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Showing posts with label BP-Gulf Oil fiasco. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BP-Gulf Oil fiasco. Show all posts

Sep 7, 2010

BP doesn't want you to view this video

Ignore BP's and the government's assurances about the April 20, 2010 Deepwater Horizon blowout's environmental impact and damage to our Gulf Coast region and its victimized people - watch the video anyway.

Jul 19, 2010

Billion-dollar 'aid package' to Pakistan but no unemployment extension for US workers?

Any US taxpayers feeling hoodwinked yet?

Clinton Unveils New Aid Projects in Pakistan Visit but meanwhile on Capitol Hill, it's dandy fine if Americans do without jobs, mortgage payments, food, and the basic stuff of life.

Doesn't the government of Pakistan have any billions of its own with which to build "hospitals"? Perhaps they tucked back a few coins out of the veiled billions we've generously sent them through the years from our now-empty piggy banks?

Well, you know what they say...troubles are often self-created. And the nuclear monster that at first must have seemed like quite a genie was let out of the bottle by none other than the US government with the enabling of German scientists and others.

So as usual, the American people and their resources are being held hostage to the fallacy of 'national security' which works when either money or liberty are extorted in an elusive exchange for our imagined safety when really, the only things we can count on anymore from our own government are lies, obfuscations, fraud, extortion, and false flag ops waged against we-the-people, often mounted in order to emotionally manipulate us into fighting imperialist wars.

Once central banks allowed foreign investors into the American hen house, I suppose our trajectory was set (downward.) The outcome has now become clear to those who read the signpost at the crossroads.

But I can still feel steamed over it all, can't I? Sir Francis Bacon, Adam Weishaupt, and their Illuminati ilk can take a hike if they like. I wish they would. And leave decent people alone.

For as British PM Benjamin Disraeli (1804 - 1881) penned in his novel Coningsby, the New Generation (and notice it's a 'new generation' similar to what the power elite tout openly now as a 'new international world order' - whether average Joes and Jills want it or not, here 'it' comes.)

"For you see, the world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes."

Astrologically, that's a perfect reference to 12th house activities ans secret deals behind the door as discerning planets in 12th house, especially the Sun, ought to know. 12th house involvements in Mundane Astrology = Politics.

And now for a few more grumpily typed words on the November 2010 midterm elections:

Republicans? Really? You want to reward the GOP for 8 years of Bush-Cheney policies that led to Financial Collapse 2008? Really? Whose team are you batting for? No, I don't care much for Dems either but the ruling class has us by the nape of our necks and I'm still growling over the Bush-Cheney crime spree brought upon our nation in coup-like fashion by a complicit SCOTUS.

If you'll remember, it took the attacks of 9/11/01 for the general population to stop questioning the legitimacy of the Bush-Cheney regime which so soon turned into a nightmare of loss, death, and war. Not an accident, that. Bullhorns for democracy! Export freedom with each bomb! Appeal to the emotions of the American people and they'll fight any way, any one, any time. It's been proven effective, say the marketers!

So November 2, 2010 will arrive before we can wink twice. Don't forget to vote. Even though we know that the old truism he who counts the vote decides the winner was never more obvious or applicable than it is in the New Millennium, yet we must not stay home on election day! On any election day.

This morning Cokie Roberts said on NPR that the GOP hope to turn the Gulf Oil Disaster into a political disaster for the Democrats. (Never mind the cynicism of that stance!) One assumes that the fact that President Obama has taken a lot of BP's cash will help the GOP with the ploy. Republican leader Mitch McConnell says it took the administration '70 days' to order skimmers sent to the Gulf as if that were all the White House was up to in the interim.

Well, whoever advised the President himself not to rush to the Gulf Coast asap after the April 20 catastrophe gave him bad advice in the public relations department. But that's smoke and mirrors, too, for with Mr. Obama's walk-on-water status now sunk, was he expected to ankle his way out to the Deepwater Horizon rig and patch things up with a bunch of presidential duct tape?

For Hurricane Katrina, Bush was in Texas eating birthday cake with John McCain, blithely unaware of, or uncaring about, the suffering occurring in the Gulf Coast region. It always seemed to me that these operatives of the GOP were celebrating more than McCain's birthday but maybe that was only me.

Yet be all that as it may...reward 8 years of Bush-Cheney policies with a majority in the November 2010 midterms?


