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Mar 26, 2007

Novak: Bush is alone

No kiddin'!

If you read Robert Novak's column Bush is isolated from GOP lawmakers in the Chicago Sun Times, you may find Novak attempting to save what's left of his "party of better management" which has been revealed to be otherwise.

In this article you will learn that Alberto Gonzales is the "least popular Cabinet member on Capitol Hill" and that the "I-word (incompetence) is used by Republicans in describing the Bush administration generally."

Well, it took them a while to discover that their "commander-in-chief" wasn't so very good at governing...thing is, they don't seem eager to criticize the things he's done--undermining America, her Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the Geneva Conventions, etc--just how he's done it all. Guess if he'd been "competent" he'd still be the cat's meow to the GOP.

Instead, he's alone and unable to "help" his GOP brethren who are not lining up in support of Gonzales as they did for Rumsfeld--and the Rs got snookered on that one when Bush cut Rummy loose, so who can blame them?

Current transits to Bush's natal chart:

Months ago I posted on Saturn's visit to Bush's natal Ascendant (his nibs himself) which occurred around Katrina Time--when we first heard Bush choke on the word accountability, one of serious Saturn's favorite words.

And here's my Oct 2006 mention of the Saturnian Scythe now bedeviling Bush, the lonely leader.

Now as you know, Saturn is still in Bush's first house and has recently conjuncted his n Pluto--the same transit I posted on concerning Al Gonzales--power and control issues--scroll down to read.

Also in first house is Bush's n Venus, and I remember posting around Katrina Time that this would be a time when Bush won't be "feelin' the love." Under Saturn-to-Venus, relationships become fraught with seriousness, including joint ventures, and more structure is imposed upon them.

Bush's Pretzel Parties may be stymied or curtailed altogether as a gloomy picture prevails under this transit.

We may also consider his n Venus/Pluto midpoint (Pluto 10Leo35; Venus 21Leo30) with Saturn hanging out between...

Ven/Pluto = Saturn: the sense of tragedy; immorality.

Seems to me Bush brought both to the world and in that he's been overly over-achiever in the tragedy realm.

Simultaneously today, tr Mars 21AQ52, and tr Neptune 21AQ07, are opposing n Pluto and Venus.

Ven/Pluto = Mars: a brutal and coarse expression of feeling; temperamental emotionalism (he must be awfully p-o'd these days, ya think?);

Ven/Plu = Neptune: immorality (again); possible instability in relationships.

Tr Neptune opposite Pluto is a generational influence unless and until one is personally involved in power/control structures, as he is, so:

Political and economic power are eroded by current society's thinking and ideals--one's power structures are threatened.

Tr Neptune opposite Venus: relationships suffer under very confusing, unclear influences now...deception, mistrust, and undermining conditions affect dealings and interactions with others. Promised cooperation is on shakey ground--false promises are prominent (watch out, Al G!)

Diplomatic gestures are self-serving or empty and are not likely to advance in any meaningful way. Social status and joint projects are subject to strange circumstances, misunderstandings, and loss.

The last reminds me of the Brit sailors in Iranian waters--some have related the situation to the Gulf of Tonkin Reso-illusion that finagled the US into Vietnam...history repeats?

Over at the National Press Club today, 1:00 pm edt, former GA congressman Bob Barr, David Keene (American Conservative Union), constitutional scholar Bruce Fein (served in Reagan adm as associate deputy atty general), and direct-mailing pioneer Richard Viguerrie are presenting their new American Freedom Agenda.

This so-called AFA is being billed as an effort to "restore civil liberties under assault by the executive branch."

As long as they're not following the Bush-Cheney-Rove model of naming things the opposite of what they do (I'm lookin' at You, "clean" water and "clear" skies) we can all be onboard, but it rtbs...remains to be seen whether or not this will amount to anything helpful to America for the proof is always in the pudding, and by their fruits you shall know them.

Melinda Henneberger has more info at HuffPo if you're interested in the scoop on these late bloomers in the Stop Bush department.

Perhaps it's a wonder America is still kickin' at all--extremists attacking her without while the GOP and their allies undermine her from within. Bad timing? Or a well-planned assault to cause the sheeple to go along with the proffered New American Union with Canada and Mexico?

