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Showing posts with label Jupiter-Pluto conjunction 2007. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jupiter-Pluto conjunction 2007. Show all posts

Jun 21, 2013

Experts run the world with theories as 2007 Jupiter-Pluto conjunction triggered

Since the New Millennium, we've seen 'experts' running the world via their long held pet theories which have had no history of success. With this weekend's Full Moon @2Cap09--a 'supermoon' (Nolle) because it is closer to Earth than any Full Moon will be until August 2014--its bright light is precisely what their purposefully inept theories that have debilitating consequences for the masses need:

Here are a few rays of illuminating moonlight: Experts now run the world using their theories. What if they fail, and we lose confidence in them? for your consideration.

And since master astrologer Richard Nolle coined the term 'supermoon' to describe a perigee Moon, you may wish to check out his forecasts for the June 23, 2013 Full Moon and more.

June 2013's Downer DOW and the Fed's Jupiter-Pluto

As for the stock market's plunge this week, my schedule overflowed with real world events and I wasn't able to make time for an article on financial matters. So I'll briefly mention what I noticed about the week's Fed announcement by Ben Bernanke and the NYSE reaction (which won't be comprehensive at all but here goes...)

Besides today's Summer Solstice 2013 triggering the Cardinal World Points (Sun to 00Can00:00, when important events manifest), the Sun-Jupiter conjunction of the week at 28Gem+ (a degree of Bankruptcy in the Sabian Symbols, as noted in a previous post) opposed the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Pluto @28Sag23 on December 11, 2007, also a day of a Fed announcement.

The Jupiter-Pluto pair (big bankers, plutocrats exploiting the masses, organizers of large projects, professors of law, pursuers of fanatical aims, speculators and squanderers, influential criminal elements, extreme depletion of resources) conjoined within 15 minutes of Mr. Bernanke's public remarks that day and of course the coming Bush Depression-Financial Collapse of 2008 was in the wind in December 2007 had many only realized it.

My point is that this week's Sun-Jupiter conjunction was something of a double whammy for the beginning of the current Jupiter-Pluto cycle for Sun and Jupiter both opposed 2007's banking Jupiter and wealth manipulator, power-mad Pluto.

2013 Sun oppo 2007 Jupiter denotes an unfavorable time for religious and political activities (Obama in Europe and at the G8 Summit in Ireland this week has been called disappointing) and people may be all show with little substance (don't get me started on "amateur hour" in Congress+ this week!)

2013 Jupiter oppo 2007 Jupiter is a period when discontent with wealth or status is evident and discouraging comparisons (Speaker Boehner?) are made along with overblown efforts which impress no one.

2013 Sun oppo 2007 Pluto is not a good time for power plays, it's impossible when investigating to get to the bottom of situations, and ego-bruising conditions may abound for those in power.

2013 Jupiter oppo 2007 Pluto denotes a period of gross mismanagement, overrating conditions or people is a hazard that will cause regret, and contests of wills occur involving financial matters including taxes (IRS), debt, insurance (Affordable Care Act?), and inheritances.

Well, not much jolliness for our Full Moon weekend in June with these transits, is there? But of course as with all matters, Astrology brings to the table what no other system of analysis can bring: the element of Time so that we are assured that, after all, This Too Will Pass.


Astro-Note: there's another reason for my busy-ness this week: tomorrow a comprehensive 'Stars Over Washington Report' will be made available for electronic delivery, its topic: America's Solar Return 2013. The SR Report is 'good for' a year and I hope you'll consider ordering yourself a copy of this PDF report, suitable for printing! Watch this blog and my Twitter feed for details.

Wishing you all a Happy Weekend! Jude

Sep 7, 2012

DNC 2012: Obama accepts as Banksters Keep On (video)

On the Jupiter-Neptune Presidency of a Populist Barack Obama

by Jude Cowell

Last evening at DNC 2012 in Charlotte, NC, President Barack Obama accepted his party's nomination for president. During his address he mentioned the Big Banks that all but collapsed the US economy in 2007/08. Now, with the stock market doubled under Mr. Obama, Wall Street has not given its old fraudster ways which was expectable since the speculator-wastrel-fraudster pair, Jupiter and Neptune of Grand Schemes and Visions, met in Great Conjunction three times during the president's first year in office (2009) and will forever be the planetary imprint describing the tenure of the Obama administration Jan 2009--Jan 2013.