Well, if the Republican Party does take more seats than Dem candidates or incumbents in November 2010 it will result in more of the blind-leading-the-blind sort of governing with the R Party being past their Secondary Progressed Full Moon (12Gem08) of February 18, 2005 but not by much - they're now in the Disseminating phase as of March 19, 2009 and puttin' out the White House jibes and as much misinformation as they can get away with and will help them claw their way up, as they think. But their party's Sec Full Moon is past culminating stage so party bigwigs won't be shining as they'd like even if a rout occurs this November yet they can still do much damage to this country from whatever foxhole they shoot from.

Like Bush-Cheney invading Iraq under a retrograde Jupiter (the General) - starting a war from weakness, not strength - we may expect the obstruct-Dems-at-all-costs party of the GOP (or BOP, if you prefer to add Big Oil to their name - I forgive you if you do) we may expect that a Republican majority in House (or in Senate) will govern from a weakened position if they win which, as we've seen, effectively stalls legislation proposed on behalf of all but the rich and mighty whose handmaidens serve behind-the-scenes masters on Capitol Hill and whose true identities are other than they appear.

Jul 16, 2010

BP Oil gusher Plume Cam

In case you've been under the sea somewhere the last 3 months and haven't viewed it, here's a link to NPR's plume cam showing the BP Oil gusher which looks mighty good in not-gushing mode this morning after yesterday's successful capping.

BP's plume cam link has been available on my Jude's Threshold blog all along, or at least since NPR published it in May, but I never got around to adding it here on SO'W until now.

The lack of oil and gas gushing out is only temporary ('this is only a test') so you may wish to check out the lovely view a mile down while things are still lookin' more better.

Jul 8, 2010

Is US Gulf Coast under military occupation?

Folks who know more about such things than this blogging gnat ever could are saying that military occupation of our Gulf Coast region is underway...more shades of Katrina's aftermath? Part of a process to bring 'change' to America?

Now the majority of Americans are busy going about their daily rounds, taking care of business, and attempting to keep up with bill paying so if they hear this sort of news, military guns seem to be a good idea - for the sake of 'protection' and 'security', as they're propagandized to think.

And we know that US natal Ceres Rx @ 8Pis41 (security needs, issues) conjuncts our natal Pluto/Chiron 8Pis50, the plutocratic duo of oppression, primal violence, nationalism, and other -isms that keep people divided and under control.

But is something more sinister going on on the Gulf Coast? Is the Dobyns version of the US natal chart descriptive of military rule with US natal Mars at Midheaven, the Goal Point of any horoscope? After all, wherever Gemini appears in a horoscope we find duality, multiplicity, and possibly deception, as you know, with Mercury's trickster tendencies having outlet for expression (especially on an angle such as the Mc.)

And the US n Mars/Neptune square places Neptune rising in the Dobyns version of our birth chart as surveillance of US citizens is being ramped up in direct opposition to our country's 'freedom documents'. Dubya did many things in order to set it up with 9/11 as justification and shield, Obama took the baton and is running toward the finish line.

Sometimes I think that Eisenhower's 'warning' about a takeover of a "military industrial complex" was more of a promise than a warning coming from a military General in charge. (Check online and you'll find pages on how 'Eisenhower' was a fake name for a set-up identity! Reminds me of the Obama birth certificate question and it wouldn't surprise me if his identity is fake, sad to say.)

Well, in yesterday's post on the Dobyns chart, I neglected to note (for it's been mentioned here before and a thousand other places) that in 2006, US natal Mars turned retrograde by progression for the first time in US history, a condition which indicates a turning inward of our martian energies (astrological Mars is energy, action, and motivation) so that setting up a police state, riots, protests, strikes, and acts of terrorism - including false flag ops - are bigger potentials now for mainland USA.

Increase of our prison population (especially males) is, of course, likely as the rumors of ramping up of prison and holding pen construction spreads across the land. Well, the US prison system is overflowing already so more building is necessary if you're about to clamp down on dissenters, malcontents, and criminals - the irony being that the elite at the top can be as criminal as anyone - in many cases, more so, for the world is now beset with a win-at-any-cost crime syndicate tentacled across the globe.

Yet one good potential for our Secondary Mars Rx, imho, would be for our troops to withdraw from where they shouldn't have been in the first place. Army boots on holy sand is a picture that's always had something deeply wrong with it.

