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Mar 7, 2006

So What's Up with Rumsfeld?

You've been listening to Donald Rumsfeld's denials of civil war in Iraq recently--and this from a man who pretended to think there were WMDs in Iraq, and other wacky cakewalk nonsense. But is Rummy in some sort of crisis?

Here I've uploaded his minor progressed chart set for this evening, natal location. I will refer to it as "minor".

The minor chart describes the mental or causal plane--thoughts which are in process of becoming conscious--and is part of the 27:13:1 ratio, for we think 27 times faster than we act, and we feel--or intuit--13 times faster than we act, with the "1" representing the physical plane (physical = the secondary progr'd chart, the feeling or emotional plane is called the tertiary progr'd.)

But here we see his minor chart because of the several 29 degree positions--29 being a crisis/catatrophic degree.

I've circled the 29 degree placements, and highlighted 2 patterns--a YOD, which is a crisis situation in and of itself--and a Minor Grand Trine being currently triggered by the Moon. (The Moon acts as a trigger or timing device in a minor chart just as it can in any other.)

This Moon is at the end of Taurus, and has just crossed the nasty Fixed Stars, Capulus (aggressive male energy, "to lose one's head"), and Algol, the Star of passionate, primal female energy...two sides of the same vicious coin when used vengefully.)

The focal planet in a Minor Grand Trine--in this case, the Moon--facilitates the energy of the trine (Sat/Plu), and brings the trine energy into consciousness with more objectivity (well, it's supposed to anyway.)

So let's see a little sumpin' sumpin' about Rummy's current mental state:

Saturn/Pluto = Moon: frigid feelings; abstemiousness; tragic destiny, esp of a woman.
(Moon, in this case--given his status as America's representative--could represent the public or populace.)

(As you know, Sat/Plu relates to war, violence, cruelty, mass murder--those kinds of things...the two were opposite one another on 9/11/01, plus minor Moon has been emphasizing similar themes with its triggering of Capulus and Algol...and has moved into orb of Sat/Pluto this week.)

YOD (the Finger of God pattern, with its back-against-the-wall influence)>>

Moon/Pluto = Mercury: conceptualizing; planning and strategizing; pursuit of comprehensive plans with tremendous zeal; wielding a powerful influence upon the larger public through writings or speeches.

Mercury as focal planet in a YOD can give an "out of tune" flavor to communications, so while he's certainly been speaking out this week (Mercury), and his "powerful influence" is on view, this particular child-of-the-Revolution just can't trust his stated perspectives, his denials, or his 'vision'--how about you?

March 7 2006 8:03 pm est

ps: This Sun/Moon combo is the same as Barry Goldwater's natal blend, and as you know, he pertinently reminds us:

"A government that is big enough to give you all you want is big enough to take it all away."

Mar 6, 2006

James Madison Mar 16, 1751

Here's the natal chart of James Madison, Architect of the Constitution.

We see idealistic Sagittarius rising, with Saturn in Sag--he had frail health his whole life, and stood 5'6", yet he lived to a ripe old age, hemorrhoids and all. And, of course, the Virgo/Pisces axis always relates to health issues--Sun in Pisces is not the most vital place for the Sun, is it?

As "the Architect", we expect to see Taurus emphasized, and with Jupiter's placement in Taurus, we see expansion in business on a large scale, love of luxury and indulgence--a gourmet, in fact (leading to hemorhoids?), and a tendency to go on holy crusades.

Chiron in Scorpio brings death crises, and occult interests and talent. Participating in Freemasonry apparently filled the bill, as you might expect, and an early life full of health concerns made Death a familiar companion for contemplation.
Just the era he lived in, and the work he and his colleagues were about, would bring these issues to mind daily. And you see Pluto on Ascendant...if this is his correct birth time, his very birth was an iffy proposition, it would seem--death issues from the start.

Chiron conj Moon places high value on family, and shows an idealizing of the homeland, and on meeting the needs of the public. There's a marked patriotic emphasis, and a tendency toward perfectionism--all of which were obviously used in his writing and editing of the Constitution, and in his public, political life.

