Author of Stars Over Washington Stumped (more than usual)
by Jude Cowell
As a US government shutdown looms large, Stars Over Washington has to wonder if the stars will dim tonight over our nation's capital at 12:01 am edt. Both sides will look bad in this stalemate though which party takes most of the blame remains to be seen. Republicans adding social issues to the budget agreement seems calculated to guarantee a shutdown since the GOP knows the Dems won't accept its passage with such controversial riders attached.
Plus, the upcoming debt limit debate seems stalemated before it gets a good start.
Astrologically Speaking
Can the current Mercury retrograde period have something to do with the impasse? Mercury rules agreements, bills, voting, orating, thinking, planning, and all manner of things which are intricately involved in the situation as Washington moons we-the-people and acts out like unruly children.
Yet Mercury won't make a Direct Station and change directions until Saturday April 23 and then must leave its shadow (May 11) before mercurial things can really move forward again. Well, Mercury did turn Rx at a critical-crisis degree (click for my notes on Mercury's schedule.)
If you missed it, here's my post on the possible April 8/9th shutdown at midnight showing America's natal horoscope with tonight's transits added.
So now I sit here typing and wondering - both noble mercurial pursuits - why in the last couple of weeks or so, the page views for SO'W have quadrupled and then some. That any of my posts could receive thousands of views in one 24-hour period is gratifying of course, if true, so yesterday I took time to add up pvs of individual posts. As expected, they did not add up to the total...not even close.
Then is SO'W under hack attack? Or is increased readership good news for my 6 years of blogging here? Mercury is the planet of Good News, after all, and rules my natal Ascendant and Midheaven.
Well, if the page view increase is for real, perhaps it's due to a blog link a kind person added to a forum on Planet Waves, an brilliant Astrology site containing much astro-info from expert astrologer Eric Francis and friends.
That, possible Blogger miscounting, or hacking are the 3 best explanations I can think of for this mysterious uppage of SO'W's readership. And this is where in my text a bemused 'head scratch' should be inserted...
Perhaps you'd be interested in reading Jesse Ventura's open letter to the ruling elite as provided by the excellent where you'll find information on topics the US government doesn't want you to know or think critically about.
Astrological comments on America, on Washington DC, and on the politicians who infest them...with a gentle sprinkling of world events
Showing posts with label blogger. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blogger. Show all posts
Apr 8, 2011
Gov Shutdown and a Mystery at Stars Over Washington 4.8.11
Political Astrology,Astrology,Politics
Mercury direct,
mundane astrology,
political astrology,
ruling class,
Stars Over Washington,
US government
Apr 25, 2009
Finding birth data for Astrology charts
Frustratingly, I've just published a request from a reader asking if I have birth data for two people but without the name of the post the request was posted to, I'm not finding it to reply. So I will reply here along with some other blog-reading details for Stars Over Washington and for my other Blogger-hosted blogs.
When an 'actor' appears or gets busy on the world stage - or activates my conscious attention for some reason - my only source for birth data is to Google his/her name.
This usually results in a Wikipedia page concerning the person. If it is an especially famous person, I usually go with a Sun-to-Midheaven chart, but I also look at the Sunrise chart for the date of birth. No, I am not privy to birth records at hospitals since authorization would need to be given in writing in order to get the info - authorization by said person.
Or at least that's the way the law is in my region of the world.
Ex: to discover my own time of birth, I had to have my mother sign for her hospital records to be released to me since my own records - and birth certificate - neglected to list my birth time. Different states probably have different rules to make matters more complicated, but it does keep out the merely curious (supposedly.)
Occasionally a well-known historical figure will have biographical info online which mentions a time or approximate time of birth - 'shortly before sun up' and that sort of thing. And, of course, I often use Lois Rodden's excellent AstroDataBank resource which is now Open Source at Wikipedia but there is a limit on who is famous or important enough in the world to be included.
