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Showing posts with label Oct 25 1934. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oct 25 1934. Show all posts

Nov 2, 2018

The Department of Justice's Uranus Return 2018-19

DC Horoscope: Department of Justice Building Dedication October 25, 1934, FDR presiding in Masonic ceremony, 3:00 pm (Ovason).

It seems an eon ago, but on November 22, 2017 we discussed planetary returns to the DOJ horoscope circa 2017--2018 which include the department's current Uranus Return, a 'three-fer' to its natal degree of 29Ari21 in the 2nd house of the National Treasury (its three exact return dates are listed). Here I'm republishing the 1934 chart in case you'd like a gander.

Of course, 29 degrees of any sign is considered a critical or crisis degree and with political and legal events as they are, it seems significant to me that the DOJ's Uranus Return period is in process on into 2019--a drawn out period of time due to the retrograde of Uranus. Now as you know, it takes approximately 84 years for quirky Uranus to complete an orbit and few folk can say precisely what a Uranus Return means (which actually tallies with the planet's well known reputation for unpredictability). The little I know about Uranus returning to natal degree may be found in the above-linked post if you're curious. Disruption, separation, unorthodox methods, a break from the past? Who can say?

Well, one thing we know: with any planetary return, natal aspects may be repeated, activated, triggered. And on October 25, 1934, Uranus opposed the Sun (restless, independent, taking uncharacteristic actions), Venus (unconventional relationships, reversed legal decisions), and Jupiter (new knowledge, searching for values, economic instability, fortune-hunters), trined Mars (progressive projects, unusual actions, unstable conditions), and squared Pluto (untapped energy, elevated consciousness, inventiveness, shift in political power, control of resources). These potentials and more are now activated or stimulated in matters related to the Justice Department thanks to the return/s of erratic, shocking, electric Uranus to its 1934 position, but just how is the question going forward. My advice? Check out the news! For Mr. Trump's 10th house Uranus in Gemini is his 'guiding planet' of chaos, quirky notions, and disruption.

Now also in the 'planetary returns' post, a daring reader will discover a link to another SO'W entry concerning the esoteric (Uranian?) bas relief of symbols carved on the DOJ building, symbols which are daily activated by sunlight. Weird stuff. Especially considering that Uranus in Aries, as it is again on November 6, 2018 (Midterm Elections), suggests blind zealots, fanatics, and/or Utopian reformers and radicals (Ebertin) who'll be 'doing their thing' at least until Uranus moves into staid, conservative Taurus again on or about March 7, 2019.

Nov 22, 2017

2017--2018 Planetary Returns to the DOJ natal chart

November 22, 2017: today I've been messing about with the Department of Justice (DOJ) natal chart which is displayed in a previous post of 2016 titled, Shadow into Light: an Esoteric Department of Justice. DOJ Jupiter, the planet associated with justice, is @3Sco10 (closely conjoining US SP Saturn Rx, our nation's progressed Saturn position these days since 1996--US Saturn no longer in balancing Libra, now in Big Business Scorpio) and since transit Jupiter has now entered Scorpio, I peeked to see when another Jupiter Return would occur for the DOJ (the last was on November 9, 2005 with a Jupiter-Uranus trine 3A41). The current Jupiter Return occurred on October 25, 2017--synchronicity! since October 25th is the DOJ's 'birthday' (1934, with FDR presiding in Masonic ceremony--follow link, above to view its natal or or founding chart). Now the DOJ's Solar Return 2017 occurred the evening before--October 24th, to be precise, as Solar Returns will sometimes do.

In the DOJ Jupiter Return chart, justice-seeker Jupiter is sandwiched between the Sun @1Sco57 (as in the natal chart) and Mercury @12Sco30 with the planetary trio in Return 4th house. With 6Leo55 rising, Sun is chart-ruler and applies once--to a conjunction with Jupiter so the whole shebang is a very Sun-Jupiter affair. So from late 2017 and for approximately the next 12 years the DOJ will express its Sun-Jupiter tendencies for good or worse. Potentials indicated by Sun-Jupiter are long distance travel, cultural and social events, intellectual pursuits, courageous actions, self-confidence (maybe too much!), and generally, busy activities within the judicial system. However, Mercury in Scorpio is apex of a midpoint picture (Mars-Saturn) denoting bad news, as in bereavement.

Another stand-out feature of the DOJ Jupiter Return 2017 chart is disruptive rebel Uranus @26Ari18 Rx conjunct Return Midheaven (MC), a marker for potentials such as dramatic reforms and adjustments in career and/or public status (the US is trending down already), sudden reforms that affect every department, geographic relocation for someone, and/or change of profession. These events we have already seen via firings and resignations, a familiar theme of the Trump and GOP agenda as they 'slim down' government until it starves (or can be drowned in a bath tub a la Grover Norquist).

Then in May 2018, a series of three Uranus Returns begin to manifest for the DOJ, a time when the past no longer holds sway and there's no telling what the current crop of Uranian Utopian anarchists (Uranus in Aries) have in mind for our judicial system--apparently a new direction or an unorthodox goal. (Nothing good to my way of thinking.) Because once a country's court system is corrupted to the core, it's down hill from then on, I'm very sad to say. Not that the US Judicial System was ever perfect, of course, but we'll know what we really had once it's completely gone--undermined and perverted by infiltrators of the betraying kind.