His intellectual brilliance with a scientific bent can be seen with Mercury conjunct Uranus, the planet of creative inspiration from On High, and both in Aquarius, sign of the Waterbearer--the Water of Life. Mercury/Uranus is an independent thinker who will not accept ideas simply based on tradition, and so they arrive at original solutions which others have overlooked.

Mars exalted in Capricorn gives him much professional ambition and a desire for high status, while his Taurean Jupiter in 5th house of Romance/Speculations attracts a high status mate...Dolley Todd. Her branch of the Todd family is connected to the Collins family, both of which are known for their centuries-long Freemasonry and/or Illuminati involvement. You go, Jemmy, the Fredrickburg Lodge is just a horse ride away. (But this Lodge with its records destroyed long ago.)

So President Madison will be 255 years old on March 16, yet his soft voice still whispers to us in 2006, for in 1834, although crippled with old age, he penned his last words to America--to you and to me (The Sheeple, it seems):

"The advice nearest my that the Union of the States be cherished and perpetuated."

And yet so many will let him down--if We-the-Sheeple let them.

3.7.06 12:43 pm est

Mar 4, 2006

Leo Strauss Sep 20, 1899

Here's the sunrise chart for Leo Strauss, father and instigator of neoconservatism.

Will post more on the morrow concerning this Chiron/Uranus system-busting guy, but 'til then, you may wish to read an excellent essay on his esoteric/exoteric self here:

Essay on Strauss by Edward Skidelsky

OK, it's Sunday, and here're the Jones and the Rudhyar versions of the Sabian Symbol for Strauss' Sun position:

"28Vir" = "A bald-headed man who has seized power."

Keynote: The sheer power of personality in times that call for decision.

Whether at the religious or at the socio-political and cultural level there comes a time when obsolescent patterns of order and cultural refinement have to be radically and relentlessly challenged.

Catabolic personages emerge to seize power and dictate decisions that alter the structure of society. At such times, the issue has to be met and, ruthless as the power may appear, it must be accepted.

Everything bows to THE POWER OF THE WILL--divine, executively human, or Satanic. #

MEJ describes "28Vir" as DOMINANCE...

Positive: accomplishment through a completeness of self-mastery and a rigid control of others. (And that's the positive!)

Neg/shadow side: a sadistic sophistication. #

And since the *Moon was in Aries all through the 24 hours of Sep 30 1899, we see this personality blend:

Sun Vir/Moon Aries: intellectual precision and curiosity; scholarly; pragmatically diligent; self-centered; committed workaholic; bossy; detached; sharp tongue; doesn't suffer fools gladly; sense of humor.

Greatest Weaknesses: scathingly critical; a verbose know-it-all: overly cerebral and emotionally detached.

Image: A jolly, rotund monk enjoying his food and wine while excelling in well-worn Latin sayings, witty responses, and kindly good humor. (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Chas & Suzi Harvey.)

And yes, Strauss shares this Sun/Moon combo natally with Dick Cheney. Perhaps they can toast each other in Hades.

You have noticed, I'm sure, that Strauss has a major pile-up in idealistic Sagittarius--Uranus conjunct Chiron, and a wide conj of Chiron with Saturn.

If you wish, read my previous post on the Chiron/Uranus combo: Stars Over Washington: Chiron/Uranus Types in Government

This trio of Chiron snugged between Saturn and Uranus is interesting also because Chiron is the 'bridge' between Saturn (which was considered the outermost planet until the discovery of rebel Uranus in 1781--hence its connection to the American Revolution, etc), and Uranus, the first of the Transpersonal or Generational planets. Uranus therefore has particular significance in America's chart/s.

So you could say that Sat/Uran = Chiron, and describes the tension of Saturn's control/restriction vs the rebellious, disruptive freedom and independence of Uranus, the Awakener, and Chiron's transcending abilities.

(Sat/Ura = tension; the urge for freedom; willpower; and violent people, according to Reinhold Ebertin's "The Combination of Stellar Influences".)

Saturn: the past, Uranus: the future, and with Chiron as the Key or Bridge, we see a bringing together of the two principles by way of Chiron transformation--and of course Chiron is the Christ archetype in the chart...the Alpha and the Omega--the past and the future blended with Chiron's "be here now" effect.

