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Showing posts with label RNC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label RNC. Show all posts

Jun 1, 2020

Summer 2020: Uranus-Pluto and Crisis Across America

by Jude Cowell

Monday June 1, 2020: Prior to the brutal murder-by-cop of George Floyd (May 25, 2020 8:30 pm cdt Minneapolis, MN; 3Sag05 rising with his natal Neptune 5:34, then Venus 6:03) which has triggered protests, riots, and violence across our nation, I had access to my original 'Jude Cowell' Facebook account and page on which I had asked a general astrology-related question which received several interesting replies from my astute FB friends.

This became a discussion concerning the Great Conjunctions of Uranus and Pluto which perfected thrice on October 9, 1965, April 4 1966, and June 30, 1966--all in mid-Virgo (17:10, 16:28, and 16:06 respectively), and all three conjunct my natal Virgo Ascendant--and the fact that the transiting midpoint between Uranus and Pluto was now @16Pisces and therefore opposing their intense, revolutionary conjunctions of the 1965/66 across the Virgo-Pisces victim-savior axis. What I'd hoped not to face was that their midpoint might trigger similar violence, turbulence, and upheaval as their conjunctions had done--riots, protests, battles lines drawn, broken store windows and heads, shootings, arrests, shady figures in black showing up to stir events into conflagration, purposeful arson, and even assassinations as in the 1960s. Perhaps I can be forgiven for counting George Floyd as one such victim.

While History May Not Repeat It Very Often Rhymes: Long-Held Grievances now Released

So you can tell where I'm going with this, right? My worst concerns are now confirmed y events for it turns out that, yes, the transiting Uranus-Pluto midpoint of 2020 can trigger the powerful Uranus-Pluto Conjunctions of the 1960s with similar violent results and demands for freedom from oppression. Of course the combined intensity of Uranus-Pluto built and simmered prior to 1965, was most intense during their exact conjunctions, and extended beyond them. This particular planetary pair is so intense, electrical, deep, and transforming that its destabilizing, disruptive, oppressive and persecuting 'vibes' stretched through the 1960s decade, as you know, and had noticeably and finally waned by 1970.

Of course, there were other planetary influences happening in the 1960s, different from those of 2020, but this is beyond the scope of this post. With one exception--that the Uranus-Pluto Conjunctions had one significant opponent uncomfortably traversing watery Pisces--old man Saturn, karmic planet of The Establishment and the status quo. This helped to set up a generational dynamic between young vs old, counterculture vs business-as-usual, as anti-Vietnam War protests, black rights and other civil rights movements against oppression, were engaged, often with rage. Add to this the fact that mid-Pisces holds a star of crisis, Achernar, and its themes have in 2020 been reactivated by the transiting Uranus-Pluto midpoint (along with transiting Neptune in its own shady sign of Pisces, bringing paranoia, contagion and pandemic in its wake). Can a powerful planetary midpoint activate a fixed star's themes? Reluctantly I must say, yes.

Here's Noel Tyl on potentials for Uranus-Pluto = Saturn: 'tendency toward autocratic leadership' (then as now!); 'my way is the best way' (say authoritarians--then as now); toppled from position; pressure from others; egotism" (Solar Arcs).

US Politics and Rebellious Uranus-Pluto

One prominent disrupted social event within those Uranus-Pluto years was the infamous 1968 DNC in Chicago where over 600 people were arrested, hundreds were injured, Democrat Hubert Humphrey was nominated, hired instigators and intruders showed up (then as now) to make matters worse, and a later investigation of the turbulent protests and violence led to the label "police riot." An ultimate result was that laws and government were changed--then as will be now. Here's a 1m 45s WGN News video with actual footage and details that pretty well sums up the DNC Events of August 1968. And of course, current riots and protests now drench the globe and the Internet for anyone with a hankering to view or review them. Turn on a device--any device--and there they are in your face and broadcast around the world to make certain that other countries know that haughty America is wounded and weeping. One political thought is that the Soviet Union fell, now it's America's turn. It's a large part of the reason Trump was installed--to make America's collapse happen and finagling a 'race riot' is a basic tactic for such Utopian saboteurs and swindlers. Uranus, planet of zealous radical anarchists, syncs with stealthy, power-mad Pluto, the distant manipulator with his hidden wealth and destructive plans for society--for civilization.

Solar Eclipses Then and Now

Now as you know, DNC and RNC 2020 are apparently scheduled for August 2020 after the Summer Solstice 2020 Eclipse @00Cancer, a Cardinal World Point of manifestation. Yet 2020 convention details are iffy due to coronavirus concerns wherever large crowds congregate. But there were no such concerns for contagion in the 1960s which enjoyed something of a musical exclamation point to the turbulent era when the very peaceful, peace-loving Woodstock Festival of 1969 (horoscope shown) was held in upstate New York - mud, Jimi Hendrix playing The Star-Spangled Banner, and all. Yet music, social movements, and social network memes are contagious, right? We even call things "viral" when they're shared round and round.

So if you're curious, here's a previous post concerning the Flower Power Eclipse of November 12, 1966 which displays the 'cosmic peace symbol' formed by the planets, as you can see. This 1966 eclipse fell into the difficult 4 South Saros Series which, sorry to tell you, repeats on December 14, 2020 @23Sagittarius, the very day the Electoral College is set to vote, last I heard, and with Trump's natal Sag Moon and South Node 'eclipsed'. Follow the link to view the 4 South eclipse horoscope of June 21, 2020 set for Washington, DC.

For it can't be denied that in 2020 we are, in fact, influenced by the same Solar Eclipses and themes that ran in the background of the years 1965 and 1966, but with 2020 eclipses manifesting in different signs and with a different panoply of planetary actors in attendance at each 'cosmic blink' event - some harmoniously, some discordantly, and some a grand cosmic mixture of both. As Above, So Below!, an oft-quoted phrase in Astrology that for me personally represents the comforting Scriptural assurance that,

"--Thy Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven."

For I know Whom I have believed! Do you?

Jul 15, 2018

July 27, 2016 Trump shout-out to Russia: Hack Hillary!

During a campaign rally on July 27, 2016 Donald Trump gave a public shout-out to a foreign power to hack Hillary Clinton's emails and as we now know from Mr. Mueller's unsealed indictments of the Russian culprits Trump's directive was followed on that very date.

The Chicago Tribune has the published the Mueller indictment if you haven't yet had the pleasure.

Appropriately, transits on July 27, 2016 show messenger Mercury conjoining Trump's natal Mars in Leo, a time when ideas can become physical realities and instructions are given or received for how to accomplish a task or operate machinery!

Also you'll note that the date was around political convention time when the Republicans met under the light of a Full Moon that perfected upon America's natal Pluto Rx (27Cap33) and that the timing of Trump's rallies on that day (in Florida, Ohio, and Pennsylvania) were intended to snatch away the news cycle from goings-on at the Democratic National Convention. See Trump Campaign's Russian Encounters at RNC 2016 for a view of the horoscope of the RNC's Full Moon which helped manipulate Donald Trump into the White House.

For with Full Moons timing culminations, fulfillments, and awareness, we see how Trump became the GOP nominee at the RNC as cosmic rays fell upon our national Pluto, planet of saboteurs, assassins, spies, hidden wealth, manipulation, transformation, control, power, and the criminal Underworld now in process of coup'ing governments across the globe.

So tomorrow, July 16, 2018, Trump reports to Putin within the walls of a palace in Helsinki, Finland. Follow the link to view a horoscope of the day, plus, a founding horoscope for Finland, a la Nicholas Campion.

Oct 26, 2017

Natal Horoscopes: Assange with Bannon!

Image: bi-wheel of the Natal Horoscopes of Julian Assange (July 3, 1971 3:00 pm AEST Townsville, Australia; RR: A and Steve Bannon November 27, 1953 '12:00 pm' (hour unknown) Norfolk, Virginia USA:

Since I wasn't planning to write anything today I'll simply post natal charts as a bi-wheel of Wikileaks' Julian Assange (birth time known, "From him") and alt-righter Steve Bannon of Trump and Breitbart fame to note the connections and links between their natal planets because, as you've heard...

Julian Assange confirms Wikileaks was approached by data firm working with Trump campaign last November but says their "approach" was rejected and Hillary Clinton's 33,000 emails were not released by Mr. Assange as previously threatened/promised. Notice that Mr. Bannon's name is left out of the headline of this report published by the Chicago Tribune yet he's been reported as being the VP of 'data firm' Cambridge Analytica at the time.

Of course, Mr. Bannon's Moon position ('noon') and Angles are not for certain with no birth time known so use with caution if at all. However, we do know that: born November 27, 1953 in Norfolk, Virginia, Bannon's natal Moon ranged from 22Leo03 (the worst foot forward degree, or, 'own worst enemy') to 4Vir10, the degree and minute of America's Secondary Progressed Full Moon in December 2008. As you see, this SP Full Moon timed the outer limit that the US could reach into the world (Crash 2008) and we all should have learned that lesson of cautious Saturnian limitation then. Because going beyond natural limits leads to reap-what's-been-sown karma, as universal natural law dictates.