Now here are the three dates of the DOJ Uranus Return/s to natal position of 29Ari21, a critical, impatient 29th degree which points toward May 15, 2018 when transit Uranus bursts into Taurus (horoscope shown):

1. May 3, 2018

2. November 24, 2018

3. February 18, 2019

Above image: the Robert F. Kennedy Department of Justice Building; {public domain; Wikimedia Commons}; Constitution Avenue.

May 15, 2016

Shadow into Light: an Esoteric Department of Justice

Various dates and events are noted upon the Wikipedia page of the Department of Justice along with the name of President Franklin D. Roosevelt but unsurprisingly I find no mention of FDR's attendance at the Masonic ceremony on October 25, 1934 to dedicate the DoJ building at 3:00 pm (The Secret Architecture of Our Nation's Capital, pp. 291/92, paperback, Ovason). Obviously '3:00 pm' was an elected hour for occult purposes.

Across the District of Columbia, esoteric symbols are styled into the city's architecture including the DoJ building via a panel designed by the sculptor C. Paul Jennewein and installed in 1935 on the Constitution Avenue side of the building. Mr. Ovason describes the panel's symbolism as "a rarity in Washington DC, for it was designed to make a hermetic use of sunlight in the slow build up toward an esoteric meaning. Given the context, this symbolism equates the sunlight with the light of justice, and deepens that significance of the Latin above the figures, Lege atque Ordine Omnia Fiunt: "All things are created by Law and Order."

Lege Atque Ordine Omnia Fiunt - Robert F. Kennedy Department of Justice Building - DSC08581

(Image: {Public domain or CCO} by Daderot (own work), via Wikimedia Commons)

Ovason continues, "Since the facade (and hence the panel) is oriented on the east-west line, the morning sun falls upon the figures fairly evenly, picking them out dramatically, as the relief is highlighted above the shadows. However, the panel has been inset in such a way that, until the whole relief is lighted, a shadow remains over the stick in the hand of the nude figure to the extreme right. As the Sun moves higher up the skies, the hand of the man is eventually picked out. The sunlight then slides slowly down the stick in his hand until the bottom symbol is revealed by its rays. This last penetration of light reveals the intent of the symbolism -- a serpent, coiled in the bottom-right corner. Such a light-darkness symbolism was widely used in Egyptian architectural devices."

So what of the nude man, his staff, and the darkened snake? Officially the symbol of the man is said to represent Order and the snake suggests the ancient "Snake of Wisdom." And of course, healing and rebirth as symbolized by two entwined snakes on the staff of the Caduceus come to mind along with that symbol's Mercurial connection and its resemblance to DNA. But wait! The snake on the DoJ panel is not wrapped around the staff as seen in arcane and religious imagery. On the DoJ building the single snake is quite different for the man is standing on the snake and his staff or stick is actually a spear. It is a triumphant symbol showing victory over man's lower nature as he aims for higher spiritual growth within the basic Masonic theme of redemption.

Tragically, this denotes another way in which America has lost her direction because for too long, US justice, as is usually meted out in our two-tiered system, tends most often to inspire the repetition of criminal acts rather than leading to redemption but this is well known and understandably lamented by the populace--and is a tragedy beyond the scope of this post. It is my thought that once a nation's legal system is corrupted beyond repair, that nation is plummeting down into history's dust bin of oblivion.

As for the abundant use of celestial Virgo symbolism across the city, the Department of Justice building displays The Maiden and wheat symbols on its two large aluminum doors below the above pictured panel. The doors were also designed by C.P. Jennewein and depict lions as well which denotes the Zodiacal progression of the 5th sign Sun-ruled Leo into the 6th sign of Mercury-ruled Virgo, The Maiden, or archetypal goddess so often depicted with shafts of wheat or corn in her hand.

Mr. Ovason explains that "The idea that from the bestial realm of animality (Leo) may grow the life-giving corn, with all the Christian implications of the pelanos, or sacred bread, is a profound reflection on the inner propensity of Virgo for order and perfection. The redemptive theme is also expressed in the spear in the hand of the man above, the bottom part of which transfixes the serpent. Just as this portal imagery associates the snake with the lower lion, so it associates the growing wheat with the hand of man, by which he remains creative in the world. {} Just as the snake remains in darkness to the last, so the hand of man is first picked out by the light of the Sun...The snake is the dark inner serpent which must be overcome to free the inner light."

Categorizing Virgo must have order, yes. "All things are created by law and order." In astrological symbolism, law is one of the provinces of Saturn, ruler of Capricorn, the sign of law, government, and business. And where does Virgo lead? To Libra, sign of the Scales of Justice, and this is available in America--if you have money to pay for it.

So, without further fussing on my part, here is the DoJ horoscope set for October 25, 1934 at the astrologically elected hour of 3:00 pm est, Washington DC with its out-of-bounds Moon which suggests that We the People were 'out of the loop' or somehow detached from the event (or unaware of it). Mars and disguising Neptune are in celestial Virgo while transit Pluto powerfully challenges US natal Pluto by opposition, and the recent Jupiter Direct station @13Virgo was performed upon 1934's Neptune and may be at least partially descriptive of current mutual lawsuits between Washington and NC and the overblown reactions involved on both sides to what is close to being a non-issue of social wedge proportions.

Please enlarge the image if you wish to read the astro-notes squished upon the chart: