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Showing posts with label Achernar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Achernar. Show all posts

Mar 29, 2009

Astrology of the G20 Summit April 2, 2009

Not knowing the time that the G20 Summit begins in London on April 2, 2009, I decided to use the sunrise chart to see if anything of use might pop out for our consideration for the day may represent the Summit itself. (Click image to enlarge.)

Sunrise occurs during an Hour of Saturn which is intercepted in 6th house of Work, Service, Servants, and Health.

Here you see the chart with Sun 12Ari37 rising, Mercury 14Ari40 just behind. Mercury's position is important here but more about that in a minute.

Given the street protests against the Summit which are already underway in London, Paris, Berlin, and Rome, let's consider the Sun/ASC's Sabian Symbol for "13Ari" using *Dane Rudhyar's version of the Symbols and quoting:

"An Unexploded Bomb Reveals An Unsuccessful Social Protest"...

Keynote: An immature evaluation of the possibility of transforming suddenly the status quo.

The symbol pictures the result of a particular attempt to resolve the conflict between two concept-feelings of order. Resolution by violence fails because the ego-power at this stage of the process of indivdualization is far too strong.

"The State" thwarts attempts at popular revolution, because these are premature expressions of a consciousness which is not free, but only can react "wildly" to constraint and to a central ruling power. It is thus a symbol of immature refusal to conform, in the name of an over-idealistic desire for harmony and peace.

(This is a stage of) a negative attempt at reconciling the spiritual ideal and the very earthly reality, denying the validity of the latter. It suggests ADOLESCENT FRUSTRATION.#

(Rudyar's quotation marks and caps, my paragraph-splitting for easier reading online.)

The oriental planet (last to rise before the Sun) is Venus - Rx at 3Ari58 in 12th house of behind-the-scenes, the unconscious, large institutions, karmic conditions, and self-undoing. The avaricious lady is going over ground she passed over during the first half of February 2009.

Venus oriental indicates a work situation where items of value are dealt with but with a personal touch; evaluation of one's work is substituted for personal evaluation (which is hard to accept or believe); public figures often are born with Venus oriental where the public persona - the screen image - takes the place of the personal self. (Synthesis and Counseling in Astrology, Dr. Noel Tyl.)

Plus, Venus is near the UK's natal MIDAS 2Ari22, the King who's always busy counting his gold.

Lady Venus is the object or focal planet in two T-square patterns in the chart, and you see them notated, upper right...

Moon-Pluto = Venus: intense feelings.

Moon-MC = Venus: significant relationships are possible.

Moon-Pluto indicates public relations but also an enraged (Pluto) public (Moon.) And Venus is near the UK's natal MIDAS 2Ari22, the King who's always busy counting his gold.

On one level, Venus, lady of our Statue of Liberty made of her favorite metal, copper - represents the US so perhaps a 'significant relationship' points to the US-UK partnership of the golden kind.

Then another T-square is formed by the Summit's Mars-Saturn opposition releasing its difficult energy at US natal ASC...

Mars-Saturn = n ASC: struggling for every step of advancement; obstacles or difficulties caused by other people; the necessity to economize; separation (see US Nodal Half-Return mentioned below); possible health threat; bereavement.

Chart-ruler Mars, busy orchestrating and participating in protests, is in 12th house 14Pis10, a position conjunct Fixed Star Achernar, keywords: crisis (especially relating to water such as flooding, or possibly, water hoses) and
risk of rapid endings (Brady's Book of Fixed Stars.)

Mars is also ruler of the 8th house of Shared Resources, Debt, etc, bwo Scorpio, sign of big business and the underworld. Secret or shadow banking systems would also be under the sway of Scorpio and we see that America's natal ASC '13Sag' is in the 8th house as the Summit's calendar begins.

One thing we always look at is the applying aspects of a chart's ruler, and in this case Mars has two to describe how the G20 Summit will proceed...

1. Mars opposite Saturn 16Vir32 Rx in 6th house (2A22);

Mars opposing Saturn indicates resentment of those in authority, projects being abandoned in frustration, and delay turning into cancellation.

Will protesters (Mars) cause cancellation of authoritarian Saturn's plans for retaining the status quo? Demonstrations against the WTO in Seattle, Washington (1999) caused cancellation! Still, I'm sure the world's 'movers and shakers' have learned a thing or two in the last 10 years, aren't you?

