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Showing posts with label US Pluto in Capricorn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label US Pluto in Capricorn. Show all posts

Jul 17, 2023

GOP, Foreign Power, and Pluto in America

In case you missed it, here's a recent video segment from the progressive broadcast of Thom Hartmann: "GOP in League With Hostile Foreign Power to Plan Single Party Dictatorship," and I'm certain anyone reading this post knows which of our two political parties are being used to sabotage democracy in America:

The GOP, Dictatorship, Plutocracy, and Powerful Pluto

by Jude Cowell

Today transit Pluto @29Cap13, a critical 29th degree, shows that the planet of sabotage has yet to reach Aquarius and remain there; this won't occur for good until January 2024. Meanwhile, with US 1776 Pluto in Saturn-ruled Capricorn @27Cap33 Rx, America is experiencing her first-ever Pluto Return, a three-fer which can be seen in the tri-wheel image, below; you'll find astro-details in a previous post:

US Pluto-Mercury Opposition: Demagogues, Spies, and Suggestive Orators

Now obviously, the Capricorn placement of insidious, power-grasping Pluto relates to America's Plutocratic and Oligarchic conditions since day one; also note that our 1776 Pluto-Chiron midpoint of exploitation conjuncts 1776 US Ceres, asteroid of democracy, and of our food supply controlled and adulterated by corporate Plutocrats. Tellingly, Reinhold Ebertin gives Pluto in Capricorn a description of the dictator. These are the difficult energies and forces that pro-democracy types in government and in society have fought against all along. Among other things, America's Pluto Return/s may be considered a timing device for the surfacing of these power issues which culminated in 2022 but are ongoing.

So if curious enough, we might even compare events in year 1776 with year 2022 events since historical cycles tend to rhyme in similar fashion. One example: economic royalists oppressed us then (via King George) and now we fight oppressors hiding behind the masks of Republicanism with 'maga' extremists the more violent of the saboteurs of our freedom, independence, civil rights, and democracy. After all, monarchical rule is a form of dictatorship, yes? Then through the repeal of Roe v Wade by SCOTUS justices of the Catholic persuasion, we saw Vatican interference boldly peeking through, with one of Pluto's mundane roles of manipulation being 'the Pope'. Now there's a foreign power for ya, though certainly not the only one with selfish interests to promote in the US.

Astrologically, the time period is extended by using America's Secondary Progressed ('SP') position of Pluto @29Capricorn+. But whether we consider this or not, our nation has entered her second generation of Plutonic energies so that the 1776 Mercury-Pluto opposition is re-energized and re-activated, primarily through the power to influence the masses, and to control communications, knowledge--and wealth.

"American Carnage": A Violent Demagogue Appears

So as we know, the democracy vs authoritarianism issue reared its head big-time once Donald Tr*mp became the figurehead of bigoted authoritarians in the US and elsewhere (many of whom still bristle with resentment from our Civil War days, and/or from Hit*er's defeat) so that Tr*mp's escalator announcement to a paid audience at NY's Trump Tower on June 16, 2015, was timed by the morning's Gemini New Moon. As many people realized then or have realized by now, Herr T's destructive intentions were telegraphed during his initial "prez bid" announcement. Meanwhile, in 2022 into March 2023, Mars returned to position in the June 16, 2015 New Moon horoscope. In fact, that morning's 'Prez Bid' New Moon conjoined aggressive warrior planet Mars (suggesting violent acts), all within Trump's natal 10th house of Career and Public Status where his Uranus-NN-Sun trio of radical reforms hangs out.

As noted, transit Mars returned to position in Trump's 2015 New Moon chart three times, most recently: twice in 2022, and once in March 2023. Not that transit Mars hadn't hit the chart before, but 2022 and 2023 are the focus of this post. For as you know, the 2024 campaign season has already begun--and Election 2024 is projected to be America's "AI election" of deep fakes and even more desperate power grabs.

So one factor I'm personally keeping an eye on is the transit in August 2024 when warrior planet Mars returns to his Gemini New Moon position of June 16, 2015, a lunation cosmically yoked to Tr*mp's presidential ambitions. Besides, you know that hotheaded Mars symbolizes Tr*mp with his Mars rising, right?

For further reading: Remember way back in 2013 when transit Pluto Opposed US Sun?

Mar 17, 2023

Monday March 20, 2023: Celestial Compass interview with Jude Cowell!

Focus on Pluto, Pluto, and more Pluto!

You're invited to join Kathy Biehl and yours truly for a LIVE podcast discussion Monday March 20, 2023 at 5:00 pm EDT, or catch up later with a handy replay!

Aug 4, 2022

The Pentagon, an Eclipse, and Capricorn

Karmic Saturn: Planet of Authority and Accountability

by Jude Cowell

While combing through SO'W this morning looking for a different topic than what I found, a post displaying the Pentagon's 1942 horoscope surrounded by the 12 North Solar Eclipse Horoscope of January 15, 2010, turned out to be interesting, even useful to today's news events. Not just because this week's public discourse includes the query: were Pentagon officials involved in or complicit with Trump's January 6, 2021 coup attempt against the US government?

See USA Today's Pentagon 'wiped' phones of top Defense officials despite request for Jan 6 texts and emails. Sounds like more seditionists are trying to hide their tracks. It's a thing.

