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Showing posts with label The Great American Eclipse 2024. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Great American Eclipse 2024. Show all posts

Jun 28, 2024

DNC and RNC 2024: Significant Lunations

Great American Eclipse 2024 Sponsors Both DNC and RNC 2024: Dreams/Visions

by Jude Cowell

According to details on the DNC 2024 Convention, the event is scheduled to be held from August 19 to August 22, 2024 at the United Center in Chicago, Illinois. On the first day of the convention, a Full Moon perfects upon America's Aquarian Moon (in the July 4, 1776 late afternoon Horoscope) with "28AQ" = "A Tree Felled and Sawed." This Aquarian Moon (1776 and 2024) is opposed by Tr*mp's natal Mars rising which describes agent orange's aggressive targeting of We the People. So here's DNC 2024's Full Moon Horoscope with a few of my study notes penned on:

RNC July 2024 then DNC August 2024

Recently we Moon-tracked RNC 2024 (July 15--18, 2024: Moon from Scorpio to Sag). The DNC 2024 Moon (from 12:00 am CDT on August 19th to the midnight hour of August 22, 2024), begins in Aquarius and floats through Pisces into Aries. Not that political events tend to occur in the middle of the night, of course, but because the mundane Moon's signs and aspects provide information concerning the moods, trends, and feeling nature of the public as a convention proceeds from opening to closing day, and perhaps a few minutes before and after.

At DNC 2024, by entering Aries, the Moon crosses the Aries Point (of global events) and the North Node of public contact (7Aries+) along her way - and while in mystical Pisces, status quo Saturn and urge-to-merge Neptune will be met. To me this suggests that topics such as our social safety net programs are on the party's agenda via the Saturn-Neptune combination.

Add this to the Full Moon conjunct 1776 Moon in the humanitarian sign of Aquarius, and cosmic conditions point toward democracy's capacity to once again vanquish the brutality of the fascism offered by the anti-American GOP and their figurehead, agent orange, dictator-wannabe and convicted felon.

At least, that's the fight I hope the Democratic Party has and is prepared for. And We the People must join the fight by Voting Blue in November!

Meanwhile, within both conventions presidential nominations will be proposed, the primary objective of national conventions, expectably occurring during the final evening with DNC Moon in Aries (RNC 2024 Moon in late Sagittarius), along with multiple speeches, an acceptance speech by the nominee, and other events. But our focus with this post is primarily on the mood of the public which includes that of convention attendees and viewers at home (voters), with publicity of and during the conventions part of the cosmic lunar picture.

Death Cult's Moon 2017 Returns in 2024

For context, when we Moon-Tracked RNC 2024, Luna ranged from 7 Scorpio to 28 Sagittarius (crossing Trump's natal Moon-South-Node conjunction of fluctuating popularity). And perhaps you remember the position of the Inauguration 2017 Moon @9Sco21 so there will be a Lunar Return during RNC 2024 for Trumpers who fantasize about that 2017 feeling, deluded folks as they are. As you know, a Scorpio Moon suggests 'fighting for survival' issues along with the fabled moodiness of Scorpio and the potential for betrayal concerns. Additionally, Trump will experience a Lunar Return during RNC 2024 which for him always denotes a Moon-to-South-Node transit--not the best indicator for good timing or for popularity. Plus, for his nibs, every single Lunar Return is always a Moon-opposite-natal-Sun transit as well, so naturally relationships are involved.

Now for the sake of comparison, here's a dual image of both Lunations that occur during DNC 2024 (upper right) and RNC 2024 (lower left), again with astro-notes penned on:

Political Conventions in 2020 Restricted by Covid-19

Nostalgically, another cosmic comparison is when we Moon-Tracked DNC and RNC in 2020 which you'll recall were held virtually due to Covid-19. Even so, the DNC Moon of July 13, 2020 began her journey in pioneering Aries, while the RNC 2020 Moon of August 24th began her travels in--you guessed it--Scorpio, yet another echo of Inauguration 2017's Scorpio Moon.

DNC August 2024 - in Chicago!

Now perhaps you'll agree that the Democratic Party seems brave (or stupid!) to hold their 2024 Convention in the same city as in 1968 considering the upheaval and violence that erupted in Chicago (staged by opponents for the most part--I watched it on my TV: hired thugs). So here's a previous post concerning the solar and lunar background influences of that time via 1968 solar eclipses which have already repeated in 2022 and that is likely a moderating factor for 2024.

Plus, in 2024, came the visionary 8 North Solar Eclipse of April 8, 2024 holding sway over both conventions, as noted, and it's the third of three Total Great American Eclipses. Then for astro-notes concerning the televised melee in Chicago in 1968, see 6 North and 6 South Eclipses of 1968 which, as noted, repeated in 2022.