One other source for historical figures is the back of Marc Edmund Jones' The Sabian Symbols in Astrology (see book in the active Amazon Books ad in sidebar) and it sometimes surprises me who is listed - with a birth time!
But you, dear reader, asked me for data on contemporary individuals, and I suspect you'll find their dates and places of birth with but a click or two!
A 'mechanics of blogging' note: all my Blogger weblogs display better in my browser with IE (now using IE8.) And while I like Firefox, it seems to shove the sidebar content to the bottom of the page when I use it here - even if I publish using it; plus, Firefox overlaps ads, too. Not nice.
So it's up to you, of course, as to which browser you wish to use - and perhaps an upgrade may be in order - or a browser cache clean-out, if you have trouble viewing or reading these pages.
But if it's a matter of not understanding my blabs when I lapse into astrologese, or wondering what I'm up to with this grumpy political blog (crooked, greedy politicians make me very very grumpy), a fresh browser won't be of any help whatsoever, and I really don't know what to do with you.
Signed rather fitfully,
Jude, your reluctant astrologer
Update Apr 26 Sunday: Georgeann, I found your comment on a 2007 post and replied to it but with no more info than you see above. Thanks, Jude
Four other Blogger-hosted blogs:
Secret Moon Art;
Dreamyfish Art;
Cosmic Persona Designs (for age 17+ only);
Lim's Limericks (cat photos included along with Political Limericks of a groanworthy nature.)
And don't forget my Art~Astrology~Politics~Poetry 'tapestry blog' jude's threshold just because it's spun and woven together on WordPress!
When an 'actor' appears or gets busy on the world stage - or activates my conscious attention for some reason - my only source for birth data is to Google his/her name.
This usually results in a Wikipedia page concerning the person. If it is an especially famous person, I usually go with a Sun-to-Midheaven chart, but I also look at the Sunrise chart for the date of birth. No, I am not privy to birth records at hospitals since authorization would need to be given in writing in order to get the info - authorization by said person.
Or at least that's the way the law is in my region of the world.
Ex: to discover my own time of birth, I had to have my mother sign for her hospital records to be released to me since my own records - and birth certificate - neglected to list my birth time. Different states probably have different rules to make matters more complicated, but it does keep out the merely curious (supposedly.)
Occasionally a well-known historical figure will have biographical info online which mentions a time or approximate time of birth - 'shortly before sun up' and that sort of thing. And, of course, I often use Lois Rodden's excellent AstroDataBank resource which is now Open Source at Wikipedia but there is a limit on who is famous or important enough in the world to be included.
One other source for historical figures is the back of Marc Edmund Jones' The Sabian Symbols in Astrology (see book in the active Amazon Books ad in sidebar) and it sometimes surprises me who is listed - with a birth time!
But you, dear reader, asked me for data on contemporary individuals, and I suspect you'll find their dates and places of birth with but a click or two!
A 'mechanics of blogging' note: all my Blogger weblogs display better in my browser with IE (now using IE8.) And while I like Firefox, it seems to shove the sidebar content to the bottom of the page when I use it here - even if I publish using it; plus, Firefox overlaps ads, too. Not nice.
So it's up to you, of course, as to which browser you wish to use - and perhaps an upgrade may be in order - or a browser cache clean-out, if you have trouble viewing or reading these pages.
But if it's a matter of not understanding my blabs when I lapse into astrologese, or wondering what I'm up to with this grumpy political blog (crooked, greedy politicians make me very very grumpy), a fresh browser won't be of any help whatsoever, and I really don't know what to do with you.
Signed rather fitfully,
Jude, your reluctant astrologer
Update Apr 26 Sunday: Georgeann, I found your comment on a 2007 post and replied to it but with no more info than you see above. Thanks, Jude
Four other Blogger-hosted blogs:
Secret Moon Art;
Dreamyfish Art;
Cosmic Persona Designs (for age 17+ only);
Lim's Limericks (cat photos included along with Political Limericks of a groanworthy nature.)
