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Showing posts with label 4 South Solar Eclipse 2020. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 4 South Solar Eclipse 2020. Show all posts

Aug 5, 2020

Autumn Equinox 2020's transits to Trump natal planets

Autumn 2020's Cosmic Weather in Trump World - and in Ours

by Jude Cowell

August 5, 2020: Perhaps you've already seen the DC version of the Autumn Equinox 2020 Horoscope so today let's view a synastry grid between Donald Trump's natal planets and the Autumn Equinox 2020 planets as transits to his chart.

The following information is an attempt to make a little sense of which planetary influences will be in operation for Trump along with their potential expressions until at least Winter Solstice 2020 although some September transits may last longer due to retrogradation or other factors that are beyond the limited scope of this post. Also beyond the scope are applicable progressions and directions which curious readers may want to set up for themselves in order to gain a wider perspective:

Trump natal across; Autumn Equinox 2020 down: as you see an aspect key of sorts is penned on the image in case anyone needs it (right column). Circled are the beneficial or helpful aspects (sextiles, trines); negatives are squares, oppositions, minors such as a semi-square and a sesqui-square, plus, 2 inconjuncts, aka, quincunxes which are color-coded. (N = natal 1946; Tr = transits 2020; any, all, or none may apply and may be activated by other planets at some point in time).

Tr Moon trine n Pluto: insight into the uses of power; powerful public contacts; behind-the-scenes events; secrets (Pluto) brought into a public spotlight (Moon); successful manipulation of the public (via PR, propaganda, and/or tweets).

Tr Mars trine n Mars: aid from those with similar goals (staff, donors, police or military, supporters); energy for taking action.

Tr Venus sextile n Jupiter: large social events; successful networking; public contacts; appearances are what's important; appeals for help; vulnerable to flattery; exploitation of others; detachment or isolation.

Tr Venus sextile n Uranus: inconstancy in relationships; unusual contacts or meetings; projecting charm and/or sympathy (psychopaths are good at projecting traits they do not possess - in brief spurts).

Tr Moon sesqui-square n Venus: distorted perspectives; misguided priorities; confusing judgments (personal and/or legal).

Tr Mercury square n Saturn: narrow, limited, sober, and/or focused thinking, ideas, plans; delays; restrictions or blockages in communications and/or travel; harsh judgments.

Tr Jupiter square n Jupiter: leap first, look later; foolish ideological premises or outreach: cynicism; making excuses.

Tr Saturn opposite n Venus: tension or limitations in relationships and/or joint ventures; bad behavior; anger; disappointments; resentment; a depressed or oppressed viewpoint; isolation; separation.

Tr Uranus square n Pluto: shifts in political power; changes in economic control; fear of loss; intense emotions and possible trauma; generational conflicts, clashes, challenges.

Well, there it is and, "it is what it is." If any of these potentials sound familiar it's probably because some of these influences upon his natal planets are, or have been, ongoing. And I should note that in no way do I crow over any difficulties shown here for him - mainly because Trump now plays the role of POTUS which means that his troubles belong to the American people as long as the Trump regime continues to bedevil us. And ostensibly for some time to come.

As you know, much can happen causing conditions to shift between August-September and the 2020 Election on November 3rd. Here are a few cosmic happenings of note that have been previously covered on SO'W: Just Before Election 2020: Trump's Nodal Return in October, on November 12, 2020 is the Jupiter-Pluto Conjunction #3 of 3, and on the day the Electoral College is scheduled to vote A Total Solar Eclipse: December 14, 2020 occurs in the 4 South Saros Series. And just after Winter Solstice 2020 perfects the Great Conjunction of societal planets Jupiter and Saturn @00AQ21 conjunct US Inaugural Sun (POTUS), a cosmic event which, along with the themes of the 4 South Solar Eclipse, will catapult all of humanity into 2021 as a 'new order' begins and the World Economic Forum meets in Davos over its grand re-set agenda.