Well, there you have it, a sort of jumbled up assessment of DNC and RNC 2024. With Google's threat of deletion of my 18 years' worth of images and other content (July 1, 2024), I may decide to copy/paste this post into my WordPress blog, Jude's Threshold (named after my 12th house Saturn). But for the weekend, this post is available right here on Stars Over Washington for your consideration. jc

Apr 18, 2024

RFK Jr, RFK Sr, and Two Eclipses

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

There will be no voters in the 2024 Election who will know how it feels to have a father assassinated in cold blood. Except for RFK Jr., a past drug addict with unusual opinions, some on the quirky side.

The emotional and psychological damage from losing his father when he was 14 years old is difficult if not impossible to assess by a lone blogger such as myself with no psychology degree. However, what I can do is publish two pertinent horoscopes concerning these matters, my study notes included, and which are shown in bi-wheel form below.

But first, a bit of news, then some background:

'Leaving Nothing to Chance': Biden and allies seek to hobble RFK Jr, reports Elena Schneider over at Politico.

A Father Who Was Suddenly Lost

The tragic assassination of presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy (aka, RFK) on June 5, 1968, and his death the next day, occurred under the auspices of a 6 North Solar Eclipse @8Aries (unmarked on the chart--in 2nd house of money, with the aggressive energies of Mars). 6 North themes: "relationship to father or authority figures; the need to take responsibility and control; commitments occur due to another person's illness or unreliability" (paraphrasing B. Brady; my Italics). We last experienced a 6 North Eclipse on April 30, 2022 @10Taurus as the 2022 Midterm campaigns were gearing up.

Bi-wheel: RFK Assassination June 5, 1968 (inner) surrounded by RFK Jr's natal chart born January 17, 1954, with two of the primary contacts circled:

1968 Pluto to his natal Jupiter (death/assassination of a loving father) and 1968 Saturn and North Node conjunct his son's natal Midheaven ('MC') indicating potentials for: "separation from family members, mourning and bereavement; depression; and/or standing alone in life" (R. Ebertin). Also notated is April's 8 North Eclipse @19Ari24 conjunct wounded healer Chiron @19:24 - and both conjunct RFK Jr's natal Midheaven. So is Bobby's 2024 candidacy an attempt to fulfill his father's cruelly diverted dream of entering the Oval Office? If so, it wouldn't be surprising.

Yes, prominent campaign-wise, is the recent manifestation of the 8 North Great American Eclipse for RFK Jr because it has landed directly upon his natal Midheaven ('MC') of Goals and Aspirations and spotlights at this time his strong drive for power. Follow the link to view a dual image of the 8 North Eclipse and RFK Jr's natal horoscope.

However, when under the influence of a Mars-ruled Aries Eclipse, one can behave in an overly headstrong manner, too aggressive in competition. This tracks well with the fellow that many say RFK Jr's candidacy is intended to elect by default - Defendant J. Trump, as he is currently known. Unless, that is, Trump has to step aside and Bobby Jr. steps in. Unlikely, yes, but who really knows? One thing we can know: as RFK Jr is carrying water for Trump, he's also carrying water for the foreign meddlers who use DJT as an asset.

And yet as we've previously discussed, RFK Jr is the only 2024 candidate having a beneficial Jupiter Return in Election Year 2024!

Meanwhile, for the daring reader, here's a view of the natal horoscope of assassin Sirhan Sirhan, born with a Minor Grand Trine between Uranus-Neptune and assassin Pluto at apex. You'll remember that this is the same planetary trio that formed in 2017 when transit Pluto @18Capricorn hit the 1993 Uranus-Neptune Conjunction/s and completed a revealing midpoint picture of:

"The big picture commands a certain course of action which must be followed; very little option to do otherwise" (Noel Tyl).

And this, my friends, partially describes the overbearing script that global authoritarians are continuing to follow as they join forces to form a vast criminal syndicate (Neptune-Pluto) and play their grand chess game over our heads with their success at any cost mindset - as long as all the losses are ours, not theirs.

Apr 8, 2024

A 2024 Candidate Has a Jupiter Return in 2024!

Which Candidate Has a Jupiter Return in 2024?

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

First, the elephant in the room. At the tragic Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy, the leading Democratic presidential candidate in 1968, his son RFK Jr was only 14 years old. The negative effects of such a horror are incalculable upon a young son, a son now running for US president in 2024. We might think that such a potential includes a large measure of courage, however, if it weren't for the fact that as a third party candidate in November 2024, RFK Jr may act as a "spoiler" who will siphon votes from President Biden and toss victory to fasc*st Trump, aka, 'agent orange'.

Jupiter in Gemini: the desire for many connections; a love of change; a carefree attitude; superficiality (R. Ebertin).

Now Jupiter the politician, banker, priest, and/or corportatist isn't the only factor when it comes to winning elections but, out of Biden and Trump, it may be a significant factor in the 'good fortune' department that Robert Kennedy Jr is the only candidate with a measure of Jupiterian support in 2024 - into 2025. And since his natal Jupiter links to his natal and Return 9th house via Sagittarius and Pisces cusps, we could be talking foreign money rolling in.