Actually, I believe a majority of We The People did learn the lesson--that we as a nation were overextended on many levels but like kittens in string, we were shocked by the level of corruption in government, banking, and other areas of civilization that were starkly revealed by the end of 2008 and cast a degrading and harsh light upon American society as a Collective. But the Jupiter-Neptune duo isn't concerned with observing natural limits, in fact, just the opposite--and including political conflicts, according to Reinhold Ebertin.

Please enlarge the image for a few basic notes are penned on the charts; Assange is a Jupiter-Neptune-conjunction escapist and wizard while Bannon is more of a Jupiter-Neptune-trine occultist conman and magician. Either way they tend toward speculation, illusion, and promotion of bubbles and schemes just as Mr. Trump likes to do via his own Jupiter-Neptune conjunction which, quest-like, has wounding-wounded Chiron smack dab in the center, and the trio posited in his natal 2nd house of Money and Values.

And perhaps it will be enlightening if not curiously revealing when the 'We The People' Solar Eclipse manifests on February 15, 2018 and conjoins US natal Moon which was target planet of the Great Conjunctions of Jupiter and Neptune. The planetary pair perfected three times all through 2009--conjunct US natal Moon, thereby forcing a seductive, dreamy, bubbly unreality into the weaker crevices of our society and providing cover for much of the Obama administration's activities, 'rock star' as they may have seemed.

A related post: Steve Bannon: In the Realms of Jupiter.

Also note that we are under the influence of the 1 North Solar Eclipse of August 21, 2017, The Great American Eclipse, with its theme of: "information is distorted and possibly false" (Brady) which also implicates today's well publicized released of the JFK Files. In Astrology, eclipses are known as 'wild cards of the Universe' and 'cosmic blinks' and do tend to uncover hidden things.

Please note that I have no idea why the lines of this post are not following the usual tidy alignment. Blogger? Hello?

Feb 19, 2016

View Prominent Jupiter on March 8, 2016!

Earth's closest approach to Jupiter in 2016 occurs on March 8 @18Virgo, precisely opposing the degree of the March 9, 2016 Solar Eclipse @18Pis56. Yes, that's Jupiter you're seeing in the morning sky but for further information on viewing the Gas Giant, don't miss Brian Ventrudo's An Observer's Guide to Planet Jupiter which includes a NASA video of the Great Benefic, the largest planet in our Solar System (only the Sun is larger.)

Astrological Jupiter in Virgo

As you know, Pisces, the sign of the March 9, 2016 Solar Eclipse, is traditionally ruled by Jupiter (and sub-ruled by oceanic Neptune, discovered in 1846.) Jupiter also rules Sagittarius, sign of The Seeker, which resonates with astrological Jupiter's hierophant/codified religion/ideology facets of this boundary breaking planet. When in Pisces, societal planet Jupiter spotlights potentials in the Collective that magnify tendencies of the 'swim up or swim down' sign of Pisces--to the heights or to the depths of humanity. Spirituality and compassion are part of Piscean realms as well and Virgo-Pisces is the victim-savior axis of the Zodiac. Turn on the news and we hear both sides of the human condition playing out across the globe with altruism, impressionability, overindulgence in negative escapism such as alcohol and other drugs receiving constant mentions.

The March 9th Solar Eclipse in its role as 'wild card' of the Universe will behave as eclipses often do: uncovering secrets and scandals, many of which may be inconvenient for those affected--and 2016 candidates and various politicians are not exempt especially if they have natal planets or points in the 17-19 degrees of Virgo or Pisces! Also of interest in the realms of Political Astrology: the March 9th eclipse is the Pre-Natal Eclipse of both the RNC and DNC nomination events in July. Tap or click the eclipse link, above, for more info.

While traveling through Mercury-ruled Virgo, expansive Jupiter tends to activate such traits as: ethical and moral values, the urge to gain knowledge, teaching, excessive ambition, superficial criticism, an ability to organize, thoughtlessness, and the possibility of harmonious teamwork. (The Combination of Stellar Influences, Reinhold Ebertin.) To this I would add scientific (Virgo) breakthroughs or discoveries (Jupiter) with Jupiter also signifying exploration and finances (Wall Street is loaded with Jupiterians!) Big (Jupiter) Plans (Mercury) are on the political agenda. (Note that Mercury also rules trading and deals such as those promised in the rhetoric of Donald Trump, the artful deal-maker.)

So as you see, some of the traits on the Jupiter-in-Virgo list relate to Campaign 2016, plus, two of the many hats astrological Jupiter may wear are The Politician and The Broadcaster. Campaign promises (Jupiter) include more jobs (Virgo) and better access to (free or more affordable) education which Jupiter in Virgo naturally favors.

So perhaps even armchair astronomers may care to tip their hats in honor of Jupiter, King of Planets, on March 8, 2016--he's a bright beauty!

Update Feb 19, 2016: here's a scientific breakthrough in space thanks to photography and the Hubble Telescope: what's a 'Super' Jupiter?

Dec 12, 2015

2016 Politics: Jupiter-North Node conjoin in Virgo

Money Planet Jupiter and the North Node Connect Three Times in 2016

by Jude Cowell

Having discovered an excellent article by Nina Gryphon concerning 2016's Jupiter-North Node conjunction in Virgo I recommend it highly for a good overview is provided of several areas some of which involve the Federal Reserve. Nina relates the conjunction/s in 2016 to the ending and beginning of a new fiscal era as it did in 1979 when the Fed changed its policy and a period of fluctuating rates and instability occurred. For as you know, Jupiter inflates, the North Node (NN) of the Moon is a Jupiterian point of encounter, contact, association, and direction and Mercury-ruled Virgo is a detail-oriented, discriminating Earth sign closely linked to the very creation of Washington DC.

But what areas are implicated by the Jupiter-NN combination in Politics?

As an actor, Jupiter can play many roles, four of which are politician, banker, guru (mentor, priest), and The General. All of these realms are subject to influence from the Jupiter-NN conjunction/s of 2016. And with 2016 an election year, we naturally think of the 2016 Campaign which is focused on the Republican and Democratic Conventions in July 2016, and the November 8, 2016 Presidential Election with Jupiter often used to signify one of America's two political parties. Which one? Which ever one is acting the Santa Claus role as the other party acts out the austere Grinch role. You know which is which these days based on their behaviors, right? So if I must, I'll gingerly reward the Jupiter-NN title to the Democratic Party for 2016. Actually the Jupiter-Saturn pair of energies is the 'checks and balances' duo, the way the US government is meant to work and be conducted but you know how that's been going lately--under constant threat of paralysis and shutdown thanks to anti-government types aiming for a 'new order' to replace the old order of 1776.

So as Nina Gryphon points out in her article, exact conjunctions of Jupiter and NN in 2016 occur on January 23, January 28, and June 20 @22Virgo in January and again in August--conjunct US natal Neptune @22Virgo making 2016 a year of fanaticism, paranoia, illusions, scandals, big dreams, promotion and pretense--quite descriptive of Campaign 2016. By June 20, transit Jupiter, after turning Direct in May, will reach 15Vir42, then conjoin US natal Neptune again in late July-early August 2016 suggesting that the themes will color the entire year and political campaign, and will necessarily involve the presidency of Barack Obama due to its inflated, fantasy-ridden Jupiter-Neptune imprint in 2009 via their three conjunctions through his first year in office, a major conjunction which conjoined US natal Moon (We the People). Obamacare and Wall Street are implicated as well.

And in Politics, the 'fortunate contacts' Jupiter-NN duo keys potentials in 2016 regarding: legal consequences of treaties (ex: TPP), legal opinions of religious leaders, and/or imports that disrupt trade or business (ex: TPP?). The interference in legal matters by religious leaders may be excessive, closed legal societies may be involved or turn up in the news, and/or our legal system will continue to be hampered and bound by erroneous decisions concerning the status of groups ('corporations are people'?) or parties (which hints at candidates illegally coordinating their campaigns and promotions with groups they shouldn't.)

Expansion of contacts through networking is a given along with successful meetings, and work/job related (Virgo) summits, conferences, and/or seminars which may be held in abundance and be successful as well. Political primaries and caucuses are on the 2016 menu, plus, The Broadcaster is one of Jupiter's roles and since North Node relates to contact with the public, we also think of Summer 2016 which threatens the American public with two political nominating conferences so it will be nearly impossible to escape hearing all about it. Too fast or far expansion is also a possibility for it may lead to future collapse so that would be a caution for anyone this applies to--the traditional caution of 'too much too soon' comes to mind.