Aug 1, 2020

October 2020: Surprise, Zeal, Crisis, and Moon-Pluto

Moon to Pluto: Power To The People!

by Jude Cowell

In a Flurry of Full Disclosure: The following horoscope was recently published to my Stars Over Washington Patreon account and, for the sake of America, appears here with the author's permission (yours truly!); fresh notes on Moon-Pluto are added, below.

August 1, 2020: With a desperate incumbent crouching in the White House and a 'peaceful' passing of presidential baton on our national horizon many pundits and prognosticators are wondering aloud not if but when and what sort of October Surprise may be in store for US voters through the malevolent auspices of Trump, his monied backers both foreign and domestic, and his complicit Trump Party. However, many folks might say that the entire year of 2020 behaves as one huge October Surprise if disrupting the November Election/s, upending society as a whole, discrediting democracy around the world, undermining US systems, institutions, and laws, 'purifying' and reducing the populace, and keeping the scofflaw orange despot in the Oval Office are their primary goals. Apparently, hidden manipulators (ex: Plutonian Plutocrats) want We The People reduced to a more manageable size with politicians like mouthpiece Trump acting as figureheads of their authoritarian agenda.

Question: To Surprise or Not To Surprise?

Now as you know, Astrology provides several techniques to aid such a forecast of Uranian surprise, even shock, yet today let's choose only one timing device - the Secondary Progressed Moon of the USA ('SP'). Using America's founding horoscope for July 4, 1776 5:09 pm LMT Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and progressing it a day-for-a-year, we discover that our nation's natal Moon in Aquarius soon progresses to 29Cap20 where Luna will conjunct US SP Pluto at that exact degree and minute on October 15, 2020 8:00 am edt. Below is the DC Horoscope of this cosmic moment - the intensity of which is building now - including notes concerning various components in relation to Politics and to other realms of concern. Added are the 'real world' transits and midpoint potentials for this symbolic moment which perfects only 19 days prior to Election Day 2020:

Image: Bi-Wheel inner October 15, 2020 8:00 pm US SP Moon-Pluto Conjunction @29Cap20; outer Transits: October 15, 2020 8:00 pm edt Washington DC.

SP Moon-Pluto @29Cap20 rounded up = "30 Capricorn": "A Secret Business Conference"; "Keyword: OPPORTUNITY; positive expression: a gift for clever planning and successful administration in every area of life; negative expression: rampant selfishness and rank exploitation of others" (Jones). Does this sound to you like a Biden administration (being planned) vs the Trump 'administration'?

Potentials for Moon-Pluto working as a duo: any, all, or none may express

From Tyl and Ebertin: Zeal; intensity; fanaticism; extreme emotions; exaggerated new plans; obtaining objectives without any regard for other people; offended vanity or conceit; jealousy; violent outbursts; inner shocks or emotional upheavals; rash actions. Biological: metabolism of liquids; blood disease; pressure caused by toxemia; the endocrine system; cancer indications.

Now quoting in Hegelian form from Munkasey's Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets:

"Thesis: The people's opinion about subjects like crime, war, or internal secrecy; the role of women in controlling self-destructive impulses; popular promises concerning an end to war, waste, etc. in appeals to the people.

Antithesis: encourages violence or crime; people become doubtful about how to exert the proper controls on criminal or terrorist elements; obsessions which bring a misuse of the resources available for country or business."

Sleuthing through a few past horoscopes for significant planets @29/30 Capricorn I found these potentials:

October 2020 Moon-Pluto 29Cap20 = Election Day 2016 Mars (29Cap51): 'using force to achieve changes in corrupt practices; active in assuring the promised protection is delivered; participants in clamor or emotional intensity; intense emotional crisis; deep irritation over delays in any form; anger, quarrels, frustration; too much energy not knowing where to go'.

October 2020 Moon-Pluto = Spring Equinox 2020 Saturn (29:50): 'pressure to regroup forces and plan anew; avoiding the need to look at what must change; realism about how to deal with gloomy or morbid thoughts; authority figures who have a profound effect; constraint; feelings of loss; depression; mental or emotional suffering; one-sided or overwhelming emotions; grave inhibitions'.