The point is, on a cosmic and political level the years 2024 into 2025 will bring RFK Jr a three-fer Jupiter Return (once his currently operative April 30, 2013 Jupiter Return wanes). Above is a dual image of his natal horoscope (lower left; January 17, 1954) along with the first of his three-fer Jupiter Returns on August 18, 2024 (upper right), with Jupiter's cycle of approximately 12 years' duration.

The cyclical repetition of a three-fer Return suggests an extended period of learning whatever lessons his natal Jupiter, leading a Locomotive shape of ruthless determination toward success, should teach him. Naturally, one assumes that finances are part of the picture. Or perhaps that's financiers (with an ulterior motive of aiding Trump). However this may be, Saturn squares his natal Jupiter in August as does Venus (see the T-Square listed, below) so delays and blockages are indicated - and may relate in some way to his father.

Now a variety of astro-notes messily penned on and around the charts are only a partial reading, and mostly relate to his natal Jupiter. The dates of his second and third Returns are listed and highlighted in green. And as you see, today's 8 North Solar Eclipse of 'dreams and visions' manifested precisely upon his natal Midheaven (!) which probably provides a lift to his professional objectives, or at least to his druthers.

Planetary Returns Repeat Natal Planets' Aspects

Notably, each of his Jupiter Returns through the years have repeated the only natal aspect to his natal Jupiter - an inconjunct from natal Mars in Scorpio. This aspect reveals Mr. Kennedy to be a gambler or risk-taker with a need to impress people. The inconjunct may attract fairweather friends, and suggests that obstacles to success may be based on unusual perspectives, a lack of realism, and/or a tendency to misjudge people or situations through overrating or underrating others; this may cause him to belittle those who deserve his respect (A. Epstein). Yet we shall see if maturity has improved his perspectives as the campaign trundles on.

Then as you see listed on the August 18, 2024 Return chart, transit Venus and Saturn oppose one another and form a dynamic T-Square pattern with his natal Jupiter at apex. This planetary trio suggests tricky legalisms and illegitimate relationships (R. Ebertin).

There are more cosmic factors of note, of course, but let's close this post for now. If Mr. Kennedy stays in the 2024 race perhaps another assessment will be appropriate so let's see how the 2024 campaign goes, then decide.

Previously on SO'W: Robert F. Kennedy Jr and the Great American Eclipse of 2024 which contains my source for his birth time (Black Swan!), a dual image of both his unmarked natal chart, plus, today's 8 North Eclipse set for Washington DC.

Apr 5, 2024

An Overview of the April 8, 2024 Eclipse

A Total and Visible Eclipse During Election Year 2024

by Jude Cowell

The Presidential Election of our first official president, George Washington, was held from December 15, 1788 to January 7, 1789, and results have long been known.

As for our Election 2024, on Tuesday April 8, 2024, a Total Solar Eclipse in the 8 North Series repeats as The Great American Eclipse, the third of three (also in 1878 and 2017) visible across the US.

So because next week's April 8th Eclipse is in partile conjunction with wounded healer Chiron, both @19Ari24, and because America's founding Chiron of 1776 is @20Ari08, I looked back at the 1700s time frame for the manifestation of an 8 North Eclipse during that era and found that an 8 North Eclipse perfected on May 16, 1789 @25Sco16:15 - conjunct the initial 8 North 1501 Eclipse's Pluto, apex planet of the YOD pattern as noted, above, and representing power and transformation. Astro-notes are penned on the chart shown, below.

Now I haven't checked out all the 8 North Eclipses in between, but the Eclipse-Pluto contact does qualify as a cosmic time link between 1501 and 1789, and at its worst, can denote manipulation, criminal and/or violent offenses, with war being an obvious potential, then and now. Yet unlike individuals in 1501, one major difference in 1789 is that George Washington refused to accept the title of "king" and was inaugurated, not crowned. Such is the example our government has followed yet nowadays, malicious malcontents threaten violence and another "civil war" in order to force their wills upon the rest of us.

Because with current events and individuals of our day - there's one candidate who really really wants to be crowned "king of America" so he can fulfill Herr Adolf's "vision," avoid a prison sentence, and settle old scores. Curiously, the 8 North Horoscope of 1789 in NYC at 10:18:02 pm LMT, shows a rising asteroid, Tisiphone, with retaliation her primary objective.

Meanwhile, take a look at the initial 8 North Eclipse:

Above is the DC Horoscope of the initial 8 North Eclipse, with the Gemini lens through which all subsequent 8 Norths may be viewed in order to gain a deeper or broader picture of what was a violent era in human history (Saturn-Uranus square; Mars-Pluto trine) and how its energies may pass down to our era. As you see, the Eclipse perfected on May 16, 1501 @4Gem51:24 with Eclipse Pluto Rx @26Sco10 at apex of a YOD pattern with a Mercury-Jupiter sextile at its base. Somehow, communications and logical problem-solving were involved with this Gemini Eclipse. Check the Events of 1501 link, below, for clues.