Anyway, I'll hush now and let you listen to the video, if you will, and will be interested in your opinion on the military occupation of the Gulf Coast issue, if you'll take a mo to leave a comment. Thanks.

(And a special Thanks to Kieron for kindly replying to my previous post's plea! You ask about US Presidents who were Freemasons - the verified lists of members I find tend to end with Gerald Ford. But Clinton is rumored to have links to FM as well as Bush Sr, and the Rhodes Scholarship program may be part of the agenda as may be the Rotary Club, Chamber of Commerce, 'knights' organizations, Shriners, literary groups, and others. Here's a link with some interesting info on the opinions of John Adams and John Q. Adams concerning early Freemasonry, and notice FM George Washington's view about how any institution can be perverted - it's near the end of the page. My thought is that our more recent Presidents have had sense enough - or been warned - to disguise their true affiliations, and/or the organization only releases presidential members' names at some point after they're deceased. Then the rooster crows. jc)

Jul 4, 2010

More on the July 11, 2010 Solar Eclipse in Cancer

If you're looking for more astro-details on the upcoming Solar Eclipse of July 11, 2010 Virgo Magic may have just what you're looking for, including info on the recent Lunar Eclipse 4Cap46 conjunct Pluto of June 26, 2010.

With Capricorn ruled by Saturn (fear) and Pluto's deep fear factor involved in the cosmic picture, the fear of loss (Cap) and how to cope with it (Pluto) is on every one's menu on into 2011, which will be The Year To Get Through as best we can!

The July 11 Solar Eclipse is in the 12 South Series which has a time link to its last manifestation so we may expect similar issues from that year to reappear - or, the exact same issues in various guises may re-rear their hoary heads for the world's reconsideration and, hopefully, for better solutions.

Last time, 12S manifested on June 30, 1992 @ '9Can' so Cancerian issues of security, safety, domestic concerns such as real estate, homelessness, refugeeism, food, grains, and milk - anything that nurtures and protects - were on our minds and in the headlines as they are again. Plus, nowadays we have genetic engineering of seeds and food supplies to worry about along with changing weather patterns interrupting growing seasons; famine cannot be ruled out.

And of course, 1992 is one of the years of the 90s decade that the New World Order was rearing its (ugly) head in a more public way than ever before with Bush Sr's mentions of it as a venture which will be successful. Then came 1993, studded with the Great Conjunctions of enlightening planets Uranus and Neptune, the pair which this reluctant astrologer considers to be a signature of the Illuminati and their plan for world domination. You may disagree, and that's okay.

In 1992, Uranus and Neptune were within orb but not as strong as they would be in 1993 when partile (exact.)

Yet it seems obvious to me that Bill Clinton's election to the presidency was part of the NWO agenda with NAFTA's 'free trade' pretending not to be code words for the dissolving of borders, nation states, currencies, and, yes, the United States of America. In the news now is the UN calling for dumping the US dollar.

Yes, 'thanks' must go to Bill NAFTA Clinton, as I call him.

Also, the first bombing of the World Trade Center took place under his watch as perhaps a sort of a dry run for 9/11 though I doubt any WTC attack victims of either year would appreciate my typing that. Still, both attacks are part of a process which is my point today on America's 234th birthday as the July 11, 2010 Solar Eclipse draws near - and occurs one week into our nation's Solar year.

A bright spot has to be 12S's astrological implications that 'things at first seem worse, then clear with successful outcomes' (Brady's Predictive Astrology) but if the Eclipse influence helps any of the dire conditions we face, the 'then clear' part could come in early 2011, or later this year since a Solar Eclipse's influence lasts from one to the next, approximately 6 months. (Though a strong one may take effect up to 2 weeks prior to its actual occurrence.)

So will BP's efforts to stop the Gulf Coast oil gusher bear fruit in mid-July as they've said it might, before their previous estimate of August? Well, Cancer the Crab does live in Gulf waters after all! Or should I say, lived?

A Few Historical Events of 1992

Britain's Queen Elizabeth dubbed 1992 her 'annus horribilis' with Windsor Castle damaged by fire (and eventually she had to foot some of the bill, poor thing!), plus the marriages of three out of her four children ended in divorce (Charles and Diana formally announcing their separation in December.)

Financial scandals were in the news as usual, and a loss-infused Saturn/Pluto square brought a bleak, heavy mood similar to what their 2010 square brings now (though their square didn't become exact until March 1993, prolonging its effects.)

