigence on immigration issues during current congressional negotiations. Senator Lindsey Graham is one such casting shade upon Stephen Miller for his outside-the-mainstream opinions on DACA and other immigration issues--and for his influence on the rule-by-whim Mr. Trump. Here's today's Bloomberg update on the shutdown.

Stephen Miller August 23, 1985 4:53 pm PDT Santa Monica, California (RR: AA). Hour of the Moon (fluctuations, changes); Moon out-of-bounds (faulty or distressing relationship with Mother); Moon conjunct Uranus (intuitive, seeks emotional excitement, erratic mood changes, extreme emotions, often cranky and irritable). Tellingly, Sun in Virgo (@00:46 in 8th house of the Occult--other metaphysical and occult factors are shown elsewhere, see his PE, below) indicates a mother-ruled child. Sun sextile Pluto (shared with Trump) denotes those whose deep desire is to control the world, are self-reliant, and base their lives on winning vs losing (see his Pluto conjunct MC, below)

His Earth-Fire personality blend is known as a 'bull-dozer' who may push his moral certitude upon others. Dictatorial and insensitive to other people, Mr. Miller values rationality over human suffering while shoving through his preferred political policies (Sun Sign-Moon, Charles and Suzi Harvey).

A bright note is a first-house Jupiter Rx in Aquarius (9:36) denoting social concerns, a broad intellect, and a knowledge of human nature. Yet the placement also adds self-will and a potential for indecisiveness (Ebertin).

A Caution from Royal Regulus

Also in Mr. Miller's natal chart, we find Moon in Sagittarius (11:14), sign of immigration and foreigners so one may be tempted to think his interest and hard line views are emotionally based. Sun @00Vir46 conjoins royal star Regulus--and the natal Ascendant of Donald Trump--both of which were 'eclipsed' on August 21, 2017 by The Great American Eclipse. As you know, Regulus is the 'kingmaker' star and when conjoining a natal planet can denote an individual with a 'king complex'. Now you and I both know that Mr. Trump is the epitome of this narcissistic, me-first psychological complex and apparently Mr. Miller is a victim of it as well. His Mercury in proud, royal Leo adds to his thinking on the topic of 'rulership' and the right to attain and wield it. So these days, it seems the divine right of kings is alive in the White House! However, Regulus always contains an important cosmic caution: success if revenge is avoided. Otherwise, gains will be taken away.

Yet the planet of dreams, visions, and ideals--Neptune--conjoins one of the Cardinal World Points of fame, fortune, and recognition on the world stage (00Cap56 Rx) in the 12th house of...Politics and Karma. As you know, Saturn-ruled Capricorn is the sign of government, law, and business. In support, his Mercury-Mars conjunction in brash Leo suggests strong political opinions and a tendency to quarrel over them, perhaps in a self-interested fashion (Leo).

Now with Saturn-ruled Capricorn rising, Stephen Miller may have had a hard road during his early years and even now seems older than his mere 32 years would suggest. A Saturnine expression seems always on his face--perhaps because a Capricorn Ascendant suggests discipline, austerity, plans formulated secretly, and a reserved demeanor (frowny!) Everything Mr. Miller does must have a definite purpose and serve a pragmatic end. In short, if you're looking for fun, a barrel of monkeys Stephen Miller is not. And note that the Virgo-Pisces victim-savior axis is intercepted in his natal chart suggesting a cosmic imperative to deal with such issues during his life time. this relates to a Mercury-Jupiter opposition which squares his Nodal axis (public contacts) and indicates one who is indiscreet (similar to Mr. Trump with his Mercury-Neptune square), holds illogical beliefs, feels intellectually superior, tends to over-promise (like Trump), and becomes flustered when under scrutiny for his memory fails him under stress. We saw this recently in one of his TV appearances with Jake Tapper. Here's Seth Myers speaking with Mr. Tapper, who's known Stephen Miller for years, discussing Miller and the cut-short interview.

Chart-ruler Saturn in 10th house (@22Sco08) makes no applying aspects in the chart though there is an applying Mars-Saturn square (see the aspect, below). Natal Saturn in Scorpio adds to his Saturnine demeanor a serious attitude, obstinacy, and a tendency to probe deeply into metaphysical subjects and to apply such principles in a practical manner.

