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Jan 23, 2009

'Ring of Fire' Eclipse Jan 26, 2009

Space Weather News for Jan 23, 2009

SOLAR ECLIPSE: On Monday, Jan 26, the Moon will pass in front of the sun producing an annular "ring of fire" eclipse. This is not a total eclipse; the Moon will cover only 93% of the sun's surface.

Nevertheless, the Moon's dead-center transit across the solar disk will produce a sight of rare beauty for observers along the "path of annularity."

Best views are to be had from islands in Indonesia where the ring of fire will appear to sink into the ocean at sunset. Meanwhile, in Australia, southeast Asia, southern parts of India and South Africa, observers will experience an off-center partial eclipse. Crescent-shaped sunbeams will dapple the ground while high overhead the Moon takes a curved bite out of the sun.

Please visit for eclipse maps, timetables and photos.

BLUE-SKY FIREBALL: Last week a meteoroid of unknown size hit Earth's atmosphere over Denmark and exploded with a flash so bright it turned the night time sky day time blue.

A video of the remarkable fireball and eye-witness reports may be found at Spaceweather's fireball sighting page. #

Oh dear. And I've been calling Monday's Eclipse the 'New President' Eclipse for obvious reasons. But he is kind of inside a ring of fire, isn't he?

Solar Eclipse 29 Cancer 7.22.09

Update/Correction: above chart and post titles both show "July 22, 2009" but as you plainly see from the chart's date, the Eclipse occurs in the Eastern time zone on the evening of July 21...yet if I change the post's title it will confuse crawlers and spiders everywhere, so I stand self-corrected and hope you can forgive me a crazy typo!

Original post begins here:

July 21, 2009 Solar Eclipse 29Can27 in the 11 South Series; 10:34:32 pm edt, Washington, DC, USA.

Eclipse occurs in 5th house of Creativity, Risk-Taking and Gambling, Romance, and Progeny; Mars Hour, no out-of-bounds planets so all are on the Earthly plane and participating within the group; Mutable-Water strong.

Venus is just beyond her 'Venus Transit' degree of June, 2004, the day of the G-8 Summit on Sea Island, GA. Venus Transits indicate a time when unsuspected associations are formed with unusual partners.

Sun-Moon applying (1A50) to inconjunct with Pluto 1Cap17 Rx in 10th house of Public Status. Morya and Pluto are still traveling together.

Sun inconj Pluto: taking on more responsibilities; need is to dispense with non-essentials and focus energies on specific goals; the less conflict created when dealing with others the better.

Moon inconj Pluto: objectivity needed; over-reaction to other people's demands and needs yet submission brings contempt; need to unlearn old habit systems to avoid being taken advantage of; good for working behind the scenes but with a tendency to be a patsy for other people's incompetence.

As you see, the Eclipse is at a critical or crisis 29th degree, but I'm using the rounding-up method: '30Can' has this Sabian Symbol: "A Daughter of the American Revolution"...INHERITANCE (MEJ.)

pos: an infectious pride in leadership through which a group is able to act as a unit;

neg/unconscious/shadow side: the ultimate betrayal of self hood by a false assumption of superiority.

There is more to say about this rather difficult Solar Eclipse but it will have to wait until I have more time...for now, click chart to enlarge for a few of my private notes including some of America's natal placements highlighted in blue.

In pink is notated Bernadette Brady's description of the 11 South Series of Solar Eclipses which last manifested on July 11, 1991, 18Can59.

to be cont'd...

Olbermann-Tice interview video and text

This is a day late, but so is the Newsletter it comes from:

NSA Spied on Journalists? Whistleblower Reveals Surveillance Target

By Keith Olbermann - Video and Text

In an exclusive interview tonight on MSNBC's "Countdown with Keith Olbermann," former NSA analyst Russell Tice says that the agency under the Bush administration secretly collected communications data on civilians, including journalists. #

Ah yes...whistleblowers, that rare bird of Washington. Why, I remember DC's Whistleblower's Week of 2007, do you?

Jan 22, 2009

E.J. Dionne discusses Obama 1.22.09

E. J. Dionne's To Each His Own Obama is an excellent read.

Jan 26 Solar Eclipse leads to Lunar Eclipse Feb 9

If you're wanting some Lunar Eclipse info for the February 9 Eclipse 21Leo00, then Julie Demboski is on the case for you.

She's got details on this Leo Moon with asteroids, too, and if you check out her Recent Posts column, you'll discover her thoughts on January 26, 2009's Solar Eclipse for which we await...