The Serbs bombarded Sarajevo, heating up the Balkans conflict and the UN condemned 'ethnic cleansing' by the Serbs as a war crime. (War is a crime, imho.) More marriage troubles appeared as Nelson Mandela and his wife separated (like Al and Tipper Gore?); the venerable Lloyd's of London revealed massive losses; in New York, John Gotti was convicted of murder and racketeering.

(Gotti may be gone, but murder and racketeering remain.)

Also in 1992, race riots erupted in Los Angeles after Rodney King's video-taped beating by police was shown ad infinitum on TV, Hurricane Andrew devastated Florida and the Bahamas, and women priests were allowed to minister in the Church of England after much wrangling and controversy.

On January 8, 1992 while visiting Japan, President George Herbert Walker Bush was poisoned (my theory) at a state dinner, vomited into the lap of Japan's Prime Minister, then promptly fainted. Influenza was said to be the cause. Perhaps. But if I'd felt that ill before dinner, I would have begged off and had a tray sent up!

Oh, and did I mention that Bill NAFTA Clinton was elected US President? Bet Poppy B threw up again when he heard that.


A more complete list of the events of 1992 by month may be found here.

Moon Phases, a drawing from my Secret Moon Art collection of cosmic images with an occasional bit of Astrology blended in.

Jun 16, 2010

BP Oil spill: is a huge Gas Bubble about to explode?

It's being reported that sources inside BP and the US government are aware of a huge Gas Bubble 15 - 20 miles across and over 10 feet high which is now expanding near the oil well head.

An 'apocalyptic' explosion with tsunami following could result within weeks or months which would force hazardous materials inland.

If the nightmarish Gas Bubble threat is real, it sounds to me like an evacuation order is on the agenda for our Gulf Coast population especially with the Summer Solstice 2010 Moon (the people) at a 29th degree of crisis in 4th house (Home; Domestic Scene; Security) in the Solstice chart set for DC (because DC reps for the entire nation.)

Here's a handy image of the Summer Solstice 2010 horoscope with details and you can see a Grand Trine between the besieged Moon, Sun in 12th house (Sun = Obama, with Mercury conjunct US natal Mars, hence his recent feisty rhetoric about BP), and oily Neptune in 8th house of Transformations where the gaseous giant sporting his Trident still knocks hearts with wounded Chiron in oceanic Pisces. Also, we-the-people's Moon inconjuncts the usually fortunate Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in 9th house of Foreigners.

But for the residents of the region, evacuation won't be easy for multiple reasons.

In the chart you'll also see the Cardinal Grand Cross which is the clincher in this difficult situation as stalemates abound, yet solutions must be found; involved are Sun, Jupiter, Uranus, Saturn, Pluto...and Midheaven, where the drama is playing out for the all the world to see, appreciate, and for some, to gloat over.

Well, since the tragic blowout of April 20, 2010 occurred with its subsequent awfulness, I have a better idea what melancholy Orpheus conjunct Pluto in the Summer Solstice 2010 horoscope means as the season begins with its concurrent hurricane potential.

Time (and Astrology) do bring new perspectives, don't they?

BP's cost-cutting = Jupiter/Pluto square?

Today, while looking again at the horoscope of last evening's Presidential address from the (Venusian) Oval Office concerning the BP-Gulf Oil fiasco and US 'energy options', I made a few interesting notes on the Jupiter/Pluto square, an aspect that was not within orb on the evening of the catastrophe, April 20, 2010, but was last evening.

And given the fact that Jupiter and Pluto are mythological 'brothers' and together their energies indicate people who organize large-scale projects, plutocrats, squanderers, speculators, and economics professors (Ebertin), I took a closer peek at the Jupiter/Pluto square and was intrigued by how much the aspect's details sound like BP's way of doing business by dangerous cost-cutting.

Without getting into the multi-national corporation's record of bad decisions that have caused accidents, blowouts, and explosions, let's consider one good example which we and the inhabitants of the Gulf Coast are suffering from now:

On the Deepwater Horizon oil rig platform the morning of April 20, 2010, @ 7:00 am cdt, BP canceled a recommended cement bond test which would have taken 9 - 12 hours to complete and $128,000. By canceling the test, they would pay $10,000 and then move on since they were antsy to do so. See Wiki's Timeline of Events.