As you know, when Jupiter and Neptune met in 2009 their conjunction directly hit America's natal Moon in Aquarius (We the People) compelling us with the desire to dream and providing little sense of reality about events that were happening, may of which related to our then-new 'dreamboat' president whose natal Mars (desire; energy; action) is concealed and glamorized by US natal Neptune @23 Virgo. Also, related to Financial Collapse 2008 and specifically to the Fed, is Jupiter and Pluto closing 2007 with their Great Conjunction of December 11, 2007 which timed many events and financial circumstances of which the public was then unaware.

There are no Great Conjunctions of primary planets until Big Year 2020--then it's Jupiter-Saturn, Jupiter-Pluto, and Saturn-Pluto--so each planetary pair's or trio's flavor relates back to their last Great Conjunction/s until then; of course their cycles include sextiles, squares, trines, and oppositions between them which lead up to 2020 as they mark periods of ease or obstruction accordingly.

Now in a previous SO'W post concerning the president's acceptance speech at DNC 2012 last evening, I mentioned the current Sun-Jupiter square for its tendency to inspire over-promising and while last night's DNC address was wonderful and shiny for several reasons, my fret is: Here We Go Again--especially since Republicans have no intention of cooperating with, and will everything they can to obstruct, a second-term President Obama. And that's a very good reason why Democratic candidates must be successful in their bids on November 6th to gain seats in the House and Senate!That, and the expectable appointing of fresh SCOTUS judges in the near future.

The Morning After the Party

So with the Jupiter-Neptune cycle lasting approximately thirteen years, on this morning after President Obama thrilled excited crowds in Charlotte, TV watchers at home, and many of the DNC 2012 commentators, too, I find myself pining for a re-consideration of even more Truth about Financial Crash 2008 (or, The Bush Depression as I often term it) than any DNC speaker provided for the crisis plagues us still while providing for the Democratic Party handy justification for re-electing Mr. Obama who, it is true, cannot clear up the GOP's eight years of financial heisting and flummery in only a four-year term--especially if financial reforms fall short as they have.

Yes, I shall vote for Mr. Obama again for look at what the powers-that-be give us as his opposition: Misogynist Neanderthal Theocratic Jacka**es! Why, it's almost as if the GOP wants to lose in 2012, isn't it? So with my vote I shall retain the Hope that guilty banksters will at some point receive what ought to be comin' to 'em which would give the US financial system a great boost once the dust settles and the rot is scooped out.

Of course, you know that a Romney presidency would get banksters completely off the hook for their crimes and would remove any legal fetters upon them whatesoever. What fetters they now have or would have under the Mittster have so far not despoiled their greedy, pretty little minds. Subliminal Message: as we've experienced through the decades, using 'trickle down economics' only works for those at the top of the pyramid of power, not for the American people as a whole. A Romney-Ryan administration would feed banksters here and abroad our remaining crumbs and prevent us from investing in America and our children's futures!

So if you haven't heard or seen the following testimony, check out the 8-minute video below of William Black speaking on Capitol Hill about The Crash, banksters including Lehman Brothers, the Fed, and other culprits as he splashes the cold water of stark truth upon a complicit, pocket-lining Congress:

For additional videos concerning a variety of topics visit Forbidden Knowledge TV.

Apr 30, 2012

May 5, 2012: Scorpio Full Moon w 00Cap Rising

Astro-Notes on the May 5, 2012 Full Moon @ 16Sco01

by Jude Cowell

Do you know that the May 5, 2012 Full Moon is called "Wesak" and as such celebrates Buddha's birth and enlightenment? For more info, please allow expert astrologer Dipali Desai to fill you in on that and more concerning the May 5 Full Moon which happens to manifest on Cinco de Mayo.

Plus, the May Full Moon falling in early Spring makes it the Flower Moon of 2012 so this lunation is simply full of meaning on many levels, isn't it?

One level is within the realm of Political Astrology and when the lunation horoscope is set for Washington DC, we find controlling Saturn 24Lib40 Rx (the Old Man, Task Bringer, Lesson Teacher, and the planet I often use to signify the Democratic Party which is older than the Republican Party though both their natal horoscopes contain Saturnian themes and traits, of course--and sometimes they switch roles between Jupiter's expansion and Saturn's restriction. In a phrase (politically speaking), checks and balances, the way the US government was meant to work.)

