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Feb 25, 2007

Condi said Micro-Manage

Here's my note to Condi Rice after her spin performance on Meet the Press this morning:

It's not that Congress is attempting to "micro-manage" our troops in Iraq--it's the overdue need for Congress' to stop backing off their responsibilities and micro-manage the psychopaths on the warpath in the White House--that's what Congress has needed to do from the start.

Nice try framing the argument though...but very very tiresome of you, little parrot mimicking your masters.

Iraqi President Falls Ill

Click title to read AP article...Talabani was "on his feet" as he headed to a meeting Sunday with his top aides, then unconscious as he was flown to a hospital in Amman, Jordan.

An anonymous source says he fell ill "...because of continuing hard work over the past few days."

Hard work leads to swooning fit? Puh. Yet another hmm-m-m-m...

Feb 24, 2007

Run Cheney Run

News Updates from Citizens for Legitimate Government
24 February 2007:

Breaking: Cheney's plane diverted 25 Feb 2007 The plane of US Vice-President [sic] Dick Cheney has reportedly been diverted to Singapore because of mechanical problems. Mr Cheney flew out of Sydney en route to the United States on board Air Force 2, a Boeing 757, about 9am today after a four-day visit marred by violent protests, arrests and traffic chaos.

Plane carrying Vice President Cheney diverted for unspecified reason --Reason for course change on flight from Australia to U.S. unknown 24 Feb 2007 The plane carrying U.S. Vice President [sic] Dick Cheney from Australia to the United States was diverted to Singapore on Sunday because of unspecified problems, Australian Prime Minister John Howard said. "I am not aware of the full circumstances and I have not been told except that it has been diverted," Howard told reporters in Sydney.#

Hmmm...flying in circles, are we? Shades of 9/11. Are we supposed to worry now?

you should be reading The August Review


Just posted to The August Review, a must-read article by Cliff Kincaid of Accuracy In Media.


An important member of the Stop SPP Coalition, Kincaid is editor of the Accuracy In Media Report, published by the venerable truth-in-media organization, Accuracy In Media. The above-mentioned essay is his eye-witness account of a February 16th (2007) meeting he attended that featured Dr. Robert A. Pastor, known increasingly as the "Father of the North American Union." Kincaid's pointed conclusion: "So the 'conspiracy' is now very much out in the open, if only the media would pay some attention to it." #

The writing is excellent and the insider insights are invaluable at The August Review--register asap! Encourage Patrick Wood in his work to expose the globalist agenda...which cares nought for you or me, m'peops.

Click on post title to visit The August Review and have you a snoop.

scandal: the love nest of J. Steven Griles

This photo is from the WaPo article of Feb 14, 2007 linked above concerning the now-brewing scandal which may--should--impact the Bush administration all the way to Cheney and his nibs himself.

It concerns Sue Ellen Woodridge, former top "environmental prosecutor" in the US Justice Dept--who resigned in January, and J.Steven Griles, a man who has been mysteriously protected from harm even as the questions mounted about his conflict of interests in "regulating" the industry he had worked for.

As David Hirsch, director of Friends of the Earth, says of Griles, "he spent four years working for his former clients at the Dept. of Interior. It didn't seem to matter how many problems came out, he just kept going. He's the Energizer Bunny of conflict of interest."

So who knew of the purchase of this vacation home on Kiowah Island, SC? Who facilitated and protected Griles through the years?

And who thought he and his girlfriend Sue Ellen Wooldridge could purchase a $980,000 home in partnership with Donald Duncan, VP of Conoco-Phillips--America's 3rd largest oil company--and that no one would notice the champaign bottles in the morning trash?

Was it a love nest meant for three? Eeeu-u-uwwww.

You may remember that Griles resigned from the Bush administration in Jan 2005 and is supposedly still under investigation for his part in casino shenanigans in the Jack Abramoff affair.

