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Showing posts with label Trump Party. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Trump Party. Show all posts

Jun 28, 2021

George Packer and the Recuperation of America

by Jude Cowell

"Equality and Self-Government are interconnected here," - George Packer

Monday June 28, 2021: As you might expect, my morning began with an informative interview posted to Al Franken's podcast of June 27th, George Packer on How It Got So Bad in America and How It Could Get Slightly Better which, in case you missed it, is a must-listen for those who care about our country and the direction the US is headed if we don't beneficially reform our ways. Suggestions for America's betterment are included.

In their wide-ranging interview, topics such as 'Newt Gingrich' ("It's Newt Gingrich," says George Packer: "There was nothing conservative about {him}, "He was a radical") which resonates perfectly with the subsequent radical reactionary Republican Party of our era, aka, the Tr*mp Party. As you know, in Political Astrology such terms describe chaotic planet Uranus, the Utopian zealot, anarchist, and radical reformer. And Tr*mp's 10th house Uranus in Gemini is his 'guiding planet' (last planet to rise before his Sun; fyi mine is 4th house Jupiter in Capricorn).

George Packer's latest book Last Best Hope: America in Crisis and Renewal is now available via Kindle and the audio version. #ad

Plus, another astrological point worth mentioning is a certain cosmic link: that Newt and Donald share the same personality blend of 'Peter Pan' and 'The Pied Piper' as noted in a previous post about Sun Gemini-Moon Sagittarius, the zodiacal polarity of truth vs falsehood-- integrity vs immorality--fact vs fiction axis through which Tr*mp brought us "fake news" and "alternative facts," among other bizarre, misguided things. Obviously, this polarity's communication-propaganda-'religious' vibes have played a large part in the success and eventual disgrace of both men, and Mr. Packer asserts that Gingrich was "consumed by the fire he lit," and that at some point Tr*mp will also be consumed (by his own conflagration).

Now for a cosmic look ahead you may wish to try Jupiter-Neptune Conjunctions of 2009 and 2022 (both horoscopes shown). Note that as I type in June 2021 and until their next Great Conjunction of April 12, 2022 @23Pis59, society remains under the 'dreamy' influences of the third of their three conjunctions in 2009. Follow the link to view the 'current' 2009 (until April 12, 2022) Jupiter-Neptune horoscope with its scandals, hypocrisy, fraudulent schemes, inflationary bubbles, dreams, visions, and political conflicts galore. Why, you may even wish to credit Jupiter-Neptune influence with the abundance of "UFO" sightings which now seem to be worthy of notice by some sectors participating in the public discourse such as the US military, mainstream media, and Politics. Is an "alien landing" of manipulation and fear being planned by the elite class? What do you think? jc

May 6, 2021

Can Astrology Show the GOP's "Turning Point"?

Hey Liz! Some Say the GOP's "Turning Point" Occurred Way Back in 2016!

by Jude Cowell

May 6, 2021: As you've heard or read by now Rep. Liz Cheney has written an op-ed concerning the current condition of the Republican Party, an internal fight. See Facing an ouster from House leadership, Cheney says GOP is at 'turning point' and must choose between the more traditional version of conservatism that she favors (torture, endless war, austerity?), and the Big Lie cult of personality of Donald Trump, intended to keep him in office way beyond his sell-by date which expired at noon on Inauguration Day 2021.

But so far from what I've heard, Rep. Cheney isn't counting events that occurred when Trump announced his candidacy in June 2015 at the New Moon (25Gemini) and, more critically, the change came (in public) with the 2016 Russian-spy-infused RNC that nominated the faithless manchild and 'Putin pal' I tend to call, agent orange.

For a view of Liz Cheney's natal chart see Marjorie Orr's post Liz Cheney - howling into the wind.

Now naturally, the term "turning point" conjures images of a YOD pattern in the minds of most if not all astrologers so I began to wonder if any of the Republican Party horoscopes would evolve to show a YOD pattern when progressed to a current date such as this very day.

Now in my files there are multiple founding horoscopes for the Republican Party and I chose the following two sets of data to search within for progressed YODs, if any, that contain turning point;crossroads;crisis;special task implications. Of course, YODs are also timing devices which can bring opportunity for karmic progress or advancement but since this experiment concerns politicians, let's keep our hopes tethered to the reality of their personal limitations.