During 2016 we must also consider that transiting NN (the head of the dragon) also meets with US natal Neptune (22Virgo) in 2016 and this combination may supply Neptunian glamour and/or falsehoods to our contacts but also such potentials as: a lack of community spirit or teamwork, bad judgment, disappointments in relationships or alliances, strange conduct, plus, it may widen the possibilities for anti-social behavior. Unfortunately, Neptune-NN also suggests scandals via foreign concerns, and spies and/or terrorists entering the country which of course points to the acceptance or non-acceptance of Syrian refugees and to America's ongoing arguments over Washington's neglect of adequate border control.

To close, let's add Ebertin's more pleasant descriptions of the Jupiter-NN combination of energies for he supplies more social and agreeable flavors such as: good fellowship, harmonious relationships, and good fortune in finding a partner (though anti-social conduct cannot be ruled out.) Another curious flavor comes from the 19th century and I wonder if you've ever heard of it: the Odyle force, sometimes referred to as the 'Od force' which sounds oddly quaint these days, doesn't it?

Well, why not check it out some brief details at Secret Moon Art? And here is a view of my Od Collage created in 2009 in honor of the 19th century's 'scientific' notion of the existence of an Odyle force:

Blog Note: in planning stages is my annual post displaying the Spring Equinox 2016 and Summer Solstice 2016 horoscopes set for Washington DC so please check back when you can, or Follow or Subscribe as you may. Thanks!

Oct 30, 2015

Proof That Republicans Have Gone Off the Rails - video (plus, Poe's mysterious death)

Here Thom Hartmann corrects one by one several of the whoppers told during the recent Republican debate--and gives sources for his information:


Half truths used as a tool are very popular among politicians of all stripes! And you know they take classes and rehearse them right?

Oh and Happy Halloween, everybody! Please be safe. And if you find yourself in a macabre mood (or even if you don't) here are a few astro-notes plus the death horoscope of Edgar Alan Poe whose untimely demise may have been facilitated by a political trick of the day known as cooping in order to force individuals to vote for certain candidates. See The Mysterious Death of Edgar Alan Poe.

Image: Fork'd Way (c) a mildly spooky illustration on paper by Jude Cowell from the Secret Moon Art collection. Actually the title of this drawing reminds me of politicians with forked tongues!

Aug 18, 2015

Thom Hartmann Sees Shades of the 1964 Republican Convention - clip

As of 2015, the RNC of 1964 occurred 51 years ago which may suggest that a cyclic astrological influence from that era upon the upcoming Republican National Convention contains Chirotic vibes of mentorship, guru-ism, wounding and/or healing. Or perhaps Mr. Hartmann is sensitive to such an influence!

Although his birth hour is unverified, you may wish to view the natal horoscope and brief bio of Senator Barry Goldwater who was born under a very individualistic Sun-Mercury-Uranus conjunction.

And here are two of what are perhaps Goldwater's most famous and instructive quotes:

"A government that is big enough to give you all you want is big enough to take it all away."

"Now those who seek absolute power, even though they seek it to do what they regard as good, are simply demanding the right to enforce their own version of heaven on earth, and let me remind you they are the very ones who always create the most hellish tyranny."

Related: The Colbert Report on Being Poor in America (clip).

Sep 27, 2012

Election Day Mercury Rx starts early w Voter Fraud in FL

The RNC has cut ties with one of Nathan Sproul's voter registration services which the GOP hired at a cost of millions, and they say they've parted ways due to faked listings of voters' names and addresses.

Looks like the recent Nodal Half Return of the Republican Party is showing itself as well since partnerships and alliances that aren't strong enough to stand some strain may be broken off when the transiting North Node of the Moon--the Head of the Dragon--meets the Tail of the Dragon as described by the separative South Node!

Recent grouses and critiques by Republicans against Mitt Romney and his presidential campaign are along Nodal Half Return lines, too. But never fret: Mitt can manage any criticism because he says, "I've got broad shoulders."

Guess I failed to notice the impressive width of Mittens' shoulders because I've been focused on the off-key, none-too-bright, tone deaf remarks coming out of his mouth by way of his Piscean Mercury. Please tell me that someone has explained to Mitt by now why airplane windows don't open!

Sep 3, 2012

Astro-Notes on DNC's opening Sep 4, 2012

Taking a peek at the DNC 2012 opening chart for September 4, 2012 @2:00 pm edt Charlotte, NC the Goal Point (MC) shows an Angular constellation which 'keeps on giving' when it comes to the relationship between the American people and President Barack Obama and one which he uses to good effect: Obama's natal Mars conjunct and veiled by US natal Neptune, our 'rockstar' combination.

Yet as you know, this planetary synchronicity may also hide his true motivations and actions and cause us confusion and disappointment especially since our expectations were set overly high for one president to satisfy--especially when half of Washington's politicians were/are determined to see him fail and have no compunction about allowing America to fail with him--as long as they win. Yet is Mr. Obama's tarnished pedestal now too dull to allow him to continue his administration's goals for a second term? Can fours years possibly be enough time for a president to repair 8 long years of Republican heisting, greed, and wars fought on credit card?

Or will voters abandon Pres. Obama in a snit of impatient miffdom and take an even more plutocratic-oppressive course with the Saturnian Romney-Ryan platform of austerity, disenfranchisement, and hardship? (More WAR will be in the mix with Romney-Ryan, too: RNC 2012's opening chart reveals ASC = Mars-Pluto...'a coercive demeanor that intimidates', says Munkasey.)

Of course the conjunction between the president's motivation-action-desire planet, Mars, and our national planet of dreams, visions, and ideals, Neptune--in the sign of Virgo (Work and Dedicated Service; employment) is significant at MC in relation to our aspirations and for what we may expect from the 2012 Democratic Convention as it proceeds and its platform of investment in the America is spotlighted.

A culmination will be reached the evening of September 6th when the President accepts his party's nomination for a second term after being nominated by former President Bill Clinton on Wednesday night, Sept 5th. Mention must be made of the Sept 6th transit of Mars 9Sco+ to the president's natal Neptune, a time when actions may be creatively inspired but also secretive, unwise decisions may be made, and caution around gas, chemicals, and water is advised. Or perhaps this Mars-Neptune transit simply underscores our shared Mars-Neptune connection for his speech should be quite an uplifting experience expressing compassionate idealism!

Now some say that on Sept 5th, Mr. Clinton may pull a 'Chris Christie' and talk mainly about himself and his accomplishments rather than of Barack Obama but I doubt the Comeback Kid would be that tone deaf to what We the People are wishing to hear. Do you? Unless you tend to revel in the Clinton mystique, that is.

DNC 2012 opens Sept 4, 2012 Charlotte NC

Now I'm looking at the DNC opening's horoscope set for 2:00 pm edt (with no time to search for more timely info!) because that's the hour that RNC 2012 opened on August 28, 2012. This makes for a fair comparison of charts even if the DNC opening hour isn't precisely 2:00 pm. And delegates are already descended upon Charlotte as I type along with protesters against the Ds' use of corporate money (campaign contributions, DNC in corporate venues, which I decry as well but where else is large enough for expected crowds?)

Well, tomorrow at 2:00 pm Sept 4, 2012 Charlotte, NC, we find 8Sag45b Rising which makes Jupiter *14Gem57 the chart-ruler and which emphasizes the polarity of Fixed Stars Aldebaran and Antares--success through integrity, and obsessed with success These stars were emphasized in the RNC 2012 chart as well (2:00 pm) and I leave it for you to place the emphasis on which party expresses which archetype most closely though naturally Politics in general is constantly influenced in these ways. But with a Fixed Star, its 'caution' or flaw to avoid will at some point bring loss of success if tempering advice is neglected or ignored.

A Notable Difference: RNC v DNC

On August 28, RNC 2012's opening (with Jupiter as chart-ruler and ruler of NN 00Sag14 rising which conjoins Paul Ryan's natal Neptune--contact with and possibly deception toward the masses) and that of DNC 2012 with 8Sag45 rising is that for the GOP (a Jupiter-named entity--'grand' yet with Saturn's 'old'), there were no major applying aspects to or from Jupiter; for DNC 2012, Jupiter and the Sun (leadership) are applying to a dynamic square (2A21) indicating that goals can be achieved but over-promising is a no-no for future success. '2:00 pm' on both Aug 28 and Sep 4 rises during an Hour of Jupiter, planet of vision, ideals, religion, and ideology, including political ideology.

This week, transit Venus (evaluations; national treasury; relationships; the attraction principle) has come to opposition with US natal Pluto suggesting a time of cut-throat competition, underhanded manipulations, passionate power struggles, jealously, and past slights which have no real connection to present circumtances.