Now as you know, Jupiter and Pluto shared a Great Conjunction on December 11, 2007 @ 28Sag24 when the Great Cosmic Clock reset and once again began to time their collaboration in their approximately 13-year cycle. We are now experiencing their first square in that very cycle which is the stage of 'crisis in action' (which the after-effects and clean-up of the Deepwater Horizon blowout certainly are.)

I might also remind myself that their plutocratic meeting on Dec 11, 2007 was the day of a meeting of the Fed when interest rates were lowered, and we know from later financial analysis that Dec 2007 marks the official beginning of the current recession in the US. That big bankers (Jup) and secret manipulators in control (Plu) are culpable for the economic downturn now bedeviling the globe is well-accepted by me; disagree if you must though I can't imagine why you would.

So what is it about a Jupiter/Pluto square that echoes BP's cost-cutting business tactics in pursuit of overflowing coffers of gold?

For one thing, a square (90 degrees) between the two titans indicates rebellion against existing codes of ethics which challenges authority in its efforts to find easier ways to realize goals! At some point it becomes a great problem to continue to expect huge returns from little or no investment; burdens are exaggerated in order to justify an unwillingness to accept responsibility.

There is a tendency to be misguided when approaching questionable enterprises and the assistance of others cannot be relied upon too heavily when trouble knocks; there is also a tendency to over-extend in the realm of credit due to the assumption that money will somehow be found when the piper presents his bill.

Large-scale enterprises which affect many people are favored because substantial returns are likely; wheeling and dealing is the name of the game as a fate-tempting tight rope is walked, and risky schemes bring legal difficulties. Other interests of entities (or people: Dick Cheney and Zbigniew Brzezenski have Jup/Plu squares in their natal charts) with this aspect are money-lending, political maneuvering, and professional gambling; actually, any big-payday activity that unscrupulously exploits others may be of interest to the greedy brothers, Jupiter and Pluto.

However, sometimes the exploitation boot turns up on the other foot for a certain amount of short-changing of oneself comes into the rule-breaking picture as one's frailties and shortcomings are not recognized and dealt with in the mad rush to gather additional wealth through fevered attempts to satisfy an unquenchable thirst for more more more.

Plus, Jupiter/Pluto square folk have difficulty learning from their mistakes so we may only hope that that isn't the case for BP with this, the largest environmental disaster in US history.

After President Obama met with BP reps this morning, it is being reported that BP agreed to set up an escrow account or fund to guarantee pay-outs to Gulf Coast victims. But hey, BP 'saved' $118,000 by canceling the cement bond test on April 20.

Now I'm no gambler but I'll wager they wish they hadn't. Applying these expensive lessons to their next oil drilling enterprise will be a test of BP's intelligence.

Jun 14, 2010

Obama to speak as Disturbed Pelicans rise 6.15.10

Perhaps you may want to read a brief article before you hear President Obama speak tomorrow night on TV (6.15.10 8 pm edt) concerning the BP-Gulf Oil Disaster of April 20 because it's worse than you think - now BP admits there's damage below the ocean floor.

Neptune/Chiron, you outdo yourselves with your 'wounded ocean' archetype - enough is too much already!

On the evening of June 15, 2010, @ 8:00 pm edt at the White House, 18Sag12 rises on the WHAT? Point of the chart, a degree with an interesting Sabian Symbol given the topic of the President's address...

'19Sag' = "Pelicans, Disturbed by People, Move Their Habitats"'s that for a sad synchronicity?

Dane Rudhyar expands a little on this symbol's word picture:

"Pelicans Menaced by the Behavior and Refuse of Men Seek Safer Areas for Bringing Up Their Young"...'keynote: The need for people concerned with the future to discover a new way of living and more wholesome surroundings...SURVIVAL has become a matter of extreme importance. Whole animal species may be destroyed by our civilization, mankind itself is in danger. Going to distant planets is hardly the answer. A generation may have to sacrifice itself for the sake of its descendants.'

(An Astrological Mandala, Rudhyar.)

Chart-ruler Jupiter 1Ari13, still engaged in his happy tango at World Point 00Ari00 with Uranus 00:26, makes applying squares:

1. Jupiter SQ Pluto (3A09; Pluto is also a ruler of oil, pipes, and tunnels in dark recesses; Neptune rules oil, gas, and water, and the Great Conjunction of the two marks the symbolic natal chart of the Generation of Materialism from the 1890s - the Robber Barons of resource-plundering fame whose progeny (biological or ideological) now drill our ocean floors in search of huge profits with little or no concern for pelicans or their spoiled feathers.)