And although Strauss' Sat/Ura conjunction has a 13 degree orb, it seems applicable:

Original genius with ideas arrived at intuitively, Saturn conj Uranus gives the realism of Saturn and the originality of Uranus to the nature, plus a serious interest in mathematical studies, science, and the occult, including Astrology.
(Brings to mind Strauss' esoteric/exoteric philosophy, as does the Symbol for his Moon's sunrise degree, see below.)

There is use of systematic, math-oriented methods to make new discoveries and breakthroughs. The new (Uranus) builds upon the solid foundation of the old (Saturn.)

But the square (blockage) from Mercury (thinking; communication) results in obstinacy and autocratic attitudes. And a Virgoan Mercury generally indicates a primary interest in ideas that have a practical application for financial success and status.

Plus there's a T-square with Mercury as focal point--

Saturn/Pluto (a magician or an adept, or on another level, cruelty, violence, and war) = Mercury: the desire to solve difficult problems (doesn't seem to occur to Straussians that they ARE a difficult problem); thoroughness; taciturnity; doing research work.

And so our society's current infestation by the "elite" has much in common with this man's autocratic attitudes which he seems to have passed on successfully, yet the funny thing is, *Moon in Aries = "I AM the people" (!) and it's the same Moon placement as that other revolutionary everyone loves to hate--Robespierre...who was fond of saying just that.

Psychopaths get all kinds of odd ideas, don't they? But the "Reign of Terror" rearing its ugly head in the new millenium isn't just odd, it's tragic...once again.

Now for the sunrise degree of his Moon (Moon = the reigning need), which relates, I believe, to his esoteric/exoteric way of thinking:

(DR)"7 Aries" = "A man successfully expressing himself in two realms at once."

Keynote: The first realization of the dual nature of man and the possibilities it implies. LIVING TWO SEPARATE LIVES.

MEJ's version gives the same picture, but keyword, PROFICIENCY, speaks of the many interpenetrating realms of reality, and of a capacity for a complete control of events by shifting from one to another focus of emphasis whenever it proves convenient or expedient. #

Hmph. Sounds like the class all our current politicians have passed with flying colors...but they're sure not red, white, and blue.

3.5.06 11:26 am est

"The Aurora" Speaks Out Again

In colonial times, the press was just as partisan as our day, and Ben Franklin's grandson was publisher of a certain paper, The Aurora.

Let's hear again what he had to say to George Washington and thus on to our present-day George who thinks so much of his own leadership abilities:

>Let no flatterer persuade you to rest one hour longer at the helm of state. You are utterly incapable to steer the political ship into the harbor of safety.

If you have any love for your country, leave its affairs to the wisdom of your fellow citizens. Do not flatter yourself with the idea that you know their interests better than other men.

There are thousands amongst them who equal you in capability and who excel you in knowledge. #

And the contempt continues, Dubai deal and all. Harbor of safety indeed.

Mar 4 2006 7:26 pm est

Michael Chertoff Nov 28, 1953

Here's the sunrise chart (birth time unknown) for Mr Chertoff, who may soon be saying buh-bye to his czarship of Homeland Security.

(UPDATE Dec 16, 2006: he's still at HoSec--who else would take the job anyway?)

Here are Chertoff's Sun/Moon personality blend and his natal midpoint pictures for your consideration...

Since the Moon was in Virgo for the 24 hours of Nov 28, 1953, we have:

Sun Sag/Moon Virgo: an athlete gives a fund-raising performance for charity...a philosopher presents a perfect mathematical vision of the nature and meaning of the universe...The Ten Commandments.

This combo describes a practical idealist who is prone to mental obsessions and has a tendency to moralize. His desire for certitudes can cause narrow-mindedness, yet, positively, there is an ability to persuade others with clear arguments and a calm integrity. This is the combo of an educator, and is shared natally with Thomas Carlyle, who said, "Nothing is more terrible than activity without insight."

Post-Katrina, that's a valid and excellent point.

Natal midpoint pictures:

Sun/Neptune = Mercury: lack of objectivity; deceptions and illusions; false logic.

Sun/Sat = Venus: reserve; suppression of feelings.

