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Showing posts with label Abraham Lincoln. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Abraham Lincoln. Show all posts

Feb 11, 2009

Horoscope of Lincoln's Inaugurations 1861 + 1865

Horoscope of the Inauguration of Abraham Lincoln on March 4, 1861, "shortly after 1 pm" Oath of Office administered by Chief Justice Taney; Capitol Building, Washington, DC; highlighted in green.

by Jude Cowell

Please enlarge chart for Outer Notations:

1865 Inauguration in pink set for symbolic noon (because I've found no reference to its exact hour); US natal (Sibly) in blue; Lincoln's natal positions in yellow.

Chart-ruler Moon applying to a square (blockages) with nebulous, delusional, confusing Neptune, planet of the masses; plus, Moon in a national chart = the people; the public. This indicates that some idealizing of Lincoln was going on with resulting confusion, disappointment, and disillusionment for some.

Aries Point 00Aries15 is at MC which puts America's natal IC (Endings) in a topsy-turvy relationship to this Inauguration's MC/IC axis with USA's natal MC at 1861's IC (IC is connected with death as one type of Ending.)

11th house of Groups and Associations has a zealous, violent duo - Mars conjunct Pluto in intolerant, stubborn Taurus. I mention the Mars-Pluto conjunction in this manner because multi-term presidencies may be represented by the first Inaugural chart as a whole as well as the subsequent charts so I believe this violent combo relates to the war and, obviously, to his assassination.

Yes, we know what the nation's passions led to soon after Abe's 1861 Inauguration - the Civil War (Apr 12, 1861; 4:30 am LMT, Charleston, SC - with the Mercury-Neptune conjunction rising but with Mercury 24Pis56 and Neptune 29Pis57 = ASC: potential overreaction to others; being exploited.)

As you know, Pres. Lincoln was assassinated on the evening of April 14, 1865 at Ford's Theater in DC where all the festivities are happening as I type this evening. Pres. and Mrs. Obama are scheduled to attend, last I heard, and BHO may make remarks after the program.

But back to the 1861 chart:

South Node of the Moon rising gives an isolation/loneliness feel to the chart along with a 'standing alone in one's field' flavor to this presidency.

Mercury-Neptune = MC: to go the wrong way; lies; far-reaching plans; sympathy.

The radical political pair of Uranus-NN is also at MC:

Uranus-NN = MC: joint goals; professional recognition.

You see rebellious Uranus 8Gem08, which is near America's natal Uranus 8:55 (lower left has the dates of USA's triple Uranus Return - note #3 is April 1, 1861); 1861's Uranus has just crossed Lincoln's natal IC indicating a major change of residence (White House) along with domestic and family disruptions and separations which affect Career (MC) as well.

North Node is conjunct the most recent Solar Eclipse in the 7 North Series (and 20Cap is a critical or crisis degree); 7N's flavor is one of 'deep, long-hidden passions suddenly surfacing' (Brady) such as in the Civil War when brother fought brother, and in Lincoln's and his enablers' drive toward the presidency.

One more thing important to note here which you see marked in pink : 1865's Inauguration had the unknown-at-the-time Chiron, the Wounded Healer, conjunct Sun @14Pis11 within 23 minutes...just over a month before his death. To me this suggests Lincoln (Sun) having a destined mission to fulfill (Sun-Chiron), but also the wounding (Chiron) of a president (Sun).

This circumstance is echoed in Lincoln's natal chart for the star connected to healing and rebalancing - Ras Alhague - rose on his day of birth as Mercury was at IC - his words and oration (Mercury) are healing (Ras Alhague) even after his death (IC). And we should add that Ras Alhague also has a link to prophecy.

This post has been updated for clarity: June 18, 2020 by jc

For more information on this and related topics see NPR.

My favorite Lincoln quote during the Civil War has to be, "If this is coffee, bring me tea. If this is tea, bring me coffee."

Aug 2, 2008

Abe Lincoln: corruption in high places

"As a result of the war, corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed. I feel at this moment more anxiety for the safety of my country than ever before, even in the midst of war. God grant that my suspicions may prove groundless."

President Abraham Lincoln, Nov 21, 1864, in a letter to Col. William F. Elkins - Ref: The Lincoln Encyclopedia, Archer H. Shaw (Macmillan, 1950, NY)


Dear President Lincoln,

Your suspicions were prophetically on the mark.

It's taken a while, but destruction of the Republic by the wealthy class is well under way circa 2008, and the common good means absolutely nothing to the majority of them.

Prejudices are played upon shamelessly on every side and no one is immune from character assassination in what passes for presidential campaigning - with election outcomes decided by rich puppetmasters, not by the people.

Mr. Lincoln, you've never heard of the place, but Dubai's siren call is in their ears - and hubris, and lust for power and gold are deeply embedded within their hearts.