But the post is interesting also because the 12 North Eclipse of 2010 occurred @25Cap01 within the sensitized degree zone of governmental Capricorn which has seen karmic planets Saturn and Pluto working it over pretty good by transit of late. And as you know, the two planets even met on January 12, 2020 @22Cap46 to begin a new 33-year cycle of their harsh, compressive energies. Plus, the later degrees of the Cancer-Capricorn axis can have a tendency to treat people as objects (if such influences are unmitigated by other factors), and this is besides the sign's obvious implications in the realms of government, law, and business - some positive, some negative.

Then there's the handy switcheroo manipulated under the FDR administration when US Inaugurations were shifted from the first week in March, to the 20th of January (or other, when the 20th falls on Sunday), effective as of 1937, the change which placed Saturn-ruled Capricorn at Midheaven, the Goal Point of our inaugural charts and presidencies. Of course, included is US 1776 Pluto, and this signals the authoritarian democracy vs fascism dictatorship issues coming to a head in 2022 with America's first-ever Pluto Return, exact three times this very year beginning in February.

Meanwhile, our opportunity to vote in the 2022 Midterms comes in November when we'll attempt to choose what kind of government we want despite thugs and ruffians of a Trumpian persuasion, and the massive, nationwide cheating and rigging campaign that the GOP must perpetrate in order to shove through their anti-societal candidates.

Now commentators have identified the year 2009 as the beginning of anti-government racist organizations such as militia groups and the 'tea party', activated by the 2009 Inauguration of Barack Obama whose natal Saturn in Capricorn wasn't despotic enough for them, nor was he Caucasian enough.

So in closing, the Neptune-Pluto global criminal network, termed by some, The Octopus, appears in the Pentagon 1942 post linked, above, so do check it out if you dare!

Vintage Image: White House 1800s

Apr 20, 2020

May 2020 Jupiter Direct Stations on US Pluto: nwo

April 20, 2020: Below is the DC Horoscope of the moment on May 14, 2020 that transit Jupiter @27Cap14:25 Stations Direct upon US natal Pluto (@27Cap33 Rx natal 2nd hou$e of the National Treasury) with implications of a 'new world order' now forced into place and the additional gaining of power.

According to Reinhold Ebertin, on May 14th Trump will be "acting under the influence of others, showing weakness, and laying himself open to being led astray or corrupted" (Sun = Neptune-ASC). Yes, this has already been the case for years, I know! For one thing, he owes China, and China owns the debt of the US. Precisely what the Founders warned against.

So please enlarge the image if you wish to read my study notes:

And on the same subject:

Remember in October 2018 when Trump issued his first Emergency Alert via FEMA to the cell phone users of America? My suspicion is that we'll be hearing alarming messages again through the same channel. The 'new world order' ('NWO') aka, One World Government, has long been a subject of complaint on Stars Over Washington yet the following video contains particularly sensitive topics so a Warning Advisory is necessary. Why so sensitive? Because it asserts that Trump is no longer playing president because Someone Else is in charge--guess who?

Video Link.

Note that on March 13, 2020, Trump declared that the Covid-19 outbreak "constitutes a national emergency, beginning March 1, 2020". According to the video above this is when Trump gave over control of the US to FEMA and is no longer acting as president.

Astrologically, the change of rulership on March 1st falls under the sway of the February 23rd New Moon @4Pis29 (America's Progressed Sun degree in December 2008--our Progressed Full Moon when the US had reached into the world as far as she could go) while Trump's March 13th declaration came after the culminating 'Super' Full Moon of March 9, 2020 @19Vir37. And of course, Virgo-Pisces polarity is the victim-savior axis with all earthly and cosmic events so far this year falling under the auspices of the 3 South Solar Eclipse of December 26, 2019 (4Cap06) with its 'traumatic transformation through news received or short journeys undertaken; sudden endings of relationships' vibes (Brady).

Then there was the March 24, 2020 New Moon @4Ari12 which culminated with the Full Moon of April 7th/8th @18Lib44 and directly spotlighted Trump's 2nd hou$e Jupiter @17Lib27. Next up will be the April 23rd New Moon @3Tau24 conjunct the Discovery of Chiron degree.

May 20, 2018

DC Horoscopes: All Four 2018 Cardinal Ingresses

As you may remember, year 2018 opened its cosmic curtains with a New Moon @26Capricorn54 which perfected very near US natal Pluto (27:33) and echoed RNC 2016 when disruptive Uranian Donald Trump was nominated for the US presidency. For an overview of 2018, here are previous posts showing DC horoscopes of the 2018 Cardinal Ingresses which mark the beginning of each season of the year: Spring Equinox, Summer Solstice, and Autumn Equinox 2018 (with chart details) followed by a view of the Winter Solstice 2018 horoscope which is also set for our nation's capital:

Spring Equinox, Summer Solstice, Autumn Equinox and shown below...

