by Jude Cowell
Monday June 1, 2020: Prior to the brutal murder-by-cop of George Floyd (May 25, 2020 8:30 pm cdt Minneapolis, MN; 3Sag05 rising with his natal Neptune 5:34, then Venus 6:03) which has triggered protests, riots, and violence across our nation, I had access to my original 'Jude Cowell' Facebook account and page on which I had asked a general astrology-related question which received several interesting replies from my astute FB friends.
This became a discussion concerning the Great Conjunctions of Uranus and Pluto which perfected thrice on October 9, 1965, April 4 1966, and June 30, 1966--all in mid-Virgo (17:10, 16:28, and 16:06 respectively), and all three conjunct my natal Virgo Ascendant--and the fact that the transiting midpoint between Uranus and Pluto was now @16Pisces and therefore opposing their intense, revolutionary conjunctions of the 1965/66 across the Virgo-Pisces victim-savior axis. What I'd hoped not to face was that their midpoint might trigger similar violence, turbulence, and upheaval as their conjunctions had done--riots, protests, battles lines drawn, broken store windows and heads, shootings, arrests, shady figures in black showing up to stir events into conflagration, purposeful arson, and even assassinations as in the 1960s. Perhaps I can be forgiven for counting George Floyd as one such victim.
While History May Not Repeat It Very Often Rhymes: Long-Held Grievances now Released
So you can tell where I'm going with this, right? My worst concerns are now confirmed y events for it turns out that, yes, the transiting Uranus-Pluto midpoint of 2020 can trigger the powerful Uranus-Pluto Conjunctions of the 1960s with similar violent results and demands for freedom from oppression. Of course the combined intensity of Uranus-Pluto built and simmered prior to 1965, was most intense during their exact conjunctions, and extended beyond them. This particular planetary pair is so intense, electrical, deep, and transforming that its destabilizing, disruptive, oppressive and persecuting 'vibes' stretched through the 1960s decade, as you know, and had noticeably and finally waned by 1970.
Of course, there were other planetary influences happening in the 1960s, different from those of 2020, but this is beyond the scope of this post. With one exception--that the Uranus-Pluto Conjunctions had one significant opponent uncomfortably traversing watery Pisces--old man Saturn, karmic planet of The Establishment and the status quo. This helped to set up a generational dynamic between young vs old, counterculture vs business-as-usual, as anti-Vietnam War protests, black rights and other civil rights movements against oppression, were engaged, often with rage. Add to this the fact that mid-Pisces holds a star of crisis, Achernar, and its themes have in 2020 been reactivated by the transiting Uranus-Pluto midpoint (along with transiting Neptune in its own shady sign of Pisces, bringing paranoia, contagion and pandemic in its wake). Can a powerful planetary midpoint activate a fixed star's themes? Reluctantly I must say, yes.
Here's Noel Tyl on potentials for Uranus-Pluto = Saturn: 'tendency toward autocratic leadership' (then as now!); 'my way is the best way' (say authoritarians--then as now); toppled from position; pressure from others; egotism" (Solar Arcs).
US Politics and Rebellious Uranus-Pluto
One prominent disrupted social event within those Uranus-Pluto years was the infamous 1968 DNC in Chicago where over 600 people were arrested, hundreds were injured, Democrat Hubert Humphrey was nominated, hired instigators and intruders showed up (then as now) to make matters worse, and a later investigation of the turbulent protests and violence led to the label "police riot." An ultimate result was that laws and government were changed--then as will be now. Here's a 1m 45s WGN News video with actual footage and details that pretty well sums up the DNC Events of August 1968. And of course, current riots and protests now drench the globe and the Internet for anyone with a hankering to view or review them. Turn on a device--any device--and there they are in your face and broadcast around the world to make certain that other countries know that haughty America is wounded and weeping. One political thought is that the Soviet Union fell, now it's America's turn. It's a large part of the reason Trump was installed--to make America's collapse happen and finagling a 'race riot' is a basic tactic for such Utopian saboteurs and swindlers. Uranus, planet of zealous radical anarchists, syncs with stealthy, power-mad Pluto, the distant manipulator with his hidden wealth and destructive plans for society--for civilization.
Solar Eclipses Then and Now
Now as you know, DNC and RNC 2020 are apparently scheduled for August 2020 after the Summer Solstice 2020 Eclipse @00Cancer, a Cardinal World Point of manifestation. Yet 2020 convention details are iffy due to coronavirus concerns wherever large crowds congregate. But there were no such concerns for contagion in the 1960s which enjoyed something of a musical exclamation point to the turbulent era when the very peaceful, peace-loving Woodstock Festival of 1969 (horoscope shown) was held in upstate New York - mud, Jimi Hendrix playing The Star-Spangled Banner, and all. Yet music, social movements, and social network memes are contagious, right? We even call things "viral" when they're shared round and round.
So if you're curious, here's a previous post concerning the Flower Power Eclipse of November 12, 1966 which displays the 'cosmic peace symbol' formed by the planets, as you can see. This 1966 eclipse fell into the difficult 4 South Saros Series which, sorry to tell you, repeats on December 14, 2020 @23Sagittarius, the very day the Electoral College is set to vote, last I heard, and with Trump's natal Sag Moon and South Node 'eclipsed'. Follow the link to view the 4 South eclipse horoscope of June 21, 2020 set for Washington, DC.
For it can't be denied that in 2020 we are, in fact, influenced by the same Solar Eclipses and themes that ran in the background of the years 1965 and 1966, but with 2020 eclipses manifesting in different signs and with a different panoply of planetary actors in attendance at each 'cosmic blink' event - some harmoniously, some discordantly, and some a grand cosmic mixture of both. As Above, So Below!, an oft-quoted phrase in Astrology that for me personally represents the comforting Scriptural assurance that,
"--Thy Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven."
For I know Whom I have believed! Do you?
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