Now besides the YOD's turning point/crisis/karmic opportunity implications, the planetary trio of 1501 forms a midpoint picture with potentials for: suggestive oration; rebuffed theories; elimination of discussions on philosophical or religious books; the big proposal; the quick advance (Ebertin; Munkasey; Tyl). So with history's tendency to rhyme if not repeat, the Events of 1501 are instructive and include several kingly events, treaties, battles, the Ottoman-Venetian War (1499--1503) - the arrest of Christopher Columbus, and more.

You may also wish to see the DC Horoscope of America's Chiron Return of April 20, 2024, the day of the Great Jupiter-Uranus Conjunction @21Tau50, the beginning of another of their 14-year cycles.

Additionally, Eclipses may also link years and events by degree in totally different Saros Series, creating a sensitive degree. One example is the 8 North of April 8, 2024 in Aries which conjuncts by degree a certain other Eclipse in Aries - from 1986. Check it out!

Jan 27, 2024

8 South themes will affect Election 2024

'Wild Card' Eclipses, Historical and Political Events

by Jude Cowell

News has gotten around that yet another Great American Eclipse will manifest in the 8 North Saros Series on April 8, 2024 @19Ari24 conjunct wounded healer Chiron at the same position. This is the third of three such solar eclipses, total and visible across the United States beginning in Texas. Most folks remember the previous Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017 @28Leo52 conjunct Regulus, the 'kingmaker' star that rises in the natal horoscope of D. John Trump (if his 10:54 am est birth time is accurate). He demonstrated his Apollo rising with royal Regulus and aggressive Mars when he removed safety glasses and looked directly at the total eclipse as if he's a "sun god" (in his own mind). Yet as you know, Leo is one of the signs of royalty (pride and vanity).

Even so, no one alive remembers the very first Great American Eclipse of 1878. So here's a previous SO'W post from 2022 concerning all three eclipses, all total, all visible within the U.S.

And yet this post isn't about these eclipses, it's about the 8 South Eclipse of October 2, 2024 for it's the one that will influence Election 2024 and Inauguration 2025 with 8S themes of "loss; separation; partings; to finish something and feel sad at its completion; possible physical injury through overstrain"; take it easy (paraphrasing B. Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad). Here are DC Horoscopes of 8 South Eclipses with their aspect grids:

May 16, 1501 Eclipse @4Gem51

October 2, 2024 Eclipse @10Lib03

Shown above are both horoscopes of 8 South Eclipses set for DC: first, its initial Eclipse of May 16, 1501 @4Gem51 which provides the lens through which to consider all subsequent 8 South Eclipses via its Mercury-ruled sign of Gemini and applied to the upcoming 8 South Eclipse in Venus-ruled Libra, also an Air sign. Gemini: news, communication, oration, trade, teaching; and Libra: diplomacy, beauty, relationships, and the Scales of Justice.

Notably, 10Libra03 lands squarely inside Trump's natal 2nd hou$e and within his trio of Neptune-Chiron-Jupiter with its grand scheme, fraud, and speculation influences. And as the entire world knows, Big Donald is now within a period of being held accountable for the first time in his life.

Meanwhile, in Political Astrology, the initial and upcoming 8 South eclipses suggest that their combined Mercury-Venus influences are worth pondering within the Hegelian Dialectic model aptly used by Michael Munkasey:

Thesis: A mixture of business and society; beautification programs for highways; news about the status of wealth; social psychology, the study of people.

Antithesis: a business sector at odds with society; speeches which emhasize economic facts; propaganda about the ease and quality of life; debates on added costs; a transportation system that places beauty over function. (Paraphrasing, Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, M.M. #ad).

You recognize that some of these Mercury-Venus potentials are operative now, don't you? And last but not least, when solar eclipses occur in Air signs, logic must be placed about personal biases and emotional attitudes - and judgments must be based on facts and truth (R. Lineman). If karmic progress is the goal.

One more Eclipse Note: 8 South Eclipses have also manifested in the years 1916, 1934, 1952, 1970, 1988, 2006, (2024), and next in 2042 @21Libra, which by degree will stimulate or activate themes of the 7 South Eclipse of October 14, 2023 which is in effect as as I type this post. Follow the link for a view of 7 South's initial manifestation in 1248 and its repetition on October 14, 2024 @21Libra. Repetitions of eclipses are so that humanity has opportunities to handle events and conditions better the next time around.

May 7, 2023

Robert F Kennedy Jr and The Great American Eclipse of 2024

by Jude Cowell

With the son of RFK, environmental lawyer turned anti-vaxxer conspiracy theorist, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., challenging President Biden for the 2024 Democratic nomination, the natal horoscope of what is basically a spoiler-for-Trump must be made available because the paperwork has been filed, and astrologers like to have natal information to work from.

So sleuthing about the Internet I found that astrologer Matthew Swann had gathered the deets on RFK Jr from the family's astrologer in the mid-1970s, while summering on the Cape during his childhood. Of course, a 'noon' horoscope for RFK Jr may be set up if you prefer, but I'm going with the birth time provided via the Twitter account of Matthew Swann, @blackswann1111, and the helpful reply I received to my query about the source of RFK Jr's birth time: 5:32 pm est.