Now with Midheaven indicating the WHY? Point of any chart (or, 'The Goal'), we may expect issues of control, restriction, and delay to predominate, and for the Democratic Party to continue to be under attack by the GOP during this Campaign 2012 year. And of course, the May 5 Full Moon is the culmination-fulfillment stage of something begun at the last New Moon two weeks ago (April 21, 2012 @ 1Tau35, 3:18 am edt in DC, with NN '5Sag' at MC, and mid-Aquarius rising.)

Additionally, 10th H Saturn, its own house, is exalted in Libra, sign of the Scales of Justice (another 'balance' reference)--and with US natal Saturn in mid-Libra--we think of ongoing SCOTUS cases and the Justices veering to The Right (5 of them at the least) which is proving disastrous for our tattered democracy, what there is left of it.

Angular and Able to Act: 4/10 axis = Mercury/Saturn

Opposite Saturn is Mercury 24Ari51 conjunct IC (End of the Matter; The Drain; Real Estate: Homeland; Security v Public Status) showing Mercury/Saturn themes (serious business; dishonest people; philosophers-thinkers-planners) to those concerns and bringing in the influences of Mars 6Vir23 in 8th house and Pluto 9Cap24 Rx in 1st house; Pluto rising = major events out-of-personal-control?; Cap is ruled by Saturn, as you know, and Virgo is ruled by Mercury--Mars conjoins President Obama's natal Pluto in Virgo, as we've discussed previously (a karmic task to fulfill? issues of revenge, jealousy, big projects? weapons of war? nuclear issues? zealotry? any or all?)

What's Rising? Pluto Rx--and US natal Pluto

ASC 00Cap35, a World Point of Manifestation, and one corner of the very active Cardinal Cross so 00Cap35 'fingers' the May 5, 2012 Full Moon as being more significant for America than Spring flowers blooming. This degree recalls Pluto's entry into Capricorn in early 2008 when tr Jupiter was in process of opposing our nation's natal planets in Cancer (Venus, Jupiter, and Sun)--just as Pluto was readying to do so, but more slowly. Financial and political concerns in the US were being opposed by tremendous powers in high (low, hidden, foreign) places--and still are, with US n Sun yet to be fully opposed (13Can/Cap = critical-crisis degrees); then later US n Mercury Rx @ '25Can' ("A Man Wrapped in an Invisible Mantle of Power") will be up against wealthy, powerful Pluto of the Underworld but not until about 2017 (using a 5-degree orb.) As I'm sure you've noticed or read elsewhere, year 2020 looks to be a doozy in the making, for this and other astrological, political, and societal reasons.)

Jupiter and Pluto Met Secretly and Schmoozed Over Big Fat Plans

Pluto entered Capricorn only weeks after the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Pluto on December 11, 2007 @ 28Sag24 as the plutocrat-banker-wheeler-dealer duo met for a champaign toast on the very afternoon of a regular meeting of the Federal Reserve Bank of America--and within mintues of Fedhead Ben Bernanke walking to the microphone and delivering their royalist message to an in-process-of-being-heisted-from American people. Recession in the US began in December 2007 and times when the systemic cracks and fraudster robberies could no longer be kept hidden from the public with the full force of Jupiter-Pluto exploding in December 2008 near the very end of the Bush presidency.

Do you know I remain in a major snit of miffdom over their Big Heist? Because I do. Their historial bubble-bust pattern is clear. Yet if President Obama had done a lot more for Main Street and for struggling homeowners, I'd feel quite differently even though Politics is only Theater, dahlink, meant for public consumption, with the real deals happening behind the shadowy curtain. Actually, the June 5-6, 2012 Venus Transit may time a similar scenario when unusual or unsuspected alliances are formed or re-committed to--or are broken off. Watch for 'musical chairs' among national leaders as the Summer season nears--and odd or strange happenings with little if any explanation given for them.

So! Saturn as the May 5 Full Moon's chart-ruler does make one major applying aspect in the horoscope, a trine with evaluating Venus 22Gem21, in 6th house (DC) and conjoining US natal Mars, a time when desires are enhanced.

Now if only the desires of the American people carried an appropriate amount of weight with Washington politicians, the servants (6th H) we've sent there to do The People's business and bidding! Yet the 6th H also relates to military service and with the Mercury/IC degrees as they are (22--25 Aries), I always think of the natal MC of George W. Bush. And you know what quagmires he and his globalist pals got us into from January 2001 to January 2009.