Can't tell you how sorry I am that we let the rot get this far in spite of your best hopes for our nation, a nation for which you and many others have sacrificed so dearly.



image credit goes to Currier & Ives

Feb 11, 2008

Abraham Lincoln turns 200 in Feb 2009

Born Feb 12, 1809, Lincoln's 200th anniversary of birth is coming upon us rather quickly and many celebrations are in the offing to honor the Great Emancipator's entry into the time flux continuum.

A post titled Abraham Lincoln: natal + assassination chart has been published as a permanent Page at my Jude's Threshold blog and I plan to update it as the anniversary nears...check it out early, if you wish!

Oct 15, 2007

Lovin' Abe Lincoln + the Unmasking Eclipse 2008

Since we have the Feb 7, 2008 Solar Eclipse coming up at the Unmasking degree "18AQ": "A man unmasked" when a man's private motives are revealed, I tend to perk up when I see the word, unmasking--especially in relation to Washington, DC:

Why Enemies of Liberty Love Lincoln

Lincoln Unmasked: What You're Not Supposed To Know about Dishonest Abe
By Thomas J. DiLorenzo

Thomas J. DiLorenzo gave the following Speech at the Future of Freedom Foundation's conference Restoring the Republic: Foreign Policy and Civil Liberties. The speech can viewed in six parts at Information Clearing House.#

And like most Americans, I was taught to look up to Abe Lincoln so this one's really messin' with my mind. Not that I hadn't heard rumors...

Then there's the fact that I like to draw mask-infused images over at Cosmic Persona Designs if you'd care to take a peek! Because everyone needs an occasional break from nasty old Politics, don't they?

So is your mask fitting or slipping today? We all wear them, y'know, and in your natal chart, the Ascendant (the rising sign and degree) represents your mask: how you see the world and how the world sees your...your persona.

Your Cosmic Persona.

Aug 30, 2007

Abraham Lincoln's natal-with-assassination charts

The natal chart of Abraham Lincoln, born Feb 12, 1809, is pictured here along with the chart for the time that the sneak saboteur fired at the back of his head during a performance of Our American Cousin at Ford's Theater, Washington DC.

This is a 'companion post' of this information because images seem to display better here at Blogger (in my browser at least--perhaps in yours?) than images published at my WordPress blog Jude's Threshold where you'll find the charts' details published as a Page in the Sidebar.

I do like WordPress' Pages feature though for you can always find an article on the list.

Easy, Breezy!

May 18, 2007

had Lincoln survived

It's time for the annual University of Maryland Medical School Conference where they re-examine the deaths of historical figures to see if the diagnoses of the times were correct.

This year it's President Abraham Lincoln's head wound and his demise 10 days later that falls under their microscopes as the Conference Ponders Lincoln's Survival and apparently, if modern technology had been available in 1865, the consensus is that Lincoln would have probably survived his wound.

Yet brain injuries are unpredictable so his communication abilities are in doubt and a lengthy recuperation would have been in store.

His secretary of war, Edwin Stanton, who made several decisions the day after the assassination, would have taken the oath of office rather than Andrew Johnson if Lincoln had survived, and the course of US history could've or would've been changed, according to US presidential historian, Steven Lee Carson, who surmises that the US "would have been a better and more just nation, especially on race matters, in a far quicker fashion."

Me? I'm not so sure, given that all effects are a result of many causes, so who knows if things would've been better or "more just" any sooner? Plus, I believe we're in process of heading backward on these issues, circa 2007 (as in, the undermined (In-)Justice Dept.)

Still, it's all very interesting to surmise--medically and politically.

Because in 1865, the who's-in-charge question concerning presidential incapacitation was answered on a case-by-case basis until JFK's assassination thanks to the addition of the transfer-of-power 25th Amendment...and we know who benefited from that.

So let us consider Lincoln's Minor Progressions for today, May 18 (noon) and see if Abe has a message for the nation (click to enlarge esp if you're a fan of the chicken-scratch)...I'll be using the WHAT/WHERE, HOW/WHY method with Sabian Symbols for the angles of the chart, with negative interpretations for them--because I think they're more instructive in these difficult times:

"17Sag" ASC = WHAT? "An Easter sunrise service"...REBIRTH...

neg/shadow side: overconcern with superficial form and ceremony;

"17Gem" DESC = WHERE (Or 'leads to WHERE?') "The head of a youth dissolved into the head of mentality (or 'into that of a mature thinker')...DEVELOPMENT...

neg/shadow side: a defeat of accomplishment by a senseless clinging to the illusions of youth;

"5Ari" IC = HOW? ""A triangle with wings"...ZEAL...

neg/shadow side: blissful obliviousness to all normal or everyday considerations;

"5Lib" MC = WHY? "A man teaching the true inner knowledge"...AFFINITY...

neg/shadow side: fatuous pride in the self's acumen and subtle or underhanded attempts to dominate everyone.

You'll notice the Sun/Mercury conjunction rising and in fated degree while trining the Moon (the other trine or triangle being the karmic Saturn's trine with North Saturn is in fated Nodal degree) and NN is at "18Cap" which is the New World Order degree (as I think of it..the Great Conjunction degree of Uranus/Neptune Oct 24, 1993--their conj #3 of 3.)