Robert and the Solar Eclipse of Election Year 2024

One cosmic synchronicity that stands out in relation to the candidate's 2024 nomination bid is the 8 North Great American Eclipse of April 8, 2024 @19Ari24 - conjunct Chiron @19Ar24 - for it manifests upon Mr. Kennedy's Midheaven ('MC') when his chart is set for 5:32 pm est. Of course, the MC is The Goal Point of a natal chart and involves Career and Public Status - on the World Stage in the case of public figures.

So here's a messily notated bi-wheel with RFK Jr's January 17, 1954 Horoscope in center and the 8 North Eclipse Horoscope of April 8, 2024, outer, with 8 North themes penned upon the chart, upper right; themes are highlighted in orange. Plus, a dual image of both charts with no study notes at all is displayed, below:

For further details, you'll find political information in The New Republic's Who Are These Supposed Lefties Who Love Robert F. Kennedy Jr?

Well, I lean toward the Democratic Party myself, and although you didn't ask, my opinion concerning RFK Jr's bid for the White House is that with Trumpers like Tucker Carlson, Steve Bannon, and Alex Jones promoting and praising him, RFK Jr's candidacy should be criticized and ridiculed as often as possible for the sake of retaining democracy in America. Because the political leanings of these three ideological fellows ('far-reich' bobbleheads) suggests to me that apparently, Mr. Kennedy may be a fan of a certain Hungarian dictator.

Yet to be fair, as with most people there are positives concerning him as well (ex: public service, a family thing), however, RFK Jr is against aid for Ukraine which throws his sentiments toward Russia, and he stated that Tucker Carlson is, "breathtakingly courageous" after their interview on what turned out to be Carlson's final TV show on Fox.

But despite all my fussing, the primary aim of this post is merely to provide for the curious reader a natal horoscope for the "democratic" conspiracy theorist of a famous family who seems poised to muck up the 2024 Election on behalf of win-at-any-cost Donald Trump, the agent orange who must be lovin' Kennedy Jr's popularity with far-left "Democrats." Touted popularity, that is. Besides, it's a truism that far-leftists have more in common with far-rightists than with those of us in the political center.

So to close, I'll just add that a Democrat who's against democracy and prefers tyrants cannot pass any political test with this particular Daughter of the Revolution, which would make RFK Jr one of those DINOs. And a stealth operative for what was once the GOP.

Nov 30, 2022

Hakeem Jeffries: Leo Sun-Virgo Moon

Offical Portrait, Hakeem Jeffries; United States Congress, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Astro-Notes: A New House Minority Leader

by Jude Cowell

Promotion is in the air in Washington DC, for today, House Democrats elected Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) to the position of House Minority Leader beginning in early January 2023, and replacing Nancy Pelosi. Both a 9:00 am est and 12:00 pm Horoscope of the 118th Congress have been published previously if you'd care for a look.

Meanwhile, the following is a brief overview concerning the natal planets of Hakeem Jeffries born August 4, 1970 in Brooklyn, NY (grew up in Crown Heights, a part of Poughkeepsie NY); no birth hour is available so noon is used; his Wikipedia page provides more biographical details.

First here's an unmarked (by my messy study notes) noon horoscope with aspect grid:

And below is the messy version of the very same noon horoscope where we find Rep. Jeffries' Saturn in Taurus leading a BOWL shape of planets and denoting one who advocates for a cause or leads a mission with Neptune Rx in Scorpio in wide opposition (6A20) to Saturn. This suggests becoming responsible in public matters such as social work, yet with a possible hint of secret activities (if nothing else, political work fills that bill all by itself).

In addition, finances are involved (Taurus-Scorpio axis) which must in part refer to the constant task of soliciting donors as congressional politicians must continually do; (other activities in the sphere of finance are unknown to me at this point, but perhaps we'll discover more as his tenure goes on - and we should also note that he's a corporate lawyer, or was one).

Then as you see, his energetic Sun-Mars Conjunction reveals him to be a fighter with Leo the sign of the natural leader. This solar conjunction works well with his authoritative Saturn (planet of law, government, and business) leading all his planets in conservative, stable Taurus, a money sign of growth, investment, and preservation, and his Leo-Virgo combination of conscious-unconscious energies reveals an intellectual, analytical, and dedicated blend devoted to duty, and demanding, exacting Saturn in Fixed Taurus approves!

If necessary, feel free to enlarge and/or print the charts for clearer viewing.

One interesting natal chart factor that the lack of an accurate birth time doesn't affect - and is a cosmic link to soon-occurring events - is that Minority Leader Jeffries was born into an 8 North Solar Eclipse Series (March 7, 1970 @16Pis44) with any eclipse in Pisces identifying individuals gifted with the highest level of spiritual awareness, and also a potential for esoteric interests. However, Pisces also links the new House Minority Leader to issues of secrecy and to karmic relationships. For information on this, I'd look at his intense Venus-Pluto Conjunction in Virgo!

