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May 10, 2007

the Mars Declination Cycle

Although little is documented on a personal level concerning the Mars Declination Cycle, it certainly proves useful for mundane Mars-related events.

You won't want to miss Kathryn's article on this important Cycle at Collaborate with Fate where you'll find information on this Declination Cycle which relates to all Mars-ruled things and events such as: war, the military and law enforcement, violence, industrial workers, banditry, fires/firemen, surgeons, manufacturing, accidents, explosions, sports such as boxing, and so on.

The Declination Cycle of a planet refers to its crossing of the celestial equator such as from South Declination to North Declination when it switches Polarity.

A chart is then set up for that time in a place of your choice, and the chart is used for transits and aspects relating to house positions, angularity to Mars, and the upcoming influences for any and all Mars-ruled things (but not to other planets in the Mars Declination Chart--only Mars.)

Kathryn gives dates, times, and examples so be sure to check out her excellent work.

She has also posted on the Saturn/Neptune Cycle which is now affecting Tony Blair (who has Sat/Nep conj natally--the tr Sat/Nep opposition is exact on June 27, the day he is scheduled to step down!), and on the Solar Cycle as well.

The Mars Cycle we're now in began June 20, 2005 at 3:22 GMT and is coming to a close in a few days with the next Cycle beginning May 20, 2007 4:37 GMT.

Today on Capitol Hill 5.10.07

Today on Capitol Hill promises much drama with Alberto Gonzales again attempting to defend the administration's stacking of the deck at the Injustice Dept and a vote on the war funding stalemate.

Sparse time this morning to do (in?)justice to the day's chart factors but I do want to mention a few things.

We see 12Can17 rising at 9:30 am edt...Bush and the nation's natal Sun rising.

Saturn (Ds; authority; control; accountability) is now direct 18Leo32, and is therefore continuing to plague AG's Mars/Pluto midpoint:

Mars/Pluto = Saturn: forcibly overcoming obstacles and difficulties; leaving no stone unturned in pursuit of a particular task; hard hard work with extraordinary discipline needed and usually paying off.

For Bush it's his n Venus/Pluto being affected by Saturn:

Venus/Pluto = Saturn: immorality; a sense of tragedy (similar to what I felt when he first hijacked the Oval Office? 'Oval Office' is connected with the planet Venus which is out-of-bounds today.)

The day has an interesting quindecile (165 degrees, an aspect of compulsion-obsession) between Venus and Jupiter--and which relates specifically to the war funding bill:

Venus QD Jupiter: excessively driven with a need for relationships/money; idealism; codependency; morals and ethics based on those of one's partners/s and on material gain; excess and indulgence; belief systems become the major motivator (The Quindecile, Ricki Reeves.)

If you're visitng this blog, you may click to enlarge the day's chart set for 9:30 am when the curtain rises and you'll see my chicken scratch notes to add to your delight. Otherwise, here are the midpoints of the day beginning with the most obvious feature of the chart, the ongoing and explosive Mars/Uranus conjunction now widening yet snugged at MC, the WHY Point of the 9:30 am chart:

Mars/Uranus = MC: an inflexible character; violent or drastic measures; putting a gun to someone's head; injury; accident; extraordinary achievements. (btw: this midpoint pic was active when Cheney shot Whittington in the face.)

Mars/ASC = SUN: quarrel; mishap; excitability; intense teamwork; love of fighting; having to adjust things forcefully; operating in an inhospitable milieu.

Mercury/Pluto = NN: being recognized for communication skills; desire to be spokesperson for the community.

NN/MC = Uranus: sudden emotional reactions; acting impulsively or rashly; behaving restlessly with others; sudden and deeply moving experiences; zaniness; solving problems innovatively with others.

Here are the midpt pics from the FIXED T-squares--all with the inflexible, unyielding Sun as apex planet:

Moon/Saturn = Sun: feelings of enforced controls; sobering times; separation.

Saturn/Neptune = Sun: painstaking attention to hard work and feeling alone in the effort; sensitivity; illness from emotional suffering or setbacks. (The Saturn/Neptune combo usually bring grief, weakness, and torment in their wake.)