2. Mars trine Moon 7Can45 in 4th house (conj IC) (6A25.)

Mars trine Moon may indicate a less troubled environment with actions well-guided by intuition, and may also show plenty of energy and help available for pursuing one's aims.

Rebellious, progressive, and revolutionary Uranus 23Pis45 is in 12th house as well along with Neptune 25AQ38 (conj - or almost so - US natal Moon, we-the-people. It depends on which US natal chart you prefer); wounded healer Chiron 24AQ33 is there, too, spiritualizing some people's ideals (Neptune.)

Five planets and Chiron in 12th house! So there's a lot going on behind the scenes as one would expect for this well-secured and weighty event.

One more note about the 12th house: the transiting midpoint between Mars and Neptune is triggering the UK's natal Pluto for this Summit. The midpoint concerns power and control issues and I don't want you to miss its implications - and because the UK's natal Sun in Capricorn is at MC, and natal Moon in Cancer is in the 4th house with the Summit being held in London:

Mars-Neptune = n Pluto: selfish pursuit of one's objectives; brutality; dissolution; possibly death.

And the UK's natal Sun 10Cap11 forms a picture with the Summit's Pluto 3Cap18 and its MC, a picture which is particularly enlightening given the circumstances...

n Sun-Pluto = MC: power games with important consequences; striving for power and control; leadership qualities; physical or violent interference with emotional consequences; consciousness of purpose; vocational crises and change to adopt new perspectives.

(UK's natal placements are highlighted in reddish orange, lower left of the chart. Natal ASC 7Lib10; MC 9Can20, taken from UK's national chart of Jan 1, 1801; 00:00 am LMT, London; Full Moon phase.)

Moneybags Jupiter 19AQ20 is conj 11th cusp of Groups, Associations, Friends, Hopes & Wishes...Jupiter in 11th house but still very much affecting the 12th house. Transiting Jupiter applies to conjunction with Chiron (5A13) and conj with Neptune (6A18) with the first of three Jup-Nep conjs coming May 27.

2009 is a Jupiter-Neptune (speculations; spendthrifts; grand plans; expanded spirituality) year, and fraud is on every one's minds if not their list of things to do.

North Node 6AQ55 in 11th house tells a story since this economic Summit marks America's Nodal Half-Return. We may expect strong associations and relationships to emerge stronger (assuming the US has any left!) while others fall by the wayside of disagreement.

This is also the time when the US must lean toward Aquarian ideals of equality and stop depending on her accustomed Leonine pride and her an assumed 'divine right' to always be top dog.

So perhaps the US dollar will see its downfall at 2009's
G20 Summit although propaganda (Moon-Pluto) will be used to kick down the road whatever can the power elite want kicked - powerful, secretive Pluto at Midheaven, the Aspiration Point of the chart, and Moon (the public) at Foundation Point, aka The Drain. Well, I'm certainly feeling drained, aren't you?

So! Plutocrats will still be stomping on and lording it over the common man and woman as the G20 meet in secret conference, and oaths of secrecy may be sworn. Public relations will be used to gloss over the negative.

And what of Mercury 14Ari50?

Ah, yes, Mercury is now opposing US natal Saturn in Libra, a period of time when US views, ideas, opinions, and positions are diametrically opposed by others.

In fact, American attendees at the G20, including Pres. Obama, may depend on other attendees not saying what we want to hear - bad news may be announced, and any organization or structures we have carefully built are squashed, perhaps flat as flitters.

This transit indicates dissent against US authority (which also applies to the protesters on the streets) so being as philosophical as possible is the only way to deal.

And if there is a fortunate factor in the entire situation, it's that we now have a president with a philosophical turn of mind, and one who can put more than two understandable words together to express it.

*An Astrological Mandala, Dane Rudhyar.
Midpoint pictures: Tyl and Ebertin.

Dec 17, 2007

Full Moon in Cancer: Dec 23, 2007

Will this Full Moon shine a light on actors or actions from the attacks of 9/11?

As you see, the Full Moon of Dec 23 occurs at 1Can50, opposite Sun 1Cap50; Can/Cap is the Security Axis and concerns issues with Home; Parents/Career; Public Status, and often emotions-as-bottomless-pit leading ambitiously (and rather desperately) to fame.