Yet the point is, 8 North repeats on April 8, 2024 @19Aries (conjunct Chiron) as yet another Great American Eclipse (#3 of 3) with themes of 'inventiveness, visions, and flashes of genius' (B. Brady). Well, as you know, eclipses are always karmic in nature so we might wonder if fated conditions will be involved for Hakeem Jeffries in 2024 such as participation in a presidential race. Certainly, 2024 will, at the least, be a significant year for the visionary Mr. Jeffries. Yet it seems notable to me that the rounded-up degree of his natal Chiron is "11 Aries" = "The President of the Country," and his recent Chiron Return was a three-fer with the third return occurring on or about February 21, 2022.

And so if I were you, dear reader, I'd stay tuned to SO'W for more musings on such possibilities!

Sun Sign-Moon Sign details by Charles and Suzi Harvey #ad.)

Jan 26, 2022

The Jupiter-Uranus Conjunction of 2024

2024: A Pivotal Year for America

by Jude Cowell

January 26, 2022

For future reference, this is merely a quick posting of the DC Horoscope of the next Jupiter-Uranus Conjunction of April 20, 2024 @21Tau 49:48 set for Washington DC. The word picture for "22Taurus" = "A White Dove Over Troubled Waters" which can be either a positive or negative indicator with motive being the deciding factor.

Yet as I type, society is now in the final or third stage of the current Jupiter-Uranus cycle which actually sported an extended three-fer time frame for Jupiter-Uranus issues beginning in June 2010 (conjunct the Cardinal Aries Point), September 2010 @28Pis43, and January 4, 2011 @27Pis02. Obviously, these conjunctions occurred during the presidency of Barack Obama.

Listed on the chart, lower left, are a few of the potentials for the combined energies of expansive Jupiter, the Great Benefic, and progressive if radical Uranus such as: freedom issues, group causes, and/or activities within the realms of Technology, Finance, (Politics), or Astrology, with possible breakthroughs and discoveries in Science, Medicine, or Exploration as typical outcomes. In money sign Taurus, Jupiter reaches for financial security and can be wasteful, while erratic Uranus there suggests unusual methods of gaining money, risky speculation, and/or a potential for disruptive earth changes:

Also, a few notes are penned on the chart concerning this Conjunction's Prenatal Solar Eclipse Series ('PE'), the 8 North Eclipse of April 8, 2024 which is the third 'Great American Eclipse' with its Path of Totality dividing America from the Southwest to the Northeast this time (last time in August 2017, from Oregon to South Carolina). 'Flashes of genius', 'good ideas', and 'visions' may occur under 8 North eclipses.

Also listed, upper right, is the PE of the 2024 Presidential Election; its PE @10Lib03 falls within the difficult 8 South Series of 'loss and separation' (B. Brady). As you see in this chart, Jupiter's conjunction with Uranus is the only aspect made by chart-ruler Jupiter which also rules the 4th cusp via the watery sign of Pisces. You'll note a difficult Mars-Saturn conjunction at IC along with fixed star Achernar with its keywords suggesting "crisis at the end of the river" and/or "the risk of rapid endings." Meanwhile, the Sun-Pluto square reveals someone with a "might makes right" attitude along with a deep craving for power.

If curious or simply optimistic, why not look ahead toward what is hopefully the Inauguration 2025 Horoscope.

(Eclipse info from Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad.)

Nov 16, 2021

The New Millennium's Progressed New Moon of 2024

by Jude Cowell

Tuesday November 16, 2021: Entering a new phase of anything by anyone can be daunting and it can take a while for things to get moving in the new direction indicated. No less so on a symbolic level as with Secondary Progressions in Astrology, the day-for-a-year method of progressing a horoscope of planets to see how things are - well, progressing and evolving - and to monitor prevailing influences such as transiting planets and the various changes that may occur.

Cosmic events by transit such as eclipses, conjunctions and oppositions, solstices, New and Full Moons, planetary returns, and other factors affect the progressed chart as well and may be compared with the original chart (that the progressions issue from) and so on. Why, the As Above, So Below possibilities are as endless as the Universe!

So in this post I'm using my usual shorthand for Secondary Progressions: 'SP' and below you see a dual chart image of the New Millennium Horoscope of January 1, 2000 (lower left) with the same chart's SP New Moon of May 4, 2024 (upper right), timing a new phase of activity for humanity (also note that 'PE" stands for Prenatal Solar Eclipse):

Now in both charts, a motivated Mars is significant for he leads a Locomotive shape of planets (ruthless executives determined upon success - from his own sign of big business Scorpio). However, the final dispositor in both charts is radical Uranus in its own sign of Aquarius from where the 'Sky God' behaves progressively, futuristically, and often cooperatively on behalf of the group yet, as a planet of change, reform, and anarchy, can choose to behave rebelliously while magnifying and exaggerating to distract from the issues. And as we've seen, some serious troublemaking can be the result when unpredictable, disruptive Uranus is at work shaking things up.