The two Republican Party founding charts used:

March 20, 1854 6:30 pm LMT Ripon WI and July 6, 1854 5:00 pm LMT Ripon, WI.

Dual Horoscopes, below = today's Secondary Progressions ('SP'): upper right chart is based on, or issues from, the party's March 20th horoscope, and lower left, the SP chart is based on the party's July 6th horoscope. Note that other founding horoscopes, if you have them, may also contain 'turning point" info for those who care to progress them.

Please enlarge the image to read my study notes for not all of them will appear within this text.

Upper right chart with 3Pis11 rising shows an SP YOD between the SP Venus-Saturn sextile pointing to SP Chiron @16Cap00 Rx and SP Jupiter @17Cap51 (in SP 11th house of Groups and Associations). Even the party's SP Pallas (strategy; wisdom) joins in the pattern while the Venus-Saturn sextile denotes those who exploit others, who prefer the tried and true (like Trump? he's been tried - to be false!), and who find it impossible to allow for mid-course changes of direction. So apparently Trump must be included in that unfortunate assessment. Then if we read the YOD as a midpoint picture with Jupiter at apex, we find potentials for 'separations' and/or 'illegitimate relationships' (R. Ebertin).

As you see, in both SP charts, wounded/wounding Chiron is in governmental Capricorn indicating a need to prevail ("own the libs"?) and to win in spite of all adversity. With Chiron in Capricorn, older mentors are often prevalent, even via historical figures, along with an irrational desire to conquer Time itself (ex: ruling a nation forever?). (R. Nolle).

Revealingly, SP Sun @11Vir14 conjuncts the party's SP Cupido ('The Family'; The Syndicate; Corporatism) and SP Toro, one of the power asteroids which can also include nuclear power. SP Moon (12th house of Politics and Karma) squares SP Pluto (2nd house and highlighted in lavender), a temporary influence indicating intense emotions, seeking support or withdrawing, financial security being challenged, competition, and/or holding on to old grudges (Pottenger-Dobyns).

Now even though the forceful, brutal SP Mars-Pluto opposition is fading, the midpoint of the duo conjuncts SP Moon so potentials for 'ambition; audacity and daring; a determined or resolute woman' (Liz? her replacement?); and/or 'injury caused to a woman' (Ebertin) are of influence. Plus, I have no accurately timed horoscope for Liz Cheney but her natal Moon remained in Sagittarius for the entire 24 hours so the party's March 20th SP Saturn @15Gem20 (conjunct SP IC) could possibly be opposing her natal Moon, a depressive, oppressive influence on her from party leadership (Saturn = authority figures) if so. Also note that the party's rising SP Neptune @14Pis38 is within orb of an opposition to Cheney's natal Pluto @16Vir45, suggesting an erosion of her power and control within the party particularly in relation to ideals (Neptune).

With the party's July 6th horoscope progressed to today, we do find a YOD but only if we use the SP Uranus-Neptune sextile as its base pointing toward US natal Saturn (14Lib48). Read as a midpoint picture, we have potentials for 'change of direction' (which can suggest a turning point) and/or a condition in which there's a clash between 'ambitions vs projects' (Ebertin). Plus, the Uranus-Neptune 'new world order' pair in sextile hints at those who stand apart from the mainstream of society so perhaps we can agree that radical political reactionaries in the Trump faction of the GOP pride themselves on doing just that. It's anti-societal all the way.

Perhaps I should add a double SP midpoint picture for it's quite revealing of the party's current atmosphere: SP Mars-Pluto = SP Neptune with potentials for: 'cunning and deceit; secretly causing harm or damage to others; implacability'. Also Mars-Pluto conjunct MC: 'ambition; facing overwhelming force without power; overcoming sudden difficulties' (Ebertin).

So to close, let's mention the July 6th SP BOWL shape of planets (having a mission or the advocacy of a cause) led by SP Mercury @11Sag45 (which might be conjunct Liz Cheney's natal Moon, who knows?) and denotes serious conflicts, possible separations, and supports their 'desire to be in control' and with 'a focus on limitations' (Pottenger-Dobyns).

Limitations? Sounds like a case of Republican sore loser belly-achin' to me.