Winter Solstice December 21, 2018 5:22:46 pm est Washington DC; Hour Mars; chart-ruler Moon in Gemini in 12th house of Politics, Karma, and Large Institutions; Mars-Neptune at Midheaven denotes weakness and failure and echoes America's natal Mars-Neptune square of misdirected action and confused motivation; the 'fog of war' may be suggested; evaluating Venus in Scorpio in the 5th house of Speculation and Risk-Taking leads a Locomotive shape of ruthless ambition and her trine to cloudy Neptune suggests what you see penned in the center of the horoscope including monetary fraud and an inflated Treasury, or, inflation used to control a nation's finances. the 2nd house of the National Treasury holds the Solstice's Prenatal Solar Eclipse in the 2 New North Saros Series, aka, The Tower Eclipse which manifests on August 11, 2018 @18Leo41 (DC horoscope shown). The 2NN began in 1928 if that tells us anything:

That Tweeter-in-Chief--You Know the One

Please enlarge the image to read my scribbled notes if you wish; highlighted in pink (for bullies like you-know-who) are most of Donald Trump's natal placements, and as you see, his natal Mercury precisely rises in the chart along with transit *Hades and asteroid Hebe (the server; also a Hebrew indicator), both retrograde. Fixed star Alhena ('the wound in Achilles' heel'--bone spurs?; and, to have a mission--to tweet, perchance to tweet alone) also rises, plus, North Node in 1st house is fortuitous and points toward starry Procyon (short-lived opportunities)--perhaps they are our own chances to improve our lot and make karmic progress within this kitten-in-string condition of ours.

A cadent Winter Solstice Sun @00Cap00:00 is in 6th house of Military-Police-Civil-Service (and Health) as are Mercury and Jupiter--conjunct upon malevolent, headstrong, royal star and Watcher of the West, Antares, a red star of war and/or violence. Meanwhile, the Tail of the Dragon (South Node) @26Cap55 is in process of swiping US natal Pluto Rx as it nears Donald Trump's natal Vertex (VX, a point of fated encounter; his @22Cap51) and if you look, bottom right, I've penned a note--that the January 12, 2020 Saturn-Pluto conjunction will 'hit' the natal VX of Mr. Trump. Basically, the Winter Solstice 2018 Nodal axis spotlights America's natal Mercury-Pluto opposition of propaganda, intelligence gathering, political talk of reforms, secrets, orbital weaponry, space exploration, toxins, and self-destructive impulses in business (Munkasey).

As for current nuclear issues, destructive, transforming Pluto (planet of plutonium), is at a critical degree (20Capricorn), power asteroid Toro, often active in nuclear or atomic charts, conjoins South Node, a Saturnian point of separation, and creator-destroyer Siva sits upon the 8th cusp conjunct US natal Pluto. And of course, as noted, there's Trump's natal Vertex in the midst of them all.

Of course, many other chart factors are worth noting for those who dare but I must leave them to you now as the Gemini Moon in 12th house hides away while activating Trump's natal Uranus (his 'guiding planet' in his 10th house of Career and Public Status) and note that the Moon-Uranus combination of energies in Political Astrology indicates excited people, and--an emotionally immature leader who rules by whim.

Uranian planet *Hades: a Scorpio-Virgo quality which adds fragmentation; associated with the Greek god Hades or Pluto; the Underworld (mythological or criminal-jc); the hidden; debris, recycling; unpleasant things; analysis; breaking down into parts; antiquity; ancient cultures; Astrology; Jazz; a study from the distant past (genealogy? jc); artifacts of past cultures; used items; discarded marriage partners; adopted children or stepchildren; karmic references ( New Insights into Astrology, Nona Gwynn Press).

Also of note in 2018 comes our annual 242nd Independence Day, aka, America's Solar Return 2018 with karmic Saturn, planet of accountability, authority, authenticity, limitation, delay, status quo, work, The Establishment, law, government, and business uppermost in the horoscope set for Washington DC.

Jun 15, 2016

The Deep State: The Unelected Shadow Government - video

In 8 minutes 44 seconds, here is John W. Whitehead explaining America's Deep State which is what Astrology has called the Secret, or Invisible (Neptune) Government (Saturn) as seen in US natal charts that are set for late afternoon of July 4, 1776 Philadelphia, PA.

Personally I tend to use 5:09 pm LMT for America because it places two of the Cardinal World Points on the MC (Goal; Aspirations)/IC (Home; Endings) points. This also places 1776 Saturn (14Libra) and Neptune (22Virgo) on each side of the 00Libra MC which suggests that the now-named 'Deep State' or a Secret/Invisible Government was established from America's founding. And my suspicion has been that the 1776 out-of-bounds Pluto (27Capricorn) was and remains a significator of power elite bosses (then and now) who pull the strings--from abroad:


Of course, the karmic duo of Saturn and Neptune also involves such systems as Socialism, Communism, Marxism, Capitalism--all the oppressive -isms you'd care to name as mentioned in yesterday's (related) post concerning the natal chart and work of H.G. Wells, 'new world order' promoter.

Jan 13, 2013

Oligarch Jay Rockefeller retiring but Plutocracy 'safe'

Since creating this blog on October 17, 2005 I have groused my frustration many times concerning the high-handed arrogance of, and the condescension shown toward the common good by, the power elite or 'ruling class' which is clearly represented in America by the House of Rockefeller among others (ex: House of Morgan)--and in Europe by its related House of Rothschild.