Venus and Pluto

Perhaps the most prominent chart factor in his chart is, of course, Pluto @2Sco26 conjunct MC, the Goal-Aspiration Point. This supports his Sun-Pluto sextile 'control' implications and also his metaphysical and occult interests (like Hitler!) Actually, the shape of his natal planets show Venus @25Can05 as leader of a Locomotive pattern of high-powered success, a pattern which may ride roughshod over others in order to achieve its goals. His 7th house Venus has only a separating trine with authoritarian Saturn (in 10th house = a fall from grace? plus, Saturn-Pluto = SN in 10th house) so a sense of loyalty may be evident along with a reserved, even cold, demeanor. At 25Cancer, Miller's Venus precisely conjoins Mr. Trump's Venus in Cancer with Trump's Saturn nearby. Is theirs a long-lasting love match?

Politics and Gut Feelings

And ruling Mr. Miller's 3rd house of Communications via Aries and his 10th house of Career and Public Status via Scorpio is Mars which forms a square with Saturn (3A00). This aspect can indicate a career in Politics although it also indicates difficulty relating to others. Sullen anger, resentment, callousness, and an austere disposition may be noticed, plus, a Mars-SAturn square can attract potentials for accidents or even violence. Another suggestion here is restrictions in career matters (which some Americans think is a good thing).

Another chart factor spread across Miller's chart is high intuition of which he apparently has gracious plenty. Besides, his visionary, impractical Sun-Neptune trine (0A10), one such indicator is his Prenatal Solar Eclipse Saros Series, the 5 North which, prior to his birth, manifested on May 19, 1985 @28Tau50 (among the Pleiades constellation and its difficult stars of rage and fury). 5 North themes include hunches, prophetic dreams, and deep insights (Brady), and it last manifested in 1985, as noted. The next occurrence of a 5 North Solar Eclipse will be on June 10, 2021 @20Gemini.

Taken all together, I'd have to say that Stephen Miller is a cantankerous blend most noticeably under the sway of three prominent chart factors: his Moon-Uranus conjunction, a problematic Mars-Saturn square, a Sun-Pluto sextile, and powerful Pluto in occult Scorpio at Midheaven. Disagree if you wish, but there it is.

Well, there are many more chart factors for Stephen Miller that are worth consideration and for brevity's sake, I hope you'll study the natal horoscope of Mr. Trump's Senior Advisor if you haven't already!

Jan 20, 2018

Jan 20 2018 Government Shutdown = Trump 1st Anniversary

Jan 20, 2018 UPDATE: actually the high roller fund raiser at Trump's Mar-a-Lago compound will proceed according to CNN.

Jan 21: fundraiser canceled. He'll pout for the rest of his life. #TrumpShutdown

Original post begins here:

After last night's flub on the Senate floor resulting in the government shutdown official at 12:01 am est January 20, 2018, today's first anniversary of the 2017 Trump inauguration hints at a difficult year ahead. For astrologers, the familiar planetary pattern, the YOD, may describe the R vs D stand-off and Donald Trump's turn from accepting a bi-partisan bill that included funding for his highly touted 'wall' and, sure enough, we find a YOD pattern in today's Solar Return horoscope of Trump's January 2017 Inauguration which may be viewed here. That's if we accept the North Node as apex of the sextile between Moon and Mercury but given current conditions in Washington DC, I'm willing to accept the pattern as a YOD if you are.

YOD = crisis, special task, crossroads, turning point, opportunity for karmic progress.

Perhaps the question is, what are the effects of a Moon-Mercury pairing in Politics and Business? In US Mundane Astrology, we know Moon = We The People, or The Public, and Luna's sign indicates the prevailing public mood (Pisces = confused--and compassionate toward all those who will be harmed by the US Congress not doing its constitutional duty to appropriate). Mercury represents many things such as negotiations, agreements, dealing, trading, communications, commerce, messages, votes, young people, and tricksterism.

Together Moon-Mercury denotes such potentials as: propaganda efforts (each party blaming the other for the shutdown--I see them both to blame but with Mr. Trump behind the curtain throwing a monkey wrench into the deal--he loves to cause quarrels); generating excitement among people on behalf of popular causes; restlessness among the population over business and commerce; compiling and analyzing attitudes of the people (aka, polls).

Well, the House is in session this morning and the Senate gavels in at noon as I type. Mr. Trump's big anniversary party tonight at Mar-a-Lago is on hold until this stalemate is resolved which could be the strongest leverage for forcing a bill signing from the legislatively challenged Mr. Trump.

In case you missed it, see Politico's Government Shutdown: Who's to Blame?

Moon-Mercury info: Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Michael Munkasey.