Additionally, we should note that Moon-Pluto contacts may suggest intuition or psychism, secrets and/or scandals, plus, the possible discovery of a child born out of wedlock, or perhaps a secret marriage in someone's past that becomes public knowledge.

If you know of more Moon-Pluto potentials, please leave your on-topic comment with this post! jc

A Previous Post Concerning US Pluto, Luna, and the authoritarian saboteurs of our country: Horoscope: RNC 2016 Full Moon Conjunct US Pluto. We may not have known it at the time, but we were so much younger then.

May 13, 2020

December 2020 Solar Eclipse a wild card for Trump

By Jude Cowell

May 13, 2020: As you know, any solar or lunar eclipse may act as a 'wild card' or 'cosmic blink' that disrupts events, lives, and/or circumstances much as quirky planet Uranus can do, and karmic changes of direction are typical results. Uncovering secrets, inconvenient facts, and/or scandals may also occur around the time of an eclipse - or earlier, later, or never - also much as Uranus can do. Of course, eclipse effects depend on where in one's horoscope an eclipse falls with outcomes usually manifesting within the house (department of life) along with any aspects made by an eclipse to our natal placements.

So checking cosmic happenings for December 2020, we find that Trump's natal (Total) Lunar Eclipse @23Sag04 will be 'eclipsed' (conjoined) by the 4 South Solar Eclipse of December 14, 2020 which suggests, among other things, the potential for some sort of culmination or completion--probably in his relationships (Sun-Moon). Synchronistically, we should also note that the 4 South Eclipse in December will 'eclipse' his Inauguration 2017's Saturn, planet of responsibility, accountability, reliability, integrity, and realism - and his natal Moon and South Node.

That's a boat load of karma coming for Donald Trump but let's not gloat just yet. Things could turn out peachy for him given all the foreign and domestic aid he receives, plus, where Trump goes so goes America. Because We The People are players in this cosmic card game, too. And although karmic progress is always a possibility around eclipse time, positive traits of the eclipse sign must be the objectives to express. In the case of Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius, the primary themes are truth seeking and upholding moral and ethical principles. Well, we know this doesn't pertain to con man Trump (who may still be around in December 2020!) so let's add here the negative possibilities for a solar eclipse in Sagittarius which will relate to society in general along with Trump, his Republican enablers, donors, comrades, and supporters:

Negative Connotations of a Sagittarius Solar Eclipse: moral principles may be incorrect which results in misplaced idealism or misguided beliefs so that karmic endeavors are ineffective and can magnify problems rather than solve them. Indulging in exaggeration misses the mark or falls short of objectives while false optimism causes karmic conditions to be underestimated and thus ineffectively or wrongly dealt with, neglected, or ignored. Therefore, true progress will be lacking, illusory, or temporary at best.

And as we know, for Donald Trump appearances are everything.

For more eclipse details see Rose Lineman's excellent booklet on Eclipses published in 1992 by the AFA.

So if you enlarge the image and read my scribbled notes, here's the 4 South Solar Eclipse Horoscope of December 14, 2020 set for Washington DC and snugged around the Inauguration 2017 Horoscope which shows the eclipse of 2017 Saturn in the financial 8th house and 2020 Mars conjunct 2017 Uranus (nontraditional or radical methods and/or danger of explosion in the 12th house of Politics, Large Institutions, Behind-the-Scenes, and Karma--yet another Trump hissy fit?):

Adding 2017 Saturn to December's 4 South eclipse energies, on a negative level we find people such as free loaders, deadbeats, and those who prefer to shirk responsibility while casting blame on others. Meanwhile, their hard-to-break personal habits interfere with what could be karmic progress along with a failure to take problems and obligations seriously. Related is the fact that Trump was born with a Moon-Saturn inconjunct showing an undercurrent of guilt and nit-pickiness in his emotional reactions to others (exs: reporters! Democrats like Schiff, Schumer, Pelosi!) as he continually projects blame upon anyone but himself for deeply emotional and neurotic reasons. And as we've learned in excruciating detail, his is a personality completely unsuitable for the Office of President of the United States of America.

So tell me: what cosmic card do you think Trump will draw in December 2020?