Well, inspired by the retirement announcement on Friday of West Virginia Senator Jay Rockefeller (b. June 18, 1937), who will not seek re-election in 2014, the excellent blog The Oligarch Kings has published a report on the Rockefeller family tree with details on which modern politicians are related to the Rockefellers and to other of our nation's oligarchical plutocrat families, past and present.

Check out the article, if you wish:

Rockefeller: Twight of the Oligarchs?

Astrologically, I remind myself of the July 4, 1776 condition of powerful wealth-collector Pluto Rx @27Cap33--out-of-bounds of the Earthly plane (hidden as manipulative Mr. Invisible prefers to be) and posited in our nation's 2nd house of the National Treasury ('Sibly' natal chart for 5:10 pm LMT) us an early portrait of the American financial oligarchy.

Of course, 'OOBs' means that secretive, stealthy Pluto was not actually on-hand to interact with the other players in July 1776 (he wasn't in the room, you might say) yet powerful Pluto's association with The Unconscious made and makes his rule all the stronger especially because he was in Saturn-ruled Capricorn (sign of government, law, business) and Saturn signifies control and the status quo.

Related reading: The National Journal explains why Senator Jay Rockefeller's retirement is a big deal.

Jul 15, 2012

Horoscope: New Moon July 19, 2012

A New Moon July 19, 2012 Opposes US natal Pluto in Capricorn

by Jude Cowell

Below is the horoscope of the New Moon @26Can54 on July 19, 2012 at 12:24:02 am edt Capitol Building Washington DC. It's a Saturn Hour with a couple of Cardinal T-Square patterns formed between a conflict-ridden Mars-Uranus opposition and powerful manipulator Pluto 7Cap46 Rx in 9th house (when the chart is set for DC), and Saturn/ASC pointing toward the Sun and Moon in 4th H of Home, Homeland, and Real Estate.

(Cardinality means that events are likely to occur if at least three factors support them.)

Perhaps the potential manifestations contained within the chart's midpoint pictures (from the T-Squares and other midpoints) will yield information about the new cycle of activity timed by this New Moon in Cancer, sign of home, nurturing, security, and business matters.

The pictures are listed below the horoscope image (with interpretations by Noel Tyl); any, all, or none may apply. Click the chart to enlarge for some basic information and for a notation that the transiting South Node of the Moon (3Gem52 in 2nd H) is now lining up with President Obama's natal Moon, an indicator of separation (from public approval? in the home? more threats to Mrs. Obama? hopefully not), bad timing issues and scheduling conflicts, and a lack of cooperation from others. Any misuse of position, power, wealth, or popularity may turn up on the president's menu over the next few weeks and will be hard to deal with until this difficult karmic influence has passed.

Plus, you see Mercury Rx @11Leo52 backing off a bit from transiting the president's natal Sun (a time of self-expression and focussing on one's own ideas--and of blending one's ideas with that of others) and is in process of a drawn out Mercury Return for Mr. Obama (2Leo19 in his natal 6th house with natal Sun which spotlights his interests in Health.)

Midpoint Pictures July 19, 2012 12:24:02 am edt Capitol Building Washington DC:

Mars-Uranus = Pluto: intervention of the big shock; force; a Higher Power. Pluto in 9th H may indicate troubles abroad with wars and occupations or with US foreign policy; terrorist attacks cannot be ruled out, plus, GOP opposition to Obamacare (6/12 axis) is obviously on the agenda of certain political factions with 'factions' ruled by Pluto in Mundane Astrology.

Saturn-ASC = Sun: taking full responsibility; strategizing for personal freedom; making things happen through hard work.

Saturn-ASC = Moon: difficulty being accepted; depression due to environment.

Pluto-ASC = Neptune: vision to fulfill; embarrassment to transcend; fight against rumor; something paranormal influences situations.

Saturn-Uranus = MC: recognition of one's thrust for individuality or loss of self to the grip of controls; break away from the old. (Saturn QD Uranus = interruption of governing systems; defiance of law and order--The Quindecile--Ricki Reeves); this picture is prominent for its angularity at MC and its connections to government, old v new, and the Middle East.

Saturn-MC = NN: major stroke of fate may affect all development.

Saturn-MC = President Obama's natal Moon: renunciation; an attack on private emotions.

Sun-Moon = US natal Pluto: a critical time of development; separation in order to start anew (New Moon); potential new perspectives in relationships.

A 2nd H Jupiter conjoins US natal Uranus which shows much activity concerning group causes and an expansion of personal networks; Venus 15Gem00 returns to her June 5, 2012 Transit position--both are 'money planets' so financial issues are denoted including the US Treasury (2nd H.) The 14 South May 20, 2012 Solar Eclipse (chart shown) may give people 'something to cry about' (conjunct Alcyone) with its degree conjoining 2nd cusp. At the least, 'an obsessive idea may finally be accepted' (Brady.)

The New Moon's Sabian Symbol ('27Can') relates to its 4th house position:

"A Furious Storm Rages Through a Residential Canyon" which highlights storms and water damage from weather conditions, possible turbulence at the White House, and/or a potential for more real estate or mortgage difficulties in the US. Yet perhaps the 'new cycle of activity' indicated by the July 19 New Moon will work on beneficial levels as well.