Funny--I thought that's what America was and is--a "freedom agenda."

Having Bob Barr and Richard Viguerrie as America's champions to save the day? Priceless.

Mar 25, 2007

Gonzo: meet in November, fire in December

These charts are from 2006: Nov 27, day of Al Gonzales' meeting about firing the US attys general, and Dec 7, day of the firings. Dec 7--Pearl Harbor Day--such a drole sense of humor, haven't they?
Time of meeting unknown as of yet but after experimenting with sunrise charts and Mercury rising charts--Mercury having to do with meetings and communications--I decided that Pluto (planet of power, control, manipulation, and sabotage) rising might be interesting to take a peek at--and what do you know--AG's n NN (encounters; meetings; associations) is being transited by Pluto and so therefore rising with power-mad Pluto.
Hopefully you can click to enlarge, for I've put some notes around the charts and haven't time to type the same here. You'll see midpoint pictures, and some Sun/Moon blend info for both Nov 27 and Dec 7.
You'll also see that on Dec 7, tr Mars caught up to Nov 27 Jupiter = a fortunate course of action; clearing the air; making waves. They meet at the "Grand Army of the Republic campfire" degree which I have related to the Iraq, this is conj George Bush's n 5th cusp, house of Speculations and Risk-taking.
And Nov 27 has the midpoint of Pluto/Chiron (oppression; plutocracy, class warfare) conjunct the Sun/Moon midpoint--both at 15Cap41 as Pluto rises.
The Sun/Moon midpoint relates to the higher/lower nature or conscious/unconcious point in the chart...vitality + feeling. Seems they were 'full-steam-ahead' for their plutocratic plans supported by a small provision slipped into the Patriot Act to "give" them this kind of authority to expand their agenda.
The 11th cusp (groups; associations; friends; hopes/wishes) at 14 Scorpio is conjunct Gonzo's n Saturn, and on Nov 27, tr Mercury was conjunct his n Saturn...Mercury to Saturn = hard work; analysis.
And he said he had nothing to do with the decisions on who would be fired! Tsk tsk.
In both charts tr Saturn is conjunct AG's n Pluto, a time of power and control issues with the possibility of losing control in situations which are simply too large to handle. Yup.
Also: tr NN on Dec 7...."22Pis"..."A man bringing the new law down from Sinai":
pos: self-sacrifice and a determination to further the ultimate upliftment of all men;
neg/shadow side: self-exploitation and impenetrable egotism.
Well, I'm moseying now--please attempt to read the rest from the charts, okay?
Alberto Gonzales: Aug 4, 1955, sunrise 5:59:22 am CST, San Antonio, TX

Mar 24, 2007

Full Moon of Dec 4, 2006 deja vue?

This post is an experiment to see if my entry of Dec 4, 2006 will be accessible with this link since the "new" Blogger has seen fit to disappear my Archived Posts for December 2006--with the exception of two entries concerning Herr Mozart's 250th birthday.

Wonder what other months' posts are missing from your view?

If you, lone reader, user please let me know if you're having a similar problem of disappearance and brilliantly know how to solve this perplexing issue.

I found some code in the Help Group to add to my Template but it only added a second Archive List so that now there are two...yet both Lists are missing 'Dec 2006' (insert: headscratch.)

UPDATE 3 minutes later: the above link works. Perhaps I'll do a post asap with all December titles/links just to make them accessible. Sheesh. Oh--and I don't like these annoying 'labels' either. Puh.

banning those naughty light bulbs!

Is Edison wiggling in his grave or what? Will Congress ban incandescent light bulbs?

This is a perfect expression of the ongoing Jupiter/Uranus square, isn't it?

The Jupiter/Uranus combo has inventive implications, plus, Uranus = electricity, and squares = blockages and obstacles.

My soon-to-be-obsolete household lamps aren't going to be very happy about this. Will yours?

Jeb Bush Feb 11, 1953

By now you've heard Jeb Bush was dissed by the University of Florida's Faculty Senate vote nixing an honorary degree for him. The 38-28 vote could not have gone down well with the Bush dynasty spawn but never fret because the Alumni Association has come through to save his tender feelings by passing a resolution today making him an honory alumni.

Who knew you could be an alumni without accomplishing the goal of attaining a degree even an honorary one?