Okay, that's almost enough Political Astrology chatting for today. Here's an illustration for what I hope is a very lovely and healing Full Moon for you and yours in Mars-ruled/Pluto-sub-ruled Scorpio, sign of secrets, but also of regeneration:

Flower Moon 2012; to view more pencil art mosey to my Jude Cowell Art Shop at Zazzle for merchandise like pillows and wall posters, Secret Moon Art for gallery views, or even Cosmic Persona Designs...if you're daring enough and over age 17.

Now here are the "Images for Integration" for the Sun Taurus-Moon Scorpio blend of the May 5, 2012 Full Moon--intense, successful, and celebrated:

"Pluto takes Persephone into the Underworld...A celebrated surgeon amasses a fortune...A successful businessman probes the mysteries of life." (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles & Suzi Harvey.)

Any of these sound like public figures past or present?

Well, Sun Tau-Moon Sco is shared natally by Prince Charles, Michael Dukakis, Erwin Rommel, Michael Crichton, Clifford Irving, and two former US presidents: plutonic Harry Truman, and Warren G. Harding who informed us in previously difficult times that,

"Our country needs not heroics but healing; not nostrums but normalcy; not revolution but restoration."

No matter how Mr. Harding may have meant his prescription then (and politicians always seem to have a default script running in their backgrounds!), to me his sentiments certainly apply to the current kittens-in-string condition of the United States of America--compliments of our elitist political class, SCOTUS, and the banking behemoths who direct, and own, them all.

Jun 16, 2010

BP's cost-cutting = Jupiter/Pluto square?

Today, while looking again at the horoscope of last evening's Presidential address from the (Venusian) Oval Office concerning the BP-Gulf Oil fiasco and US 'energy options', I made a few interesting notes on the Jupiter/Pluto square, an aspect that was not within orb on the evening of the catastrophe, April 20, 2010, but was last evening.

And given the fact that Jupiter and Pluto are mythological 'brothers' and together their energies indicate people who organize large-scale projects, plutocrats, squanderers, speculators, and economics professors (Ebertin), I took a closer peek at the Jupiter/Pluto square and was intrigued by how much the aspect's details sound like BP's way of doing business by dangerous cost-cutting.

Without getting into the multi-national corporation's record of bad decisions that have caused accidents, blowouts, and explosions, let's consider one good example which we and the inhabitants of the Gulf Coast are suffering from now:

On the Deepwater Horizon oil rig platform the morning of April 20, 2010, @ 7:00 am cdt, BP canceled a recommended cement bond test which would have taken 9 - 12 hours to complete and $128,000. By canceling the test, they would pay $10,000 and then move on since they were antsy to do so. See Wiki's Timeline of Events.

Now as you know, Jupiter and Pluto shared a Great Conjunction on December 11, 2007 @ 28Sag24 when the Great Cosmic Clock reset and once again began to time their collaboration in their approximately 13-year cycle. We are now experiencing their first square in that very cycle which is the stage of 'crisis in action' (which the after-effects and clean-up of the Deepwater Horizon blowout certainly are.)

I might also remind myself that their plutocratic meeting on Dec 11, 2007 was the day of a meeting of the Fed when interest rates were lowered, and we know from later financial analysis that Dec 2007 marks the official beginning of the current recession in the US. That big bankers (Jup) and secret manipulators in control (Plu) are culpable for the economic downturn now bedeviling the globe is well-accepted by me; disagree if you must though I can't imagine why you would.

So what is it about a Jupiter/Pluto square that echoes BP's cost-cutting business tactics in pursuit of overflowing coffers of gold?

For one thing, a square (90 degrees) between the two titans indicates rebellion against existing codes of ethics which challenges authority in its efforts to find easier ways to realize goals! At some point it becomes a great problem to continue to expect huge returns from little or no investment; burdens are exaggerated in order to justify an unwillingness to accept responsibility.

There is a tendency to be misguided when approaching questionable enterprises and the assistance of others cannot be relied upon too heavily when trouble knocks; there is also a tendency to over-extend in the realm of credit due to the assumption that money will somehow be found when the piper presents his bill.