Venus/Mars = Saturn: separation in relationship.

Mars/Saturn = Neptune: insufficient power to tackle obstacles or resistance; a grievous loss; waning powers and weakening of efforts; self-torment; weak vitality.

Jupiter/Neptune = Pluto: plans unreasonable beyond measure; a great loss.

Mars/NN = Sun: the will to unite with others; cooperative teamwork.

(Progressing the sunrise chart to March 6, 2006, secondary Moon at 7Leo03 is conjunct Bush's natal Ascendant, the "Bolshevik propagandist" degree. Chertoff's sec Moon = sec Uranus/Pluto: daring and audaciousness; bringing about changes by force. As you know, the combo of Uranus + Pluto = the collapse of the old order of things, the construction of the new; revolution; transformation.) And it would be great if he used this energy to rebuild New Orleans, rather than the US government, wouldn't it?

So will Chertoff be tasked with falling upon this sword?

I'd be quicker to hazard a guess if I had his correct birth time, but one thing I do know:

Transiting midpoint of Saturn/Pluto has been hanging about Chertoff's natal Mars (energy, action, initiative) 2005-06, and so we see:

Saturn/Pluto = Mars: the necessity to fight for one's existence; maltreatment; ruthlessness, violence, assault, or brutality.

And natally at *16Lib+ he has two asteroids, Toro = capacity to use and control power; strong will; the power of boundless strength...and Atlantis =
sense of doom; use/abuse of power; ethics.

Seems Mr Chertoff's use and abuse of power has been in process of being tested and put on the line. And if you asked Katrina's victims, I doubt they'd say he's passed the test.

And since I agree with them, let me help you hoist that sword, Mr Chertoff. George Bush ain't worth it, but you knew the deal when you signed on, I'm figuring.

Cash in your chips while ye may.

(*16Libra+ is also the natal position of Bush's Moon, so he's been on the oppressed and depressed side...well-deserved, most would agree.)

March 4 2006 3:54 pm est

Mar 1, 2006

US Constitution Read in Senate Chamber

Today, after the Senate passed a preliminary "sho, boss, whatever you say, boss" on the Patriot Act renewal--with a little smidge of protections added for effect--Sen Russ Feingold read the Constitution and the Bill of Rights before leaving the chamber.

At last--some political theater I can appreciate!

Sadly though, it was a RIP moment, with its promise of "somewhat limiting" governmental powers to compel information from people targeted in terror probes. Sounds necessary until you're the hapless target, doesn't it?

So earlier today, the Senate passed the measure 95-4, with Senators Byrd, Jeffors, and Harkin joining Feingold in the No Vote category. Leahy was successfully prevented from adding amendments. Guess the concerns of the people he represents don't count in the chamber.

"The die has now been cast," said Feingold after the Senate voted 84-15 to end his filibuster. "Obviously at this point, final passage of the reauthorization bill is now assured."

The final vote in the Senate will probably come Friday, March 3, and be on Bush's desk for his signature by or before the extension expires, March 10. (Do we get a squirrelly "signing statement" with that? How 'bout some Freedom Fries...or better yet, hold the fries, I'll take the freedom.)

This week, slow moving Neptune is sitting at 18AQ+...the midpoint of the Constitution's natal Saturn/Pluto midpoint:

Sat/Plu = Neptune: the desire to harm others secretly; fraud, falsehood, lies; danger through poison, gas, or water; immorality.

(Plus, this is doubly emphasized by the fact that transiting Sat/Plu is now atop natal Neptune!)

I esp like that first one--very descriptive, don't you think? 'Cos it's all secret and all--just the way the GOP likes it.

Here's my earlier post on the fading-fast Constitution:

Stars Over Washington: Get Your US Constitution While Ya Can

Feb 21, 2006

Plutocrats: Generation of Materialism

Although the Great Conjunction of Neptune and Pluto (oil, gas, water, mining) marks the beginning of the Golden Age of the Robber Baron Class of the 1890s, Pluto and Chiron were hanging out together back in the day when the robber barons, crime barons--the pirate class--cemented and studied cementing their hold on natural resources, political power, and so on.

And the world banking system is implicated, natch. Wall Street gentry, as Eugene Debs termed them so appropriately.