And of course, Scorpio and Aquarius are Fixed energy signs of rigidity and stubbornness which square and obstruct one another with their forceful even brutal Mars-Pluto and old-order-vs-new-order Saturn-Uranus vibes that call for bending or breaking. Perhaps you may agree that this pretty much describes the turbulent conditions that American society has been dealing with collectively; naturally such difficult energies are in play across the globe as well as harsh authoritarianism rises once again against the more placid, humane energies of democracy and the common good.

Yet there are at least two other reasons that year 2024 stands out from the throng, one cosmic, one earthly: the third of three "Great American Eclipse" will perfect on April 8, 2024 @19Aries conjunct Chiron @19Aries (conjunct America's Chiron of 1776 @20Aries: blindspot! or is it a healing?). This eclipse falls within the 8 North Saros Series (DC Horoscope shown) with themes of 'dreams and visions' (B. Brady). The 8 North eclipse path of Totality will race across the US from Southwest to Northeast suggesting yet another 'split' or division of some kind in US society and with further earth changes a distinct possibility.

Then the earthly reason is the 2024 Presidential Election with Venus in Sagittarius, sign of the outsider or the stranger (if indeed We The People are to have an event recognizable as an election.)

So if you're curious, dear reader, please enlarge the image for my study notes penned upon the charts and I'll close with the two Sun-Moon blends with which humanity began the New Millennium - Sun Capricorn-Moon Pisces (Earth-Water: pragmatism) and in May 2024 humanity's blend will enter a new phase with the SP New Moon of Sun and Moon in Aquarius (Air-Air of the cerebral thinker and communicator):

January 1, 2000: Bringing "order out of chaos."

May 4, 2024: "The living, breathing entity we call society."

(--Sun Sign-Moon Sign, the Harveys).

Nov 9, 2021

America's Perpetual Union Horoscope

by Jude Cowell

Update November 17, 2021: It has come to my attention while on FB that astrologer and historian Gary Lorentzen uses a Perpetual Union Horoscope timed for 2:57 pm LMT rather than the 5:00 pm LMT timing you see in the chart below (based on data I gleaned online). At 2:57 pm LMT (Annapolis, MD Feb 2, 1781) 15Can51 arose making Luna in late Taurus chart-ruler (and PU Agreement ruler) with 27Pis23 at Midheaven ('MC'; conjunct Sun-NN: 'connections increase personal prestige' - Munkasey). Obviously, house positions of planets vary in the earlier chart and as chart-ruler the Moon is one degree earlier in Taurus and becomes prominent, making three applying Ptolemaic aspects: opposition Mars (3A45), trine Mercury (5A38), and trine Pluto (7A56). At 5:00 pm, as you see below, the Sun in Aquarius rules the chart and makes only one applying aspect - its sextile to legal planet Saturn @18Sagittarius. When progressed to 2021 and 2022, the 2:57 pm LMT chart reveals Angular and thus prominent Mars-Pluto influences which resonate with current conditions of brutality and violence. However, Mars-Pluto is not as prominent when the 5:00 pm chart is progressed for then the emphasis turns to the progressed Moon in Pisces where transit Neptune, planet of deception, confusion, paranoia, and contagion, now floats. If available, a timeline of events of that day would be helpful!

Original post begins here:

Tuesday November 9, 2021: Since America's Perpetual Union Horoscope has never appeared on Stars Over Washington, its cameo is quite overdue. However, the impetus for posting it now is to show that a Solar Eclipse @9Leo55 in the difficult 11 South Saros Series will 'eclipse' the Union's 1781 Ascendant on August 2, 2027. The last time a solar eclipse in the 11 South family occurred was on July 22, 2009 @29Can26 ("30Cancer" = "A Daughter of the American Revolution") during the Obama presidency which, as we now see if we didn't realize it before, his election riled up the white power folks something fierce and in some circles, talk of an 'American revolution' has been promoted ever since.

Meanwhile, the themes of 11 South relate futuristically to current events, certain op-eds, far-right websites, and news reports within the public discourse many of which opine over the fate of America thanks to secessionsts ready to 'pull the plug' on the experiment we call, America, for they have abandoned the Enlightenment principles of our nation's founding and have viciously turned authoritarian against the country, promoting violence and fantasies of murder across the land.

Then notably, we have a third 'Great American Eclipse' coming in April 2024, its path of visibility splitting the country West to East, and entering Texas bwo Mexico. Secession?Well, it isn't supposed to occur since the US is meant to remain a Perpetual Union.

And so below you see the America's Pepetual Union Horoscope (via historical records) with m'notes penned on, if you care to enlarge and read. Rising is 10Leo48 with the 11 South Eclipse of 2027 marked in orange. And note that 10Leo08 is also the degree of Donald Tr*mp's 12th house Pluto which lurks at apex of his 'death axis' pair, Mars-Saturn. This brutal midpoint picture that he was born under, as previously mentioned on SO'W, is intensified, empowered, and darkened by creepy saboteur Pluto and denotes potentials for 'death, murder, fury, brutality, destruction' - although 'intervention of a higher power' is also a possibility (R. Ebertin).