Large-scale enterprises which affect many people are favored because substantial returns are likely; wheeling and dealing is the name of the game as a fate-tempting tight rope is walked, and risky schemes bring legal difficulties. Other interests of entities (or people: Dick Cheney and Zbigniew Brzezenski have Jup/Plu squares in their natal charts) with this aspect are money-lending, political maneuvering, and professional gambling; actually, any big-payday activity that unscrupulously exploits others may be of interest to the greedy brothers, Jupiter and Pluto.

However, sometimes the exploitation boot turns up on the other foot for a certain amount of short-changing of oneself comes into the rule-breaking picture as one's frailties and shortcomings are not recognized and dealt with in the mad rush to gather additional wealth through fevered attempts to satisfy an unquenchable thirst for more more more.

Plus, Jupiter/Pluto square folk have difficulty learning from their mistakes so we may only hope that that isn't the case for BP with this, the largest environmental disaster in US history.

After President Obama met with BP reps this morning, it is being reported that BP agreed to set up an escrow account or fund to guarantee pay-outs to Gulf Coast victims. But hey, BP 'saved' $118,000 by canceling the cement bond test on April 20.

Now I'm no gambler but I'll wager they wish they hadn't. Applying these expensive lessons to their next oil drilling enterprise will be a test of BP's intelligence.

May 1, 2010

Our Cardinal Squares and a Cross to bear 2010 - 2014

A previously published article on the upcoming Cardinal Grand Cross, which is about to kick civilization's booty, has garnered quite a few readers on my Jude's Threshold tapestry blog so if you missed it, here's a link for you.

You'll find that I touted master astrologer Jessica Murray's writings on the subject for I'd be daft not to, wouldn't I? As you may know, Jessica is the author of Soul-Sick Nation: An Astrologer's View of America where she puts our racked-with-guilt nation on the sofa and under Astrology's lens to diagnose our deepest problems, without sentiment or rosy illusions.

Now here are a few general notes on the planetary squares (90 degr) formed as of Spring 2010, a harrowing time, for the planets involved have not been in this particular pattern since the Great Depression of the 1930s.

Not comforting? I know!

Saturn SQ Pluto: this aspect is the poster child for the 'sore losers' among us and the populations of countries across the globe may be described here along with other soreheads and malcontents of the governmental and terrorist persuasions. (Yes, they are very often one and the same.)

The Sat/Plu square brings out bitterness and strife in the collective, and, depending on the houses where Saturn and Pluto now traverse in individual charts, perhaps for you and me as well. Feeling threatened and grasping control seems to me to be one of the square's main issues or goals as emotional and financial security form a platform for well-deserved dissent by the masses.

The Sat/Plu square is a crisis-stop along the way within the current Sat/Plu cycle which culminated with the attacks of 9/11 at their opposition, therefore, issues relating to 9/11 will be in the news with more force than of late.

Envy of those in power make clashes inevitable especially given how governments have mismanaged and embezzled national monies (done on purpose, as I always assert, to collapse national governments) and officials are now in process of beggaring their populations, as if they weren't beggared enough before.

Uranus SQ Pluto: this doozy may affect November 2010 elections in the US since it spawns an atmosphere of apathy in most folk who think there will always be others willing to stand up for their rights and freedoms. But let's not be too sure of that - Vote in November!

The Ura/Plu square brings a time of dramatic events as evidenced during their square of 1931 - 1934 when the entire globe was financially and socially affected and revolt! was the catch-phrase. That these are Cardinal squares gives them world-changing potential (Ari/Lib-Can/Cap is the Cardinal axis involved, indicating outgoing energies.)

Danger signals include popular movements and political machinations which tend to rise up during just such an apathetic time, so speak out even if you can't show up for demonstrations. History reminds us that Hitler seized power under these revolutionary energies, along with his doppelganger, Franklin Delano Roosevelt. One of them was simply nicer and more patient than the other and still tended to follow the laws of the land when he had to. Can you figure out which was which?

Yes, tyrants are on the rise under the auspices of these difficult squares so don't accept any political movement at face value or you may be grievously disappointed when all the varmints eventually show their true hand...and it favors, more than anything, a claw of the devil guiding the New World Order.

And remember that riots play right into the NWO's claws along with their use of false flag ops to ratchet up our rage and direct outcomes, so beware, my friends, for restrictive laws tend to be enacted based on the illusions and deceits of false flag ops.