Addionally, transit Jupiter in Gemini is within orb of squaring President Obama's natal Pluto in Virgo, a period which began on July 9, 2012 and occurred July 14 (exact), on July 19 (this New Moon!), December 29, 2012, January 10, 2013 (exact), February 18, 2013 (exact), and March 3, 2013, a period when covering too wide a base is problematic and sights must be shortened in order to make progress--one step at a time.

Thanks for reading!

Apr 8, 2012

America's Sun/Pluto obsession? EM Radiation/Smart Grid/Spying (video)

Loving that wireless connection? So am I yet its spying capacity and the electromagnetic radiation we receive will up the incidents of cancer and other diseases, reports Mike Day in this video:

Now when it comes to America's natal horoscope of July 4, 1776, our government's tendency toward strong-arm control, and spying on US citizens, I usually reserve my astro-complaints for our nation's Mercury/Pluto opposition with its state-of-crisis, problem-solving, fear-of-credibility-challenges themes. Spies (Mercury) control (Pluto) data from regions unknown and of course, Mercury's connection to air travel implicates spy satellites as well. Plus, Pluto's 'invisible helmet' and its link with psychology, coping mechanisms, insights, secrets, and subversion cannot be dismissed for those who appreciate astrological and mythological translations of real-world topics.

US Sun/Pluto

Yet perhaps America's natal Sun (leadership) in self-protective Cancer and natal Pluto (wealthy power-behind-the-throne controllers) in Saturn-ruled Capricorn--across the Can-Cap Security axis--should be mentioned for anyone wishing to view the above video since US natal Sun/Pluto are in quindecile aspect (165 degrees), an obsessive-compulsive relationship between the president and unnamed plutocrats (and spying agencies) which indicates drive and determination toward dealing or coping with the manipulation concerns of both Sun and Pluto.

See if you think their obsessions relate to the concept of spying and collecting data on all Americans, the guilty and the innocent, in direct opposition to the tenets embedded within the US Constitution; the added involvement of US natal Mercury fills out the picture even more and, imho, continues to describe the upper levels of the American ruling class as their net of control tightens circa 2012:

Sun (ego recognition) QD Pluto (empowerment or disempowerment through perspectives) = uses intense drive to gain power and control; focuses on prominence and success; ruthless, manipulative, intimidating; transforms perspectives by purging old concepts; may possess strength of character (or plays one on TV--jc); self-evaluation and therapy are beneficial (if only! Of course the evaluation is aimed at the lives and data that should belong to innocent citizens, not at an overreaching, privacy-disrespecting government. jc)

With natal Mercury (at '25Cancer' = "A Man Wrapped in an Invisible Mantle of Power"--ya think? jc): driven by schemes and ideas to gain advantages over others; can effectively communicate powerful perspectives; utilizes mental and verbal manipulation to get ahead (exs: propaganda; political echo chambers; corporate hacks that call themselves 'journalists'; TV's 'talking heads' and 'pundits' parroting the party line and/or scripts of special interest groups, ALEC-driven legislation, etc--jc.)

(The Quindecile, Ricki Reeves.)

Okay, that's my fuss for today. We still have the best nation in the world, don't we? But it takes the consent of the governed for things to work out well. Let's close with three quotes from one of our early Illuminized Masonic presidents for I still have trouble believing Thomas Jefferson was completely clued in on what the future would hold for America as engineered by reason-worshippers who wish a 'return to Utopia' and a chaotic nation without any civil institutions at all--you know, like those Social Darwinians and other radicals now attempting to defund education, environmental protections, civil servant pay, and any other common good service or program that keeps America leaning forward and that We the People need in order to simply survive:

"It is part of the American character to consider nothing as desperate; to surmount every difficulty by resolution and contrivance."

"This I hope will be the age of experiments in government, and that their basis will be founded on principles of honesty, not of mere force."

(Thomas Jefferson in a letter to John Adams, 1796)

"Whenever a man has cast a longing eye on them (public offices), a rottenness begins in his conduct."

(Jefferson in a 1799 letter to Tench Coxe)

Oct 26, 2011

Mercury-Pluto! US Patriot Act 10th Anniversary 10.26.11

Today is the 10th anniversary of Bush's draconian US 'Patriot' Act which President Obama extended by remote control from France in late May 2011 as a previous post details--with US natal Pluto rising. Other astrological implications are included.

Yes, America's rising Pluto (planet of Invisible Helmets, sabotage, subversive power, and assassinations) at the Patriot Act's May 2011 extension puts our natal Mercury/Pluto opposition (July 4, 1776) into sharp relief with its surveillance, propaganda, and intell activities now ramped up by technological advances which aid the US government in data collecting as it ignores with impunity our right to privacy and fails to protect us from unreasonable searches and seizures.

Sneak and Peek!

For a symbolic representation of the US Mercury/Pluto opposition we have only to look at our paper currency (shown here) and the Pyramid of Power with the capstone and Eye of Surveillance (some say, Horus, or Providence) upon it, a direct reference to the infiltrating Illuminati agents who deeply influenced the founding of this nation and loaned the founders Illuminati symbols to place upon America's Great Seal.

(Note: Mercury = sight, Pluto = power!)