On 9/11/01, Mars at 1Cap27 was near the tr SN, a connection which commonly brings war and violence (warrior Mars being the god of war, of course.)

This Full Moon is also quite near the Solar Eclipse prior to 9/11/01--June 21, 2001, "00Can" in the 3 North Series. Keywords again are:

news of young people or news that transforms a situation; info causing worry or obsession; large plans or activities which will be positive if they are not over-excessive. (Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

Over-excessive? Invading Iraq, I'd say. Perhaps old issues from 2001 will be spotlighted by Dec 23's Full Moon bringing to light some new info on the subject due to its links with the chart of 9/11/01. Full Moons are, of course, the culmination phase of something begun two weeks ago at the New Moon ("18Sag"), the beginning of the cycle and ruled by Jupiter.

Sunday's Full Moon also has asteroid, Morya at 1Cap02, and preachy Jupiter 1Cap12 to expand issues (and in process of parting from his recent Great Conjunction with Pluto on Dec 11, the day the Fed made their interest rate cut announcement, disappointing though it was.)

Chart-ruler is the Sun, disposited by Saturn (Cap)--and authoritative, restrictive Saturn in Virgo is placed in 2nd house of Money and Values and is thus in mutual reception with Mercury in Capricorn. No-nonsense Saturn tends to strengthen neutral Mercury when in mutual reception, plus, they are in a helpful, benefical trine which trines MC (Goals; Aspirations) of the Full Moon chart.

(And since Saturn = the Democrats, will an older Dem aid a younger (Mercury) Dem? Or perhaps he/she will make a weighty (Saturn) announcement (Mercury) concerning the subprime housing catastrophe or an accounting irregularity.)

The trine gives a midpoint picture:

Mercury/Saturn = MC: winning through planning; mind over matter; the heavy thinker; concentration; philosophizing; being wrapped up in one's own plans; travel (Tyl; Ebertin.)

The risk-taking, speculative 5th house cusp 11Sag58 (degree of the Pluto-Chiron conj of Dec 30, 1999) is ruled by moneybags Jupiter (associated with the Republican Party), while the 8th house of shared resources is also ruled by Jupiter through his connection to the obfuscating--or perhaps inspired--sign of Pisces, associated with liquids such as oil, gas, alcohol, with fishies in the sea, and creativity.

Technologically-advanced and disruptive Uranus is placed in 8th house and conj Fixed Star, Achernar...keywords: risk of rapid endings. (With all the fluctuations in the stock market this year, I can't help but wonder if hacking is part of the problem, in spite of--or because of--PROMIS software and the big brother computer in Brussels.)

Rising is asteroid Hera (keeping accounts; the jealous wife; women's issues) is Rx and conj the position of vengeful Venus on 9/11/01 at the degree of Nostradmus' *King of Terror Eclipse of Aug 11, 1999, and with quite a full 5th house of speculation, it seems that SN in first house is not what you'd like to see--it isn't fortuitous to have SN rising and indicates that others (7th house) may be 'calling the shots' or in control.

Transiting NN has now entered Aquarius (backing out of Pisces) which places NN and the rising SN at a critical 29th degrees. Any planet or point at 29 degrees of any sign is a high frequency vibe--impatience, rashness, and lack of self-control can cause trouble and misfortune. Overreacting is a bad idea now, so don't do it, esp with the Leo/AQ polarity being the Will Axis (aka self-willedness.)

~Click chart to enlarge and you'll hopefully be able to read some natal USA/Bush placements in the appropriate places.~

With Taurus and Scorpio (both money signs, and money-loving Venus in Scorpio in the 4th house--the Foundation of the chart) on the 4/10 axis, and for other factors already cited, this chart screams security, money, and desires for easy money as the Full Moon nears Rx Mars in Cancer--and since both Moon and Mars often act as triggers, it will be interesting to see what develops under the rays of the last Full Moon of 2007.

*Nick Campion says a better translation of the Old French would be King of Alarm Eclipse. Alarm or Terror--the world has been coup'd by use of fear.

note: why in the ever-lovin' are all my posts underlined now as I published this entry on the Full Moon?

Oct 24, 2007

Taurus Full Moon Oct 26, 2007

Full Moon 2Tau24, Oct 26, 2007, 12:53 am edt; Moon at MC over White House:

Hour of Mercury (thinking; communications; planning), with testy Mars still out-of-bounds in Cancer, sign of security issues. (On one level, Mars seems lately to be representing Erik Prince of Blackwater. Prince is definitely an out-of-bounds kind of guy.)