The T-square pattern also includes one between Saturn/Chiron which I believe is a picture of 'wounded authority' still pointing to the stubborn Taurean Sun...a Sun (leader) who is powerfully determined to succeed but attracts enduring power struggles in his relationships due to his unyieldingness. And so the stand-off continues! (Dynamics of Aspect Analysis, Bil Tierney.)

And now here is the Image for the idealistic and steadfast Sun-Moon blend for today:

Sun Tau-Moon AQ: A country squire holds the summer fete in his garden: all monies raised are divided between three charities in the village--the Friendly Farmer's Trust, the Local Artists' Guild, and the Quakers' Orphanage.

Hmm. Seems Bush can't grasp last November's message from The People--or the fact that the billions he so determined to spend (and continue to profit from) belong to us and we want his obscenely expensive war machine turned around and brought back home to stem the hemorraghing of America.

To close, here's a quote from two people who share natally the Sun Tau-Moon AQ blend:

"When you're down and out, something always turns up--and it's usually the noses of your friends." - Orson Welles

And: "May the Force be with you." - George Lucas

May 9, 2007

what Plutarch said

"The abuse of buying and selling votes crept in and money began to play an important part in determining elections. Later on, this process of corruption spread to the law courts. And then to the army, and finally the Republic was subjected to the rule of emperors."

Plutarch (46 A.D.-127 A.D.) Historian of the Roman Republic

May 8, 2007

Asteroid Apollo flies by

Discovered by Wilhelm Reinmuth on April 24, 1932, asteroid Apollo is associated mythologically with the Greek sun god, Apollo and was the first of the Earth-crosser/Venus-crosser/Mars-crossers to be found.

At its sighting Apollo was Tropically at "1Scorpio", conj the New World Order's natal Sun degree...I'm only giving the negative version of the Sabian Symbols because I want to...

"1Sco": "A sight-seeing bus"> neg: a genius for avoiding any and every actual expenditure of self.

Apollo's Sidereal degree at discovery may be instructive for our current climate:

"5Sco": "A massive, rocky shore"> neg: blind stubborness or unreasoning conservatism.


Astrologically there are three possible manifestations of this asteroid in our charts--and thus in our psyches--interpreted by the excellent Lee Lehman:

1. a personification of the Sun in the chart (self-protective, side-scuttling Cancer for US and George Bush);

2. a personification of Greek society's archetypal traits of the ideal man;

3. the giver or healer of disease.

Apollo's key phrase: against the odds.

It will be interesting to see how the next several days play out--a new cure or a new epedemic? Or other archetypal manifestations of Apollo's visit to Earth of the closer kind? Was Queen Elizabeth's visit to the US a few days early? Well, it has been years since she was last here!

And if you see any ideal men running about, I'd like to know about it, Barak Obama notwithstanding.

Space Weather News for May 7, 2007

ASTEROID FLYBY: This week, a famous asteroid is flying past Earth: 1862 Apollo.

Discovered in 1932, Apollo was the first asteroid recognized to cross Earth's orbit. Its discovery, and the subsequent discovery of many others like Apollo, helped
scientists understand that the threat of asteroid impacts didn't end with the
dinosaurs; it's a modern problem, too. There's no danger of a collision
this time. Apollo will be about 10.7 million kilometers away at closest approach
on May 8th. Southern hemisphere astronomers with big backyard telescopes may be
able to photograph the 1.7 km-wide asteroid and its tiny 75 meter-wide moon gliding
through the constellations Microscopium and Grus.


Just back from France, Mr.A.Cat has had me publish his latest limerick at Lim's Limericks concerning the UMP Party's Nicolas Sarkozy and his presidential victory Sunday.

At Lim's you'll find a link to an article on the ongoing riots, car burnings, window smashings, and arrests bedeviling the French nation. It's not certain that Sarkozy's expressed admiration for George Bush will be doing him a world o'good as he attempts to manifest his reformist tendencies upon France with her sluggish economy and large immigrant populations.