So no Happy Birthday Wishes to the Patriot Act from me today. For though I suppose its provisions help law enforcement track criminals, its eagle-eyed perusals of Aunt Granny Fanny's emails to dear Cousin Myrtle are way-y-y over the privacy line--and such an abundance of info collection wastes time, storage space, and mucho tax dollars.

Plus, it gives criminals, foreign and domestic, even more of our personal info to hack and steal. Thanks for that, Washington.

Well, I guess you can tell from the image above: Somebody's Watching You!

For further reading if you're interested:

All-seeing Eye: The History of Video Surveillance.

The History of the Illuminati in America (note the sour quote by Clinton Roosevelt, an ancestor of FDR.)

How well can spy satellites see details?

Jun 6, 2011

Can We Resist Pluto in Capricorn's 'Fear Factor'?

Here I am sassily publishing a thoughtful though anonymous reader's perspective concerning powerful, subversive Pluto's destructuring meander through Capricorn, sign of government, law, and business, which brings an imperative within the collective to resist the fear which this transit naturally engenders as Pluto creeps toward its 1776 position (27Cap33) in the US natal horoscope, a 'planetary return' never before experienced during America's brief and fabled history:

By no means am I an astrologer. I don't even qualify as an amateur my knowledge is so shallow. I do consult certain astrological sites. But I do recall that one recommendation from several astrologers about Pluto's entry into Capricorn is to refuse to give into fear. I do understand that Capricorn is an organizational sign (I have a Cap ascendant at 4+ degrees and am thus by nature a worrier - but I'm also a triple Aries - sun, moon and Mercury so go figure....).

I also have understood Pluto to mean the great transformer. So it stands to reason that the organization(s) of the world will be transformed on a very fundamental level. There is so much fear moving about the US and the world today (except perhaps for Asia - not counting Japan). There are many good reasons to fear - climate change, the bank-induced explosion of the financial sector, the economic treason to the American middle class perpetrated by the international oligarchs and their willing servants among the politicians and media.

The righties fear and foment the culture wars. We lefties understandably fear the machinations of the righties (end of collective bargaining, the push to lower the pay of employees to developing nations' standards, the threats to what's left of the social safety net, Obama's lack of spine or collusion or unfortunate placement as the Jackie Robinson of national politics with the attendant demand that he turn himself into a pretzel to get along with the GOP/TP, etc.) I'm not trying to be a pollyanna. Clearly, there is a welter of fear mongers out and about in every corner who seek to profit from those very fears they raise.

But again, I go back to, I think, Jessica Murray's advice with the Pluto incursion into Cap that we refuse to live in fear. And we act against those fears and align ourselves with the higher purpose of combating all the sources pushing our fear buttons with faith turned into action by speaking up for and acting in concert with our fellow men and women mindful of those higher purposes in order to aid the best side of Pluto's changes in our organizations. Forgive this virtual tyro's "preachiness" and rant.

All good wishes to you, Jude, and your readers.

Thanks, Anonymous, well-said! That's a great explanation of the current astro-weather affecting our societal condition as politicians and others use the weapon of plutonian-tinged fear against us. Agreed, that a best plan is to consult our higher natures to gain more positive perspectives than those which issue 24/7 from a cynical and corrupt Washington DC.

You know, if The Politician's eternal promise to "bring transparency back to Washington" (heard so often along US campaign trails) actually came to pass, we'd be running 99% of the varmints off to Sing Sing when the true depth of their perfidies and secret sell-out-America deals with the devil were 'transparently' revealed! Of course, it's a huge assumption that transparency in any government is ever possible given political man's pocket-lining tendencies, for example. Their true loyalties are certainly suspect, aren't they?

And we see how they've 'run' America in recent decades by Where We Are Now.

US natal Jupiter, planet of largess, expansion, religion, money, military generals, and bankers is at the root of many of our current problems due to mismanagement of Jupiterian abundance and egotism. Our national Jupiter possesses a telling Sabian Symbol from July 4, 1776: '6 Cancer' = "Game Birds Feathering Their Nests"...and they've been feathering them lucratively ever since.

Difference now is, these Utopian Usurpers want to steal everyone else's nests, too, and have just about done it which may be why I feel particularly and especially squawky today. How about you? jc

Apr 16, 2011

Bretton Woods dreams meet dark economic clouds as Pluto plods on

The Bretton Woods economic conference just ended sees a dark outlook for America and the global economy and these top leaders should know since I believe they've been in on the engineering of Financial Collapse all along in order to establish the kind of economic system they want.

Their goal of global financial and governmental collapse is proceeding nicely for the Chaos Creators and has become quite evident even to those who prefer not to pay attention to what movers and shakers are up to in secret places and ivory towers. All institutions are now infiltrated with agents who are actually duped into believing they will be part of the Luciferian hierarchy of favored subjects when all is in place and the world is ruled from Jerusalem or elsewhere...basically, they desire an earthly kingdom as if that will stave off God's ultimate judgment and the End of Days. It will not.

(And here's some news for the world's chaos-creating minions: Satan would just as soon destroy as look at you for he has no loyalties. His aim is to take as many souls down with him as he goes for he knows his days are numbered - his efforts will be ramped up and technological tricks using light and sound will become more fantastic than ever. In 2011, we feel the political and economic forces' hurry-up-NOW energies and attitudes being demonstrated in Washington DC and elsewhere as the Cosmic Clock runs down. My best advice is for everyone to make their spiritual base secure for the challenges ahead - and participate in democracy!)