Mystic Rectangle pattern: Moon/MC, Saturn, Sun, North Node (NN) = practical mysticism. Disruptive rebel Uranus in 8th house of shared resources, conj Fixed Star Achernar, crises; risk of rapid endings; Moon conj asteroid, Aesculapia (health); and asteroid Hera (bringing to account) is rising...Hera and Aesculapia are Angular and thus have outlets for manifestation.

Grand Trine between Sun, Mars, and NN noted on chart--please click-to-enlarge. Water Grand Trines are mainly concerned with gaining security, North Node with associations, and connections with the public.

You'll find that Lynda Hill's Sabian Symbols analysis on Friday's Full Moon Clover and Rainbows and a Whole Box of Dice, gives details along with cautions for this Full Moon's degree--a Full Moon being the culmination stage of something begun two weeks ago at the New Moon, as you know.

This Full Moon is about relationships of all sorts and as you see here, it is exact (partile) immediately over the White House! What will the Full Moon bring to light?

The Taurus-Scorpio axis is the values/money axis, of course, but also relates to death, undercover work (sexual and spying), and other hidden or underground things.

I took a look at the Atom Split chart and was glad to see no particular correspondances between it and the Full Moon chart, but there are 'separation' and 'illness' connections to George Bush's natal chart...Moon conj Aesculapia, as noted.

The illness may be his or someone's in his environment, but even so, I believe it relates to bio-terrorism, the CDC, and Aviary concerns which (normal) people have these days, including the safety of vaccinations which are foisted upon us. And if they make ya sick, ya can't sue, remember, so don't even try.

More (previously unknown) undercover operations may come to notice in the next few weeks although many are in the news now...undoubtedly there will be more revelations and discoveries. (Plus, the 'Unmasking' Eclipse is coming up in Feb, 2008.)

With Apollo, the hero, conjunct Bush's natal Mercury, he's feeling his quixotic oats yet others are not cooperating as they should. As our leader (of sorts) his intractability and betrayals reflect unfavorably upon our nation and I'm sure you've been reading about Russia and other countries bucking the Bush line more and more. World domination is hard werk.

The Sept 11 Solar Eclipse 18Vir24 (9 New South Series) is in the 2nd house of money, earning ability, and values indicating that the financial effects of 9/11 are still reverberating through our economy even though our government and the Fed would like to deny it.

Brady's Predictive Astrology gives the 9NSouth Series as:

bringing to the surface long-term worries about loved ones, health, or paperwork and communications issues. Responsibilities with paperwork come home to roost (over the White House?) and news has a sense of destiny or fatedness about it.

Well, Cuba's loose canon is saying that our loose canon in the White House will start WWIII so you may wish to read the little ditty I wrote in early '06, called Chaos Blues...blues which have only intensified as the Bush regime has steamrolled along, demolishing what we once knew as America.

And now a few words about the presidency residency from 1970:

"When the President starts lying he begins to need evidence to back up his lies because in this democracy he is questioned on his statements. It then percolates down through the bureaucracy that you are helping the Boss if you come up with evidence that is supportive of our public position and you are distinctly unhelpful if you commit to paper statements that might leak to the wrong people.

The effect of that is to poison the flow of information to the President himself and to create a situation where a President can be almost, to use a metaphor, psychotically divorced from the realities in which he is acting...."

Daniel Ellsburg to the US Senate on Foreign Relations, May 13, 1970#

Quote Shout-Out goes to Information Clearing House.

The Full Moon astronomically speaking from Space Weather News for Oct. 23, 2007

BIG FULL MOON: This week's full Moon (Oct. 25-26) is the biggest full Moon of 2007. It's no illusion. Some full Moons are genuinely larger than others and Thursday night's will be as much as 14% wider and 30% brighter than lesser full Moons we've seen earlier this year. Check for the reasons why.

SPACESHIP SIGHTINGS: Space shuttle Discovery launched this morning (Oct 23) from NASA's Kennedy Space Center on a two-week mission to the International Space Station (ISS). This means sky watchers should be alert for spaceship flybys in the nights ahead. Both Discovery and ISS will make favorable passes over many US cities with the possibility of double flybys later this week when the two spacecraft are about to dock.