And where has Sarkozy been during the riots? Resting on a yacht in the Mediterranean. Sluggish economy indeed. Wonder whose name is on the yacht's title?

He's partying on down, I imagine, while Paris burns. The similaries between Bush, Sarkozy, and Nero I shall barely mention...esp with the incendiary Mars/Uranus snugged around NN...hyperexcitability; an excited demonstration shown to others; the execution of extraordinary and unusual enterprises.

Of course, Sunday's election occurred under this influence as well...and how do they count their votes so quickly in France when we can barely count ours at all?

May 7, 2007

The 'New' Masons

Did you miss NPR's report over the weekend on the current state of Freemasonry?

New Masons Drawn by Brotherhood, Not by Myths asserts that the brotherhood teaches moral lessons bwo allegory and secret rituals.

It's the secret rituals part that opens the door to cult accusations...even by the Roman Catholic Church. Guess the vatican likes to keep the market cornered on the secret ritual stuff.

Then you've got the the craft moniker--use of that term stirs the pot with the general public since it sounds wiccan or something (stirs the pot--I so foony...must be my n Jupiter/Saturn trine!)

Yet the US had 50,000 lodges and 4 million members in the 40s and 50s--now approximately 1.8 million, and the membership's average age continues to lower as their WWII-era brothers are passing on at a rapid rate.

See: Why 'Stars Over Washington'? in which I defend the naming of this blog along with some info concerning the founding of America and our nation's early connections to Freemasonry, if you wish.

EU/US merger: NWO creeps closer

Click chart to enlarge and read my scribbles...chart info here: New World Order--the NWO is on the way by hook or crook, m'peops. If it were all that wonderful they'd be crowing about it instead of hiding it:

EU/US Merger: New Global Order By Stealth

By Steve Watson

In a sweeping move that has garnered surprisingly little attention this week the United States and the European Union have signed up to a new transatlantic economic partnership that will see regulatory standards "harmonized" and will lay the basis for a merging of the US and EU into one single market, a huge step on the path to a new globalized world order. EU/US merger

May 6, 2007

Are You a Tech Omnivore?

Are you a technology Omnivore, Connector, Productivity Enhancer, or Lackluster Veteran?

Not sure which category I fit into but lackluster probably has something to do with it. And the Pew Internet and American Life Project can help me figure it out.

There's a quiz you may take if you're into fretting about it or you may read how the Survey Shatters Technology Assumptions which may or may not get your tech fires glowing again.

Funny that I just finished reading Robert Blaschke's Earthwalk Astrology Newletter concerning the semiseptile phase of Uranus/Neptune and its Information Age connections that began with the Uran/Nep Conjunctions of 1993 (Feb 2, Aug 20, and Oct 24) as the tech revolution for the masses took hold of our brain waves.

The semiseptile is an aspect of the 14th Harmonic issuing from the H7 = spiritual awareness. And Robert Blaschke asserts that the Information Age is proving to be an empty disappointment for most people--"illusions weaved with modern technology" or, in astrologese--Neptune + Uranus.

Then I find the above article on how we Americans fall into which category of 'user' based on the Pew survey...the whole thing sounds addictive when you put it that way, doesn't it? How many spouses have complained of such in recent years?

Sounds like Neptune is up to its usual tricks--negative escapism vs true spirituality!

Note: Earthwalk Astrology's latest Newsletter also has info on Jeanne Palfrey's natal chart--Mr.Blaschke spoke with the DC Madam by phone and she gave him her details! The federal charges may be dismissed or reduced--her Sec Moon was trining natal Jupiter at the time of her indictment, March 1.

Deborah Jeane Palfrey
Mar 18, 1956
North Charleroi, PA
16:55:00 GMT

Here's her natal Sun Pisces/Moon Gemini personality blend's Image for Integration:

A child grips his magic red balloon as it lifts him into the sky and over the sea onto an island of eternal beauty...A schoolboy dreams of heroic deeds during a class on the romantic poets. (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzy Harvey.)