2. Sun SQ Jupiter (6A26), an 'over-promising' aspect indicating manipulation; Sun 24Gem46 is in 7th house of Partnerships and Public Enemies (see the next paragraph.) Is the President being manipulated by over-promises of money from BP? And/or is Mr. Obama manipulating the public with his 'escrow account' idea?

So Jupiter and Uranus are apex planets in a double T-Square involving coping Pluto (in 1st house of the speech chart) and the Sun (the leader - here in 7th house which may indicate Mr. Obama's subordinating himself to others - Gemini is associated with London, Versailles, Belgium, and Egypt, among others; any or all of these places may apply considering US corporate governance.)

The T-SQ will be exact in about one week once the Sun gets to early degrees of Cancer. (Speaking of Sun to 00Can00, you may wish to check out the Horoscope of Summer Solstice 2010 with starry Gemini Twins Castor and Pollux, and the July 11, 2010 Solar Eclipse, rising.)

Here are the pictures involving Jupiter and Uranus...

Sun/Pluto = Jupiter: successful striving for power; expansion of power base; international opportunities; urge to expand and acquire wealth.

Sun/Pluto = Uranus: sudden obsession to acquire more power and control; use of scientific methods to achieve progress or gain power; a surprising suspicion of basic power; new individual perspectives; rebellion; reform; sudden changes; carrying out fanatic reforms without regard for oneself; a need for better morals and ethics; sudden adjustments to new circumstances (arrest); laughter lightens perspectives.

The Jupiter/Uranus conj is ruled by Mars which is here posited in 9th house @ 4Vir38; Mars is focal planet in a repressive midpoint picture...

Moon/Saturn - Mars: having a sense of real problems; difficulty getting off the ground (or sea bed) except by careful, strategically planned exertion of energy; soul conflicts; the desire to overcome difficulties; illness of or separation from women.

So we have 'depressed people (Moon/Saturn) performing (Mars) dedicated work (Virgo)' in very frustrating, inhibiting circumstances.

Mercury 10Gem24, planet of speeches, announcements, negotiations, plans, trade, and commerce, is in Cadent 6th house of service (such as police, military, and the National Guard) - the only applying aspect Mercury makes here is an inconjunct (150 degr) with the North Node so Mr. Obama's speech may not succeed very well with most of the public (NN), or at the least, there will be adjustments to be made with this aspect appearing in the President's 'speech chart'.

But then Mercury also relates to reporters, journalists, and bloggers, so the input by some of them may not please the public concerning the issues the President mentions and the ongoing crisis being dealt with on the Gulf Coast.

And yes, the chart shows the Jupiter/Uranus/AP conj loosely opposed by Saturn with the old man still tarrying in Mutable Virgo, and obstacle-placing T-Squares are on display with the BP Oil situation, and with other difficulties affecting the collective (not just here in the US, of course, but my primary focus on this blog must usually be America, my favorite 'nag in the race'.)

Since Saturn is exalted in Libra and will soon reconnect with US natal MC 00Lib53; plus, Saturnian accountability is on the way with a US Saturn Return on our astro-menu) so perhaps the Cardinal quality of the transiting T-Squares will give impetus for finding successful solutions in the next few weeks when Saturn enters, and stays in, the Cardinal sign of Libra.

As you know, square configurations (90 degr) contain tremendous dynamic energies which can be well-employed, if one knows how.

For after all, you remember that the July 11, 2010 Solar Eclipse @ '19Can' (12 South Series which is America's PE from 1776) is soon upon us with its 'things at first seem worse, then improve with good outcomes' vibe.

Plus, the Sun/Moon midpoint of Mr. Obama's speech Tuesday night is 18Can27, Moon 12Leo08 conjoins the President's natal Sun, Venus conjoins his natal Mercury, and BP may just come up with new ideas or discover (Jupiter conj Uranus - discovery of new technology and exploring new realms of opportunity!) to figure out a workable, efficient solution to this harrowing puzzle of an environmental disaster.