Now, jolly Jupiter's expansive energy will join quirky, rebellious, innovative Uranus at World Point 00Aries00 on June 8, 2010 so we have an expanded and thickened plot to consider:

Jupiter SQ Pluto mixes in additional rebellion tendencies as authorities are further challenged; expecting large returns from little or no investments now is pointless so we may experience more roiling of world stock markets. (Plus, Jupiter is on the verge of opposing Saturn, two planets which under gird markets and social stability - expansion vs restriction. Our current Jup/Sat cycle began May 28, 2000 @ 22Tau43; their opposition indicates a culminating or fulfilling phase of projects begun in 2000. Yes, the New Millennium plans of the Illuminati are marching apace in 2010 and crashing our world with it - as they've planned all along.)

When working together, Jupiter/Pluto = pacts with foreigners on the use of force or weapons (US and Russia? Others?); growth of spy agencies, surveillance, and greater power is gained for religious leaders (will this give Mitt Romney a boost for a prez campaign? Huckabee, anyone?)

The 'large-scale undertakings' and 'big bankers' duo of *Jup/Plu also has 'self-destructive forces stem from official corruption or moral laxity' connotations; criminal elements have great social influence, legal documents may be destroyed, and there are tremendously destructive natural disasters. (But this doesn't rule out that 'natural' disasters can have a man made component to them that makes things worse.)

As you know, Jupiter and Pluto held a Great Conjunction 'meeting' on December 11, 2007 @ 28Sag24, a day the Fed met to discuss and announce interest rate cuts just a few minutes before the Jup/Plu conjunction became exact! So on one level, we might think of Jupiter as 'the Fed' of bankers conclaving with their higher-ups in the NWO...aka, god of Hades, draconian guardian of the world's riches - power-driven Pluto of secret hand fame.

Plus, is it mere coincidence that December 2007 is now referred to as the 'official start of the current recession'? The Jup/Plu cycle began then and the current Jupiter/Pluto square represents a crisis point in their cycle and brings much dissent among those who are disenfranchised and bereft by global banking policies which steal from the poor (and from middle class America) in order to give to the rich.

So with May now declared 'Robin Hood Month' it's quite a perfect time for a rehash of the legend of Robin Hood, isn't it? The film with Russell Crowe starring as the arrowed-one opens on May 14.


*Source: Michael Munkasey, Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets.

Oct 14, 2008

The Shadow Factory by James Bamford

At the moment I'm listening to Terry Gross interviewing James Bamford about his new book, The Shadow Factory which chronicles the NSA and the Bush-Cheney administration's circumventing the lawful FISA to spy on American citizens without warrants, so I searched this blog for previous Michael Hayden posts.

One entry on Hayden is from Dec 11, 2007 - the day of the Great Conjunction of Jupiter (the Republican) and Pluto (the spy) when Hayden took a meeting on Capitol Hill. Plus, the post contains a link to Hayden's natal chart (sunrise - birth time unknown) and was written within echo of the mysterious gunshots in the Rayburn Building where William Jefferson's FBI freezer raid was conducted a few nights prior.

You'll find that Hayden's natal planets are placed around the chart of his confirmation to the directorship of the NSA in 2006.

Journalist James Bamford has been writing about the NSA for 30 years (his first book about the agency was published in 1982) and he has some interesting new info about the subject.

And you've heard recently of two whistleblowers who worked at the NSA center in Augusta, GA spying on Americans' pillowtalk conversations and more.

The Shadow Factory covers these whistleblowers' accusations as well as giving us pre-9/11 facts about FISA, al-Qaeda, and the invasions of privacy we've all become accustomed to thanks to the cooperation of telecoms everywhere and their complicity in political spying on journalists, members of our military, and others. That there does not exist a 'political enemies' list a la J. Edgar Hoover, Nixon, and others is impossible for me to believe considering this White House.

In today's interview, however, Bamford gives props again to Quest who refused from the start to spy on its customers.

The upshot is that collecting everything makes finding real intell more difficult due to the sheer volume of communications....makes it more expensive and a waste of time. And US analysts don't even speak al-Qaeda's language!

Bamford says that the government has software that can ignore your Aunt Granny Fanny's calls to her bookie - but Cheney doesn't want to. (I'm the one saying 'Cheney' but why he's so interested in your Aunt Granny Fanny, I do not know.)

So if you missed Fresh Air today, you can read an excerpt from The Shadow Factory and download a podcast of Terry's interview with author Bamford.

The interview's audio version will be available on the site at approximately 3:00 pm et today.