Visit Julie's article Eclipse, February 2009 for the particulars!

Seldom does this reluctant astrologer find time for blogging on Lunar Eclipses - time is barely found for Solar ones! - so I'll simply add a few notes on February 9's Sun AQ-Moon Leo combo remembering that a Leo Moon, eclipsed or not, has a reigning need for applause, approval, and recognition! Yet by being 'eclipsed', this Leo Moon may indicate the lowering of their approval meters.

AQ = Air; Leo = Fire:

Air-Fire blends are the 'live wires' in the bunch and this energy is much needed within the collective with all that's 'on the table' in Washington and elsewhere. Gettin' busy! And getting serious.

Sun AQ-Moon Leo is a social reformer combo that radiates a powerful commitment to uplift and improve the quality of life for others. A caution here is that humanitarianism and egoism can get mixed up.

Even so, rebellion is done with flair and style, for there's nothing mediocre or ordinary about this blend. This is a tender-hearted idealist who thrives on love and affection, a romantic poet who tends to see the best in people and therefore is often able to bring it out!

(If President Obama can bring out the positive energies from the R and the D parties, I'll be happy as a worries, mate.)

Image for Integration: A modern actress takes a bow, then leads the audience to a political demonstration. ('Sun Sign-Moon Sign' by Chas & Suzi Harvey.)

Well, there's a bunch of 'political demonstrating' we need now because the US government needs to demonstrate to we-the-people that it isn't fallen into facism, and our representatives in Washington and in every burgh across the land need to remember that public service isn't meant for nest-feathering and pocket-lining.

As per Barack Obama.

So 'get with it', doltish politicians of all stripes - America got into its many messes thanks in large part to your shadowy doins' and black-hearted perfidies...fix it and show enough ethical behavior so that foreign investors (for one) will stop running and screaming from Wall Street and from the untrustworthy three-sets-of-books banking system of America.

Well? Are we keeping this republic or what?

Jan 21, 2009

Caroline Kennedy withdraws senate bid

With her Uncle Teddy's seizure at Tuesday's congressional luncheon for Pres. Obama and his subsequent hospitalization cited as the reason, Caroline Kennedy has called Gov. Paterson and withdrawn her senate bid from consideration.

Well, it saves face for Kennedy and makes Paterson's job easier!

Israel's 'ethical' warfare

How to sell 'ethical warfare': Claim moral superiority, intimidate enemies and crush dissent - Israel's media management is not just impressive, it's terrifying. #


And here's George Orwell from his prophetic book 1984 defining mass media deception along with some of his natal chart details.

Warfare that's "ethical" - bosh!

I've never been to Israel or the Gaza Strip, but do I know that if presidents were ethical people they wouldn't lie their nations into war in the first place.

Jan 20, 2009

Obama's Inaugural Address 2009

Here's a link to the text of President Obama's Inaugural Address today which lasted from 12:07:50 pm to 12:26:10 pm est - "18 minutes, 10 seconds," as reported by TV's Brian Williams.

'Seconds' given are from my own observance.


All the president's address was delivered during an Hour of Saturn; Mercury Rx and Sun, both at 00AQ+, crossed Midheaven while he intoned...12:07:50 pm's Mc 28Cap08 (conj US natal Pluto whose degree had crossed into 9th house as well) and ended 2AQ29, with Jupiter 3AQ32 conj Mc.

Sun and Mercury had, of course, Barack Obama's natal Jupiter in tow...his Jupiter Return 00AQ52 was on Jan 9, 2009. I'm using Aug 4, 1961, 7:24 pm AHST, Honolulu, HI; Asc 18AQ01; natal Mc 28Sco54, with Inaugural Moon 29Sco49 at 12:07 pm...conjunct and exalted at BHO's natal Midheaven.

So! Moon (the people; the public) conj Mc, the Goal/Aspiration Point...shades of: "This is not about me...this is about the American people."

To our American political thespians and their minions:

And now, at this moment, I put on notice any politician or operative who interferes with Obama's policies that help, or may facilitate, the common good in are being watched.

The people's distrust is rampant after eight long years of neocon shills, Bush and Cheney, so you will be the first to be suspected of working against the American people if you block Barack Obama in his initiatives.

Block him, block us. Or at least that will be the first assumption since

Pres. Obama, unlike stubborn George Bush, is capable of trying something else if the first or second things don't work. That trait does not give his detractors license to call him names or play PR games that are politically expedient for a certain globalist, special interest agenda.

