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Dec 15, 2006

Litvinenko Investigation update

Key Witness Denies Part in Spy Poisoning refers to innocent businessman Andrei Lugovoi who met with Litvinenko on November 1 in London.

Now Kovtun, a player who some believe should be treated by Brit police as a suspect, not as a witness--and who should be then extradited from Russia (good luck with that)--is suggesting the poisoning may actually have taken place not on Nov 1 but earlier--say...perhaps mid-October when the FSB/KGB-ers also met.

The trail of radiation left around Hamburg, Germany and on the Kovtun-laden airplane which the Russian govenment won't allow to be investigated by the Brits is quite a finger of guilt pointing at Kovtun. Now who do you think wouldn't want him to spill what beans?


Dec 14, 2006

FBI response to 9/11

Newly Released FBI Documents Disclose Grave Deficiencies in the War on Terrorism 13 Dec 2006 The National Whistleblower Center, a nationally recognized FBI Watchdog group, has released to the public extensive sworn and documentary evidence concerning the FBI’s actual response to the attacks of September 11, 2001... The NWC is making this unprecedented release in order to give the American public the inside and uncensored view of the domestic response to the September 11 attacks.

Inside and uncensored view? Mama like.


Senator Johnson stable condition

Seems Mr.A.Cat and Lim over at Lim's Limericks can put their worst fears to rest for S.D. Sen Johnson in Critical Condition but recovering from surgery due to a congenital brain malformation.

Best wishes for a speedy recovery, Senator!


Dec 13, 2006

Washington DC in December

UPDATE on Senator Johnson 11:30 pm: South Dakota senator hospitalized has the tidbit that Senator Johnson did not have a stroke or a heart attack.

Hmm-m-m...then just what did he have? A cup of tea?

Don't ask Lim or Mr.A.Cat unless you're immune to the pithy limericks at Lim's Limericks where you'll find Cat Spies Revealed...quite shocking!

The Hour Grows Late:

Tic toc tic Bush gives getting out of Iraq some careful thought--totally unlike when he insisted on taking us in. And the press, as usual, is letting us down covering this charade as if Bush is "listening" to all these "ideas" he has no intention of following...he's incapable of that as well.

And from earlier today...

Weighty matters here at Stars Over Washington including Democratic Senators like Senator Johnson who suddenly conk out with strokes at a most convenient time for the GOP (and when Bush, Cheney, and Rove are on the ropes) and looking at Johnson's natal chart (Dec 28 1946, Canton, SD) and the noon chart for today's trip to GWU Hospital have led me to a lighter DC note...

...a wonderful article on from DC resident Roshani Kothari Explore DC in a Weekend where you'll find links galore to all manner of entertainment, restaurants, hotels, and the sights in our Capital City.

From hot apple cider at the Eastern Market to the affordable, historic Tabard Inn in Dupont Circle, this article is a great compilation of DC links and points of interest...there's even a link to the Metro website with maps and schedules.

Makes me long for Rock Creek Park which is also on the article's links list. You can have a virtual visit even if you're not popping into DC for a Holiday Weekend!


Dec 12, 2006

Jon Stewart: the 109th Congress

Farewell, Sweet 109th from Huffington Post's Eat The Press has a video of The Daily Show's Jon Stewart bidding farwell to the pathetic Congress now passing...a must see!


Dec 11, 2006

The Astrology of Blogging

Well, I just discovered that while under-the-weather the last few days, I've been tagged by at least two of my illustrious astrology colleagues, Lynn at AstroDynamics and Urania at Urania's 9th House.

What are my chart indications for why I blog about the ancient art of Astrology?

Ok, guys, since you asked, here goes...Uranus in Gemini in 10th house quincunx Mercury/Mars conjunction in Cap, 5th house...chart-ruler Mercury also ruling 10th h with Rigel at Mc. Also in 5th house is Urania.

Mercury is not in major aspect to Saturn in 12th, but in mutual reception.

3rd house cusp in Scorpio, Vesta in Scorpio therein opposite 9th house Taurean Pallas for some patterning ability...good for artwork as well. 3rd house of Communications also contains a Sagittarian Chiron, inventor of Astrology. By progression, Vesta and Chiron are now conjunct.

Sun/Jupiter conj in Cap, 4th house, both trining Saturn.

Purchased my first two Astrology books, age 12, as Uranus crossed over Mc by progression--and as the illustrious Noel Tyl informed me in 1997, a new interest of mine at age 12 relating to Career should be taken up again.

And so I have.

If they're not tagged already, I'd like to tag: Kathryn, Nina, and Elsa!

Technorati tag:

Kovtun in Hamburg

Litvinenko Poisoning Case UPDATE:

German Police Confirm Polonium Traces saying that Kovtun already had the polonium-210 when he flew from Moscow to Hamburg Oct 28.

And at Raw Story--and with her usual enlightening abilities Larisa Alexandrovna's article Exclusive: Murdered ex-KGB officer was working for British security company brings in the Erinys Security Offices in London, Chalabi, the guarding of Iraqi oil pipelines after the Bush invasion, Russia' FSB ties to US energy companies and money laundering, Chechen rebels, false flag terroist operations in Russia, and a few other murky factors you may wnat to know about...including some possible reasons for Litvinenko's assassinationa...among others.


Dec 10, 2006

Protesting in Beirut

Enormous Crowds Flood Beirut in Protest against a holed-up PM Faud Saniora.

Their ultimatum: he has a "few days" to accept their demand to form a national unity government with a big role for Hezbollah, or face an escalating campaign to oust him.

And today is the 10th day of protests. Seems the Israeli-Lebanon War just keeps on giving. Can America and Israel get anything right? Can they play fair? Can the governments of the world set themselves up without our meddling interference?

Bush used to be fond of spouting off about having a level playing field for trade relations, etc...wouldn't it be more fair if we didn't slink around setting up puppets to rule those who can certainly rule themselves? Is this Bush' idea of democracy?

Today in Beirut hundreds of thousands say, yes and yes.

Which begs the question: can we begin to mind our own business and leave Iraq which never should have been invaded in the first place? The oil blackmarket Bush and Cheney broke up by starting their war has been sufficiently demolished now and Bush Senior is avenged. Let's go home.

Too big to apologize, are we? That's pretty small, imho. But so is Bush who can't accept anyone's thinking unless it's in total agreement with his own.

As my wise mom used to say: never go where you're not invited, never stay where you're merely tolerated. Too bad Duh-bya never met her--she would've knocked some sense into his swollen and arrogant head. And she had another favorite saying used by many before and after her...a truism, y'might call it:

never trust a man who says trust me. A bunch of American voters should've listened to that one back in 2000...duh. You made the coup so easy.
