Will this Full Moon shine a light on actors or actions from the attacks of 9/11?
As you see, the Full Moon of Dec 23 occurs at 1Can50, opposite Sun 1Cap50; Can/Cap is the Security Axis and concerns issues with Home; Parents/Career; Public Status, and often emotions-as-bottomless-pit leading ambitiously (and rather desperately) to fame.
9/11/01, Mars at 1Cap27 was near the tr SN, a connection which commonly brings war and violence (warrior Mars being the god of war, of course.)
This Full Moon is also quite near the Solar Eclipse prior to 9/11/01--June 21, 2001, "00Can" in the 3 North Series. Keywords again are:
news of young people or news that transforms a situation; info causing worry or obsession; large plans or activities which will be positive if they are not over-excessive. (Brady's
Predictive Astrology.)
Over-excessive? Invading Iraq, I'd say. Perhaps old issues from 2001 will be spotlighted by Dec 23's Full Moon bringing to light some new info on the subject due to its links with the chart of 9/11/01. Full Moons are, of course, the culmination phase of something begun two weeks ago at the New Moon ("18Sag"), the beginning of the cycle and ruled by Jupiter.
Sunday's Full Moon also has asteroid,
Morya at 1Cap02, and preachy Jupiter 1Cap12 to expand issues (and in process of parting from his recent Great Conjunction with Pluto on
Dec 11, the day the Fed made their interest rate cut announcement, disappointing though it was.)
Chart-ruler is the Sun, disposited by Saturn (Cap)--and authoritative, restrictive Saturn in Virgo is placed in 2nd house of Money and Values and is thus in mutual reception with Mercury in Capricorn. No-nonsense Saturn tends to strengthen neutral Mercury when in mutual reception, plus, they are in a helpful, benefical trine which trines MC (Goals; Aspirations) of the Full Moon chart.
(And since Saturn = the Democrats, will an older Dem aid a younger (Mercury) Dem? Or perhaps he/she will make a weighty (Saturn) announcement (Mercury) concerning the subprime housing catastrophe or an accounting irregularity.)
The trine gives a midpoint picture:
Mercury/Saturn = MC: winning through planning; mind over matter; the heavy thinker; concentration; philosophizing; being wrapped up in one's own plans; travel (Tyl; Ebertin.)
The risk-taking, speculative 5th house cusp 11Sag58 (degree of the
Pluto-Chiron conj of Dec 30, 1999) is ruled by moneybags Jupiter (associated with the Republican Party), while the 8th house of shared resources is also ruled by Jupiter through his connection to the obfuscating--or perhaps inspired--sign of Pisces, associated with liquids such as oil, gas, alcohol, with fishies in the sea, and creativity.
Technologically-advanced and disruptive Uranus is placed in 8th house and conj Fixed Star,
risk of rapid endings. (With all the fluctuations in the stock market this year, I can't help but wonder if hacking is part of the problem, in spite of--or because of--PROMIS software and the big brother computer in Brussels.)
Rising is asteroid
Hera (
keeping accounts; the jealous wife; women's issues) is Rx and conj the position of vengeful Venus on 9/11/01 at the degree of Nostradmus'
*King of Terror Eclipse of Aug 11, 1999, and with quite a full 5th house of speculation, it seems that SN in first house is not what you'd like to see--it isn't fortuitous to have SN rising and indicates that others (7th house) may be 'calling the shots' or in control.
Transiting NN has now entered Aquarius (backing out of Pisces) which places NN and the rising SN at a critical 29th degrees. Any planet or point at
29 degrees of any sign is a high frequency vibe--impatience, rashness, and lack of self-control can cause trouble and misfortune. Overreacting is a bad idea now, so don't do it, esp with the Leo/AQ polarity being the Will Axis (aka self-willedness.)
~Click chart to enlarge and you'll hopefully be able to read some natal USA/Bush placements in the appropriate places.~
With Taurus and Scorpio (both money signs, and money-loving Venus in Scorpio in the 4th house--the Foundation of the chart) on the 4/10 axis, and for other factors already cited, this chart screams security,
money, and desires for
easy money as the Full Moon nears Rx Mars in Cancer--and since both Moon and Mars often act as triggers, it will be interesting to see what develops under the rays of the last Full Moon of 2007.
*Nick Campion says a better translation of the Old French would be
King of Alarm Eclipse. Alarm or Terror--the world has been coup'd by use of fear.
note: why in the ever-lovin' are
all my posts underlined now as I published this entry on the Full Moon?