Subscribers to Spaceweather PHONE (SpaceWeather) will receive email and telephone alerts of flybys in viewing range of their hometowns.#

Groovy. But the war-in-space plot thickens.

Sep 22, 2007

Autumn Equinox 2007 over Washington

Here is the chart for the moment the Sun reaches 00Libra00 aka Autumn Equinox over the White House (click to enlarge chart to read my scribbly notes, some of which may not be mentioned in the text of this post) on Sunday, Sept 23, 5:51 am edt.

First, there's this from

Space Weather News for Sept. 22, 2007

MAXIMUM VENUS: In a celestial coincidence of eye-catching proportions, Venus (the "morning star") reaches maximum brightness on Sept. 23rd, the autumnal equinox. In short, northern fall is beginning with a bright light in the dawn sky. Venus is actually bright enough to see in broad daylight, but easier to find just before sunrise. Wake up early any morning in the week ahead and look east for the brilliant light of Venus.

Bonus: Like the Moon, Venus has phases, and at the moment the planet has assumed the form of a slender crescent. If you have a backyard telescope, take a look!

AURORA SEASON BEGINS: For reasons not fully understood, the weeks around the autumnal equinox produce, on average, more geomagnetic storms than any other time of year. Even the mildest solar wind stream brushing against Earth can ignite auroras. Earth is inside a high-speed solar wind stream this weekend and another is due on Sept. 27th or 28th. High latitude sky watchers should be alert for Northern Lights. (Tip: Local midnight is often the best time to watch.)

Visit for sky maps, photos and more.#

Now for Autumn Equinox 2007 where you'll see that Venus 20Leo24 is in the secretive, self-undoing, karmic 12th house and almost at George Bush's natal Venus degree--his Venus Return. Venus has also passed her 9/11/01 degree for another year.

With Mercury as chart-ruler (and ruler of MC) placed in 2nd house, one of the 'money houses' and nearing the tr Saturn/Pluto midpoint, economic woes may continue esp with the 8th house of credit, insurance, debt, shared resources, etc, being under the rule of contentious yet initiating Mars which is in 10th house of Public Status. Mars is at the Bankruptcy degree, "28Gem" (Jones, The Sabian Symbols in Astrology.)

Mercury in Libra may trigger thoughts and plans concerning relationships but also the court system with Libra being the sign of the Scales of Justice; and tr Mercury was at the Sat/Pluto midpoint in early September and will be again on or about Sept 28 and Nov 11.

Saturn/Pluto = Mercury: desire to solve difficult problems; taciturnity; thoroughness; research work; deep study; stark realism; depression.

The Sun reaches 00Lib00 during a Jupiter Hour, suitable for Jupiterian things which include philosophy, religion, and the legal system. Plus, Jupiter, as you know, signifies the Republican Party in all its rich splendor. The EQ Jupiter 13Sag11 is at the Foundation Point of the chart (HOW?) at the same degree as the IC (13Sag57.)

Transit Jupiter continues to expand the US sense of identity by sitting upon our natal ASC (Sibly: July 4, 1776, 5:10 pm LMT, Philadelphia) and causing expansive actions. This supports the economic flavor of the Fall season.

The ongoing T-Square (T-SQ) between the Mars/Pluto opposition (with both planets squaring this EQ Sun) changes character slightly as it becomes a Dissociate T-SQ with this Equinox. Sun also conjuncts US natal MC which I will cover below.

In his his book, Dynamics of Aspect Analysis, Bil Tierney gives some interesting info on apex Sun in a Dissociate T-SQ--and remembering that in a national chart, Sun = the leader or leadership:

The Dissociate T-SQ manifests similarly to a standard T-SQ on a functional level but there is a bit more leeway in inner responses to the challenge of the oppositional planets (and the Mars/Pluto combo = zeal, violence, brutality; intense energy application; control; extreme force.)

This ambitious Sun (leader) has difficulty relating to the intensity of the situation resulting in less motivation; adjustments are needed to integrate inner attitudes with the outer reality (well, GB has always been challenged with this kind of thing. His 'inner world' is plum magical with wishful thinking added to his emotional inability to admit the adverse. This may often be a necessary trait in US presidents, I realize.)