Plus, the Uranus/Chiron (the system busters) midpoint is conjunct this Ascendant 5Leo38, which is less than 2 degrees from GWB's natal Ascendant. And he's a real system-buster and boundary-ignorer, as we've observed.

>>2006 - 1881 = 125, so add 125 degrees to NN 18Sag43, and it's Solar Arc NN conj natal Mercury at the top of the chart. Merc/NN = common or joint plans; meetings; communicating with the public.

So the Merc/NN Sabian Symbol, "19 Ari" is: "The magic carpet"> PANORAMA:

pos: full realization of the broad endowment which every man may make his own;

neg/unconscious/shadow side: detachment from ordinary living and a scorn for its responsibilities.

(And scorn for the ordinary folk who play by the rules, I assume...we're the pigeons and chumps.)

The midpoint between Plu/Chir in late degrees of Taurus is very near the Great Jupiter/Saturn conj of May 28, 2000, and only a whistle away from Fixed Star, Caput Algol...nasty.

Algol's keywords: decapitation; losing one's head; sickness; violence; criminality; murder; horror. (Horary Astrology, Anthony Louis.)

Diana Rosenberg reports that Caput Algol is the fixed star most often active in charts of harmful fires.

Wish I could say more now, esp since I've spread such joy all about...have the Secondary Progr'd Chart, etc, right here, but it is growing late. (In too many ways, my friends.)

And as to the common swill being passed around, we don't have time to be forced back onto belly-button-gazing mode yet again.

Committees proliferate more committees while making certain people look busy--and they help cover shiny patooties the world over...esp in varmint-infested Washington.

Feb 20, 2006

a tortured rhyme for presidents day

Tortured artist escapes from drawing board to deliver message from her fussy inner astrologer:

There once was a man from Connecticut

who craved DC power not etiquette

He made and broke rules consulting with fools

the worst president we have met as yet.

jc 2.20 2006 1:20 pm est

Feb 15, 2006

Update on Quails and Karma and Such

Since Cheney's life-threatening peppering incident won't be going away for some time, if ever, here is his natal chart with the Shooting (2.11.06 6:30 pm Armstrong Ranch, TX) surrounding.

You'll notice that the Asc/Desc and Mc/Ic axes are very near those of DC's natal chart, so it's a pretty slam-dunk situation as far as planetary placements are concerned...and an important time in the VP's life esp considering what he chose to do with it. (DC = Dick Cheney.)

With Mars, planet of conflict, violence, and quarrels directly over their heads, the hunting party members were expressing a Mars function perfectly, quarrels or no, because Mars also rules firearms. But with Mars at DC's natal Mc, and factoring in his Uranus nearby, a couple of midpoint pictures are then formed at 6:30 pm:

Mars/Ura = Mc: getting one's way; taking drastic measures; the sense of either/or; putting a gun to someone's head. (Well, in a sense he did, even if it was an accident.)

Ura/Mc = Mars: upping the tempo; temperamental drive for ego recognition; argumentative and challenging; rash action.

There are several other planetary placements we could discuss, but let's move on to the asteroids' archetypal contacts, which may be illuminating. (But remember the Sun was conj veiling Neptune at the Unmasking degree a few days ago--plus you see that DC's just before having a Venus Return in Capricorn, 5th house of Romance and Speculative Ventures. Venus in Cap indicates a stable or longterm relationship, but one which may be somewhat constricting.)

On the Nodal axis>>NN = the path forward, SN = where one's been (or the Unconscious past), Sigma (the scribe or writer) is conj SN--Cheney stated today that there were no press or pr staff with him--and opposite there are 3 asteroids at NN--

Diana, the Huntress = survival; self-protection, or where one expects absolute respect and obedience as if he/she were divine...and Diana is intolerant of "lesser types"...

Bacchus = the addiction syndrome, esp when related to the denial, substitution, or management of uncomfortable emotions; seeking ecstasy through direct experience or passion (Bacchus being the Roman version, Dionysus being the Greek--and this does have shades of Greek tragedy etched upon it)...and

Atlantis = abuse of power; where one feels doomed--Atlantis is 8+ degrees from meeting up with tr NN, but is on DC's natal 8th cusp to the degree...8th house = legacies, other peoples' money, credit, insurance, debt, sex, transformation, shared income including the control and investment of others' money, what you feel others deserve, investigation, power over others, the sharing of resources, the occult, the eliminating of nonessentials.