If your political power agenda is in sync with the common good, you will not perpetrate this undermining work against the president and the American people.

You are on notice, as far this blogger is concerned.

You will be watched.


Astrology Q: did the 29 ~crisis~ degree of the Moon, which relates to the physical body and health, describe Senators Bird and Kennedy and their health crises? Both had to be taken out of the congressional luncheon.

Sen. Kennedy now said to be doing well (3:40 pm est) after suffering a seizure, Sen. Byrd, who was upset about Teddy, was wheeled out - and Scorpio is the sign of health issues such as surgery, etc. Sen. Byrd's *natal Sun was conjuncted today by the Inaugural Moon!

But speaking of chairs with wheels:

Earlier in the day, Dick Cheney looked like a big faker in his wheelchair, if I say so myself. Like HE'D ever be caught lifting moving boxes with his weak ticker. Puh! Sell me another one!


Robert Byrd
Nov 20, 1917,
North Wilkesboro, NC
sunrise: 7:10:42 am est

Sun 27Sco37/Moon 9AQ00
Moon being conjoined
by tr North Node today
= contact with the public.

Inauguration 2009 Horoscope

Just a brief heads-up to say that Inauguration 2009's horoscope has been updated this morning to reflect what TV's talking heads say will be an Oath of Office taken at 11:56 am est.

Click link to view Inauguration 2009's chart.

Bush's term mercifully ends precisely at noon, and reader Dan Smolen tells me that at the moment Obama says, "so help me God," the eyes of the Secret Service agents move from George Bush to Barack Obama because that's the moment Obama becomes president in their book. Me, too.

So thanks, Dan!

Actually, my eyes have crossed with consternation and regret every time I've looked at His Smirkiness' monkeyish, dissembling, propaganda-catapultin' face these long years...quelle relief!

Jan 19, 2009

Obama elected Jan 8, 2009 at 1:35 pm est

Forget the quibbly popular vote, it's just gravy.

On Jan 8, 2009 at 1:35 pm est Dick Cheney announced Barack Obama winner of the states' electoral college votes and that's how he became president of the United States.

~Cordial Thanks go to a certain astute reader who sent the details along including the correct time.

Jan 8 was the day of Barack Obama's economic speech, too, as well as being Elvis Presley's birthday.

Meanwhile, the procession of senators and reps paraded importantly down Statuary Hall "at the stroke of 1:00 pm" which rather reminds me of secret societies, and of the Sabian Symbol for the rising sign and degree at 1:35 pm..."30Taurus"..."A Peacock Parading on an Ancient Lawn" that Masonic-style temple we call the Capitol Building.

So! the electoral college chart has tomorrow's Inaugural Moon 29Sco45 in the setting position on the Descendant. There are other interesting factors in the chart, but they'll wait for a better time...right now I just want to wallow in the fact that Mr. Obama is in, and Bush and Cheney are out!

Inaugural Synastry: Obama + Oath of Office

As you see, the synastry grid between Barack Obama's natal planets, angles, and Nodal axis (in blue - across) and the planetary positions at noon, Jan 20, 2009 (in red - down)Washington, DC, have many aspects or contacts, between them.

Applying = A

Applying aspects have not yet become exact and thus indicate a meeting or other catalytic ingredient which may yet occur.

Separating = S

Aspects exact from the past yet still close enough in orb for SolarFire software to include them, have an 'S'...separating aspects are waning but may be still influencing the planet/point they contact. ('2S02' is 2 degrees, 2 minutes apart and widening.)

Transits are external forces, actors, events coming along, and here we see a great amount of happiness (Moon sextile natal Jupiter; Jupiter trine natal Moon, Sun trine natal Moon and conj natal Jupiter by 5 minutes!)

We-the-people and they-the-Obamas are as happy as puppies with multiple tails! Yes, it is a very happy and jolly occasion, agreed.

But let's look deeper with the deepest of planets, god of the underworld, invisible helmet and all.

Let's consider the YOD (Finger of God pattern: crisis or critical situation which must be dealt with; special task or purpose; turning point or crossroads) which Obama's natal sextile between Moon (Gemini) and Mercury (Leo) forms the base of, along with the focal or apex planet which completes the YOD - Pluto, clocking in at 1Cap57.

Midpoint picture ('any, all, or none' may apply):

Moon-Mercury = Pluto: a reorientation of one's thinking due to special circumstances or events coupled with destiny; tragic realizations; new perspectives; persuasion or being persuaded; the force of thought. (Tyl; Ebertin.)