And while the American people may be gripped by forebodings over the entiure political process and what any of them intend to visit upon us--some of which are irrational fears instilled by propagandists--a hint of RNC 2012's Lunar occultation of mystical Neptune (@1Pis+) as Mitt Romney accepted his party's nomination reverberates in the DNC 2012 chart from a Moon-Neptune sextile (Tau-Pis) which forms a YOD (crisis; crossroads; special task; spiritual opportunity; karmic decisions) that points toward US natal MC (The Goal; US n MC = 1Lib in Sibly chart) which lends DNC 2012 a midpoint picture any, all, or none of which may apply:

Moon-Neptune = MC: imagination can pay off significantly (Tyl); gaining notoriety by explaining visions of the future; personal guarantees which may be unfulfillable (Munkasey); a sensitive and inspired character; being gripped by forebodings (Ebertin.)

If DNC 2012 opens after lunch tomorrow, the Moon (we the people) will have left Martian Aries (protests?) and entered Venus-ruled Taurus where Luna is exalted.

This gives DNC 2012 a financially savvy, kindhearted Sun Vir-Moon Tau flavor which is shared natally by actor Peter Sellers who advised us that, "There are some satisfactions you can only find in work."

Blog Note: If all goes well, I plan to return here later in the week to post on further events at DNC 2012, in particular President Obama's acceptance speech the evening of September 6th so please stay tuned if you can. And...

Happy DNC 2012, Everyone!

Related: Youth Vote Seen as Key for Democrats in November 2012.


*Sabian Symbol for the chart's 7th house soon-to-Station-Rx, investing Jupiter @'15Gem' = "Two Dutch Children Talking"...CLARIFICATION and self-confidence! (M.E. Jones); are someone's secretive campaign funds from abroad sent from the Netherlands? Just a wild guess! jc

Sep 2, 2012

Aug 31, 2012 a Magnificent Solar Flare and a Full Moon

In keeping with my overly-busy schedule (and your own, no doubt!) here is a day-late SpaceWeather News Alert concerning Friday August 31, 2012, the day of the mystical Full Moon @8Pis34 when Fed chairman Ben Bernanke made his stock-market-lifting remarks after the Fed's Jackson Hole, Wyoming meeting about how the Fed "could do more" for the US economy, and a day after Mitt Romney's gift-more-billions-to-yacht-owners acceptance speech at RNC 2012...with huge amounts of gas emitted all around and perhaps someone's explosive temper erupting as well. For after all:

As Above, So Below, yo!

Space Weather News for Sept 1, 2012

MAGNIFICENT ERUPTION: On August 31st, a magnetic filament on the sun erupted in spectacular fashion, producing a long-duration solar flare, a coronal mass ejection (CME) and one of the most beautiful movies of an explosion ever recorded by NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory. The CME propelled by the blast might deliver a glancing blow to Earth's magnetic field in the days ahead.

Check for movies, forecasts and updates.

SOLAR FLARE ALERTS: Would you like a call when explosions on the sun are underway? Solar flare alerts are available by text and by voice.#

Note: magnetic activity in the days ahead? Well, that synchronizes with DNC 2012 in Charlotte, NC, September 4-6! And also with Mitt Romney's lamentable lack of magnetism while President Obama has scads of it even though our US natal Neptune (illusions; disappointment; deception) continues its link to his natal Mars (motivation; action; energy) in that 'rockstar' kind of way!

You may wish to scroll down the sidebar a ways for links to previous astro-political posts concerning DNC 2012 and RNC 2012, or type in a few words into the Google Search Bar. And who knows what you may find if you're Feelin' Lucky!

Here's a Search Suggestion: 'Geomagnetic Megastorm Sep 2 1859'.

Aug 31, 2012

8.31.12 Fairy Dust of a Pisces Full Moon

Full Moon Friday with the Virgo-Pisces Axis Emphasized

by Jude Cowell (coh' wull)

Friday August 31, 2012: a Full Moon at 8 Pisces 34 perfects at 9:58 am edt and as you know, Full Moons are the culmination or fulfillment stage of something begun two weeks earlier during the New Moon, the seeding stage. This time that would be the New Moon of August 17, 2012 @25Leo08 which opposed US natal Moon in Aquarius, sign of the Water-Bearer.

With this month's cosmic emphasis within the Collective Unconscious shifting from Sun-ruled Leo to Jupiter-Neptune-ruled Pisces, we see our nation's evolutionary progress toward this week's RNC 2012 in Tampa, Florida when Republican candidate Mitt Romney finally was privileged ("humbled," he said) to accept his party's nomination for president of the United States.

And as part of a years-long cycle, Friday's publicity-infused Full Moon reflects a sense of fulfillment for Mr. Romney's recurring dream of presidential leadership by sprinkling fairy dust upon his three natal placements in Pisces: Sun, Mercury, and Mars which, as stated here previously, gives him a Piscean solar essence, ego, and personality (his arrogance and conceit may be quite unconscious!), thought processes and communication style, and Piscean-laced motivations which he uses for business since Pisces can be a successful, creative business-oriented sign as well as a user of deception or obfuscation (and a warmonger which I believe is what we have here--but aren't all our presidents anymore?)

Also, making a fortune by saddling people and companies with massive debt, then blithely sailing away with millions in 'profits' is a good example of the dualism of Pisces. But it does not illustrate a good business model for a White House CEO who says he wishes to "save" an entire country already on the ropes, some of which he and his cronies knotted themselves.

That Pisces rivals Scorpio as the Zodiac's most secretive sign, you also know and it's no surprise that Mitt Romney is known for not telling all he knows, thinks, does, or intends to do. He's a grand-schemes-speculations-Jupiter-Neptune kind of guy who loves to yacht about under a Cayman Islands flag!

So with President Obama's natal Sun and Mercury in the royal sign of Leo the Lion, his newsworthiness has naturally been on the wane somewhat the last two weeks due to the lead-up of mass publicity (Moon) to RNC 2012, Mitt Romney's nom acceptance speech (8.30.12 @10:36 pm edt Tampa, FL), and to the oceanic sign's fishy involvement in a slow-moving yet very destructive Hurricane Isaac which has dumped tons of water on lovely New Orleans for which I feel the compassion of my Pisces Moon. And because of a 'split-off' storm, Charleston, S.C. (one of my favorite southern cities for its beauty and charm, but not for its slavemarket history) has flooded, and for this I am truly sad for the good people there as well as in New Orleans--now suffering grievously again on the 7th anniversary of *Hurricane Katrina!

Yes, it seems that the current Solar Eclipse from May 20, 2012 @00Gem20--conjunct the difficult star Alcyone ('something to cry about'; exile; suffering; refugeeism--or just lots of rain) is bringing America travails and loss as the Tail of the Dragon (South Node of the Moon, ruler of oceans' tides @00Gem00 and as of last evening has twisted itself backwards into 29Scorpio conjunct US Inaugural 2009 Moon @29Sco45, we the people) swipes across the waters and the land, and conjoins the May 20th Solar Eclipse's degree which carries the energies of crying Alcyone.

Well, that's much of what I wish to say for now on the topic of Friday's Full Moon in Pisces for I felt impelled to type something here at SO'W since its degree falls upon my natal Moon.

Hmm...think the lunation might just Make My Day? Maybe I'll just consult with the nearest long as it doesn't answer me back, right?


*Hurricane Katrina came ashore at Burras, LA on August 29, 2005 but George W. Bush didn't want his plans and activities interrupted by presidentin'. Dubya was busy having birthday cake in Texas with John McCain, if memory serves.

Aug 28, 2012

RNC 8.28.12 and the Spirit of Margaret Sanger

Today, August 28, 2012, the belated RNC 2012 opens with the presidential nomination of Willard Mitt Romney and the adoption of the austere, hard-hearted, poverty increasing platform of the Republican Party. Let the longed-for catapulting of American women back to 18th and 19th century social and economic conditions begin, say Mitt and the gang!

Since the GOP has its raptor's eye upon both women's reproductive rights and financial prospects for the future, it must be a grand day for the Todd Akin, Paul Ryan, and the rest of the mysoginistic party of Mitt Romney who intends to act as White House mouthpiece and propaganda-catapulter (as George W. Bush so ably summed up his presidential role) as soon as the moving van is loaded and heads, he hopes, for Washington D.C.

Now what astrological factors might we consider which include the confluence of Romney, the GOP, American women, and the cosmic portents of the day? Why, it's something quite basic and yet a major clue for what GOPers intend to force upon this country and it may be at least partially described within the Sun-Moon blend details for August 28, 2012: Sun in finnicky Virgo and the Moon reaching 00AQ00 at around 1:40 pm edt (horoscope set for Tampa, Florida.)