Yes, he's being investigated by the same Justice Dept in which Sue Ellen, his lady love, worked as mentioned above...until Jan 2007. And she's the culprit who signed off on Conoco-Phillips' we'd-rather-not desires concerning the SUPERFUND fines levied against them for cleaning up 9 of their spewing oil refineries...she signed just before she resigned!

Conoco's reluctance is odd, and may I say, anti-social, given that oil companies have been enjoying such obscene profits of late, isn't it?

J. Steven Griles:

Two of the more interesting midpoints in Steven Griles' natal chart (Dec 13, 1947, Clover, VA) have to be these (birth time not needed to appreciate, nor the correct Clover, for there are two):

Jupiter/Pluto = Neptune (of oil and deception fame!): omitting key facts; tendency toward deception; adjusting the data; working a situation into one's own format; cheating.

Mercury/Pluto = Nep: cunning; falsehood; slander; defamation; libel; calumny; the pursuit of peculiar plans; overdoing issues drains energy and wears out one's welcome.

The italics are mine for Mr. Oil Lobbyist.

And anyone who knew anything knew from the time Griles was brought into this administration that it'd be naive to suggest that this man's sway over his Washington turf could have turned out otherwise than scandal and thievery a la Dick Cheney.

Plus, you'd think Sue Ellen could've done better in her search for romance and perhaps the soup she's now swimming in may lead her to the same conclusion.

We'll see if Bush and Cheney , the oil twins, can continue protecting these--pardon my French--criminals...just two more examples of the illusory Bush administration's "integrity."

For more info, check out Steve Curwood's interview with Prof Jonathan'll find the transcript at:

Living On Earth and you may also listen to the interview if you missed it on NPR today. Got iPod? Then you're good to go.

Feb 23, 2007

Vilsack Ends '08 Bid

Former Iowa governor and Democrat, Tom Vilsack, the first offical candidate to announce his 2008 run back in November, will be announcing his un-run today.

A proponent of alternate energy sources such as biodiesel, ethanol, and wind power, Vilsack's as-if plan was to end US dependence on foreign oil but now the wind is out of his sails. He also called for Congress to cut funding to bring our troops home.

John Edwards, Hillary Clinton, and Barak Obama were too much for his longshot campaign to weather and who couldn't have told him so last November?

Click title to read the AP article if you wish.

And read Granny Miller's interesting Comments at end of my post on George Washington's natal chart concerning an alternate birth time and chart details for him. (Tried the link I cite to his family Bible page last evening but it seems to be dead not alive. It's got to be online somewhere...anyone?)

Feb 22, 2007

Rice limerick...but you'll be hungry later

Word: over at Lim's Limericks I've just typed up some new verses from Mr.A.Cat, agent formerly in service to our nation, and which concerns the diplomatic Condi Rice, if you're so inclined.

This lim is on the sassy side, so if you wear your political indoctrinations on your sleeve, avoid this limerick at all costs...really! In fact, avoid the entire blog for your own protection...

George Washington Feb 22, 1732

Happy Birthday, Mr. President--we're exceedingly sorry about what we've done with the place.

George Washington (GW), Father of our Country, could not possibly be happy today if he had a say, could he?

Here you see his natal chart, accuracy rating AA (the highest) from so we can be certain that his Solar Return Chart for today is accurate as well. Click to enlarge for my usual chicken scratch notes around the outside along with his SR for 2007 (the inside chart is his natal chart.)

One thing we always notice off-the-bat with Solar Return Charts--which are in effect for one's personal year--is which natal house is rising--in GW's case for 2007 that would be his 8th house of: the occult; debt; legacies; insurance; credit; other people's money; dreams; transformation; and death, to name a few. America will obviously be dealing with these things for 2007 and beyond--thanks to the drunken sailors of Capitol Hill and the Bush-Cheney bottomless pit that is their war.

GW's n North Node, a point of destiny and encounters is conj the SR Ascendant, and there we see Pluto rising, planet of transformation and such. Jolly moneybags Jupiter, guru, professor, and General, has just entered GW's 8th house, an often tricky transit relating to money matters which may increase assets or deplete them through overextension, overestimation, and extravagance.