Here you see Bush's natal chart with transits for 3.23.07 scribbled around the outside although I just realized the diss-vote was taken on Thursday, 3/22...but the main difference is the Moon in Taurus on Thursday--entering Bush's natal 9th house of Higher Education...appropriate, I'm sure you'll agree.

Natally, Jeb Bush was born into the Balsamic phase of the Moon--in its highest manifestation this makes him a prophet turned completely toward the future. He probably feels himself possessed by a social 'destiny' or that he's led by a superior power (Poppy?)

Bush may sense a character of finality in all his important relationships and sees them as ends of a process and as the means to help him reach his goals.

Balsamic types often take over projects when others cannot carry on--or when they arrive on the scene, someone is always leaving in some way.

This feeling of having a transcendent goal may lead to fanaticism and is shared natally by Robespierre, President Wm McKinley, and Thomas Paine (The Lunation Cycle, Dane Rudhyar.)

Recently tr Saturn has been messing with Bush's n Pluto which signifies a time of power/control issues where one may not get to be the one in charge.

Obviously this relates to the end of his tenure as FL governor esp since tr Saturn had been conjunct n South Node, a point of separation. And with his South Node (SN) in 11th house of Groups/Associations/Friends/Hopes-Wishes, there were endings of group associations as well, and possibly separations from friends.

The dissing of his educational record by the Faculty Senate vote is timely since he's just had a Mercury (thought processes; communications) Return and Mercury is weak in Pisces, sign of confusion, illusion and such. Very creative though, and his Sun trine Neptune--the closest applying aspect to n Sun and thus an integral part of his personality--indicates much creativity.

But the individual path of self-expression should be followed. However, this is all but impossible with n Sun opposite Pluto (power; manipulation) because:

Jeb was born into a family with a highly manipulative atmosphere at a time when his father was into 'Plutonic games' (I think he still is.) As an adult, Bush may insist on controlling everyone in his environment--and he learned this behaviour at Poppy's knee.

When such a child's Sun is in Fire or Air (Aquarius), he is overwhelmed by his father's influence for his mind becomes submerged in his father's "power trip." He may have no idea how to break free.

And Jeb's natal Ascendant has the Neptune/Pluto midpoint upon it--rising--indicating someone who is into the occult and/or mysticism--which is supported by the above-mentioned Sun/Neptune trine. A study of Astrology may have aided him in breaking free of his father's control--to the extent he may have wanted this.

Nep/Plu = ASC: surrounding oneself with a mytical air; being placed in a peculiar environment.

The Nep/Pluto pair are personalized in his natal chart due to their connection to n Sun (although the Pluto opposition is separating so it may operate more often on an unconscious level...added to Pluto's connection with theUnconscious/depth psychology.)

Is Jeb an 'unconscious' despot? His wife and children must know the answer to that one!

Yet unlike most politicians, he has no 12th house planets natally so his Sun-Pluto opposition will have to do for his political aspirations and tendencies...and Pluto is near the 12th cusp in the Placidus House System used here (and may be in 12th house in other systems.)

If you enlarge the chart you'll see the particulars of Bush's Pre-Natal Eclipse Series (8 South) which manifested once again Sep 22, 2006.

This is the "separations; loss; partings; physical injury due to overstrain" Series we've been under--until the Mar 19/20 Eclipse on Monday which also occurred 3 days after Jeb Bush's birth. This 9 New North Series (28Pis07) is a "violence; accidents" Series.

(Looking back at 1953, that was the year the CIA installed the tyrant, the Shah, in Iran...and our chickenhawk neocons are now wishing they could perform a similar feat there again, aren't they?)

But back to the Jeb:

You see that tr Pluto, master of transformation, has recently crossed into his n 4th house, the Foundation of the chart. This indicates that it's time for Bush to cope with negative conditioning from childhood that my be affecting him adversely now...not easy when you have Sun opposite Pluto, but perhaps he's happy as a clam with the family crime syndicate he was born into...but be that as it may...

family ties may be broken or become more more close and powerful under this transit and his status within the family will be a focus of attention (for a 2008 prez bid?)

An older family member or two will pass away with tr Pluto in 4th house which is a Duh considering his parents' ages.