Later in the evening, the Moon in Aquarius will oppose the natal Moon position of Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood among other accomplishments and human foibles (as mentioned in an earlier post.) Sanger's (nee Higgins) birth data is as follows:

September 14, 1879 2:30 am Corning, NY; ASC 13Leo42; MC 2Tau37; Sun 21Vir06; Moon 25Leo37; a 'New Age thinking' Mercury-Uranus conjunction in health-conscious Virgo gave her willful genius and original ideas ahead of their time, and a Mars-Pluto conjunction gave strength, force, and power to her actions and motivations which made her a formidable lady. One arrow in her quiver I must denounce, however, is her adherence to eugenics (engineering human anatomy in order to "improve" it by weeding out those who are considered "unfit" for parental duties and are thus excluded from reproduction.) We see this today with politicians who have the survival of the fittest mentality (aka, Social Darwinianism), and some of them adopted a political platform this very day although they attempt to veil its draconianism. Frankensteinian, Aryan, Anglo-Saxon--whatever you wish to call it, the crude concept seems devilish to me though Sanger did denounce the "aggressive and lethal Nazi ideology" that fueled their eugenics 'research' (aka, torture) with its 'life unworthy of life' motto.

How's that slogan for illustrating psychopathic high-handedness? Think to 'stand in for' God much? Certain theocrats are in high gear tonight in Tampa, partying with Plutocrats and salivating over taking control of America's helm again. Why, the presidency and the White House are so close, Mitt and Paul can fairly taste them!!

8.28.12: Moon to 00AQ00 conjoins US presidential Suns of January 20th

First, check out Margaret Sanger's bio and natal chart here if you wish. Now let's talk about the Sun Vir-Moon AQ blend for today's RNC 2012 opening, nomination of Romney, and platform adoption along with a few quotes from two men who share this blend natally while remembering that these flavors are hereby imprinted upon the Republican Party and their plans for America forever more--will we reject their regressive, backward efforts on November 6th or will we embrace the dusty past?

Sun Vir-Moon AQ is an Earth-Air combo of energies which can be innovative, efficient, and above all, rational. Practical idealists, these jokers aren't playing around and many plans have been laid for the implementation of their ideas and vision which, though they appeal to fundamentalist religious types, contain additional requirements which will have even the most conservative Christians wondering where Truth went as they look back on the glowing promises of RNC 2012.

Yet we know that losing touch with the emotional and compassionate side of life leads to becoming 'dry as dust' and this is a danger that GOPers think doesn't matter at all once they're ensconced in power, for at the moment, all seems rosy. Later it will be a different story if the 'Republic Party' should finagle the White House and/or take over Capitol Hill one more time (when will we ever learn that these self-interested, detached from normal human contact Vulcans are unfit themselves--unfit to rule over an inclusive society of decent people who know that yes, we are indeed our brothers' keepers?)

Sun Vir-Moon AQ (with humanitarian Aquarius being the sign of our US natal Moon of July 4, 1776, aka, we the people) is a blend of the progressive thinker (but to whose advantage?) It denotes reliability, pragmatism, and dispassionate critical faculties. There's a tendency to seem a bit 'wooden' which to me, describes Mitt Romney's posture when he's forced to be a fish out of his accustomed financial and/or religious waters, a symptom of a cultist mentality.

There exists a sense of humor, yes, though the level of practical jokes at the expense of others is apparently more Mitt's style within the comedic sphere. Valuing rules and order in society is important to this blend, and industriousness aids in career success though financial gains may be made by the sweat of other brows, as with Vulture Capitalists everywhere (Romney's unfeeling Saturn-Pluto conjunction in prodigal Leo snugs around his natal IC and affects his career actions.)

Untouched by his own passions, today's blend describes a Mitt Romney who is a quite a people-watcher and this seems to be what he bases his own human-type behavior upon when in public--and yet he makes an admirable domestic companion which will be reflected in and by wife Anne's RNC 2012 speech meant to clue us in on the very private yet Real Mitt Romney.

Negatively, Sun Vir-Moon AQ has a tendency to focus on black and white facts, writes the Harveys in their book, Sun Sign-Moon Sign (no, I didn't make that up for President Obama's sake!) and it over-invests in perfection which their followers presume will be the outcome of a Romney-Ryan administration. Instead, perhaps all American trees must be trimmed to the 'right' height!

Wonder if the rank and file would feel the same about the 2012 GOP platform if they considered the "Images for Integration" which are imprinted upon this day in RNC history (thanks to Hurricane Isaac's interference), the nomination of Mr. Romney, and the GOP platform for 2012 and beyond...

"Images for Integration" (of Sun/male principle and Moon/feminine principle):

"Aliens land and embark on building a new and improved world order...Staring into a microscope, a scientist sees the past and future write large." (Sun Sign-Moon Sign.)

Return of the Freaks! These Images address a blending of Germany's past eugenics experiments which meddled painfully with human genetics with who-knows-what science projects on today's and tomorrow's drawing boards (clones and human-robotic hybrids?) Add to those the Science of medical issues such as contraception, methods of reproduction, and abortion (surgery in back alleys again, ladies?), and on August 28, 2012, Sun Vir-Moon AQ melds them all into the plans of yet another team of 'New World Order' proponents and activists (who are actually members of all American political parties, Rs, Ds, and Ls, at the least) with many Rs being more rabid and zealous toward such cold-hearted, authoritarian aims---modern-day proponents who share Hitler's old vision of uniting the entire world under a ham-fisted Global Goverment, Meanwhile, the needs and desires of 'common' people are dissed in favor of funding Vulcan's swords and weapons manufacturing for the sole purpose of instigating mass destruction and, in America, stomping out our constitutional rights. Nice crowd. They must be glad their convention was missed by Hurricane Isaac's Thor-ish Hammer.

Now let's close with three quotes, the first two by gentlemen who share in their natal charts the Sun Vir-Moon AQ blend, the third from Margaret Sanger herself:

If the world does not please you, you can change it." (H.G. Wells);

The real lost souls don't wear their hair long and play guitars. They have crewcuts, trained minds, sign on for research in biological warfare, and don't give their parents a moment's worry." (J.B. Priestley);

"No woman can call herself free who does not own and control her own body." (M. Sanger, noted founder of Planned Parenthood, an organization depended upon by millions of women, and which the Romney-Ryan budget plan intends to de-construct along with downsizing the US government as advocated by zealot Grover Norquist with his non-taxing-of-the-rich, freakish shrink-and-drown-government-in-a-bathtub philosophy. But wouldn't guarding the purity of each American woman's private parts require a virtual army of newly added government officials which would then weigh down the US government's payroll? Oh, I almost forgot: that, they hope, will help speed the demise of civilization by furthering the destruction of the social fabric in America.

How daft and non-pragmatic is that!?

And yet they are as serious as transformative assassin Pluto creeping through the structured, systemic, status-quo, governmental, usually law-abiding sign of Capricorn and still within range of opposition to America's natal Venus, Jupiter, and soon, our natal Sun (leadership), a picture of an ongoing, titanic power struggle against superior plutonic forces of wealth and station. Can *Mitt the squirmy, flip-flopping Fish successfully meet such a grand archetypal challenge while acting in the theatric role of US president? His Anglo-Saxon self can if he's on underworld Pluto's side.


See Margaret Sanger's astrodata bank details and natal chart here with her fiery, dramatic natal Moon in Leo opposing US natal Moon in cooler Aquarius, sign of the ethereal Water-Bearer.

*Mitt Romney was born 'in America' in March 1947 with Sun (personality; ego; essence; life purpose), Mercury (thought processes; communication style; planning mode), and Mars (motivation; desire nature; action; energy) in secretive Pisces, the 12th sign of Creativity and Mysticism. He may need daily nappy times if he attempts to take over the demanding job at the White House.

A second US credit downgrade? and RNC 8.28.12 astro-hints

Trump spouts off that Obama's handling of our country is "stupid" to which I must add, Takes one to know one, huckster.


Return at your leisure to SO'W (if only you had scrolled down and subscribed to post updates!) for I'm preparing an article on today's cosmic weather in relation to RNC 8.28.12: the Spirit of Margaret Sanger which shall most likely appear here as soon as family conditions and environmental factors allow, perhaps this evening with its health of the public Sun Virgo-Moon Aquarius blend! An astro-hint: Sanger is founder of Planned Parenthood among other accomplishments and human foibles. jc

Aug 23, 2012

Nodal Half-Return: GOP breakthrough or break-up?

Did you catch opinion writer Dana Milbank's piece in The Washington Post on August 21 about what's going on these days within the Republican Party? Will Hurricane Isaac blow into Tampa, Florida just in time to mete out divine retribution on the GOP next week and mess with their erstwhile POTUS-VP nominees, Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan?

In spite of Isaac, the nominating brouhaha will go on whether RNC 2012 is soaked to its gills or not, is what I heard. They're already in Tampa drafting their platform, says Business Week.

Determination in the face of natural law shows the Republican Party's usual stalwartly irrational, stubborn stance on most things they intend to butt heads on like the old goats they are.