Actually, the Sun moving into Libra weakens the excessive power of Mars/Pluto (whether our zeal or theirs) yet apex Sun gives authority, strong willpower, and a whole-hearted urge to accomplish huge objectives. But it does this in a bossy, arrogant way with ego/pride issues causing problems in manifesting these goals.

This apex Sun demonstrates an intense self-reliance yet he must allow others to assist him--but in a way of their own choosing. Self-glorification may be evident and willfulness only reinforces the difficulties of the two SQs (Mars SQ Sun; Pluto SQ Sun.) This Sun commands the attention of others but seldom their love or respect.

Here is the midpoint picture from the T-SQ, then the picture substituting the US natal MC which is being affected by the Mars/Pluto opposition simultaneously:

Mars/Pluto = Sun: a hard worker; working until collapse or breakdown; injury or accident; taking violent measures; a higher power intervenes; upset of plans that is irredeemable.

Mars/Pluto = MC: ambition; self-confidence; dealing with might on both sides of an issue; major job maneuver; unusual ability to advance in life; or: the misfortune to face overwhelming force without power; danger through the intervention of a higher power.

If you click to enlarge the chart, you see that I've listed a transiting midpoint which is now conj US natal Moon (the people; the public; publicity) and it's Neptune/North Node which has a propaganda/glamour connection with the public (NN.)

Neptune/NN = Moon: high sensitivity; feeling ostracized; being misunderstood; lack of adaptability or of community spirit; disappointment; deceptive publicity.

And since this Moon is shining over the entire world (including the Middle East and indeed the Cresent Moon is the symbol of that region of the world) we may expect similar manifestations through al-Jazeera, etc.

The East uses a Moon-based calendar while th West uses a Sun-based calendar and an individualistic way of viewing the world--and ourselves. Moon-based societies are, of course, tribal. Neither is "right", both are valid. But try to get these violent types to admit it as each side attempts to push its way of thinking and worshipping upon the other helped along by heavy weight Pluto in questing Sagittarius, sign of the foreigner.

But Back to the Chart:

Perhaps you see that disruptive, rebellious, yet original Uranus 16Pis10 Rx, is conj the Equinoxial Descendant and thus is setting in the chart. Fixed Star, Achernar, is being triggered, keywords: success; being humane; crisis.

The Sun is quindecile (QD = 165 degrees) Uranus, planet of sudden events. The QD is an aspect of obsession-compulsion (Reeves, The Quindecile) so we have:

Sun QD Uranus: driven by excitement; need for independence with a sense of mission in needing to be different; "the rules don't apply to me"; living on the edge; may work for a cause in some significant way; disrupts the status quo through unique and innovative ideas.

This aspect with Uranus conj Achernar may also indicate natural disasters such as undersea earthquakes, volcanoes, and other water disasters (Pisces.)

The EQ's Sun/MC midpoint (the Goal) is conj US n North Node...

Sun/MC = NN: choosing one's associates carefully; the personal search for colleagues. (Perhaps this is because Bush's way of forcing things has pretty much cleared out the halls of government?!)

And what about the Sabian Symbol for the Equinoxial Sun ?

Using "1Lib" the word picture is: "A butterfly is made perfect by a dart through it"...Keyword: ARTICULATION...

pos: man's awakening to the need for some more whole-souled focus of character;

neg/unconscious/shadow side: the loss of all true selfhood by a needless surrender to the world and conformity to its ways.

As the Sabian Symbol for the degree just passed by the Sun says:

character is destiny.

Here's an Art dramatization by yours truly of the Autumn Equinox for your viewing pleasure.

Midpoint pics: Tyl; Ebertin.

Sunday 1:30 am edt: My Bad! Neglected to mention that the EQ chart has the Sun/Saturn midpoint on ASC...

Sun/Saturn = ASC: separation; being misunderstood; possible health threat; difficulties.

The Sun/Saturn combo is ughy, I know, but I had to add it since it's rising. Sun/Saturn = illumination of ambition; overwork; fear of loss; seclusion; retirement; aloneness; inhibitions; karma.

I had wondered recently in a previous post if the soon-to-be-exact tr Saturn conjunction to tr South Node (a separative point if there ever was one) would mean the loss in some way of a Democrat since Saturn = the Dem Party. Maybe this midpoint picture on the ASC relates to that circumstance and of course it could certainly be health related esp with Saturn bringing restriction to the vitality (Sun.)

Thought you'd want to know.