And asteroid, Nemesis, has just arisen in 12th house of hidden things...
Nemesis = conscience, tendency to attribute fault or blame, Achilles Heel.
Key phrase: source of blame.

And Nemesis is opposite the setting Sun...seems as if someone was blaming someone else...or each other. And firing, it was said, into the setting Sun. But it wasn't the Sun's fault. He just didn't call out as he approached. And they had to call off Sunday's hunt. It just wasn't seemly, if you will.

(I tend to think the Leo Moon in the behind-the-scenes 12th house represents DC's hunting partner, with Venus in Cap as Mrs C. You see Moon near Saturn, the boss, in the hidden 12th.)

Well, I wanted to ignore the 2 nasty Fixed Stars that are at conj Mc, and the other conjunct Mars. But I can't:

Capulus at Mc = intense male energy, sexual passsion, turbulence, strong feelings, "to lose one's head", focused, penetrating, and clear actions, or hastiness and ruthlessness. This hard-to-manage Star has an association with blindness...including blind jealousy, and with the eyesight of the hunter.

This Star has been very active of late, and is much-used in Middle Eastern Astrology. (They've been at it a lot longer than Westerners have, too...and btw--Capulus is quite near the Great Conj of Jupiter/Saturn of May 28, 2000, mentioned previously in relation to Dems + Repubs getting together...they are now at the waxing square--the crisis-in-action exact contact = June 22,'06, and last/3rd contact = Oct 25,'06.)

And, more bad news...sitting upon contentious Mars, there is fearsome Algol, one of the most powerful Stars in the sky--it's described in Arabia as "the head of the dragon" or "the devil's wife"...and in China, Algol's keywords are: "piled-up corpses."

Algol indicates a strong, consuming passion, may involve an unconscious compulsion for revenge, describes ruthless destruction if not well-handled, and its keywords are: intense female energy and passion.

One more Fixed Star is connected to Mercury (6:30 pm on this date is a Mercury-ruled hour, so Mercurial things hold sway such as messages, or communictions):

Deneb Adige = strong will; strong temper; or a willingness to become aware. (From the first moment I heard of this, I had a "someone was told news they didn't want to hear" feeling--and of course, we may never know the full truth.)

Now for a couple of midpoint pictures which formed at 6:30 pm:

Plu/Mc = Ura: impatience; nervousness; sudden changes; publicity; rewards; a sudden attainment of one's aims with irresistible force; restlessness; sudden occupational changes.

Sat/Ura = Mc: rebellion; provocation; separating oneself from others; breaking away from the old; recognition of one's thrust for individuality, or loss of self to the grip of controls.

Nep/Mc = NN: difficult relationships; peculiarities; sharing of bad intentions with others; bad company; unpleasant associations.

Well, there's more to say, esp since I have Mr Whittington's birth date (but no time, of course, and I must assume he was born somewhere in Texas--if you know where, please let me know!), yet I've had as much of this Gorgon's head as I care to fiddle with tonight.

As you see, it was a passionate time on the Ranchero that evening, and I hope all the above is unapplicable...for the sake of America, if not for the participants, who are, as are we all, the authors of their own fates.

jc Feb 15 2006 7:11 pm est

MORE>>2.16.06> 2:23 pm: Didn't mention yesterday that in the chart for Saturday, Mercury is in NODAL degree, signifying a karmic or fated situation.

And with Mercury conj Fixed Star, Deneb Adige ("strong will; strong temper") it seems that someone's temper may have gotten the best. (Chiron is also in Nodal degree...the "performer of a mystery play" degree.)

Being a Saturnian astrologer, when I use words like "karmic", I refer to unconscious and possibly neurotic behavior which was a useful defense when first developed, but no longer brings the hoped-for results. (As a Saturnian, I don't mess around with the "past life" stuff, but with heredity and genetics.)