Yet there have been intimations of riffs and tiffs within the party itself brought on in part by Rep. Todd Akin's mysoginism gone public (he probably wasn't supposed to let that particular pregnant cat out of the legislative bag on August 19) for Mike Huckabee has sided with Akin while Bill Kristol has scolded Akin's badly timed verbage concerning rape and abortion. To my way of thinking, Akin's political platform intends to force upon American women the Republican Party's antiquated, parternalistic notions which have a decidedly Talibaneque ring to them--if Inauguration 2013 hobbles America with another GOP White House.

Astrologically we know that RNC 2012 occurs under the auspices of the Republican Party's Nodal Half-Return with transiting North Node (NN) conjunct the party's natal South Node (SN), and vice versa. As I mentioned in a recent comment, this describes a period when relationships which are weak in some way tend to break apart and separation is on the menu. However, if relationships or partnerships survive this time frame they will strengthen instead, perhaps because of the rough patch partners go through together.

Another difficult indicator is the still-of-influence Solar Eclipse of May 20, 2012 @00Gem20 which conjoins the GOP's natal SN, a separative point in any chart. Falling within the 14 South Saros Series, this Annular eclipse also conjoins by degree Fixed Star Alcyone ('mystical but judgmental'; 'something to cry about'--or, as I blogged months ago, maybe it will just rain a lot. But I didn't forecast a hurricane for RNC 2012! Well, carrying on the separation theme, 'exile' is another potential for Alcyone, plus, 14S has Mercury-Pluto content within it from its initial manifestation--August 29, 984!--in finicky Virgo with a theme of 'an obsessive idea is finally accepted'--Brady.)

And that successful Jupiterian 'acceptance' comes after long hard work which may point to Mitt Romney's candidacy since he's been campaigning for the presidency for many many years, and/or it may relate to--gasp!--the Republican attempt to control women's reproductive systems and lives by instituting Talibanesque laws that crush our hard-won rights. Yet according to my Bible, Christ came to bring the world the New Law which in 2012 surely makes it plain that Old Testament times are long gone! So either obsessive idea seems horrific and I do hope that masses of American voters--the ones the Goatish Old Party doesn't prevent, that is--turn out on November 6, 2012 to take another chance on the *Democratic Party in spite of the fact that they're in on the NWO game, too.

For life in America 2012---particularly for women--seems to have come down to A Vote for Which Century we prefer to live in as we go forward into the future, and casting a vote against such antiquated, often scientifically incorrect notions about women's health seems to be the very least we ladies can do.

For more reading of a one-world-government kind (what these political geezers and grotesque jokers want to push us into) do dare to try Rosicrucian Utopia.

And here's a recent SO'W post on Todd Akin, the Republican platform, and the August 2012 Moon Wobble which adds irritability and instability to the Nodal Half-Return's separative potential mentioned above.

*Something I've meant to type about here for a long time: the jackassian, sophomoric, divide-and-conquer ploy of the GOP to make a point of using "Democrat Party" which necessarily leads to "Republic Party" both of which sound as stupid, childish, and lame as any gaggle of politicians ever wanted to employ in order to make bigger a**es of themselves with.

Aug 16, 2012

Friday August 17 2012's New Moon @25Leo

Leo New Moon August 17, 2012 Culminates on August 31

by Jude Cowell

Are you ready for this Friday's New Moon? Today we are in the Balsamic phase between Sun and Moon, the 'Dark of the Moon' when secrets skulk in the shadows and things go bump in the you-know-what. Will more hidden information slink out of the shadows in campaign ads for President Obama and VP Biden and/or Mitt Romney and his VP pick, Paul Ryan? Yes, the whining is really underway and isn't it typical that bullies whine the loudest when the tables are turned on them?

Well, in Political Astrology, we may say that the August 17, 2012 New Moon @25Leo opposes US natal Moon in Aquarius (we-the-people) so there are potentials for relationship stand-offs and/or a sense of awareness for our week's end in America, plus a new cycle beginning--'seeds planted'--which New Moons always time and which culminate in a Full Moon two weeks later--this time on August 31, 2012 @8Pis34 (9:58 am edt.) This Full Moon and its degree concern me for it triggers America's natal Ceres (and our corn and other crops are already dried up from drought) which conjoins the US natal Pluto/Chiron midpoint of Plutocracy, oppression, disenfranchisement, primal violence, and all the nasty -isms that intend to do harm to the masses while lifting up wealthy powermongers.

You'll note that the August 31 Full Moon manifests one day after RNC 2012 in Tampa, Florida closes (Aug 27--30), which this astrologer considers close enough to be a 'cosmic bookend' or culmination to the 2012 Republican Convention.

Or, since we're talking about the Moon which rules Water sign Cancer, perhaps at or around the New Moon it will begin to rain! Plus, in his The 360 Degrees of the Zodiac, Adriano Carelli has a word picture for 25Leo:

"A man swimming in the waters of the sea." Let's both be alert to something mentioned in the news of that nature over the next day or so.

Now that's enough for today of that "organized system of hatreds" that is Politics (said Henry B. Adams.) My best recommendation for you concerning the August 17 New Moon in joyful Leo is to check out its portents graciously given by the insightful Dipali Desai, then proceed to enjoy your weekend seeded by the playful, dramatic energies of Leo the Lion!

Jul 6, 2012

Read the SCOTUS Obamacare Decision (and Venus Transit 2012)

Mother Jones is providing a PDF of the full text of SCOTUS' Obamacare decision of June 28, 2012 if you wish to read the real thing instead of listening to people telling or semi-telling you what's in it.

Oh, and by the way: have meant to return here to note that the Venus Transit of June 5, 2012 where I'd written that it might lead to 'unusual or unorthodox alliances' being formed as during the Venus Transit of June 2004 between world leaders (G-8 Summit on Sea Island, Georgia) or, in 2012, to possibly a 'break-up of alliances' (EU? Greece? still possible) describes Justice John Roberts siding with the more liberal side of the Court rather than the conservative side when he wrote the opinion upholding the Affordable Health Care Act of 2010. And of course, in the Tropical Zodiac, Venus Transit 2012 occurred in mid-Gemini, a sign ruled by Mercury, planet of decisions, opinions, announcements, and good news.

Now if I could only get over the ideas that the legislation contains things we'll be sorry about one day (DNA ownership? forced vaccinations? cloning Mitt Romney?), and that Justice Roberts has an ulterior motive for the June 28th decision such as mitigating public outrage when the November 2012 election has to be 'decided' by SCOTUS (November 6th Mercury Rx = disputed outcomes, voting irregularities) as in December 2000 and he proudly hands the presidency on a golden platter to that mysterious Piscean, Mitt Romney--'aristocratic' royalist and firm believer in protection by magic underwear.

In addition, it doesn't matter how the Roberts Court ruled if the fix is in and Romney and a gaggle of GOP candicates are going to be 'elected' in November since if they gain a majority in the Senate, Obamacare is set by their global governance overlords to be repealed anyway!

Click the Republican candidate's name if you wish to view an early posting of Romney's natal horoscope with details including his Pre-Natal Solar Eclipse Series theme and then, like me, you may long for a brokered convention in Tampa. That is, if Mystery Mittens with his natal Sun-Mercury-Mars in murky Pisces makes it that far...

Apr 12, 2012

Astro-Notes on DNC 2012: Aldebaran Rising

DNC 2012: Aldebaran, Midas, Pan, and US natal Uranus Rising

by Jude Cowell

Some people think that Charlotte NC with its Bank of America headquarters and its "Wall Street of the South" vibe is a tone deaf choice for the location of the Democratic National Convention 2012 given Charlotte's overflowing homeless shelters and lack of unionization on behalf of workers' rights. So you may as well know that this blogger is one of those who think that very thing--especially with President Obama's acceptance speech set for September 6, 2012--to be delivered at the Bank of America Stadium!

Even so, a smattering of cosmic info is in order so that we may consider DNC 2012 from a higher plane than Politics usually deserves if only to keep our Political Astrology flag flying here at Stars Over Washington. Therefore, the following is my attempt to do just that though later updates may be necessary prior to and during the event itself which takes place September 3, 4, 5, and 6, 2012 in Charlotte.

If you're curious about RNC 2012, click An Astro-Peek at RNC 2012 and for the themes of the Pre-Natal Eclipse Series in which both political conventions fall, you may wish to try this.