Perhaps you read a recent Guest Blogger post presented by New World Order 2012 concerning such topics as 2012, the Illuminati, and the NWO with more articles and info promised.

Well, this morning Georgia awoke to damage from another massive storm system overnight with perhaps more to come. 'Sunshine after a storm' hasn't happened yet but the air is cool, the wind blows lightly, and the trees and foliage still standing look green as can be. Thunderstorms are not on par with nuclear meltdown, of course, but not to fret because in Georgia we have our own nuclear plants to worry about for potential future disasters.

So! On this green morning I type at you from my rain-drenched cave about horrific topics and financial woes that are being engineered by some of the same scoundrels mentioned in the first article linked above.

That regulations and wisdom from the Bretton Woods Treaty are under fire from those who want to build a totally different system, or order of things, cannot be ignored any longer, and I apologize for passing along today their dark-clouds propaganda.

Yet the extent of the damage they have and will cause may be mitigated by how closely we pay attention to what they're up to so that its true nature may be revealed, and the decisive actions taken to push back against the NWO tide. My hope is that entire populations will band together for the good of civilization itself - and say a resounding NO! to the devilish forces now throttling the global throat.

In the US, the success of the ruling elite in keeping us divided against one other and alienated from our own best interests must be faced down as the 2012 presidential campaign heats up. Yes, this will be a monumental task and a major test of maturity, especially with partisan politics purposefully stirred up as they are. In America we are known for our trend-loving immaturity and Geminian energies of never wanting to hear or face the bad news of others' dire intentions - this is a tendency our national psyche must move beyond if America is to survive.

Plus, the old debate of Democrat Party v Republic Party in America is a mere iceberg's tip compared to what's at stake and all that is being done by operatives underneath the surface of our daily lives. The ancient battle of Swords v Torches goes on yet only represents dreadful factions jockeying for position at the helm of a satanic hierarchy intended to dominate the world. (See 112th Congress = Swords vs Torches.)

For it is the next US president (s)elected in 2012 who will preside over our evolving global future as he or she builds upon a string of past presidents' efforts on behalf of an over-arching (over-reaching!) agenda to set up a worldly kingdom which will then lead the unwary into misery, not improvement. Few, if any, church hierarchies have answers (other than to succumb to the NWO, the sell-outs!) and most have participated in the ruse against decent people who want to live their lives, raise their families, and treat others with respect and dignity while working for adequate incomes with which to manage these noble things.

Astrology Spins a Plutonian Tale

Pluto's current traverse of Capricorn, sign of law, government, and business, is taking its toll on us with restrictive Saturn's background influence as ruler of Capricorn. In a mere 11 years from now, we will experience our first Pluto Return in American history on:

1. February 20, 2022; Pluto in 8th house of the Return chart along with a Venus/Mars conjunction @ 20Cap (a crisis degree); plutocracy's Pluto/Chiron midpoint = communism/socialism/invisible government's Saturn/Neptune midpoint; the return falls within the 5 New South Solar Eclipse Series: benefits and peak experiences; eclipse @ 12Sag22 conjoins US natal ASC of the US Sibly chart...something's brewing and will be in view; in the US Sibly natal chart, Pluto is Rx @ 27Cap33 and in 2nd house of Earnings and Self-Worth.

In modern times, 5 New South occurred in the years 1913, 1931, 1949, 1967, 1985, and 2003.

2. July 11, 2011; Pluto Rx in return's 1st H and re-creating its former sextile with transiting Neptune in late Pisces, and opposing Sun 20Cap (a crisis degree); activist Mars 5Tau is in 5th H and unaspected, or working on his own; this return falls within the 6 North Solar Eclipse Series which involves issues of relationships to father/authority figures, the need to take responsibility and control, and acceptance of commitments due to the unreliability of others; eclipse @ 10Tau29.

6N manifested in the years 1914, 1932, 1950, 1968, 1986, and 2004.

3. December 28, 2022; Pluto in return's 1st H with a Mercury/Venus conjunction in Capricorn; Jupiter returns to Aries Point, a World Point of Manifestation; this return falls within the 6 South Solar Eclipse Series which conjoins the return chart's MC (The Goal; Aspirations) with issues of a manic nature such as being forceful and taking power, great strength in relationships, sudden events, and huge efforts exerted in group endeavors; eclipse @ 2Sco01.

6S occurred in the years 1914, 1932, 1950, 1968, 1986, and 2004, same years as 6N. (Years correspond to WWI, WWII and the rise of Fascism, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Challenger explosion-US bombs Tripoli-and Iran-Contra details come out, and the Bush-Cheney wars in the Middle East now escalated by Barack Obama.)

Since our nation has never experienced a Pluto Return before, no one can predict precisely what it will mean yet the historical events of those years listed give hints of similar issues which will again be on the world's menu as the 5 New South, 6 North, and 6 South eclipses repeat during the watershed year 2022 of America's Pluto Return.

But first we must navigate 2011, 2012, and 2013.