But what about transformative Pluto as apex in a YOD configuration?

Cuing the lights and checking with Bil Tierney's Dynamics of Aspect Analysis, we find a karmic and dramatic situation in store, for Pluto is particularly linked to karmic reap-what's-sown situations having such a long orbit round the Sun as Mr. Pluto has.

Inaugural Pluto Represents Obama on One Level

The president-elect (for about 15 hours more) is a catalystic figure for being the first African-American to rise to the highest office in the land which automatically makes him a Plutonian.

(A Constitutional lawyer-professor is all right by me, as previously stated, it's the secret hand ~Pluto~ calling the shots that makes me fret for the continuity of my country and for the common good's sake.)

So that's another level of existence which Astrology may describe archetypally bwo spying Pluto...catalyst; secret controller/s; criminal underworld; Mafia and other fraternal organizations; the seamy underbelly of Washington or any other place with a seamy underbelly; political movers and shakers - 'mob bosses'; mining industry titans; energy titans; and the obscenely rich of the world who guard their wealth and spoils like fire-breathing dragons with serious halitosis.

Therefore, as I talk of apex Pluto, I speak of Obama and of others who are not Obama, whoever they may be. Police forces are connected with Pluto's control and coping abilities, natch.

The extremely high level of surveillance at tomorrow's Inaugural events is also a function of Pluto in restrictive Capricorn. Agencies will obviously be focused as well on Mrs. Obama (BHO's natal Moon) and the Obama children (BHO's natal Mercury.)

As you know, life at any moment occurs on many levels simultaneously - Astrology can do no less than describe them as accurately as possible.

So apex Pluto in a YOD pattern signifies an entity with penetrating perceptions, a keen observer, but who is perhaps withdrawn and out-of-tune with the superficial levels of life. Others may not understand, seclusion is sought...perhaps to an underground lair.

All inconjuncts require adjustment/s and with transit Pluto inconjuncting (150 degr) BHO's natal Moon and Mercury, adjustment really is the keyword - and yes, health and safety can be issues with inconjuncts (aka, quincunxes.)

So apex Pluto here indicates that deep attitude adjustments will be necessary in order to make full use of this critical energy pattern...and I believe a hidden choir is singing, m'peops.

But what does provocative Pluto want? Can he do more than hum the tune he's out-of-sync with? When the dragon's breath scorches you or his tail swipes your world away, it's clear he whistles a tune completely of his own design, not ours, and it's based on his extreme perspectives.

YODs contain the image of a turning point, and apex Pluto faces pressure to adopt a new direction. Yet something from Pluto's past must regenerate or die before the transition can be advantageously undertaken. (A secret ritualistic inauguration aids US presidents in achieving this exalted state. And sacrificing one's conscience may be necessary at some point - if it hasn't been already.)

After this turning point, things are not meant to return to their original intentions, for Pluto's transformations are permanent. There is here a new level of POWER and old vulnerabilities are purged; a high level of authority has been attained which may usher in a new order of things to come (my ughiest fear!)

If poorly managed, an apex Pluto in a YOD pattern indicates self-destructive urges (something more than secret cigarette breaks in the Lincoln Bedroom - or not), futile manipulations of others, and/or open defiance to undermine existing authority at any cost.

Will Pluto allow Barack Obama's policies and methods to prosper on behalf of we-the-people - or (as usual) for themselves at the people's expense?

There is another YOD formed with BHO's natal Venus as apex planet, but I'm a pooped-out puppy and will save that for another time.

This posting of the synastry grid between America's Presidential Inauguration 2009 and Barack Obama is now closed, but the grid is hereby available for future reference, if you or I should need it.

One Final Note

Stars Over Washington , a grumpy, dissenting blog devoted to America and to my favorite of cities, wishes to Welcome the Obama family to Washington, DC and to the White House.

And I sincerely hope that everyone enjoys tomorrow's historic events in the safest and kindliest of fashions!

Jan 18, 2009

Astrology of the US1549 emergency landing

What caused US 1549's emergency landing in the Hudson River a few days ago?

Expert astrologer Kathryn Cassidy details the Astrology of it including the Saturn-Uranus cycle which began with their Great Conjunction(s) of 1988, a cycle now at its culmination phase - the Full Moon/fullfilment stage with their opposition.

Airbus was involved then, too. And yes, I've wanted to study the landing chart myself but time has been sparse of late.

But never mind - the excellent Kathryn even has the pilot's natal chart pictured for you so check out her article as soon as you's Mundane Astrology at its best!