Sept 3, 2012 Charlotte NC 12:00 am edt: Aldebaran Rising

Along with US natal Uranus (revolution; freedom), gold-hoarder Midas rises with trickster Pan and the horoscope shows sometimes-trickster Mercury 4Vir01, planet of votes and speeches, in 4th house (Foundation of the Matter) with the Sun (leader) @ 11Vir04 conjunct Fixed Star Zosma (victim or savior.) Presumably, President Obama, who garnered enough delegates (2778+) on April 3 to be the 2012 Democratic nominee, wants to be considered a 'savior' of the nation which echoes the heroic Apollo-Sun god theme of DNC 2008 in Denver, CO as you see in this video--remember the stage set with Greek columns? Only a laurel wreath and toga were missing from his royal Sun-in-Leo frame:

Curiously, at DNC 2008, asteroid Apollo was then @ 9Vir20 conjunct Saturn 11Vir03 which DNC 2012's Sun conjoins. This gives the Obama presidency a Sun/Saturn theme and points to America's natal (July 4, 1776) problematic Sun/Saturn square which I believe highlights the checks (square) and balances (US natal Saturn in Libra, sign of balance) which the US Congress (Saturn = lawmakers, managers) are meant to provide for the shiny yet self-protective, shrewd, and business-oriented US presidency (Sun in Cancer.)

Sun/Saturn squares tend to bolster inner maturity and leans a person toward authority taken seriously and the patient achievement of goals by taking one step at a time.

Aldebaran rising indicates 'success through integrity' for political participants of DNC 2012 though the presence of Midas and Pan rising may temper the indication somewhat considering the fraudulent system We the People are mired in--and the recent JOBS Act has rolled back some of the financial regulations in place from years ago! Perhaps the Democrats will explain how that can be good for the US economy and for the constantly scammed and financially struggling American people.

Speaking of which, the Moon (We the People) begins the enterprise in 11th H of Groups, Associations, Hopes & Wishes and at 11Ari45, has moved beyond excitable, sparkly Uranus 7Ari33 Rx, also in (its own) 11th H. Besides Midas and Pan rising we see a 1st house, protective Jupiter 14Gem48 in the sign of chattiness so we may expect many speeches, some of them l-o-n-g. But they should be quite entertaining though some or all of them may be somewhat duplicitous (Gemini)--well, it is Politics after all, right? Scientific topics may be forthcoming as well.

How Will DNC 2012 Proceed?

To answer this question let's look at the three applying aspects of chart-ruler Mercury which are as follows:

1. sextile Mars (2A48) @ 6Sco49 in 6th H of Military Service, Work, and Health: we'll hear well-informed speeches on these and other topics from people who want our approval--their delivery will sparkle dramatically and draw every one's attention for this is a great aspect for warm and friendly public relations though gruffness may put some listeners off; supporting the underdog is a major theme along with getting others to cooperate on such concerns (already tried, yes, but more of it may be forthcoming especially since the May 20, 2012 Solar Eclipse conjunct Alcyone--something to cry about--will have made its themes and events known before September. Of course, the next presidency may be what we'll all cry about!)

2. trine Pluto (3A00) 7Cap01 Rx in 8th H of Big Business (plutocrats and bankers on-board and those who are not so on-board the Obama Train this time): intellectual assets will be on display, causes-and-effects of our financial dilemma are sure to be discussed realistically (which the neocon Bushies can't do--how could they?), ethical standards, youth programs, and market speculation topics are on the menu, and organizational talents will be apparent; a weak spot may be environmental issues and what to do about the damage already incurred.

3. opposite Chiron 7Pis09 Rx in 10th H of Public Status and Career (and still in process of completing President Obama's five-fer Chiron Return--his is a mentor-guru kind of 1st H Chiron--may I call you Joe?): alchemy! as minds function at optimum, occultists or an initiate is indicated (Clow) and since it's President Obama's time of Chiron Return and he's the nominee once again, I expect he's The One the powers-behind-the-throne (Bilderbergers, etc) have selected to play US president once again.

The Obama Selection 2012 may be described in part by a midpoint picture in the Sept 3, 2012 horoscope for the sacred warrior archetype of Mars/Chiron = Pluto (of the wealthy plutocratic ruling elite), and we have ourselves an astrological peep-eye, you Knights, you!

Plus, there's one midpoint picture with the Sun (leader) at apex...

Venus/Saturn = Sun: having simple tastes but enjoying extravagant displays; honors received later in life.

Of interest to this picture is what Michael Munkasey writes of Venus/Saturn in his brilliant book, Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, under Politics and Business and including the Hegelian Dialect's Thesis-Antithesis (leading to Synthesis) implications:

Thesis: restrictions on wealth or income (millionaires paying their fair share in taxes? jc); law enforcement that avoids difficult or cumbersome issues; new social or creative values enforce change on an endeavor; building the value of an enterprise.

Antithesis: restrictions on how society functions (we know--stop it! jc); a law enforcement bureau that derives pleasure from restricting the movement of people.

Also noted in the Sept 3 horoscope is a T-Square configuration which creates two midpoint pictures since the North Node (public contact) @ 29Sco14 in 6th H conjoins Inaugural Moon 2009 and reminds us that our financial and social crisis conditions (after 8 years of Bush-Cheney) continue to hinder America's forward development...any, all, or none may apply:

Mercury/Neptune = 2012 NN: discussing joint plans and ideas; encounters with prescient people or mentalists.

Mercury/Neptune = 2009 Moon: intuitive thoughts bring confusion and questions; a sympathetic understanding of others; receptivity to subconscious stirrings or images (propaganda); a deceived or deceptive woman. (Ebertin; Munkasey.)

Okay, President Obama's acceptance speech must be detailed later along with other factors so let's close this particular DNC 2012 post with the Image for Integration that relates to the convention's opening and its Sun Virgo/Moon Aries blend, an Earth-Fire combo of energies with a 'bulldozer' flavor describing the do-er who can enthuse others with his strongly held convictions though he may be verbose and scathingly critical at times:

"A jolly rotund monk enjoying his food and wine while excelling in well-worn Latin sayings, witty responses and kindly good humour."

(Sun Sign, Moon Sign, Charles & Suzi Harvey.)

To be cont'd with the changing signs of the Moon and the evening event of September 6 particularly noted...

May 23, 2011

An Astro-Peek at Tim Pawlenty (R- MN)

Today in Des Moines, Iowa, former Minnesota governor Tim Pawlenty officially announced his bid for the Republican presidential nomination after releasing an announcement video yesterday (watch it here.)

But not all Minnesotans are completely enamoured of Mr. Pawlenty, however, since he left the state a $6 billion deficit and used some shifty financial practices as many slick politicians are wont to do. For your consideration here's a list of Pawlenty's current claims and toutings vs the facts.

Mr. Pawlenty, who is presenting himself as a "straight-talking, truth-telling" candidate who - old story - intends to "shrink government" from the perch of the White House has a Wiki bio with details on his early life, education, political career, and religious affiliation (born and raised Catholic but now of an evangelical Christian persuasion.)

Yet these days, when Republicans spout the Reaganesque shrink government mantra it's code words for cutting social programs for the disadvantaged, the elderly, ill, and those too young to vote - while continuing to fight obscenely expensive wars for oil and other resources. Yes, it's very early days but so far, Pawlenty has concentrated his fire mainly upon criticizing the presidency of Barack Obama so it remains to be seen whether the former governor can tow the party line tightly enough while keeping the interested gaze of the American people upon his candidacy and ideas for reform. a

All of the GOP must be hoping about now that the American people have completely forgotten the eight l-o-n-g years of the disastrous Bush-Cheney presidency!

Tim Pawlenty November 27, 1960 St Paul, Minnesota (hour unknown; noon chart)

One natal aspect which can undercut his boasted "straight-talking" is a Mercury/Neptune conjunction in Scorpio which gives him a tendency to speak primarily in vague terms. Politicians can hide a lot of unpalatable details within a fuzzy haze of vagueness - and in mysterious Scorpio, too.

With his fiery Sagittarian Sun @ 5 to 6 Sag, and Moon in late Pisces or early Aries (25Pisc05 to 8Ari21 during the 24-hour period), Mr. Pawlenty either has a Sun Sag-Moon Pisces blend (Fire-Water = steam) or the more up-and-at-'em blend of Fire-Fire Sun Sag-Moon Aries, a Jupiter-Mars-ruled combination of energies.

First let's look at the Fire-Water situation before it evaporates.

Sun Sag-Moon Pisces is a fervent, humanitarian pairing with much visionary imagination. Deep convictions and irrational logic combine with a moralistic tone though it may be quite forgiving. This blend contains a tremendous amount of sensitivity when it comes to the human condition and evinces an artistic temperament full of wistful humility. This gushy, sentimental blend cannot be considered practical and tends to give 'the shirt off its back' to those in need.

(A Republican politician? Hmmmm...not certain this blend applies, are you?)

Still, Sun Sag-Moon Pisc is gullible and vacillating, two traits which support a midpoint picture mentioned below - a picture which does not depend on knowing his correct birth time since it remained in effect throughout the 24 hours of November 27, 1960.