If I had to guess from this chart whether BP will do what the Democrats say concerning the setting up of an escrow fund of $20 billion, I'd say that it's more probable than not with both Venus 1Leo54 and Moon in Leo in 8th house of Shared Resources, Big Money, and Corporations. (As long as the escrow amount is not a long-range cap on damage payments!)

Yet a caveat must be added that may turn out to be a mere trifle yet it's angular and a mixed bag, so see what you think....

Neptune/Mc = ASC (8:00 pm edt): acting and pretending; pursuit of the wrong objectives; uncertainty; living in a world of illusion; a foggy realm; defenses against insecurity.

The *Neptune/Mc midpoint indicates a potential for 'scandals of a very large scope' so I hope America's tendency to settle for scandals rather than actual improvements won't interfere with finding solutions to the Gulf Coast fiasco. At this juncture, muddying political waters must be considered a self-serving, cynical blow against the pelicans and other species which are in danger of completely wiped out along with the livelihoods of their stewards, the good people of the Gulf Coast, who are doing such a great job cleaning oil off pelican feathers.

For America's sake, the political hackery and histrionics of the "anything to make Obama fail" campaign of top GOPers like Rush Limbaugh is precisely what our nation needs most to fail.


Timeline of Deepwater Horizon oil 'spill' @ Wiki.

*Neptune/Mc details: Michael Munkasey's book Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets; all midpoint pictures from Munkasey, Tyl, and Ebertin, and as always, 'any, all, or none' may apply.

Jun 9, 2010

Depopulating America and US natal Ceres

Whew! The following article covers a lot from GM seeds and hemp to the prohibition of alcohol in the 1920s and 30s, a program which Standard Oil (Rockefeller) and Gulf Oil (Mellon) had financial reasons to push.

What rises to the top of the Depopulation of America heap are the Rockefellers, Monsanto, and...Bill Gates!

You know food sources such as grains in particular fall under the province of Ceres in a mundane chart (along with security issues - if you don't have decent food, you're not 'secure' as much as dead.)

And where is America's natal Ceres from 1776? 8Pisces41 Rx (in 3rd house of the Sibly chart.)

And where is our nation's natal Pluto/Chiron midpoint, the combo of Plutocracy, oppression, primal violence, statism, fascism, totalitarianism, and other -isms of greed, cruelty, and oppression...kind of the Oilcan Harry of midpoints?

Pluto/Chiron 8Pis50 conjunct US natal Ceres....

"9Pis" = "A Jockey Spurs His Horse"...PRACTICE...

positive expression: a spectacular gift for rising to any occasion;

neg/unconscious/shadow side: witless gambling of every resource and potentiality.

(The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Dr. Marc Edmund Jones.)

Now a few years ago, most Americans would tell me I'd lost my bippy if I asserted that the negative expression of our Ceres-Pluto/Chiron's Symbol was uppermost in our society.

But now it's late days with the BP-Gulf Oil blowout decimating our Gulf Coast, GM seeds ruining natural fields and crops the world over, Wall Street hustles and bailouts are forced as private debt is socialized and the rich get richer and more powerful, carcenogenic food additives cause illnesses galore, imperialist wars bankrupting our Treasury, and other outrageous acts and events we hear of and suffer from each day.

Feeling targeted yet? Americans are an endangered species!

Even the entertainment industry does its part against us as the NWO plan to 'feed the senses' at the expense of reasoned thought and attention to what they're up to behind closed doors has taken over the minds of many citizens, especially our young folk. You'll even hear the word 'senses' a bunch in commercial ads from 'Madison Avenue' with messages such as, "Relax, feed a sense or two" and you, too, may find 'happiness' in mood-altering room deodorizers of your choice.

In 2010, "witless gambling of every resource and potentiality" is one sorry description of how this country has been run for decades, and how our resources have been abused for massive profits by those who think they're better than we-the-people and don't mind oppressing us until those left standing agree with them.

And yet I do not agree. Do you?

Does BP really own the oil they're siphoning off from the Gulf Oil fiasco their witless gambling caused? Why, next thing we know, Monsanto will declare itself to be the owner of the cattle upon a thousand hills!


On a lighter note, the artist in me is celebrating Comet McNaught's approach to earth in mid-June, 2010 in my Secret Moon Art gallery, if you'd like a peek! Comet-watching details are linked there for you as well.


Update 7:45 pm edt: a new post has been published detailing Senator Blanche Lincoln's Sun/Moon personality blend, if you're interested in reading a smidgen of what makes her tick.