Not that globalists weren't busy planning prior to 1993, but this is the "Union Jack" degree which I have used to pinpoint the NWO bwo Sabian Symbols (yes, it's allowed)...


neg/shadow side: smug or strong-armed paternalism.

And karmic Saturn-with-wings?

"19Tau"..."A new continent arises out of the ocean"...traditionally refers to America herself, but in the NWO context, may refer to the draconian North American Union they're slipping by us--US + Canada + Mexico-- meant to hold paws and cross hooves with the EU which they've already shoved through.

Here's the rest for "19Tau"...ORIGINALITY...

neg/shadow side: a genius for futile turmoil and persistent upset.

Fearmongering? Red-herring issues? Diversions of the political kind? Or how about prez campaigners "debating" anything BUT what we really need to talk and know about?

The Sabian Symbol for Lincoln's Minor Sun/Mercury conj...

"A child and a dog with borrowed eyeglasses"...EXAMINATION...

neg/shadow side: distorted vision and self-defeating prejudice.

It occurs to me that the opposite or Illumination Point of this degree, "21Gem" would be instructive as well:

"21 Gem"..."A labor demonstration"...REPRESENTATION...

neg/shadow side: futile ill-will and bluster (perhaps the 'Immigration bill'?)

Yes, "21Gem" points to George Bush's natal Uranus/NN conjunction, which is the 'reformist political groups and associations' combo.

Now you had to know I'd be bringing his sorry tush into it somewhere, didn't you? It's so easy with a cuss like him...

Feb 10, 2007

Obama's hat in ring 2.10.07

At approximately 11 am this morning, at the Illinois State Capitol Building, Barak Obama gave a stirring address to announce his candidacy for President of the United States.

If your noggin's been under the sand today you may click on the title above for the AP story which was published at 11:33 am. NPR reported his announcement at about 11:02 am as being imminent, so I decided to look at a symbolic chart for 11:00 am, Springfield, Illinois, to see what was afoot.

His natal chart:

Without Obama's birth time, his Solar/Sunrise chart has Moon 26Tau19 in 10th house of Career/Public Standing, and as you know, Moon = publicity and fame.

The earliest position for his Moon at 12:00 am (Aug 4, 1961, Honolulu, Hawaii) would be 23Tau00...the latest, 11:59 pm would give him a Gemini Moon...5Gem46. See my previous post of Nov 1, 2006: Meet More Dems: Obama, Harmon, Conyers for his Sun-Moon personality blend/s--both of them, unless I can eventually find an accurate birth time for him.

Today's Announcement:

At 11:00 am CST, Springfiled, IL, the Sun 21AQ34 is opposing Saturn 21Leo39Rx, which you know has been describing our lonely, isolated leader, George Bush. In the final throes of presidency, such as it is, Bush is 'out there' in this chart as well. This opposition to Saturn is the only applying aspect the Sun makes (0A05) so it became exact as Obama spoke.

Rising we see 24Tau44, making Venus the chart-ruler (in Pisces and conj NN16Pis25), and as we know, Obama attracts money (Venus) from many sources. Is he any different than the rest?

And Venus conj NN indicates the love of the encounter with the crowd who braved severe weather to hear him speak. He gets that a lot.

A good orator for certain, Obama states that the ways of Washington must be changed.

But they all say that when campaigning, including George Bush who was initially styled as the outsider. Well, it turned out he considered himself outside--and above--the law. Reminds me of the Sabian Symbol for Bush's MC/Aspiration Point..."25Aries": "a double promise reveals its inner and outer meanings."

The negative/shadow side? compromising insincerity and a lean to chicanery in all human relationships. Chicanery has been Bush's aspiration all along.

Don't know about you, but I'm still waiting for the "integrity" Bush promised to bring back to the White House...he must've left it in Crawford...and it sure isn't tucked away under an attic in New Orleans, is it?

But what of Obama's announcement today? There is much self-aggrandizement in the chart and so I was not surprised to find him saying, "I recognize there is a certain presumptuousness, a certain audacity, to this announcement." He seems to be self-aware and not afraid to admit it.

With American history dripping all over his address along with the name of Abraham Lincoln (a Shout-Out to the black vote which lags behind?), Sen. Obama gave his recent best-seller some not-so-subtle publicity as he ended with Lincoln's life telling us that there is power in hope.

It takes much audacity to reach--or to steal the keys to--the White House. Sen. Obama has that and the charismatic sparkle, the orating ability, and the focus to glide in the door. He has massive donors in all the right places, too.

It's what others have in store for him that really concerns me. And if he ever makes a peep about changing the world banking system--as did Lincoln and JFK--American history may repeat itself bizarrely.

Being prez is a series of walking fine lines--and I cannot begin to imagine how fine the lines would be--for the first black president of the US.

Barak Obama may be up to it---but are we?