The Sag-Pisc blend is shared natally by Alexander Solzhenitsyn and the following quote from him doesn't sound Pawlenty-ish to me although it's true I know little of the candidate...unless the quote may be taken as a reference to meddling in other people's private business as Politics tends to do these days. See what you think:

"The salvation of mankind lies only in making everything the concern of all."

Or perhaps a better comparison can be made by Sun Sag-Moon Pisc Charles Schultz who famously informed us that, "I love mankind - it's people I can't stand."

Well, maybe we should mosey on to the Sun Sag-Moon Aries blend - a frank, forthright, impatient combo of energies. Right away, we find hints of Pawlenty's catch phrases for his nascent nomination bid and proposed campaigning and ruling style: "truth-telling" and "straight-forward."

This double-Fire blend describes a blunt but sincere, courageous and idealistic go-getter - one who is impulsive, restless, big-hearted, and possesses a far-seeing imagination along with a strong desire to succeed (never begin a political campaign without such a desire!) This independent-minded, plain-speaking blend seems to describe the man quite well, although its tendency to be a 'champion of the underdog' may be questionable for most any modern-day Republican. (But such a trait could fit nicely into Pawlenty's evangelical Christianity.)

Sun Sag-Moon Aries is an entrepreneurial combination that exhibits a childlike self-confidence but with weak spots such as a hot temper, irritability, and insensitivity toward more emotional or vulnerable individuals; listening to other people's needs is not a strong suit nor is paying attention to details.

The neurosis of this blend is to be considered the biggest and best yet a dark depression descends when things don't go his way.

This blend is shared natally by Mark Twain, who wrote that, "There was things which he stretched but mainly he told the truth." Mmm-hmm!

Sun square powerful Pluto; Pluto conjunct North Node in Virgo

No matter his birth hour, an important aspect of note has to be the applying (waxing) Sun/Pluto square (Sag to Virgo) which gives him a strong measure of willfulness that may be used constructively but often expresses combatively; here is a man with a powerful ego. Even a slight frustration can infuriate the guy, and he can explode under pressure (not in my Oval Office with his finger on The Button, he doesn't.)

The energy of this square tends toward the 'might makes right' way of thinking and acting which is so prevalent in US politics these days (and highly popular with neocons everywhere.) So if acting as US president, he would have that going for him within military-industrial-complex circles where obviously it would be appreciated.

Sun/Pluto square folk are enigmas even to those who know them well but once mature deliberation sets in and Pawlenty realizes his personal shortcomings - and the fact that he has them - executive ability shines forth along with a talent for managing large enterprises. Learning to accept advice is a constant evolutionary imperative as is learning how to compromise with others so they won't become too alienated to work with later on.

Pluto conjunct NN individuals (as is Barack Obama born about 9 months after Pawlenty) have the ambitious drive and willpower to take advantage of prevailing social trends in a calculating and deliberate manner which may be utilized positively (altruistically) or negatively (selfishly.) This is the "tiger by the tail" aspect for sometimes social forces are manipulated which are too big to safely handle. The Pluto/NN person may then be crushed under the weight of the circumstances as things spin out of control; subsequently conditions - or even careers - may collapse.

Pluto/NN indicates connections and encounters (NN) with a powerful elite or with the criminal Underworld (Pluto.) Whether this describes the same bunch of varmints, I shall leave it for you to decide.

Now I shall close with the all-day-in-force midpoint picture - the only one showing at noon on that date - of Tim Pawlenty, as mentioned above. It concerns the Jupiter/NN duo which by itself indicates potentials for interference from religious groups through legal processes, a legal system hampered by erroneous decisions about the status of groups or parties (which could also describe the SCOTUS decision, Citizens United), and/or closed legal societies (ex: the Federalist Society.) (Munkasey's Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets.)

As always, any, all, or none of these potentials may apply. But I suspect they may.

Jupiter/NN = Neptune: instability; unreliability; indecision or vacillation; emotional inhibition within partnerships or unions; disappointment; getting sober again; sharing the spirit with others but not much else.

(References: The Combination of Stellar Influences, Reinhold Ebertin; Solar Arcs, Noel Tyl; Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey.)

Feb 4, 2011

A Few Astro-Notes on RNC and DNC 2012

Guess you've heard that the Republican National Convention to nominate their presidential and vice presidential candidates for the 2012 campaign will be held in Tampa, Florida the week of August 27, 2012.

Funny thing about Tampa these days, though I suppose there's absolutely no correlation between a certain geophysical phenomenon and the GOP: Earth's magnetic pole has shifted quite visibly in Tampa...toward Russia!

No word yet on the directional drift for Charlotte, NC where the DNC will be held the first week of September 2012. But one assumes it's moved a little closer to Russia, too.

However, we can sleuth for clues about the general atmosphere of that time period by considering the Pre-Natal Eclipse Series into which both conventions fall since they're scheduled only a week apart: 14 South @ '00Gem21' (conjoining Fixed Star Alcyone, keywords: something to cry about; exile.

Here's what Bernadette Brady has to say about 14S in her book Predictive Astrology:

(This Series) will tend to bring success. There may have been long periods of hard work from which the success has grown. With *Mercury-Pluto content there is also the potential for an obsessive idea to finally be accepted, which then leads to the promised success of Jupiter. During this eclipse individuals should push for the acceptance of their ideas or methodologies as this eclipse can bring the long awaited breakthrough.

Sounds like perfect astro-weather for US political conventions, doesn't it? Although the part about "an obsessive idea' may be not be any more to we-the-people's liking than their last obsessive idea because in America, it's ruling elite vs we-the-people. And the plutocrats began throwing us overboard decades ago.


* "Mercury-Pluto content" refers to the initial eclipse in the 14S Series; a 14S Solar Eclipse last manifested on May 10, 1994 @ '20Tau'. '20Tau' = "Wind Clouds and Haste" = EXALTATION...neg: 'a diffusion of self and waste of energy in an attempt to grasp the myriad facets of the nonessential'. (The Sabian Symbols in Astrology , Dr. Marc Edmund Jones.)

In The Combination of Stellar Influences, Reinhold Ebertin relates Mercury-Pluto to 'the art of persuasion, suggestion, the spirit of opposition, hasty thinking and speaking, good powers of observation, a quick grasp of every situation, an "amazingly sharp criticism", intellectual triumph over others, slyness or cunning, crafty subtlety, diplomacy, wielding influence through speaking or writing'.

Propaganda and secret surveillance are facets of the duo's influence as well and as you know, America's natal horoscope contains a Mercury-Pluto opposition across the security and career minded Cancer-Capricorn axis. (Uncle Sam doesn't just want you, he's watching you with the all-seeing eye emblazoned on America's Great Seal.)

And in Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Michael Munkasey gives the Mercury-Pluto duo's energy in Politics and Business as:

Thesis: High security communications and intelligence activities; political talk which offers abrupt changes to some functions; communications satellites; news of space exploration, orbital weapons, or toxic gases.

Antithesis: Secrets concerning the business community or transportation systems; communications within the intelligence gathering agencies; self-destructive impulses in business; breakdowns in road networks.

So if you plan to travel to Tampa or Charlotte for either convention in 2012 you might want to leave extra early.


Today is D Day in Egypt: Departure Day for President Hosni Mubarak and again this blogger sends best hopes to the people of Egypt as they fight the good fight against 32 years of cruel oppression.

Democracy Now!

Feb 27, 2008

RNC: no White House emails for you!

Promises, Promises!

News Updates from Citizens For Legitimate Government Feb 27 2008

All items are here: LegitGov Breaking News

GOP Halts Effort to Retrieve White House E-Mails 27 Feb 2008:

After promising last year to search its computers for tens of thousands of e-mails sent by White House officials, the Republican National Committee has informed a House committee that it no longer plans to retrieve the communications by restoring computer backup tapes, the panel's chairman said yesterday.

The move increases the likelihood that an untold number of RNC e-mails dealing with official White House business during the first term of the Bush administration--including many sent or received by former presidential adviser Karl Rove--will never be recovered, said House Democrats and public records advocates.#

Ethics-challenged, promises meaningless, the GOP and their enablers obviously have a huge amount to hide in these "missing" emails, don't they?

From walking out in yet another planned huff, to defying the American people in order to protect Bush-Cheney-Rove (and their own patooties), Repubs have had hard hard werk to do of late, and as I've asked before: who exactly graduated from those mea culpa congressional "ethics classes" again? (For that matter, who taught them?!)

Guess their "promise" to fork over what was ordered by law has served its delaying purposes, hasn't it? Justice delayed is justice denied.

On a slightly different note: at the moment I'm preparing to publish on the Reganomics Eclipse of 1981 at Jude's Threshold so check there in my Sidebar soon--hope to have it on the Pages list no later than 8:00 pm est.

If ya loved the AIDies, or are partial to trickle down/voodoo economics, this is the Eclipse chart for you.

Did you know that Reagan's natal Sun is at the "A Man Unmasked" degree?