And don't forget my Art~Astrology~Politics~Poetry 'tapestry blog' jude's threshold just because it's spun and woven together on WordPress!
Political Astrology,Astrology,Politics
finding birth data online,
Mozilla Firefox,
Jan 20, 2008
'King of Alarm' Eclipse of August, 1999
The Aug 11, 1999 Solar Eclipse, aka the 'King of Alarm' (or 'King of Terror') Eclipse was predicted by Nostradamus many moons ago and is published tonight by yours truly, your reluctant astrologer for this evening.
The 1999 Solar Eclipse, which ushered in the New Millenium, is from the 1 North Series, given by Bernadette Brady in her Predictive Astrology as:
fatigue or health problems; unexpected events involving groups or friends place massive pressures on personal relationships; issues loom large but avoid hasty decisions because info is distorted or possibly false.
I'll say! Some call it the Mother of All Eclipses...anyway, check out the chart if you've never seen it--it's quite a doozy.
As I signed in to post this entry I belatedly noticed that Blogger can now publish in Arabic, Persian, and Hebrew--very kewl, Blogger!
Well no, I can't read or write any of them, but I did once practice writing backwards and upside down simultaneously in my salad days of yore...and created my own alphabet to keep a nosey brother out of my diary's business. Funny that I keep 'personal' weblogs all over the place now. Hmmm.
Anway, if this new facility introduces and encourages new bloggers to the Blogger format, I say, Welcome and Well-met!
The 1999 Solar Eclipse, which ushered in the New Millenium, is from the 1 North Series, given by Bernadette Brady in her Predictive Astrology as:
fatigue or health problems; unexpected events involving groups or friends place massive pressures on personal relationships; issues loom large but avoid hasty decisions because info is distorted or possibly false.
I'll say! Some call it the Mother of All Eclipses...anyway, check out the chart if you've never seen it--it's quite a doozy.
As I signed in to post this entry I belatedly noticed that Blogger can now publish in Arabic, Persian, and Hebrew--very kewl, Blogger!
Well no, I can't read or write any of them, but I did once practice writing backwards and upside down simultaneously in my salad days of yore...and created my own alphabet to keep a nosey brother out of my diary's business. Funny that I keep 'personal' weblogs all over the place now. Hmmm.
Anway, if this new facility introduces and encourages new bloggers to the Blogger format, I say, Welcome and Well-met!
Political Astrology,Astrology,Politics
1 North Series,
Aug 11 1999 Eclipse,
current events,
King of Alarm Eclipse,
King of Terror Eclipse,
terror touting
Mar 24, 2007
Full Moon of Dec 4, 2006 deja vue?
This post is an experiment to see if my entry of Dec 4, 2006 will be accessible with this link since the "new" Blogger has seen fit to disappear my Archived Posts for December 2006--with the exception of two entries concerning Herr Mozart's 250th birthday.
Wonder what other months' posts are missing from your view?
If you, lone reader, user please let me know if you're having a similar problem of disappearance and brilliantly know how to solve this perplexing issue.
I found some code in the Help Group to add to my Template but it only added a second Archive List so that now there are two...yet both Lists are missing 'Dec 2006' (insert: headscratch.)
UPDATE 3 minutes later: the above link works. Perhaps I'll do a post asap with all December titles/links just to make them accessible. Sheesh. Oh--and I don't like these annoying 'labels' either. Puh.
Wonder what other months' posts are missing from your view?
If you, lone reader, user please let me know if you're having a similar problem of disappearance and brilliantly know how to solve this perplexing issue.
I found some code in the Help Group to add to my Template but it only added a second Archive List so that now there are two...yet both Lists are missing 'Dec 2006' (insert: headscratch.)
UPDATE 3 minutes later: the above link works. Perhaps I'll do a post asap with all December titles/links just to make them accessible. Sheesh. Oh--and I don't like these annoying 'labels' either. Puh.
Political Astrology,Astrology,Politics
full moon Dec 2006,
missing archives
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