As a new beginning, Wednesday's New Moon should be interesting esp since it occurs in the middle of Whistleblowers Week--or 'Whistleblower' singular, if you prefer--and with tr Mars 00Ari56 conj Aries Point (AP) it's the start of a new 2-year cycle for Mars-ruled activities...kind of a 'springtime' for Mars aka the god of war and explosions...but may also describe positive activities as well--motivation (another Mars word) is important.
AP = a world manifestation point when big events tend to happpen which affect many people...and testy Mars rules pioneering, me-first Aries.
Setting the New Moon chart for Washington, New Moon 25Tau33 at 3:27 pm edt with Mars and Pluto both angular...not the most comforting chart, is it?
Let's consider "25Tau" and "26Tau" for our Symbols...this is a part of the zodiac where two nasty Fixed Stars are located, both very active in the world now--and in the Middle East--Algol and Capulus. One is destructive and vengeful female energy, the other intense male energy...but first, the degrees' Symbols for the New Moon:
"25Tau": "A large well-kept public park (in CA? DC or NYC?)...RECREATION:
pos: a high devotion to the practical welfare of all people collectively;
neg: complete surrender of personality to mass judgments and transient superficialities.
"26Tau": "A Spaniard serenading his senorita"...CONSTANCY:
pos: the continual reassurance by which the will of man coaxes the depths of his soul into his experience;
neg: futile attempts to control life by empty blandishment.
(from Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Dr. Marc Edmund Jones.)
Fixed Stars:
Algol: ruthless female passion; in China, known as piled up corpses; in Arabia, the wife of the devil, or the Head of the Demon.
Algol's companion star, Capulus: intense male passion; focused, decisive, ruthless; relates to the "if it can be touched, weighed, or seen" mentality; blindness; penetrating action; keyphrase: to lose one's head.
The current Solar Eclipse degree from March 19 (9 New North: 28 Pis) is setting in the New Moon chart (i.e. conj DESC), and the previous Solar Eclipse degree from Sept 22, 2006 (8 South: 29 Vir) is rising:
9 New North: great physical effort, violence, or accidents are possible--be mindful of safety issues (our current Eclipse phase.)
8 South: separation and loss; sad endings; physical injury possible. (Predictive Astrology, Bernadette Brady; available at
The New Moon of May 16 has the most links and connections natally to the chart of Dick Cheney:
NM Mars: opposes n Neptune (efforts come to nothing or are off-the-mark; may undermine health); trine n Pluto (recuperative power; intense energy in environment) and n Chiron; conj SN--will there be a separation from a relationship?
NM Jupiter: square n Moon; conj n Mars; and sesquisquare n Pluto...this last may be a health indicator;
NM Saturn: opposes n Mercury; trine n Mars; square n Uranus (clash between old methods vs new--authority seen as 'in the past');
NM Neptune: conj n Mercury (murky thinking; deceitful information); square n Neptune (society throws obstacle in the path which cause disappointment and dissatisfaction);
square n MC (his Aspiration Point--his true goals still obscured and may be dissolved; Career Status may be undermined);
NM Pluto: square n Moon (determination to achieve goals is blocked or tested; physical health may be affected); semi-sq n Sun: health irritations; square n Neptune (conservatism and political power at odds with spiritual ideals); inconj n Chiron. Contacts between Pluto and Chiron bring up Pluto/Chiron issues...plutocracy, oppression, class warfare...inconjunt = adjustment, crisis.
NM Jupiter conj n Mars: may be too confident, but can have a supporting influence, including healthwise. Expansive Jupiter has been playing about with Cheney's n Mars bwo Jup's ongoing RX phase and will continue to support or overexpand his actions and activities. His recent trip to Iraq was under this transit which causes an attraction to luxurious travel and indulgences, and has a risk-taking flavor.
With tr Pluto squaring his n Moon/Neptune opposition we see this picture:
Moon/Neptune = Pluto: high sensitivity; emotional shock, upheaval, or change.
Since I will be keeping my squintiest eye upon the planets this week, I hope you'll check back as Whistleblowers Week grinds on in Washington.
Astrological comments on America, on Washington DC, and on the politicians who infest them...with a gentle sprinkling of world events
Showing posts with label Whistleblowers Week. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Whistleblowers Week. Show all posts
May 14, 2007
New Moon: Wednesday 5.16.07
Political Astrology,Astrology,Politics
Capitol Hill,
Dick Cheney,
mundane astrology,
New Moon May 16,
politcal astrology,
Washington DC,
Whistleblowers Week,
White House
May 12, 2007
DC's Whistleblowers Week + Hookergate too
Not sure what I'd do without my friend, Alex D'Atria at Astrology Communications Media who has given me some great links concerning the May 13-19 Whistleblowers Week in Washington aka "WWW."
It's to be the largest gaggle of nonprofit whistleblower organizations, groups, and individuals ever assembled on Capitol Hill in US history...attracted to Washington by the dirty-dealing administration of George W. Bush and Dick Cheney.