Aug 1, 2020

October 2020: Surprise, Zeal, Crisis, and Moon-Pluto

Moon to Pluto: Power To The People!

by Jude Cowell

In a Flurry of Full Disclosure: The following horoscope was recently published to my Stars Over Washington Patreon account and, for the sake of America, appears here with the author's permission (yours truly!); fresh notes on Moon-Pluto are added, below.

August 1, 2020: With a desperate incumbent crouching in the White House and a 'peaceful' passing of presidential baton on our national horizon many pundits and prognosticators are wondering aloud not if but when and what sort of October Surprise may be in store for US voters through the malevolent auspices of Trump, his monied backers both foreign and domestic, and his complicit Trump Party. However, many folks might say that the entire year of 2020 behaves as one huge October Surprise if disrupting the November Election/s, upending society as a whole, discrediting democracy around the world, undermining US systems, institutions, and laws, 'purifying' and reducing the populace, and keeping the scofflaw orange despot in the Oval Office are their primary goals. Apparently, hidden manipulators (ex: Plutonian Plutocrats) want We The People reduced to a more manageable size with politicians like mouthpiece Trump acting as figureheads of their authoritarian agenda.

Question: To Surprise or Not To Surprise?

Now as you know, Astrology provides several techniques to aid such a forecast of Uranian surprise, even shock, yet today let's choose only one timing device - the Secondary Progressed Moon of the USA ('SP'). Using America's founding horoscope for July 4, 1776 5:09 pm LMT Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and progressing it a day-for-a-year, we discover that our nation's natal Moon in Aquarius soon progresses to 29Cap20 where Luna will conjunct US SP Pluto at that exact degree and minute on October 15, 2020 8:00 am edt. Below is the DC Horoscope of this cosmic moment - the intensity of which is building now - including notes concerning various components in relation to Politics and to other realms of concern. Added are the 'real world' transits and midpoint potentials for this symbolic moment which perfects only 19 days prior to Election Day 2020:

Image: Bi-Wheel inner October 15, 2020 8:00 pm US SP Moon-Pluto Conjunction @29Cap20; outer Transits: October 15, 2020 8:00 pm edt Washington DC.

SP Moon-Pluto @29Cap20 rounded up = "30 Capricorn": "A Secret Business Conference"; "Keyword: OPPORTUNITY; positive expression: a gift for clever planning and successful administration in every area of life; negative expression: rampant selfishness and rank exploitation of others" (Jones). Does this sound to you like a Biden administration (being planned) vs the Trump 'administration'?

Potentials for Moon-Pluto working as a duo: any, all, or none may express

From Tyl and Ebertin: Zeal; intensity; fanaticism; extreme emotions; exaggerated new plans; obtaining objectives without any regard for other people; offended vanity or conceit; jealousy; violent outbursts; inner shocks or emotional upheavals; rash actions. Biological: metabolism of liquids; blood disease; pressure caused by toxemia; the endocrine system; cancer indications.

Now quoting in Hegelian form from Munkasey's Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets:

"Thesis: The people's opinion about subjects like crime, war, or internal secrecy; the role of women in controlling self-destructive impulses; popular promises concerning an end to war, waste, etc. in appeals to the people.

Antithesis: encourages violence or crime; people become doubtful about how to exert the proper controls on criminal or terrorist elements; obsessions which bring a misuse of the resources available for country or business."

Sleuthing through a few past horoscopes for significant planets @29/30 Capricorn I found these potentials:

October 2020 Moon-Pluto 29Cap20 = Election Day 2016 Mars (29Cap51): 'using force to achieve changes in corrupt practices; active in assuring the promised protection is delivered; participants in clamor or emotional intensity; intense emotional crisis; deep irritation over delays in any form; anger, quarrels, frustration; too much energy not knowing where to go'.

October 2020 Moon-Pluto = Spring Equinox 2020 Saturn (29:50): 'pressure to regroup forces and plan anew; avoiding the need to look at what must change; realism about how to deal with gloomy or morbid thoughts; authority figures who have a profound effect; constraint; feelings of loss; depression; mental or emotional suffering; one-sided or overwhelming emotions; grave inhibitions'.

Additionally, we should note that Moon-Pluto contacts may suggest intuition or psychism, secrets and/or scandals, plus, the possible discovery of a child born out of wedlock, or perhaps a secret marriage in someone's past that becomes public knowledge.