If we use GW's chart to represent the country, this describes our present difficulties quite well--plus, we have the added misfortune to recognize that tr Jupiter has recently opposed GW's natal Neptune, planet of loss, confusion, illusion, and deception. (Tr Saturn in his n 4th house may indicate more loss of miners and other industrial workers.)

Although GW didn't know he had a Neptune (or a Pluto, Uranus, or Chiron, for that matter) it is often instructive and fascinating to include the outer planets in an historical figure's chart, don't you think?

When Jupiter opposes n Neptune there are many dangers and illusions in one's environment, and keeping track of reality may be all but impossible.

Those who propose fantastic schemes should be avoided (too late--they've been throttling the White House for years) and guilt is often used as an excuse for overindulgence and extravagance (quick! send more billions to Iraq)...there are sure to be serious consequences to this out-of-bounds spending which is yet to be fully appreciated. Confidential matters are revealed (lookin' at you Cheney and "Scooter") or are completely distorted and thereby misunderstood.

Does any of this sound familiar to ya?

His Natal Chart:

GW's natal Sun-Moon phase is 3rd quarter, and it may be interesting to consider the 3rd quarter personality since he's 275 years old today...will modern astrological interpretation hold up for this fellow?

The 3rd quarter personality:

Here is the philosopher who questions everything. There are many tensions between personal ideolgies and beliefs and the realities of systems and facts. As a spokesman for the Collective, this personality may bite off more than it can chew (by his 1st presidential swearing-in, Washington had one tooth left in his head.)

This is the traditional values vs futuristic trends phase which can see the value in both and which results in a dilemma of conscience. Ideals are achieved through group associations, and groups may be improved to fit the ideals.

This personality can fit into the business world by day and an esoteric world by night, and is actually more comfortable in the esoteric world (GW was a Freemason who gained his Master Apprentice rank Nov 4, 1752, age 20.)

Negatively, this phase has a tendency toward pessimism when thwarted and there is an inflexibility to the character. The career is often crisis-ridden yet is born with a deep sense of vocation. The outer appearance is calm but there is much inner conflict (supported by an irritating semi-square between n Sun and Moon, in GW's case) which results in reactionary and revolutionary behavior.#

(Credit for this Moon phase personality info goes to, but I can't get the link to work here, so you may want to type it in yourself. Hopefully the site is still live.)

There's much more that can be said for the Father of our Country, but I'll close now with an Image for Integration for his charitable, cautious, and discreetly ambitious Sun Pisces/Moon Capricorn blend:

An old freighter chugs towards the port, bringing in the goods (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzy Harvey.)

And here's a bon mot from the great man himself which modern politicians would do well to take to heart--which I assume most of them still have:

"Associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation; for 'tis better to be alone than in bad company."

Feb 21, 2007

Debris Cloud over Australia

Space Weather News for Feb. 21, 2007

On February 19th, late-night sky watchers across Australia witnessed a bright explosion followed by a debris cloud that hung in the sky for nearly an hour. At first a mystery, the source of the blast is now understood. It was a Russian Briz-M rocket booster misplaced in orbit last year by the failed launch of an Arabsat communications satellite. The fuel tanks of the Briz-M ruptured on Feb. 19th, producing a vivid naked-eye display and more than 1000 pieces of debris. Experts are calling this a "major breakup event," comparable to or even worse than last month's Chinese anti-sat test.

Visit for more information and pictures of the Briz-M breakup.

Feb 20, 2007

BBC: Bush's Iran Attack Plans Revealed

Breaking News and Commentary from Citizens for Legitimate Government
20 February 2007

All links to articles as summarized below are available here:

US 'Iran attack plans' revealed 20 Feb 2007 US contingency plans for air strikes on Iran extend beyond nuclear sites and include most of the country's military infrastructure, the BBC has learned. It is understood that any such attack - if ordered - would target Iranian air bases, naval bases, missile facilities and command-and-control centres.