Autumn 2020's Cosmic Weather in Trump World - and in Ours
by Jude Cowell
August 5, 2020: Perhaps you've already seen the DC version of the Autumn Equinox 2020 Horoscope so today let's view a synastry grid between Donald Trump's natal planets and the Autumn Equinox 2020 planets as transits to his chart.
The following information is an attempt to make a little sense of which planetary influences will be in operation for Trump along with their potential expressions until at least Winter Solstice 2020 although some September transits may last longer due to retrogradation or other factors that are beyond the limited scope of this post. Also beyond the scope are applicable progressions and directions which curious readers may want to set up for themselves in order to gain a wider perspective:
Trump natal across; Autumn Equinox 2020 down: as you see an aspect key of sorts is penned on the image in case anyone needs it (right column). Circled are the beneficial or helpful aspects (sextiles, trines); negatives are squares, oppositions, minors such as a semi-square and a sesqui-square, plus, 2 inconjuncts, aka, quincunxes which are color-coded. (N = natal 1946; Tr = transits 2020; any, all, or none may apply and may be activated by other planets at some point in time).
Tr Moon trine n Pluto: insight into the uses of power; powerful public contacts; behind-the-scenes events; secrets (Pluto) brought into a public spotlight (Moon); successful manipulation of the public (via PR, propaganda, and/or tweets).Tr Mars trine n Mars: aid from those with similar goals (staff, donors, police or military, supporters); energy for taking action.
Tr Venus sextile n Jupiter: large social events; successful networking; public contacts; appearances are what's important; appeals for help; vulnerable to flattery; exploitation of others; detachment or isolation.
Tr Venus sextile n Uranus: inconstancy in relationships; unusual contacts or meetings; projecting charm and/or sympathy (psychopaths are good at projecting traits they do not possess - in brief spurts).
Tr Moon sesqui-square n Venus: distorted perspectives; misguided priorities; confusing judgments (personal and/or legal).
Tr Mercury square n Saturn: narrow, limited, sober, and/or focused thinking, ideas, plans; delays; restrictions or blockages in communications and/or travel; harsh judgments.
Tr Jupiter square n Jupiter: leap first, look later; foolish ideological premises or outreach: cynicism; making excuses.
Tr Saturn opposite n Venus: tension or limitations in relationships and/or joint ventures; bad behavior; anger; disappointments; resentment; a depressed or oppressed viewpoint; isolation; separation.
Tr Uranus square n Pluto: shifts in political power; changes in economic control; fear of loss; intense emotions and possible trauma; generational conflicts, clashes, challenges.
Well, there it is and, "it is what it is." If any of these potentials sound familiar it's probably because some of these influences upon his natal planets are, or have been, ongoing. And I should note that in no way do I crow over any difficulties shown here for him - mainly because Trump now plays the role of POTUS which means that his troubles belong to the American people as long as the Trump regime continues to bedevil us. And ostensibly for some time to come.
As you know, much can happen causing conditions to shift between August-September and the 2020 Election on November 3rd. Here are a few cosmic happenings of note that have been previously covered on SO'W: Just Before Election 2020: Trump's Nodal Return in October, on November 12, 2020 is the Jupiter-Pluto Conjunction #3 of 3, and on the day the Electoral College is scheduled to vote A Total Solar Eclipse: December 14, 2020 occurs in the 4 South Saros Series. And just after Winter Solstice 2020 perfects the Great Conjunction of societal planets Jupiter and Saturn @00AQ21 conjunct US Inaugural Sun (POTUS), a cosmic event which, along with the themes of the 4 South Solar Eclipse, will catapult all of humanity into 2021 as a 'new order' begins and the World Economic Forum meets in Davos over its grand re-set agenda.