If you know of more Moon-Pluto potentials, please leave your on-topic comment with this post! jc

A Previous Post Concerning US Pluto, Luna, and the authoritarian saboteurs of our country: Horoscope: RNC 2016 Full Moon Conjunct US Pluto. We may not have known it at the time, but we were so much younger then.

Dec 16, 2019

2019--2020 Transits to Republican Party planets

Donald Trump Points Up Toward the Cosmos

During the Civil War, The Election of 1864 was "A Different kind of Election" during which Abraham Lincoln won his second term with 55% of the popular vote. The National Union Party, as the Republican Party was temporarily called at that time, counted Mr. Lincoln as a member.

Now with all the turmoil in America and the Republican Party in a bright spotlight we may wish to search for any major planetary transits to the Republican Party Horoscope. Thing is, there are at least two such horoscopes in circulation (that I know of!) yet with both set for 1854, we can be assured that the transits are in progress of affecting the party and its members with the main difference being one of timing of the transits' exactitude.

There are two Republican Party horoscopes in my files: March 20, 1854 6:30 pm LMT (Sun 00Ari05 conjunct Mercury Rx 5Ari18; Moon 20Sag27) Ripon, Wisconsin, and July 6, 1854 5:00 pm LMT (Sun 14Can27 Mercury 10Leo05; Moon 28Sco00 ) Ripon, Wisconsin. Either chart may be set for other hours depending on the choices made by various astrologers. (Note that no Angles or cusps are included or considered in the following.)

Current Transits of Saturn, Pluto, and Uranus

The 2019--2020 transiting planets I'm noting today are the exact Saturn-Pluto Conjunction of January 12, 2020 @22Cap46 (noon est) which 'hits' the natal Jupiters in both charts: March 20 Jupiter @22Cap59 and July 6 Jupiter Rx @23Cap52--with both Jupiters 2 to 5 degrees from Chiron in Capricorn (Chiron Rx on July 6, 1854), and transit Uranus on January 12, 2020 @2Tau39.

Now as I type (December 16, 2019 12:45 est Raleigh NC) transit Saturn @19Cap58 and tr Pluto @21Cap53--both moving in direct motion--are aligning for their big meeting on January 12, 2020 @22Cap46 (conjunct Trump's natal vertex!) and to me it seems their energies are already affecting the Republican Party via its Jupiter and its Uranus (@1Tau30 on March 20, 1854 and 3Tau48 on July 6, 1854). Let's list them as separate transits:

2019-2020 Saturn conjunct 1854 Jupiter denotes a period of serious spiritual and economic concerns and possible restrictions in these realms; if prosperous it's time to share and to give back, plus, divergence from or breaking of rules, laws, and traditions leads to limitation, frustration, and delay.

2019--2020 Pluto conjunct 1854 Jupiter indicates a time when greater power and influence is sought in the political and financial realms (which may or may not succeed); total honesty is required for best results, exaggeration and misrepresentation can backfire, and social and/or religious reforms may inspire fanaticism and intolerance.

2019--2020 Uranus conjunct 1854 Pluto (@1Tau30 on March 20 and 3Tau35 on July 6, 1854) tends to bring abrupt shifts and changes in society and serious psychological adjustments that are necessary and may trigger hidden fears and complexes that are difficult to directly and honestly confront. And as you know, Uranus-Pluto energies combined suggests potentials for: riots, revolutions, protests, upheavals that bring changes in government, upsets, unrest, violent acts, subversive activities, the enforcement of decisions, the process of transformation, and 'collapse of the old order, construction of the new' (Ebertin). To Uranus-Pluto Michael Munkasey adds, "sudden new criminal acts." We see these every day!

Jupiter Expands What He Touches

In closing, we may also wish to consider the midpoint of harsh Saturn-Pluto with 1854 Jupiter as apex of a midpoint picture with potentials for: religious and social fanaticism, sacrifice, difficulties caused by illness (Ebertin); trouble with authority, trying to save what's left, staying out of trouble, adoption of the austere (Tyl); and/or, people with leadership and power to dispense (Munkasey).

Well, there's my spot check on the cosmic condition of the Republican Party (aka, the Trump Party) in our current day. If this post seems helpful or revealing at all perhaps you'll Share and discuss the topic among yourselves!