The Week's schedule includes testimony, discussion panels, workshops, a film night, and a book signing and is meant to highlight our country's need for Congress to pass stronger protection for whistleblowers everywhere.
The Congressional Tribunal takes place Tuesday, May 15, from 9 am to noon (I'll post on this time frame Sunday afternoon if all goes as planned.)
Dailykos has Deep Harm's column Scandals set to explode next week on Capitol Hill and you may wish to visit the Make It Safe Campaign as has a full schedule of events.
DC Hookergate:
Then there's the 'DC Madam' Palfrey's customer list which many have tried to suppress and keep hidden but customer Dick Cheney's name just keeps being bandied about from when he lived part-time in McLean, VA, and was prez and CEO of Halliburton...and was quite the frisky fellow, they say.
Read about it (in spite of all Bush and Cheney can do to stop ya) at Wayne Madsen Report where you'll find mention not only of Palfrey's employee Brandy Britton's supposed suicide (how many women have ever used hanging as a method for suicide?) but also the murder of Asst US Atty Jonathan Luna, Dec 4, 2003, in a Pennsylvania creek. Not the Wassa-whatchamacallit, I assume. That would make George Washington squirm in his grave with Masonic fervor.
This scandal's tentacles reach deep, m'peops, and threatens to engulf this administration bwo the firing of US Atty for Maryland Thomas DiBragio who was considered "too aggressive"--and he was working on the Palfrey case, quelle surprise.
Seems the DiBragio firing and Luna's murder eliminated the threat that the ritzy GOP "stalwarts" who frequented the DC/Baltimore prostitution ring would be safe from exposure prior to the 2004 presidential election.
So for 2004 we got the same old pig with the bright red lipstick which now is wearing very thin...but at least it matches his hoof-nail polish...Madam Palfrey says that's very important, y'know.
Well, I do hope Whistleblowers Week amounts to something positive for America--but it will have to be after the puss of this administration is expelled from the scar that festers on Capitol Hill's a*s.
It's to be the largest gaggle of nonprofit whistleblower organizations, groups, and individuals ever assembled on Capitol Hill in US history...attracted to Washington by the dirty-dealing administration of George W. Bush and Dick Cheney.
The Week's schedule includes testimony, discussion panels, workshops, a film night, and a book signing and is meant to highlight our country's need for Congress to pass stronger protection for whistleblowers everywhere.
The Congressional Tribunal takes place Tuesday, May 15, from 9 am to noon (I'll post on this time frame Sunday afternoon if all goes as planned.)
Dailykos has Deep Harm's column Scandals set to explode next week on Capitol Hill and you may wish to visit the Make It Safe Campaign as has a full schedule of events.
DC Hookergate:
Then there's the 'DC Madam' Palfrey's customer list which many have tried to suppress and keep hidden but customer Dick Cheney's name just keeps being bandied about from when he lived part-time in McLean, VA, and was prez and CEO of Halliburton...and was quite the frisky fellow, they say.
Read about it (in spite of all Bush and Cheney can do to stop ya) at Wayne Madsen Report where you'll find mention not only of Palfrey's employee Brandy Britton's supposed suicide (how many women have ever used hanging as a method for suicide?) but also the murder of Asst US Atty Jonathan Luna, Dec 4, 2003, in a Pennsylvania creek. Not the Wassa-whatchamacallit, I assume. That would make George Washington squirm in his grave with Masonic fervor.
This scandal's tentacles reach deep, m'peops, and threatens to engulf this administration bwo the firing of US Atty for Maryland Thomas DiBragio who was considered "too aggressive"--and he was working on the Palfrey case, quelle surprise.
Seems the DiBragio firing and Luna's murder eliminated the threat that the ritzy GOP "stalwarts" who frequented the DC/Baltimore prostitution ring would be safe from exposure prior to the 2004 presidential election.
So for 2004 we got the same old pig with the bright red lipstick which now is wearing very thin...but at least it matches his hoof-nail polish...Madam Palfrey says that's very important, y'know.
Well, I do hope Whistleblowers Week amounts to something positive for America--but it will have to be after the puss of this administration is expelled from the scar that festers on Capitol Hill's a*s.
Political Astrology,Astrology,Politics
Capitol Hill,
Dick Chene,
scandal brewing,
Washington DC,
Whistleblowers Week
Dec 14, 2006
FBI response to 9/11
Newly Released FBI Documents Disclose Grave Deficiencies in the War on Terrorism 13 Dec 2006 The National Whistleblower Center, a nationally recognized FBI Watchdog group, has released to the public extensive sworn and documentary evidence concerning the FBI’s actual response to the attacks of September 11, 2001... The NWC is making this unprecedented release in order to give the American public the inside and uncensored view of the domestic response to the September 11 attacks.
Inside and uncensored view? Mama like.
tags: 9/11 FBI
Inside and uncensored view? Mama like.
tags: 9/11 FBI
Political Astrology,Astrology,Politics
mundane astrology,
political astrology,
Whistleblowers Week
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