So "karmic" is the reap-what-you-sow condition of our dualistic world...a natural law we're all subject to, and is described in the chart by, among other things, the South Node of the Moon (SN).

We tend to "fall back" on this behavior 'cos it's easy, and it often represents an inherited talent or ability.

And on one level, the Moon herself represents the Unconcious, our heredity, and our habits...and, as you know>>habits = character, which = karma!

As John Lithgow said in 'Buckaroo Bonzai': Character is what you are when you are in the dark!

Feb 14, 2006

Ben's 1st Fedhead Shout Out

Tomorrow, 9:30 am, as Ben Bernanke straightens his tie for his first statement as head of the Federal Reserve Bank, the midpoint between the Sun and Midheaven (Sun/Mc = "the goal or objective") has Chiron at their midpoint, at 5AQ41, in 10th house of Career/Public Status/Aspirations.

"6AQ": "A masked figure performs ritualistic acts in a mystery play." (DR)

Keynote: The individual's involvement in long-established patterns of activity aiming at the release of collective power. The individual is seen to have assumed TRANSPERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY.

(This is also the Medina Degree--so-named because spiritual Neptune was upon it when Islam began.)

Or, if you prefer the almost passed, unconscious or shadowed degree of "5AQ" (= US natal SN--business and entanglements from the past; old issues; mastered talents):

"A council of ancestors is seen implementing the efforts of a young leader."

Keynote: The Root foundation of past performances which power and sustain whatever decision is made in a crisis by an individual. This degree suggests that in many situations RELIANCE UPON PRECEDENTS will enable the aspirant to greatness to tap the power of his deepest roots.

And while he's tappin' those roots, Venus, associated with money and with values, is sitting niftily upon the Uranus/Neptune conjunction degree of the NWO Chart...

Ura/Neptune = Venus: peculiar relationships; an extremely high sensitivity; fantasy life.

Uran/Nep>"18Cap": "The Union Jack flag flies from a British warship."

Keynote: The protection afforded to individuals and groups by powerful institutions in charge of maintaining order.

This degree brings us the realization of the ambivalence of POLITICAL POWER, its values, and its dangers. The need for protection may be in evidence--or it may be a warning against using power for selfish advantage.

When used negatively this degree is "smug or strong-armed paternalism."

Well, it'd be great to believe the horse isn't outta the barn on THAT one, but sadly, I don't think so (see my NWO post.)

And in 4th house--the base or foundation of the chart for this Congressional and Senatorial Rx Saturn 6 Leo 23..still within orb of Bush's natal Ascendant.

Well, George did the nominating, but of course he was just following orders.

Have you heard that Dick Cheney is a real wheeler-dealer on Wall St? At 9:30 am tomorrow, Mars 28Tau51 is in 1st house, and will rise as chart-ruler, applying to a square with Pluto, then a trine with the Moon. Mars has Cheney's natal Mc in tow, y'might say. So after some blockage--Mars square's onto a lovely trine with the Moon. So I would expect the publicity to be helpful to Mr Bernanke's chairmanship, at least for now.

Yep, Bernanke's sure to be affable and obliging, and he certainly shares objectives in this 'mystery play', for secret arrangements have been made before they begin.

Yet there's a "ruthless" influence to the day, as well as vocational success for someone--Bernanke well fits this description. Actually there's deception afoot, too, and the "mystery play" sounds like a veiling tactic or perhaps just the usual and secretive who's-really-in-charge pile o'merde by a secret society or two that pull the strings...

...and so some are marionettes, and some are behind the curtain.

And for Ben Bernanke, Feb 15th is Showtime.

2.14.06 8:48 pm est

Feb 12, 2006

Pepper Cheney's Collateral Damage

Who could resist a mention of VP Cheney's Shotgun Weekend from PR hell?

Poor Harry Whittington, victim of Cheney's undoubtedly bad mood from the prospect of being investigated for leaking national secrets (after Dick's previous chiding of others for supposedly doing same) seems to have paid the price for Someone's Bad Mood.

The VP's mask is definitely cracking, and the roaches are crawling out. And you know I was with Jon Stewart from the beginning, who early on called Cheney a "murderous cyborg" who "eats puppies." Yeah, and shoots lawyers when distracted by political woes, it seems. For all I know, he shoots them at will, if you will.