Solar Eclipse details are gleaned from Brady's Predictive Astrology and you may wish to check out Amazon's Bernadette Brady Page..

Blog Note: my plan to publish this week on Summer Solstice 2011 has had to be moved into next week due to power outages and household responsibilities; it's quite an involved picture with many astro-details needing inclusion in order to gain for ourselves the larger view which the lens of Astrology readily supplies. jc

Oct 12, 2010

Harry Truman on the secret power brokers

And now a quote from President Harry Truman on secret power brokers in a statement which today we might call a 'conspiracy theory':

“Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men’s views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the US, in the field of commerce and manufacturing, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.”

(From ‘The New Freedom: A Call for the Emancipation of the Generous Energies of a People.’)

Wonder who he refers to? Power and horoscope-wise, it sounds like it's America's natal Pluto in Capricorn to me, with transiting Pluto now opposing US natal Venus, Jupiter, and soon, the Sun. There are other secretive factors in the US horoscope, of course, but for one little planet who can manipulate it all, Pluto fills Truman's bill.

And yet he's the one who dropped destructive Pluto's atom bombs on the Japanese people! Which was an act that the secret power brokers of Truman's day had to encourage, imho. It was, I believe, at their instigation.

Jun 22, 2010

Austerity Cuts a Huge Mistake: Pluto in Capricorn

This morning I awoke to BBC's reporting of a morning announcement in London of 'austerity cuts' against the good people of the UK and if some had their way in the US we'd be - and probably will be - on the same make-things-worse road as FDR set us on in 1937.

Why, it's almost as if governments want things worse for the people and aren't trying to 'recover' financial systems at all!

Well, they do if all the sky-falling voices are correct (like mine) and the entire 'collapse' is an orchestrated charade that's intended to collapse the global economy so that totalitarianism can have its way with us and a long-planned one-world-government can be instituted.

Such is transformative Pluto traversing governmental Capricorn as in 1776 when America was founded as the 'new world government' on the block - and now Mr. Hades is destructuring governments again. That nationalist governments must fail is a priority for the power elite's New World Order movers and shakers and if individuals fail in the process, too bad - you're merely collateral damage in the class warfare now being waged.

What's also too bad is that so few citizens of the US and elsewhere have taken seriously the warnings about class warfare putting targets on their backs which have been given to anyone who would listen since (at least) the 90s. Successful propaganda campaigns against such heralds of doom have been used to make 'conspiracy theorists' appear to be wacky and off the mark.

Yet in most cases, we, dear reader, are not. Plus, even wacky folk can be right part of the time. I proudly count myself among their number.

Well, perhaps you caught Paul Krugman's June 19 article That 30s Feeling which agrees that austerity cuts will do more harm than good so here's its link for you, just in case.

And though it's true that Mr. Krugman won't mention anything to you about Pluto, Capricorn, or the tearing down of current forms and institutions to make way for a much-promoted yet already-lamented-by-the-people NWO, it's okay because I just did.

We must remember that that's why the power elite has worked for decades to knit all financial systems into a world network in the first place - so that the financial collapse with its subsequent governmental failures would be global when they get ready to pull the final plug.

Aug 29, 2009

Invisible government as Octopus: a famous quote round-up

"There exists a shadowy government with its own Air Force, its own Navy, its own fundraising mechanism, and the ability to pursue its own ideas of national interest, free from all checks and balances, and free from the law itself."

Dan Inouye United States Senator for Hawaii

"The real menace of our Republic is the invisible government which like a giant octopus sprawls its slimy legs over our cities states and nation. At the head is a small group of banking houses generally referred to as 'international bankers.' This little our government for their own selfish ends. It operates under cover of a self-created screen...[and]seizes...our executive officers...legislative bodies...schools...courts... newspapers and every agency created for the public protection."

John Francis Hylan (April 20, 1868 - January 12, 1936), Mayor of New York City from 1918 to 1925.

"I'm going to be so much better a president for having been at the CIA that you're not going to believe it."

George Bush (41st US President 1989 - 1993, b.1924)


Famous Quote Round-up courtesy of the excellent Information Clearing House Newsletter...subscribe today.

And here's a newspaper article from the past by John Hylan where he blames the greed of big bankers for our nation's being on the verge of bankruptcy! Sounds eerily familiar, yes?

And you know that if you cross your eyes as you gaze at America's natal chart ('Sibly' version; July 4, 1776, 5:10 pm LMT, Philadelphia, PA), you see a planetary picture with our Virgoan Neptune and Libran Saturn on either side of Midheaven which gives this word picture to our nation's aspirations (Mc) by way of secret or invisible (Neptune) government (Saturn)...

Sat/Nep = Mc: wavering between materialism and idealism; peculiar loss of ambition; moodiness; capitulating to the demands of the environment totally. (Tyl; Ebertin.)

Or to put it more simply: 'invisible' or 'secret' government is the pentacle of aspirations and the path of worldly success for the US government. Argh.

Borry sastards. If this is the case, then we-the-people have been set up from the start as supported by US Pluto positioned in controlling Capricorn and out-of-bounds of the earthly plane, an icy place from whence the Dragon makes his own plans toward his own goals...and devil take the American people - along with the rest of the world, too, come to think of it.