If you need them, 11 South themes are listed below the chart:

'Methods and/or ideas fail, new systems are required to deal with events; the need for sudden reforms and new ways of handling issues; any blocks could be violently or tragically removed' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad).

Now as you know, forewarned is forearmed. And despite our system's ongoing Pluto Return destructuring, I pray that America and the American people will make it through successfully to the other side of the next incarnation of the difficult 11 South Solar Eclipse. Let's keep working toward such a worthy goal!

Jul 18, 2021

A Cosmic Event in 2024 plus a Presidential Election!

6 South, 8 North, 8 South Eclipses: 'Cosmic Blinks' and Universal 'Wild Cards'

by Jude Cowell; Sunday July 18, 2021

By now most all have heard that another Total "Great American Eclipse" is due on April 8, 2024 (@19Ari24), an even longer-lasting Total Solar Eclipse than the one that occurred on August 21, 2017 in the 1 North Saros Series @29Leo - a critical 29th degree conjunct royal Regulus and the Ascendant and Mars rising of 'comrade' Trump. So you see, the Election isn't the only significant 2024 event in America, one being earthly, the other cosmic - in fact, a Universal 'wild card' as they're known because eclipses often disrupt and change directions of earthly events much as erratic planet Uranus can do. And as you know, such energies are most potent when a total eclipse occurs especially in the Path of Totality.

Q: Will a 'cosmic link' from the 8 North cosmic blink of an eclipse form? Read on!

Note: for practical details on where and how the April 2024 Path of Totality will rush across the country from Southwest to Northeast, one resource is the WordPress blog National Eclipse. The 2024 eclipse will enter the US from Mexico into Texas, swipe across several major cities (more cities than 1 North in 2017), and leave the US from the state of Maine. The longest duration of totality will be 4m 28S compared with 2m 40s in 2017 and will occur in Mexico.

Of historic interest, the last 4-minute Total Eclipse to occur over our present-day contiguous states was over 200 years ago on June 16, 1806 @24Gem44 so this one in 2024 will be a big deal and well attended unless the unpredictable, frosty weather of early April interferes, especially in the Northern states and over various lakes such as Lakes Erie and Ontario. Crazily, the eclipse's 24Gem44 position conjuncts that of Trump's June 16, 2015 'Prez Bid' New Moon ('25Gemini' = "A Man Trimming Palms.") Who can forget his escalator descent that morning and the bigoted rhetoric delivered to a paid-to-attend audience and, of course, to TV cameras? Therefore, this creates a cosmic link - by degree. Plus you know that if potent enough, New Moons can behave similarly to solar eclipses.

6 South Eclipse Themes Affected Events of 1806

Now the 1806 eclipse is aka, Tecumseh's Eclipse and fell into the 6 South Saros Series. I believe its themes resonate with Shawnee Chief Tecumseh's travails and conflicts with the ever-increasing number of European settlers with 6 South's themes of: 'manic energy; being forceful, taking power; sudden events; great strength or force in relationships; huge efforts in group activities' (paraphrasing Predictive Astrology, B. Brady; #ad).

However, we should note that the The Great American Eclipse of 2024 falls into the 8 North Saros Series with themes of 'flashes of genius; vivid dreams' but it is not the Prenatal Eclipse of Election Day 2024. That honor belongs to the 8 South Eclipse of October 2, 2024 @10Libra03 with its difficult themes of 'separation; partings; loss; completion; over-strain with a potential for physical injury' (Brady). You may remember that the last 8 South occurred on September 22, 2006 @29Virgo during the wrong-headed Bush-Cheney neocon regime. Check out historical events of 2006 for more information.

Prior to The Great American Eclipse of 2024 Other Eclipses Will Manifest

So as we've previously discussed on SO'W, a Solar Eclipse in the 6 South Saros Series will manifest soon on October 25, 2022 @2Scorpio (DC Horoscope shown) and had done so multiple times before since the initial eclipse of March 6, 1049 @21Pis55. And notably, a 6 South eclipse manifested prominently as what I call the Nazis Rise to Power Eclipse on August 31, 1932 @8Vir09.

Meanwhile, here's a link to a previous SO'W post which also concerns The Great American Eclipse of 2024.

And here in closing is the question: Will a Herr Trump candidacy and 'presidency' 'eclipse' America once again in 2024 as he did in 2017 with "MAGA" madness (aka, white supremacy) or some other political slogan intended to deceive? Well, that would create an unfortunate cosmic link from the 2024 8 North Eclipse to the next presidential election, wouldn't it?

Related posts: DC Horoscope: The Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017 (also shows the horoscope of 1 North's initial manifestation in 1639); and Election Day 2024: What Does the Venus Cycle Say?.

Eclipse and Castle image, above: attribution unknown.