So just what IS the Bush administration coming to? A crossroads? A brick wall? An international criminal court? (I'm kiddin'--they've got that one sewn up already.)

Is Cheney's aim that bad, or did he hit the target? Does he have it in for attorneys who tell him what he doesn't want to hear, or is Whittington simply hapless around guns and VPs?

If the end is in the beginning--and it is, Republican denial aside--I suspect the Bush administration, which began under murky, contentious circumstances, will be ending much the same, if not worse...shotgun blasts notwithstanding.

Wonder if Dick enjoyed his quail stew supper? Somehow I doubt it, don't you?

2.13.06 6:50 pm est

Feb 11, 2006

Orwell and the WTC Attack 9.11.01

There are many things to say about this comparison between George Orwell's natal chart and the attack/s of 9/11/01, NYC. (Here using Orwell's generally-accepted birth time of 11:30 am LMT which has a decent B rating--and which gives Virgo Rising, esp considering his health problems and fairly early death.)

Here are some highlights...or should I say, lowlights?

9/11/01>>With Mercury (air travel) rising 14Lib17 (conj US natal Saturn--authority) on that obscene day, we see it near Orwell's ("GO") North Node (NN), which points to destiny or to the path one is on. (GO's Mars is nearby, also in his 1st house.)

And it's difficult to miss the pile-up in GO's 10th house--top o'the chart, with 9/11 Moon (publicity; the public) near his Mc, and an even closer aspect between 9/11 NN to GO's Neptune, a planet connected with receptivity and impressionability. (His Neptune in Cancer = spiritual perception; sensitivity; a deeply feeling nature.)

Plus, 9/11 NN is very near conjunction with GO's 'Sun conj Moon'--his natal Moon is just before New Moon, the Balsamic phase mentioned earlier today...the prophet.

In 9th house, we see GO's Mercury/Pluto--the combo of these two = the art of persuasion; suggestion; good powers of observation; sharp criticism; wielding influence through speaking or writing. The other George--Bush--has these two planets conjunct in his 1st house, so there ya go. And tr Saturn is about to stomp upon them,
Merc/Plu = Sat: exposure to bitter attacks; irritability; skepticism; quarrels; separation.) And so, with GO's chart and 9/11, and with Bush 2006, we see the same picture!

Before now, you've noticed that 9/11 Venus, triggering the "King of Terror" Eclipse degree of 8/11/99, is conjunct GO's Venus, 1 degree+ orb. Using "18Leo" as the 1999 Eclipse degree:

"18Leo:>>"A chemist conducts an experiment for his students." ALCHEMY.

Keynote: In inquiring into the hidden process of nature, the human mind experiences the thrill of discovery. (DR)

The MEJ* version gives this neg/shadow side interpretation: unintelligent dependence on supposition or on the rules of the book.

Or, if you prefer "19Leo", the neg/shadow side: thoughtless self-indulgence and contempt for the general welfare. (That last sounds more'n'more familiar as the misguided Bush ship careens on, doesn't it?)

Now for one more thing--at the foundation of the chart/s, we see that on 9/11/01, transiting Chiron, the Wound and Blindspot, is sitting upon GO's Uranus at 23Sag, and you know, lone reader, about the Chiron-Uranus combo from a previous post.

Rudhyar's version of "23Sag">> "A group of immigrants as they fulfill the requirements of entrance into a new country."

Keynote: Consciously accepting the ways of a new stage of experience, in readiness for the opportunities it will present. (Yep.)

This describes an inevitable ordeal--a threshold...and everything that will follow depends largely on how it is crossed, and on the spirit in which we meet unfamiliar and perhaps shocking experiences. We find ourselves in a period of TRANSITION. We have to imitate, yet retain our inner integrity.

MEJ's version>>"23Sag"...neg: a surrender of the real in a pursuit of the false.

Given the Chiron-Uranus Types we now have infesting the US government and their lack of respect for borders, this comes as no surprise to me.

How about you? Surprised?

jc 2.11.06 5:28 pm est

*MEJ = Dr Marc Edmund Jones, The Sabian Symbols in Astrology