Home renovations and plumbing repairs are common under Pluto's visit to 4th house of Domestic, he may discover a family secret that will transform his life (hope he keeps it to himself--his family dynasty is scary enough already.)

Well, that's a small sashay down Jeb Bush Lane. Now here's a question for you:

When is a university alumni not an alumni? When you're part of the well-connected Bush dynasty, of course. You may take your seat at the head of the class!

note: most of the Sun-Pluto/Sun-Neptune info from Betty Lundsted's excellent book, Astrological Insights into Personality...I highly recommend this book.

Mar 23, 2007

when words are not enough... pass a bill to bring US troops home by September 2008--just in time for the 2008 prez election.

The war-funding bill passed a few minutes ago by a 218-212 vote. We'll see if this actually amounts to anything or is just the usual theater, dahling.

"The Secret" and the Minor Progressed Chart

According to the best-seller, The Secret, the Secret of Life is the law of attraction.

Astrologically we think of the planet Venus which describes what we attract and what we are attracted to. We may also think of jolly, expansive Jupiter, the generous side of God, Who wants us to experience the abundance of the universe, if we'll only accept it.

Yet as I read a summary of the principles from the book, it's like reading about Minor Progressions, the mental-causal plane info which may be gleaned concerning thoughts which are trying to bubble up from the Unconscious into consciousness and which create the future reality found eventually in the Secondary Progressions (physical plane.)

In The Secret, we discover that when you think a thought, you are attracting like thoughts to you. Thoughts are "magnetic" and have a frequency as your thoughts are sent out into the universe and magnetically attract all like things on the same frequency...frequency being an astrological term also.

Our solar system was created by sound waves (frequency--The Word) and which may be studied by way of Harmonics charts (one of my personal favorite branches of Astrology, btw.)

This reciprocity might be a point in favor of the validity of Astrology itself!

So if you want different things in your life, think different thoughts, says the book. (Doesn't this favor the classic, The Power of Positive Thinking, by Norman Vincent Peale?)

According to The Secret, your current thoughts are creating your future life...exactly what the Minor chart tells us. We have a thought, we have a feeling or intuition about the thought, then we act if we so choose. Your thoughts become things, says The Secret...prexactly and excisely!

Read my interview on Minor/Tertiary/Secondary charts, Political Astrology, and the 2007 Jupiter/Uranus square at Astrology Communications Media in the Season's Quarterly section for more info on Minor Progressions.

The Secret also asserts that what you think about the most or focus on the most will appear in your life. (As a man thinks, so he becomes--The Bible.)

Well, I'm glad so many people are reading this book, rehashed though I may perceive it to be, for we certainly need reminders of positive things these days, don't we?

As long as no one lets Bush, Cheney, Bush Sr, Kristol, and the rest of the 1% gang read it--they suffer from too much Jupiterian "positive" thinking already--much to the whole world's dismay with the negative consequences of their misdirected, ego-laden thinking.

Mar 22, 2007

Alex Flint

Last February Alex Flint left his job as the staff director for the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, where he played a key role in directing billions of subsidy dollars to the nuclear industry, to become the chief lobbyist for the Nuclear Energy Institute. This blatant conflict of interest is currently completely legal--surely in cases like this we should be able to call foul.

We need lobbying rules on Capitol Hill to prevent special access and undue influence that favors powerful interests. You can help now by asking Speaker Pelosi to make sure the house introduces strong lobby reform legislation that stops the most blatant abuses.

To take action, click on the link below:


Mar 21, 2007

planetary emergency, says Gore

Gore Testifies Before Congress on global warming, and the House Judiciary Panel has approved subpoenas for Karl Rove and Harriet Miers. Good.

Bush mumbled something about fighting the subpoenas and their issuance causing a constitutional crisis. His entire term in office has been a constitutional crisis.

Busy first day of Spring on the Hill.

Mar 20, 2007

Carol Lam's firing and the CIA

U.S. attorney's firing may be connected to CIA corruption probe 18 Mar 2007

Fired San Diego U.S. attorney Carol Lam notified the Justice Department that she intended to execute search warrants on a high-ranking CIA official as part of a corruption probe the day before a Justice Department official sent an e-mail that said Lam needed to be fired, U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) said Sunday.

Hmm.m.m.m.m....the plot thickens?